
Meet the Gang

Today was Tuesday I think…oh well. I drag myself out of bed and get my clothes ready for school. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans with a gray tank top. I top it off with some polo boots and my favorite pair of glasses. I usually where contacts but I decided to go different today. I also get a few necklaces and bracelets too. I look over my outfit and finally decides it looks decent. I was about to get in the shower when the wicked witch of the west called my name. "Kelly!" She yelled at me from the bottom of our stairs. "What the hell do you want?!" I yell back at her. See me and my mom didn't have a perfect relationship. Ever since my dad died from a car reck when I was 12 I just didn't even care anymore. But that wasn't the only reason why. My mom always wanted me to be one of those prissy little cheerleader girls but it ain't gonna happen. My mom was a real estate agent and had many rich friends ,(not that we weren't but anyways) so she always wanted to make a good impression. I guess by me being like those snobby rich girls was it. She always thought I was one of those emo freaks but I just see myself as different. Another reason why I started dissing my mom is because every single night she brought home a different man. One-weeks is the longest they stay then leave. I know though , it's because my mom got an implant on her breasts and ass. Basically she had the body of an whore. She had long blonde hair (*cough* dyed) with baby blue eyes. She's maybe a few inches taller than me when she doesn't have he high heels on. Her butt was huge but she was skinny. See literally spells out whore. "Breakfast is ready in 5."Please I wouldn't eat that shit if that was the last thing to eat or die! "I'm not eating your shit!" I screamed taking my clothes off then getting in the shower. I guess now would be a good idea to explain who I am since I forgot. My name is Kelly Leblanc. I have black hair mow that was originally brown with blonde highlights that probably stops in the middle of my back. I have big brown eyes with long lashes. I also still kinda had a tan from summer. I'm about maybe 5"6 at the most I don't know. I'm pretty smart kid and really good in school…ok maybe in not the best smartest kid with straight Cs with one or two Ds and I sometimes get in fight. But hey ain't nobody perfect. I hop out the shower and dry off then do my hair and makeup with little eyeshadow here little eyeliner there. I brush my teeth and all that other crap too then go get dress. Once I'm done I grab my wallet,keys, and book sack then head out. I get into the kitchen then got ready for my mom aggravating voice about how I dress. "Why do you like dressing like that?" And there it goes her questioning and looking me up and down. So like always I bring up something I know'll make her mad. "Why do like bringing home different men every night and giving them head?" Her face gets tomato red and I smirk. "Don't you dare talk to me like that again!" She screams but I laugh. "Yea whatever see ya later prostitute!" I say leaving before she can reply. I get in my black mustang I got last year for my 16th birthday. I start her up and head to my friends and my boyfriend's house. My boyfriend is Jarred Colt. He's captain of the football team so you know jocks cheerleader lunch table but eh I'm good. I choose to hang out with my friends and he does sometimes too. Jarred is like a little taller than me at like 5"9. He has a buzz hair cut with brown hair. His eyes are this dark green that are just beautiful. We met in 8th grade. I was alone at a school dance and he asked if I wanted to dance and of course I said yes and from there we've been boyfriend and girlfriend! As for my other friends its been a hold different story. We all knew each other since pre-K and we were all neighbors except when we all moved to go to a different high school. Jenny is like my sister. She's the cheerleader captain but that doesn't change anything between us. She's like 5"7 with a freakin body any girl would die for! She has blonde hair that's like a mile longer than mine! She has green eyes that are like the same color as limes. She's really nice now but you gotta watch her cause she's really sneaky and she'll do anything behind your back! Now Helen is the total opposite. Helen's really short 5"2 and super skinny. She's really funny and nice and really smart. You can trust her with your darkest secret and she won't even talk about it. She has red hair and kinda grayish eyes. She's like my mother cause she's always giving me good advise and shit like that. Last and certainly not least we have Kelp. Kelp is my brother. Like no joke he is. He has kinda long dirty blonde hair thats just long enough to cover one of his eyes. Me and him are just about the same height and size but he has muscles. His eyes are like a blue-greenish color. He's also like really funny and is always caring for others! I honk my horn once waiting for Jarred to come out. Once I see him coming I hop out my car to greet him. "Hey Reed" I call out to him as he's approaches. Reed is his nickname for me cause he doesn't like it when I call him Jarred. "Hey Babe." He calls back closing in on me. He totally towers me but he knows not to try and control me. He plants a big wet morning kiss on my lips then opens the door for me. Next house I drive to is Helen and Jenny's. The lucky bastards are still neighbors so I pick them up together. "Hey Kelly." They both call out to me then hop in to go pick Kelp up. Once we have everyone we head to school. 

The New Boy

At school we all split up. I have Home Ec with Helen and Jenny. While Reed goes to PE and Kelp has art. I go to my locker grab my books then head to class. Of course Jenny comes running in with the latest gossip. That girl loves gossip as long as its not about her. "OMG there's a new boy and they say he is totally hot!" Geez this girl literally tries to get any boyfriend she can. "Well that's good for you huh?" I say sarcastically and she gives me an evil glare then we both laugh. The bell then rings and Mrs.Calberry walks in. "Good morning class!" She booms at us but she's very nice she just doesn't like seeing us slumpy. "Take your textbooks out and read pages 123-135. You will be quizzed on what you read." I usually don't read cause I already know this crap so I take my cell-phone out and start textin Reed.Me: Hey reedReed<3: sup babe how's Home EcMe:boring we're being quizzed on textbook pages we have to read-.-Reed<3: don't wrry I'm sure you'll do good on it :3Me: awww thanks reed(:Just then I hear the intercom buzz in for me to go to the principals office.Me: hold on Reed I gotta go to the office ttyl bye(;Reed<3:bye      As I'm heading to the principals office I'm wondering what I did bad this time. No bad grades I'm a C,D student. I didn't get in any fights yet or didn't do anything like that. I haven't back talked a teacher all week. When I make it to his office there's this amazingly hot boy in there.    He's about 6"0 and a freakin lady magnet. He has the most adorable hazel eyes I think I've ever seen! He also has that kinda unshaven goatee that makes him look totally sexy! He has muscle but not as much as Reeds. He has black hair that curls at the end of his hair enough to cover his forehead and partial of his right eye. He's wearing a pair of low skinny jeans with a chain on them. He also has on a black and red shirt on that screams out abs.Gosh he's a hunk! Wait stop Kelly you have a boyfriend cut the nonsense out. "Ms.Leblanc ,I called you in to see if you would give our new student ,Mr.Bernard ,a tour around the school. I'm giving you permission to skip out on class , here are your passes and have a nice day."   Our principal nods our way as we leave. "So ya gotta name?" He asked smiling showing his pearly white teeth. "Yep its Kelly , you?" I ask back. "Jason." He says. Wow his name just fits him and seems like my kinda guy. Oh no! Reed would not like this. He's super overprotective when it comes to the guys I hang out with! "Sooo where ya from?" I ask trying to build up a conversation. "I'm from Iowa North East High." He says like it really is nothing , but it is! I always wanted to live in Iowa and go to North East High! "Are you serious?" I ask back. "No it's a joke." He says sarcastically. "Why would you want to even go there it's a dump , the foods disgusting and the people are druggies.""Oh well then never mind." I tell him. I didn't think the school was that bad I just thought it was a little bit bad but oh well. As we keep talking I'm starting to get to know him more and more now. He has a red charger that he got last year for his 17th birthday but in a few months(Jason is 18 now) he's turning 19. Turns out he stays on my street too. I look at his schedule and its good but also not. We have all our classes together but Reed is in our chemistry class so if he sees me talking to Jason and helping him and all that shit then he won't be happy. "So you have all of your classes with me which I'll show you to now but we're gonna be like staying in our first class but just introducing you to your teacher. In here is your Home Ec. Mrs.Calaward this is your new student Jason Bernard , he won't be attending class today though." All the girls in there eyes are glued to him and he doesn't even notice. "Nice to meet you Jason I'm sure you'll enjoy our class tomorrow." Mrs.Calaward greets Jason then we're out but then before we leave Mrs.Calaward calls back," Wait Jason!" We turn back around. " You'll need to pick a partner to sit with when we cook and that partner will be your partner for the rest of the school year." Jason stops and thinks then says ,"Well depicting that I only know one person so far my partner of course will be Ms.Leblanc." Mrs.Calaward looks at him like she wanted him to say my name but I kinda did too. I mean like so he wouldn't have to get one of those other crazy girls ……right? Ok I think I need to see Reed now. Before I start falling for him. "You made a good choice Mr.Bernard. I'll see you tomorrow and have a nice day." We leave the class and head to where he'll take gym. "So where ya taking me now Kelly?" "Gym" I picked gym next cause I know Reed is in there and I'm in desperate need for one of his kisses.

Off to Great Start

When we get in there the first the person I see is Reed without a shirt on. Once he's finished doing the I don't know how many push-ups he was doing he turns and sees me then jogs to us. "Hey babe" he tells while giving me a hug. "Shouldn't you be in PE?" I say while we're walking down the hallway. "Nope see I had to "use the bathroom" so I can see you cause I missed you." He whispers in my ear. "How much?" I test him cause I know that I'll get one of his kisses. He pushes me against a locker then begins the show. He's kissing roughly while gently pulling my hair while I'm grasping his head. I start moaning in his mouth as he kinda slows down and moves his hand down my pants. "You must have missed me too I can feel how wet you are." Oh god yes I was wet. I was really missed him too. Don't get me wrong I'm not a virgin either so it's perty easy to get aroused. "Reed" I moan as he was rubbing. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jason leaning against the wall trying to look everywhere but us with his jaw tight and fist clenched for an odd reason. Was he attracted to me? If he was then oh well what can you do. After a little while he clears his throat to try and get us to stop and have his attention. Reed turns to look at Jason then back at me. "Who's the loser?" I push Reed's chest back a bit to give me some space now. "Be nice and he's just a friend. He's new here and Mr.Baker wanted me to give him a tour. You don't have to get jealous." I reassure him poking his chest. "Yea but I don't like how's he's staring at you." He whispers back. "Reed chill out I'm my own person if I don't like how he's staring then I'll say something but you don't have to you should know this by now." Yea I know he's getting jealous but he knows I'm my own person and he doesn't tell me what to do. I can't stand it when boyfriends do that. It grinds my gears! "Alright I'm sorry I forgot I just wanna make sure he knows your my girl and no one comes between us. I love you." "I love you too Reed now go back to PE I'll see you at lunch." I give him a kiss on the cheek and give him a push to go. As he's moving I see him give Jason a glare then leave. "Well that was interesting." Jason says pushing himself off the  wall. "Sorry about that but uh probably obvious that that was my boyfriend Jarred but I call him Reed. And about that little show he was just jealous and getting a little over pro tect to. But yea just don't worry bout him.""Why would he be jealous?" I think he might think I think he's cute but hey oh well. "Well you are kinda cute and Reed doesn't like me hangin out with certain boys but he'll be fine." He looks straight like he's thinking then says ," Where to now?" "Well now it's lunchtime but you might wanna be careful cause well you'll see." I saw giggling hard while he's just staring at me confused. When we get to the lunchroom and spot my table I give him a warning ,"Well good luck!" Once we're at our table Jenny freaks. "Hey Jason right?" Jenny say twisting her hair and batting her lashes. "Ummm yea your name?" Jason says not noticing her flirting yet I think. "Well that's Jenny , Helen , and Kelp oh here comes Reed." Once he's seated he pulls me in his lap and starts kissing me roughly and digging his fingers in my hair. "Hey some people are trying to eat their lunch not watch you two eating each other!" Kelp calls out but I forgot they were even here. "Sorry but that was my lunch" Reed calls back. "Oh you too both shut up and Reed I do think me and you should stop eating each other out in front of our friends." I tell him raising an eyebrow. "Fine your right sorry I just wanna let some people know that your mine and mine only!" Reed says kissing my cheek and glaring at Jason through the corner of his eye. Jason takes a seat on the other side of me and says ,"Are you implying that to me?" "I'm implying it to however try's to take her from me and for whoever I say it goes for." The table gets tense and super quiet. "Well I just assumed because all day so far you've been staring at me like I stole your cookie or something!" The whole table burst into laughters but Reed. He got up and stood "Are you gonna get up tell me that to my face?" Once I noticed what Reed was trying to do I stood up in front of him to stop. "Reed , Baby what are you doing , surely not started a fight over me hm?" " Yea the dude needs to learn how to shut the fuck up and when I say something just listen and let it be the end of it" Reed said almost yelling. I took his hand and said ," I think we should talk about this in private later ok?" Reed sighed for a minute then looked at Jason then me. "Yea alright maybe when you come pick me will be good deal?" I got happy that he made the right choice. Reed usually doesn't listen but I'm glad he did this time. I gave him a peck on the lips and said,"Good choice Reed!" He smiles back at me then pulls me down to sit on his lap. It's quiet at our table for a bit except when Jason asks Kelly where their next class is. "Chemistry." Jason puts his head down then sighs ," I absolutely hate chemistry.""Too bad for you huh there's a lot of things in this school I don't like starting with you. Suck it up." Reed really doesn't like Jason but I don't know why? It's Jason's first day and the isn't nearly over yet. "Reed stop just don't even talk to Jason at all alright he was talking to me not you. Your being childish just quit!" I don't like it when me and Reed get in arguments come to think about it we never did but anyways he needs it straight. He's probably gonna curse me out a bit then leave....hopefully. "I'm being childish really Kelly what the hell am I being childish about?!" He's now set me on the other side of him. "You keep picking on Jason like he did something which he didn't its only his first day and your being a damn idiot Jarred!" He glares at me then just stares for a bit. "You know what yea okay whatever I'm childish." He gets his things and starts leaving. "Where are you going Reed?!" I yell at him. "I'll see you in chemistry." And with that he leaves the cafeteria. I put my head down and run my fingers through my hair. I can feel tears starting to prickle at my eyes. This was me and Reeds first argument since we first met. I feel someone starting to pat my back and I turn to see Jason. "I'm sorry I should have just shut up in the beginning and I'm also sorry for y'all argument and don't worry he'll come back and forgive you." "Thanks Jason that's really nice of you." Just then the bell rings and I take Jason to chemistry class. "So just find a seat anywhere." I go off and sit just when he comes up to me and ask about the seat next to me. "Yea sure you can take it I doubt Reed will sit there." Speaking of him he just walked in the classroom with blotchy red eyes. I can't believe he cried. Both our eyes meet then he turns back around. Jason gently rubs my hand that's on the table and smiles while mouthing "It's ok". I smile back at him but tears start falling back at my face. He takes his thumb and wipes my tears up. I kneel into his hand that feels so warm better than Reed's.I think for a moment. Reed never wiped my tears away to reassure everything's okay…the only time he even touched my face was to lean in and give me a kiss. I smile and close my eyes thinking about how Jason cares for me and my feelings. God his touch was so warm and comforting. When I finally open my eyes I smile at Jason who smiles back. I look up to see Reed with hurt eyes and then he looks down at our hands , Jason , then up at me. I can see his eyes watering so I just turn my head and move my hand from Jason's slowly making my hand and body feel cold. Mr.Richard walks in and claps his hands loudly together. "Afternoon class. Today we'll be doing partner read and answer questions on pages 117-134." He writes that on the chalk board and starts handing out papers. "Go ahead what are you waiting for find your partners!" Me and Reed look at each other then quickly turn away. "I'm guessing me and you are partners huh?" I nod my head but look to see who Reed partners up with and it's Jenny. He's playing with her hair knowing I'm watching so I look and watch from the corner of my eye until he's looking at me. I put my hand on his shoulder and say ,"Just go with it please." He nods in agreement and starts laughing and I smile. He moves a strand of hair from my face then rubs my cheek. I giggle at his doing then curl a piece of his hair around my finger. I can see Reed from the corner of my eye and he doesn't look happy or sad …but mad. I smile. Reed then picked up Jenny and set her on his lap. Jason sees them so he picks up my hand and gives it a long kiss. It kinda feels right letting Jason kiss my hand but I just let that thought go to the back of my head. I just wanna make Reed jealous…. right , I don't know but I think I might be getting feelings for Jason. Once Jason lips are away from my hand he plants another kiss on both of my cheeks then smiles at me. I can see Reed fuming then put Jenny down and heads our way. Me and Jason just start laughing but stop just as he gets there. "Jarred what are you doing all the way over here?" I question him dumbly like I don't have a clue what's going on. Reed gets on one of his knees so we're eye level. "Kelly..... I'm sorry I should've stopped messing with Jason when you said so and Jason I'm just as sorry. Kelly I should've acted the way I have but I know now.Please forgive me?" I nod my head then push my lips forward so we're both kissing. Somehow we both ended up on the floor with my legs straddling his hips. I can feel his erection hitting my spot so I start rocking back and forth until we're both silently moaning. Reed grabs my hips to stop me and I look up at him with sad displeased eyes. He leaned in forward and whispered in my ear ," We need to go somewhere more private." I nodded in agreement as we both knew where to go and the plan. We've have sex at school plenty of times and Reed always kept condoms here too. The plan was that I say I have to use the bathroom and then a few minutes later Reed asked to go too. So I'm standing in the hall waiting for him now and when he comes we run down to the janitors closet. Reed pulls me in close and nuzzles my neck. "God I need this!" He whispers into my neck. "Then take it and take it hard and rough!" Reed pulls out of my neck and starts kissing me roughly and very hungrily. I'm tugging at his pants for them to get pulled down and in seconds there're down and so are mine. He reaches for the shelf where he keeps his condoms and slips one on. He doesn't even have to check to see if I'm wet cause I'm dripping. I bend over this little table so he can get a better entrance in my pussy hole. He slams right not even bothering on taking it slow. He stops for a sec and pulls out then slam right back in making me gasp every time. He's going faster and harder now I'm guessing coming to the edge. After a few more thrust I'm done for and cum on the spot and Reed is not too long after me. We stay there for a while with him inside but then he pulls out as his dick turned soft. We just stare at each other for a while then kiss one more time and finish getting back dress.------------Jason's Pov-------------"Hm well I surely don't know what Kelly and Jarred are doing?" I murmured silently and sarcastically to my self. God just touching her made me fly to heaven. When I made her smile my whole world came to life. Knowing that she was happy with me and as I held her seeing her smile guessing Reed never did that to her but I felt I was getting closer and closer to her. Then a thought hit me making me growl in annoyance. Reed. He took my mate trying to claim her as his and tried to take my place. I knew they were having sex and it was killing my insides. Thinking of how she moaned his name and not mine or how his seed filled hers and not mines. Why and how my insides were killing? Well I'm a vampire. As simple as that. I'm attracted to Kelly very much so it's easy for me to be more as addicted to her. I want her as my mate. That's the only reason why I'm at this dumbass school…. so I can be closer to her. I don't think she remembers me though but in 8th grade at the school dance I was gonna ask her to dance but you can only guess who came in the way! That night I ran home and for weeks , even months , I thought about how I could get her back but then her family moved and so did mine. After a few months at my new house I ran away to try and find her. I came all the way back here and hacked into all the high school websites until I found her name. I registered myself here and knew I was going to need a tour guide. I brainwashed the principal so I can make sure I get her as my tour guide. When I saw her walk into the office , she was more prettier than I remembered. Her hair was now jet black with blonde highlights. She was of course taller than I remember and her body was way more attractive. And oh god her scent was like my drug and I was addicted to it. She smelled like coconuts and a Caribbean breeze. I turn and jump as all of then sudden that girl Jena Jennifer whatever her name is was now sitting next to me with googled eyes. "You look cute when you day dream." She says as a sigh and tried to touch my nose but I quickly stop her. "Don't …touch me." I really wasn't in the mood for shits and giggles right now. Knowing that Kelly is with Jarred and begging for his pleasure is bothering the shit out of me and she wasn't making it any better. "Ooh a bad boy just what I wanted! Do you have any interest in girls yet?" She says flipping her hair and batting her lashes. "One I'm not a bad boy just annoyed but I can be one if I need to and number two yea I kinda do well I really do." I say smiling thinking back to the thought of Kelly. I started dazing off again thinking about how amazing it would be to hold her in my arms and claim her as mine. I get cut off when whatever her name was goes ,"Anyone I know?" I think she's getting too excited and probably shouldn't because I'm about to break the poor suckers heart. Hopefully she'll leave me alone. "Yea you do actually she's your best friend…" As I'm saying this her smiles gets turned upside down. "Which one?" She says looking hopeless and sad but hey who gives a fuck she brought it on herself. "Kelly. She's amazingly stunning. She's been it my liking since eighth grade." "What do you see in her?" She says annoyed. "Everything" I literally do though. Her walk , voice , scent , hair , how she dresses ….. everything. "No no no! You can't like her you HAVE to like me!" She yells jumping out of her chair and getting a little too close to me. "Sorry your just not in my likings." I say shrugging it off just as Jarred and Kelly walk in looking a mess. I was clenching my jaw tightly and clenching my fist wanting to just punch Jarred in the face for just touching Kelly. Jenny looks at me for a while and says ,"You'll never have a chance with Kelly!" Then she struts away like the bitch she is. I will have Kelly even if it takes me the rest of high school. I'm guessing Kelly's not my lab partner anymore either because she's over there sitting in Jarred's lap and giggling to whatever he was whispering in her ear. He started nibbling her ear then neck and of course then her lips. I couldn't take it anymore my insides were killing the hell out of me! I leave the classroom and head to my car then drive off. I drive until I'm in the front of the forest I wanted.


Texte: Don't steal meh book! (Idk wat else to put -.-)
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2013

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