
Chapter 1

"Hey Itachi! Itaaaaachi!" The Uchiha Prodigy stared ahead but was well aware of his best friend next to him. "Come on! This is important!" Itachi sighed and looked over to Shisui. "Alright tell me what it is so important you had to interrupt my thoughts" Shisui's black eyes held excitement and thinking about it, Itachi's never seen him this excited since they had graduated 5 years ago, finally free from the Academy's hold and were now free to train with Sensei's and head out on missions.

"I overheard our fathers talking right? So they talked about nothing for a while and they sat drinking tea but I'm pretty sure it had Sake in it cause I could smell it even all the way from the door-" Itachi's eye twitched. The boy was rambling and knowing him to well he probably forgot what he was going to tell him. "Shisui!" Hearing his name he stopped and looked at Itachi.

"Ah that's right! Ok so while they were talking it came to a point where your father said something and get this, a third person spoke! Not only that but it was a GIRL!" Shisui grinned at Itachi's expression. He had grabbed the Prodigy's attention. "Yeah, yeah, yeah and so she spoke and guess what? Apparently she's some amazing healer from some clan that has friction with us and so they brought her here to tie an alliance!"

The long haired Uchiha stared ahead, analyzing over this new information. A woman with two of the Head Uchihas? How come his father had not mentioned this to him? "Oh, oh and that's no all! I caught a glimpse of her and she has these big," Shisui moved his hands from the top of his chest and brought them down, "eyes" He winked laughing at his little 'joke'. Itachi smirked at the word he used. His best friend was definitely an Interesting human being.

"The strange thing is my Oto-san didn't tell me anything" Shisui had mumbled quietly and made himself comfortable on the wooden bench. The day was bright and there was a bit of a gentle breeze that passed over the Uchiha compound, basically it was a normal day in the Leaf Village. The two friends sat in silence pondering over the reasons for their both their fathers mysterious actions with this matter. "Well you know what? I got to go"

Shisui grunted as he stood and stretched his body and looked over to Itachi whose expression had not changed in the last few minutes. "I should too. I need to speak with Oto-san" Itachi followed and stood to his feet looking over his friend, giving a silent goodbye as they walked the opposite way. As he walked down the compound many nodded in hello or spoke with him a quick minute.

He passed his Uncle and Aunts shop and waved to his Aunt who was standing behind the register. Children ran past him, one holding a plastic kunai while others with paper made Anbu mask ran behind him, squealing loudly and disappeared behind a building. His house came into view and as he slid the paper door he was already taking off his shoes and placing them on the floor. He stiffened for a second noticing that there was something wrong.

Where was Sasuke? Normally, the six year old was always waiting for his Nii-san patiently at the door, always excited to hear about Itachi's day or if he had learned a new jutsu but today there was no little boy. Walking around the large house he checked everywhere, the living room and kitchen, their parent's room and his own room, Itachi had even checked under the little boy's bed.

His trained, shinobi ears picked up a sound. A giggle and it came from downstairs in the back yard. Running downstairs he opened the rice papered door and saw his little brother reaching up towards a woman, a woman whose fiery Auburn hair covered her face and her long, pale fingertips touched the bottom of his chin as he giggled once more and signaled her that he wanted her to pick him up.

Wrapping her arms around the little body she lifted him making him squeal and clap his hands. Her hair moved aside showing large, bright hazel eyes and long red eyelashes hovering over them. Her white kimono contrasted against her fiery hair but it made her look elegant as the gown flowed down to the floor dragging itself behind. Red dragons on the sleeves coiled themselves bringing the heads to where her hands are.

"Nii-san!" Sasuke yelled in his childlike voice. This brought Itachi's attention back to his little brother and smiled and made his way over to the two. The woman stared at Itachi and with a quick sweep of her eyes she took him in. Black hair in a ponytail, deep hard black eyes, a nice muscular body even for such a young man. Sasuke reached out for his older brother and taking Sasuke into his arms he received a warm, tight hug from Sasuke.

"Nii-san! Welcome home! Did you train a lot today?" Itachi nodded and smiled at his little brother. Sasuke squealed and wriggled around in Itachi's arms, turning over to the young woman who smiled with warmth at the small child. "Onee-chan! Look this is my Nii-san, he's really strong and he's MY big brother" Sasuke said with a proud voice.

The woman placed a delicate hand over her mouth which helped muffle the small giggles and her head bobbed once in a nod showing how she had acknowledged it. Itachi looked at the woman who had yet to introduce herself to him but then again he had not introduced himself either. "My name is Uchiha Itachi; may I know what your name is?"

He said smoothly without breaking eye contact. She stared back even though in her mind she laughed at how well mannered he was, she opened her mouth and was about to reply to him but was interrupted by Sasuke's small index finger. "This is Momo-nee-chan and Okaa-san says that she came all the way from a far away village to play with us!"

Sasuke said, leaving the Uchiha prodigy confused. Play with us? Itachi wondered. Momo giggled and nodded again. "It seems little Sasuke-chan here has ratted me out" She smiled as the little boy blushed finally noticing what he had done. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Itachi-sama, my name is Ryuu Momo" She bowed a little in front of the two Uchihas. Dragon Peach...Hmm what a strange name.

"Same here, Momo-san" Itachi didn't understand why she had added 'sama' to his name but decided he rather not question her anyways, he didn't really care either. "Yay! Now Nii-san can we show Momo-onee-san our cool jutsus?" Sasuke yelled out wanting to impress his new friend.

Itachi was about to reply to his little brother but Momo had moved closer to the two and placed her hand under Sasuke's chin and gently moved his head from looking at Itachi to looking at her. "Now, now Sasuke-chan, I am sure your Nii-san is tired from training all day. Why don't you and I play and allow him to rest? Hmm?" She told him gently, allowing the small child to process over what she had said.

With a pout on his tiny lips Sasuke nodded reluctantly and was passed over to Momo's arms. As soon as he was in her arms she lifted him up towards the sky laughing at the squeals that came from him.

From the second floor upstairs two men peered down at the two teens, one played with the small child the other sat near by and watched. "So what do you think?" A gruff voice asked. The Uchiha's eyes moved from the scene in his backyard and looked over to the man next to him. "Itachi seems to have taken an interest in your daughter" The man scoffed as if he were offended. "Of course he did, why wouldn't he? My only, precious daughter is our clan's miracle! The boy would be an idiot NOT to be interested in her!"

He looked down at his daughter who ran, more like walked, behind the little bundle of energy, laughing as if she did this everyday but never got tired of it. "He better take care of her Fugaku" Fugaku nodded once and said, "Well Fumuo, let's just hope everything goes according to plan... At least for you and your clan's sake"

Fumuo looked at his daughter one last time before nodding and just before he disappeared he said, "Tomorrow her two bodyguards will be coming. Do not worry about them needing housing, they can take care of themselves... they ARE from the Ryuu clan" Then he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Fugaku's mouth formed into a thin line and peered down into the backyard only to be met with identical black eyes looking back at him.

Chapter 2

A happy looking Momo stood at the entrance of the Uchiha compound carrying a sleeping Sasuke in her arms and a silent Itachi stood to her right, resting his body against a pillar. She swayed from side to side keeping the little boy in his own dream world.

The other night Sasuke had made Momo promise that she would take him to meet her friends but she had failed to mention that they would arrive around somewhere at five in the morning. Wanting to make sure Sasuke was safe Itachi decided to tag along just in case.

A strong breeze blew into the empty compound making her navy blue kimono swing back and her red hair fly around her. Tucking Sasuke deeper into her chest, the little boy snuggled in and made himself comfortable.

"If you get tired I could take him" Itachi mumbled, noticing how every few minutes the young woman moved the little boy from one arm to the other. Momo looked over to the older Uchiha and smiled.

She had learned a lot of who Uchiha Itachi was just in a couple of hours. For one, he was a very conservative person. He didn't say much about himself other than when he was with Sasuke then the two would talk the whole night if Mikoto-san let them. Second, he was very caring and protective about his little brother. The two were inseparable when together.

"It's alright; he's no burden at all. Back in my village the children always seemed to be attracted to me so I am used having to carry them" Itachi had also learned many things about her, so much that in fact he didn't really think of her as a stranger who was living under their roof.

They both had found each other up in the roof at night and to pass the time they spoke together, more her than him, but nevertheless she spoke of her village and how she was born with an instinct to heal. She was good at fighting with taijutsu but that was about it. Her mother was sickly right when she had given birth to her and her mother was the one who decided to call her Momo because when she was a baby her body didn't digest milk and her grandmother had given the new parents a tip.

Why not give her peach juice? That's where her name had been found. "Hm, well you tell me if you start getting uncomfortable" She nodded and looked forward, looking seriously concentrated now. Itachi moved his eyes to the right and before he even had time to breathe in he was already moving forward and ran in front of her, his arm erect to his side.

She let out a frustrated sigh and took the kunai, which was held in between the Uchiha's index and middle finger, and said aloud, "Really you guys?" Itachi then noticed the figures a few feet away from them. A man and a woman stood with there arms crossed against their chest, their expressions unreadable since their head was covered with bandages.

The woman had long, purple hair that tumbled down her back and hazel eyes that seemed to pierce into Itachi as she studied him. The man next to her had chocolate colored skin and also had hazel eyes, his head too was covered in bandages and both wore similar looking clothing. White kimonos that fell before the knees and the only difference between the two are that the females' kimono was cut on the sides, showing off her pale legs.

"We just wanted to make sure that he was worthy of you… Momo-hime" The man said as they both bowed. "What if the child had been hurt?" Momo retorted, glaring down at the two new people. The looked at each other quickly and bowed their heads. "We are sorry Momo-hime" Momo sighed and gave Itachi an apologetic smile. "I am truly sorry for this Itachi-sama, these are my two bodyguards AND my best friends, Ichi-san," She pointed to the woman, "and Juu-san" she moved her finger over to the man.

They stood and walked over to Momo, looking over her as if checking for any injuries. "We assure that your night here was well?" Juu asked as the group walked down the road and towards Itachi's home. He stayed a few feet away from them of course but close enough that if something were to happen, he could get there in three seconds and get Sasuke away from any danger.

"Yes, Itachi-sama and his family have made me feel welcomed" Ichi looked over Momo's head and looked at the silent Uchiha. Getting the feeling of being stared at Itachi turned and looked back at the woman. "You. Uchiha Itachi right?" Itachi looked over at Momo who smiled at him encouragingly and looked back at Ichi, nodding his answer. "Just want you to know… We will always be watching you" The two said simultaneously.

"Good morning!" Mikoto chirped happily when they walked into the house, waking Sasuke up at the sound of his mother's voice. "Momo-nee-chan, I'm hungry" Mikoto laughed and said, "Well since Momo-chan is here now, I'm guessing you won't need me anymore huh Sasuke-chan?"

Sasuke whipped towards his mother and gave her a very cute, very convincing sad face. "Noo! Okaa-san I love you more!" Sasuke reached out for his mother who took him and walked into the kitchen, talking with her youngest son.

"Okaa-san..." Itachi said and walked behind her. "I'll be going out soon, is there anything you would like me to pick up?" Mikoto thought for a second and rummaged through a drawer taking out a piece of paper which had "Shopping List" written on top. "Here you go. Your Aunt probably has most of the list on here though"

She smiled at her oldest son who seemed to grow to fast for her eyes to catch up. "Alright I'll be right back then" He turned but stopped when he heard his mother call him. "Itachi-kun why don't you take Momo-chan, I bet she would like to go and see the compound" Itachi looked over to said girl who stood quietly by the door and looked at the scene, enteraining Sasuke with her fingers.

"Oh Mikoto-sama, I shouldn't really. I would just get in the way of Itachi-sama's duties" She said quietly but even before Itachi could tell her it was no problem at all his mother had beat him to it. "It's no problem at all Momo-chan! Plus since you'll be staying with us for a while why not learn how to get yourself around when no one is here?" Itachi sighed and shook his head. His mothers over eagerness was showing.

"Well if Itachi-sama does not mind then I would be more than glad to accompony him" She said with a smile on her lips. "Great! Now run along you two, I'll have breakfast ready by the time you come home" They bid Mikoto farewell as they, once again, headed outside. As they walked, Itachi would say some facts about the buildings here and there. How the houses were similar because when the Uchiha clan was found they wanted to show how powerful and in tune every one was or the flower shop had some flowers that were only grown inside the Uchiha clan and nowhere else.

Another one would be the Uchiha police force. One of the elite and strongest in the Leaf Village and he had commented on how Sasuke want to go into the force once he finished his academy training. He had even made her laughed when he mumbled how Sasuke hasn't even STARTED in the academy. "Shall I wait here for you Itachi-sama?" She said when they had reached his Aunt and Uncle's store.

Itachi looked up at the window seeming to ponder it and said, "If you want to I'll just be a few minutes" She nodded and leaned against a railing as he walked in. She looked around and smiled a the small clan. It had many similarities with hers and even though she didn't admit it she felt homesick already. Even though she was an only child, to her all the children in the Ryuu clan were her brothers and sisters or so she called them. A woman and a few men walked passed her but their looks that were directed to her were looks of disgust.

Momo blushed and looked away. She had been waiting for THAT kind of attention from the residents of the Uchiha clan. The Uchihas and the Ryuu's were never good friends, the Ryuu's jealous for the sharingan and the Uchihas jealous of their healing powers. Her father though had spoken to her and had told her that she was the key to bringing the two clans together... Whaever that meant.

From the corner of her eye she saw the woman sneer and say something to her companions bringing them to laugh, the joke probably being about the girl a few feet from them. A shadow loomed over her and when she looked upwards she gasped at the closeness Itachi's face was too her's.

He peered down at her, his usual black eyes were tinted in red and they seemed fierce. His arm shot out and slammed his palm next to left side of my head and from over his shoulder he made contact with the woman who seemed frightened. She took a step back and started leaving, her companions following right behind her.

"Now that I think about it I believe it's best if you go with me if you ever feel like going out just for a few days. Some of the clan memebers still have dislike the Ryuu clan and you alone will be very vulnarable" He whispered to her and without changing his posture he gazed into the hazel eyes noticing something in them the other two didn't have. Brown dots seemed to be splayed across her pupils, going around the circle.

He had a sudden urge to play connect the dots when he noticed they made a shape. "I-itachi-sama.." Her cheeks turned into a deep shade of red and suddenly he saw her in a whole different light. The sun shined down on her in the early morning and her hair seemed brighter then usual giving it a loud, fire color that seemed to contrast the black bangs that fell in front of his eyes. Her lips were parted and as she slid her small, pink tongue out of her mouth and skimmed it over her dry lips they glistened in the light bringing his attention solely to them.

Her hazel eyes never once left his own even when they downcasted to her lips. She had never seen such pair of eyes before and by just looking at them she could feel all the hidden emotions he must of been hiding. His hand slid down the wall and laid limp at his side, his mind swirling with thought's that were too intimate for a twelve year old, not matter how mature he was. "We should get going"

He said making her nod and follow right behind him. Her cheeks were still warm and her heart pounded from the close contact with him and yet she couldn't help wonder what his story was.

Chapter 3

'A month already... Time flies here'

Juu yelled out as he ran forward, kunai ready in his hand. Momo looked straight at her opponent counting the steps Juu was taking and as soon as he got to nine he was right in front of her and before he got the chance to sink the kunai into her she bent her body backwards, the kunai hovering over her face. Not wasting any time she lifted her leg using her bare foot to grip the kunai and fling it to a random tree.

Standing on her own two hands, she back flipped and landed on the ground gracefully, her trainng top lifting a bit. Juu looked around and searched around before disappearing. Momo closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, letting the now familiar smells into her nose. She sensed Ichi's chakra near the tree and Juu's chakra towards the sky but there was another one near her but this one was... different.

"Stop!" Ichi appeared immediatly next to her and Juu just two seconds after. Momo smiled finally seeing whose it belonged to and making her way across the field she crouched behind the bush and said, "Your hiding skills are impecable Sasuke-chan" She smiled down at the little boy who laid on his stomach, a pout on his lips probably because he had been caught.

"Apperantly not as good as you think Onee-chan, you found me!" Momo giggled and picked him up. "I guess our training is finished today guys, Sasuke-chan and I will begin our little playdate now" She said as she walked away from the other two ninjas. Making her way out of the Uchiha training ground, she lifted her white shorts higher then they were really supposed to be and switched Sasuke to her left arm.

"Hey Sasuke-chan, why don't we make lunch for ourselves and then make some for Nii-san, hmm? I am sure he will appreciate it" Sasuke eyes sparkled with excitement and said, "Lets do it Onee-chan! Nii-san really likes dango so can we try to make it?"

Momo thought for a while, a list of the ingredients ran through her head. They walked into the house to see Fugaku sitting at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. Sasuke's hand tightened their hold on her shirt when his Father looked over at the pair and wordlessy asked them "What are you two doing here?".

Momo bowed and while rising she answered, "Good afternoon, Fugaku-sama. Sasuke and I have finished our... training and we have decided to make some lunch. We also would like to make extra for Itachi-sama as well" Fugaku looked at them and he almost seemed... intrigued.

"Sasuke, you have been training with her?" Sauske looked at Momo quickly and then back to his father. "H-hai Otou-san" Fugaku nodded but later said, "Cooking should be left to the woman Sasuke" The little boys face dropped into a frown when he heard him say that. His father was a very old-fashioned man so of course hearing that his youngest son wanted to make lunch wasn't a great idea for him.

Momo rubbed his stomach in an attempt to calm the boy and walked inside the medium sized kitchen and placed him on top of the counter.

"Mmm Onee-chan, these are so good!" Sasuke popped half the skewer into his mouth, eating all three dumplings in a mouthful. She giggled as she packed the extra Bocchan dango in the bento and brought Sasuke down from the counter. "You better be careful, if you eat them all your going to become chubby!"

He stopped midway the two dumplings already hovering in his mouth and gently brought them out and gave them too her. She laughed and took his hand in hers and walked out the door into the afternoon sun. Walking down the street it took nothing more than a mere 10 minute walk from the house to the police station.

Opening the small gate, they walked in and stepped on the green grass. Behind the station, sounds of yelling and fighting met their ears and when they rounded the corner many of the Uchiha men were sparring other practiced their aim a few feet away.
He looked around at the Uchiha police force as he sparred and noticed something that stood out among them. She stood out like a small spark of fire in the middle of the night. This was one of the few times he had seen her with her hair up and he loved it more like that then when it was down.

Her kimono was tied loosely on her, her training clothes peeking out from under. She smiled warmly at him when their eyes met and he couldn't help but smile back. Taking a quick break, he walked towards them and picked Sasuke up.
"I am sorry if we have interrupted you" Sasuke watched the officers spar so it was just them two now since the little boy was in his own dream world. "Not at all, I was about to take a break anyways" Her eyes gleamed in excitement as she fingered the top of the bento box. "Well that is very good because Sasuke and I have brought you lunch"

Itachi's eyes widen just a bit but they softened when he noticed what was in the bento box. "Dango?" He could taste it already and there were only three people who knew this little weakness of his. "A little bird told me it was your favorite" She said as she rubbed Sasuke's back. Make that four now.

"It is. Thank you" He smiled and looked into her eyes and in his mind he tried to connect the brown dots that laid in her eyes but his skilled eyes had caught something. "Momo-san, you seem to have flour on your cheek" She looked puzzeled as she ran her hand over her cheeks but had missed completely. "May I?"

She nodded but stop mid way into her nod when his hand slid against her right cheek and stopped just below her ear. His thumb skimmed right where her cheek bone is and rubbed gently. His lips curved up into a smirk when he felt her cheeks heat up and turn in a rosy red, making her look beautiful against his pale hand.

"Are they together?" - "Is Itachi actually smiling?" - "What the hell? Is there something going on between them?" - "Ha, just wait till my daughter hears the great Uchiha Itachi is taken" The men whispered among each other but any person who knew the Uchiha Prodigy would be shocked to. He stood close to the Ryuu girl, Sasuke in one arm and his free hand on her cheek, he looked down at her while smiling. She had even brought him lunch! Anybody could mistake them for a family! Well, if they weren't so young of course.

"Are you busy tonight?" He whispered low, just enough for her ears to only hear and not the nosy ones a few feet behind them. Did they honestly think he couldn't hear them? Her hazel eyes moved to the side to stare at the on looking men and when they noticed she was looking at them they all turned away and went back to what they were doing.

She laughed and looked back at Itachi whose eyes were amused at her childness. "Fortunatly for you, yes, I am free tonight. Do you have something in mind?" His eyes flicked down to her lips and then back up to her eyes. "I do actually, think of it as a thank you for the dango" Momo's eye's sparkled as she took Sasuke back, a small gesture meaning that the conversation was coming to a close.

"Then I can't wait till tonight.. Itachi-sama"

Chapter 4

That night, when all were asleep, the Ryuu girl laid in her bed fast asleep. The moon seeped through the windows its rays of light flashed to certain parts of her body and in the corner of her room two endless black eyes stared at her. He felt the chakras of her two comrades near, probably looking at him trying to think of what his next move was. He decided to make his move now and as he walked as silent as a cat towards her he laid his arm on her shoulder and gently shook her.

"Momo-san, wake up" She mumbled something as she lifted her tired body up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She looked over to the clock on the wall and an innocent, confused expression was placed on her face. "Itachi-sama? It's two o'clock in the morning, is something wrong?" She mumbled as she closed her eyes again. Itachi's small smile quirked on his lips as he saw how innocent... and easy she looked.

"Please forgive me Momo-san for waking you up at this time but I had to wait until everyone was asleep" He lifted her up as slow as he could so her mind could catch up with what he was doing and saying. "Is this what you meant by tonight? Because technically its morning" Her head fell on his shoulder as he placed her on his feet. "Trust me, it will be worth it once we get there" Her eyebrows furrowed as her arm clung to his waist in support.

"That's right you never told me where we would be going. Do I need to get dressed?" He looked down at her simple black tank top and white shorts and shook his head, a small smirk on his lips. "Not at all" Her head turned and rubbed her nose on his shoulder, probably because it itched and then resumed her normal pose. "That's good" She mumbled and left her eyes half opened. As they walked out the door quietly they made their way out the Uchiha compound and Momo was instantly awake when she was able to see Konoha in the night time.

This was her first time out of the compound and she was amazed by the size of it all. She didn't have that much time to look around though because Itachi urged her on by saying that they were almost there. Halfway through the village he asked her to climb on his back declaring they would get there much faster but this didn't help her at all when it came to her heated face. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands gripped unto her bare thighs, tightening her legs around his waist.

Knowing she was secure on him, he jumped up to the roof of one of the buildings and sped off to the dark corner of the village: The Forest. Once there he placed chakra on his feet and jumped from one tree to another is a fast speed until he could the faint sounds of frogs croaking. "I hope you're not afraid of frogs" Her head was right next to his as he jumped down to the ground letting her place her feet on the floor.

"Not really, why?" Itachi brought her through some thick bushes and he smirked when he heard her gasp. He had found this secluded lake when training one day and noticed that it wasn't what people would call a normal lake. "I-itachi-sama, w-what are you doing?" She squeaked out once she saw the Uchiha lifting his shirt above his head. Her face felt fifty degrees warmer when he placed his hands on the hem of his pants and brought them down, casually flinging it to where his shirt laid.

"I'm not going in with my clothes on, are you?" He stopped at the edge of the shore and looked over his shoulder. She was trembling but not from the cold because in Konoha there were very few days of that and right now it was humidly warm. She trembled with excitement, from something she had never done before and was going to try for the very first time. "W-well alright b-but you cannot l-look"

His smirk widen at her words. What she didn't know was that this was a test of trust for her and him. He had his back to her leaving him very much exposed and defenseless and this was to prove to her that he was trustable. The noise of fabric fractioning against skin passed through his ear and in a few seconds it came again. "P-promise me something?" She whispered as she walked towards him, her bare feet crunching the dead leaves on the ground.

He nodded once and felt her hand being placed in the middle of his back. "Whatever happens k-keep your e-eyes on m-mine" She could feel the muscles on his back move against her hand and brought back her arm and covered her chest with both of her arms. "May I turn around now?" He asked quietly though he already had an idea why she had told him that.

"Yes" She squeaked once again and when he turned he couldn't help but pass his tongue over his lips at the sight of her. She didn't look at him in the eye which had let his eyes wander for a few seconds down her body before she noticed anything. Her pale arms had constricted themselves around her breast not only covering them from his view but pushing them up, making them look bigger then they actually were.

Following downwards all there was was smooth pale skin until he stopped, staring at the dainty white underwear that clung to her hips, the small bow on top of the hem making him stare. He saw her shift her leg, the small movement bringing him back to Earth. He looked straight at her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered, noticing how she shivered when he spoke to her. She nodded and he said, "Close your eyes" She hesitantly closed her eyes and when she did Itachi moved his hand to her lower back and moved her forward into the water.

Surprisingly it was warmer than water should be and when it was up to her naval he walked up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Open them" As soon as her eyes opened she gasped and couldn't believe her eyes. Around her body the water literally glowed a baby blue around her. She took out one of her arms and flicked her fingers just on the surface of the warm water.

"Amazing, is it not?" Itachi walked around her and looked at her fingers that looked as if they were dancing. Momo bobbed her head, to shocked and amazed to respond. Itachi moved back to the deeper part of the lake and she followed just as he had planned and now that it was up to her shoulders she waded in the water, her two arms keeping her afloat.

"How come the water glows blue?" She asked as she came closer. He took the hair tie out from his hair and dipped his head back allowing the black locks from his head glow blue at the ends. "Its all really simple. Microscopic bacteria react when something warm-blooded comes into the water and they start glowing blue. Natures way of giving a signal out"

Momo hummed in understanding as she looked around the small clearing. There weren't many trees around, just enough to camouflage the lake from any on looking eyes. "I-Itachi-sama..." She whispered, looking awestruck as she stared at him. "Yes?" He mumbled not looking away from her. "Y-your eyes... Their red"

His father had mentioned about something like this that would happen when he would get too riled up. Whether it was from combating or lust his sharingan was unstable now and he had no control over when it would show. He grabbed her right hand and brought her over to him, their bodies pressed against each other. He could suddenly feel her 'eyes', as Shisui had called them that day, harden against his chest and her blush deepened.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as her arms circled around his neck and held on for dear life. Itachi could feel the dainty fabric rub against his trunks. All of this was new to him and even though he found a few women in the village attractive he never associated with them or for the most, let them into his life as he did with Momo. Things had happened to fast for him to understand and he knew he didn't act like himself around her.

"Momo-san, tell me, do you know why your here?" She lifted her hand and passed it through his dripping bangs. He slowly moved around the lake, leaving a trail of baby blue around. "My Oto-san never specified my reason for being here. The day we made our way over here he just said, "I want you to be on your best behavior Momo-chan, you are the key to bringing the two clans together" and that was it. I would have thought you would have known more than me"

Itachi listened as she spoke. His father had not mentioned much to him either. All he had told him was that he had to do everything he could do to become good friends with the Ryuu girl and from there, if Itachi could do it, he would explain further. The two were clueless in what was really going on and that brought an image to Itachi's mind. They were two rats that were dropped in maze together and were to slowly dig out what their fathers had in plan for them.

"Unfortunately, I do not know much either" He said as he bowed his head and placed his forehead on her shoulder. He knew his senses were dull right now and he wasn't paying attention to the outside but he had done the smart thing and secretly made a shadow clone to guard the perimeter around them. She played with the ends of his hair and started to hum a song, whispering the lyrics.

Moshi ima kanashimi afureru nara
Watashi ni motarete naite ii kara

I get, I get, I get, get the feeling
I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming

He sighed happily, happiness and tranquility passed through his body at the sound of her voice. He would only admit it only in his thoughts not aloud but he had heard voices more beautiful than hers but just knowing it was her voice made him relax all his muscles, his mind, his thoughts.

Tada kono mama

Come my way
Kono yami no hotori
Come close to me
Ima akari tonoshi
I'll be with you, I'll be with you...
Tada soba ni iru kara

He turned her around, as if they were dancing, and swayed to the song, completely entranced in it. She continued her song until nothing was left but a soft humming near his ear. Her head had leaned on his and once the song had finished she looked over to him and couldn't help giggling. The great Uchiha Itachi had fallen asleep on her, his chest moved up and down slowly. Moving his long hair off his shoulder she rubbed his neck gently, a trick that her mother used to do to get her to wake her up. "Itachi-sama, I think it is best if we go"

He opened his eyes slowly, probably still thinking on how he had fallen asleep. Momo smiled when she saw him rub his eyes wondering how many people get to see this side of him. He silently groaned when he realized something. "I forgot to bring you a towel" He looked over to the shore where their discarded clothes were and made his way over close enough until his feet hit the ground in the water.

Itachi walked out of the water and grabbed his shirt, an idea coming to him. "Here, you can dry off with this" She seemed embarrassed that he had offered his shirt and quickly shook her head no. "Oh I couldn't Itachi-sama! You would go home wearing a damp shirt and that is bad for your health!" He sighed and smiled over to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out from the water, rubbing his shirt over her body. "Do not worry about me, I'll just go without one on" She blushed to the point her face resembled a cherry at its full color.

He grabbed her clothes and when sure there were no leaves or dirt he passed her her clothes. She thanked him and turned around, swiftly putting on her tank top first then more slowly her shorts. When she turned around to face him he was dressed already, pants on and shirt in his hands. "I suggest we move quickly, Sasuke likes to wake up very early in the morning sometimes" Momo climbed on his back and they made their way towards the Uchiha compound, skipping past the guards easily.

On the roof of Itachi's home he slid easily into her window and placed her on the chair next to her bed. "Thank you very much for today Itachi-sama" She smiled up at him as she stared into his red tinted eyes, a rush of excitement running through her. "Momo-nee-chaaan!" Sasuke's tired voice yelled out from his room. Itachi's eyes flickered quickly to her door and then to her, an all-knowing smirk on his lips.

"See what I meant?" She stood and quickly wrapped a kimono around her body and in one quick sweep she had made a bun on the top of her head. "Duty calls" She mumbled as she glided out the door.

But not until her fingertips lightly touched Itachi's before she left.

Chapter 5

"Ah, there we go!" Momo smiled as she had placed the last piece of clothing on the wire line. No one had been home today since Sasuke was off with a friend, Fugaku and Itachi had been gone on a mission for the past two weeks now, and Mikoto had stopped by her book club meeting. Even if Shisui had come and visited it just wasn't the same without Itachi there.

Ichi and Juu stood on one foot on the fence opposite from her, their other leg raised straight to the side. Momo stretched and looked around, wondering what other chore she could find to entertain herself with. Days without Itachi or Sasuke here were none to exciting so whatever she would find, she made it last.

"Ichi-san, Juu-san, would you like something to eat? I'm going to start on lunch" The two ninjas looked at her and silently shook their head. Walking into the house she was surprised when she entered the kitchen. There on the only window in the kitchen, lay a white, fluffy cat that didn't seem to have a care in the world. "Hello Neko-chan!"

Momo beamed at the yawning cat as she walked closer to it. The cat was pure white and had a very bushy tail, the pads on its paws were a light pink and its eyes a bright green. It stood up lazily and stretched its body right on the window sill. "I wonder do you have an owner, Neko-chan?" The cat, still stretching, peeked out of one eye and craned its neck.

Momo saw no collar and now knowing the cat was a street cat she clapped her hands together and laughed. "Neko-chan, may I be your owner?" The cat looked at her, not once blinking, and plopped its chubby body back down almost as if silently declaring that it agreed. Finally having someone else to talk too, she skipped around the kitchen, humming and dancing, as she prepared the lunch.

The cat just looked at her back and forth as she moved here to there finally stopping after she had the rice balls on five plates. She still didn't know if Fugaku and Itachi were coming back today but everyday she put two extra plates just in case. "Onee-chan! I'm home!"

She placed the plates on the table and walked over to the door where Sasuke was already taking off his hat and shoes. "Welcome back Sasuke-chan, did you have a good day?" Momo picked him up and hugged him, finally happy to have someone home with her. "I hope you're hungry; I made some rice balls for everyone"

"I am! I love your cooking Momo-nee-chan!" Sasuke squealed in happiness as he laid his eyes on the neatly made table. "I love her cooking too" The pair turned around and saw a smiling Itachi leaning against the entrance frame. "Itachi-sama/nii-san!" They yelled out and made their way to the Older Uchiha and simultaneously jumped on him.

"Have I been out that long?" He chuckled and ruffled Sasuke's hair while the other arm supported Momo. He looked at the two and couldn't help but laugh. They had formed a strong bond between them in such a short amount of time and were near inseparable. "Nii-san! How was your mission?" Itachi sat at his usual place at the table, Sasuke following right behind him giving Momo the image of a baby duck waddling after its mother.

"It was successful. Oto-san is at the police station reporting in but he might stay there a while" Itachi commented and said a quick silent thank you for the meal and opened his chopsticks. Momo came over and sat near him, smiling happily. "And you Momo-san? How have you been?" Momo cocked her head to the side and stared at him almost in a dreamy state. She really did miss him since she wasn't quite used to him leaving for such a long time and since the only other friend she had was Sasuke all the little boy wanted to do was play and sometimes she just liked talking to someone of her age.

"I have been very well Itachi-sama" She whispered as they stared at each other, his eyes had become softer the second they laid eyes on her. "Are you guys making goo-goo eyes at each other?" Sasuke said in a teasing voice. The two snapped out of their trance and Itachi gave his little brother an amusing look. "How would you know? Have you looked at someone like that?" Sasuke's face turned beet red at what his brother said.

"N-no! What gave you that stupid idea!" Sasuke stammered and looked away. "T-that's stupid! I'm going to my room!" He grabbed his plate and stomped off leaving the other two laughing at his childish ways. "Well, it seems my little Ototo-kun may have his first crush" Itachi said as he turned away from his brothers disappearing figure and unto the red headed girl next to him. The sun outside was lowering, leaving in its wake hues of pink, yellow, and blue in the sky and the chirps from birds to quiet down.

"I have missed you Itachi-sama" Momo said gently as she lifted a delicate hand and laid it on his cheek. His own hand came and grabbed hers, leaning his cheek against her warm hand and seemed to make an approving sound. "As have I. It was strange not eating your cooking for two weeks" She giggled and ran her hand through his hair, coming to a stop at his hair tie. "Do you think you will be assigned to more missions soon?" Without letting go of her hand he reached with his left one and grabbed a rice ball, letting his nose inhale its scent quickly (a habit he had from traveling to so many places) and took a bite out of the small ball.

"Maybe. Knowing my father, he has been testing me on whether or not I could be going on missions by myself. He even wants me to try out for anbu" As he talked, Momo couldn't help but notice something. The lines on his face had gotten deeper and he seemed way more tired than he usually was. "Itachi-sama, why don't you rest? You seem tired" His smile came out weak but nevertheless it was a smile he had put on for her. "I'm alright, just a few sore muscles but nothing I cannot handle"

In the back of her mind she was worried for him but they continued on talking for a few hours until he excused himself from the table and said he needed to do a few things. It was later on that night though, that Momo stood in front of Itachi's door, her hands wringing themselves nervously. She didn't have the courage to knock on his door because yes, they might have been alone together a few times but this time it was different.

They would be alone... in his room. All the times her father had talked to her about men suddenly came up causing her face to blush a deep crimson. "You've been standing there for the past twenty minutes Momo-san, you can come in, I won't bite" Momo squeaked in fright and covered mouth quickly, inhaling and exhaling quickly. Itachi smirked at how cute she looked in front of him, so vulnerable and delicate right now. "I-Itachi-sama! I-I'm sorry! I w-was going to knock b-but..." He grabbed her hand and led her inside.

His room was what she had expected it to be. Very dark, scrolls lying all over the place and a few kunai's on the wooden desk. A single, personal bed was put right on the corner of the room, its sheets cleanly made. "So what brings you to this side of the house?" Itachi asked as he sat down in the middle of the bed and leaned back on his hands, leg crossed over the other.

"I have noticed how tired you were and I-I was thinking that maybe I could h-help you in s-some way" Itachi looked amused as he stared at her body language. He knew she was nervous, about what seemed to escape him, yet her whole body screamed out at how uncomfortable Momo was right now. "Oh? And what do you propose that will help me?" Her hands wrung themselves away, looking as it was taking away some imaginary water and she never once looked at him.

"W-Well, I'm sure you know that I can h-heal and I could help you relax by removing all the knots and twinges off your b-back" Itachi let out a small sound in acknowledgement and said; "Really now? I would very much appreciate it if you could do that for me" She nodded, more like bobbed her head comically, and said, "If you could t-turn sideways and r-remove your s-shirt I could begin"

Her stuttering was finally noticed by him and his smirk widen to the point that it looked smug. Brushing his fingers at his waist line and grabbed the hem of his black shirt. Lifting it slowly he peeked at her who stood a mere few feet away from him and looked at her flushed face as she made no move to look away from his body. Bringing it over his head, he held to the piece of fabric in the edge of his fingertips and turned ninety degrees making him face the wall where his headboard was.

She shuffled over to where he was her pajama pants ruffled against her body as she walked over and kneeled on the mattress. "You tell me where it mostly likely hurts ok?" She whispered and a sudden blue light covered the room. Itachi's back felt cool and as he stared at the wall he tried to imagine her face as she did this.

A total look of calm and professional expression would grace her features, eyes concentrated at their task at hand; yet knowing her there would be that small blush that always seemed to appear whenever he was around her. "There" He whispered in a hoarse voice when her hand reached the lower right side of his back. She inserted chakra in his back and could feel the 'knot' loosening.

His body tensed and to assure him that everything was fine Momo leaned forward and rested her forehead on his left shoulder. He groaned when her fingers pressed on the spot and felt it untighten its point and flexing back to its normal state. "Did you sleep on the ground a lot during your mission?" She questioned as she passed her hand from his shoulders to his lower back, repeating the motion slowly and many more times.

"Yes" It sounded almost gurgled as his head leaned forward and a sigh escaped his lips as the wonderful feeling passed through his body. "Itachi-sama?" He couldn't find the words to speak to her so he grunted; telling her to go ahead and ask what she was going to ask. "Does this feel better?" She whispered and another groan passed through him, this time a bit louder.

Her fingers pressed themselves in different points in his back making it feel twice as better than her chakra. She giggled softly and moved her hands once again to his shoulders but this time ran them down his arm. Through the chakra she felt his muscles untie themselves and almost seemed to take a relaxing breath. He felt so calm as if he had no worries anymore and once her arm trailed down his arm he grabbed on to her hand and pulled her forward.

Her red hair flickered in his line of vision and her body bounced on his bed. She stared up at him, hazel eyes confused and wondering as they looked up at his onyx ones and he quietly mumbled, "Thank you" She nodded but something caught his eyes.


Her expression had changed suddenly, to quick even for Uchiha Itachi's shinobi's eyes to catch, and he felt her hands slid onto his cheeks and move towards his neck, her fingers holding strongly to the back of his neck and brought him down.

His body tensed when he noticed how close their bodies were coming together and he was surprised at how fast his heart was beating. "Do you feel better Itachi-sama?" She whispered against his lips and not able to find the words he nodded and closed his eyes, willing his heart to slow down.

"Itachi!" The Uchiha's head whipped towards the door causing a strange pain hit his neck. His father stood there, glaring down at the two on the bed. "Ryuu-san I think it is best if you stay in your room for the rest of the night. Itachi, I need a word with you" Momo quickly stood from the small bed and bowed towards Itachi then to Fugaku.

"I am terribly sorry for this Uchiha-sama, this was entirely my fault" Itachi glared at her back but was interrupted before he even spoke. "I shall deal with you later" Without staring at the two she swiftly left the ends of her hair the last thing he saw. "Would you like to explain what was going to happen Itachi?" Fugaku crossed his arms across his chest, waiting for his firstborn son to answer.

"She was healing the strains on my muscles, nothing more, nothing less" Itachi stated coldly. "That didn't look like nothing. I should be mad at your actions but I won't, do you want to know why?" Fugaku entered the room and closed the door behind him, making sure no unwanted ears could hear this important conversation.

Itachi, though, didn't respond.

"Have you ever wondered why Ryuu-san was brought here in the first place?" That, though, did grab his attention. "You see, the Uchiha's and the Ryuu's have never gotten along that is until Mitsuru Uchiha and Ayako Ryuu became one" Inside his mind, Itachi rolled his eyes. He had heard this story many a times. Ayako gave birth to Mitsuru's child and with the blood of both clans the child became even too dangerous for the elders from each clan to restrain.

To make a long story short, the child was killed and Ayako and Mitsuru were never allowed to conceive children. This seemed to fuel the fire against both clans because each blamed the other for what happened. "… And so the Uchiha's and Ryuu's have had their friction with each other… that is of course, until we got a messenger bird months ago. It was from the Ryuu head himself saying they had a proposition for us and would like to meet with us"

Fugaku walked back and forth in the small room, apparently deep into the story. "We did meet and after four hours of talking we came into a alliance but not without something done in return and that… was a marriage" Itachi stared at an imaginary dot on the opposite wall of him, his father's words confusing him. Who was marrying? "That's where you and Ryuu-san come in" Itachi stood motionless for a few seconds then whipped his body towards his father whose face hadn't changed since he arrived. "Are you saying you planned a marriage for ME?"

Itachi seethed, his teeth grinding each other. Fugaku cocked his head, his brow furrowed. "Is that a problem? Should not the prodigy of the Uchiha clan marry the Ryuu prodigy? It sure seemed as if you had feelings for the girl when I entered" He said, almost toying with his oldest sons emotions. Itachi though had his fist clenched to the point that the skin over his knuckles felt as if they were going to tear.

"Plus, all you would really need her for is for breeding. A crossed child with both Uchiha and Ryuu blood would definitely make us even more powerful than the Ryuu clan" Itachi couldn't believe what he was hearing. His father was talking about Momo as if she was some sort of…of… TOOL! Using the words 'breeding' as if she was some sort of cow giving him some prize possession, not only that but this would be his grandson! Itachi's own flesh and blood being used as some prize to be showed off.

"Momo-san does indeed interest me but you will have to find someone else to be your show cow because I will not be and I will make sure that neither you nor the Ryuu clan touch her" A growl almost escaped his lips but he held it back and fixed his glare directly on his father. "Well if you back out that is up to you but how would you feel to see her moved on to another man? Unlike you, she doesn't have the choice to decide. If you won't take the place as her husband-to-be then someone else will"

That flared Itachi's anger even more, the thought of her with someone else sent a pang through his stomach as if he had swallowed a rocket and it was trying to find itself out. "I see then. Well, I am having issues sleeping so I'm going to go to the training field and train and will be back by breakfast time"

Just like Momo had done, Itachi swiftly moved around Fugaku and left through the door.

Chapter 6

Momo walked down the Uchiha compound and towards the academy. Wearing her clan's traditional red robes and golden dragon symbol she walked with a grace a princess could only have, deep inside her though she was troubled. Weeks have passed and Itachi had yet to speak to her. He was rarely seen around the house and when once approached by Momo on where he usually was he monotonously replied, "Training".

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. All of this was becoming stressful on her body, especially mentally. The recent death of Shisui wasn't any help either. Her hands gripped tightly around the bento in her hands that she made and was delivering to Sasuke. The sounds of children's laughter greeted her ears and she smiled when her eyes landed on Sasuke's small body. "Momo-nee-chan!" He screamed out and ran towards her, his scream attracting the attention of the other children outside.

Jumping into her outstretched arms he hugged her tightly and began talking about his day so far. Walking into the front of the school where the kids were playing Momo took a seat on a wooden bench and listened to his story on his kunai target practice. "It took me a while but I hit the bull-eye! And guess what! Sensei said I was JUST like Nii-san!"

Sasuke chatted animatedly as he opened his bento and dug in. Momo had begun doing this ever since that night Fugaku had caught her and Itachi. Since Itachi had decided to avoid her she was left without anything to do in the morning so she visited Sasuke at his lunch time. "Oh Momo-nee-chan, I talked with Nii-san yesterday" This had caught her attention and she turned her head to look at the little boy. "Really? What did you guys talk about?"

Sasuke looked down at his cat shaped onigiri and smiled. "Nothing much, he was telling me that I should behave and keep on training. He also said not to give you too much trouble" Sasuke giggled and took a large bite out of the cat shaped rice ball. Passing her thumb over his lip she wiped away a lone rice on his lip and smiled down at him. Sasuke's expression changed from a smile to a small frown and whispered, "But it felt weird yesterday" Momo gave him a questionable expression and asked, "What do you mean?" The birds above them chirped and the sun beat down on their face.

"Nii-san talked to me as if that was the last time we were going to talk" Momo got a strange feeling inside her stomach and a shiver ran down her back. "I'm sure it wasn't anything like that Sasuke-chan" For his sake she comforted him but in her mind something was troubling her. The bell rang and quickly closing the bento, Sasuke handed it to her and kissed her cheek quickly in a sort of thanks and ran back to where his teacher was. Standing up she hurriedly left the small academy and ran towards the Uchiha gates.

"Ichi-san, Juu-san!" While she ran with surprisingly fast speed, her two companions appeared beside her. "I want him found… NOW!" The two nodded without as much as word and disappeared. She was angry and jumping from roof to roof of the Konohagakure village she headed towards the Hokage's building. Making a couple of hand signs and summoned two of her Ninja Ryū. Two medium sized golden dragons glided next to her moving their agile bodies like what would resemble a wave. "Momo-hime, you summoned us?"

Moving to the side and jumping higher up the tower she shot through the window of the Hokage's office. The two dragons waited outside and surrounded the perimeter. "W-what is the meaning of this?" The Hokage asked in a bewildered voice. "Hokage-sama, excuse me for me entrance but we have some matters to discuss" The elder man held his pipe and seeing her serious expression said, "You must be Ryuu Momo, the daughter of the Head of the Ryuu clan" Momo bowed and in a serious tone said, "I need your help Hokage-sama, I need to know where Uchiha Itachi is right now"

The Hokage seemed surprised at her question and said, "My dear didn't you know? Itachi-san is taking his Anbu test now, he finally turned thirteen today" Momo's eyes widen out of surprise. She didn't know it was his birthday! The whole Anbu thing she knew about and how his father was pushing him to be one.

"I have high expectations that he will pass it so if you are worried about him you shouldn't be" Furrowing her brow in deep thought she looked out at her dragons who seemed to keep the Anbu's at bay but there was one more thing she needed to know. "Hokage-sama, what happens after someone passes the Anbu test?" The Hokage looked at her with suspicion yet interest and said, "They go through training but Itachi has already received that beforehand because of his exceptional skills so he will be put to work right after he finishes the test"

Momo nodded in understanding and made her dragons disappear. "Thank you very much Hokage-sama" Right as the Anbu entered through the window she disappeared in a puff of white smoke.


"But Onee-san! I don't want to go to sleep!" Sasuke laid on his bed that night with his arms crossed against his chest and a pout on his lips. This little tiff had been going on for a few minutes and to Momo it felt as if he were her child and was patiently trying to convince him. She went over and kneeled next to his bed and with a grin she whispered in his ear, "If you go to sleep now I promise I will make some Omusubi with Okaka and Tomatoes"

His mouth gaped open slowly and his dark eyes turned towards her. "Really… Do you promise?" She made a cross over her heart and said, "I promise with all my heart" His lips puckered for a few seconds in thought and muttered a 'fine.' She smiled and ran her hand through navy blue locks and hummed the song she had sung the day Itachi had taken her to the lake. His eyes drooped down and his breathing became slower and at the end of the song he was snoring lightly.

Momo kissed his cheek and then his forehead and whispered, "I am so sorry Sasuke-chan, forgive me for what is about to happen" She stood up and tiptoed out of the room quietly, closing the door slowly behind her. Her face became emotionless now as she walked down the cold, empty hall way of the Uchiha household she took off her kimono and was left in her training clothes.

Ichi appeared next to her and took the kimono. "I want you and Juu to get all our things and head out 60 miles west of here and I'll meet you there" She jumped up to the roof and made quick hand signs, a small, red dragon appeared and moved down towards the house and into Sauske's body. Putting her Steel Kama's in their holders around her hips she jumped from roof too roof using the night as a camouflage. The Uchiha's were all home, most of them sleeping and few were up reading or with family but the Uchiha she was looking for was a few miles south of the Uchiha compound, his eyes were closed and the cold breeze moved his ponytail along with it. He wore his new anbu outfit and his kantana was on his right hand yet he looked peaceful, strange but peaceful.

"What are you doing here Momo-san?" He whispered as if he didn't want to disturb someone. "I have come to say good bye" His eyes opened to reveal his sharingan ready for use. "I never received word of you leaving" She stood a few feet from him, her training clothes not helping her stay warm in the cold breeze tonight but her adrenaline was helping her body heat up. "Because no one knows I am leaving… Not even Sasuke-chan" Recognition passed through his eyes as he heard his little brother's name. "I just wanted to also remind you that the most decisive actions in our lives… are most often unconsidered actions"

She smiled sadly as his eyes widen at her words. "I have a pretty clear idea what you are planning to do but I should warn you now that you will not be able to lay a finger on Sasuke-chan, one of my Ninja Ryū is guarding him with its life" His eyes lowered to a glare. "Do you think I would hurt my own little brother?" Her eyes closed and she disappeared but only to appear in front of him, this time mere inches away. "No but it will help him cope with the after effects. With you though, I have some other matters" Moving as quick as the wind itself she grabbed his collar… and placed her lips on his.

Not taking a second long, she brought him even deeper and moved her lips with gently allowing both to implant this memory in their mind. The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds but it left both of them panting lightly and staring straight at each other. "Goodbye Itachi-kun" Her whisper was left hanging in the wind as she disappeared into the night.

Two days after she left the compound she had received word of the Uchiha clan massacre and the only Uchiha's left were Itachi and Sasuke.

The day after Itachi killed his clan he had heard in a village he had stopped by about the Ryuu clan mysteriously burning down taking all of the lives of those in the clan, everyone except the daughter of the head of the clan.


Texte: Naruto is a Japanese manga created by Masashi Kishimoto. All characters in this story are copyrights of Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump and Studio Pierrot. All except my Original Characters.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.03.2011

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