
Title page

The Sources of Spring Water in the World

A Dialogue between the Great Humane Scholar

Mohammad Amin Sheikho

And the Twentieth Century Philosopher

Sir John Godolphin Bennett




Authored by

The Humane Eminent Scholar

Mohammad Amin Sheikho

(His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)





Checked and Introduced by Professor

A. K. John Alias Al- Dayrani




Copyright ©

Praise belongs to God

Praise belongs to God the Provider of the worlds; communication with Al’lah and safety are through Mohammad, the master of prophets. The messengers are sent by the Almighty as a mercy to the worlds and a shining lamp to the divinely inspired. They are sent to bring happiness to humanity and uplift us to a state of thinking, to mightiness and faith, to tolerance, affection, intimacy, brotherhood and self-denial, to a world of perfection and self-devotion, of lofty traits and noble characteristics.

Those who adopt his method and seek enlightenment from him will be pure of heart.

Chapter 1


Excerpts from the Memoirs of Sir John Godolphin Bennett

As Recorded in His Book, Journeys in Islamic Countries, about the Great Humane Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho

1-Sir John G. Bennett

- “As I listen to Emin Bey’s (M. Emin Bey Chikhou (M. Amin. Sheikho): He used to be called ‘Emin Bey’ for ‘Bey’ is a Turkish word meaning ‘the pure’) explanations about inner work, I marvel; he is a real master. Not only has he achieved being for himself; but he can show others the way and give them the strength and courage to follow it.”

- “The more I see of him and hear from others of his works, the more convinced I am that he is truly a saint and that his interpretations of the Qur’an are inspired by a Higher Consciousness.”

- “So, meeting him has been a lesson to me in many ways. I see

- what whole-hearted devotion to work can be. I see nobility of

- character and an immense power to attract and hold the love

- and faith of others.”

- “Today we started by verifying certain things about work about

- which I shall not write, beyond saying that I have no doubt that

- Emin Bey has reached a certain level of inner work that I have rarely met before.”

- “I wrote that his very goodness is the difficulty. If he were an ordinary man, however learned he might be, I should not even trouble to spend hours discussing theology, but Emin Bey is not an ordinary man. He is a saint and he has the supranormal powers of a saint. Therefore, one must accept him and try to understand.”

- “He is an altogether extraordinary man in himself, and no one who has been as close to him as I have can possibly doubt the reality of the impulses of faith, hope and love within him.”

John G. Bennett

Foreword by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud

Foreword by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud

2-Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud

In the introduction to my book A Traveler in Al’lah’s World, I previously mentioned that religion has an essential reality which can be described as the ancient love that we bore with us into this world. I referred to the permanent longing that fills our hearts, a longing for the original home from which we came, and to the spiritual thirst that overwhelms our feelings with eagerness for the spring from which we stem. This craving is veiled and concealed from us by the misfortunes, concerns and desires of this worldly life.

When I wrote about this, I was depending on my own sense of it without having any definite proof, but having seen this great book and having read the simple and sublime scientific philosophic dialogue that went on between Sir John Bennett and the scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho, I knew for certain that what I had sensed in my own depths was a fact, proven by the amazing and wonderful logical proof offered by the scholar Sheikho. This human spirit has given birth to a great thing (Trust), which the heavens, the earth, and the mountains feared and refused to bear. This took place before our coming to the present life, which is like a school that was prepared by Al’lah for the teaching of success and great salvation.

Verily, that which the scholar reveals to Sir John Bennett in this dialogue is exactly what I have been looking for throughout my life, for I read the books of all the philosophers: the Greek, Roman, Muslim and the Western, finding that none could approach the truth in the scholar’s research, or could explain the difference between the spirit and the soul, between thought and the mind… until I was acquainted with the perfect reality in this book through which all the problems were made clear to me as they had been made clear to Sir John Bennett before me. Indeed, the savant Mohammad Amin Sheikho focuses on the spirit and is concerned with it because the Holy Qur’an stresses it and is concerned with it.

All Qur’anic verses address the spirit, instruct it, and guide it to the path of righteousness in order that it be able to prostrate itself and come near to Al’lah. Thus, the Holy Qur’an as a whole is an address to this human spirit.

Many people take an interest in everything: they concern themselves in building, clothing, eating and drinking. They leave no domain without having a great share of interest in it, all of which is related to the perishing body which will end up as dust. But as for the spirit, they know nothing of it. They take care of the peel and forget about the everlasting true marrow and are blind to it. They taste nothing of Godly love and are deprived of prostration before Al’lah, the Almighty, and being near to Him.

Without the Book of Al’lah, the Almighty, we lack reality, wisdom, and nobility. Most of our sight clings to passing and perishing things in order to partake in pleasures of the body.

In His verses, our Provider indicates that this body will one day separate from the spirit and end up in the earth from which it was created, and moreover, it will bear witness against this spirit on Doomsday, when it shall deny its deeds: “At length, when they reach it (the fire), their hearing, their sight and their skins will bear witness against them as to all their deeds.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress41, Fussilat (Explained), verse 20

There were those who did not think that their hearing, sight, skin, hands, and legs would testify against them one day, but instead they believed that Al’lah, the Almighty, was far from them and did not know what occupied their spirits. It was such false belief which caused them to fall into corruption, and then to be destroyed.

How could they have had knowledge when they did not recognize themselves, and when their chief concern in the present life was this body and no more?

Therefore, you shall find the speech of the savant Sheikho – who is one of the reformers and admonishers – wondrous and strange if you do not recognize yourself… who are you? Where were you before you came to this world? For what did you come? And where are you going after death, when you leave your body?!

But the most magnificent thing is to find the scholar Sheikho draw our attention to the water we drink, and to the sources of those huge springs, such as the springs of the Nile River and the other big and small rivers on this earth.

I became even more amazed when I read the consecutive scientific evidence which demonstrated that the North and South Poles are the sources of these springs. What a great scientific discovery, in which the scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho preceded all geologists and astronomers, despite all their achievements in scientific progress at this time!

How near he was to Al’lah, the Almighty, so that he understood and witnessed those water passages through which water flows constantly, and in strict order, to reach our drinking cups and jugs, without which we cannot live.

In fact, that is what made me say in full truth, verily, the scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho is a man who received revelations from our Provider, and his science is truly derived directly from Al’lah.

God says: “…be under Al’lah’s Light, and then it is Al’lah that teaches you…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 282

This noble verse manifested in this man as a firm truth, for he turned heads with his explanation of difficult issues, especially those which are raised in the West about the precepts of Islam and its everyday situation.

These precepts appeared to them as problems, such as in the cases of the veil, divorce, and polygamy.

Besides, there is his scientific detailed demonstration of the seven heavens and the six days mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

So, we are indebted to him for this science, for he dislodged from our shoulders the weight of worry from all the cases which we considered to be puzzles that were difficult to solve.

Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud

Cairo- on 29/1/2000

Foreword by prof. Dr. Mohammad Kamal abdul-azeez

Professor in the College of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo

Praise is to God, Provider of all the worlds, who has created and proportioned well, who has estimated and guided. Communication with Al’lah and peace are through the master of the messengers, who was sent as a mercy for all creation.

Nour Al-Basheer – the publishing house – is still enriching us with its wonderful issuances and distinguished publications.

Whenever we finish inspecting an example of their valuable and unprecedented scientific research, we witness the birth of another one which excels its predecessor, and a new witness against that age in which materialism prevails over spirituality, and people are ready to believe only in tangible materials or visible or aural phenomena.

Nour Al-Basheer publishing house was never established to collect information from here and there, in order to cut and attach it together in papers and booklets, but rather it is a house of searching and renewal because it always looks for what is new and searches for what is precious, adopting and promoting the scientific Islamic studies which serve the Islamic religion.

This book is overflowing with peerless scientific research, not addressed by many scientists, and covered only in cursory fashion by many researchers without contemplation or thorough, penetrating study.

At the beginning of this book there is research about the essence of the spirit, the soul, the mind, and thought. In the past, these were matters which really confused minds and thoughts. The second research segment in this book clarifies the Holy Qur’an’s method of adjusting the laws of life, steering it, and balancing matters amongst the members of humankind, whether they are virtuous or bad, believers or unbelievers, strong or weak.

The third and most miraculous research is that which investigates the source of one of life’s secrets. It is the water, from which Al’lah made every living thing. Al’lah says: “…We made from water every living thing…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), verse 30

There exists a great, inexhaustible flow of water and an unceasing circle of water that has never dried up. It was brought into existence by Al’lah’s Might and Management, and not blindly or haphazardly. If letters from the alphabet were put into a box, and then scattered and mixed, is it rational to believe that they would form themselves into a functional prose chapter or a fluent poem?!

Any reasonable, penetrating consideration of the water circle in nature will surely show that the modern world, despite the highly developed technology it has attained that has spread across the continents and that has dealt with genes in its factories and experiments, still stands powerless and feeble before the omnipotence of the Almighty Creator.

Nour Al-Basheer publishing house has been honored and apportioned with the glory of publishing the research of the venerable scholar and the great teacher, the inspired and eminent Mohammad Amin Sheikho, which has clarified and revealed much of the secrets and wisdom relevant to a lot of Islamic cases. His explanations and evidence have a considerable effect in attracting spirits to the field of true faith, and giving a great flow of doses of faith to those who believe, causing their faith to increase more and more, and removing the doubt from those whose hearts are ill.

He made the decisive judgment in many of these matters, such as cupping, and the wisdom hidden behind purifying the animal before slaughtering it by mentioning Al’lah’s Name over it aloud.

As for the book High Schools of Seeing by Al’lah’s Light, it truly forms a dash in the world of transparence and Islamic spiritualties that reach the heart, for they really have issued from the heart. May Al’lah bestow on him the greatest recompense and honor his rank, granting him paradise because of what he rendered in service of God’s religion.

The comments of the great teacher – Prof. A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani – preface the research of the great scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho, confirming the flow of the light of science through the thoughts and explanations contained in much of his research, and undoubtedly, he obtained a portion of that blessed luminous brilliance.

Thanks to the Nour Al-Basheer publishing house for these strenuous efforts, this abundant science, and their prolonged research… May Al’lah grant those who took on this science the best recompense, as for Him alone we aspire to adopt only His path.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kamal Abdul-Azeez

Foreword by prof. Abdul-Kadir John alias al-Dayrani

3-Prof. A.K.John Dayrani

Verifier & Publisher of Books of the Humane Scholar

M. Amin. Sheikho (his soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)

When people want to know the truth and recognize the actual realities of this life – not the imaginary one – what should they do? Should they travel through remote spaces or explore the depths of the earth?!

But if they did, would they think they had attained infallible judgment, brought cogent proof or found a certain source of truth?!

Of course not…

Their sciences have not gone beyond the limits of what can be seen outwardly by the naked eye, while as to the great confusing conundrums, all the results they have reached remain merely suppositions and guesses, although “…conjecture avails nothing against Truth.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 53, An-Najm (The Star), verse 28

So, where is the Truth? And who will guide us to it?!

Anyone that reads the books of the venerable scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho (his soul has been sanctified by Al’lah) will find them filled with many scientific, medical and social facts: great scientific realities that he took from the Holy Book of God, after he witnessed its verses with the eye of the heart and perceived the aim that lies behind the Words of Him, the Almighty. When he sees them they are written in a simple way, which may be simple in words but is profound in thought.

The great scholar dealt with all the facets of investigative study and the realization of the mind.

He wove rules and principles for the universal and medical sciences, and dressed them in a pure garment of morality, so that they became an impregnable ward for this lofty humane construction which is derived from the heavenly mission.

The research of the humane scholar was – and is still – impossible for most people to discover, as it can be studied in various ways.

Even the masters of science and those that are proficient in criticism could not have brought us one word of what he brought to us.

Thus, his science reveals unprecedented facts that none have touched on before.

We do mean what we say, for the facts themselves show this and are visible in all his books.

The studies which the great scholar performed have a different form because they do not follow the method of the sociologists, for they take account of the characteristics of contemporary mankind, portraying their upsurge and superiority in the way of development and progress, to provide means of escape, advancement and success resulting in what is loftier and better for humanity. Therefore, his science is based on tangible reality and amounts to a disclosure of the wondrous vagueness.

Today, civilization has advanced great strides, allowing science to make enormous progress, and this development has led to excellent results in discovery and planning. Yet for many of the past centuries, nothing that was generated or renewed or developed that was in agreement with the truth was in conflict with anything said by the honorable scholar; on the contrary, it came about that the truth of what he had said was proven. That is because the scholar took all his knowledge from a holy heavenly source. It is the Grand God, ‘Glory to His Names’, the source of all humanity that profited, profits, or will profit.

In this book, the scholar


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Lektorat: Prof. A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani
Übersetzung: Paul Baynes
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2009
ISBN: 978-3-7309-9581-5

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