
Chapter 1

Screams of terror rips through the still night air jolting me from my restless slumber. I flick my eyes open and scan the now dusted room. It’s empty and still except for the glaring red light that flashes through the window. I swing my feet to the cold tiled floors and scurry towards the window. I pull open the blinds to witness a neighbor’s house across the street enveloped in fire. I gasp in horror as I notice the elderly woman that inhabits that house crawling her way to safety at the back.
Just then an explosion sounds and the house beside hers bursts into flames. A squeak escapes my lips as another house explodes, then another. It’s as if every house is on a set schedule to be demolished. I turn on my heels and run towards armor pulling on a tee-shirt, jeans and a pair of old converses. I run to my bed, drop to my knees and pull a small tote which contains emergency items. I hadn’t known at the time why my mother told me to pack one but I guess this was the time to figure out. Another explosion sounds as I grab the bag and run through my bedroom door heading down to the end of the hall. I push open the bedroom door to see my sister, Abigail balled up in the corner with her knees to her chest. Fear flashes in her ice blue eyes and a tears stream down her cheek. Once she sees me she scurries to her feet and runs into my arms.
“Bella, what’s happening?” She cries just as another explosion sounds. I squeeze my eyes shut as the house shook from the blow and I know we are running out of time.
I drop to my knees so that I can look her square in the eyes and I trail my fingers along her cheek, wiping her tears.
“Listen Abby, we have to leave now, okay? I need you to be strong and for you to trust me, understand?” My voice is harsh from the abrupt awakening I had nevertheless Abigail nods. “Good, now go get your shoes and Mr. Whiskers, we have to leave now.” She nods again before running to her bed to obtain her bunny teddy bear and the dainty bed slippers my mother had bought her. While she does this I run to the chest beneath her window and throw it open. It’s filled with all of her toys and it hurts me that she’ll never be able to use them again. I pull her tiny pink suit case from the chest and wheel it where she stands in the doorway. I take her soft small hand into mine and lead us down the stairs towards the garage. Just as I open the garage door the house beside ours explodes sending us both onto the floor. Tears stream my face as high pitched cries escapes her lips. I hate to be the cause of pain for her; she’s all I have left, I want it to stay that way.
I swallow back my emotions for her sake and proceed in crawling towards to car. Opening the passenger door I set her in and strap her tightly. I kiss her forehead for reassurance. I quickly throw the bags into the back seat before scurrying to the trunk. As I trail my fingers beneath the bumper for the spare key the sound of glass breaking upstairs sounds. A loud thud plays and I knew a grenade had been thrown in.
I knew it took at least four minutes for a bomb to ignite knowing that my father was an assassin. Which gave me hope that we might actually make it out alive. I speed my actions up as adrenaline flows through my veins. We can’t die today, I reassure myself. Hope is on my side as my fingers brush above the key. I hastily pull it out and stumble to the driver’s door. In a hurry I shove the key into the ignition and glance at Abigail who watches me wide eyed with a mixture of hope and fear.
I breathe in. “Hang on, love.” I say as I place the car into drive. The tires squeal as I dart from the garage, up the ramp and onto the street. My eyes and mind are set onto the street ahead that I barely hear Abigail’s cries. After a split second of exiting the danger of the house it explodes sending the car into an earthquake feeling. I floor the gas and speed down the street glancing into the rear view mirror at my now dissembled house. I will for a fact miss it. In the corner of my eye I notice a black van pulling from the suburbs alley way. I immediately know that they are the culprits.
My grip on the steering tightens knowing that there will be force in this encounter.
I sigh. “Abby, sweetheart, I need you to listen to me and do as I tell you, okay?” I glance at and she nods. It pains me to see her like this scared but that feeling has to be subsided now. I glimpse at the van, seeing it approach us steadily.
“I want you to lay your car seat all the way back. Close your eyes and hug Mr. Whiskers.” Obediently, she follows my order. The black van gains on us and I notice someone’s body hanging to window holding a gun. I jerk the car turning a sharp corner and the Porsche squeals in answer. It takes a moment for the van to regain its control and for the person to fire a bullet. It hits the side of the car making Abigail squeak. I have to do something other than pursuing with this car chase. A dead end comes into view as a few more bullets hit against the car. As the car approaches the end I swerve the steering wheel and the car whirls into the opposite direction and halts to a stop. The van is continues to head straight for us.
As they come closer I stomp onto the gas flying the car forward. Both vehicles speed towards each other like joust. The trees and empty valley are left behind us. The van finally realizing I am not backing out swerves to the side allowing me to speed by. Just as I was about to think that I made a clean get away a bullet pierces the tire. The sudden trauma throws the Porsche from the street and into the bushes, down a hill and into a tree. The force as the car hits the tree throws my head forward hitting the windshield. I plop back into the seat with a thud but the world around me begins to darken. I’m blacking out. The last thing I see and hear is Abigail being dragged through the broken window and her cries for me to rescue her. My eyes shut.

Chapter 2

The sun is up, I can tell from the slits in the blindfold on my face. My mouth is gagged and my hands are bounded to the stakes of a chair. I have a brain pounding head ache from the blow of the windshield and the blood from the gash in my forehead trickles down my hair line. The room is high based on the atmosphere and I know the villains chose this place for a reason. I wouldn’t have an easy exit when I plan to escape. I smile at their attempt.
My mind suddenly wonders to Abigail and I wonder if she’s safe or alive. My heart rate increase as images of possibilities of what could be done to her flash through my mind. I tug against my restraints in panic and huff in frustration. Everything has gone wrong and I need to know the cause of this sudden up break.
Who would want to hurt my family? I can’t recall we doing anything to anyone.
Just then the creak of a door sounds on the east wall of my room. There’s my exit. I sigh and feign relaxation in my chair as two pairs of feet walk in. One of the pairs sounds like heavy duty boots while the other are the clicks of heels. As they run a chair across the wooden floors I began pulling my hands against the restraints. The sweat that has already formed on my body gives me smoother assistance. I hear the heels walk towards the chair and the person sits.
“Ungag her.” A woman’s voice says calmly. I can tell she’s done this ‘meeting’ thing before.
Her voice comes closer, “Now you listen here, missy. If you so much as scream I, personally will slit your throat. I will ask a question and you will answer. Simple as that, right?” She pauses.
“Right?” Her voice says more forcefully. I smile with delight but nod nevertheless. “Good. Ungag her, now.”
I feel the rough handling at my head as the person unknots the gag. I flex my jaw and lick my lips as it comes free.
“Where’s my sister?” I breathe, my voice cracked. I feel a grip in my hair as someone tugs my head back forcefully.
“I said not to speak out of turn, Ms. Monroe. But I suppose you deserve that much. Your sister is safe…for now.” I hear her bark. My headache increases as she says those words. I need desperately to get to Abby. I’m her only hope. “I need you to tell me your father’s bank pin.” I hear the woman say with a smile on her lips.
“That’s not a question.” I purr. Her hand slaps my face with a clap. It was so unexpected that I furiously work at the restraints some more. Her hand rests on my knee and caresses it with her thumb.
“Don’t make me ruin that pretty little face of yours, sweetie.”
“I don’t know it.” I lie. “Why do you care?”
I know exactly why she cares. Before my father left us he left my mother a million dollars to fend for the family. He told her that there was more where that came from so I know this entire situation is about money. But what I don’t know is why they need me when they can go get my mother?
“Let’s just say your father owes me. Now, are you going to continue to lie to me or am I going to have to use force.” The person tugs against my hair harder causing me to call out in pain.
“I don’t know it! Now, let me and my sister go you bitch!” I await another slap or even a tug but it never came. The woman begins to laugh hysterically. She laughs so hard that it echoes throughout the room. I know it’s empty. Finally, my hand comes loose from the restraints but I had to wait. The time is not yet near and I fear that the person holding my hair would see my escaped hands.
“Bring her in.” The woman says. The person releases my hair and walks across the room to the door. The slight shuffle of Abigail’s bed slippers runs across the wooden floors.
“Bella!” She cries, hope fills her voice and tear prick in my eyes. Luckily, the blindfold covers my emotions.
“Abby, Abby honey, are you okay?” I reply. A grateful laugh escapes my mouth and I have an overwhelming feeling to cry.
A squeak sounds from her and I immediately panic. “Leave her alone, you bastards!” What could they be doing to her? I shrug my blindfold upward by scrunching my nose and pulling my eyebrows together. My attempt succeeds as the flooring comes into view. It’s dusty and decayed. If anyone was to moves fast enough I’m sure the entire building would collapse.
I notice the woman’s foot in front of me. Black pointed stiletto heels turn in my direction as she stands and models the couple of steps over to me. I feel her breath against my face. It rinks of cigarettes and beers. I cough for the hell of it.
“Now are you going to comply with what we ask you to or is sweet little Abby going to pay for your mistake?” She barks. The anger that immediately stirs within could no longer subside. How dare she threaten me when I could well ring her neck there and then?
“Abby, sweetie, hide and seek.” I call. I hope my little code got her to close her eyes because as soon as the words slip from my mouth I pounce on the woman. Still not being able to see what I am doing I wrap my hand around her neck and begin to squeeze. I feel her arms flail around me as she desperately tries to break free. I quickly remove the blindfold with my free arm and glance around the room. Two men in black stand tall, one with a gun pointing at my head while the other holds Abby by the shoulder. Her eyes are scrunched shut as the events around her played.
“Let go of me you psychotic bitch!” The woman screams still throwing her arms about. I’m surprised she hasn’t elbowed me as yet. This woman is not well trained. How did she make it this far? I suppose she has had body guards all her life. I squeeze tighter.
“Tell your men to drop their weapons…all of them.” I command, my voice stern.
“I can’t-“I squeeze tighter. Her knees bends as her body moves with mine.
“You can’t or you won’t? Drop your weapons or she dies.” I command to the men. They hesitate and for a second I think they will not budge. Nevertheless they slowly lower them to the floor. “Kick it to me.” I say. As he kicks it to me I release the woman, pick up the gun and run towards the man who has a grip on Abby. I notice now that he has her in his arms running for the door. I quickly lift the gun and aim at his leg. I shoot and they both tumble to the floor. Abby screams in contact with the ground while I run straight for her quickly swooping her into my arms. I hear the woman and the other man conversing worriedly as I run down the hall. I dare not to look behind but the rushed footsteps that sound behind me causes me to do a full-fledged sprint.
We come upon an open room with a window that leads to a fire escape. I slam the door shut and lock it before running towards the low window pane. I rest Abby soundly through the window before putting half of my body out.
She’s crying hard. I wipe back her tears and brush my fingers quickly through her long golden curls. Kissing her forehead I hug her quickly. “Abby, what did I tell you about being strong?” I start.
“I-I want to go home, Bella.” She cries. I kiss her forehead again. The pounding against the door distracts me from Abby and I take stance.
“Okay, honey, I’ll take you home but first I need you to run as fast as you can down of these stairs and wait for me. Do not move and do not make a sound, okay?”
She nods. I know bloodshed is bound to happen and I can’t risk her being scarred any more than is already done. I kiss her forehead one last time before allowing her to run down the rusted fire escape. Pulling myself back into the room I raise the gun and wait.

Chapter 3

I grip the trigger as a body smashes against the door. In flies the man and the woman. The man holds the gun at my head while the woman walks around him to stand in front of me.
“Why don’t you drop the gun so we can talk this out?” She says calmly, holding her hands up in defense. I rock from one hip to the next.
“Why doesn’t he?” I reply. She sighs.
“You know why we can’t do that-“
“Well that’s the same reason I can’t.”
She huffs. “Now that’s a damn shame.” With a quick move she pulls a gun from her waistband and pulls the trigger. Blood sprays my face and I scrunch my eyes shut as the sound of the bullet sounds yet I wait the moment it hits me. I slowly open my eyes to see the woman on the floor, dead. Blood pooling from her skull. I hadn’t pulled the trigger! I gaze up at the man who stares intently at me with twinkling hazel eyes and my mouth drops open in realization.
I stand there shocked. He has just killed his boss! To save me! He lowers his gun to his side and cautiously makes his way to me. My senses kick in and I tighten my grip on the gun once again.
“You can still very well be harmful!” I yell. I slowly back myself towards the window. Abby must be terrified.
“Why would I waste my time?” He defends his voice weary.
“Because this could very well be a part of your plan. I’m not about to jeopardize our lives because you saved me.”
“I have nothing else to loose, Bella. I just killed my boss to save you! Tell me why the hell could this be a part of a plan? Because if it is it’s quite fucked up.” He speaks as if he’s known me my entire life.
I point the gun forcefully. “Your name?”
His eyebrows pull together. “Tell me your fucking name before I blow your god damn head off!” I need to leave now and if raising my voice is the only way possible then so be it.
“Alexander Leonardo.” He smiles faintly. Boy is he handsome.
I stand tall. “Give me your gun Alex.” I command. Hesitantly, he complies. I shove the gun into my waistband before gazing back up to him.
“We haven’t got much time.” He starts instantly. “She called for backup. We must leave now.”
I contemplate on whether or not I should make him accompany us. After all he did save my life. We can use a male.
I climb through the window and dart down the fire escape hearing his heavy boots trudge behind me. I run down the stairs and hop to the ground. The alley is deserted; nothing inhabits it except for the hungry rats that roam. It’s so deserted that I do not see Abigail. I panic.
“Abby?” I call. “Abby, honey, where are you?” My heart races, someone could’ve snatched her. Damn, I knew it was a bad idea to let her go by herself. I pull my hands to my head and scrunch my eyes shut. Where could she have run off too?
“Shhhhh!” I hear someone whisper. Abigail’s little head pops from behind of a huge green dumpster. I instantly feel like scolding her for running off or not answering to my calls but I cannot do it. She’s scared, I’m scared. I run to her side and lift her into my arms squeezing her tiny body tight against mine. I let a tear escape from my scrunched eyes before quickly swiping it away. Alex doesn’t need to know I hurt.
I turn to him. “Where’s your car?”
He gazes at me worriedly as to why I may need it. “This way.” He finally says.
We sneak across the street into the parking garage. Three stories up we come upon his black van. I dread sitting in the vehicle that tried to kill me or at least held the people that wanted to. He opens the back revealing a shitload of weapons from A-K 47’s to pistols, my tote and Abby’s tiny suitcase. I hand her over to Alex before climbing in. I grab our bags and a few guns countlessly shoving them into my tote. I know for a fact I will not be riding in this vehicle.
“It’s bugged isn’t it?” I ask throwing the bag over my shoulder.
“It’s tracked. That’s how they know we’re here.” He replies. I pull Mr. Whiskers from the front seat before hopping out and closing the door.
“We’ll take a cab.” I purpose. I take Abby into my arms as we walk back towards the exit. Police cars had already surrounded the building once we waved down a cab. From the looks of it they’ll probably believe it as a suicide on the woman’s part. I’m sure the man whom I shot in the leg had already escaped.
Alex, Abby and I all climb into the cab as it speeds away from all commotion. “Where are we headed?” Alex whispers.
I shrug. “I was thinking, Disney World.” Abby jumps in my lap to look into my eyes. A huge smile stretches across her lips and she giggles with delight. I figure before everything goes downhill, maybe she deserves a couple of days of being a kid again. “Are you hungry, honey?” I ask her. She nods vigorously.
“Excuse me miss, can you please seat your daughter?” The cab driver asks. I meet his glare in the mirror and he winks at me. Rolling my eyes at his perv attempt I slip Abby between Alex and I and hook her into the seat belts.
Alex relaxes into the seat and stares at me. “We have a long way to go don’t we?”
I nod with a smile. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.” I still have unsure feelings about him but I just have to be thankful that we all got away alive and for at least a small period of time we can live.

Chapter 4

It took us three days and four cabs to reach where we are now. Half way across country to a shabby motel not far off of a highway in Georgia. For a deserted Motel it has most modern features most hotels use currently. With big tubs and doubled beds it made me relax a bit.
Alex and Abby watches television on the edge of our bed. For some reason she has opened up to Alex way more than any other person we’ve had in our life but I still find it hard to be able to trust him. He’s worked for the enemy for so long, gaining money and benefits and everything he could possibly need. What I can’t figure out is why did he throw it all away for us? We have nothing he needs, except for now in which I have bank account opened for us.
I sit in a chair across the room with my head in my palms and my mind in the clouds. Where do I go from here? We’ve managed to escape the enemy for a while but what will I do when they come back again? Who is the source of all evil in this situation? I must mean to ask Alex when we’re alone.
“Bella, I’m hungry.” Abby says, bringing me back from my thoughts. I realize we haven’t eaten since yesterday and it is almost six o’clock.
“I’ll get it. Do you want pizza Abs?” Alex asks pushing himself from the bed. I now notice that he wears a t-shirt that I bought him on the way down. It’s tight so as he moves the bulging muscles in his arm flexes. I divert my gaze. I can’t be distracted by him now. “How about you, Bella? You must be starved.”
I stand and walk towards the bed for Abby. “I’ll take a slice. Have it delivered under the name Carmen Rodriguez. I laid a few dollars on the table for the bill. We need canned sodas and sealed bottled waters. We can’t be too sure now can we?” I explain. His eyebrows pull together in befuddlement. I know I sort of threatened him but I have to to keep Abby and I safe.
Nevertheless he nods. Abby begins to play with my hair as I wrap legs her around my waist.
“We’ll be taking a bath if you need us.” I add before waltzing into the bathroom. As I run the water in the tub Abby plays with Mr. Whiskers and a few other toys I grabbed on the floor. I walk to the sink where I rest my hands. I look as disgusting as I feel. My used to be extremely curly brown hair is now wavy and thin from the blood and sweat that has soaked into it. My bright brown eyes are colored by black around its rims from the lack of sleep and my used to be smooth pale skin is now blotched and bruised. I ruffle through the cabinets and pop two Advil’s into my mouth before swallowing a glass of tap water.
I sigh and turn my attention back to Abby. I give her a nice leisurely bath, washing every inch of her from her head to her toes. We played in the soap suds and I can’t help but smile when she drops her head back and giggles loudly. I would do anything to keep it there.
I pull her out and wipe her thoroughly. Using the blow-dryer from the cabinet I run it cautiously through her curls. At least her hair still has life. I braid them into a pigtail and wrap in in a plush towel. Sitting her on the floor by the tub I quickly strip and hop into the shower.
It’s refreshing to feel warm water run over me instead of sweat or blood. It feels as if everything bad in my life is flowing from my system and into the pipes. I wash my hair multiple times and wipe my body before finally exiting the shower. I wrap the towel around me and head for the mirror. At least my hair and skin looks better compared to before.
I put some antibiotics on the gash in my head and place a bandage over it. Looking down at Abby who’s too swallowed up in her fairy princess game I throw my hands up.
“We’re as clean as bumble bees!” I sing. Abby gazes up at me with a smile.
“Bumble, bumble, bumble bee’s bumble, bumble, bum!” She screams then bursts out laughing. She gathers her toys in her hands as we head back into the room. Alex isn’t present but the pizza is and for a second I panic. I quickly dress Abby in her blue baby doll sundress and push her ballet flats onto her tiny feet. I dress in a black t-shirt, jeans and heavy black boots. I braid my hair into one long pigtail before gathering our belongings. God, knows what could happen if Alex doesn’t return soon. I shove a hand gun into my waistband without getting the attention of Abby before sitting her on the edge of the bed. I grab a slice as pizza and taste it before handing her the slice. She hungrily begins to eat.
“Where’s Alex?” She asks through bites as I change the television channel for her.
“Oh, I’m sure he just went for ice.” I lie. I honestly need to know where he’d run off too. “I’ll be right back, sweetie.” I sooth before running for the door. As soon as I open it and step out I’m immediately pulled back in.
“They’re here.” Alex says his breathing harsh. He’d been running. I find it hard to fathom that they’ve actually found us. I turn to look him in the eyes. Instantly I blush. This is weird for me, I don’t blush. Ever! I glance at Abby whom is too consumed with the television to notice.
“They tracked my pager. I swear to God I didn't know I still had it.” Anger instantly boils within me.
“How can you be so stupid? Do you know how much danger you’ve just put us all in?” I begin to pace. “Where is it?”
“I threw it in the trash three miles away. We don’t have much time. I’ve rented a car from the owner of the motel. We can use that for a getaway.”
I sigh. “Just when I think we’re safe.”
He smiles for a split second before rushing into the room. I gather the tote and suitcase while Alex gathers the food and Abby. He leads us down the stairs and to the back of the building where a small old car lays. We run to its side and pile in.
“Give me the keys.” I command.
“I thought I would drive.” He retaliates. I don’t have time for any argument so I slip into the passenger side.
“Head south.” I command. He nods and just as we pull from the motel two black vans approach.


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2012

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