
Waves of Hope

Waves of Hope

By B.C. Hawk 


July 30th, 12: 40 pm.

Lake Oraqe, northwest British Columbia, Canada


Bradley Nowak wiped tears off his face as he looked down for the umpteenth time down the cliff. He lifted his right leg off the near-vertical wall which lead down to the waters of the immense Lake Oraqe.


Carefully, he found the edge where he wanted it land. Bradley breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the footing grow surer. Cliffs like these are difficult to negotiate and the cliffs around this lake are not ‘easy’ by any definition. Step after careful step, each staircase-like drop got him closer to the spot he wanted to arrive at. Bit by bit, the high-rise of the rocky drop-off gave way, revealing the welcoming sight of the crystal blue waters below.


The light grey bottom beckoned, patiently, to Bradley keep going. The only thing that kept him from going faster than he would usually go is the rocky drop he had to deal with. One small mistake and he could end up with an accident. However, he will take it one step at a time. Bradley planned on doing just that. He took a quick look at the bottom.


Pebbles and rocks blanketed the beach’s natural sandy shores as if concealing their own secrets.


He quickly glanced at his watch and squinted in surprise. It was 40 minutes after noon already! He knew it would take a while to get to the lake, but he thought it should have been less time consuming than what he just went through.


He whistled in surprise…and relief, to boot. He knew the trip was arduous, but with the way he planned things he expected to arrive at his destination sooner. He checked his watch again. 40 minutes past noon!


“Like an hour ago”, he whispered and shook his head. It had taken him longer than expected climbing down the slope of the mountain. Still, he was going to complete his trip safely and that’s what mattered most.


Bradley quietly lowered himself


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4974-5

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Mom, I know not much time has passed, but I still miss you so much. But, I realize you are proud of everything I have accomplished & I'll continue to do so. Rest in peace, Mom, and thank you for all of the love you gave me.

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