
Chapter 1

Now,it was summer.Not my sister, Summer, but the season.It was always the same summer every year. But this year I turn 16. It’s not like I’m becoming an adult , like Summer will in the winter, But it means I’m one year closer to my death.Death.Death.Death. The word almost kills me inside. I think of Orson. Yes, he’s still alive but not for long. They want to kill him. I know they do. I bit my lip until it bleeds. The sight of blood makes me think of Orson. Orson, so perfect. So fearless. So stupid. So horribly stupid.
Orson, my one and only true love. The poor, beautiful, mad crazy boy who I love so very much. He’s against our royals. Everyone is. Orson is just brave and stupid enough to let them know. Now, we are all in great danger. I love it. The danger. This summer might not be the same. The grass will always be brown and dead. My father isn’t going to come back. Mother isn’t going to have the baby she wants in our family or even a husband. But something will happen. Orson will make it happen. I’ll make it happen.
He was out there. On his yard, across the street from ours.Wind blowing in his hair. His green eyes squinting from the sun. He was just sitting on the grass. Naked. I’m not imagining this. He was naked, other than his boxers. It was so hard not to laugh. What goes on inside his head? “Um, Is there a reason you’re not wearing clothes?”I ask not really expecting an answer. “I guess I just forgot” He said scratching his head. Who forgets to wear pants? No one around here is quite sane. “Flair, you can fight, right?” He asked me in that voice. The voice like warm milk with honey. The voice that makes you feel safe. But the question was so dangerous I was too afraid to answer. “That rhymed.” I said sounding like a fool. “Fight and right.” He smiled. “I’m not as insane as most people think.” He said with his milk and honey voice. “No, not nearly as insane as my sister.” My sister has always been insane. She has always been afraid. When I was about five years old, she told me about these bad people. Kidnappers, murderers, thieves, people who hurt your family,and something about killing a goldfish. She talked a lot about some goldfish. Then, I remembered her nightmares. Always the same one. For years, Summer would wake up screaming “He killed my Zay! He killed him! I saw!” It was our father. He killed a goldfish. Summer must have loved that goldfish. He must have killed Zay right in front of Summer.
“I need to go back inside for a bit.” I said wanting to stay. He nodded and I ran across the street not looking to see if there were any cars coming. I took the rusty, old key out of my pocket and opened the door. I went to Summer’s room. It all made sense. The fish painting. Zay was written on everything. She was traumatized.
How was I so stupid? I always knew it was weird but I had no idea what it meant. I used to think she was an alien.
I was just a baby when my father left. The day I was born, Our beloved king died. Which meant his cruel son would step up to the throne. He must think it was my fault. Maybe it was. But that didn’t matter now.
I heard the door open. “W-W-Who’s there?” I asked. Summer and my mother were buying a gift for my dear cousin who was in the hospital.They weren’t supposed to be back until 5:00. It was 2:15. No one answered. I pulled Summer’s curtain rod out of the wall. It was the closest weapon. Yes, I knew how to fight. In our neighborhood, everyone had to fight. There were gangs and thieves,robbers and killers. I’ve taken out guys twice the size of me. It’s not my fault. I need to defend myself. And protect Summer.
“Flair!” Screamed his voice. Not quite like honey. What was he doing here? But I heard another voice. “Come out! I have a gun!” Yelled a much rougher voice. All i have is a curtain rod. I came into the kitchen, where the voice was coming from. He was with Orson. He was fat, and pretty ugly. But he had a gun.He took the rod from my hand and hit Orson’s beautiful head. Orson fell to the floor. The man walked over and smacked my head. I stayed quiet and shut my eyes. I still heard everything. Which was nothing. But I did hear some car driving away. And I felt Orson’s hand. It squeezed mine. I opened one eye. We were laying in the back of some van. He opened his eyes and smiled. Even when he was being kidnapped, he could smile.
He put his face right next to mine. “Don’t worry. All part of the plan.” He whispered. What was he talking about? There were two other guys in the van. Both a lot taller and stronger than the first man. “I’ll tell you later.”Orson whispered softly.
We drove for hours. The van pulled into a gas station. “Get out , now.” said the short man. “Both of yous better fill her up!” He said. He closed the door after they got out. “Step on it!” Yelled Orson and the car zoomed away. “You really think this’ll work?” Asked the man. “Absolutely. Flair can do anything.” Orson said with a smile. “I didn’t mean for it to hurt her. Just for it to look that way.” The strange man said. “She was a good actress even when she didn’t know what was going on.” Orson said. “Acting? So, she ain’t knocked out?” I wasn’t sure if I should say something. I was so afraid. “No” I said “I’m alright. Just a small bump.” The man laughed. “At least I didn’t use the gun.” He said. “Yeah, If it was real!” Orson said laughing. What are they talking about?
The van stopped, suddenly.I looked through the window. Nothing. Nowhere. Just sand and the road we were on. No people. No one. Orson opened the van’s door. “Ladies first.” He said with a smile. I stepped out of the van and he followed. If we drove further North, we would be in the rich neighborhoods. Like Hannah and her sister, Lovette.I hated them. I hated Hannah for calling Orson “Hot but he’s also stupid.” In her annoying, little voice. And, I hated Lovette for everything she does. I hated her for everything she is.
“Come on, now.” Orson said snapping me back into reality.”Oh right. Sorry.” I muttered climbing out of the van. It was dark and cold. It should be about 10:00. Summer would be worried. Nightmares. Crying. Summer’s had enough to deal with today because of Lovette. Just the sound of her name makes me want to scream. I hate her. Lovette. I hate Lovette.
“Flair!” Orson yelled.”Stop your daydreaming.” I followed them. Orson and the man were talking. Laughing about something. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you before all this happened.” He whispered “I couldn’t tell you then. I can’t tell you now. Soon. I will soon.” I nodded but inside I hoped he will tell me loves me soon. Like that’ll ever happen.
We reached a wall. A random brick wall. If you took ten steps to the left, you could walk right around it. They just stood in front of it. Waiting for something.So did I. In about five minutes, the wall changed color. The red wall was now green.That was all that happened.
The ground started shaking. I started to fall to the ground but Orson’s strong hands held me up. A beautiful elevator seemed to have just come out of the ground. It was glass with what looked like diamonds on the back door and a glossy red carpet. I’ve only seen elevators on television and they were never this fancy. The doors automatically opened and I stepped inside. There were shiny buttons that lit up when you pressed them. Just being in an elevator made me feel rich. I looked up at Orson. His smile was like the diamonds. And somehow I felt safe being here.
The man pressed a button and the elevator zoomed down. I held Orson’s hand. It was scary. I saw nothing but dirt and worms. It was a bit gross. Then, we entered a huge, fancy, expensive building. This is what lies underground in the middle of nowhere. There was a long table with seven rolling office chairs and behind it was a huge computer or T.V thing. People were sitting at desks typing so fast you couldn’t see their fingers. I randomly squeaked with excitement. Everyone wore suits. “Follow me.” The man said when the elevator stopped. Orson’s hand still held mine. We looked at each other and smiled. God, how I love him.
We walked in a thin hallway with diamonds on the walls and that same red carpet. There were glass doors and inside the rooms looked like hospital rooms.There were white beds and sick people lying in them. This must be some kind of hospital. I didn’t want to ask questions. It would be best if I didn’t know. And besides, Orson said he’d tell me soon.
“Here’s your rooms.” The short man said pointing to a wooden door. I’m glad they’re not glass doors like the other rooms. “There’s a phone so you can call your mommy.” The man said softly. “Just don’t tell her exactly where you are.You hear me?” Orson and I nodded. The man handed us clean, shiny keys. “I’ll be back in an hour.” The man said. “If you need anything tell someone you need Dave.” He said. “Is that your name?” I asked. “No princess, my name’s sugar.” Dave said sarcastically.”Just asking.” I whispered.
I opened the door to my room. The walls had diamonds and the carpet was a glossy red. The closet was made of tinted glass. On the other side was the bathroom. It had red tiles and the walls were all black. There was a hair dryer in the wall, a red toilet, and shower with a black curtain. The mirror was shiny and clean, just like everything else. I walked into a small bedroom. I never really had a bedroom. Summer and my mother did but I just slept on the couch. The bed had white pillows, a red frame, and black sheets and blankets. I sat on the bed and sunk right into it.It was soft and cozy. It was perfect. I turned off the small, green lamp and went in the living area. I stood in amazement in front of the huge television. It must be 60 inches. At home, we had a tiny, old T.V which we rarely watched.The couch was black with red, fluffy pillows. In the corner, there was a black desk with a computer on it. I’ve never used a computer and I don’t plan on touching it. It wasn’t comfortable here at all. I just felt lost and confused. I wasn’t even sure why I was here.I wanted to see Orson but I wasn’t sure I’m allowed to be out of here until Dave comes. It didn’t matter. I grabbed my key off of the desk and ran out of there. Orson needs to tell me what’s going on. Right now, my life might be in his hands.
His room was next to mine. I knocked three times before he could answer. “Coming!” I heard him yell. He opened the wooden door.”Hey, Flair.” He said smiling “We have twenty minutes. Explain.” I demanded. “Alright ,come on in.” He said standing out of the way so I could walk in. His room was exactly like mine. I forgot about calling mother. I didn’t even bring clothes. There’s no kitchen. Will they feed us? Thoughts stirred around in my head. “You can explain later.” I said rudely.”I’m sorry. I have to do some things.” He smiled.” Okay” He said and I walked into my room.
I hadn’t seen the phone before. I looked in the living room first. It was a red phone hanging on the wall beside my desk. I expected it to be a lot more fancy and sciency but it wasn’t. I was worried mother couldn’t afford to pay the electric bill and it wouldn’t work but it did.
“Hello?” I heard someone say.
“Summer! Is that you? Mother?”I heard a loud beep beep beep. “Hello?” I asked. No one.
Tried a million times but it didn’t work. It just kept beeping. I’ll try tomorrow. At least they know I’m alive.
"Times up, kid!" Dave screamed. I opened the door. "What happened to princess?" I asked. "Hey, watch the attitude, princess." He was holding some clothes. "And put these on." He said tossing them to me. "Wha-" "No questions, princess." I stuck my tongue at him and went back in my room. He calls me princess so many times you'd think thats my name.
I went in the bathroom even though I'm alone. They could be watching my every move. I'm underground. That's all I know about this place. My family has no idea where I am. I guess I'm sleeping over for possibly forever. I didn't bring any clothes or anything here. Why did I agree to this? Well, I didn't but I will if they need me to. Anything for Orson.
I looked at the clothing. Tight, black, stretchy pants with blue detail. The top was almost the same. It was just long sleeved. "Hello, Flair." A robotic voice said "What?!" I yelled nervously. "Hello, Flair." It repeated. "I will help you, tell you where you need to be, tell you your tasks,make you food and anything you need." It said. “Analyzing .” The voice was female. Robotic. But female. I just stood there. Analyzing?What was it doing?“You have an auburn hair color, hazel eyes, olive skin, and I think you look fantastic in your training clothes, Flair.” She said. I’m not sure how she knew all that but she’s right. Maybe not about the fantastic part. That was way too nice. “Are you a real person?” I asked her. “No, Flair. I am a program but I am almost capable of feelings and opinions. I do not have a name but you can call me whatever you’d like, Flair.” True said. “Perfect.” I said “I’ll call you True.” I’ve always loved the name. “I do love that that name, Flair. I love being True. Thank you.” True said. “You’re welcome.” I told her. “Flair, when you are ready you are needed at the training center.” True said. “Where is it?” I asked. A watch shot down from the ceiling and landed on the bathroom counter. “If you need me, click the orange button and I will take you there, Flair.” True said. I put the watch on and pressed the orange button. “Thank you, Flair.” It said.

Chapter 2

“Walk down the hallway to room 28.” True told me. There it was. A glass door. Room 28, training center. I saw Orson he was learning how to throw knives. How, wonderful. I sighed and opened the big glass door. A tall, thin, pretty girl came running towards me. We were all in the same outfit. She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. “I have to give you a tour first.” She said pulling me down the hallway. Her blonde high ponytail swished behind her head. I pulled her arm off of mine. How rude for her to just pull me out of the training room! “It’s not rude, it’s my job and I didn’t pull you out of there I’m supposed to give you a tour!” She snapped at me. How did she know what I was thinking? Can she read minds? She laughed. “No, but yours is just so easy to read.” She said. I tried to just stop thinking but it didn’t work. Why couldn’t she just stop? “These are the hospital rooms. In case you get injured. You probably will.” Those were the rooms I saw when Dave was showing me to my room. “This is Orson’s room. Your room. Fate’s room.” She stopped at the next room and stared at the door for half a minute. “Bryson’s room.” she softly. She held her hand on the door. “Excuse me, Miss Bliss.” Someone said behind us. “Bryson! Hi! Sorry I thought this was my room no wonder I couldn’t open it!” She giggled. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “New girl? Hey, Flame.” He said. “It’s Flair.” I corrected him. “Oh yeah. That Orson kid talks about you alot.” He said looking at the girl, Bliss I guess. He’s been looking at her the whole time. “Been living here your whole life and don’t know where our room is?” Bryson or whatever said. She laughed. “We gotta get going. See ya!” She said leaving. That must be love. “It’s not.” She said. “Not when he doesn’t love you back.” Yes he does!” I yelled. She shook her head and showed me everyone elses rooms. “Isn’t so cute when he says Miss Bliss?” She talked about him the whole way. “He is so funny! Don’t you love how his brown eyes sparkle? The whole time she talked I thought of Orson. So I just nodded to everything she said. As she was talking she bumped into some guy. “Ouch! Watch where you’re going! You ignorant-” She looked up at the tall, strong boy. “Bruce!” She yelled. He grabbed her waist. “Don't touch me!” She pulled his hands off. She pushed his and slapped him right across the face leaving a nasty,red mark. “Don’t ever put your filthy hands on me ever again!” She stepped on him and walked away.Tiny, little Bliss just did that. “I’m not tiny!” She yelled. She can definitely read minds.My mind at least.
“Does Orson really talk about me a lot?” I asked her. “Yeah I guess. He talks about Hannah a lot more.” Hannah. I hated her. “What about her?” I bet he calls her hot and stupid just like she calls him those names. Bliss laughed. “He says she a stuck up bitch.” She said. “That’s all.I don’t think Orson’s stupid.” She smiled at me. That smile made her so much more like Summer.
We walked in to the training room. Bryson and Orson were talking. When they were next to each other, they could be brothers. Orson had a brother. And a sister. They’re probably about nine years old. Last time Orson saw his brother, sister, and his mother was three years ago. His parents divorced. His mother’s family was very rich so she was fine but his father was not doing well at all. His father had no job, no money, was drunk all the time. Orson stayed for his dad. Orson now had three part time jobs,was trying to make money for him and his father, was trying to keep his father healthy, never saw his mother, missed the twins like crazy, and is trying to save up money for college. His mother said college was a “Waste of time” and wouldn’t give him any money. If I had money, I would give it to him. Too bad I was trying to protect Orson, his father and Summer, trying to convince my mother we don’t have the money to adopt a baby, keep Summer sane, and make sure we have enough money to keep our house. Looks like Orson and I have the same sort of problems. Which just makes it hard for me to help him.
Bryson has a sister. Clover. I saw her in the training center lifting something a lot bigger than her. She was short, cute, and pretty thin. She looked alot like her brother with her dark hair and brownish eyes. She was only about thirteen maybe. That Bruce guy walked up to her and kicked her legs, knocking her to the ground. She got up and ran to her brother. Crying, she hugged him and went out of the training room. Bruce picked up the thing Clover was just using and threw it across the room.It hit a short girl with dark black hair. "Fate!" Bliss cried running towards her. Bryson and Bliss carried the girl out of the training room. A tall boy with red hair walked up to Bruce and screamed at him. Bruce simply punched the boy in the face leaving him on the floor and walked to tread mill. I was standing right next to him.
He smiled at me. An evil smile. "Let's lift weights, Flair." A pretty girl said pulling my arm. She had dark brown hair, skin, and eyes. She was terribly thin. "Just stay away from Bruce. He's no good." She told me. "Thanks " she gave me five pound little weights. These people must think I'm weak. I found out the girls name is Ila. "It's a beautiful name." I told Ila. It really was.
Ila explained to me we had training for four hours, learning for 1 hour, dinner for 15 minutes, and this was a place where kids go and fight the royal people and the people that support them. This is where Orson is when he isn’t at school. It isn’t just fighting it is math and science used to create the most advanced weapons and such of all time. How did I get here? Then I remembered. The one I love, Orson, planned for them to kidnap me and force me to be here. It’s not his fault. He believed in me. He believed I could do it. He believed that I could do anything.
Bruce was throwing knives. Not just any knives, but flaming ones. One came at a red headed little girl another right at us. “Duck!” Ila screamed and we both got down on the floor. The knife landed two feet from Ila’s head and burned a hole in the wall. He walked over with knives and tried to stab Ila in the chest. She ran away so fast I couldn’t even see her. He shrugged and came with a knife towards me. Ila comes over in a second and knocks Bruce to the ground. Stabbing him with flaming knives. It tore and burned his clothes until he was half naked. He just lied there laughing like a maniac. He was stabbing a needle into his arm. “Too bad I had this.” He said talking about the drugged needle or something. “That wasn’t bad at all for a level two. If I wasn’t level one I would’ve died.” He bragged. What levels were he talking about? “I know you’re curious, come on I’ll show you.” Could everyone here read minds?
We walked over to a television screen. It was numbered one through fifteen. Everyones name was written in black except for Orson’s and mine.
1. Bliss - Bruce
2. Ila - Ace
3. Ever- Bryson
4. Fate - Clovis
5. McKenna - Gunther
6. Cassia - Melvin
7. Olympia - Axe
8. Clover - Orson
9. Dream - Emery
10.Tallulah - Irwin
11. Chambrey - Hale
12. Sage- Chad
13. Flair - Price
14. Aria - Ravi
15. Ella - Leal
“Who’s Price? Why is that my level? Why is his name next to mine? Why is my name red?” I asked Ila who was a level two. Did that mean I’m better than her? There’s no way I’m better than her. “Price is the male on your level. Levels are based on your fighting skills, math skills, and science skills. As I told you before, Price is on your level. Your name is in red because you have not officially joined our team.” Ila patiently answered. “Is level 13 good?” I asked. “Truthfully, It’s not very good at all. Everyone below you is seven years old. So are Sage and Chad, who are before you.” At least she was honest. “I’ve only been here a short while. How old is Price?” I asked. “Fourteen. He was level five until his horrible injury.” Great, so injured people and seven year olds are better than me. “Don’t freak out but the people on the same levels have to get married.” I could not believe it. I have to marry someone I don’t even know yet! “You won’t have to unless you officially joined.Price is really nice anyway.” That means Orson would have to marry a tiny, pretty, little thirteen year old girl. It’s sick how these little kids know exactly who they are going to have to marry. “Why do they do this?” I asked curiously. “So they can have new little baby fighters. The levels are supposed to make sure the babies are strong and skilled. It’s just awkward having to marry Ace. He’s really nice and my best friend but...” “You’re in love with him?” I interrupted. “No, He doesn’t really like girls...”She whispered. “He’s Um...Well, nevermind.”I could tell she was worried about him worried about marriage. “Oh” I said. “Don’t say anything about it. I’m not even sure he told his sister, Bliss.He loves her more than anything but he’s still not ready to say anything.” Says Ila. I nodded.
Our watches made this beeping sound. Mine said I had science and Ila's said she had math.
“Just be careful, Okay? Right now, Clover and you are Bruces targets. She’s younger and less strong than him and you’re new that’s all. If you see Clover alone, tell Me,Ace,Fate,Bliss,or Bryson. Don’t trust Dream or Ever either. Don’t try and protect Clover or anything because that’s what he wants. Don’t let Bruce bully Price. That’s all.” Ila quickly told me before running to her class. Why did she trust me? She told me Ace’s secret. That his own sister didn’t know.
I was the last person to leave the training room. In the hallway, I saw Bryson and Clover. They were talking to the girl that got hit in the head with the thing Bruce threw at her.Fate I think her name was. She was holding an ice pack on her head.
“Oh hey, Flair!” Bryson said to me. “Hey.” I said back. “This is my sister, Clover.” He said holding her tiny hand. She was beautiful. She looked a lot like her brother. “Hi.” Clover whispered. “She’s a little shy.” Fate said. “I’m Fate by the way. I love your hair!” She said smiling. My hair was just in a fishtail braid to the side. “Thanks.” I said. Her hair was beautiful. Prettier than mine. It was black, shiny but not greasy,it had tons of volume ,and had long flowy waves. My mother works in a small hair salon. She’s taught me everything. “You’re welcome. I used to braid Clover’s hair but now she usually wears a messy bun. But look, I did her hair in braids today.” Clovers hair was in two pretty french braids. “Cool.” I said. “Are you shy, too? I know Clover is. You don’t seem to talk much. That’s okay. I like listeners because I usually do all the talking. Am I annoying you? I’m sorry. I was so happy when I heard we had a new person coming.” She went on and on and on until we reached science.
We walked into the class and I took a seat next to Fate. She seemed nice enough. I think I’ll trust her. Ila told me to anyways. The teacher walked in. Dave. How weird was that? There was no whiteboard or chalkboard. There was huge screen. Words started to magically appear.
His name was Mr. Mars. We learned about physics. Orson loved physics. I saw him a couple of desks back carefully taking notes about the gravitational pull. It was adorable in the wierdest way.
Bruce got up and brought his seat right in the middle of Fates’ and mine. He put his arms around the both of us. I could tell Fate was afraid of him. “Hello, ladies.” He said evilly. “Bruce, get away.” Fate said firmly. He laughed. “Why don’t you make me, four?” He called everyone by their levels just to brag about how he was at the top. “Your sister tried to make me.” He said with a smile. Not a good smile. Something inside sweet, light hearted Fate snapped. “Screw you! Chambrey was better than you! You’re a stupid, ugly, jealous A-hole!” I remember seeing Chambrey was a few levels before me. “She was fourteen and better than a nineteen year old so you punched her!” Fate screamed. “Go to hell!” She yelled and stormed off. “Don’t mind her.” He told me. I bit his arm. I wanted him to scream in pain, gush out blood and die. He barely felt a thing. He just laughed. “You’ve been here a day and you’re already insane.” He said. “Oh, I’ve always been completely insane.” I said getting up and sitting next to Orson.
Beeping noises filled the room and everyone looked down at their wrists. Everyone’s said dinner but Orson’s. “I have to go to room seventeen. That’s weird. Most people have dinner now.” He said a little frightened. “I’m sure it’s nothing. See you later.” I said giving him a hug and leaving. He was scared. I could tell.
Since I had no idea where Fate was, I walked with Bryson and Clover. “The cafeteria is room eighteen.” Bryson told me. Good, I might see Orson. Actually, I did see Orson. A tall, older woman in a blue dress suit, walked Orson away down the hallway. Where was she taking him? What were they doing? I started to run down the hallway. I was following Orson. They walked in room thirty. I tried to open the door but it was locked. “Orson!” I screamed banging on the door. Bryson was following me the whole time I had no idea. “Relax, Flair. They’re testing his skills.” Bryson said calmly. “Oh.” It was embarrassing. Making such a fuss over nothing. We walked back to the cafeteria in silence. I wasted most of his fifteen minutes. They only ate two meals a day.
I walked into the crowded room. It was nothing like my school’s lunchroom. The ceiling showed the local news on it. The floors were transparent so you could see the classrooms. I don’t remember seeing the lunchroom from there.On the tables, were little computer things so you could just type what foods you’d like to eat and they’d give it to you. It was amazing. I sat down next to Ila. Fate’s eyes were red and puffy and her nose was running. It must have been Bruce. Bruce was sitting a few tables in front of us with Ever and Dream. He was wearing that same evil smile.
I took two bites of my turkey sandwich and heard that annoying beeping. It was free time. Most people just slept. I was going to find Orson. “Goodnight. I’m going to my room.” Ace said. He was tall and strong and looked just like his sister. His light hair, green eyes. Ila and Fate left. Clover let out a long yawn. “I think it’s time for someone to go to bed, sleepyhead.” Bryson said to her. He lifted Clover up on his shoulders and brought her to the rooms. “I know you want to see Orson.” Bliss said walking out of the cafeteria. “He’s in the training room with Mrs. Blue. It’s just testing.This might get him to a higher level.” She told me. “Can we watch him get tested?” I asked. “No, but let’s run away.” She said. “I know you’ve only been here a day but I’m done with this place.” I must have had a funny look on my face. “Don’t be like that! We can get everyone except for Bruce of course and-” She froze. “And what?” Asked a voice behind me. I turned around to see Bruce hovering over us. “Little princess wanna run away?” He asked Bliss. He lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. She started screaming, swearing, biting ,kicking, scratching and I just stood there looking like an idiot. “Dammit! You must have gotten stronger or something!” She yelled as he ran away after her. “Bliss?” I heard Bryson’s voice. I ran down the hallway where his voice was coming from. “Bruce took her and ran away!” We both started panicking. We ran where I saw him take her. There in the middle of the hallway was Bruce lying. His nose bloody and looked pretty broken and he had cuts all over his face. She stabbed him with her earrings.There were her earrings covered in his blood on the floor next to him. “He must be taking drugs or something because he really has gotten stronger.” Stronger but not nearly as strong as Bliss. She could’ve killed him if she wanted to. She probably did want to but she didn’t.
“Are you okay?” He said looking at the bruises on her face. “It’s fine.” She stepped on Bruce’s stomach and he screamed. She picked him up and dragged him to his room. Bryson helped her. “I lifted things that were five hundred pounds in training but you’re just so fat!” She told him. He wasn’t fat at all. He was heavy but not fat. But, she was only sixteen and she could carry a huge man. I turned sixteen two days ago. I don’t care if no one remembered. I couldn’t even remember myself.
I opened the door to my room. It was too late to call home. I wouldn’t want to wake them. “I’ll do it tomorrow.” I told myself. “Stop talking to yourself.” I kept talking to myself until I fell asleep. I didn’t fall asleep very long. “I want to die!” I heard someone screaming. Bryson.It was definitely his voice. I got out of bed. There were slippers and pajamas at the end of the bed. I was still in training clothes. I went in the bathroom and put them on. I started burning up in the soft, long pants and long sleeved shirt. I pulled on the slippers and went to Brysons room. It was unlocked. The door made a loud squeak when I opened it. Bliss was sitting on his bed with his head in her lap. She was wearing a tank top and underwear and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. She was singing softly to him.
Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day,
Lull’d by the moonlight have all pass’d away
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life’s busy throng,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me

Bryson already knew I was there. Bliss looked up “Oh, um, He had a nightmare. It’s really hot in our rooms. I was trying to calm him down. It’s not like that It’s just-” She was nervous. Very nervous. “It’s fine. I understand.” I told her. “Oh good, I should go.” She tucked him into bed. “No.” He said. “Keep singing.” She sang the song again. Her voice was so beautiful. It made you feel safe. It made Bryson forget that he wanted to die.
This was the calmest I’ve ever seen Bliss. I slowly opened the door and went to my room. In no time at all, I fell asleep.
The door opened and Orson came in. He sang Bliss’s song.He sang it in that milk and honey voice. Then, he sang something else.

It was time for our king
to let the prison bells ring
we all close our eyes
and we hope to die
all our children start to cry
and as we all stand there
he grabs us by the hair
then,he chops our heads
and now we’re all dead
I woke up screaming. It was all a dream. I knew that song. If you sang it the king will kill you. My heart was pounding. I remember that song. I was only seven. It was only five years after my father left. I knew the girl who wrote it. She grew up poor in Area five. You see, before I was born, we lived in a country. Now, it’s called the name of our king or queen. Our king has about twenty wives. We no longer have cities either. We have numbers. So, I live in Area five, King Frederick. The girl who wrote it lived pretty close. She is like Orson. She stood up to the king. Fortunately, Orson hasn’t done anything too horrible. But the girl, Sadie was incredibly brave. She babysat me and Summer once. She went to prison. The first night was the only night she slept. They tortured her. She wrote one letter to her family. It had the song in it. They would bring all of the prisoners in a small room. Then, they would kill ten everyday. The soldiers would walk around the room, pull someone’s head up off the ground they were lying on, and chop off their head.The sixth day, she was one of the ten people. The parents were amazed.Very sad but amazed at what happens there. The letter got put in the newspaper and her parents were killed for it. Her brother still lives a few houses away from ours. He was one of the children that cried.He was only thirteen back then.He was worried about his sister.She died so young. Twenty years old. I was only seven then. But nine year old Summer, knew what was happening and so did Sadie’s brother.
You couldn’t sleep any later than 11:00. It was only 8:00. Someone was knocking on my door.
I yawned and opened the door. Mr. Quail. In the rich neighborhoods, everyone’s phone,computer,television,microwave,fridge,ovens and everything was made by him. Bliss Quail. Ace Quail. How was I just realizing this now? He had the same green eyes but his hair was much darker than his children’s. “Just checking up on you. Everything okay?” He asked me. I nodded because I was too nervous to speak. “Great! You’ve met my children, Ace and Bliss right?” I nodded again. “Perfect. Have fun.Training starts in a few hours.” Then, he left.
I closed the door and found my training clothes clean and folded. I don’t know who’s in my room when I’m not looking but I don’t care right now. I went in the bathroom and put the clothes on again. “Your behavior is disgusting!” I heard Mr.Quail say. “It’s not like that! Let me talk for a minute!” It was Bliss’s voice. I put my ear against the wall. “You don’t have to explain! You were in the same bed! Half naked!”He yelled. Bliss must have fell asleep in Bryson’s bed. “You’ve been causing trouble since you were a toddler! I’m not surprised you’ve been sleeping with every boy here!” I heard a loud slapping noise. “Don’t hit me! I’m your father!” He screamed. “No! You’re not my father!” She yelled back. “Good, I’m not proud of you at all right now!” Why were they fighting in the hallway? “I’m serious! I might not be your biological daughter! Mom’s been cheating! You don’t pay any attention to any of us! Not mom, me or Ace! You only had children so we can kill all of the bad guys and make you look like a rich hero!” That must have really hurt him. It hurt me. We have to kill them? I knew we would have to fight but kill? “Go to your room! Or Bryson’s! Have fun with Bryson! You’ll learn someday!” He yelled at her. “I’ll have to marry and have children with Bryson the second I turn eighteen! What’s the difference? My children will be little fighters. You should be so proud! You’ve been fighting the king for years and he’s still king!He’s still killing everyone! You’re a failure!” I heard another slap but it wasn’t Bliss. “I don’t even care! Turning me into a killer is already child abuse!”She said. I heard a door slam. Mr. Quail was crying. I think it was because of his wife cheating. It didn’t sound like he cared about Bliss.
When my parents were children, Bliss would be an adult when she was eighteen. She wouldn’t have to get married. Now, she’ll have to wait until she’s twenty. She’ll probably be married with children by then. “I’m going to kill myself!” I heard her scream. I went in the hallway and saw Bryson being beaten up. “Why were you going in her room?” One of the guards said. There was about ten guards outside. They were making sure she would stay in her room alone. They didn’t care if she commits suicide. “Bryson!” I screamed. “Hey! Go back in your room!” One of the guards said. “Bryson! No you can’t hurt him!” Bliss screamed through the door. She kicked it down and the door fell on one of the guards. They tried to stop her but she had a knife. It was just a simple, plastic, butter knife that took down ten people.It was almost 12 o’clock but True never told me it was time for training. Bryson had bruises and cuts all over him. She put his head in her lap and stroked his hair.His lip was bleeding pretty badly. “Sing.” He said tasting his blood. She sang Beautiful Dreamer. Just like she did last night. When she sings, I feel safe.Even right now. I’m not scared anymore. Neither was Bryson.She used her pretty,long,lace skirt to wipe the blood. The woman that tested Orson came. “Ila said it’s safe to go. Flair doesn’t need to do her task. Midnight, you three run. Get to the elevator. Exactly midnight.” She handed Bliss a backpack. “That’s all you need. Don’t ask questions. It’s not safe here. Don’t worry about the others we’ll get them out. Bliss, stop singing for now. Bryson, stay away from her. Flair, make sure they follow the rules.” She must have seen the worry on my face. “You can trust me. I’m Ila’s mother. You trust her right?” I nodded. I’m not sure I do trust her but I will. “This was partly Orson’s plan.” The woman said. That made me a lot less scared. The woman looked a lot like Ila. She walked away and her heels made a loud clicking noise.
Bryson and Bliss looked at each other. They got up and went to their rooms. What was happening? I knocked on Orson’s door. It took a while, but he opened it. I threw my arms around him and cried. He shut the door. “Flair, what happened?” I looked into his sweet,caring eyes. “Mrs.Blue told you the plan?” He asked. “Yes! Why? She said you helped.” I was shaking and suddenly the world was blurry. “Calm down, you’re going to faint. I can’t tell you. I’ll call you tomorrow morning. The bag has three phones in it. It has a credit card and money but we’re worried Mr.Quail will be able to track with the credit card. Only use it for emergencies. Go to that little motel. It’s pretty close. Ryton will be there. He’ll help you.” Ryton was popular, rich,and handsome but surprisingly, he’s not a jerk. “The bag holds everything you need. Mr.Quail is going to try and kill Bryson and get Bliss back. Honestly, he doesn’t care much about you. Just try and protect them.” He added. I wanted to know why it’s not safe here. If it’s not, Orson shouldn’t be here. I couldn’t ask questions. The more I think, the more scared I get. I really can’t be scared right now. Not when I don’t know what’s going on.
I Opened his door and went out. The guards were fixing the door Bliss knocked down.”Try not to break everything.” One of them said and they left. I waved at Bliss. She has been crying. I thought she was stronger than that but I was crying too. Bruce came down the hallway. “This is your fault.” He said to Bliss.He laughed. “I always thought you were so pure. You and Bryson sure had fun.” He said laughing. “Shut up, you idiot. You shouldn’t judge people before you know what happened.” She sounded like she wanted to cry. “You’re such a hypocrite. You thought Ever was bad because she wears a lot of makeup.” He put his arm on her waist. “You’re so weak when you’re sad.Daddy's girl is finally growing up.” She tried to get him off her. She sighed. “I am weak. I’m stupid too.” He laughed. “That’s right. I always knew you were just some dumb blonde.” I hated him. I should probably help her but I can’t. I’m weak and stupid. “I hate you.” She told him. “I love you too, cupcake.” He was drunk. Or high or something. “You’re not allowed to drink.You smell like vomit.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Ew! Get away!” She kicked him in between the legs and he fell down to the floor groaning. She ran into her room and shut the door.I really should have helped. I feel like a bad friend. I guess we’re friends now.
The clock in my room told me it was 11:37. Oh, God. I tried to take deep breaths. My eyes grew heavy. I can’t sleep now. My hands were shaking. A tear rolled down my face. The more I thought, the more I cry. I can’t call my mother now. “Calm down.” I said to myself. “You’re doing it again.” I was making too much noise. “God, shut up will you!” I just told myself to shut up. What’s wrong with me? I finally stopped. Oh my God. It was now 11:56. I was in my training clothes. I grabbed my key. Not sure if I would need it and went out in the hallway. This was it I’m finally leaving. Finally? I’ve been here for two days. Bryson and Bliss are finally leaving. I’m not sure why though. That was the part that scared me the most.
Bryson was in the hallway. He quietly knocked on her door. No answer. He opened it. “It was unlocked.” He whispered. Bliss was lying on the floor. She kept saying that she wanted to die. Bryson looked at her then me. I could tell he was thinking the same thing. “It’s okay. She’s breathing. She must have passed out or something.” She lifted her up and started to leave her room. “Wait, she needs Pride.” He told me. “What are you talking about? She has plenty of pride.” I looked at her. Maybe she didn’t. He grabbed a little elephant stuffed animal off of her bed and put it it the bed. Pride. She needed Pride. I smiled. I know this was not the time to be smiling.
We tiptoed to to the elevator. Same beautiful elevator. I pressed the button and the doors opened. We hurried in and I pressed the top button. It was the only button the didn’t have numbers on it. It seemed to take forever but the doors opened. I looked at the sand. That’s all there was. Except the road somewhere over there. Dream and Ever were there next to the wall. Smoking. They dropped the cigarettes and stomped on them. Bryson put Bliss down. She was okay now. Awake, not okay. We stared at each other for a while. “We won’t tell if you don’t tell.” Ever said. Bryson nodded. If he didn’t run away, he would have to marry her. Dream walked over to Bliss and Bliss started coughing. “Can’t handle the smoke? You can’t run away. You’ll be coming back to your daddy. You’re not a real girl. You’re a puppet. Your dad controls you. Grow up and get a life. You’re made to kill. We all are. You the most.” Bliss wanted to cry. I know she did. “If you were smart, you wouldn’t talk like that to someone with a knife in her bag. Bliss better not.She opened the bag and put the knife a few inches away from Dream’s neck. “Do it.” Dream said. Bliss sighed and put the knife away. “I knew you couldn’t handle it.” Dream said getting into the elevator. “When she’s not fighting, she can’t be out of there.” She said as we were walking towards the road.Bliss fell down and Bryson had to carry her a few times. We walked down the long road. Very few cars went by. I could barely see until we reached the rich neighborhoods. They had bright street lights. There were fancy hotels but we were told to go to the little motel called “Spend the Night.” Not the most creative name or anything. I don’t even know how many nights we’re spending there.
Ryton was in the lobby. “Flair!” He came over and hugged me. Then, He kissed me. It was a short kiss on the lips. It was weird. We usually just hugged. A friendly hug. “This is them?” He asked looking at Bliss and Bryson. “Yep.” I told him “She’s so...thin and he’s so...muscular?” He whispered it like it was a question. “Yeah.” I looked at him. Same short black hair. Same light blue eyes. Same perfect face. He seemed to fit right in with Bliss and Bryson. Ryton was strong and flawless. Just like Bliss and Bryson. I had oily skin,freckles,and scars that I’ve had forever. Bliss was naturally beautiful. Not how people think Lovette and Hannah are beautiful. They’re fake. They have hair extensions, spray tans, and tons of makeup. I don’t think that makes them beautiful at all. Ryton used to be Hannah’s boyfriend. It makes me sick. He’s better than that.
Ryton was carrying luggage. “I have stuff you might need. Summer knows you’re okay. I didn’t tell her everything. Orson told me where you all came from. It’s okay you can trust me, Right Flair?” He said to us. “Yeah. Ryton is great.” He just laughed. “I can never tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.” Did I offend him? “No,I wasn’t. Thanks for helping.” Bryson talked to the lady at the front desk and she gave him a key. They had no rooms with two beds available and there were three people staying in one room. This is going to be weird. I’ll have to deal with the nightmares and the suicidal thoughts. It must suck to be Bliss and Bryson.They’re pretty messed up.
We walked off the elevator. It was just a regular elevator. No glass,diamonds,or red carpet. I shouldn’t think about that place. It’s not safe. But when I really think about it, I’m not safe anywhere. Not with Bliss and Bryson. Someone’s after us. I’m safe with Ryton, though. I must be. Even if Orson hadn’t told him and trusted him. Ryton stood up for my sister. As much as I loved her, I could have never done that. I can’t stand up to bullies. Now, Ryton is helping me. Why is he so nice to everyone? I tried to think of one nice thing I’ve done for him. I let him borrow a pen a few times in class and I let him borrow my notes. That was it. Ryton helped me study for that test. Ryton helped me up when I tripped on the sidewalk. Ryton bought the necklace Summer wanted for her birthday,and he told her it was from me. Rytons family let Summer and me stay at his house when mom didn’t come home.Ryton played with me in kindergarten when no one else would. Ryton bought my school lunches when I didn’t have the money. Why am I thinking about that? Why does Ryton have to be so kind?
The room was small, cozy. It was more at home and it wasn’t underground. The bed was pretty big. But, there is no way three people are going to fit on it. I wouldn’t want to anyway. Ryton took one blanket off the bed and layed it on the floor. Then, he took a pillow. “I should get going.” He said and left. The three of us just stood there. Silent. It was so quiet I could hear them thinking. They were afraid. Terrified. “It’s okay.” I said more to me than to them. “We’re all safe now.”
It was 2:58 a.m. I got it the blanket on the floor and Bliss and Bryson shared the bed. They were pretty uncomfortable about it.
I couldn’t sleep. I just stayed there. Bryson said “Clover.” about five times in his sleep. Bliss was crying the whole time. I wasn’t sure if she was crying in her sleep and I didn’t want to wake her. I looked at the clock next to me. 4:03 a.m. “Are you awake?” I heard Bliss whisper. “Yeah.” I answered. She crawled out of bed and sat next to me. “Do you have have a family? Brothers? Sisters?” She asked me in a quiet voice. “I have a mother and a sister. No father.” I can’t cry. Not now. Why should I cry? Not for him. He left when I was two years old. He never cared about us. He hurt us. He doesn’t deserve my tears. I’m not going to cry. “Oh.” Bliss said.”I’m sorry to hear that.” I was sorry, too. “My sister’s name is Summer.I really miss her.” I wanted to tell her everything. I wasn’t just going to pour my heart out. Not now. Maybe not ever. Ever. What’s she doing now? Smoking with Dream? No, probably crying. Having a mental breakdown. Screaming. Ever was just like all of them. Like Bruce and his drinking. They didn’t know how to deal with their feelings and problems.He tries to drink them away. Now that I think about it, he’s always been drunk. When I first saw him, he bumped into Bliss because he could barely walk. Maybe he wasn’t all that bad. Maybe it was just the alcohol. Broken. They were all so broken.
I saw the bag next to me. I opened it. It was too dark to see but I felt something soft. I pulled out Pride and handed him/her to Bliss. “Bryson knew you would’ve wanted it. You should get some sleep.” I told her. It was sweet how Bryson knew.She hugged me and went back to bed. I did too.
I don’t think I had a dream that night.Maybe I did, but forgot. I rolled onto my side to look at the alarm clock. 7:48 a.m. I looked on the bed. No one. I slowly stood up so I could see them. They had to be there. But they weren’t.

Chapter 3

No, not in the bathroom. Not hiding near the mini fridge. Not near the microwave. Nowhere. They were nowhere. But there was someone in the room. And it wasn’t them. He stood tall and strong in his navy blue uniform. The soldiers. The king's soldiers. My heart was racing. Just one of them? Why isn't he talking? Why wasn’t he killing me? Biss and Bryson have killed these soldiers all their lives. Where were they? The soldier had wrinkles on his face and his hair was starting to go gray. He didn’t seem to be breathing. He just stood there You can’t be dead and still standing. Can you? He wasn’t moving at all. Not a single muscle. I took a few steps backward. I picked up the bag while watching him. What was he doing? There had to weapons in here. There were but I found something much better. Something that could do anything. Anything at all. A cell phone. Not just any cell phone. A Quail phone. A smart phone. A phone that hasn’t come out in stores. A phone that not even Lovette and Hannah could afford. A phone made by Mr. Quail, the most powerful scientist on the planet. The phone that could freeze time and make you and your friends invisible. A phone that could sense danger and soldiers. THe phone told me it all. It knew he was coming and caused all this to happen. We’re safe because of a phone.
I didn’t feel invisible. I could see myself. Maybe other people can’t see me. Bliss and Bryson were probably sleeping on that bed. There were two other phones in that bag. Just like this one. There were also weapons. Weapons like the ones in training. Guns, flaming knives,poison,arrows, and every other weapon you can think of. There was something else in the bag. Something terrifying. Sadie’s song. I didn’t know her very well. Not the way Ryton knew her. She was like a sister to him.
Years ago, there was a brave, twelfth grade teacher. She taught math, but thought the kids should know more. More history. Every year since kindergarten, we learn about the holocaust. Not any leaders, kings, rulers, dictators. Just the holocaust. And what it is.We learn that even though the king is terrible and so is life, at least it’s not the holocaust. We can’t learn about any other rulers than the king. So, the teacher skipped her fractions that day and told them just one thing. One thing that changed all of their lives. “Students, I would like to inform you about something. I might be risking my life but you must know this. You don’t know what it was like before. In happier times. I’ll start by the presidents. I’ll explain that soon. You see, the first president of the United States of America was George Washington.” Not only was she telling banned history, but she said the “A word.” America. A soldier burst into the classroom and beat her. Right in front of the kids. Cleo, Rytons sister, was in that class. So was Cleo’s best friend, Sadie.
I grabbed the knife out of the bag and stabbed the frozen soldier. He probably can’t feel anything. He quickly disappears after I stab him. What the hell just happened? Bliss and Bryson were there. Laying in the bed asleep. We’re not invisible anymore. The clock was still ticking. everything was fine.Bliss’s eyes fluttered open. It’s better not to tell her. “Flair!” She screamed. I could no longer see her. Or Bryson. I turned behind me. The king. The king was right behind me with a gun pointed to my head. A knife went flying over my head and into the king’s. He disappeared just like the soldier did. She did it. He’s dead. She’s waited all her life to do that. It was that easy. He just walked in here and bam! Dead.I looked back at the bed. She had the phone in her hands. “I deactivated them. Don’t worry. They’re not real but my dad might be able to figure out where we are.” Bliss said. What was she talking about? This didn’t make any sense. Nothing did.
Bliss swore under her breath. “We have to get out. Now.” She grabbed the bag and a few of the bags Ryton left here. “Take these.” She said putting them into my bag. She shook Bryson awake. “Take what we might need and you two get out of here. No questions asked.” We both nodded. She took the leather bag out of my hands and pulled out a lighter. What was she doing? What was happening? “Go!” She yelled and Bryson ran out of the room. I followed. Running. My heart pounding. We ran out of the lobby and into the fresh, cold air. Too cold to be summer. People started running. Screaming. Panicking. “What’s happening?” I asked Bryson. Suddenly, I heard sirens. Bliss did something. What did she do? The whole building burst into flames. She started a fire. Why? “No!” Bryson screamed pushing past all the people. He ran into the fiery building. I waited. Not for him to come back. For him to die.
Police, firemen, and soldiers came. They would save them. They won’t figure out that Bliss did it. They won’t die. Who was I kidding? We’re all going to die. Bryson came out carrying Bliss. They looked disgusting. But I haven’t showered in days. I looked down. I was still in my training clothes. I didn’t brush my hair this morning. I looked disgusting. Bliss looked pretty dead, but she was slightly breathing. Bryson sat down laying Bliss’s body on the ground next to me. He was coughing and burned. Bliss still looked beautiful. He hair stayed perfect and her face is barely dirty. But she looked dead. “Why did you do it?” I whispered even though she probably can’t hear me or answer. She coughed. “To save them.” Save them? Doesn’t she mean kill them? I couldn’t hear my own thoughts because of a huge noise. The building exploded. Not because of a fire. Because of a bomb. People yelled,ran,and sweared. “They got out. I had to save them.” Bliss whispered. I sat down next to her. People were still hurt. Pieces of the building landed on them, but no one died. “I still don’t get it.” I told her. She slowly sat up. “The fire alarm went off. It made everyone get out. The bomb was from him. My dad.” She said to me.
There was a father and his three, small children. One was just a baby. The oldest looked about six years old. They were hugging each other tightly. Crying. Screaming. Hugging. They would have died. Bliss saved them. Bliss saved us. Bliss saved the many people in that building. Bliss is no monster. Bliss is no killer. Bliss is truly a hero. A very brave hero. She could have died. She would have died if it wasn’t for Bryson. He is no monster. He is no killer. He is another brave hero. But no one will know. People are afraid of the fire. And aren’t sure about the bomb. They should be thanking Bliss and Bryson. “Thank You.” I whispered to them. I don’t know why I whispered. It just wasn’t right speaking loudly. They both had puzzled looks on their faces. “For what?” Bryson asked. “Everything.” I told them. “Just everything.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2012

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