




Book One of the Guardian Series



Thank you for taking the time to read my story! I know there are grammar and spelling errors and I am working hard to correct them.


Please let me know what you think. Drop me a comment or send a message! I would LOVE to hear from you, the reader!


I appreciate any and all helpful feedback.




H. R. Davison


Ab Initio


Light seeps from the evening sky. Murky clouds race each other above. In the fading evening light shadows lengthen under the overpass. It is rush hour, vehicles stream past the guard rails of the bridge, filled with passengers eager to return home after a long day at work. Thunder cracks through the twilight in the distance. The oncoming storm is gaining speed towards its final destination.


Tired travelers focus on the road ahead, no one notices the blue minivan, or its contents. A bright bolt of lightning rips across the dusky sky. The blazing streak momentarily blinds the drivers. In that exact moment the seemingly ordinary van does the unordinary, it takes a sharp right turn into the guard rail. The sounds of rubber tires squealing on the pavement sounds through the air. The smell of ozone mixes with the burnt stench of rubber. The sudden stop of traffic during the rush hour commute creates a symphony of car horns to announce aggravation and annoyance at the delay.


One lone commuter exits her vehicle and makes her way through the broken glass glittering on the road. She approaches the jagged metal heap against the demolished railing with a few light steps. The hood of the minivan juts past the edge, teetering towards the empty creek below. The front tires spin in the open air incapable of gaining traction.


“Hello? Hello? Are you okay?” The commuter calls out to the passengers of the van. “I’m a nurse, I can help.”


A single ray of the setting sun breaks through a gap in the clouds, shining down onto the nurse like a spotlight. The yellow light turns the nurse’s auburn hair into a blazing golden halo as the wind whips it around her head in a frenzy. In that moment the woman appears beyond beautiful, almost angelic.


Passengers that remain in their cars pull out cell phones, wanting to capture the event not only in their minds but on video. Later they will show their friends and family the devastating incident they had the opportunity to witness.


True dusk falls when the sun retreats behind the clouds once again. Heavens above release pent up fury, rain pours down in sheets, lightning streaks across the overcast sky followed by a hollow rumble of thunder. The storm has finally reached the wreck. The brave nurse reaches the van calling out a hello to the passengers within. Opening the driver’s side door she leans into the seat. As her dainty hand touches the wet cloth of the driver’s seat her mouth opens in surprise. From the view of onlookers she appears to back away briefly before being pulled into the van by an unseen hand. The van rocks forward with her weight, the front tires tip down, advancing on the open space below.


Spectators gawk from parked cars as the van disappears from sight. Almost like a magic trick, here it is-now it’s gone! Abracadabra, ta-da! The shriek of an oncoming ambulance can be heard in the moment before the loud crunch below. Metal and glass breaking and shattering on the jagged rocks below the bridge sounds through the night.


No one notices the slight frame of a figure clad in all black step back into shadows of the overpass above.




The alarm clock screams to life on my cell phone, waking me from a perfect dreamless sleep. Grumbling to myself I reach over and grab the phone, sliding the snooze button I curl into a ball holding the phone in my curled hand pressed to my chest, ready to muffle the alarm next time it sounds. Before I can slip back into a slumber my eyes flash open, realizing why my alarm was set in the first place. Summer break is over. Today is the first day of school, more specifically the first day of my senior year, better yet the first day of my senior year at a new school.


My dad thought it would be a good idea to start over after 'The Incident'. That is how he refers to it. My mother’s death will now and forever be known as 'The Incident'. Summer had gone by in a haze. During the move he would mumble about new beginnings and a fresh start, constantly rubbing his eyes. Tossing my phone on the table I get up to prepare for my day, nervous butterflies already racing around inside my stomach.


Walking down the hall I call for my dad. No answer. I didn’t actually expect one, even though it’s only 6am he is already gone for the day. My dad is never home, spending most of his time at the office. My counselor says everyone deals with grief differently, another new thing in my life, a counselor. Rolling my eyes in unison to my own inner dialogue I pad down the hall to the bathroom.


I take my time getting ready for school. Deciding what to wear, how to fix my hair, and what accessories I will need. I have never been one for primping and styling, but hey new beginnings and fresh start right? Over the summer I fell out of contact with all of my old friends. I was too engrossed in my own pity party to let them be there for me and by the time I realized I was losing them, they were already gone.


I decide on a simple outfit for the first day, nothing too flashy. Black skinny jeans paired with a white V-neck shirt. I brush my auburn hair until shines, letting it hang down freely to my waist. Looking in the mirror one last time I nod at the girl staring back at me.


My wide green eyes stare back from my reflection, sparse lashes and spaced too far apart for my liking, they give me a bug eyed look. Fringed bangs hang to my brows covering my high forehead. My button nose looked cute on me when I was a child, now that I am nearing adulthood it just looks out of place. The overall look is completed with a pointy chin that would be better suited for the wicked witch of the west. I groan audibly.This is the best it’s going to get.


“Knock ‘em dead, Kat.” I say to myself. “Dead? Great choice of words.” I mumble.


Sighing heavily I leave my bedroom to find something to eat before I subject myself to a day of almost guaranteed torture at school.


A single rose sits in a vase at the center of the dining room table. Tucked underneath the vase is a note with my name scrawled across the front. I unfold the note to read what my dad has to say.


Good luck today. Sorry I couldn’t be here to see you off. Make sure to eat before leaving. There is a surprise for you in the garage. Love you.



Stuffed inside the envelope is a wad of cash and a single car key. Staring at the key I know I should be excited, any other seventeen, about to be eighteen, year old girl would be thrilled about her first car, but I am unable to muster up any enthusiasm. As if a car would make up for an absent father and a deceased mother.


Now that I have successfully lost my appetite I decide to skip breakfast. I shove my sketch pad in my backpack, stuff the cash in my pocket, and head to the garage. Sitting inside the garage next to where my dad’s car would normally be, if he were ever home, sits a brand new shiny red Volkswagen Beetle.


I admit to myself that I am a little excited as I turn the key and the car comes to life under my hand. I breathe in the fresh scent of new car smell, savoring the flavor on my tongue. Nervously driving to my new school I fidget in my seat, checking my rear view mirror often, attempting to adjust myself to the foreign car, before I know it I am pulling into the parking lot of the high school. Over the summer I had spent several hours touring the new town with my dad, getting to know where everything is. He worries about me nonstop since my mom’s death and wanted to make sure I knew my way around.


The brick building looms over the parking lot, casting a shadow on me as I pull into a parking spot. Teenagers spill out of cars all around me, laughing and giggling in groups they walk to the entrance of the school. Unable to put it off any longer I make my way to the entrance.


With my head down I walk in the direction everyone else is going. “Hey, nice car!” A chipper girl says to my left.


I look up at her, noticing she has a large toothy grin on her face, out of sync with the rest of her delicate features. “Uhhh thanks.” I mumble and keep walking, not eager to start a conversation.


“You must be new here” she says still smiling, her bright blue eyes sparkle like sapphires. She is carrying a designer purse swinging it back and forth as she walks.


“Yeah, I moved here over the summer.” I say still looking down at the ground. Wishing I could melt away. I must stick out like a sore thumb next to this petite blonde princess, even though I only stand at 5’6” I am looming over her diminutive frame with my height, making me feel like a giant in comparison.


“My name is Lilli.” The girl says, smacking her gum with each word.


Realizing I am not going to be able to avoid this awkward conversation all day with every person I encounter I decide to suck it up and talk to the girl. I glance at her sideways as we both walk into the school. “My name is Kathryn but everyone calls me Kat.” Eager to end the conversation I ask her, “Do you know where the office is? I need to get my schedule.”


“Sure thing!” Lilli exclaims happily, “Follow me.”


I follow Lilli down the hall to the principal’s office. Walking behind her I have a moment to appreciate her style. She is wearing white shorts and red shirt tied in a knot at the back to pull it tight against her small frame, her tiny feet clad in a pair of red converse high tops that match her shirt perfectly. Her blonde hair is cut in a pixie style that frames her face and sways back and forth as she walks in front of me, practically skipping through the hallway. I have never met someone so happy to be at school I think to myself.


“Here we are!” Lilli proclaims as she makes a grand gesture of pointing to the door labeled OFFICE.


“Thanks again, Lilli. Um… maybe I’ll see you around?” I ask her, suddenly unsure of myself. Why would this happy go lucky girl want to be seen with me? Looking down at my monochromatic outfit of black and white, I seem drab and boring next to her.


“Sure.” She says as she is already walking away to a group of boys that are eagerly beaming at her.


Walking into the office I smile weakly at the secretary behind the counter. She points her finger to the right of me, startling me. I look at the direction of her finger. There is a boy leaning back against the wall. “Now Mister Saraf, the school year has yet to even begin and you are already in trouble.” The secretary says with an emphasized sigh that blows the hair out of her eyes. “Stay right there and Mrs. Gendry will be right with you.” she points at him again for good measure before turning to me. “And how can I help you Miss…?” She asks looking at me over her glasses that are pushed down to the end of her nose.


“Broadchurch.” I say “Kathryn, Kat Broadchurch. I moved here over the summer from the city. You should have my transcripts.”


The secretary turns to a desk behind her and mutters to herself as she shuffles through some loose papers. “Ah-ha!” She exclaims, “Here it is.” She hands me my schedule and continues talking about the history of the school and how happy I will be here, out of the big city. I zone out and smile as she drones on and on.


I look to my right at the boy leaning against the wall. With my head down, I slowly look up, drinking up every inch of him with my eyes. I have never seen a guy so exquisitely gorgeous. He is wearing ratty sneakers and loose fitting cargo pants; his shirt is form fitting, show casing each well-defined muscle on his abdomen and arms. A strong jaw line surrounds pouty lips, a straight Spartan nose centered on his face. High cheekbones make his cheeks dimple as he smiles. His eyes are captivating, dark brown with black eyelashes fanning out. Overall his features are picturesque, like he was carved from stone, modeled after a Greek God.


Looking into his eyes I suddenly realize he is staring straight at me. As if I was caught cheating on a test I immediately blush and look away, but not before he winks at me knowingly. About to die of embarrassment I interrupt the secretary, “I have to go and find my classes!” Without waiting for a reply I pivot on my feet and run out of the office.


The rest of the day goes by quickly, each class more boring than the last, until my last period, Art. Sketching in my art pad is when I am the happiest. This past summer I went through three sketch books, all filled with images of my mom. My mother laughing, cooking, swinging on the porch behind our old house, every memory I could think of, I put on paper. With my pencil I filled page after page until my hand ached.


The art teacher instructs the class to do a free hand sketch to determine our abilities. I open my pad and flip past images of my mother until I come to a blank page. I poise my graphite above the white expanse and clear my mind, letting it wander as my hand does the work. Before I know it the teacher is standing at the front of the class clapping her hands together for attention.


I look down at the page I realizing for the first time in four months I haven’t sketched an image of my mother. Staring back at me from the page is the boy from the office. I have gotten his likeness on the paper to a tee. His dark hair just a tad too long curling around his ears and hanging down to his eyes, his dark lashes curling up to the sky, and the classic smirk of a bad boy on his pouty lips.


Too embarrassed to turn this in, I quickly flip back to a sketch of my mother; signing my name at the bottom I turn it into the teacher. Gathering my things I rush out of the school and to my new car waiting for me in the parking lot.


Stuck to windshield under the wiper blade is a piece of paper. My heartbeat leaps into my throat. I wonder who would leave me a note. I only spoke casually to the other students that spoke to me first throughout the day. Have I made an impression on someone? Is it from the bad boy from the office? Why am I thinking so much about him?


Mr. Saraf is how the secretary referred to him. I wonder what his first name is. No, I don’t need to know his name, or who he is. I need to focus on school and college and making my parents proud of me.


Curious about the paper I break out of my interior debate to glance around the parking lot, embarrassed someone may have seen me daze out. I notice there are papers tucked under wiper blades of every car. I’m so stupid, why would I think someone would leave me a note? Since the school has an open campus and students can leave for lunch, it must be an advertisement for a local restaurant. I quickly grab the paper without reading it and unlock my car. I throw my bag and the paper on the floorboard of the passenger seat and stretch and yawn in my car before departing. After the lazy summer of doing nothing with no one, today as taken a mental toll on me, I need caffeine.


Near the school is a local café that serves coffee and pastries. I decide on a whim to pull in. The bell above the door tinkles like a wind chime as I walk in, announcing my presence. Hey everybody the new girl in town is here. Check out the freak! The café is crowded with students; almost every table is covered with books and laptops. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I walk to the register, scanning the tables to see if I should order my coffee to go.


I notice there is one table in the back corner with only one chair. Perfect. Made for a “forever alone” like me I think with a sigh. I order my vanilla latte and head to the table. I place my coffee on the table and my bag on the floor next to me and pull out my sketch pad and my iPod. It is the perfect setting to people watch. I listen to the music flowing from my ear buds, sip my coffee in what I hope is a casual way, and start to sketch.


I break from my trance of drawing when a shadow falls across the page. Looking up I see him, the boy from the office. I jump up in my seat, sitting up straighter, my heart flutters in my chest. I pull the ear buds from my ears and look up at him questionably.


“Hi, do I know you from somewhere?” He says with a smirk on his pouty lips. I can’t help but wonder what those lips taste like.


“Uhhh no.” I mumble repeating the same song and dance I have went through all day with countless students and teachers, “I am new to town, I moved here over the summer.”


“Oh.” He says with a mischievous smile, “I know why you look familiar!” He emphasizes the last word with a snap of his fingers.


I manage to smile weakly as he leans in close to me, like he is about to tell me a secret. I smell his cologne mixed with the tang of his peppermint gum. I draw a deep breath inhaling his intoxicating scent. Why does he have to be attractive and smell so wonderful? I know what he is about to say next. That he recognizes me from the news. The mysterious death of my mother, the countless interviews my father dragged me to pleading for any information that could lead to answer explaining her disappearance. I lean back into my chair with an annoyed sigh, I blow the bangs off my forehead, “Oh yeah, please go on.” I say sarcastically with a flip of my hand.


“I’ve seen you in my dreams.” He whispers directly in my ear. Standing up straight he winks at me again.


I know his type, a player, a guy that thinks he can get with the new girl. He probably made a bet with his friends to see how long it would take him to bag and tag me. I groan in annoyance. Why is he a jerk, why? Because he is so attractive, every girl must want him. Well not me, I’m not letting my sub-conscience and teenage hormones dictate my girly reaction. I laugh sarcastically in his direction, “Hah, Hah, Hah. I don’t think so buddy.”


Undeterred by my response he drops his cell phone on the table next to my sketch pad. “May I join you?” He asks. Without waiting for my response he pulls an unused chair over from a nearby table and plops down next to me. “What are you drawing?” He questions leaning over to look at my pad on the table.


“Nothing, nothing…” I say, grabbing my sketch book quickly I stuff it into my bag. “I should get going…” I start to say.


“My name is Daniel.” He interrupts me, “But everyone calls me DJ.” He stretches his hand across the table and takes a strand of my hair betweenhis fingers. It is a strangely intimate gesture between strangers, but I don’t feel uncomfortable. “You can call me whatever you want though, as long as you call me.” He says gently tugging on my hair.


I lean back in my chair pulling my hair out of his grasp. What is this guy’s problem? Why is he bothering me? Concentrating on a proper retort I don’t notice Lilli come up.


“DJ!” She yells loud enough for the whole café to hear. “Would you leave the newbie alone? Go on, get out, go!” She playfully smacks him in the arm with a rolled up magazine as he scampers off with a grin.


“Okay, okay I’m going, hope to see you around.” He says to me waggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.


“Thank you.” I say to Lilli smiling at her in appreciation. I am so embarrassed at the scene I attempt to hide my face behind my hair.


“No problem babe, DJ is… well you met him!” She exclaims while situating herself into his recently vacated seat.


Not sure how to respond to that I take a sip of my coffee, which by this time has cooled and tastes horrible. I grimace while swallowing the cold vanilla latte. “Well, I should probably get home.” I say, putting my iPod away.


“Oh.” She says. “Listen Kat, you seem nice. Shy, but nice. You should come to my annual start of school party tomorrow night, meet some people. Get out and live! This is your senior year and you might as well start it off right, with the right people.”


“Okay…” I respond. What does she mean with the right people I think?


“You have a Facebook account?” She asks while tapping the screen of her smart phone.


“Yeah, I mean, doesn’t everyone?” I reply.


“Great! I will send you a friend request and an event invite. All the details will be there. Starts at 7pm, I better see you there!” She says as she stands to go without waiting for my response.


I guess I am going to party tomorrow I think to myself as I leave the café. My first day at a new school and I already have a friend. Dreading going home to an empty house I drive around the town with my windows down enjoying the cool breeze on my face. Not really concentrating on anything in particular my thoughts drift to DJ and Lilli. Lilli seems so nice, inviting me to her party. She is definitely one of the popular students at the school and DJ seems… well he seems like a jerk, a totally hot, obnoxious jerk.




“What’s her name?” My father asks, breaking me from own inner thoughts. His brown eyes matching my own, stare back at me. Sheen of sweat covers his bronze face.


We are standing on the mat in the training room of our large house. Sparing with my dad is a twice weekly activity, our bonding time. At least my dad makes an effort to be in my life, to know me as a person and not just a name with his genetics. My mother is distant and aloof, sometimes downright cruel.


Sweat pools below our feet, the tape wound around our feet keeps us from slipping in the moisture. My dad throws another jab in my direction, his taut muscles rippling under his tank top. I block it easily, my natural instinct kicking in when I need them to. It is a good thing, since my mind is somewhere else.


“Huh? What?” I say glancing at him as he walks away from the mat.


“The girl DJ. What is her name?” He asks again with a chuckle, pulling off his sparing gloves. He tosses them in them corner of the training room, signaling the end of our session. Walking away from me to the bench; he grabs a towel and wraps it around his neck to soak up the sweat from our match. “There has to be a girl. I haven’t seen you this distracted since the summons.”


Is it that obvious? I check the clock above the door. We started training forty-five minutes ago? It feels like we just started. I must be distracted. I can’t hide anything from my father. I take off my gloves and throw them in the corner with my dad’s. Laughing I tell him, “Her name is Kat and I wasn’t distracted!”


I am distracted though. I can’t get her out of my head. I keep thinking about her luminous green eyes, her soft creamy skin, and her smell. She smells like what I would imagine sunshine would smell like, if it had a scent, bright, warm, and comforting.


“Sure, right, sure.” He says nodding to emphasize each word, “Then why have you been standing there in a daze while I run laps around you?”


“I’m focusing on school?” I say jokingly. School? What a joke. I don’t even know why my parents are forcing me to keep up the front. It’s a sham. Nothing I learn in that building is going to help me. Since the summons I have been doing the barest minimum to even graduate. I know it is important to my parents to keep up a normal appearance or I wouldn’t even bother doing that.


My dad laughs at my joke, clutching his flat stomach. His broad shoulders bob up and down. He knows how I feel. When I turn eighteen in less than two weeks, everything will change. I will come into my power, as is my birthright. A day I had once been looking forward to since I was old enough to crawl, but since the summons I am now trying to enjoy what little time I have.


“Kat huh?Meeeee-owww.” My dad says walking away to the door. He tosses me a towel. “What makes this girl special? I seem to recall you are quite the ladies’ man DJ. Who was it I caught you in the bedroom with last week? Lisa? Leslie?”


I groan at the embarrassing memory, my dad walking in my bedroom unannounced catching us squealing under the covers. “Lynn.” I state flatly. What was I thinking hooking up with her? I am still dodging her calls to this day.


“Yeah, yeah, her.” My dad says, still in the mood to tease me he continues, “And the week before that it was uhhh, Stephanie.” He says snapping his fingers. “Then Julie, then Amber, then…”


“I get it dad!” I shout, cutting him off, “I am a player. But this girl… this girl is something else. She is different. She is special. I don’t know how to explain it.” How do I tell my dad that I feel drawn to her in some way? She is the yin to my yang. I would gladly give up the opportunity to be with another girl, for just the chance to be with Kat. Why do I feel so strongly for a girl I just met? It’s crazy. I have only felt this way once before, and that wasn’t real.


“Ahhh young love.” He says batting his long eyelashes dramatically.


I roll my eyes at him as I mop the sweat off the back of my neck. “Just… don’t tell mom. Okay?”


“I will keep this between just us guys.” He says with a wink, he turns to walk away stopping as if he forgot something. “Have fun DJ, but remember not to take it too seriously. You know what you have in store for you, and you cannot afford to be distracted. Do not forget that.”


“Yeah I won’t.” I say. I know I can’t afford to be distracted, not while the Fallen holds my life in their hands.


After cleaning up from my work out with my dad I decide to hang out with the guys. I drive over to my friend Jared’s house. He is a football player, star quarterback, and has been my best friend since grade school. He is outside playing basketball in the driveway with a couple of other jocks on the football team. Some girls are sitting in lawn chairs out of the way, giggling and staring at my three sweaty friends without their shirts on. I park my car on the side of the road and jog up the driveway to the group. “Hey got room for one more?” I ask stripping my shirt off in the heat. I hear the girls giggle when I take my shirt off. I may be interested in only one girl at the moment but I’m not dead, I look over at them with a smile.


Three girls are sitting in a semi-circle of lawn chairs facing the asphalt driveway. I recognize all three of them, Lilli, Jessica, and Amber. I groan to myself, great Lilli is here. Things between us have been on edge since our split last spring. We have tried to stay friendly, but seeing as how she used me and broke my heart, it has been difficult. I save my best smile for Jessica. She is the only one of the three I don’t already know intimately. Her cheeks turn bright red under my gaze causing me to chuckle to myself. “Two V. Two?” I ask Jared, pulling my eyes from Jessica’s long tan legs that are stretched out in front of her. Her short cheerleader skirt barely covering the top half of her thighs. I get an eye full when she casually crosses her legs grinning at me.


“Heads up.” Jared yells at me, tossing the basketball in my direction. I catch the ball deftly and start dribbling. We play basketball until the sun sets and it gets too dark to see the net, while the girls sit on the sidelines cheering us on. Jessica keeps trying to catch my gaze every time I look in their direction, but I focus my attention on the game. I don’t want to ruin my chances with Kat just for another quick fling with a cheerleader.


After the game I say goodbye to the guys and head back to my car parked at the curb. Lilli calls out to me as I walk away. I pause midstride wondering if I should just pretend like I didn’t hear her. Too late I hear her puffing up behind, out of breath trying to catch up. “DJ…” She says panting, “Hey are you going to make it to my party tomorrow night?”


Her annual party is basically the get together of the year. Being invited decides your social status for the school year. I had never missed it before. “Uhhh sure.” I tell her, stuffing my shirt in the pocket of my cargo shorts.


“Great!” She exclaims, “Look I know things between us have been weird.”


She could say that again. After I found her with another guy I lost it. I thought Lilli was it for me, I thought I loved her. I think I still may love her now, especially with her being this close. Her intoxicating smell invades my brain like a cloud. I clench my hands into fists at my side to keep from reaching over and touching her. “Yeah.” I mumble under my breath, trying not to look at her.


“Do you hate me?” Lilli asks with a pout. She takes a step closer to me and rests her hand on my bare chest. It sends shivers down my body. I hate myself for it. I resent my body for wanting her so badly. My only saving grace is that I know it is engrained in my genetics to want her. It isn’t my fault. I try to think of Kat.


“I don’t hate you Lilli. I just wish you had been honest with me from the start.” I tell her in what I am hoping is a bland tone. I don’t want her to hear the wavering in my voice. I continue to look at the ground, silently cursing her.


She abruptly takes a step away from me and pulls her hand away from my chest. I exhale loudly. I had unknowingly been holding my breath. “Well you know why I couldn’t, it’s not like Daddy just wants me announcing what I am over the intercom at the school.” She says gruffly. “And besides, you kept secrets from me too.”


I sigh in exasperation. I know how she feels and I can empathize with her. We are both in the same boat. “I know.” I tell her, “Look I have to go.”


She grins at me, “Yeah, okay. I just wanted to tell you the new girl will be at my party tomorrow. I saw you trying to make your move.”


Kat will be there tomorrow? Now I am definitely going. I give Lilli a big grin to show there are no hard feelings. “See ya.” I wave as I get in my car.


“Later! Oh and see, I can be a good wing man!” She shouts at me as I pull away.




I am standing at the edge of the bridge. Cool rain wets my hair and it sticks to my face in ribbons. Wind billows my shirt out behind me as I lean over the edge. Pieces of the broken guardrail lay around me, scattered on the road like forgotten toys. A stench of ozone and burned rubber pervades the air. Over the ledge I see the flames of the burning wreckage below. I hear my name being called out.


“Kat sweetie, please.” My mother’s voice “Please sweetie, look for your…”


She is below the bridge, somehow hovering above the wreckage, floating down in slow motion. She holds her hand out to me. Her hair floats around her head and her scrubs billow around her thin frame. Tears stream down my face as I reach out, salt mixing with the rain. I can’t reach her. I can’t save her. No one can.


Time snaps back into place and she falls into a heap on top of the rising flames, her head lying to one side, her eyes closed as if she is only asleep. The smoke and ash circle around her creating an image of wings.


“Mom! Mom! Please.“I say reaching out to her. I sway in the wind; feeling like it might pick me up and carry me off.


“Please don’t die.” I whisper in the darkness as I wake from the dream.




The second day of school goes by quickly. Each teacher is eager to assign as much homework as imaginable, to make my life as difficult as possible I think. I let the wave of moving bodies carry me to the school exit. My backpack is heavy with books and assignments. I decide to skip the café and go straight home to start working on my homework.


While working on a particularly difficult assignment my phone buzzes with an incoming message notification. ‘Where are you?’ The message reads. It is from Lilli.


I check the clock, unable to believe so much time has passed since I arrived home. It is already 7:30pm. I had told Lilli at lunch today I would make it to her party tonight. Since it is Friday night and there is no school tomorrow curfew is extended to midnight for all students, instead of the normal 10pm. Even though I don’t plan on staying that late I grab a sweater.


Checking my appearance in the mirror before I leave I see a stranger staring back at me. My face is too gaunt, with the lack of an appetite I have lost more weight than my body can take. Dark circles under my eyes and pale skin tell a story of a lonely hermit that hasn’t left the house all summer. Sighing heavily, I don’t bother to take my hair out of the messy bun and walk out the door.


“Arriving fashionably late?” Lilli asks as she opens the door a smile plastered to her face, the epitome of good cheer.


“Yeah well… I sort of forgot about the party, sorry.” I say as I enter her house. Her house is more like a mansion, the place is huge. I follow her through the kitchen, past a center bar filled with food and drinks. Lilli looks fantastic. She is wearing a red dress that accentuates her small figure.


“The party is out back by the pool.” Lilli says as she goes through a sliding door. “Grab a drink and come out.”


I browse through the available drink options and decide to pour myself some lemonade. Walking outside with the cup in my hand I am greeted with the sounds of laughing teenagers and splashes as some have decided to get in the pool. Grinning I make my way to the gazebo where Lilli is sitting, surrounded by adoring boys. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.” Adeep voice says behind me.


The smile drops from my face. I turn to see DJ. My heart leaps in my chest at the sight of him. “Oh, it’s you.” I say, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, as if I hadn’t been thinking about him all day.


“The one and only at your service milady.” He says bowing before like I am royalty. I can’t help myself, I smile at him. I know he is bad news, but that grin of his is infectious.


“DEEEEJAAAY! Stop bothering Kat, she isn’t here to see you!” Lilli shouts from the gazebo. Her hands placed firmly on her hips exhibiting immense authority for such a dainty figure.


DJ looks at me and rolls his eyes in her direction. “Go on up there. Lilli doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” DJ says gesturing in the direction of the gazebo behind me. “You better not leave without saying goodbye.” He says walking away with a wave.


I smile down at my feet. Why does this hunk of guy have an interest in me I think? I walk up the steps to the gazebo. Lilli is surrounded by boys from the football team, all talking loudly over one another to get her attention. She is definitely the belle of the ball.


Lilli introduces me to everyone. I instantly forget all of their names the moment I hear them. The party seems to go on in a casual manner for some time. Everyone laughing and joking around, the small town connection each one has to another makes me feel like an outsider.


No one notices when I walk away from the group to the dark edge of the pool. I sit down to take my shoes off. The cool water feels nice on my feet and I swing my legs back and forth, the night air cooling the sweat on my brow. My mind drifts and I let myself relax in the upbeat atmosphere.


A group across the pool from me is circled around watching a video on a phone. They speak in hushed tones glancing in my direction often. Wondering what they are preoccupied with I stand up, carrying my shoes I walk around to the other side of the pool.


As I approach the group, the girl in the center holding the phone quickly puts it away in her pocket. “Hey.” I say to them cheerily.


“Oh hi.” The girl that was holding the phone says, glancing at the faces around her, not looking in my direction.


An awkward silence envelopes the group as I shuffle my bare feet against the grainy concrete surrounding the pool. “So what were you watching?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.


“Nothing.” the girl replies,her thin lips twitch a fake smile at me before she quickly looks away.


The boy standing to her left throw his hands up dramatically, “Well Hell, if no one else is going to say anything than I will, is this you?” He takes the phone from the girl and shows me the screen.


Displayed on the screen is a paused video. It is me. The video was taken last year during an interview with a local news station. My dad and I were discussing the accident that took my mom’s life. I look different in the video, my hair is a little shorter and my face a little rounder, but the hollow eyes reflecting back are the same.


“Ummm…” I start to say as I back away.


I thought moving here would be a fresh start. I thought I could get away from the sad expressions, the pity showing on their faces proved me wrong. I turned to walk away but before I could the girl presses play on the video and I hear my voice. “I… I… miss my mom, if anyone with information leading to the person responsible for her… her… disappearance comes forward…”


At that point the video goes back to the news reporter relaying again the tragic events of that day as the former me from four months softly cries in the background.


Stunned speechless I stare at the ground. “I’m sorry for your loss.” The thin lipped girl says.


There it is. The apologies, the condolences, the unrequited shame I feel as others around me express feigned sympathy.


I just want to be normal. I just want people to look at me and see a normal girl, not a girl that has lost a parent. Not as a girl that now goes to weekly counseling sessions to help deal with the grief. Not a girl that throws her medication away because it numbs the pain of loss. I want to feel the pain, because feeling it is better than forgetting. I just want to get through this terrible moment and leave.


“Thank you.” I mumble as I walk away.


Without saying goodbye to Lilli I put my shoes on and go back through the house to leave. Passing through the kitchen I can’t stop the tears.They silently streak down my cheeks. Staring at the floor as I walk, I run right into someone.


“Sorry, sorry.” I say backing away from the collision without looking up, not wanting anyone to see my tear stained face.


The person I ran into steadies me by grabbing my arm softly at the elbow. An electric shock passes up my arm making the fine hairs stand on end all the way up to my neck.


“Are you okay?” the voice asks.


I finally look up directly into the dark chocolate eyes of DJ. “Uhhh yeah.” I say wiping away the tears. “I’m fine thanks.”


“You don’t look fine, what happened?” he says with genuine concern in his voice. He still hasn’t let go of my arm, his fingers cradling my elbow and his thumb making lazy circles on the inside of my arm. Tingles shoot up my arm with each revolution his thumb produces, causing me to tremble.


“I…” I begin to say, unable to focus with his hand on my arm.


“Come on.” He says. Removing his hand from my arm leaving only coldness behind where his warmth was moments ago. “Let’s go somewhere quiet.” Walking ahead of me now, I follow him. For another mere second of his warmth on me I would follow him to the end of the Earth I think, making myself blush in embarrassment.


We walk outside to a black sedan sitting at the curb. With a key fob he unlocks the car doors with a chirp. He stands next to the open passenger side door beckoning me to get in the car. I hesitate, not knowing if I should trust him. Without the cocky attitude of yesterday DJ seems like a different person. Like he is concerned for my feelings, or maybe he thinks this is an easy way to get with me. That decides it. I cross my arms in defiance.


“I’m not getting in the car with you.” I state, “I don’t even know you. You could be a killer, or rapist, or…”


He interrupts me with a chuckle. Running his fingers through his hair he smiles at me. “Kat, I’m not a killer or rapist or anything. What has Lilli been telling you about me?” He says with a sigh.


“What? She hasn’t said anything. Why?” I stammer “What should she be saying?”


He chuckles again softly “What any ex-girlfriend would say.” He raises his deep voice to a squeaky falsetto imitating Lilli. “He is a jerk. He will break your heart and tear it into pieces.” He squeals grabbing his chest like he is having a heart attack falling back against the car.


I stand there staring at him, my mouth hanging open in shocked surprise at his confession. Ex-girlfriend, Lilli is DJ’s ex-girlfriend? I blink rapidly as the realization takes hold. I can’t be interested in DJ now. The only person in the whole school that has made an effort to be nice to me would be livid if I date her ex. What was I thinking about, dating him? He hasn’t even asked me out yet and I’m already planning my speech to let him down.


“What?” He asks standing back up straight. “You didn’t know?”


“No.” I say backing away to lean on my car parked behind his. “I didn’t and knowing changes everything.” The carefully rehearsed lines I had mentally prepared moments ago refuse to come out of my mouth as I stare into his eyes. “I can’t… Lilli she is nice to me…”


He takes a step closer to me. “Kat, don’t worry about Lilli. Don’t worry about what she thinks.” He reaches his hand out to me. “I just want to be here for you. You seemed upset. Please tell me what happened. Maybe I can help.”


I say the first thing that comes to mind. “Unless you can grant wishes, there is nothing you can do to help.”


“Three wishes to be exact!” He exclaims quoting the popular kids movie. “So what’ll it be, Master?”


I can’t help myself, I laugh at the silly expression on his face. “Can I wish for more wishes?” I ask playing along with the genie bit.


His face turns serious for a second. “No, there are rules Kat.” He says rolling his eyes in mock sarcasm. He points out one finger “Rule númerouno, no wishing for more wishes.” Extending a second finger, “Rule number two, no wishing anyone back from the dead.” Holding up the third finger on his hand he says, “And rule number three, I can’t make someone fall in love.”


Tears streaming down my face in laughter now, instead of sadness “DJ, I love that movie. Thank you for cheering me up.” I turn to open my car door to leave.


DJ runs to catch up with me before I get in my car. “Listen, Kat. I would like to see you again.”


I look into his face and see that he is being serious. All the humor is gone from his face, but his eyes still twinkle. I rub the spot on the inside of my arm where his thumb has been caressing me moments ago. Remembering the tingling feeling I had when he touched me. I want that again, I think to myself. “Okay.” I say.


“Okay? Okay?” A wide grin breaks across his face. “Great! Fantastic! It’s a date then!” He places his hands on either side of my head, his thumbs resting lightly on my temples. He quickly presses a kiss on my lips, taking me by surprise. He turns away from me without a response and gets in his car to leave.


I stand there momentarily dazed by what just happened. Did he just kiss me? My face felt flushed like it was on fire. All the blood rushing to my cheeks making me blush. People started crowding out of the house. Before I could embarrass myself further I get in my car and drive home.




A date, I have date with the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I am going to break her heart. There is no way I am good enough to be with her. I touch my lips. I wonder if she felt the spark I felt when I kissed her?


Flopping back onto my bed my thoughts racing, I need to work off this energy. I quickly change into sweats and head to my home gym. Blasting the music I jump on the treadmill setting it to nine. Before long I am drenched with sweat, my breath coming out in bursts. In though my nose, out through my mouth, steady as she goes.


I am broken out of my trance when the music abruptly turns off. Looking at the doorway I see my mom standing there, hands on her hips and a sour look on her face. Even in the middle of the night she exemplifies perfection. Her hair is curled and styled, her makeup flawless. She is even wearing a business suit and heels. “Daniel Jericho Saraf what exactly are you doing on the treadmill blasting music at full blast at one in the morning?”


Stepping down from the treadmill I hang my head in mock shame. “Sorry mom. I just needed to run.”


“DJ.” She says more softly this time, the sour look now replaced with what she must imagine concern looks like. “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah sure, everything is fine.” I mumble as I towel off the sweat from my face and neck. “I just needed to work off some steam, I swear.” I say crossing my heart.


I can’t talk to my mom about Kat. She wouldn’t understand. She has always been business first, family later. I sometimes wonder if she even loves my father. She treats him like a business partner not a life partner, the perks of an arranged marriage, and what I get to look forward to if I live long enough.


With an exasperated sigh she says “If this is about the upcoming trial you know you have nothing to worry about.” She grabs some sanitizing wipes and starts cleaning the treadmill as she talks. “I was worried when I was your age too. But you are smart and compassionate and more than capable of passing the trial…” She trails off with a sigh. “Is this about the summons again? We talked about this. The Saraf family has pledged their allegiance to the Thirteen. We will fight and we will win and then we can live our lives as we were meant to, not hiding in plain sight like some deranged freaks from a fairy tale.” She finishes with a huff, throwing the dirty wipes in the trash on her way out.


My mother walks out of the room. Her say is final, but I do not agree with her assuredness that we will win. I spent months after the summons pleading with her to let me out of our family’s contract, to no avail. I plotted and schemed, not even magic could break the seal. A seal placed there thousands of years ago by my ancestors. I look at my bare wrists, even though nothing is there I can feel the shackles all the same.



The dream is the same every night, except for tonight. Something is different. Something is wrong. The flames are higher. The rain is burning my skin. The smoke is suffocating me. I can’t breathe. Struggling to draw a breath I claw at my throat.


“Kat, sweetie…” My mother calls from below the bridge.


I know her destiny. I can’t stop myself from going to edge of the bridge and looking down. Wheezing and gasping to breath I fall to my knees and crawl over the broken glass to the guardrail. My hands and knees bleeding, tears running down my face I peer over the gap. Below is the same as always.


The image of my mother reaching out to me, trying to tell me something I can’t make out over the roar of the flames below. Only something is different. I am looking over from a different section of the bridge. I have an alternate view this time.


A figure is walking under the bridge. Shrouded in shadows I am unable to clearly see details, but it’s someone tall and thin, a slight frame walking quickly out of my line of sight below me.


“HEY! HEY!” I try to shout out, but the smoke makes it no louder than a whisper. I can’t scream.


Just as the figure is about to pass from view it looks up at me. I recoil in fear. There is no face, just darkness with glowing red eyes. The eyes looking back at me are a swirling mix of red and orange as if they are a part of the fire below. The figure pulls a hand from its coat pocket. It is a skeletal hand, a single boney finger points at me. He speaks one word in a raspy voice that feels like it is coming from the center of my head. I clamp my bleeding hands over my ears and yet I still hear it. “Bezaliel”




Waking up with a start I grab my cell phone from the night stand next to my bed to check the time, 6:13am. Great, what a way to start the weekend. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I decide I might as well get up. Before the image leaves my mind I grab my sketch pad and pencil. Relaxing back onto the pillows of my bed I trace out the strange figure I saw in my dream. Rarely do I use color in my drawings, but once I am finished I tint the eyes with red. The finished product is even more disturbing than it was in my dreams.


What was that about? For months I have been having the same dream, night after night, as if it were set on an infinite loop in my brain. What happened to change it now?


A soft knock at my door breaks my train of thought. “Kathryn? Are you up?” My father says softly from the other side of the closed door.


“Yes.” I say, getting up from my bed I shamble over to the door. Even though it is unlocked my father waits for me to open it for him before entering. One thing I value is my privacy. Thankfully my dad understands that. “I didn’t realize you were going to be home today.” I say rubbing sleep from eyes as I open the door “It’s early. What time did you get home?”


“Just now. I was hoping we could have breakfast together. I need to go back to the office after that…” My dad stands at the threshold of my door fidgeting with his tie, loosening and tightening it, again and again as he speaks.


My dad is a nervous man. He can’t sit still and when he has bad news he starts to fidget. I wonder what it is this time. I know he loved my mom. He loved her with every ounce in his body, but when she died a part of him died. He changed. He now spends every waking moment at his office. Sometimes he will leave for weeks at a time, off researching a new species of bug in South America or a fire ant colony in Africa. I shouldn’t complain, it’s every teenagers dream to have their parents leave them at home alone. Maybe I should throw a party? My dad would never know and it would be a great way to get to know more people. I could invite DJ.


“Kat? Hellooooo Earth to Kat.” My dad’s voice interrupts my thoughts.


“Oh, sorry dad.” I say scrambling to an excuse as to why I zoned out. “I guess I’m still sleepy. What were you saying?”


He starts with the tie again. “I was saying that I need to go back to Mata Atlántico study the species of forcepfly discovered recently.”


I start to tune out as my dad drones on about conserving the rainforests. “How long will you be gone?”


“Well sweetie.” He stops fidgeting and looks directly at me. I prepare myself for bad news. I hope we aren’t moving there. “I should be home by Christmas.”


“Christmas?!” I can’t believe he will be gone that long. What will I do for food or money? Does he expect me to pay the bills? All these thoughts racing through my mind I don’t know which one to ask first. My mind in a jumble all that comes out of my mouth is air as I stand there with my jaw hanging open.


“Now honey, if you don’t want me to go you say so right now. I won’t go unless I have your okay.” He wipes his eye as if he is tired. He probably is exhausted.


I look at my dad for the first time in months. He has aged since last spring. The wrinkles in his tired face that used to make him look happy when he smiled now just look like deep ravines filled with sadness and despair. Maybe he has been working too hard? Maybe he has met a woman at work? Although there are very few female entomologists, since most girls are scared of bugs.


He always said that until he met my mother work was the only thing that made him happy. If this makes him happy then who am I to deny him that? “Sure dad, I will be fine. Go and discover a cure for cancer with your new fruit fly.” I smile at him an attempt to hide my sadness that he will be leaving me alone for months. I have already lost one parent, now I am losing another. Albeit only for a short time, I will still be lonely. I step up on my tip toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Now let’s eat breakfast. Pancakes sound good?


The tradition of Saturday morning breakfast used to be my favorite part of the week when my mom was alive. She would sing while mixing the batter, my dad would read the paper, and I would pretend to read a book or play on my tablet. I would actually be watching them, loving them, hoping one day to be as happy as them. It must be something special to find your true love. My parents were truly in love. I used to call them Snow White and Prince Charming, because their love life must be a fairy tale. It would warm my heart to know that two people can make each other so happy. Now my heart is heavy with despair. My parents did not get the happy ending they deserved.


My dad is sitting at the kitchen table with his briefcase open in front of him, papers spread across the table. Rubbing his temples he says, “Kat since I will be gone so long I am going to hire someone to manage things around the house while I am gone.”


He is going to hire someone? Oh no, this will not work. “A nanny?” I screech at him. “Daaaaaad, I am seventeen, almost eighteen. My birthday is in a few weeks! I can take care of things around here.”


“Yes honey, I know.” He responds distractedly as he shuffles some papers around in front of him “But this isn’t a weekend trip, or even a week trip. There are legalities, responsibilities I have as a parent. Technically I can’t leave you alone for such an extended period of time since you are still a minor. “


“But DAD I won’t be a minor for long.” I plead.


“I know sweetheart, and I am sorry I will be missing your birthday.” He says with a hint of sadness in his voice. “But I would feel better if there was someone around, just in case.”


Rolling my eyes I turn back to the stove. Just great I will now have some hag watching over me every day. “Ugh.” I say in response. “Is this person going to like… live here?”


He opens his laptop and pulls up the University’s website to log in to his work profile. “No honey, they will not be living here. He will basically be a go to guy if you need anything like home maintenance or in case of an emergency. The bills will all be handled through the bank and Andy will stop by once a week to check on things, that’s all.” Gesturing in the direction of his laptop he points at a picture.


Leaning closer to the screen I see a listing of faculty assistants. The one he is pointing at a young guy wearing a bow tie with a tweed jacket. His brown hair is down to his ears and an unruly mess swept to one side. “Andy?” I ask, knowing already that is Andy, my new nanny. “That guy is a total nerd. Look at him dad! You want this guy in charge of me?” I say in a huff.


Slamming his plate of pancakes on top of his papers in front of him I walk over to my side of the table to pout. This is ridiculous. I don’t need a babysitter. How embarrassing. What if a friend comes over and this guy is hanging out watering the plants? Or what if DJ comes over and thinks this guy is my boyfriend? I can handle this on my own. I will make sure Andy won’t want to be around me. Calculating a plan to destroy Andy I slowly eat my pancakes as my dad goes on about the plans while he is gone.


When breakfast is over my dad leaves to go back to the office, promising me he will be home for dinner and that we can spend the whole day together tomorrow before he leaves Monday morning. Looking for a distraction I message Lilli to see if she is free to hang out. I need to start making friends, and it wouldn’t hurt to apologize for leaving her party in such a hurry either. To my surprise Lilli is free and she invites me over to her place to chill.


Hanging out with Lilli is more fun than I thought it would be. She is so upbeat and happy. We spend most of the time out by the pool relaxing and getting to know each other. I tell her about my mom, and what happened at the party apologizing profusely for leaving the way I did. She listens to everything with a solemn face. When I am done she nods her head once and says “That sucks” before moving on to another topic. I am taken aback by her honest response. I am so used to the phony sympathy.


After a few hours together I learn a great deal about Lilli Amadori. Her family is rich, not just we have some money rich, but filthy stinking rich, but they live a modest lifestyle in a suburb. I wonder why. I finally work up the courage to ask her about DJ.


“He is a man whore.” She tells me while stuffing Doritos in her mouth. I am a little jealous she can eat whatever she wants and stay as small as she is. If I ate like that I would be as big as a house. She continues. “We dated for like five minutes last year.”


“Why, what did he do?” I can’t stop thinking about him. He does come across as a player. But, he was sweet to me. I can’t believe that he would be anything other than the caring guy from the party. Maybe that was just an act though.


“Do? Oh well he didn’t do anything.” She replies with a quizzical look on her face. “We just broke up. I mean it may have been because he caught me with Ian…” She ends with a high pitched giggle.


“You cheated on him?” I ask her appalled. How could she let DJ go? He is one of the best looking guys I have ever seen.


Talking around a mouthful of Doritos Lilli giggles. “Well technically no. I had sent him a text before I went out with Ian, it’s not my fault he left his cell phone at home. He was never around.” She pleads. “He works out so much you would think he was training for a marathon. I just never saw him and honey I NEED attention.” She finishes with a shrug.


“I see.” I tell her. He works out a lot? That would explain why he is so fit. Why his shirt seemed to fit his body like it was painted on. I wonder what his strong arms would feel like around me. A blush creeps up my neck into my face as my heartbeat accelerates.


“Kat if you want to find out for yourself be my guest.” Lilli says “It’s no skin off my back. We will still be friends. Truth be told, DJ is actually a sweetie, but I have to say he is a jerk because he is my ex. You know what I mean, right?”


“That is reassuring Lilli.” I say. It is like she read my mind. Are my emotions that apparent on my face? I need to stop thinking about him so much. It is not like I am some boy crazy teenager. I have dated boys in the past. I even dated one seriously for a year before my mother died.“Because I kind of agreed to a date with him.” I admit to her looking at my shoes to hide the burning in my cheeks.


Lilli jumps up from the lounge dusting Doritos crumbs on her red shorts. “When?” She practically squeals. “Where are you going? What are you wearing? Oh my goodness I will have to help you, you are such a mess! Look at what you are wearing now. What size are you? A two? A four? I bet I have some clothes that will be perfect.” She grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to her room before I can even reply to one of her questions.


I spend the rest of the day modeling outfit after outfit for her until we settle on the perfect one. I am utterly exhausted by the time I drag myself to have dinner with my father.


The evening is mild at home. My dad and I eat silently, falling into a rhythm we have created with each other over the past few months. Watching old movies on the couch late into the night I think about how much I will miss him while he is gone. I cuddle up on the couch next to him snuggled under a blanket. “I will miss you daddy.” I mumble as I fall asleep.




I run through the house as my mom shouts my name from hallway to hurry up. I am late. Late for a meeting I don’t even want to go to. I feel like the white rabbit hopping to the Queen’s demands. “I’m here” I say. Entering the room I quickly sit down in my seat, trying not to laugh out loud at the menagerie of folks seated around the table.


The Thirteen are here together for the first time since the summons. I have always wondered why they were referred to as the Thirteen, when there are only twelve of them. Although they look seemingly ordinary they are anything but, if you look closely enough you notice that their skin radiates an otherworldly aura, almost glowing with radiant light from within. They have perfectly unflawed features in every way from their immaculate hair down to their impeccable feet. I nod at each one in turn quickly silently apologizing for my tardiness.


Glancing around the table I see Solomon here to represent the lycanthropes. Saying Solomon is beefy would be quite the understatement. He is thick across his chest, with well-muscled arms. Thick coarse hair covers most of his body in unruly sprouts. He could pass for the much larger, much more hairy version of Wolverine. I give him a quick smile, which he returns showing a multitude of razor sharp teeth.


Bertoldo is in attendance for the blood suckers, a nasty bunch. I am not sure why the Thirteen decided to allow them access to the summons. Hollywood definitely got vampires wrong. Bertoldo does not sparkle, he glowers at his prey, and he considers everything prey. He hates humanity and isn’t shy about expressing it. Translucent skin with shadows of dark bloodless veins stretches across his bony figure. His skeletal hands end in wickedly sharp claws that would be able to slice a human neck open with a flick of a wrist. I shiver with disgust as I quickly look away before he notices me staring.


Soon-ya is present to serve as emissary for the Fae. Another thing Hollywood got wrong, confusing the Fae with faeries. Doing that in real life would be the last living mistake you would ever make. Soon-ya is beautiful as always, her black hair gleaming in the light, her silver colored almond shaped eyes twinkle like diamonds, her cherry red lips puckered as if expecting a kiss at any moment. However on the other side of those perfectly sculpted lips lay tiers of needle sharp fangs ready to rip out your throat and consume your soul as you lie dying.


My family is grouped together at one end of the long table, here to represent the Djinn. Contrary to popular belief we are not smoky embodiments of wish granting magic summoned from a lamp. We are built just like humans, mostly. We grow old slower than them for one thing, heal faster, and yeah we have magic. Well I don’t yet, I will once I pass my trial. A ritual our kind has had in place for centuries before bestowing the gift upon their children, basically it is like a rite of passage into adulthood. Once we were slaves, but a contract signed thousands of years ago with the Thirteen freed us from our bonds. All we had to do was agree to help them fight when summoned, and that leads us here.


The summons took place this past spring. None of the supernatural world involved in the contracts ever thought it would actually happen. But something took place last spring that got the Thirteen all excited and worked up. They called us together to let us know to expect to the war to start soon, to train, to gather our ranks, and to dedicate our lives if need be. Of course this war has nothing to do with any of us, but everyone here or our ancestors signed blood contracts for some reason or another. Breaking a blood contract would be horrendous. I have no idea why the others are here, but my family would be slaves again and the punishment inflicted on us would be thirteen fold worse than it was before. That is enough of an incentive for my parents to dedicate my life to the cause. I tend to disagree.


“DJ, so glad you could join us. Your presence is a gift to us all.” Armaros says to me with smile. “You know my daughter?” He asks, nodding at the petite blonde sitting next to him.


Gritting my teeth I nod at him in recognition, repressing the urge to walk out of the room. It would be unwise to disrespect Armaros, the leader of the Thirteen, the commander of the Watchers, and ruler of the Fallen, very unwise indeed. “Shall we begin?” He says smiling, showing too many teeth “Let us all bow our heads in prayer on this holy day.”




The next week seems to fly by. I have had little time after school for Lilli or DJ, although DJ has made himself my shadow at school. He meets me at my locker every morning carrying my books to my first period class. He escorts me to my car every day after school. We exchange texts messages every evening. Getting to know him I wonder how Lilli could ever have let him slip from her grasp. He has been considerate about my lack of free time this week, but our first date is set for tomorrow. He tells me it is a surprise and he will pick me up at noon. I can’t wait. School has me stressed out as I work to play catch up from so much time spent not exercising my brain over the summer. I must have forgotten everything I learned last year. My dad left Wednesday morning in a frenzy of clothes and paperwork, assuring me Andy would be by Friday after school.


As soon as the bell rings I am out the door rushing to get home. I want to make sure everything is in proper order for Andy. The more in control I seem, the less he will think he has to be around. I want to prove to him I can be left to my own devices. Rushing home I pull into the driveway as a guy is getting out of Jeep. He is tall and gangly with a mop of brown hair swept off to one side. That must be Andy. Just wonderful, he beat me here. Good thing I cleaned up last night.


Meeting him at the door to the house I introduce myself. “Hi you must be Andy, I’m Kat.” I shove my car keys in my pocket so I can shake his hand.


“Err hey, yeah ummm I’m Andy.” He shakes my hand firmly. An electric shock tickles my palm when our hands make contact. A feeling of electricity surges from my hand out to every part of my body. My hands and legs start to tremble. Trying to play it cool I wipe my hand on my pants, evaluating his expression to see if he felt the same thing. He sweeps his hand through his hair and motions to the door. “Shall we?”


I give Andy a brief tour of the house. Showcasing my knowledge by pointing out all the important details likes the fire extinguisher in the kitchen, the carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms in each room, the water heater, and lastly the fuse box. With a final flourish I point to the door and say, “And finally there is the exit.”


“You don’t want me here, I can tell.” He says flopping down onto the couch, so much for a subtle hint. “I’m sorry but your dad asked me, and it seems like easy money. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself that much I can see. But seeing as how you’re stuck with me for the next couple of months we might as well be friends.” He pats the couch next to him.


The last thing I want it to be friends with this nerd. For Heaven’s sake he is wearing a tweed jacket in August and a pocket protector in his shirt. We are not going to be friends. I sit in the chair next to the couch. Sitting on the couch would have been more comfortable but I wasn’t about to let him order me around. Feeling rebellious I ask, “How old are you anyway?”


Running his hand through his hair he chuckles. “I’m twenty-one. I will be twenty-two in the spring.”


Are you kidding me? This guy is only four years older than me and my dad leaves him in charge instead of his own daughter. This is an outrage. Mentally preparing the email I plan to send my dad later I scowl at Andy. “You are only four years older than me.” It is not a question, but a statement. Meant to make him feel like the total jerk he is for taking my dad’s money to care for me. “You want to be friends? We should be friends because you are my age.”


Andy smiles as me. I can’t help but notice how cute he is when he smiles. His eyes light up and twin dimples appear on each cheek. “Great!” he releases a heavy sigh. “That is a weight off my chest. I was really nervous to meet you. Your dad has told me so much about you and I feel like I already know you. And you are…” He points at me. “Well you’re amazing and I’m a total nerd.” He finished his sentence with a facepalm.


He has completely missed my sarcasm. What a dweeb. I am shocked to hear my dad talks about me at work. He spends so much time there I guess it only makes sense that I would come up as a topic every now and then, but Andy says he already knows a lot about me. I am curious. “My dad talks about me?” I ask.


“Well sure.” He says, “He talks about you all the time.” Andy tells stories that I know well. About how one time when I was learning to drive I followed the GPS into a field because it told me turn left. Another time when I was six and I fell out the tree house in the back yard because I thought I had caught Tinker Bell and could fly.


By the time he is done we are both laughing so hard we clutch our stomachs in pain. I check the time, surprised to see an hour has passed with us just talking. I start to feel bad for the way I treated him when he first arrived. I decide to make it up to him and invite him to stay for dinner.


Andy seems a little shocked that I even asked but agrees immediately. “Lasagna?” I ask.


Andy stares at me in shock. “You can cook lasagna?” He says with an exaggerated expression of shock on his face.


“Yeah. What? My dad didn’t tell you I cook dinner without burning down the house?” I tease him, gently poking him in the ribs. “Come on, you can help me in the kitchen. You are my nanny after all.”


Over dinner I learn more about him. He graduated high school at fifteen, graduated university at twenty-one with a masters in biology and entomology. He tells me that he started interning at the University over the summer and was just recently offered a permanent position with the faculty. He is the second smartest person I have ever met, the first being my dad. Andy is starting to grow on me. He is a total nerd but quirky and kind of cute with the way he runs his fingers through his wild hair.


“I am really glad you asked me to stay for dinner.” Andy says interrupting my train of thought.


“Oh yeah, I am glad you accepted.” I say once again feeling bad for the way I treated when we met. “I am sorry for the way I acted when you got here. I just…”


“I get it.” He interrupts me with a wave of his hand. “You want to feel like an adult, you don’t need me around. I have a little sister. I know.” He says with a grin.


Sitting at the kitchen table, all of the dishes have been cleared away and we are sipping tea across from each other. A comfortable silence envelopes us, we just met yet I feel completely at ease around Andy. Looking at him across the table I can tell he must feel the same way. He isn’t as nervous as he was when he first arrived, that’s for sure. My thoughts are cut off by the sound of the phone. Looking at the caller ID I see it is my dad.


Answering the phone I scream into the receiver. “DADDY?”


While I am talking to my dad Andy catches my attention, he is motioning at the door asking, silently if he should leave. I shake my head no and raise my finger asking for a moment.


I catch up with my dad for a minute, hearing all about his flight and his lost luggage. I tell him everything is fine, school is great, the house is still standing. He asks how meeting Andy went. Smiling over at Andy I say. “Andy is great dad, absolutely terrific, I couldn’t have asked for a better baby sitter.”


Andy smiles at me sheepishly still standing awkwardly by the table. I quickly finish my conversation with my dad, promising to write often. We conclude our goodbyes and I end the call.


“I’m terrific huh?” Andy asks standing by the kitchen table awkwardly as if he is ready to leave.


“Well yeah.” I say shuffling my feet.


He snorts laughter through his nose. “Does that mean you want me to stop by more than once a week?” He asks. His face immediately turns red. “I mean… I didn’t mean like… ummm what I meant was: when would you like me to stop by?”


Snickering at his embarrassment I walk over and poke him in the ribs. “Smooth talker eh? I bet you get all the girls.”


“Oh yeah, they are knocking down the door.” He sneaks one arm around my waist pulling me close. I can feel the heat radiating off his body. I lean in close to him, he smells fantastic, like a mix of fresh linen and flowers. I wrap an arm around his waist so we are giving each other an awkward one armed hug. “Really though just let me know when would work best for you, I can stop by any evening after work and if you need anything...” he trails off. “Do you even have my number?” he asks.


Smacking my forehead I realize that I don’t. Good job dad. Assign me a nanny but don’t bother to post emergency contacts on the fridge. “I’ll be right back.” I tell Andy as I run out of the room to grab my cell phone so I can program Andy’s number into my contacts.


I grab my cell phone out of my back pack beside the couch. I have message notifications. Opening them quickly I see they are all from DJ. I smile to myself as I read through them, each one getting sillier than the last.

“What are you grinning about?” Andy asks as I enter the room.


Looking down at the screen I see it is after 9pm. The last message from DJ was at 8:45, I quickly type a reply letting him know I have been busy with my new baby sitter and I will talk to him later. Feeling a little guilty that I was just hugging Andy thinking about how great he smells while texting DJ I say. “Nothing.What’s your number?”


I put in Andy’s contact information and save it to my phone. We make plans for him to stop by again next Friday at the same time. I give him another quick hug as he leaves, laughing to myself as he turns bright red from his neck all the way to his hairline. Running his fingers through his hair again I watch him from the door as he walks down the sidewalk to his Jeep.




Why isn’t she replying? I am trying not to come off as needy but I am worried. We have talked every night this week without fail. Getting to know Kat has been the highlight of my year.


She is the sweetest girl I have ever met, not to mention the hottest. The best part is she doesn’t even know it. I flop onto my bed with a huff, checking my phone again for a missed call or message, nothing, again.


Putting a pillow over my face I scream all of my frustration into it. Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday and tonight is my trial. If I succeed I will be granted my magical capabilities. The trial should be easy enough according to my mother. A simple to test to prove I am capable of using magic without abusing the power.


I check my phone again it after 9:00pm in three more hours I will begin. As I am looking at the screen I get an incoming message notification. It is from Kat telling me she is busy with her baby sitter and she will talk to me later. I chuckle silently to myself. I know she has been dreading meeting the guy she refers to as “The Nerd” all week.


I deliberate over what response to send. I don’t want to come across too clingy or uninterested, what a fine line we walk when courting. I settle with sending a heart eyes emoji.


The next two hours fly by as Kat and I text back and forth until she goes to bed. Before I know it is time to go to my trial.


I meet my mom and dad in the living room to wait for Randall. Randall is the eldest living Djinn in the world and he will be conducting my trial. During my training he told me there will be a test, a wish to be exact, and it will be my task to exact the correct response.


Most folklore surrounding Djinn makes us out to be a genie from a lamp that grants the possessor of the lamp three wishes. For enslaved Djinn this is mostly right. However for free Djinn, we can decide who we grant wishes for and how many.


Randall rings the bell promptly at midnight, probably having teleported himself here from Heaven knows where in the world. He walks in leaning heavily on his cane. Dressed in all white from the fedora on his head to the wingtips on his feet he radiates magic from his very pores. Relaxing into the sofa across from me he asks if I am ready to begin. I nod in acceptance.


I blink my eyes and when they open I am standing in front of a small girl. She is maybe three or four years old. Wearing pale pink pajamas, her curly blonde hair hangs in a mess. She curls a teddy bear in one arm to her chest. With a shriek of joy she screams. “I wish my Teddy is real!”


This is my test. What do I do?


Do I animate the stuffed animal? That seems unwise.


Do I magic a real bear from the forest? That seems dangerous.


The teddy is already real, but what the little girl means is alive. The test is to have a happy outcome. I can’t reason with a toddler that her teddy is already real and not imaginary.


My dad always told me to get to the root of the wish, find out why they are wishing for something because what they want may not be what they need.


The trial is designed to understand my character and my depth of human emotion. Djinn cannot be unfeeling or cruel. The trial initiation was put in place centuries ago, because cruel Djinn granted a wish to a seaman, no one is sure of the exact specifics but the result was the black plague.


Thinking of this I bend to one knee to get down to her level asking. “Why do you want your teddy bear to be real?”


Her bottom lip starts to tremble as a single tear slide down one plump cheek, squeezing the tattered stuffed animal close she stutters. “B-b-because he is m-my only f-f-friend.”


I look at my surroundings for the first time. Inside of a small home that can only be described as a dump, mismatched furniture stands against the wall, worn blankets cover the windows instead of curtains. Hanging on the walls are family photos of a young woman and the little girl together. The images in the photographs radiate love and warmth, but the surroundings tell a story of poverty.


I ask the little girl. “Isn’t your mommy your friend?”


Rubbing her eyes with a sniffle she nods yes. “But she is always at work.”


“What if your mommy didn’t have to work?” I ask.


She jumps up and down with tears still shining bright in her blue eyes nodding. “Oh yes, I wish my mommy didn’t have to work.”


This I can fix. “Then your wish is my command.” I say snapping my fingers and with a flash I hand the little girl a ticket. “Turn on the television.”


The little girl turns on the television.On the screen is the news. A woman is reading off the winning lottery numbers. “Mommy! Mommy!” The little girl chirps excitedly.


A tired looking version of the smiling lady in the photographs walks into the room drying her hands on a dish towel. Her blonde her in a messy bun on top of her head, dark circles under her eyes telling the story of too much work and not enough sleep. “What do you have there?” The mother asks.


“It’s my wish mommy.” The girl chimes, holding out her chubby toddler fingers she hands her mom the ticket.


The mother looks at the ticket, then at the television, then back at the ticket. “Oh my God.” She says collapsing on the couch clutching the worn dishrag to her chest. “It’s a miracle. We won. We just won five million dollars.” The girl climbs onto her mother’s lap a big grin spreading across her face. The teddy bear lay on the floor forgotten.


I blink again and I am back on the couch across from Randall. He smiles at me revealing large gaps where his teeth should be. “You pass.”




I am back in the dream, standing at the edge of the bridge. I peer over the edge, knowing what I will see, the wreckage below, my mother calling out for me. Closing my eyes I inhale deeply, bracing myself for what comes next. This is always the worst part, seeing my mom in what I imagine as her final moments.


Drawing courage from the oxygen as it fills my lungs to capacity I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I notice is that the rain has stopped and the sun is out, warming my face I look up to the sky. How can this be? I know it was raining only moments ago.


“Kat.” A musical voice says from behind me. I know that voice. That is my mother’s voice. I would recognize it anywhere.


Spinning around I see my mother standing on the center line of the abandoned road. I run to her, fully expecting her to vanish into thin air the instant I attempt to embrace her. Instead I feel her warm arms enfold me a nurturing embrace.


This is just a dream. This is just a dream. This is not real. My mother is dead.


“Shhh, shhh…” She says soothingly, smoothing my hair down as she comforts me. I hold her tight to me, breathing in her scent.


Backing away slowly I look at my mother. She is exactly as I remember. Wearing the same scrubs she was in the morning of her death, pale blue with kittens on them. Reaching out with one hand I touch the sleeve of her shirt, rubbing the fabric between my fingers to make sure it’s real. “How is this possible?” I ask her. “You’re…” I trail off, unable to complete the sentence. Unable to tell my mother she is dead.


She smiles at me closemouthed in a knowing way. “Kat sweetie, I don’t have much time.” She looks around and behind her, leaning close she whispers in my ear. “There is much I need to tell you, but they are always watching. They want to find you. They want to use you against me as leverage so I will work with them.”


“Mom, I don’t understand.” I utter. “What happened? Who is watching? Work with whom?” I am so confused.


“Shhhh, shhhh. Quick now, hush.” She says drawing me in for another hug. “I love you so much Kathryn, but listen to me.” She grabs my shoulders to face her. “I am not who you think I am. I am much more than your mother. The Thirteen, they want to find you. Don’t let them find you… they will…”


Before she can finish the sky turns black, as if someone has turned off a light switch. A bright flash of lightning cracks through the inky sky. Momentarily blinding me I blink my eyes. My mother’s grip on my shoulders tightens and then vanishes. “Mom!” I call out, “Mom!”


Lightning flashes again and I see the dark figure with the red eyes standing where my mother was moments ago. Pointing at me with a skeletal hand, the figure reaches for my shoulder. I back pedal away from the dark man to get away. Seeing the figure so close is terrifying, my heart leaps into my throat, suffocating me. Fear sends shivers up my spine. “What… what to you want?” I whimper.


“You.” The figure says reaching out to me. “Kathryn...” The rest is cut off by a resounding peel of thunder.




I jolt up in my bed screaming. It was a dream, just another dream. But it felt so real. My heart is beating like a drum in my chest, my pulse is racing. The room is dark so it must still be in the middle of the night. The angel nightlight my mom got me when I was little emits a faint yellow light. Before my eyes adjust to gloom I grab my phone from the table next to me, checking the time. 6:13am, again. “Ugh.” I say out loud to the empty room. “This is getting old.” My voice cracks with emotion as tears well up in my eyes.


There is no way I can go back to sleep after that dream. I want to feel close to my mom. Deciding to get up I amble through the house, touching things my mom once touched, I sit in the recliner she would relax in after work. Passing by my dad’s room I peer in, it looks disused and dusty. My eyes are drawn to mom’s hope chest pushed up against one wall. Stacks of papers clutter the top of it. Swiping them off to the side I open the chest releasing the pungent odor of spruce. Inside the chest are all my mom’s treasured possessions. Papers, mostly old bills, her nursing degree, and my birth certificate, I shuffle through the papers absently tossing them to the side. There are photo albums, an old afghan, a jewelry box that plays music when you open it, although it is absent of any jewelry inside.


Soon I am surrounded by a semi-circle of relics from my mom’s life. I can’t seem to find anything here that would comfort me, or make me feel closer to my mom. Frustrated with myself I give up, storming out of the room I make a mental note to clean the mess up before Andy comes back next week. I can’t have him thinking I am having a mental break down or anything. He is such an absolute nerd he would probably have me locked up if I even mentioned the wild nightmares I have been having since my mom’s death.


Glancing at the time I see it is already after 11am. How has so much time passed already? I need to get ready for my date with DJ. I take the quickest shower in my life, rushing around to get ready like a mad woman. I put on the dress I borrowed from Lilli, a light green summer dress that hangs down to my knees. I am applying lip gloss when the doorbell rings. Giving myself a once over in the mirror before I head down stairs. Not great, but not bad, I guess it will have to do since I am officially out of time to primp.


DJ is standing at the door with a big grin on his handsome face, his chocolate colored eyes light up when he sees me. I imagine what it would be like to run my fingers through his chestnut hair as his athletic arms pull me close to his solid chest. I have to shake my head to break that train of thought. He is holding flowers in my directions. “Anthurium?” I ask. What an odd choice for flowers. “They are beautiful. Let me just put these in water.” I gesture for him to come inside. “Have a seat, I will only be a minute.” Walking into the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers I shout back to him. “Where are we going today?”


“Have you ever played goofy golf?” He asks from right behind me, startling me I drop the vase. I hear it shatter on the ground.


“DJ!” I exclaim clutching my chest to calm my palpitating heart, “You scared me, I thought you were in the next room.”


“Sorry Kat, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He holds out the vase to me.


That is odd. I thought I heard it shatter on the floor. Maybe I am losing my mind. “Thanks.” I mumble, replaying what just happened in my head. No, I definitely heard the vase break. Holding up the vase questioningly. “How…” I start to ask.


“Quick reflexes.” DJ says flexing his arm. “So, as I was saying, goofy golf, you ever played?”


“Yes.” I reply sarcastically rolling my eyes at him.


“Good.” DJ says, “Then I will have some real competition, but don’t let win on account it’s my birthday?”


Today is his birthday? How could I have not bothered to know that? Thinking of what a terrible person I must be I say. “Sorry, I didn’t have a chance to get you anything.”


“No worries babe, you spending the day with me is all I need.” He responds “Ready to go?”


My stomach rumbles loudly as we get into the car to leave. I was so busy going through my mom’s things this morning I didn’t have time to eat. “Hungry?” He says.


I look at DJ silently apologizing. “Apparently.” I say, “Would it be okay if we ate something before we go?”


We eat lunch at a small local diner in town that I haven’t had a chance to go to yet. The waitress is very friendly with DJ, repressing the urge to let my jealous side show I concentrate on the menu. After a few minutes of obvious flirting on her side, I have had enough. Staring daggers at the waitress I clear my throat to get her attention. DJ’s face is bright red as I glare in his direction. “I believe I am ready to order.” I announce to the waitress. She seems completely oblivious of my resentful tone. She takes our orders and departs. Before she is out of earshot I state to DJ. “If you plan to flirt with every girl you see today, you might as well take me home now.”


His mouth falls open in shock at my bold statement. “Kat… I’m sorry.” Reaching for my hand across the table I quickly pull away. “Please.” He continues. “I am sorry. I guess I just don’t realize I am doing it, trust me, you are the only girl I want to flirt with.”


Can he actually be unaware he is flirting? Has floating through life with such good looks made him blind to the women around him? He must be used to batting his long eyelashes and having any girl around him go weak in the knees. Since I have already decided to accept his apology and continue the date I guess he is used to it for a reason, but I am not about to give him the satisfaction of thinking he is off the hook yet. “I will finish lunch at least, how the rest of the day goes will depend upon your behavior.” I say with a huff, crossing my arms across my chest in defiance. I don’t care how good looking he is, the moment he starts flirting with another girl I am done, I promise myself.


Before long our food arrives. The waitress strives to engage DJ in small talk but he politely ignores her attempts, telling her the food looks great and dismissing her with a wave of his hand. I smile victoriously at her backside as she walks away. I struggle to be lady like and nibble at my salad, but before I know it I have inhaled the whole thing down in a matter of minute, as DJ is only halfway through his meal I excuse myself to the restroom.


When I get back to the table DJ has already finished eating and paid the bill, the home wrecking waitress is nowhere in sight, which is just fine by me.


It is a perfect day out for goofy golf, the September air is still warm, but the breeze keeps it from being humid. We played three games, I even won one. Sitting on the bench in the park we drink frozen slushy’s to cool off after the game. DJ has been on his best behavior all day, only having eyes for me. After we are done with our drinks DJ suggests a walk through the park before taking me home. Not ready for our date to end, I agree.


The park is beautiful with a large pond and giant oak trees casting cool shadows over us as we walk. The smell of the freshly cut grass has a calming effect, reminding me of my childhood. I am so relaxed and I happy I reach over to take DJ’s hand casually as we walk together. The sensation of his much larger hand enclosing mine feels right, as if we are two parts to the same puzzle that fit together perfectly. Maybe that is just my overactive teenage hormones talking. I need to snap out of it and quit acting like some love sick puppy. The sun starts to set behind the trees signaling the end of the day. “I guess I should be getting home.” I say.


DJ squeezes my hand gently before letting go, “If you say so.” He says with a sigh.


The drive home is much too short for my liking, knowing that an empty house awaits my return. Pulling into the driveway I work up the motivation to get out of the car. Before I can even reach the handle to open the door DJ is there, opening it for me. “Thanks” I say, “But I could have done that myself.”


“I know you could have Kat, but I want to be here for you.” DJ says linking his arm through mine.


We walk up the sidewalk to my front door. The end of our date, the moment I have been anticipating and dreading at the same time. I want to stand up on my tip toes and kiss him, but I am much too nervous to make the first move. Butterflies dance around in my stomach. Does my breath smell bad? I scan through my memory of all of the food I had to eat today. Why didn’t I bring some mints? I realize while I am standing here thinking I must look like a fool to DJ. “Thank you for today DJ.” I manage to squeak out. “I had a wonderful ti…”


Before I can finish the words, his mouth is on mine. His hands curl around to the back of my head, his fingers massaging through my hair. My hands reach up to his neck, standing on my tip toes I am kissing him back, softly at first and then with more intensity. The butterflies in my stomach give way to a burning heat that surges through my body all the way to my fingertips. A soft moan escapes my lips as his hands trail down my neck to rest on my lower back, pulling me closer to him, I can feel the warmth of his body through my thin sundress. My body is reacting on its own, pulling closer to him, but my mind is on red alert screaming at me to stop before this goes too far. With regret I pull away with a gasp, catching my breath. “That was…”


“Amazing. “He finishes. “You are amazing Kat. I want to be with you.” He presses his lips to mine a second time. I kiss him back hungrily. I lace my fingers through his hair pulling him closer to me, deepening our kiss. This time it is him that pulls away. He reaches for the door knob behind me. I close my hand over his.


Breathless I push my hair out of my face as we walk into the house together. Before I can close the door behind me DJ is wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. He pushes the door closed and presses me back against it, kissing me again, this time on the other side of my closed front door.


He runs his hand down my waist and over my hips. Stopping at the edge of my dress his hands sparks with contact on my outer thigh. Caressing my smooth skin he moves his hand up my dress. My body is aflame with desire. My mind is screaming at me to stop this madness. “DJ, it’s late.” I tell him.


He groans in protest, straightening up he places a final chaste kiss on my lips. “Okay. I should go.” I watch him walk back to his car before I close the door and lock it. My breath is caught in my throat. Every fiber of being is thrumming with excitement.




I can’t keep the smile off of my face as I drive home. I have kissed girls before, plenty of girls actually, but I have never felt anything like the spark I had with Kat earlier. She is amazing. I can’t believe I almost screwed it up earlier, once by using magic on the vase and again with the waitress. What was I thinking? I need to be more careful. I can’t mess this up. No more girls I promise myself. Overall this has been the best birthday ever.


When I get home I see there are quite a few cars parked in the circular drive, pulling around to the back I park in the garage wondering what is going on. I didn’t know my parents were expecting guests, and if they were they didn’t bother to tell me.


As I walk down the hall to my bedroom I hear muffled excitement from the behind the closed office door. I can’t use magic to listen in because my parents would feel the waves on the air instantly and since I am still in my probationary period I have to settle for pressing my ear to the door like a common eavesdropper.


I hear the deep cascading voice of Armaros. “Bezaliel has agreed to help. She is in the process of transmitting the lost text as we speak.”


“Will there still be a war?” My mother’s voice calls out questionably, sounding bored.


“If the bonds are broken, yes. We cannot expect to be greeted with open arms.” Armaros replies.


Who is Bezaliel? What bonds? I know there will be a war, my parents have agreed to my participation on behalf of the Thirteen, but I thought it was war against the Elves for control of the Realm of Man. What does he mean about being greeted with open arms? All these thought racing through my head I didn’t hear the heavy footsteps until they were right behind.


I turn away from the door and I am greeted face to face with Solomon. Solomon growls, pulling his lips back in a snarl revealinga mouthful of razor sharp fangs. “I wasn’t expecting you here.”


“I… uhhh, just got home. Heading to my bedroom now.” I jog hurriedly down the hallway. “See ya!”


Armaros is up to something I just know it. Why would my parents keep me in the dark about something this big? It is my life on the line, not theirs. I need answers. Knowing I can’t very well ask the two people that are hiding information from me, I call the only person that may know. I wish more anything I didn’t have to speak with her. Wish? Hah, that is rich coming from a Djinn. Building up the courage I dial her number.




“Go on.” Lilli states excitedly waving her hands in a circular motion for me to continue.


I met Lilli here at the café after she left church. Since we got here she has been hounding me for information about the date I went on with DJ. Sipping my tea, I take my time before I finish my sentence. “And then he kissed me.” I can feel the warmth spreading over my face as I remember the impression of his lips on mine. Letting my hair fall around my face to hide my blush I look down at my cell phone checking the time. My dad will be calling me promptly at 3pm and I need to make sure I am back home by then so I can talk to him freely.


“Oh Kat.” Lilli states, “You’ve got it bad for the school heartbreaker.”


Heartbreaker? Yes I can see him being a heartbreaker, remembering the way he casually flirted with the waitress on our date. He was a perfect gentleman after I called him out on it though. Maybe he just needs someone like me to take control and not put up with his crap? Yeah right, said every girl he has been with, ever. I hardly think one date or a few kissesconstitute a relationship. Sighing, I concede to Lilli’s point. He will break my heart. Maybe I should just end it now? Or not let it begin with? Who am I kidding, one look in his dark eyes and I would be putty in his hands. What I need is a distraction. Cue, Lille, just the upbeat energetic distraction I need.


I leave the café to get home in time for my dad’s call. After speaking with him and hearing about all the boring details of the rainforest I walk through the empty house, lonelier than ever. Before I can get myself too depressed I decide to finish up the homework I had been putting off all weekend. Halfway through an impossible calculus equation my phone rings. I haven’t heard from DJ since last night, answering without checking the caller ID, hoping it is him calling I am surprised to hear Andy’s voice. “Umm hey Kat, I am just calling to check up on you, see how things are going?” Great my babysitter is checking up on me.


Rolling my eyes I answer. “Everything is fine Andy.” I wait silently for a response, not wanting to encourage him to continue calling me at all hours of the day. I am seventeen, not a baby, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Not to mention I will be eighteen soon.


“Oh great.” He responds, “So uhh hey, what are you doing?”


What am I doing? What is this? He is supposed to make sure the house doesn’t burn down, not keep tabs on my every waking moment. “Homework.” I reply stonily.


“OH uhh I see, well um… I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner.” Andy stutters, “I uhh don’t live far from you and I was thinking….” He trails off.


Dinner? Andy wants to have dinner with me? What is this all about? Unsure of how to respond I decide the best course of action would be to decline. “Oh no Andy, I have to get through this homework, calculus is going to prevent me from graduating if I can’t figure out to do these problems.”


“Oh, well if you ever need help let me know.” Andy offers, “I mean uuhhh I am a genius and all.” He finishes with a chuckle.


That is true. Andy is a genius. He graduated high school at fifteen, doing the same problems I am struggling with now. Maybe I should ask him for help. It would save my dad money from hiring a tutor, which I desperately need, and my dad is already paying Andy to do basically nothing. “Yeah, help would be great.” I concede to his point.


“Oh, okay. Yeah. Want me to pop over now?” He asks.


“Now?” I ask. Thinking of the mess upstairs in my dad’s room I had left yesterday morning, all of the dirty dishes in the sink I hadn’t found time to wash over the weekend. I hesitate to have him come over now, but there is no way I am going to be able to learn this calculus without help. “Sure, now is fine.” I remark with a sigh.


I am still bent over my calculus book when the doorbell rings. I answer the door wearing an oversized tee-shirt and sweat pants, figuring there is no need to dress nice for my nanny, I let Andy in the house.


We both crack open a can of Mt. Dew and get started on my homework. After several tries Andy is successfully able to help me understand the equations. My stomach groans in hunger as we are finishing up. I offer to heat up a frozen pizza for us to share.


Now that my homework is done and my belly is full, Andy and I are sitting on the couch chatting. Seeing the time, I tell him my favorite show is about to start, a television series about zombies that I watch every Sunday night. Andy says it is his favorite show too, and asks if he can watch it with here since he wouldn’t be able to make it home it time to catch it. Since he is already here, and was nice enough to help me with my evil homework I allow him to stay.


Curled up on the couch under blankets we munch on popcorn and watch the television. We both randomly scream at the characters on the show when they do something incredibly stupid, like trip and fall when they are trying to outrun a hoard of the undead. I smile to myself, I need to quit being so hard on Andy. He is actually really great. Even though we just met I feel comfortable around him. His presence puts me at ease.


After the show is over I stretch out on the couch yawning. Andy stands up to leave, patting me on the head as he walks by, “Get some sleep kiddo, I will see you Friday.” I lock the door behind him after he leaves, so tired I am asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.




I am the backyard of my old house, dragging my bare feet in the dirt as I swing lazily in the summer breeze. The crisp smell of freshly cut grass hangs in the air. My mother calls my name from the kitchen window to come in the house for lunch. Procrastinating, I take my time to slip on my sandals before I enter the house, enjoying the feel of the sun on my face too much to go inside.


“Kat.” My mother says from the window. “Hurry up dear.”


“I’m coming mom.” I call out as I walk into the house through the breezeway. I stop to take my shoes off at the entrance so as not to bring dirt in on my mom’s clean floors. “What are we having for lunch?” I look into the kitchen. My mother’s back is to me as she stands at the counter preparing the sandwiches for our mid-day meal. She is humming a sweet melody as she cuts the crusts off of my bread for me, just the way I like it. Her musical voice sends shivers up my spine.




I wake from the dream with a smile. Seeing my mother as I remember her from when I was a child brings tears to my eyes. I miss her so much. Sometimes the pain is unbearable. Checking the clock I see that I have overslept and I am about to be late for school. I rush around the house grabbing what I need for school, snatching an apple from the countertop for breakfast on the way to the car, I race to school.


My classes are one bore after another until lunch. Lilli entertains me with her impression of the school principal. I am laughing so hard I spit my food out onto the boy sitting next me at the table. Apologizing profusely I throw my napkins at him as atonement for my gaffe.


I glance around the cafeteria hoping to spot DJ. I finally locate him at the jock table with all the other track, football, and wrestling stars, surrounded by an entourage of giggling girls. Instantly angry, I try to reign in my jealousy. We aren’t even dating. We aren’t committed to one another. Why should I even care what he is doing? Because I am falling for him, hard, I admit to myself. Well two can play at that game.


I make sure to catch his eye, once I have done so I whisper an apology in the boy’s ear next me in a conspiratorial way. I giggle in a high pitched girly way at his response, even though it isn’t funny, getting an odd look from him the process. I risk a quick glance at DJ to see if it is working. To my delight his face has become a storm cloud of anger in the direction of the boy next to me. Satisfied with my performance I leave the cafeteria to get my books from my locker for next period.


After school I make a beeline for my car, avoiding DJ at all costs. Having had the rest of the school day to think about my actions, I am highly embarrassed at the scene I made in the cafeteria. I drive straight to the medical office on the outside of town for my appointment with my counselor. An hour later after another boring session of grief counseling and him asking me ‘How does that make you feel’ repeatedly I am starving. Not wanting to eat alone, I drive to the café near to school for quick dinner.


As I enter the café Lilli screams my name from a section of tables at the far side pushed together. A large group of people are sitting around talking, but they all go silent as I look in their direction. I casually make my over wondering what the fuss is about.


“Oh my God Kat! Where have you been? I have called you like a thousand times!” Lilli shrieks at me as I approach the table full of teenagers hesitantly.


“I uhhh, had some errands to run.” I mumble, not wanting to divulge to everyone that I was at grief counseling. The last thing I need is more attention to make me the social freak of the year. “Why? What’s up?”


“Okay, okay.” Lilli says excitedly throwing her hands around. “After school right, DJ confronts Ethan and then…”


“Ethan?” I ask interrupting her. Who the heck is Ethan? Why would DJ confront him? Oh God, no. Ethan must the boy I spit my food on at lunch. Oh no, what have I done?


“Ethan! Ethan!” Lilli exclaims, continuing to wave her hands in the air for emphasis. “The boy from lunch. Anywaaay so DJ confronts him, right? And then before we even know what’s going on he is throwing punches and screaming your name. It was totally off the wall. I mean, DJ has always had a reputation as a short fuse but this was craaaaaaazy.”


I am so embarrassed. I fall back into the empty seat next to Lilli. “Oh no.“ I whisper to myself. I need to talk to DJ. I need to apologize and explain myself. I no longer have any appetite. I tell Lilli I will talk to her later as I rush out of the café.


Once I am home I crawl under the covers of my bed, crying silently to myself. Dialing DJ’s number for the tenth time since I got home it goes straight to voicemail again. “DJ, uhh hey, it’s Kat, again. Look I need to talk to you. Please call me back.” Hanging up the phone I close my eyes as salty tears make their way down my face. I feel terrible that DJ will be in trouble for my stupid mistake, but I also feel disheartened that he isn’t answering my calls.


I can feel my depression kicking up a notch. I consider taking the medication my therapist prescribed for me last spring. I hate taking it. It makes my hands shakes and prevents me from being able to draw. On a whim I call Andy. He answers after one ring, as if he was expecting my call. “Kat?” He answers.


“Hey Andy, um…” I hold the phone away from my face while I clear my throat. Now that I have him on the phone I am not sure what I was going to say. Why did I call him?


Before I can decide what I want to say he tells me. “I’m on my way.”


What was I thinking calling him? This is going to be a disaster. I run to the bathroom to wash my tear streaked face. I am toweling my cheeks dry when I hear the doorbell ring. I race down the stairs and fling the door open. Andy is standing there with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He takes one look at me and embraces me in a hug, rubbing one hand down the length of my hair. I relax against his chest. All my tension seems to ease away.




My phone chirps in my hand. Glancing down at the caller ID I see that Kat is calling me, again. There is no way my mother would forgive me if I answered it now. Not while she is in the process of thoroughly chewing me out. With a guilty sigh I slide it back into my pocket and sneak a look up at my mother. She is pacing the floor in front of me with a red angry face, waving her hands around for emphasis as she yells. I get her point, I am a terrible son.


I look to my dad for some help. He just shrugs at me in response. “I’m sorry mom, it won’t happen again.” I mumble during a brief interlude of her tirade. Knowing it is what she wants to hear, but also knowing I will have to sit through this until she has worn herself out.


I start to zone out while my mom rants and raves about my behavior and reputation and how it affects her, always about her, never about me. Something she says catches my attention and brings me back into focus. “What?” I ask.


“I said.” She replies with a huff, “That we are pulling you out of school. It’s not like you are learning anything there anyway. Except for maybe how to get into fights or into a girls pants.” She states looking her nose down at me, annunciating each word to perfection. Her classically coifed hair still frozen in place in the same style since I was a little boy bobs forward as her heads leans down in direction, making a point to look down at me so that she knows she is the superior. She smiles at me wickedly knowing she has finally gotten under my skin, my shocked expression giving away my emotions.


“You can’t… do that.” I whisper.


“I can, and I will.” She says triumphantly. Knowing she has just won this battle. “You are done with school, as of today. I will have my assistant go to collect your personal affects tomorrow.” With that final statement she turns and walks out of the room, her five inch heels clicking in time with her jovial step.


My dad is still sitting on the couch. I look to him with my mouth hanging open in shock. “Are you going to allow this?” I question, already knowing the answer. He wouldn’t dare stand up to her, too cow towed by her overbearing demeanor. My dad is a laid back; go with the flow type of the guy, the exact opposite of my control freak mother. He smiles at me in a sad way before leaving the room without a word.


I am so angry I want to punch something. Preferably Ethan’s face again and again and again. How dare he think he could hit on my girl? Kat, my girl? Since when did Kat become my girl? I hardly think one date makes us serious, but that is how I think of her. It is what I want her to be. I am too mad to call her back tonight. I need to let out my aggression, knowing just the place I leave the moment my parents are both out of sight.


Having only been the Munkarit before with my father I walk towards the one place he always told me to avoid, Ovbek, the dwarven bar on Low Street. Munkarit is a magical realm, parallel to the human world, where most magical and mythical kindred live. Almost all folklore about legendary creatures is seeded in reality. Dwarves, goblins, trolls, werewolves, and vampires have always existed alongside humans, but most prefer to live in Munkarit. The delicate ego of humans would not be able to accept a reality where they are not the best.


I enter the dim bar, lining the wall are burning torches that cast a flickering light in the center of the room, leaving craters of shadows clinging in the corners. Munkarit has rejected all forms of modern technology, there is no indoor plumbing, electricity, and forget about cell reception. The wood planks creak under my weight as I walk evenly to the bar. Sliding onto a stool the bartender, a squat pock faced goblin with a hooked nose and green tinted skin asks. “What’s your poison rhakec?”


What is a rhakec, probably not a compliment? I square my shoulders and puff out my chest in a feeble attempt to look tough, lowering my voice I tell him. “Whatever’s cheap.”


“This one’s on meJyix.” A melodic voice says from behind me. Swiveling around on the barstool I am face to face with Soon-ya.


Soon-ya is oozing sexuality. Her olive skin glitters with an ethereal light. She is wearing a black tutu only; her raven hair curled and braided hanging down to her waist, barely covering her ample chest. Grabbing onto my left arm she presses it against her body, rubbing herself up and down my arm, she purrs into my ear. “DJ…”


“Soon-ya.” I say gruffly, not wanting to be her next victim, I attempt to pull my arm away from her vice-like grip. Only a Fae would resort to such depravity in a public place. Avoiding her mesmerizing silver eyes, I look past her to Jyix, the bartender, silently pleading for help. He shakes his head no at me before turning away.


Pressing my right palm against her shoulder, I wiggle my left arm to help free it from her clutches, as sweat beads on my brow. Mistaking my movement to free myself as pleasure, she presses herself harder into my arm forcing my hand down between her legs. I instantly regret my decision to come to Munkarit. I clench my fingers into a fist, not wanting anything todo with her depravity and perversion. I stand up and shout at her. “ENOUGH, Soon-ya.”


She backs away from me with a coy smile on her crimson lips, batting her spidery lashes she giggles in a high pitched soprano. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a blade. All eyes are on the scene between Soon-ya and I. Clearing my throat and concentrating to keep the tremble out of my voice I ask the bartender where my drink is.


Soon-ya sits on the stool next to me, sticking out her bottom lip, pouting dramatically. “I just want togive a birthday present.” She says while coiling her hair around one finger suggestively revealing her cleavage.


“I don’t need anything from you.” I state flatly, staring straight ahead to the bar. Jyix places my drink in front of me. I immediately grab it and swig it down in one gulp.


The liquid burns like fire down my throat settling into my stomach like an anvil. My senses are dulled immediately. The room spins around and the background noises of the bar fade away. I feel a tap on my shoulder. A stern voice says. “I believe you owe the lady an apology.” I turn on my stool carefully,so I don’t spill myself onto the floor in my inebriated state. Before I can complete the turn to greet the gallant hero I feel an exploding pain erupt against the left side of my face.


I look at the ceiling of the bar through blurred vision, trying to remember how I got on the floor. Realization of what happened hits me, as the possessor of the stern voice and mean left hook kicks me in the ribs. Curling into the fetal position I try to crawl away from the onslaught. I make my way to my knees before a boot to the backside sends me sprawling on my face. Before I raise my sweaty face upofrom the sticky floor it is picked up for me by my hair. Closing my eyes, I feel the floor meet my nose with a noticeable crunch, as darkness overtakes me.


I slowly regain consciousness, remaining quiet and still, I drowsily peel my eyes open to take in my surroundings. I am lying on a straw pallet. Three stone walls surround each side of me. The fourth wall is made of iron bars holding me captive. A weak light emits from the torch on the corridor wall outside of my cell. My body aches in protest as I sit up. My head is pounding like a jackhammer. What was in that drink? Remembering how thoroughly the troll from the bar overpowered me I flop back onto the pallet, disgusted with myself. I am still in Munkarit, in a jail cell in Munkarit to be exact. Why am I here? I didn’t know it was crime to take a beating.


I don’t know how long I have been in this cell, but after a while my stomach grumbles loudly, announcing the need for food. As if on cue a jailer appears in front of the bars of my cell. A squat dwarf with a long white beard that is braided to his knees, he is holding a bowl that contains what can only be defined as slop. Sliding it through the bars in my direction, I jump to grab it from his outstretched hand before he can drop the contents to the floor, ruining what may be my only meal today. “Aye boy.” The dwarf says. “Eat ‘em up. Yer gonna need yer strength for the pit, aye ya will.”


What is he talking about? I am being sentenced to the pit? Criminals and slaves of Munkarit are condemned to the pit to pay off debts to society. The pit is a dwarven gold mine, deep underground. No light shines in the mine, there is no water or food provided to the convicts, they are expected to live off of the rats and streams that flow in the abyss. “I-I don’t understand…” I stutter to the guard, my voice cracking from the lack of use and moisture. “Why are you sending me to the pit?”


The jailer laughs harshly, sounding more like a large dog barking than a laugh. “Aye boy, ya didn’t pay for yer drink, and Jyix be holdin’ ya ‘sponsible for the damages ya caused, aye.”


“I didn’t cause any damage.” I state flatly, knowing that my punishment has already been decreed, I will serve time in the pit, all arguing with the guard will do is make me angry at myself. Resigning to my fate I ask the guard. “How long?” Referring to the amount of time I am required to work in the pit before earning my freedom.


The guard brays laughter again, turning to walk away from the cell he calls back to me over his shoulder. “A week boy, if ya live that long, aye. I will be back in a jiff to fetch ya.”


The next week is torture. No food, other than the beetles that crawl on the wall in what I claim as my work space. I feel myself dehydrating from lack of water. I estimate the amount of weight I am losing by how many of my bones start to show through dry flaking skin. Around my neck is a metal collar, snapped tightly in place there is no clasp or buckle that I can locate by touch alone. The heavy collar is designed to prevent the wearer of performing magic. On the front of it is a red blinking light. The red signifies I am doomed to this Hell, when the light turns green my time here is up. When that happens the collar will dissipate and I will have the freedom to wish myself home.


My shoulders ache with the strain of using the pickaxe. My eyes cloud over with the constant dust and gloom. I am nearing the end of my time here, as I count the seconds to my freedom I think of Kat, and how angry she will be angry with me for my absence. I will tell her everything, I vow to myself. She may not believe me, but I will prove it to her. No more lies. I want her to love me, and I want it to be for who I really am. The weight of the collar leaves my neck. I take one last breath of this hell hole and vanish into thin air.




It has been over a week since I have seen, or heard from DJ. To prevent an overwhelming loneliness I have occupied my time after school with either Lilli or Andy. According to Lilli the last anyone has actually seen DJ was during the fight after school. A fight he got into because of me and my stupid jealousy. I have called him at least a thousand times, and left half as many voicemails, still nothing. That is why I am surprised to see him sitting on my front porch when I get home from spending the afternoon with Lilli. I sit in the car for a moment collecting my thoughts as I stare at the top of his dark head. His elbows pressed on each thigh, with his face resting in his hands, portraying the epitome of misery.


Where has he been? Why is he back now? Was everything he ever said just a ploy for me to become another notch on his belt? I guess there is only one way to find out.


I get out of my car, slamming the door loudly to announce my arrival. He looks up at me as I approach, his dark eyes full of sadness. Faint bruises shadow across his upturned face. When I see his bruised face I lose all the anger I have been building up since last week. Rushing to him, I collapse on the porch steps next to him. Taking his hand gently in mine I ask him “What happened? Where have you been?”


I hold his hand in my lap and his fingers curls around mine. He lifts his other hand, brushing a stray hair from my face. His voice croaks as if he hasn’t used it in a long time. “Kat, oh my God, you are so beautiful.”


I feel my internal heat rising, starting in my stomach and spreading through my whole body making my fingers and toes tingle. How can one boy make me feel so alive with just a few simple words? “You didn’t answer me DJ. Where have you been?”


“We need to talk.” Moving gently as if he is in a lot of pain he stands up slowly, bracing his lower back with his hands. “Can we go inside? It might take a while to say everything I need to tell you.” I lead the way in the house interested to hear what he has to say. Did he come here to break up with me? I mean are we even dating? It is never good news when someone says “we need to talk”.


Nervous butterflies race in my stomach, with determination I push them back down, if he wants to break up then fine. I don’t need the drama. I stomp into the house and throw my things on the floor. With heavy steps I make my way to the sofa, dropping down on the cushion with an annoyed sigh. All the anger from before comes rushing back to the surface, crossing my arms in defiance I order him, “Talk.”


He gently lowers down on the couch. Once he is positioned comfortably he takes my hand in his. “Kat, I have a crazy story to tell you, but first I need to start with whom and what I really am.” I snatch my hand out of his grasp. I am not going to make this easy for him.


DJ talks for a long time as I sit immobile stunned into silence.


He must have escaped from a mental institution. That is why he has been gone for over a week. His psyche finally snapped and his parents had him committed to the loony bin. That is the only plausible explanation I can come up with to his exaggerated claim. He really thinks he is some kind of wish granting Djinn? Always Djinn, never genie, he actually spelled it out for me so I would know.


He tells me a tale of how his family is one of ten that were set free by some great and powerful person named Armaros. Explaining to me how his magic works, he only has to think of what he wants and it happens. According to him that is how he saved the vase from shattering on the floor the day of our date.


He clarifies that a free Djinn is never required to grant a wish unless the person asking knows the Djinn’s true name. He finishes his fable with a flourish, describing a bar fight with a troll in a fairy tale world. He had to pay for the damages of the fight by working in a mine for a week.


I don’t know what to say. I look at his handsome face, his tan skin flawless from any blemish, chiseled cheekbones highlighting his stormy eyes framed with long feathery lashes. How could this boy that is devastatingly handsome be insane? It is criminal.


Silence grows between us as I continue to stare at him open mouthed. Not knowing what to say to such a fantastic story. “You don’t believe me.” He states. How could I? What an imagination he must have to come up with all of this.


“No… DJ, I don’t.” The sadness I feel for him is so great I can’t contain it.My eyes start to tear up.


How lonely he must be, to think he is keeping this big secret from the world, never allowing anyone to get close to him, to know the real him. I want to comfort him, hug him, caress his soft hair in my hands, but I stop myself from reaching out. It would be cruel to give him the wrong idea. Instead I sit there with a blank face, unable to stop the silent tears tracking down my cheeks to my parted lips, the bitter salt taste pooling in the corners of my mouth.


“How can I prove it to you?” He asks me, his somber eyes pleading with me voicelessly. I don’t know what to say. How can he prove it to me? I can tell he honestly believes what he has told me. He truly thinks he is a magical being that can travel between mystical realms granting wishes to strangers that happen to guess his true name.


How crazy is this situation? Should I make a wish? Can I wish for anything, will he grant it? Is DJ his true name? All these questions run through my head as I sit there speechless; anguish spreading across his face at my lack of a reply. I finally manage to mumble out an answer, deciding to play along with this farce, at least for a while. “W-what should I wish for?”


“Anything you want.” DJ says a grin breaking out across his face, making his dark eyes twinkle. For a brief moment he is the same DJ I met the first day of school, minus the cocky attitude. “Are you hungry? Want some pizza?” At the mention of food my stomach lets a rumble, answering for me. DJ’s smile widens, I hear a popping noise in the air sounding like a lone popcorn kernel exploding into a fluffy treat. A white flash explodes from DJ’s hands, momentarily blinding me. When I can see again DJ is holding a steaming pizza, chicken and green peppers, my favorite.


It is unbelievable. Was that really magic? “H-how? H-how d-d-did you d-do th-that?” I stammer.


The pizza smells so good I reach for a slice expecting it to not really be there. The heat rising off the cheese warms my hand. I grab a slice in between my fingers. Still is disbelief I take a bite. It is delicious, and real, and it wasn’t here a moment ago. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.


“I told you Kat. Why do you insist on being so stubborn?” DJ says with a smirk. “Thirsty?” Another popping sound and bright flash later and DJ is holding a slushy.


“Dessert?” Pop, flash, and a cupcake appears.


“Flowers?” Pop, flash, and flowers decorate the room in every corner. The overwhelming scent of roses invades my nose making me sneeze.


“Too much?” Pop, flash, and the flowers disappear.


“Wow.” I whisper. Can this really be happening? Have I lost my mind? Has DJ dragged me into his fantasy world, or am I dreaming? This is all too much. I feel like Alice must have when she went through the looking glass. Magic is real? Can it be possible?


“Kat…” DJ begins, his face a mask of seriousness, all the humor from before is gone. The fading bruises stand out on his face is stark contrast to the beauty he possesses. “The reason I am telling you this, showing you this.” He emphasizes with his hands, gesturing around the room at the remaining flowers. “Is because I want you to know me, the real me. I can understand if you need time to think. I won’t pressure you.”


“DJ...” I start to say as he stands, not knowing I am going to finish that sentence I struggle with the words I want to tell him, that I believe him, but do I believe him? Is this even real? All I know is that I want to see him again. I have to see him again.


Good or bad, DJ is now a part of my life, always in my heart. “Will I see you at school tomorrow?” I ask finally standing up to be closer to eye level with him.


“DJ rubs the back of his neck with a weary expression of exhaustion on his face. “No, I haven’t even been home yet. My parents are going to be furious with me. I doubt I will be going back to school at all. But you will see me again, soon. I will be in touch.”


He draws me in and hugs me tightly, softly caressing my back in a circular motion, sending shivers down my spine. I lean into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. He pulls away with a sigh, kissing me gently on the forehead before leaving.


After DJ is gone I am so exhausted I head straight to bed. Wishing for a dreamless sleep so I can be well rested to think more about this tomorrow, I chuckle to myself. I have my own personal Djinn to grant my wishes. My chuckle turns into full on laughter as I crawl into bed, delirious with sleep.



I am sitting at the kitchen table with my mother. In front of me is a turkey sandwich on wheat bread, the crusts cut off of course. I dangle my bare feet, dirty from soil outside, back and forth on the floor. A tall glass of lemonade sits next to my plate, floating with ice cubes and sliced oranges. I reach into the glass removing an orange slice to nibble on. The tangy sweet fruit explodes with flavor in my mouth.


“Kathryn.” My mother says from across the table in a stern voice, making me look up sharply. My mother has always reserved her stern voice for when I have done something bad. Eating an orange slice from my lemonade isn’t bad, is it?


“What mommy?” I ask meekly, hoping I am not in trouble for something. Have I done something bad? I don’t want my mommy mad at me? Is it my dirty feet? I took my shoes off before entering the house.


“Listen to me, this is important.” My mother says with a weary expression, her voice cracking. “This will be the last time I visit in a dream. The end is close for me, I can feel it. Armaros will not let me live once I have completed the lost text.”


She stands to walk around to me, rubbing her hand down my hair smooth it close to my scalp she continues, “Go to Andy, he will explain more. Remember Kat, I love you, always.”




My alarm clock blares to life, waking me abruptly from the dream.


I am so confused. What does my mom have to do with Andy? I rub my eyes in attempt to focus. Everything in my life is always such a mess. Why can’t I just be a normal teenager, with normal teenage problems?


My mom told me to go to Andy, I only know one Andy, my nerdy friend with the unhealthy obsession of pocket protectors. In the past few weeks Andy and I have become really close. He has been helping with my calculus, history, and well… all the subjects. We share a lot of common interests, like the same taste is music, television shows, art style. We even studied the same language in school, Latin.


Should I tell him about the dreams and see if he knows anything? It sounds so silly, but my gut is telling me to go to him.


Trusting my instincts I send him a text message asking if he would stop by today. I hit send before I realize it is 6:30 in the morning. Oh crap. I should not have text him so early! Now he is going to think something is seriously wrong.


Right one cue my phone buzzes with an incoming message. It is from Andy asking if everything is alright. Suddenly exhausted with the memory of last night with DJ, I realize no, I am not alright.


Trying to decide how to word my reply I get another message from Andy saying he is on his way. Well that decides it; I won’t be going to school today. Andy rings the doorbell as I am cleaning up the mess from last night, throwing away the uneaten pizza, cupcake, wiping up the spill from the melted slushy, and straightening the house in general.


Andy does not look like himself when I let him into the house. His normally disheveled hair is sticking up wild tangles, his eyes are wide with worry, and the buttons on his shirt are mismatched, making him appear like a street bum. “Andy!” I say holding the door wide for him to walk in. “You didn’t have to rush over, really. Nothing is wrong. I just need to talk is all.”


Andy enters the house, taking me surprise, he enfolds me a swift hug, his long arms wrapping around my shoulders. “I worry about you Kat. You are every... I mean umm, I am in charge of your well being.”


Unsure of what to say I walk over to the couch flopping down on my back. Andy sits on the edge of the couch next to me; he leans over the top of me to place one hand on the back of the sofa. He is now face to face with me as he looks into my eyes. I stare back, wondering how I never noticed that we have the same exact eye color. “Tell me what’s going.” He says. It is not a question, but a statement.


I sit up on the couch, pulling my legs under me so he has more room to get comfortable. Wondering where to begin, it’s such a messed up situation. He is going to think I am crazy, telling him about my dreams. But looking into his eyes, I know he will be there for me, even if I am in a padded room. “This is going to be a long story. Do you need anything to drink?” I offer. He nods his head no, so I begin.


I tell him how my mother died or rather vanished, the car accident on the highway overpass. I pull up a video on a website showing him the scene. My mother’s shocked expression as she is pulled into the van, and then the van itself disappearing over the edge of the broken guardrail. I recount how the detectives say they never found her body, or any body for that matter.


There was no blood at the scene. My mother was just gone. The cops said that no one could have survived the fall, the van was demolished, but my mom had vanished into thin air. I describe the dreams I have been having. How it was always the same dream until recently, when they changed, when my mother started talking to me. I end my narrative with the last dream, explaining how she had told me to go to him and that he would explain everything.


When I am done I look up from my hands to Andy. I expect him to be on the phone with the psych ward reserving a room just for me; instead he is staring at me with a smile. Grinning broadly he says. “Kat you’re not crazy, your mom is alive.”


“What?” I respond flabbergasted. “How can that be? How are you so sure? What do you know? Tell me.” I order him, mustering as much authority as I can.


Can my mother truly be alive? That would be the best thing that could happen to me.


Andy runs his hands through his hair smoothing it down to lie over on one side. Sitting back onto the couch he clears his throat, “This is going to be an even longer story than yours. To tell it right I need to start at the beginning. You ready?”


I nod at him to go on. I am ready to hear how he can possibly think my mom is alive!


Andy starts his story. “Thousands of years ago, there were hundreds of angels that fell from Heaven, disgraced by God because they so loved mankind. The only one anyone ever talks about his Satan, because he dared defy God, but these others… well let’s say God was a little ticked off by Satan’s actions and wanted to set an example.”


Angels, God, Heaven, and Satan, what do they have to do with my mom? Andy better get to his point or I am done. With a sigh I rotate my hand in the air for him to get on with it.


“Anyway…” Andy continues, “These angels that fell from Heaven, were still by all rights, angels, they were just doomed to live on Earth for eternity and never again ascend to Heaven. There were twenty leaders of the fallen. Out of those twenty were a special thirteen, called watchers, and how do I say this delicately…” He trails off.


Interested in where this Sunday school sermon is going I shout. “Just tell me!” I playfully smack his shoulder.


“Okay, okay, but trust me Kat this next part is going to be hard to swallow.” Andy quips while scratching his nose. “Where was I? Oh yeah the watchers were the most powerful of all of the fallen, so one of the thirteen watchers, Bezaliel…”


“I know that name!” I shout excitedly. “The dark figure in my dream said that name when he pointed at me!”


“Yes, well, um…” Andy clears his throat again. “Bezaliel broke away from the Thirteen. She liked it so much here, on Earth, with mankind, she did not care to return to Heaven. But the other leaders and their followers were, pardon the pun, Hell bent on getting back to Heaven. A large faction of the hundreds of fallen angels stayed with the remaining twelve watchers, some left with Bezaliel. Now the angels see, each brought something with them in the fall. A gift for man, fire, written word, stuff like that. Each angel had their own unique gift. Bezaliel’s gift was a conscribed text from Metatron, the voice of God. Supposedly this script describes how a fallen angel can get back in to Heaven. But the path would be bloody, and mankind would suffer, so Bezaliel said the scripture was lost in the fall, since then the remaining twelve watchers of the thirteen, and yes they still call themselves the Thirteen, have been searching for the lost word of God.”


“And… they haven’t found it yet?” I ask, engrossed in the story now.


“Well…” Andy says. “Recently word went around the world that Bezaliel was lying about the text being lost. That the scripture was never lost, but that she had destroyed it after committing it memory. The Thirteen, they found her, and they have been torturing her since to get this information. I just learned today that Bezaliel has broken and is writing the lost text down for them, once she is done they will kill her.”


“I see.” I say tapping my chin with my pointer finger, “That is a great story, but what does it have to do with me, or my mom being alive?”


“Err…” Andy mumbles. “Well this is the weird part, now hear me out, your mom, well she is… she is Bezaliel.” He finishes with a raised eyebrow.


I can’t help myself. He is so sincere, but I burst out laughing. You have got to be kidding me, first my boyfriend is a wish granting genie, and now my mom is supposedly an angel. Oh this is rich.


After my laughter tapers off a little Andy continues talking. “Kat I know it is a lot to take in, but there is more.” Wiping tears from my eyes I wave my hand for him to continue.


“So… the angels that joined your, uhh, your mom, went out into the world to live as humans, my dad was one of them. I… uh, we, are Nephilim. We are the progeny of man and angel. We possess both the spirit of God and the soul of man. We are not immortal but we will live for a very, very long time unless we are killed, and we can be killed like any man. We will not get sick, we are impervious to germs, and we have some, but not all angelic abilities.”


I think about what he is saying for a moment. It is true, I have never been sick in my life. Not even a headache, or a pimple. “How…” I whisper to myself.


“Kat.” Andy says pulling my hand into his own. “I am assigned your protector. My father was your mom’s friend and general after the fall, when she broke away from the Thirteen. After your mother had you, she went to my father asking for him to raise me to one day be your guardian. I have lived my whole life to keep you safe. I watched from afar, I made sure your dad would ask me to take care of you so that… so that I could be close to you and mentor you. Because I knew this day was coming when you would be ready for the truth. And your mother is alive, Armaros is keeping her captive for now, but I, I mean we, we can save her… if you will let me teach you.”


This is all too much to handle my mom is alive, DJ, magic, angels, Andy-my protector. My head is swimming and my thoughts are racing. I tremble as everything hits home. I know it is true. I feel it deep inside me. I always knew my mom was alive, I always knew she was special. Maybe that is why I so readily accepted DJ’s crazy story as fact. I am the product of an angel. Did my dad know? There is no way he could have known, I didn’t know and I am apparently part angel. Nephilim. That is what I am, and I can save my mom!


What I wouldn’t do to have my mom back.


Fight? Yes.


Die? Yes.




Suddenly I feel as if I can’t breathe, the room is closing in on me. I need to get away from it. Without bothering to put shoes on I run out of the house and into the bright sunshine of the early fall day. I hear Andy call out for me, the sound of his shoes behind me slapping on the concrete. I keep running. I don’t know if I am running away from something or to something, all I know is I need to run. I need to feel the sun warming my face and the wind in my hair. My heart beats faster in my chest; my breath comes out in bursts, the muscles quiver with strain, but I don’t stop running.




Light falls through the entry way of the dark alcove. Stone walls drip moisture that pools into the corners, eroding the stone floor. A never ending plink-plink echoes through the room. The room reeks with the sour stench of putrid water.


Standing in the center of the room is a petite woman, her head bent to her chest, as if in prayer. Her clothes are in tatters and blood stains the torn fabric. Skin pale as the dawn, shines clean and undamaged in any way through the various rips and holes. No chains bind her in place, yet she stands immobile as the flickering light comes closer, illuminating the room.


Dress shoes click on the concrete floor as a man enters the alcove. Glimmering candle light bathes him in an eerie cast, turning a beautiful face into a goblin mask, blonde hair cascades down his back in silky waves. Blue eyes flash wickedly as he exposes a toothy grin at his captive. Moving the candle in a semi-circle in front of his body he glances around the room, seemingly satisfied with the surrounding, he smiles at the woman. “Takes you back don’t it?” He whispers.


She continues to face the floor. Her hair lay in tangles on either side of her head obscuring her face and the movement of her mouth as she speaks one word.“Armaros.” Anger, venom and malice seethes in her voice, the woman must truly despise this man.


The man continues, as if the woman had never spoken. “Modern technology has rendered the flame of a candle obsolete. I prefer the heat of a flame, the warm reminder of God’s love. Don’t you agree?” He says with a charming lilt to his voice, acting as though they were at an art gala not a dungeon.


He pauses for a beat, when the woman does not respond he goes on. “I presume we will feel the warmth of His love again, don’t you?”


Several minutes pass in silence as the woman stares at the floor unmoving. The man stares at the woman in anticipation of a response. “Let us begin.” He finally utters the contempt in his voice unmistakable.


Armaros stands still for a moment, his head cocked to one side. Without warning his voice flows like a raging river, anger boiling over. “I am ready to depart this forsaken place!” He howls, the echo of his last word repeating back through the stone room.


Standing immobile as a statue, laughter bubbles up to her lips.Unable to stifle it, she brays a gleeful wheeze into the dark room. “Armaros, you will never leave this world.”


Ignoring her, Armaros raises the candle high above his head casting the weak light on the ceiling above. With a wave of his hand all the tension in the woman’s body releases, she slumps to the floor in a heap, still laughing. “Tuautemcediderunt… tureliquisti…”She rattles on. A broad grin paints her face, distorting her beauty and exposing the delirious madness beneath the surface.


Armaros grabs her arm with a heavy grunt, pulling her from the room with a fluid motion. Her laughter trails behind him as she is pulled along. “Bezaliel.” He mutters under his breath, almost too softly to be heard over her frenzy. “I hope you retain your lucidity long enough to finish.”




Expecting my mother, I am surprised to see my father waiting in the living room. He is sitting on the tan sofa with his head in his hands. Walking with soft steps I approach him.Unable to see his face I notice his usually pristine hair is messy and dirty. His shoulders sag with weary weight.Sighing heavily he looks up at me. My dad’s normally bright eyes are dull, dark circles surround them like hollow caves. I feel terrible. I never wanted to disappoint my dad, the one parent that cares for me and shows me even an iota of love.


“DJ.” He says flatly. “I have been worried about you. I told your mother I would wait up for you. She knew you would be home tonight.”


So my parents already knew everything. They knew I had spent a torturous week in the pit and did nothing to get me out. Anger boils up inside me, with as much willpower as I can muster I press it down into my empty stomach. My muscles shake with rage. How could they leave their only son, their only child, on the brink of death? I expect such cruelty from my mother, but my dad? How could he? Why? I sit down on the sofa next to my dad, rubbing my temples to release the building tension growing behind my eyes. “Why didn’t you come for me, dad?” I ask, hating myself for whining. “Why?”


“Your mother, she wouldn’t allow it.” My dad answers, leaning back onto the couch next to me. He mimics my movement, rubbing his own temples.Like father like son. “I tried to talk her out of it, but she said you needed to learn a lesson. You know how your mother is.” He waves his hand in the air with a dismissive tone. “When her mind is set, there is no changing it.”


I groan, yes I know how my mother is. I expect to whipped and flayed for my transgression. My body is weary. I haven’t slept properly in a week. My stomach cries out with hunger pains. Knowing my dad wants to stay up and talk to me, I solve one of my problems with a snap of my fingers.


A humongous bacon cheeseburger and fries appear on a plate in my hand. Steam rises from the hot meal. The smell of the delicious food makes my mouth water in anticipation. Without delay I take a large bite of the burger.The flavor hits my taste buds, making me moan in pleasure. Oh food, I have missed you. I devour the burger and fries within minutes. My dad sits silent beside me, granting me the courtesy of eating without having to talk with my mouth full. It’s a good thing because there is no way I could have stopped eating once I started. My stomach rumbles in pleasure as I lick the grease from my fingertips.


Once I am done eating I wipe my mouth clean with the bottom of my shirt. My need to see Kat complete and my hunger finally sated I turn to my dad, ready to accept the punishment my mother is making him dole out. “Well… what’s it going to be?” I ask.


“Nothing.” My dad replies, running his hands across his face, rough callous scraping the stubble on his chin. “Your mother, she thinks a week in the pit was a suitable punishment.”


I stare at my dad open mouthed. That does not sound like my mother at all. I leave without permission, go to Munkarit unsupervised, disappear for a week, and my mother is okay with it? There has to be more he isn’t telling me. “What? She is planning something else isn’t she? What do you know dad?” I ask, narrowing my eyes in suspicion.


“DJ let me tell you a story.” My dad begins. He walks to the bar in the corner of the room and pours himself a drink. Sipping his scotch he makes his way back to the couch. With a drink in hand he starts his story. “When I was your age I fell in love, she was beautiful, and smart, and meant everything to me. But… she was also human.” He pauses to let this part sink in. “You know that our bloodlines are diminishing because Djinn are breeding with humans, and the magic is weakening. My parents would not allow me to be with her. Instead they arranged a marriage with your mother. When I learned of their plan I was devastated.”


My dad stops talking for a moment, his scotch empty. He returns to the bar to refill his glass. It is hard for me to imagine my dad young and in love. My whole life he has cowered to my mother’s will, there has never been any love between them. She is a mastermind at manipulation, and I always knew my dad to be weak willed and spineless, never having the courage to stand up to her, even on my behalf. My dad rejoins me on the couch with the whole bottle of scotch. This is going to be a long story.


“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this DJ, and it stays between us, got it?” He asks me pointedly, raising his eyebrow in my direction. I nod, accepting his terms. This will stay between us.


“Before the marriage contract could be signed, I made the decision to run off with Margaret. I had packed my bags, had everything ready to go. I was going to meet her at the stables at the back of our house.” My dad paused in his recollection, his head tilted to one side, a ghost of a smile on his lips as if he is remembering that night so long ago. With a shake of his head he starts talking again. “She was stunning, I was my happiest when I was with Margaret, and she brought out the best in me. But your mother...”


My dad pours another drink. He is really knocking them down and his speech is starting to slur. “Claire, your mother, was waiting for me at the stables. I had never met her before that night, she has always been a beautiful woman, but when she was younger, DJ men would have killed to be with her. Any man except me, the one man she was destined to spend her lifetime with. We talked for a long time that night. She told me that she knew I would never love her. And she offered me a deal, Margaret’s life in exchange for being an obedient husband.” He removes the cuff links from his shirt, dropping them on the table with a clink. He rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to the elbows.


I am overwhelmed at my dad’s admission. Everything makes sense now. My dad’s actions, his reasons behind bowing to my mother’s will. He isn’t weak willed. He is in love and pain. He has been doing the only thing he can to protect the one he loves. He let her go. He let go of his own happiness.


My dad wipes tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. Sweat beads on his forehead. “DJ, you know your mother. You know what she is capable of. Even back then, her reputation preceded her. I had no choice. I had to take her deal. I never saw Margaret again. I don’t know what happened to her.” Tears run freely down his face as he talks. His words run together in a drunken blur. “Your mother is powerful. She made me sign a contract, in blood, that very night. It prevents me from ever trying to find her. She thinks I left her, without an explanation.”


My dad breaks down into gasping sobs. His shoulders shake with the strain of crying, all the years of pent up grief over his lost love, rushing out in one drunken confession. Why is he telling me this now? What does this have to do with me? I try to console my dad awkwardly, resting my hand on his shoulder. “Dad.” I whisper. “Why are you telling me this? Do you want me to find her for you?”


He looks up at me quickly, eyes red and puffy from crying. “NO!” His nose runs clear fluid and his sour breath exhales out in my direction. “Do not find her. Your mother will kill her. I am telling you because I want you to know what your mother is capable of. She will use this girl, Kat, against you.”


What? My mom knows about Kat, how is that possible? I didn’t tell her. The only person that knew about her is my dad. I narrow my eyes at him. “You told her.”


“No, no, I didn’t tell her DJ, please know that.” My dad pleads. “She has her ways of finding things out on her own. I know you think you love her. You will need to let her go. Your mother will destroy you with her, the way she destroyed me. Don’t let that happen to you DJ. Please.”


I am stunned. My dad’s confession has left me speechless. My mother is evil. She will use Kat to control me. She will try to make me like my father. I cannot allow that, but how can I stop her? How can I protect Kat and be with her?


My dad breaks me from my thoughts as he stands on trembling legs. He pats me on the shoulder and leaves the room. He wobbles to and fro in his drunken state and sniffles quietly to himself. I let him go without a word. What else can I say? I grab the half empty bottle of scotch on the table. “Like father, like son.” I mutter to myself, taking a large swig of the amber liquid.


I wake in my bed the next morning, stiff and sore. My heads thumps with the pain of last night’s conversation with my dad mixed with too much scotch. I don’t remember even coming to bed. My throat is itchy and dry. I need something to drink. I walk downstairs to the kitchen on autopilot, hungry and thirsty.


My mom sits at the kitchen table, the morning news spread in front of her face. Her perfectly polished nails curl around the front of the paper. I clear my throat as I walk to the refrigerator to get myself a drink. “DJ, you’re back.” She says with a smile, placing the paper on the table in front of her. To my surprise she actually looks and sounds happy to see me. I will not give her the satisfaction of a response. My dad’s words from last night echo in my head. I turn and walk out of the kitchen with my orange juice, without even acknowledging her.




I come back from my run in a better state of mind. I needed the time to think about everything I have learned. Andy followed more for a while then stopped, shouting at me he will be waiting when I am ready. I thought about DJ, about myself, mostly about my mom. I believe Andy when he tells me what I am, who my mom is. Everything he said feels right. It all seems to click home to me. As if my genetics are coded with the story of my past. I am ready to hear it all now, willing to train, and committed to saving my mom.


I walk in the house drenched in perspiration.My hair is sticking to my sweaty face. My bare feet are swollen and bleeding from running on the concrete sidewalks without shoes. I am so stupid. Panting for breath, I gasp Andy’s name as I collapse on the floor at the door way.


I wake up some time later in my bed, my eyes fluttering open. I am lying on my back and the covers are pulled up under my chin. The room is dark except for the faint glow of my nightlight. I feel so safe and warm cocooned in my own bed that I don’t want to get up, but nature calls.


When I pull the covers back to get out of bed, I see that my feet are clean and bandaged. I place one foot on the floor tentatively, expecting a protest of pain from all of the cuts on the soles of my feet. I feel nothing. Encouraged by the lack of pain I head to the bathroom, making sure to take delicate steps. I start the shower and let it get warm while I remove the wrappings from my feet. There are a few spots of blood on the gauze, but other than that the soles of my feet are free from any scratch or cut. I shrug to myself, the perk of being part angel. I take a long soothing shower, easing the tension from my back and relaxing my mind. I wash all the dirt and grime from my body and shampoo my long hair thoroughly.


My thoughts drift to DJ. I need to tell him about me! About my mom! He will want to help me, I know he will. He will do anything to make me happy. How could I of ever been angry at him? I stay in the shower until the water runs cold, running out of time to condition my wavy hair. As I am stepping out of the shower a soft knock sounds at the door.


“Kat?” I hear Andy’s mellow voice call from the other side of the wood door.


“Uhh hey Andy, I didn’t know you were still here, I’ll be out in a minute.” I call back through the wood door. I glance around the small bathroom. I didn’t think to bring a change of clothes with me, and now that I am clean it wouldn’t feel right to put on my dirty clothes. I wrap the towel around my body, tucking it in the top on one side to keep it in place. I count to one hundred before cracking open the door, hoping I gave Andy enough time to get back downstairs. Peering around the edge I don’t see him anywhere in sight. I race down the hallway to my room, my towel flapping behind me as I run, my face bright red with the thought of Andy catching me in a towel.


I dress quickly in a tank top and sweat pants and jog down the stairs to meet Andy.My wet hair slaps against my shoulder blades flinging drops of water everywhere. I carry my hairbrush in my right hand and bop it against my left palm to the beat of Eye of the Tiger. “Andy.” I call out when I reach the bottom of the stairs. He is lying on the couch with his arm flung over his head, breathing deeply. I check the clock above the fireplace mantle, seeing it is past 2am, I should let him sleep. He must be tired, but I have too many questions, and now that I’ve showered and I’m more awake I need answers.


The sofa creaks when I gently sit at the edge of the couch. Using my fingertips I softly brush his wild hair away from his closed eyes.He moans quietly in his sleep. He looks so peaceful asleep with all the worry and strain gone from his face. I slowly trace my finger from his temple down to his jawline. I notice his lips are parted. I wonder how it would feel to have his lips on mine. I lean my face close to his. Suddenly I stop. What was I just about to do? I close my eyes and shake my head.


I sit back upright, with my left arm I softly touch his right shoulder. “Andy wake up.” I whisper. He jolts straight up, knocking me off the edge of the sofa onto my back on the floor. My elbow catches the corner of the coffee table on the way down and I cry out, more in surprise than pain.


In a flash Andy is kneeling beside me on the floor. “Kat I am so sorry, here let me help you up.” Before I can protesthe reaches down and scoops me up off the floor and deposits me on the couch. I am surprised by his strength. He moved my whole body weight as if it was nothing. Andy must be much stronger than he looks. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to…” He trails off, a look of concern spreading across his face. He cups my elbow in his palm. “Here let me see.” The feel of his soft fingers on my triceps sends shivers up to my neck. “Are you cold?” He asks. “Want me to grab a blanket?”


“I’m fine Andy, I’m fine, no worries.” I murmur quickly, embarrassed at everything that just happened. Am I starting to have feeling for Andy? No, there is no way. Why would I want Andy when I have a heartthrob like DJ?“Here sit down, we should talk.” I tell him patting the cushion next to me. He sits down next to me as I start to brush the tangles out of my damp hair. “I need you to tell me what you meant before. You said teach me, teach me what?”


Andy pinches the bridge of his nose as he starts talking. “Nephilim have several skills, similar to angels, we can send visions to humans. Waking visions, or in dreams.”


While he is telling me this I realize now that is how my mom contacted me and told me to go to him, through a dream. Brushing my hair as he explains everything to me I determine I should have stayed in the cold shower long enough to use conditioner.My hair is so tangled I give up, tossing the hair brush on the coffee table in front of me. Andy absently reaches over and picks up the hair brush, he motions for me to turn around so he can brush my hair. With a shrug I do as he asks, maybe he will have better luck.


He brushes my hair softly as he talks. “Dream visions are usually interpreted as just a dream, with no meaning. Waking visions can warp reality. The person receiving the vision can feel a flux in time. A waking vision may feel like it has lasted years, when in reality it was only a few minutes. Angels that use waking visions may cause the recipient to go mad. Nephilim, unlike angels, do not have wings, we cannot fly, but we can move rather quick, much quicker than a human eye can track.”


“That’s cool!” I exclaim, thinking of all of the super hero movies I have seen. I could be like The Flash.


“Yeah it’s pretty cool.” He states. “You will have to learn and master it though. The last thing you will learn is how to use your grace.”


“My grace?” I ask. Andy had said before that as Nephilim we have the soul of man and the Spirit of God is that what he means?


“Your grace is essentially your heavenly spirit.” He finishes combing out the tangles in my hair and starts braiding it down my back. The lull of his voice combined with the soothing sensation of his fingers through my hair makes me feel drowsy. Trying to concentrate on what he saying I stifle a yawn behind my hand.


“Your grace can be used in several ways, but mostly you can use your spirit as a guide. We can track your mother that way. Your spirit is essentially a magnetic pull towards another angel or Heaven. We can navigate with it.” He tells me.


I can track down where my mother is being held captive by using my spirit as a guide, because I am drawn to her like a magnet. That makes sense, that also explains why I feel so comfortable around Andy is such a short time. Our spirits recognize each other. He feels like family, like he has always been in my life even though we just met a short time ago. Maybe that is why I acted the way I did earlier?


Yawning loudly I ask him. “Is that why I am so comfortable around you?” Since I already mentioned how comfortable I feel around him I lean back against his chest, relishing the warm he is radiating. A tingle of regret runs through my mind allowing myself to be so physically close to Andy while I am dating DJ, but I brush it off. There is nothing going on with me and Andy. I mean sure, he is kind of cute, and I almost tried to kiss him while he was asleep, but he is my guardian. Not to mention he has never shown an interest in me. I need to get a grip on my teenage emotions.


He chuckles before answering. “Yes, that would be part of the reason. You could say we are drawn to each other, on a subconscious level we want to be around a kindred spirit.”


“Will you teach me how to do all these things?” I ask. He runs his hands up and down my uncovered arms warming them under his hands. I sigh contentedly. Andy makes me feel safe, which is a good thing I suppose since he is my protector, as he put it. I think about DJ. He is magical, is that why I am drawn to him? Is he a kindred spirit? I am drawn to DJ in a different way than Andy though. DJ doesn’t make me feel as secure and complacent as Andy. But then again Andy doesn’t make me feel as seductive as DJ.


“I will.” I faintly hear Andy say as I drift off to sleep.




I wake up with a grin on my face. Somehow I had managed to get through all of yesterday without speaking to my mother. I know it must be killing in her inside that I have been giving her the silent treatment since I returned home from Munkarit. She knows nothing about my late night talk with my dad. I didn’t think it was possible, but I hate my own mother. The woman that gave me life, that brought me into this world, that nurtured me and changed my diapers, I despise her. I know I should feel guilty and ashamed, but I don’t. After I heard what she did to my dad all those years ago, I feel nothing but contempt. I will not let her hurt Kat. I will protect her.


Thinking of Kat makes me smile even more. I want to see her, I need to see her. I want to lose myself in her luminous green eyes, feel her rich auburn hair between my fingers, and caress her baby soft skin. Before I can get myself worked up, I jump in a cold shower.


After I am done showering, I eat a quick breakfast. Thankfully both of my parents are already gone for the day by the time I leave my room. Since I have the whole day free without my mother breathing down my neck I call Kat. I count the seconds until she answers the phone.


When she finally does answer she mumbles a weak hello, still half asleep I assume.


“Hey beautiful.” I say to her. “Are you busy today?”


Before answering, she muffles the phone. I hear faint voices briefly before she gets back on. “Yeah DJ, I am busy today, and I have a lot going on this week.”


I am suddenly unsure of what is going on between us. Is she making up an excuse to not see me? Does she not believe what I told her? “Would you want to hang out, say Friday night?” I say hesitantly. I hate myself for acting weak.


“Sure.” She replies. “Would around 4pm be alright, after school?” A weight drops from my shoulders. She does still want to see me. With a smile on my face I tell her it’s a date.


I wonder who she was talking to so early in the morning. I know her dad is out of town, and her caretaker usually stops by on Friday’s after school. Repressing jealousy, I decide I want to work out.It will help me release some of my tension, and build up the muscle I lost while in the pit.


I spend a few hours in the gym, when I am done I clean the equipment and turn off the radio as I leave the room. As soon as the noise of the radio is silenced I can hear raised voices coming from down the hall. Creeping as silently as possible I tiptoe down the hall staying close to the wall, checking my back often. I don’t need a repeat of Solomon sneaking up behind me again. Before I can make it to the door I hear the voices clearly, the deep cadence of Armaros, the gruff rasp of Solomon, and high pitched melody of Soon-ya, and my mother. I lean back on the wall and listen to their conversation with growing horror.


“The bonds will soon be broken Claire.” Armaros says to my mother. “The Thirteen will fly again.”


“Good for you Armaros.” My mother replies with a sarcastic lilt to her voice. “What does this mean for us?”


“We will need all of your magic Claire to create distractions here on Earth.” Armaros tells her, “We need catastrophes, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, anything that will cause widespread disaster. Soloman, Bertoldo, Soon-ya, we need your forces to attack the humans, kill and maim, break the law of masquerade and spread fear through them.”


A murmur of babble sounds through the room. I can only assume they are agreeing whole heartedly to kill. I wonder what Armaros has planned? With his next statement he answers my question.


“We need to pull out all the stops for the Heaven to notice and when they do they will send an army to find you, all of you, and stop you. You will fight them. Hold them off as long as you can.”


“And where will you be during this?” A gravelly voice asks. I can only assume that is Bertoldo, having never heard him speak before it is the one voice I do not recognize.


There is a long pause. I think maybe I missed hearing Armaros reply until his voice breaks me from my thoughts. “The Thirteen will be at Hadraniel. Once we are back in Heaven, consider your debts paid. You are dismissed for today, but oh Claire, please do stay behind for a moment so we can discuss your … ahhh, your son. Thank you all.”


The sound of chairs being moved alerts me to the need to vanish immediately before I am caught.


Back in my room I contemplate everything I heard, confirming what my source has told me before to be true. We will be fighting against Heaven, angels, angels with flaming swords and the will of God behind them. I put my face in my hands and groan to myself. What chance do we have against them? None, there is no chance to survive.


I need to get out of the house and away from all of this. I call up my friend Jared to see if he wants to hang out and play some basketball. Turns out he is having a party at his house this evening. He invites me over.


Needing to get out of the house I decide it is a good idea to go to the party. I get cleaned up and drive over. Even though I have the magical capabilities to just wish myself anywhere anytime I still need to keep up appearances of being human.


When I pull up it is full dark outside. I have to park my car a block away because there was no parking in front of Jared’s house. The party is in full swing. Music is blaring out of the open windows. Red solo cups litter the front yard. Several people are milling about outside smoking cigarettes. I nod at them as I walk past to the front door.


I am greeted with an air horn in my face the moment I open the door. “FRESH MEAT!” A dark haired girl yells. I have never seen her before in my life.


“Where is Jared?” I ask her, taking in her skimpy attire. The nights are starting to get cool now that summer is officially over. I am wearing a light jacket. Her clothes or lack of clothes are better suited for spring break. She is wearing a bikini top and shorts. Paint in smeared all over body in various colors.


“Who is Jared?” The girl screams at me, leaning over the edge of the bar stool sitting next to the door. She is obviously drunk. I can smell the beer on her breath.


“Jared. It’s his party.” I tell her. After I ask her I see him across the room. I wave at her as I walk away.


“Hey Jared, I thought this was a small party. Who are all these people?” I ask him once I get close enough.


“Oh hey man.” He says holding up his hand for a high five. After I slap his hand he continues. “My brother is here. So he invited his friends.” Jared’s brother, Rob, goes to college out of town. I guess he is home for the long weekend. That is how they got all of the alcohol, he is twenty-two. “Grab a drink man.” Jared shouts me. “There is a paint party going on and a lot of girls.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.


Jared knows me. He knows that I am a player and like to move from girl to girl. But now that I am dating Kat I decide this party is no place for me. There is too much temptation to revert to my old ways of sleeping around. I nod at Jared, knowing he won’t realize I’m gone and make my way to the door to leave.


Before I can get there I feel a tug on my shirt. I turn around expecting it to be Jared. Instead I see Lilli. She looks as ravishing as ever. Her blue eyes sparkles and her red clothes hug her body. The tight tank top and jeans she is wearing leave everything and nothing to the imagination. “Hey Lilli.” I say to her.


“Ohhhh DJ I didn’t know you were going to be here.” She coos, sliding up close to me. She whispers in my ear so she can be heard of the blaring music. “I figured you would be with your little girlfriend.”


“She is busy.” I tell Lilli. “Or else I would be.”


“Busy huh?” Lilli says batting her eyes. “I’m not busy. You’re not busy. Spend some time with me DJ. I miss you.”


Before I can reply she is pulling me away from the party down a hallway. The music gets quieter and I can hear myself think now. “No Lilli.” I say stopping in my tracks. I know where this is going and I know what she wants. I will not cheat on Kat. No matter how badly my body wants to be with Lilli. I stiffen my resolve and walk away from her.


I hear her yell at me as I quickly walk away. “You will wish you had DJ.” Her laughter echoes down the hall. “You will look back at this and realize you should have gone into that room with me and listened to what I had to say!”





After an exhausting day at school I meet Andy at my house. He is waiting for me on the front porch when I pull up.


“Hey Andy.” I wave to him as I walk over to him. “So we start training today?”


“Yes.” He replies, standing up and meeting me halfway. “But not here.”


“Where?” I ask.


“We are going to my house. My dad was your mother’s general after the fall. If anyone can train you properly it will be him.”


“Oh… okay.” I say, suddenly unsure about all of this. I don’t know if I am ready to meet Andy’s family or others like me yet. I just learned about all this and it is still so new to me. What if I do something wrong, or say the wrong thing?


All my fears vanish once I arrive. We pull into the driveway of a modest two story house not far from mine. The front yard is mowed, absent of any falling leaf, even though two of the largest oak trees in town must be standing in front of the house like sentries. When we walk in the smell of cinnamon pervades the air and girl about a year or two younger than me is sitting on the couch watching TV. “Hey Sera.” Andy greets her. “This is Kat. Kat this is my younger sister Sera.” The young girl sitting on the couch has medium length dyed black hair. Her dark eyes are covered in black makeup and her pale skin is in stark contrast to the black clothing she is wearing. She must be going through a Goth phase.


Sera nods at me and smiles, turning back to the TV she dismisses us. Wow, typical teenager. I hope I wasn’t that bad a few years ago, knowing I was. A beautiful woman with short chestnut hair cut to her shoulders walks into the room from what I assume is the kitchen carrying a plate of cinnamon rolls. She sees us and stops. “Andy?” She asks questioningly.


“Mom…” Andy replies. “This is Kat. Kat this is my mom.”


“Uhh hi.” I say quietly, with my hands clasped in front of me.


“Oh honey.” Andy’s mom says cheerily. “Are you hungry? I just made cinnamon rolls, come into the kitchen.” She turns and walks out of the room without another word. I look to Andy, silently asking what to do. He shrugs and follows his mom. The kitchen is amazing, painted a bright yellow with green trim, it radiates cheer.


Sitting at the round kitchen table is a young man that looks to be Andy’s age, he has a lap top in front of him and he furiously tapping at the keys, mumbling quietly to himself. He is so engrossed in what he is doing he doesn’t even notice us when we sit at the table.


When he glances up I see that the young man looks exactly like Andy, if Andy had any style or sense of fashion. His hair is cut close to his head, unlike the wild mop of hair Andy has that falls down to his eyes. His eyes, the same as Andy’s, are sea foam green, with flecks of gold shining through making him appear amused. This man’s cheekbones are prominent enough to cut paper. A layer of stubble grazes across his chin. I realize I am staring at this stranger that looks exactly like my nerdy friend and almost drooling. “Oh… hi, I’m Kat.” I squeak out.


The man looks at Andy raising one well shaped eyebrow. “This is Kat? Oh brother… you have been holding out on me! I may not be into girls, but hubba-hubba!” He turns back to me, holding his hand out to shake and says. “I’m Cody, Andy’s older brother, by three minutes to be exact, and you… are… stunning.” He finished with a grin.


I shake Cody’s hand quickly, highly embarrassed at the situation. I was just drooling over a much more stylish, attractive version of my friend. Thankfully Andy’s mother joins us at the table wiping her hands on her slacks. “Now Kat, Andy tells me you are here to train with Eli.”


“’Yes ma’am, yes Mrs. Dominic.” I say to her, swallowing a large chunk of my cinnamon roll with a gulp.


“Great!” She says clapping her hands. “Eli is out back. Let me show you the way. Let’s leave these two to their own devices for a while.” She says with a sly wink. I walk with her through the kitchen towards the back of the house. Her green eyes are sparkling with amusement, her brown hair swaying back in forth. She places her arm around my waist as we walk. “Your mother Kat... We will get her back, I promise.” She squeezes me gently as we walk outside into the autumn evening. Mrs. Dominic’s warm arm around me is comforting. Everything about her is motherly and reassuring. Her eyes are kind, laugh lines spreading across her face, she must be human, since Andy said he is Nephilim, and his dad is an angel.


I don’t know why I was nervous to come here. All of Andy’s family has been great so far, I think until I look out at the center of the lawn. Levitating above the ground is a man wearing a curry colored robe, similar to a kashaya robe that monks wear. His long steel grey hair is pulled back into a pony tail at the back of his neck. His eyes are rolled into the back of head, revealing on the whites. His face is sharp with protruding cheekbones and chin. His thin lips are pulled down in a grimace as if he is in pain. Mrs. Dominic reaches for my hand, holding in between her own two hands she tells me. “Kat he is not as scary as he looks. Don’t worry. You are family. He will love you, as he loves your mother.”


I am not reassured by her words. Staring silently at the man I watch as he lowers himself slowly to the ground. When his bare toes touch the soil below his eyes close and his face relaxes. The hard lines are melted away into soft wrinkles. When he opens his eyes again he is looking right at me. His eyes are dark, unlike Andy and the rest of his family that have green eyes like myself. From this distance I can detect no color in them, they appear almost black.


“Kathryn Broadchurch.” Eli Dominic says to me. His voice is the opposite of his appearance, startling me. He sounds like a kindly old grandfather. “Come here and let me see you.” He orders. I walk forward slowly, releasing Mrs. Dominic’s hand as I go.


“Mr. Dominic.” I say in an unsteady voice as I approach him with light steps. “Th-thank you for taking the time to teach me.”


“Kathryn dear, it is my pleasure.” He reaches out to take my hand. “I wish your mother could be here to teach you, but I am sure we will get along fine.” Holding my hand he pulls me to the swing off to one side of the backyard. We sit down side by side, rocking gently in the breeze. I search the yard for Mrs. Dominic, she is nowhere in sight, she must have went back in the house. “Kathryn, what has Andy told you?”


I explain to Mr. Dominic everything Andy had told me about being Nephilim. The abilities and the closeness we feel to other kindred spirits like ourselves. He nods as I speak, humming agreement softly under his breath. Remembering what I meant to ask Andy about DJ, I ask Mr. Dominic. “Does the companionship we feel with each other apply to other magical beings as well?”


“Whatever do you mean dear?” He asks, putting his feet on the ground, stopping the swing from rocking.


“I uhhh,” I stutter. “I was just wondering, I-I mean, like other things like fairies or genies for example.”


“Do you know any fairies or genies dear?” He asks me, taking my hand in his own.


“Well um…” I trail off. Should I tell him about DJ? He didn’t tell me not to tell anyone, but it was implied. He entrusted me with a dark secret that his family has been keeping forever. I made up my mind to not tell him anything, and just pass it off as an overactive imagination, when he speaks again, interrupting my thoughts.


“The Sarafs, Daniel, you have met him. You care for him.”


I am appalled. How does he know that? I look at him, his eyes are rolled back into his head and his hand is gripping mine tightly. Is he reading my mind? The bones in my fingers are starting to squeeze against each other and the pain in becoming worse with each second. Then as suddenly as it started, it stops. His eyes flutter and his fingers open, he releases my hand. What was that about?


“Yes.” Mr. Dominic’s words rumble out of his chest. “I was reading your mind. It is my gift. No secret is hidden from me. Just ask my daughter.” He says with a wink. “I know you care deeply for this boy, this Djinn. And yes, he is a Djinn, a powerful one at that. Do not doubt him, but also, do not tell him who you are. He is in league with terrible forces. The happiness he will bring you will not outweigh the pain and suffering he will cause.”


“What do you mean? DJ would never hurt me!” I exclaim.


“Oh no, not you dear.Others, many many others.” He says in reply, his face frowning with sadness.


“I-I-I can’t stop seeing him… I…” I trail off.


“You think you love him, yes I know. But Kathryn love is all around us in many forms. Love is the sun shining down, love is the protection from harm, and love is friendship.” Mr. Dominic gently rubs my hand as he speaks in a soothing way. “You will know what I mean one day. But for now, you can see him, but the day is coming very soon that you will have to make a choice.”


“’What choice?” I ask. All of this is too much. I feel like my chest is constricting. I may have my mother back, but I will lose DJ?


“You will have to choose to stay on the path you are now, with Andy, with us, to choose to bring light to the world. Or you can choose to follow the path of pain and loss, and fight the darkness every step of the way. Either way, you can choose, because you are Nephilim, you have free will.”


I will always choose light over darkness. DJ is not darkness, he is my light. He makes me happy. He makes me jealous, and angry, and miserable, and oh so happy, all at the same time. For the millionth time in a week I wish to myself that I was just a normal teenage girl, with normal teenage problems.


“Let us begin training.” Mr. Dominic announces. “Stand.” He orders.


My training is grueling. Learning the special new abilities I have is easy, almost fun, but when Andy said I would be training what he really meant is I would be learning to fight. I am worn out and exhausted by the time I get home and I still have tons of homework to finish. The week passes by in a flash, school every day, training every afternoon, and homework every night. Every muscle in my body cries out for me to stop and relax, but I can’t. My mom’s life depends on me. Mr. Dominic is encouraged that I am so motivated. I am picking up on things quickly and he says that perhaps another week or so of training and I will be ready, we will be ready.




The past week has dragged by as if in slow motion. I am determined to continue ignoring my mother at every opportunity. So far she hasn’t seemed to notice my efforts, which aggravates me more than just talking to her. I will not give her the satisfaction. This is a game to her, and I will win.


In my spare time I have been visiting the library in Munkarit to study about angel mythology, best to know who I am fighting and the best way to win. The only angels I know are the Thirteen, and the only Nephilim I know I Armaros’ daughter. The Elf at the library has been obliging my requests for old scrolls and large tombs that she has to retrieve from the back. Although each time I walk in she rolls her eyes. Angels are downright scary. They have the power to manipulate at will. Nephilim are almost like Sirens for magical kindred. The aura they project attracts magical beings, like moths to a flame. This I already knew.


Finally it is Friday and I can see Kat, I have looking forward to this day all week. I pull into at her driveway right on time. After I ring the doorbell I start to get nervous. I wonder if Kat has thought about what I told her, my secret. Maybe she thinks I am crazy, maybe she doesn’t want to see me anymore. Why does she make me feel this way? Of all of the girls I have been with only she and one other have been able to affect me this way. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants while I wait for her to answer the door. All my fears are alleviated when she answers the door.


She looks amazing. Her hair is a mess of waves hanging down to her waist. She is wearing a baggy shirt and gym shorts. Without any makeup on her skin glows, there are dark circles under her eyes, that make her look tired and worn out, but all the more beautiful to me. I realize I am standing there foolishly with a dopey grin on my face, for no other reason than I am happy to see her. “Kat, you look beautiful.”


“What?” She asks, looking baffled. “I do not.” Her cheeks glow red with embarrassment.


“Ahem.” A voice says from behind her.


“OH! DJ this is Andy.” Kat says turning to the side so I can see the guy standing behind her. He is the poster child for all that is nerdy. A plaid shirt, pocket protector, and messy brown hair heaped on his head. This is her babysitter. He looks all of eighteen years old. Why on Earth did her dad put this guy in charge? Looking him over I realize I have nothing to worry about as far as competition. I have got this guy beat in every department by miles.


I push my hand out to shake with Andy. He gently takes my hand in his own. His hands are soft and bony like they have never seen a hard day’s work in their life. “Andy!” I say with a cheery smile on my face. “Nice to meet you buddy, I have heard so much about you, you taking care of my girl for me?”


“I ummm… yeah.” Andy stutters, running his hands through his hair. “Well I best get going. Kat I will see you later, call if you need anything. Nice to meet you DJ.Uhhh, bye.” He waves awkwardly as he walks down the sidewalk to his jeep parked behind Kat’s car.


After Andy leaves and the door is shut I can’t stand one more second of not touching her. I walk to her wrapping my arms around her thin shoulders. I pull her tight to my chest. I take in a deep breath, inhaling her intoxicating scent as she burrows her head on my shoulder. I can feel her heartbeat through her thin shirt, beating rapidly against my own. I run my hands down her back, reaching the edge of her shirt. Slowly I move my hands under her shirt to feel the warm skin of her bare back. She arches her back as I gently run my hands up to her over her bra straps to her should blades, pulling her shirt up with my arms.


She takes a light step back from me, reaching up she places her hands behind my neck guiding my face down to hers. I kiss her lightly at first, pressing my lips to hers, exploring her mouth with my own. The fire in my body is building with each second that passes and I increase the intensity. Pressing harder into her I let my hands investigate her body. I rub along her back and sides, settling one hand on the curve of her waist. I pull her lower body into my own. With my other hand I pull her shirt up further as I work my way down her neck, kissing every single each of exposed skin. Her breath comes faster with each kiss I place, causing me to get more and more turned on.


“DJ…” Kat moans softly. Encouraged by her soft whispers I nuzzle her ears.“DJ.” She says again, pulling back from me, she places her hand on my own. “This is too fast.”


Her face is flushed, and her eyes are wide. I have been with enough girls to know that I can work my magic, a few more kisses and caresses and she will be putty in my hands, but I choose not to do that. Not with her, not with Kat. If she wants to stop, then I want to stop. I draw her in close for another hug, releasing her quickly I use one arm to scoop her and place her next to me on the sofa. Her legs still dangle across my knees. “As you wish.” I say to her with a grin. Leaning over I place a quick peck on the tip of her cute button nose. “What do you want to do, my love?”


“Well…” She says with a shy smile.“I was hoping we could stay in tonight. I have had a pretty stressful week and… “


“Whatever you want babe.” I tell her. Anything she wants, I want. “Why are you stressed?” I gently rub her feet that are still sitting across my lap.


She leans back against the pillows of the sofa with a sigh. “Ugh, just everything.” Her bangs are pushed off to one side of her forehead and I can see a crease of worry spread across her features.


“Kat, baby, you can tell me anything. I told you everything about me. I want you to trust me.” A look of concern flashes across her face for just a moment. I get the feeling she is hiding something from me.


“I know DJ, and I do, and...” She pulls her long hair into a messy bun on top of her head using an elastic band around her wrist to secure it in place as she talks. “And I will tell you, but before I do I need to figure everything out for myself.” She smiles at me.


I hate that she is keeping something from me. I know she is, I can tell. She can’t hide her true feelings from me, but I will give her time. When she wants to talk I will be here for her. If I hadn’t just met Andy I would have thought something was going on between them. I continue to rub her feet softly working my way up her calf, hoping to release some her stress with a massage. “We can stay in. Want to watch a movie?”

Her face relaxes as I rub her feet, “Mmm, yes. Let’s watch a movie.”


I snap my fingers and turn the TV on. With another snap a bowl of buttery popcorn is resting on her lap. Even though my body is regretting it, the look of utter happiness on her face is worth the price of stopping our intimacy earlier.


We spend a relaxing evening in, watching television, eating popcorn, and talking. Kat eventually falls asleep on my chest as the TV flickers light into the dark room. I lay like that for hours, enjoying the feel of her heartbeat over my own too much to move. Before I get too tired I carry her up to her bedroom. She murmurs quietly when I lay her down on the bed. Not wanting to say goodbye just yet, I take off my shirt and crawl under the covers next to her. She instinctively curls up to my chest. I put my arm around her pulling her close. Listening to her breathe evenly as she sleeps next to me, I end up falling asleep myself.




Something wakes me up. I lay silently for a moment. I can feel Kat next to me on the bed. Her weight shifts slightly as she curls up closer to me. I wrap my arm around her protectively . There is no sound in the room. What woke me? The night light on the opposite wall emits a faint light, casting shadows throughout the room. Glancing around I detect a small shift in movement to my left. I carefully sit up, attempting to not disturb Kat sleeping soundly next to me.


“DJ.” A voice says from the corner.


I hesitate in my movement. Who is in the room? Why would anyone be here? My heart drums in my chest, adrenaline pumping through my muscles causing me to twitch in anticipation of a fight. Instinct kicks in, jumping from the bed I walk in the direction of the voice.


Laughter erupts from the corner. I know that voice. I stop moving and speak. “Armaros, why are you here?” Angers boils my blood. Glancing back to the bed I see Kat is still curled up in the position I left her, sleeping. Good, let her sleep. I ball my hands into fists. This has my mother’s name all over it.


“DJ.”Armaros says evenly, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Having a good night with your little angel?”


I glance over my shoulder at Kat, still sleeping. “Yes, I am. What do you want?” I say to him, my voice seething with anger.


“Just to check on you.”Armaros says with a wave of his hand. “Your mother, she worries.”


I scoff at the idea of my mother worrying about me. My mother worries only about herself, and her agenda, and as for Armaros, he does not do my mother’s bidding. If anything, it is the other way around. He has an ulterior motive for being here. Wondering what it is I ask him again. “Armaros, why are you here?”


Armaros laughs again, a deep throaty laugh. I turn back to see if the noise has woken Kat, she is still soundly asleep. How is she sleeping through this? “DJ.”Armaros says still chuckling. “You are a clever one. I am here for you. I know what your mother has planned for you and your future, and I am prepared to offer you a deal. My question is… are you prepared to accept?”


What kind of deal would Armaros offer me? Knowing him it is probably not in my benefit. Interested to know all the same I ask. “What deal?”


“Something you want very much indeed DJ. I will give you the potential life you desire, a life with her.” Armaros says pointing at Kat, still sleeping on the bed.


I give Armaros credit, he knows what I want, but at what price? “In exchange for what?” I ask. “I’m already fighting for you.”


“I only ask for one thing.” He says.


“What is it Armaros?” I ask him, ready for him to get to the point already. “Just say it.”


He chuckles again lightly, his blue eyes sparkling in the pale light. “A simple task, I would just ask that you guard a… a very special prisoner. I have it on good authority this prisoner is hatching an escape plan. I need you there… to prevent it, if you can.”


“Done.” I tell him. Prevent a prisoner from escaping, how hard can that be? I would gladly do this one thing if I can get out of fighting in his war. It will be worth it to spend a lifetime with Kat. “Just tell me when.” I move away from him to signal that our conversation is done and he can leave now.


Armaros smiles wickedly, his blue eyes turn dark for a brief moment and then he vanishes, as if he were never there. I get back into the bed next to Kat. Her back is to me. I lie on my side, wrapping my arm around her waist and pull her close to my chest. She mumbles something intelligible, grabbing my hand from her waist and pulling it to her chest. My hand is cradled beneath hers. I fall asleep feeling her heartbeat under my palm.




The sunlight filtering through the curtains of my bedroom window slowly brings me to consciousness. My bed is so warm and comfortable I instinctively keep my eyes closed, putting off the task of getting up and facing another day. A warm arm is curled around my body, making me feel safe and secure. I snuggle back into the body behind me as the arm tightens around me pulling me close to a muscular chest behind me.


My eyes pop open. I don’t remember coming to bed. How did I get here? Who is in bed with me? After a moment of concentrating I remember DJ was over last night, we fell asleep on the couch. He must have carried me to bed, and then decided to stay? Did anything happen? No, no I would remember if anything happened that’s for sure. DJ presses his face to the back of my head, burrowing into my loose hair, inhaling deeply. “Mmm, you smell so good.”


I smile to myself. He is so perfect. I roll over on my back and turn my head to face him. “Oh yeah?” I say teasingly.


“Yeah.” He replies, moving his nose from my hair down to my ear. He trails light kisses from my ear down to my neck. “You taste good too.” He mumbles, his hand resting on my waist moves under my shirt.


When his skin comes into contact with my bare stomach I feel an electric pulse run through me, jolting my hips up, he rubs his palm over my naked skin up to my ribcage, still grazing my neck with light kisses. I feel my pulse quicken, my body is crying out for more. I want him to touch me everywhere, kiss me everywhere. He seems to be more than willing to oblige my unspoken request.


His mouth moves from the side of my neck to the front, he pulls himself over the top of me. I run my fingers through his tangled hair pulling his face to my own, rocking my hips up so our lowers halves meet. He groans under his breath, his mouth still on mine. He uses one hand to support his weight, the other tugs at the band of my sweatpants.


Do I want this, so soon? My body cries out for more, but my mind is racing with reasons to stop this madness. Oh God, I want him, all of him. Before I can consent to his desire my phone screams to life with Father of Mine by Everclear, the personal ringtone I have set for my dad. “That’s my dad. “I whisper. “I have to get that.” He groans with agitation and flops back onto the bed with an exaggerated sigh.


I grin at him in apology as I get up from the bed and grab my phone from the table, fixing my tousled clothes as I walk out of the room to speak with my dad. “Hey daddy!” I say answering the phone. I talk to my dad for a while, telling him everything here is fine. School is going well, I still have my A average, Andy is being a perfect nanny. I ask him how things are going there. He drones on for a while about insects and the heat. After about fifteen minutes of chatting we tell each other we love one another and end the call.


I walk back into the room to find DJ in the same exact position I left him in, sprawled on his back with his arms over his head. His eyes are closed when I walk in, but a smile breaks out across his face as he hears me enter the room. “Took you long enough.” He says with amusement in his voice.


“Sorry.” I say sitting on the edge of the bed. “But I haven’t talked to my dad all week…”


Interrupting my sentence, he grabs me by the waist and tosses me onto my back with a wicked laugh. “Where were we?” He coos into my ear, making me giggle. “Oh yeah I remember…” He pulls my shirt up, revealing my bare stomach, his free hand rests playfully at the band of my pants and his mouth trails burning kisses across my bare middle. “Was this where I was...” He mumbles.


“DJ!” I shriek, giggling like mad. “Stop, stop, I need to get up! I promised Lilli I would go shopping with her today.”


“But isn’t this more fun?” He asks, his mouth moving over my bare stomach. “Why would you want to go shopping anyway?” He says using one hand to massage my inner thigh. Every time his hand brushes the point where my legs come together I feel a rush of desire course through my body. Of course that is exactly what he wants. “I promise you will have more fun here… “He continues to taunt, “With me.” His fingers curl around the band of my sweats pulling, my breath catches in my lungs.


“DJ…” I moan. I don’t know if it is in protest or longing. I can feel him smile against my bare skin. My heart is hammering in my chest and my skin is heating up under his warm hand that is still rubbing my inner thigh. My thoughts are racing. I want him so badly I can feel the ache through my whole body, but my head is screaming at me to stop.


“Kat… I want you…” He coos, his warm breath blowing on my smooth skin. My hand rests casually in his shoulder, squeezing each time his soft lips touch my bare midriff. “But I want you to be ready. “Am I ready? I don’t know. I want to be with him, but at the same time I want him to know me, the real me, before we consummate our relationship.


My phone screams out for attention, causing both of us to pause in our actions. “It’s Lilli.” I say, recognizing the personalized ringtone I had set for her. “I should get this.”


DJ sighs in annoyance, getting up from the bed. He picks his shirt up from the floor and puts it on as I answer the phone breathily. “Hey Lilli.”


“Hey girl!” Lilli says cheerily. “We still on for some shopping today?”


“Yup, sure thing. Want to meet at the mall or ride together?” I ask, following DJ as he stomps down the stairs.


“I can pick you up, ready to go in about an hour?” Lilli asks.


“Yeah.” I reply sourly as I sit on the sofa, DJ is lacing his boots up, ready to leave.


I end the call with Lilli, turning to DJ I tell him. “Please don’t be mad.”


He walks over to the sofa and plops down next to me. He brushes a stray hair from my face. “I can never be mad at you.”


I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. How did I get so lucky? Why is the most perfectly good looking guy in this town interested in me? With his looks and his magic he could have any girl, but he wants me. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close. “When can I see you again Kat?” He whispers in my ear as we hold each other.


I think about it for a moment. “Is tonight too soon?” I ask coyly, running my fingers through his hair.


“Tonight?” he says with a devilish grin.“Absolutely.” He stands to leave. I feel so cold without him near me. Already regretting the decision to answer the phone instead of being with DJ, I stand to wrap my arms around him once more.


He pulls me in tight and my head rests against his strong chest. I am relaxed by the sound of his heart beating in my ear. He strokes my hair down my back softly. “Kat, I should go, and you need to get ready. I will see you tonight.” He places a quick kiss on my cheek as he pulls away. I watch him as he walks out the door. Saddened by his leaving, but happy knowing I will see him again soon.


I rush to get ready, since Lilli will be here soon. I take a quick shower and pull on a pair of comfortable palazzo pants and a loose fitting long sleeved shirt. I spend the rest of the afternoon shopping with Lilli, having a much needed girl time.


The Homecoming dance is coming up soon, so we try on several formal dresses. Lilli settles on a red strapless dress, the top is heart shaped and cover with sequins, the bottom bells our around her in layers of red and pink crinoline that stops a few inches above her knees. I find a long green gown that hugs my body like a glove. The satin material reflects the light, casting a glow on my pale skin. The color emphasizes my eyes and compliments my auburn hair perfectly.


Lilli squeals in delight as I walk out of the dressing room with it on. “That is perfect Kat! DJ will love it!”


‘”You think?” I ask hesitantly. She assumes DJ will be my date for the dance. He doesn’t even go to our school anymore. After the last fight he got into his parents pulled him out, deciding a private tutor would be better for his temper.


“Of course! You look ravishing. Every guy there is going to want you.” Lilli exclaims.


“Every guy there will want you, you mean!” I tell her.


“Well… yes.” Lilli squeals with delights.


After shopping we stop for a late lunch at one of the restaurants in the mall. “I am so glad you came out shopping Kat.” Lilli says. “You have been so busy after school this past week with your job I am starting to feel ignored.” She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip in mockery.


I laugh at the face she is making. “Yeah I know.” I tell her. “Sorry about that.” I can’t tell Lilli, I can’t tell anyone, about what I am really doing, so I have told them I got a part time job working with Andy’s mother at her home daycare.


“How do you stand being around those screaming kids all afternoon?” She asks rolling her eyes.


“Kids are great.” I tell her.“Better than some adults.” I say with a grin.


We finish our lunch and call it a day. I am exhausted when Lilli drops me off at home. I trudge up the sidewalk to my front door, carrying all my spoils from our shopping trip. Several bags filled with new shoes, undergarments, and accessories, my dress is swung over my arm. When I walk in the front door I am shocked to see Andy sitting on the sofa. I didn’t know he even had a key to the house. It makes sense that he does, I am sure my dad gave him one, but he has never used it before. He has always waited for me to let him in. “Andy!” I exclaim. “What are you doing here? I thought I wasn’t supposed to train with your dad until Monday?”


“Yeah…” Andy sighs. “Things have changed Kat. The plan is being moved up. My dad sent me to tell you to be ready to tomorrow night.”


“Tomorrow night?” I cry out. “I am nowhere near ready enough to rescue my mom tomorrow night!”


“Yes.” Andy says running his hands through his wild tresses. “My dad also wanted me to tell you to keep your secret to yourself, not to tell your… not to tell DJ.” He puffs out in a sigh, as if saying DJ’s name is painful.


“Why?” I ask, hating myself for whining, but I can’t help it. I want to tell DJ everything. Keeping what I really am hidden from him is killing me.


Andy shakes his head. “I don’t know why Kat, all I know is my father has never been wrong before. I trust him, and so should you.”


I curl my hands into fist at my side.“Fine.” I hiss. “I won’t tell DJ anything, for now.”


“Kat…” Andy begins. “Please don’t be angry with me.” He looks up at me through hair that hangs in his face. My anger softens, I’m not mad at Andy. I am mad at the situation, and it isn’t fair to take it out on Andy. He has never been anything but nice to me.


“You’re right, I’m sorry Andy. I’m not mad at you.” I tell him as I sit down next to him on the couch. “I’m just so frustrated, everything is happening all at once, and I feel like I can’t catch my breath.” I confess as tears run down my face, I can taste the salty moisture on my lips. It feels good to tell someone how I feel finally. To let it out, all the pain, confusion, and frustration I have been bottling up over the past week finally comes rushing out in a downpour of emotion. “I just want to save my m-mom, and to be n-normal.”


Andy puts his arm around me to comfort me as sobs rack my body. I lean onto his chest and cry. He runs his hands along the length of my hair, soothing me like my mother used to do when I was little. “Oh Kat.” Andy whispers into my hair. “It will be okay, I’m here for you. I will always be here for you. I promise.”


Little by little I start to feel better, I don’t know if it is the soothing motion of him smoothing my hair, or his lulling voice, or maybe just the closeness of another Nephilim, but I relax enough to calm down and stop the flood of tears. I hug Andy tightly and close my eyes.




My hands shake when I walk out of Kat’s house. I want her so badly it hurts to the very core of my body. I curse Lilli’s name as I get into the car to drive away, for more reasons than just today. Lilli is bad news and no true friend to Kat, but I don’t want to seem like the jealous boyfriend by telling Kat that. Maybe it is for the best though. I could feel Kat’s hesitation. I know there is something she wants to tell me, but she can’t seem to do it. I refuse to pressure her, but at the same time I am dying to know what she is hiding. I know it isn’t another guy, but I haven’t a clue to what it could possibly be. Regardless, we have all the time in the world to learn every detail of one another. After I do what Armaros asks of me, I will be freed from the duty of fighting, I will be free of my family’s debt to the Thirteen.


When I get home my mom is waiting for me at the kitchen table. “DJ, have a seat we need to talk.” She demands. Her painted nails tapping on the table in a rhythmic pattern.


“There is nothing we need to talk about, mother.” I growl at her as I pour myself some orange juice. I slam the refrigerator door closed, wincing as I hear bottle crash around inside.


“Yes DJ, there is.” She says with a huff, “Now sit down!” She yells, pounding her fist on the wooden table.


I decide to go ahead and get this out of the way. No more secrets. I am going to tell her everything. “Okay mother.” I say calmly pulling out a chair. “What do you want to tell me.”


“DJ.” My mother says pinching the bridge of her nose. “I will not allow you to keep seeing this girl. You have been out all night, off gallivanting around with her. Your behavior is unacceptable and I am putting a stop to it right now.”


I watch her expression go from anger to surprise to rage as I laugh in her face. “You can’t stop me from doing anything mother!” I shout at her. “I am eighteen, I have my powers, I am a full Djinn now and you don’t control me.”


Her face contorts into a mask of rage as she clenches her hands into fists on the table. “I will not allow it. Armaros will not allow it.” She waves her hands in the air around her head.


“Armaros!” I shout interrupting her, “He has made a deal with me. I am no longer yours to control mother.” I spit out.


“What?” She yells back, “What deal? What are you talking about? You don’t make deals, especially not with the devil. If you are going to live under my roof you will abide by my rules.” She screams at me across the table.


“Then I won’t live under your roof!” I shout back as I stand to leave. I walk away from her as she sits at the table seething with anger. Her face red and her eyes narrowed in my direction. I go upstairs to pack my things.


I grab a few bags and start throwing things into them. I don’t need much. I can always conjure anything I may need later. On my way out of the house I look for my dad to tell him I am leaving but he is nowhere to be found. My mother is still in the kitchen, on the phone, with who I assume to be Armaros. I pause outside of the doorway to hear her side of the conversation.


“You said he would...” She says, pausing for his response. “But what about the…?” Her fingers drum on the table as she listens. “Yes, I understand. I know what you said but…” I hear the chair screech across the floor as she pushes it back to stand, missing part of what she says. “Yes. Okay. Goodbye.” She concludes her conversation.


I walk away from the kitchen and out the front door. The autumn air feels refreshing on my heated face. I am happy I finally stood up to my mother. As I get into my car a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach causes me to gasp for breath and close my eyes.


When I open them again I see Kat standing in front of me wearing a white gown. Her long auburn hair hangs down to her waist in loose waves. She is smiling. Her hands are beckoning me to come to her. I try to walk forward but I can’t, it’s as if my feet are frozen in place. “Shhh DJ.” A mellow voice says into my ear. “Watch, learn.”


I stare transfixed at the beautiful creature in front of me that I am unable to go to. Kat’s musical voice tinkles laughter, as she grabs the arm of a man walking toward her. I can’t see his face. I watch as Kat take this strange man’s arm and pulls him close, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. Anger boils through me, I tremble with rage. “Kat!” I scream. I don’t know who this man is, but I will kill him. Tear him limb from limb. My animalistic rage is taking over and I shout out. “She is mine! Mine!”


“Shhh, they can’t hear you.” The voice to my left says again. I will my hands to unclench. I turn to see who is talking to me.


Standing there is a slight man, his tall slender frame clad in a couture suit. His pointed features are accented with a moustache that is waxed and curled away from his upper lip, making him look like a comic book villain. Yeqon, one of the Thirteen stands next to me and the sole reason for what I am seeing. “What is this?” I growl through clenched teeth, gesturing at the image of Kat and the strange man dancing on wood floor.


I realize I am looking at Kat in a wedding dress, she laughs as the he spins her around the dance floor, her long hair billowing behind her. I try to get a look at the man’s face each time they revolve around, but I can’t get a clear shot. “This is a possible future.” Yeqon says. “This is what may be. That man, you can’t see his face. You think because you are standing here, it is not you, but it can be you… if you want it to be.The future is static. Or… it can be someone else…” He trails off.


With his last word I can finally see the man’s face clearly. Anger courses through my veins as my blood boils, I tighten my jaw. I will not allow this future before me. It will be me with Kat. I am the one that makes her happy, not him. “No.” I state. “No. She will not be with him.”


“The future is what you make it young one, I give this glimpse to you as a gift. What you do with it is no matter to me.” Yeqon titters with laughter. “I am as a messenger from Armaros. He says to be ready tomorrow night.”


When I next blink I am sitting in my car again. My hands are gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles are white with pressure. I check the clock, how has so much time passed? I suppress my anger at the waking dream Yeqon sent to me. I will make Kat mine. She will love me, as I love her. Do I love her? Yes, I realize, I do. We may have only known each other for a short time, but I care more for her than I have ever cared for another. I have only felt this way once before, and she broke my heart after I learned what she really was. Kat is not like that. There is something about her that is innocent and sweet. I know she would never hurt me that way, she couldn’t. After tomorrow night, my deal with Armaros will be fulfilled and I will have Kat. My future will be my choosing. Nothing or no one can take Kat away from me.




The knock on the door wakes me from my nap. My eyes flash open in surprise. I must have fallen asleep after my outburst earlier. Andy is nowhere to be seen. He must have let himself out after I fell asleep. I walk groggily to the door, smoothing my wrinkled clothes.


I open the door and DJ is standing there with a foolish grin on his handsome face. “Hey.” I say my voice cracking from crying earlier.


DJ’s smile turns into a frown as he looks at me. “Are you okay Kat? Is something wrong?” He walks into the house pulling me into a tight hug. I inhale his sweet smell. I wrap my arms around him I feel my muscles tense. All the worries I had earlier come rushing back. What if I’m not strong enough to save my mother? What if DJ hates me for hiding what I am from him?


I mumble that I am fine into his warm chest as he holds me tight. He steps back from me enough to look into my face. He puts a finger under my chin to keep me from looking at the floor. “Kat, if anything is wrong, you can tell me, you can trust me. Nothing you can say will ever change how I feel for you.”


How he feels for me? How does he feel? What can I say to that? “DJ…” I begin. “There is a lot I want to tell you, but it will have to wait until after tomorrow. Can you trust me until then?”


He nods at me, “Yes, I can trust you.” He leans down, covering my lips with his own. The familiar fire starts to boil in my blood with his touch.


He breaks away from our embrace, wrapping his arm around my shoulder he guides me to the sofa, asking. “What do you want to do tonight?”


I shrug my shoulders, still tired from my impromptu nap. “I don’t really care whatever you want.” I say.


“Well…” He says with a mischievous grin, “In that case.” He scoops me up from the couch like a bride making me giggle.


He races up the stairs with me in his arms, bouncing me up and down with each step. Laughter explodes out of my mouth.“DJ! What are you doing?” I yell out.


Reaching my room he tosses me on my bed and jumps on top of me with a growl. Breathless he says. “You said… whatever I want… and I want… you.” He finishes pressing his mouth on mine. His lips suppress any protest I may have uttered. He is kissing me forcefully, panting through his mouth. “I need you Kat…”


With one hand he pushes my loose fitting shirt up, breaking away from kissing me long enough to pull it over my head. He takes his own off and throws it on the floor next to mine. His hands leave a burning trail across my body everywhere he touches me, and he is touching me everywhere. Something has gotten into him, he is acting like he is lost in the desert I am water. His mouth moves down my body to my stomach. “Now I think this is where I left off…” He mumbles teasingly.


I giggle at his taunt, my hands stretching to touch his face, tracing one finger down the curve of his jaw. His finger pulls the band of my pants down a fraction of inch at a time. I rub my fingers through his silky hair as he greedily kisses each new exposed inch of skin working his way down from my belly button to the top of my panties, where he stops. He looks up at me asking “Are you sure?”


Am I sure? I don’t know. My mind is screaming at me to stop this, it’s too soon, but my body is overflowing with desire for him. He has shared everything with me, and I am keeping secrets from him. How can I do this, when he doesn’t even know me, the real me? I should stop. My face is flushed with lust but my heart is full of shame.


Taking my silence as consent he places a hand on each of my hips, wrapping his long fingers around to my back, he pulls down my pants down from the back, he burrows his face into my abdomen, his teeth tug gently at the top of my panties, lowering them to expose more and more of me. My body reacts on its own. I raise my hips up from the bed to meet his lips. Suddenly I realize no, this is too fast. I don’t want to be with DJ without him knowing the real me. I reach down and touch his face. He looks up at me grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “DJ…” I mumble breathily. “This is too fast, we need to slow down.” As soon as I utter the words I know them to be true. I care a great deal for DJ but I don’t know yet if he is the one for me. I want my first time to be special. Not a conquest for the town bad boy.


“Okay.” He says with a sigh. He crawls up the length of my body, kissing me everywhere until he is back at my lips. Wrapping his arms around me he rolls over to his back pulling me on top of him. I squeal at the surprise motion. My long hair hangs down, shading our faces. I gaze into his eyes, expecting to see anger at stopping him from going further, but all I see is caring and understanding. How did I get so lucky? What will he think when I tell him about myself? He of all people should understand about keeping secrets, but will he be angry at me for keeping a secret from him? I hear Eli’s words echo through my mind that DJ will hurt others, that he will be my darkness. That warning resounds through my head. I don’t want to lose him. After tomorrow I will tell him everything.


“What are you thinking?” DJ asks, interrupting my thoughts.


I smile at him shyly. “Just us.”


“What about us?” He says grinning, he raises one finger and traces it along my bottom lip as he speaks it sends shivers down my whole body.


I am hesitant to ask him if he considers us a couple. I am under the impression that he thinks of me as more than a fling or just another girl, but then again he does have a reputation as a player. The type of guy that will drop me the second he gets in my pants. Maybe this cute act is the same one that every other girl before me has fallen for. He frowns at me as if he is reading my mind. “Kat…” He says, “You mean everything to me. All those other girls...” He emphasizes waving his hand in the air.“Meant nothing to me. You mean everything.”


I give him a quick peck on the lips. “What do you want to do tonight?” I ask.


“Well…” He says waggling his eyebrows.


“DJ!” I shout, playfully smacking his arm. “Seriously, let’s do something fun tonight!”


“What did you have in mind?” He asks, pulling me down to his chest. “We can do anything you want. Disney World? Paris? No, I’ve got it. Come on.” He says sweeping me up in his arms.


I squeal with delight as he swings me around in his arms. “Where are we going?” The next thing I know we aren’t in my bedroom anymore. I am standing on a stone balcony overlooking a courtyard, wearing a pale nightgown. The moon and stars shine down, casting a surreal image. I hear movement below me in the courtyard, I lean over the edge of the balcony wondering where I am.


“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?” DJ calls up to me from the courtyard.


My jaw drops. We are in Verona, and this is Juliet’s Balcony. The air smells sweet of honeysuckle. My silk gown drapes over my skin. The night air feels good against my heated flesh. At this moment I couldn’t love DJ anymore. I peek back down at him and he is still reciting the lines.


“Ay me!” I call down to him, playing along. I erupt into giggles as he looks up at me from bended knee wearing a ridiculous costume, that I have no doubt is authentic.


“She speaks!” He shouts up to me. I blink and he is gone from the courtyard. I lean further over the edge to see where he went, and then I hear him whisper behind me. “O, speak again bright angel.” I spin around the face him. He cups my face in his hands.“For thou art as glorious as this night.” Before I can say anything in response he is kissing me.


We stay embraced on the balcony in Verona several minutes, or an hour. I am unsure how much time has passed by. All I know is that I am happy to stand in his arms forever.


“So…” DJ says. “Do you like it?”


“I love it.” I tell him, “Thank you for this, it’s beautiful, it’s perfect, you’re perfect. Let’s go home now.”


“As you wish.” He says, once again cupping my face in hands.




Kat is asleep next to me on the bed. My heart swells with longing. She is everything I have ever wanted. I am content to watch her sleep, curled up next to me. The blankets are pulled up around us, sheltering us from the cool air. I pull her close to me, holding her tight. Even though she isn’t ready to be more intimate I am happy just holding her. I will not let that vision of her with another man come to pass. I am the man she is meant to be with. She makes me want to be a better man. I will do my best to prove to her that she means more to me than the other girls.


When I wake up the next morning Kat is already gone from the bed. I pull her pillow to my face smelling the left over scent of her shampoo. Getting out of the bed I spot my clothes tossed haphazardly around the room, bringing back memories of last night and a smile to my face. I get dressed quickly and bounce down the stairs whistling. The smell of bacon reaches me before I can it to the kitchen.


I walk into a disaster zone, dishes are everywhere. Kat is standing at the stove swearing under her breath as she tried to flip bacon without splashing herself with burning grease. “Need some help?” I ask walking into the kitchen. She jumps at the sound of my voice dropping the spatula on the ground. I snap my fingers and the dishes are cleaned and put away, the bacon and eggs are sitting on the middle of the kitchen table.


“DJ!” She exclaims. “I was trying to do something nice for you!”


I smile at her, wrapping her in my arms. “I know and it’s sweet, but my princess is not going to burn herself on my account.” I kiss her on the top of her head as she blushes. We sit down at the kitchen table and have a nice breakfast. A comfortable silence envelopes us as we eat.


I think about nice this is, how great this will be to spend the rest of my life having breakfast with Kat. My phone chirps in my pocket. I pull it out to see it is my dad calling me. Wondering what he wants, I tell Kat I have to take this and walk out the back door to the patio.


“Hello?” I answer the phone.


“DJ.” I hear my father’s voice say. “Thank God I finally got in touch with you, please come home. We need to talk.”


“I have nothing to say to her.” I tell him. Knowing he will understand who I mean, my mother.


“Your mother isn’t here, please DJ, please son. Come home.” My dad pleads, his voice breaking with emotion.


I sigh audibly. “Fine, I will be home soon.” I hang up the phone without waiting for a reply. I walk back into the kitchen to see Kat staring at her plate. I give her a quick peck on the cheek as I walk to my seat. “That was my dad. He wants me to go home.” I tell her.


“Okay.” She says, still looking at her hands. “Listen, DJ…” She trails off.


I am instantly concerned, she is acting like something is wrong. “What? What is it?” I ask, walking over to her. “Is something wrong?”


“Oh no, no.” She says smiling up at me. “I just… never mind. I will talk to you tomorrow then?” She asks.


“Of course.” I tell her. “And the day after that, and the one after that, and the next, and the next, and every day that follows that one.”


She giggles at me as she stands to tell me goodbye. When I leave I can’t help but feel like something is terribly wrong. I hug her tight to me. Pressing her head to my chest, she holds me close rubbing my back in soft circles. I don’t want to leave. “Do you want me stay?” I ask her, hoping she will say yes.


“I do… but it’s okay, go home. Talk to your dad. I will see you tomorrow.” She stands on her tip toes, curling her hands around the back of my head she pulls me down to her lips.


When I get home I walk into the house shouting for my dad. I find him in his study with a drink in his hand.


“Dad.” I say walking in. The overpowering smell of scotch and tobacco smacks me in the face. I leave the door open to allow some ventilation to the small room.


“DJ thanks for coming home son.” He says his voice cracking.


I sit down cautiously in the chair across from his desk, facing him. “What do you want?” I ask.


My dad fidgets in his chair, reaching for the glass of scotch in front of him. I have never seen him so out of sorts before. He never used to drink, except for occasionally.Now it seems he is always drunk. “Son…” He begins, already with a slur to his words and it’s not even noon. “I-I-I…”


“Spit it out dad!” I shout at him, annoyed with his drunken state, aggravated that he pulled me away from Kat so that he could slur and stutter at me.


“Th-the Thirteen DJ, they have their wings again. Armaros is more powerful than ever. Your mother told me…” he chokes out a sob, “She told me you made a deal with him.”


“I did.” I reply stonily, staring blankly at the drunken man in front of me.


“DJ please, please, stop this. Whatever Armaros wants from you tonight will be worse than what you had in store for you before.”


“How is that possible dad? How can whatever he wants be worse than what my mom has planned for me?” I stand up to shout, banging my fist on the table for added effect. “I am done with her. I am done with the both of you controlling my every waking movement, and I am done with this conversation. Goodbye dad.” I rush out of the small room slamming the door behind me. I stand outside of the closed door for a moment listening to my father weep. His pain tugs at my heart, but I harden myself against it. If I want to be a better man than him, I should learn from his mistakes.




Andy raises his eyebrow at me. I am too nervous to sit. Pacing back and forth in the living room I wait for Mr. Dominic to give the signal it is time to go. I don’t even know where we are going. Andy says I will know when we get there. I don’t know how to use my spirit as a guide, yet they expect to find my mom? I am so scared, my stomach is in knots. I feel like I might throw up.


Andy walks over to me and presses his arms around me. “Kat calm down. Everything will be fine, I promise.” Andy reassures me, leading me to the sofa. “Come sit down.”


“How can you be sure?” I wail at him, throwing his arm off my shoulder. I don’t want his reassurance. I just want this to be over with. “I have a really bad feeling about this.” I admit to him, clutching my upset stomach.


“Let’s get your mind off of this for a minute.” He pulls me down the hallway. He opens a door halfway down the dark hall into a small room. It must be his bedroom. It is very plain. A twin bed sits in the middle of the room with blue sheets and a black blanket. In front of the bed is a small entertainment center with a flat screen television. On one side of the bed is a desk with a computer monitor on it and on the other side is a door that leads to what I assume is a closet. “Come on, sit down, your show is on.” He says turning on the TV with a remote.


“Okay… but I don’t think this is going to help Andy.” I say flopping onto the small bed next to him. There is barely enough room for the two of us to sit side by side.


Before I know it I am engrossed in the television, once the show is over I am much more relaxed. “Thank you Andy.” I tell him. “That is what I needed.”


“No problem.” He shrugs.


I turn on my right side to face Andy sitting next to me on the small bed. I curl up close to him and place my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat and concentrate on matching my breathing to his. His left hand is resting on his stomach. “I never noticed this.” I say picking up his hand, pointing out the birthmark on the bottom half of this thumb. “It looks like mine!” I sit up excited by this new development. Another thing between us.


“Yeah…” He says trying to pull his hand away from me.


I keep it tight in my grip studying the shape. I intertwine my fingers through his, placing my right thumb next to his left one, so that both birthmarks are touching. “Look!” I say excited. “Together they look like a heart!”


“Yeah…” Andy says again with a sigh. “Kat… I wanted to wait to tell you…”


Before he can finish what he was going to say there is knock on the door seconds before it opens. “Knock! Knock! Put away your cock!” Cody sings as he walks into the room. Andy pulls his hand away from me.


“Hey Cody!” I shout, happy to see him.


“OHkitty Kat, you little vixen you.” Cody says teasing me. “What are you doing in here with my brother? Hopefully something bad!” He finishes with a wicked grin jumping on the bed between us on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air like a school girl.


I start to laugh as Andy jumps up from the bed and runs out of the room without a word. My laughter dies as I watch him go. Once he is out of sight I ask Cody. “What’s wrong with him?”


Cody looks over his shoulder at the open door and then back at you. “Listen honey, normally I am one to dish allllllll the gossip, but this is something he needs to tell you himself.”


“Okay…” I say. I don’t understand why Andy would leave like that. Are he and Cody fighting? I couldn’t imagine why. For being so different they get along great. Andy has told me so many stories about him Cody growing up that I feel I have known them both forever. Cody is the older brother though and likes to tease Andy about it. A thought occurs to me and I ask Cody. “Hey so I know that Andy is assigned my protector and all that, but since you two are twins and you are actually older by three minutes, why aren’t you my protector?”


Cody laughs heartily while answering, “Oh honey, what am I going to protect you from? A bad perm?” He says grabbing a stand of my long hair and tugging it playfully.


While we are rolling on the bed laughing Mr. Dominic knocks softly on the door. I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. “Is it time to go Mr. Dominic?” I ask.


“Yes dear, it is.” He says, turning on his heel and walking away.


Cody jumps up from the bed, straightening his wrinkled clothes with an annoyed sigh, and we both walk into the living where Mr. Dominic and Andy are waiting to leave. We all pile into the ranger rover. I sit in the back of the car with Andy, Mr. Dominic drives and Cody is sitting in the passenger seat. Mr. Dominic doesn’t ask me for directions, he drives with a purpose, like he already knows where he is going. “Do you know where you are going?” I ask him quietly.


“I have a vague idea, dear. Once we get closer I may need you to navigate me.” Mr. Dominic says in a soothing tone. “But I knew your mother well. I think I can track her.”


“Then why I am here?” I ask exasperated. I had spent the past few hours sick to my stomach thinking I was going to be the sole person responsible for finding my mother. Now he is telling me he doesn’t need me. It is a relief and a punch in the gut at the same time.


“It is your mother after all Kathryn.” Mr. Dominic replies from the front of the car. He looks at me through the rear view mirror, his dark eyes piercing into my soul. I sit back in resignation. Of course I want to be here, but it would have been nice to know my services weren’t needed.


Andy is sitting beside me, stiff and unmoving. He stares out the window of the car at the passing scenery. It is very unlike him to be so cold to me. I can’t help but wonder if I did something wrong. I am already so scared and nervous about finding my mom. I don’t want Andy mad at me too. He is my best friend. I reach over and take his hand in mine. I relish the instant contentment I feel when his fingers naturally intertwine with mine. “Andy…” I whisper. “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah.” He mumbles under his breath. “Listen, just relax. Close your eyes, and think of your mother. We will do the rest.”


I do as he asks, leaning my head back against the seat I close my eyes. My thoughts drift to my mom. I think about her face and how beautiful she is and her voice that sounds like a sweet melody. I remember all the times we spent together through my life. All the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, I think back to my first day of kindergarten and how scared I was to be all alone in the big school without my mommy. How she reassured me that she is always near. She will always be there for me. I feel the car stop.


I slowly open my eyes. We are parked on a dark street at the end of a cul-de-sac. The solitary house on the dead end road towers above us like a castle. There are no street lights and darkness pervades every corner. An ominous feeling rests on the air. This is it. This is where my mom is. I can feel it. Like a faint light at the end of a dark tunnel. She is in that house somewhere. I unbuckle my seat belt. “Well, let’s go.” I say nervously.


We pile out of the car and silently walk up to the front door of the house. The whole street seems deserted. Something isn’t right. I glance at Andy, walking next to me on my right, but he is staring straight ahead, his lips pressed into a thin line. Everything is silent, no wind blows, not even the crickets are singing. Mr. Dominic places his hand on the doorknob twisting it slowly. It is unlocked. The door springs open on well-oiled hinges. We all glance at each other uneasily. “This is too easy.” Cody says quietly.


“Feels like a trap.” Andy says taking my hand my hand in his own. Our fingers weave together. He rubs my thumb with his own in a reassuring gesture.


“I agree.” I mutter. “But we are already here. So…” I wave my hand into the darkness beyond the doorsill. One by one we enter the dark house.





Armaros greets me at the door. “Hey.”


“DJ, so glad you could make it, please enter.” He says standing to one side of the door, sweeping his hand in a grand gesture. I follow him through the house to his library. The four walls are lined with an impressive collection of leather bound classics, all first editions I am sure.


He urges me to sit down in one of the wingback chairs. The leather creaks as I press my back against the chair. He takes the chair across from me. Placed on the table between us is a crystal decanter filled with black liquid. Two empty glasses next to it. “Share a drink with me?” He asks.


“I don’t know if I should…” I start to say.


“Nonsense.” He replies with a wave of his hand. “I insist.” I nod in acceptance as he pours me a drink. I would rather have Armaros on my good side. If that means drinking with him then so be it.


He hands me the drink and pours one for himself. I sniff the black liquid. It smells like rosemary. I take a small sip hesitantly, expecting it to taste like gasoline. I am surprised when the taste of cherries hits my tongue. “This is good.” I say raising the glass.


“Mmm yes.” He says back to me, swirling his own glass.


My legs start to bounce up and down. My nerves are getting to me. Armaros scares me and sitting here with him in silence is making me uncomfortable. “Um… so…”


“DJ you look like you’re tired.” He says to me unexpectedly.


I feel my eyes droop. I am tired. My body sags back against the chair. I watch as the crystal glass slides from my limp fingers and falls to the floor. I try to make a sound of apology but my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. I concentrate all my will on holding my eyelids open but they flutter closed, dropping me into darkness.


When I wake up I am nestled in a warm bed. A downy blanket covers my body, encasing me in a cocoon of warmth. My head rests on a feather pillow. I feel like I am floating on a cloud. All of the tension in my body is gone. Every muscle is softened and soothed. What did Armaros give me? Whatever it was I need to get some more.


A warm hand touches my bare chest, making me jump. “DJ…” I hear Kat’s voice whisper in my ear. Am I dreaming? How did she get here? Maybe Armaros brought her? Either way I am not complaining. She swings her leg over me so that she is straddling me. She pulls the covers over her head and shoulders as she leans to my chest kissing me. I put my hands on her hips feeling the warmth of her bare skin beneath my palm.


I press her close me as she nibbles on my ears, her warm breath sending shivers down my body. “Kat…” I groan. “If you keep doing that I won’t be able to control myself.”


“That is what I’m hoping for.” She giggles. I relax my head against the soft pillow and close my eyes. Good things come to those that wait.


I wake up from a dreamless sleep reaching for Kat next to me. I feel her hair under my hand running my hand down the length of it, my eyes pop open when I feel her hair stop at her neckline instead going down her back in cascading waves. “What the Hell?” I say throwing the covers back. “What are you doing here?” I shout.


The blonde with the pixie cut hair stares back at me with blue eyes twinkling, a sly grin on her pert lips. “What?” She giggles. “Expecting someone else? Daddy said to keep you occupied and I figured I could make you happy like old times.” She says running a finger down my chest.


“Get away from me, you harpy!” I shout at her, jumping from the bed. I search the floor for my clothes. How did I get here? What happened? How could I let this happen?


“DJ calm down, I won’t tell Kat.” She laughs.


“Screw you!” I scream at her. Finding my pants on the floor under the bed I struggle to put them on.


“Been there, done that.” She says shrugging her shoulders. “Why do you hate me so much?” She says pouting her red lips.


Why do I hate her? She should know why. She is a Nephilim. She used me. She knows her aura draws other magical creatures and she uses it to her advantage. I had to muster as much willpower as possible to end things with her before, and even then I still yearned to be with her every day. That was until I met Kat. How could I do this to Kat?


“I wonder if you will hate her as much as you hate me when you find out.” Lilli titters. She stands up to retrieve her clothes from the floor. She allows me an eyeful and she stretches in front of me before bending over to pick up her dress. She has no shame. What does she mean by hate her?


“Who will I hate?” I ask her. I am tired of her games.


“Why, Kat of course.” She laughs. “You don’t know. I begged daddy to let me tell you. But he won’t. I was going to tell you anyway, the night of the party, but you were a party pooper.” She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip. “You will find out soon enough though.” She gives a little wave of dismissal as she pulls her dress on over her head.


Hating myself I barge out of the room, hearing her laughter follow me out until I slam the door behind me.




We walk down a long stone hallway, ending in alcove at the end. Only one torch burns on the wall outside of the shallow room ahead. “Is this it?” Cody whispers.


“Yes.” I reply, “It has to be, it’s so dark, I can’t see anything though.”


I tip toe down the hall slowly, letting my eyes adjust to the gloom. I stand at the edge of the open alcove. “Mom?” I whisper into the room, “Are you in there?” The stench of rotten water hits my nose, making me gag. I press my hand to my throat to keep what little I had eaten today down.


“Kathryn.” I hear her voice say from the center of the room, I cannot see her, but I heard her. I know her voice anywhere.


“Mom!” I shout, running into the room, Andy right on my heels. Tears run down my face. I never thought I would see my mom alive again. I feel as if my heart is going to burst from chest with happiness. I think about my dad and how happy he will be to be reunited with her.


“Kat, stop!Kat!” An echo of voices calls out from behind me, but I can’t stop now. That is my mom standing in the center of the room. I rush forward toward her. I need to help her. Running without a thought I slam into a body. I back away confused. Stumbling I fall down on my behind into a pool of rancid water. It seeps into my pants, sending a chill through me. Standing in front of me is Mr. Dominic.


“Slow down dear.” He says, pointing above his head. “See that glyph up there? It is holding her in place. It is a trap. Be still now while I get rid of it.” I stand there is awe as I watch Mr. Dominic float to the ceiling of the room. With his thumb he rubs a spot back and forth a few times. “There now, that should do it.” He says.


My mom collapses on the ground in front of me. I rush to her side, cradling her head my lap. “Mom!Mom!” I ask frantically. “Mom are you okay, talk to me.” Even in this pale light I can see her dirty hair hangs around her face sticking to her dry cracked lips, her eyes are open and wild. Her head lies in my lap and she writhes on the ground. Hysterical laughter erupts out of her mouth, jolting me back from her. There is something wrong with her. She is acting insane.


“The dark one, the dark one, the dark one.” She chants between bubbling laughter.


“What is she talking about?” I ask the room. Mr. Dominic, Andy, and Cody stand around us in a semicircle, their backs to the open door way.


Mr. Dominic hangs his head. “We waited too long I’m afraid. Armaros has broken her spirit.”


“What does that mean??” I shout. I am angry, this is not my mother. This is an incoherent mess.


“It means I have won.” A deep cascading voice sounds from doorway behind everyone.Andy, Cody, and Mr. Dominic spin on their heels facing the open stone frame. I lay my mom’s head down gently and stand up to get a better look at the man behind the voice.


It is a man, a very good looking man with blonde hair pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck. He is wearing an expensive pinstripe suit and his shoes click on the stone floor as he walks toward us.


“Armaros.” Mr. Dominic says to the man, “Let us go, we will not bother you again. You got what you wanted.”


“Ahhhhh Eli, yes. I did get what I wanted.” He laughs, “But I want more…” Armaros finishes with a sly grin. He waves both of his hands outward from the center of his body.


Andy and Cody fly through the air and slam into opposite walls from each other. I can hear a whoop as the air is pushed out of their lungs with the force of the impact. They are pinned to the wall by an invisible influence, each of them struggling against unseen hands holding them in place. Andy calls out to me. “Kat run!”


“Let them go!” Mr. Dominic shouts over Andy, his hands are balled into fists at his side, but he does not make a move forward. Standing his ground he shakes with anger, glancing in each direction in turn at his two children trapped against the walls of the stone chamber.


I am frozen in place with fear as I watch all of this transpire in front of me. This man, Armaros, he is the man from my dreams. I can see his face now and it is beautiful but terrifying, his eyes are not red, but a deep blue like the ocean. I am scared of him and strangely drawn to him at the same time. I take a light step forward, concentrating all my will on moving past him, out of the room. His voice halts me mid-step.


“I think not Eli.” Armaros chuckles, he points one thin finger at him. Mr. Dominic falls to his knees clutching either side of his head. Tears run down as his face as he whimpers in pain. Armaros curls the finger to his palm making a fist at Mr. Dominic. His tears turn bloody and he cries out in anguish as he falls on his side. One arm out stretched out in front of him.


I am now standing alone in front of the dark man from my nightmares. Fear holds me in place. My mother crawls on the ground to my feet, grasping my legs for assistance. She pulls herself up to stand next to me. I grab for her hand to comfort her, but she shrugs me off babbling in another language that I faintly recognize. Is that Latin?


“Armaros, reddamtibi.” She shrieks, running at him, her hands outstretched. Her face is pulled into a mask of anger and spit flies from her open mouth.


“Mom! Stop!” I shout, reaching out for her, but I am already too late. My hand grabs at nothing but open air. She collides with the immobile form of Armaros. She pummels his broad chest with ineffective punches. Her small frame is dwarfed but his much larger stature.


Armaros grabs her by the throat and raises her above his head. Her feet kick out at the open air beneath her. I can hear her voice gurgling threats even as he chokes the life out of her. Armaros whispers words into my mother’s ear. Her eyes go wide with fright and her movements stop. She faces him with her mouth opening and closing like a fish, unable to draw in a breath. His hand squeezes tighter, even in the dim light I can see his knuckles whiten with the pressure.


I hear a hum fill the room and slowly the dark room brightens. There is a white light emanating from my mom’s skin. It is a soft glow at first, quickly brightening to a blinding brilliant gleam. I shield my eyes with my arm to block out the dazzling blaze. I look away to keep my retinas from burning.


I can see Andy and Cody still on the walls to either side of the room. Cody rests his head against the wall, anger shining in his green eyes. Andy stares straight at me, his face pulled into a frown of sorrow. Although I cannot hear him over the hum I see him mouth the words “I’m sorry” before closing his eyes. Mr. Dominic has fallen to his side, blood pours from his nose and pools around his head. I can see the rise and fall of his chest so I know he is alive, albeit maybe for not much longer.


What is Armaros? He is so powerful. No one expected this. My gut wrenches with the sight of my mother’s lasts breaths. This is worse, so much worse than just thinking she is dead. Being here to witness it, to be unable to prevent it is killing me. I feel like my heart is breaking into a million pieces.


Armaros is still grasping my mother by her neck. Black leathery wings whip out from behind his back, and his eyes blaze red. This is the man from my dream. I should run and hide, but I can’t. I am transfixed with fear. I can’t leave Andy or my mother behind but I don’t know what to do. I watch helpless as the white light slowly recedes to nothing. My mother’s body hangs limps from the dark man’s bony fingers.


He tosses her to the ground like a sack of flour. I watch as she lies there in an unmoving heap on the ground. Tears run down my face. Anguish swells in my chest. I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t strong enough to save my mom. Why? Why would he kill her? What does that prove? The pain of losing my mom for a second time turns to anger and suddenly my paralysis is broken. I sprint at Armaros, intent on killing him with my bare hands. He flaps his black wings. The sound ricocheted off the stone walls. In one swift movement he reaches his hand toward me. My neck snaps back with the force of his blow. My right cheek stings from the impact he inflicted on me. I taste blood in my mouth and my right eye swells shut, halving my vision.


I feel my feet being lifted from the ground as his powerful hand encircles my throat, cutting off my air. I kick and squirm to try and get out of his grasp. My fingernails claw at his hand. My lungs burn in my chest at the lack of oxygen and stars swim in front of my eyes. Oh no, I am going to die like my mother. He killed my mom, and now he is killing me. I can’t stop this. I search the room with my good eye for something or someone that can help.


I see DJ. He is standing behind Armaros. How can he be here? It must be my imagination. I try to squeak out words, to call for him, but I can’t. My throat is on fire. I hear DJ’s voice tell Armaros to put me down. I think of my dad, my mom, Andy, DJ of all of the people in my life I will miss. I mourn for my own life as the darkness overtakes me.




I stand in the hall with my back to the closed door taking deep breathes, trying to calm my beating heart. Anger and shame broil my stomach. How could I do that to Kat? I could I cheat on her? I know Lilli will tell her. She wants nothing more than to make my life Hell. Kat will never want to be with me after that. There is no way I can explain to her what Lilli is. Try to reason with her that Nephilim are Sirens, evil progeny of fallen angels, no better than demons. They prey on my kind, magical creatures. They lure us in with their beauty and trap to an everlasting Hell of being their servants. I was lucky to get away from Lilli before she sunk her claws in too deep and now she has ruined me.


What did she mean, when I find out about Kat? There is nothing that Kat could do that is worse than what I just did. I know she is hiding something from me, but she promised me she would tell me tomorrow. I know she is pure hearted. Anything that she is hiding will pale in comparison to my transgression.


I take off down the hallway to find Armaros. I need answers. He will explain to me what is going on and why he drugged me. Why he let Lilli trick me and use me for her own sick games.


Voices coming down the hall stop me in my tracks. I pull my shirt down over my bare chest. I press my back against the wall and silently follow the sound. The voices lead me to a basement. I stand outside an alcove.


The room is dim and smells rancid, reminding me of the pit in Munkarit. A woman stands at the center of a room. Her hands hang her side, her head bowed, and lank hair hanging in oily strings on either side of face preventing me from seeing her features. Her clothes are torn and shredded in places, dirty and grimy from dirt and blood.


I creep into the room unseen by anyone in the confusion, uncertain and unsure of what to do. I watch in growing horror at the scene unfold in front of me. Who are all of these people? Why is Kat here? Is this what she was going to tell me tomorrow? That she knew about my deal with Armaros. Is she here to stop me?


Anger boils in my chest when I see Armaros strike Kat across the face. I shoot forward from my place against the wall. I will not let him kill her.


“Put her down!” I shout at Armaros.


He flaps his ebony wings, looking at me over his shoulder laughing. “And if I don’t little Djinn?”


Instead of answering his question I spring forward to attack. Instead of dropping Kat he curls her limp body to his chest with one hand and bats me away easily with the other. I sail through the air, past the open entryway to the far wall outside of the room. The air whooshes out of my lungs as my back connects with the stone. I slide to the ground momentarily dazed. I hear Armaros laugh at me cheekily from inside the room.


I suck oxygen in through my gaping mouth, with a wheeze I call into the room as I stand. “We had a deal Armaros!”


“Ahhhh little Djinn, didn’t you parents warn you not to make deals with the devil?” He calls back.


I enter the room on shaky legs. Armaros has Kat’s limp body slung over his shoulder. “Chaos!” He shouts spinning around the room in a pirouette. Kat’s legs fly out as he spins. His dress shoes click audibly on the stone floor when he comes to a stop facing me. “I love it!”


He tosses Kat to the floor. I can hear her head crack against the stone. Fearing the worse I step forward, wanting to rush to her side but I am unable to move. “Ahhahh DJ. No. I think I like you better… there!” My body is tossed on the wall. My limbs are frozen in place.


I concentrate on Kat, trying to see if she is breathing. I think I detect a faint rise and fall of her chest.


“Let’s all get introduced shall we?” Armaros says in a jovial tone. “This is DJ.” He says pointing to me, “Kat’s boyfriend. Ooh la la.” He says in a mocking tone. “Well maybe he is still her boyfriend. Tell me DJ, did you have a good time with my little girl?” He asks. Anger boils my blood. I bite down on my lip tasting blood. So Armaros is the one behind Lilli tricking me. Why would I have thought she acted alone? Of course she evils because Armaros is evil. I should have never trusted him. I should have listened to my dad when he tried to warn me. I am so stupid and now Kat is going to suffer. I am sure Armaros brought her here to hurt me. That is the only explanation.


“This is Eli.” He says pointing to the man unconscious on the floor. “He was once a great General but humanity has tainted his existence and now… well look at him. He is weak. Useless.” Armaros finishes with a flick of his hand.


“And here we have Cody.” Armaros references the young man on the wall across from Andy. “And oh, of course the other twin, Andy.” he points at him. I stare daggers at him without answering. Andy has a twin brother? Yes I can see the resemblance. Why would they be here? Why would Andy be with Kat? I feel jealousy surge through me and I glare at Andy but he won’t look at me. He is starting at Kat as she lays on the floor unconscious.


“Ahh yes, you have met.” He says looking back and forth between us. “But…” Armaros chuckles, he placed a finger to his chin in contemplation. “Did you know… that Andy and Kat are… ahhh never mind. It’s not important.”


I narrow my eyes at Armaros. What about Kat and Andy? I look at Andy. His eyes are closed and his lips are pressed into a fine line. Jealousy, shame, rage, and resentment cloud my reason and I struggle against the wall, shouting at Armaros. “Release me! We had a deal! If you hurt one hair on her head I swear I will kill you.”


“Oh yes…” Armaros continues in a nonchalant tone. “I can see you are unhappy, you are confused. However, if you ever want to see your little angel alive again DJ, you will fight for me. You will fight against Andy, and who knows… if you win, maybe you will get the prize. That is… if you will still want the prize.”


What does he mean if I still want the prize? Why wouldn’t I want Kat? That is if she still wants me after learning what I did with Lilli.


“The first step has been taken to our liberation. The Fallen have their wings back.” Armaros says with glee, flapping his wings to emphasize his point. “Thanks to Bezaliel. I needed her light. That was the first step by the way. Alas, there is much and more that needs to be done so I must take my leave. I will be taking this with me.”


He picks Kat up off the floor and slings her limp body over his shoulder. “I am sure all of you have a lot to discuss, until next time…” He waves his hand in goodbye. “I will be seeing you soon DJ.” And with that final word he vanishes from the room. He is gone and Kat is gone with him. I slide down the wall, able to move and walk again.


Cody and Andy are both rushing toward the man on the floor. I lean against the wall. Silent tears slide down my face. I have more questions than answers right now, and the only people that may be able to help me are here right now.


“Andy.” I start, my voice cracking with emotion, “What is going on?”


“DJ.” Andy says, holding his hands up in a defensive posture. “I...”


“Can we discuss this crap later?” Cody calls out, “I think our dad is dying. Let’s go!”


“You’re right, let me help.” I say, walking over to the man on the floor I pick him up in my arms. “Let’s go. Lead the way.”


We sit in uncomfortable silence on the drive back. I sit in the passenger seat as Andy drives. Cody is in the back with his dad, talking to him mom on the phone in a panicked tone. I keep looking at Andy for answers, waiting for him to explain everything to me. But he sits there silent, staring at the road ahead.


Once we arrive a flurry of people I don’t know rush out to the car. They carry the man inside. I slowly follow the crowd into the house. The majority of the people are in a bedroom down the hall. I can hear raised voices but I don’t bother to go down there. I don’t know these people. Honestly I don’t care what happens to the man, or anything of them. All I care about it Kat. Where she is right now, what is happening to her? I need to talk to my parents, but first I need to talk to Andy.


I wait for what seems like hours on the couch in the Dominic living room. People walk past me, never bothering to stop. Finally Cody plops down next to me with an exhausted sigh. “He is going to be okay. I don’t know what that guy back there did to him, but according to Noah he will be fine.”


“I’m glad to hear it.” I tell him, “Listen, where is Andy? We need to talk. Now.”


“Uhhh Andy isn’t here. He left.” Cody says rubbing his eyes with weariness.


“He left?” I shout. “Where did he go?”


“I don’t know honestly.” Cody replies, “He said he needed to think and he wasn’t ready to face you. Andy is my twin brother and we share a lot, but….”


“What do you know?” I ask him. I am ready for some answers, and if I’m not going to get them from Andy, then Cody will do.


“Look man.” Cody sighs running his hand over his short cropped hair. “I will tell you what I know, alright?” I nod for him to continue.


I wish Cody would get to the point. What I want to know is what is going on with Kat and Andy. “Look Cody, just tell me what is going on with Kat and Andy.”


“N-nothing that I am aware of.” He says. “They are friends, if there is more to it than I don’t know about it.”


“So…” Cody starts again, “Kat uhh… well she just found out about um… and we learned her mom, uhh… that was her mom back there that died by the way…” She watched her mom die? I didn’t think it was possible but my heart in breaking for her even more than before.


That partly explains why Kat was there. But why was her mom there to begin with? She must have been the prisoner that Armaros wanted me to guard. Why was she being held captive anyway? How did she help the Fallen get their wings back. Nothing is making any sense to me. “Cody just tell me the facts.” I tell him.


“Okay so… you already know who, er what, Armaros is.” Cody says. “So my dad and Kat’s mom, well they are like him. Fallen angels. They all fell together, eons ago. Kat and us, me and my brother and sister, we are Nephilim.”


My jaw drops. I already know about Nephilim, what they are. What I didn’t know was that Kat was one of them. How could that be? How could she lie to me? Was she using me, just like Lilli? I can’t believe that about Kat. I feel like my world is falling apart. Is that what she wanted to tell me tomorrow? That she had been using me. If that was the case then why did she refuse to sleep with me? She acts the opposite of Lilli. Granted my only experience around Nephilim is limited to just knowing Lilli, but I assumed she was an accurate representation of what all of them would be like.


I need to know more. Without Andy here I am not going to get the answers I need. I need to talk to my dad. I need to listen this time instead of getting angry and storming off. Was he going to tell me about Kat? Is that why parents wanted to stay away from her? They had each come up with their own excuses as to why. My dad said I needed to leave her to protect her. My mom wanted me to stay away from her because she is interfering with her control over me. I was too self absorbed to listen then. Now I am ready to.


I stand to leave. I will get answers one way or another. “Thanks man.” I tell him. “Bye.”


I go to the one place I know I can find some answers, home. I barge in the front door of my house screaming for my mom and dad.


They are both looking up at me when I enter the kitchen, sadness and sorrow on their faces. Sitting on the table between them is a parchment. Written on it is the contract our ancestors signed ages ago. My mother picks it up lightly, as if it may bite.


“DJ.” My mother says. “Honey, I am sorry about your little girlfriend, but honey, please don’t go against Armaros.”


“Did you know?” I scream at my parents. “Did you know she was Nephilim?”


They both nod in unison. My dad reaches for his glass of scotch. All of my anger surfaces and I slap the glass out of his hand and send it crashing against the wall. I smile when I hear the satisfying crunch of glass breaking.


“Tell me everything.” I demand, clenching my hands at my side.


My mother sighs, rubbing her hand across her face, smearing her lipstick. “Kathryn is the daughter of a very powerful angel named Bezaliel. When Bezaliel fell she had with her a text from God with the rites for the fallen to return to Heaven. But she destroyed it. When Armaros learned she was alive he found her and tortured her to learn the secrets. After so many centuries here on earth he hates humanity. He longs to return to Heaven, by any means necessary. ”


“He is a dark angel. He is insane.” My dad mutters interrupting.


My mother gives him one of her patented ‘I’m talking do not interrupt me’ stares before continuing. “Anyway, DJ, you are powerful, very powerful, you don’t yet know your full potential. Armaros thought that with Kat out of the way you would fight for him. I told him, pleaded with him to just let me talk to you. To let me tell you what she is and that you would see for yourself. But he… he wanted to do things his way.”


“Why…” I start, not knowing what to ask first.” Why would Kat lie to me? Why would Armaros go such lengths to have me fight for him?” I ask. He said if I did fight I could have Kat back, if I still wanted her. Now I know what he meant, he thought after I learned what she is I wouldn’t want her. He knows my contempt for Lilli. “He thought if he made me angry enough I would fight for him? I don’t understand I am already contracted to fight.”


“She didn’t know she was Nephilim until recently DJ. As much as it pains me to tell you this, there is no treachery on her end.” My mom says through her teeth in a clipped tone. “However she is very important to Armaros for several reasons. As far as fighting… ”


My mother picks up the contract and shows it to me. She points with a polished nail she taps the paper. “Here, read it.”


I read through it slowly, understanding dawns on me. I was never meant to fight. The contract was for her all along. I can’t help but laugh. She was trying to save herself. She would rather me do the dirty work.


My mother lowers her head as I stare at her in contempt and anger. She reaches over to touch my arm. I instinctively pull away from her. I want nothing to do with her. I could have lived my life if she wasn’t such a coward. If she hadn’t been so complacent with her easy lifestyle her magic has brought she could have let me go. Let me be happy. Instead she would rather I fight in her place. She would I die in her place.


“But why take Kat?” I ask.


“Because she is the k...” My dad says slurring his words.


“DJ.” My mom says shrilly interrupting my dad with force. “If you don’t agree to fight…Armaros will kill us all…” My mother states flatly. “You, your dad, me… Kat.” She finishes.


“So I have no choice?” I say. I have to fight either way, but if I do it willingly I may be able to see Kat again. I am angry with her for lying to me, but I think I love her. I need to see her. I can’t let Armaros hurt her, no matter what happens. If she can forgive me then I can find it in myself to forgive her. It seems I now have motivation to fight and win.


I wonder where she is. What Armaros is doing to her? I will do my best to get as much information as possible to save her then maybe, just maybe, we can repair our relationship. I hope she can learn to trust me again. I hope I can get over my contempt toward what she is. I hope that even with the distance and time between us I still feel the same way. That will prove to me if what we had was real. Once a one is away from a Nephilim any untrue feelings begin to fade. If it is true love, then I will still feel the same. Only time will tell. The real question I have to ask myself is do I care if it’s real when I am with her? I am happy with Kat, and that is what I want.


Please keep reading for a sneak peek at book two…








Book Two of the Guardian Series



Fractum Puella

An excerpt from

Bezaliel's Lost Scripture



The children of God bearing the matching marks will be tasked as guardians.

Their bond must be strong to prevail.

He must protect her from harm, for her weakness is her own grace.

She must forgive his fallacies, for his weakness is her.


Wings bound.

Lost brethren of Eden seek redemption.

Fallen children of God will strike against the guardians.

The Accursed one will lead them into battle.


Abduction and agony, a mother’s love holds strong.

Lucidity separates and aggression is unleashed.

White light will bring darkness.

Broken bonds liberate caged wings.




I can’t see where I am, the room is cold and completely pitch black. I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I am sitting on a rough surface. From feel alone I believe it to be concrete. There is no noise, just silence. I walk the room from corner to corner. Ten paces to a corner then turn, another ten paces to a corner then turn. So on and so on for infinity. I sit in a corner with my knees drawn to my chest. My whole body hurts from all the abuse. There is no bed, only the floor. There is no toilet, only a bucket. There is no escape, just the walls and the floor, and darkness, and my pain.


I feel something crawl across my bare arm, making me scream. My voice is hoarse from screaming. I do the only thing I can do, think. I think about my mother, about her death. I think about my dad, and how much he must miss me. Does he wonder where I am? Is he looking for me? Someone must be looking for me. I think about what a failure I am. How could I have thought I could save my mother? I can’t even save myself.


I try to stay awake as long as I can. My rest is broken with nightmares, terrifying images of Armaros killing my mom again and again. I try to think of happy thoughts. I picture DJ in my mind, try to remember the feel of his touch and I can’t. His embrace around me seems like a distant memory.


I think I must be losing my mind. Sometimes I think I hear Andy calling to me. He tells me to be brave, that he will find me, and that he loves me. After my failure at saving my mom how can anyone love me? I can’t even love myself. I hate myself. I am worthless.


I have a lot of time to think. For the past several weeks before this all I wanted was a normal life with normal problems. I can laugh at the irony now. I am as far from normal as I can get at the moment. I hear a noise. I tilt my head to listen. I realize it is me. I am laughing. I am going crazy. I tap my forehead. “Stop. Think. Stop. Think.”


“DJ I wish you were here! DJ I WISH YOU WERE HERE!” I scream. He can’t hear my wish. I don’t even know his true name. I laugh again.


I cry, my eyes are swollen with the strain of the never ending cascade of tears. I miss Andy. I wish he were here with me, to put his arm around me and comfort me. He is so caring, so sweet. I think I am falling in love with my protector. Although, he isn’t much of a protector, I make a mental note to tell him that next time I see him.


There will be no next time. I am going to die here. I scratch at the flakes of blood on my neck. The tender spots there barely have time to heal before he is back for more. I hurt everywhere. This is a game to my tormentor. I scratch my head and pull away hair with my cracked nails.


Just when I don’t think it can get any worse a door cracks open. I see a silhouette of a man enter the room. I retreat further into my corner, holding my breath. Hoping he can’t see me. No such luck.


I feel his bony hand on my arm pulling me to my feet. “Please…” I whimper. “Please don’t hurt me again.” I press my nails into my palms, focusing on the pain in my hands instead of what I am about to endure.


He doesn’t speak, only grunts in response. I feel the nails of his hand digging into my cheeks, squeezing them. I can smell coppery breath breathing in my face. I try to pull away, back into my corner. “No… “A raspy voice hisses. “Be still.” His voice sounds like sandpaper rubbing on stone. I cringe away when he licks my face.


I close my eyes and pray it will be over soon. I try not to cry. He always makes it worse when I cry, but it the end I always do. I am a coward. I am worthless. I am broken.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2015

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