
Meet The Player, Hate Their Game

A thin layer of sweat formed on my body as I rocked my hips from side to side to the booming music that rang through the clubs air. My hands were above my head as I fist pumped to the beat and my chestnut locks whipped in my face with every move I made. It was the relief day all college students who had passed their finals were anticipating for and I was bound to make the best of it. I pushed the thought of having to study one more page from my books to the back of my head and brought for the thoughts of living free just for one night. I squealed when a pair of hands rested on my hips and a body began to work against mine. I didn’t felt the need to see who it was so I just worked my body harder against my new found dance partner. I could smell the mixture of odors in their breath it contained beer and mint and the cologne they wore made me ease my body against them harder.
I jerked when my best friend, Tamera appeared with her boyfriend, Tay’s arm strung around her waist. They continued dancing as she spoke, “We’re leaving now, Chris. I’m spending the night at Tay’s so you have the house to yourself.” I nodded and smiled ushering to the guy behind me. She figured exactly what I was asking for because apparently Tamera was known for knowing everyone on and off campus. She gazed up at my dance partner and waved to them before giving me a thumb up. Within a second both Tamera and Tay were swallowed by the crowd.
I couldn’t hold back the anticipation to see my dance partner but when I mustered up the confidence to turn I felt their hand press against my lower back bending me over. I tensed a bit before relaxing and moved my body against his. I finally worked my way back up and turned to see their face.
My chest heaved when I faced my dance partner. It was Kyle Andrews, the star quarterback at ISU. He wore a tired smile as I looked up at him into his big brown eyes. A huge wave of sickness flew over me and I immediately pushed myself through the crowd making it to an empty stool by the bar. I couldn’t believe I actually dance with Kyle. Not that it wasn’t exciting but the mere fact of dancing with the most whoring man I’ve ever heard of was revolting. He had been with over half the girl at ISU and the thought that I might have been on his ‘list’ made me cringe.
I held my finger up to the bartender signaling for a beer. He slid it across the table towards me but it was stopped and taken away by Kyle. He pulled up a stool next to me and stared longingly into my eyes with a charming smile lighting his face. He took a swig of my beer and set it down. I swung my legs around facing my back to him. My short black dress curled at its hem revealing my shaven legs. I felt Kyle’s cold sweaty hand touch my leg and swing me back around. His other hand was tucked under his chin and he was still smiling.
“What?” I barked brushing his hands from my legs. He didn’t say anything he just stared into my eyes. I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was searching for something. I became tired of the silence and with a gentle push I made my way through the crowd and out into the cold misty air. I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth and crunched the gravel with my red stilettoes making my way to my car. As I pressed the button and opened the door Kyle appeared leaning himself against the car.
“I’m sorry I didn't say anything in there. I was just star struck by your beauty.” He chimed smiling hopefully at me.
“How many times have you used that one?” I barked jutting open the door. He held up an unopened beer to my face.
“Once or twice but I never really meant it until I saw you.”
“Try your lame pickup lines somewhere else. I’m not falling for your crap.” I slipped into the car seat but had yet to close the door noticing that Kyle was blocking it.
“They aren’t pickup lines, Diamond. Their real words I think are right for the occasion.”
“And what occasion is that?”
“Meeting the woman of my dreams.” I rolled my eyes disgusted but I also felt flattered deep down. I was so used to the jerks trying to pick me up with those cheesy lines but these sounded sincere. I ignored the good feeling and put forward the gut wrenching one. “I bought you back your beer.” He continued popping off the cover and handing it to me. I sighed not really wanting to leave just yet and took the bottle.
“Thanks.” I said.
A moment of silence passed and I could still feel his eyes on me.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” He finally asked.
“Well I am the linebacker’s girlfriend…”
“You have a boyfriend?” He cut in bringing his eyebrows together. There was a saddened expression on his face.
I giggled, “Best friend.” He exhaled deeply and put his hand to his chest.
“You almost gave me a heart attack, Diamond.” He said. I gave him a look.
“I have a name you know and it’s definitely not ‘Diamond’.” His smile grew wider.
“I like that name for you.”
“But you don’t even know me.”
“Hey Kyle!” Two busty brunettes sang modeling their way up to us. Both played with their hair and batted their eyes to get his attention oblivious to the fact that I was present.
“Hey Katelyn. Hey Alison.” He said turning his attention from me to them.
“We were just about to head home and we’re kind of drunk.” Alison said running her fingers up Kyle’s chest.
“Maybe you could take us home. Save us the trouble.” Katelyn cut in. I felt nauseated and pulled my door shut and bringing down the window. Kyle took the beer bottle from me and smiled apologetically.
“I’ll talk to you later, Diamond.” He said patting the side of the car before turning and wrapping his arms around both girls’ necks. They made their way over to his car and drove off. I puffed disgusted by the thought of what will happen when they reached their home. I put the car into gear and drove off onto the deserted highway suddenly hating Kyle.

I Met Him, I Hate Him

“This can’t be happening.” I grumbled hitting my head against my locker. I just found out that most of my classes consisted of Kyle and I was eager to change classes but unfortunately I couldn’t.
“You’re losing precious brain cells.” A sweet voice said. I looked up to meet light grey eyes peering down into my hazel ones. I smiled shyly and pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear diverting my gaze to the floor. My face felt hot and I was flushed with embarrassment.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” He said flashing a prize worthy smile. Once again my ear felt hot and I pulled my hair from behind my ear. I turned and started to walk away. I hadn’t known that I was this shy around guys but I should be used to it after always being hit on by them. The man walked up beside me his bulging muscles rubbing across my arm. He smelled sweet as his musk brushed into my face.
“I’m sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I’m Roman.” He said outstretching his hand to me. I looked at his hand then up into his eyes then back to his hand and shook it. He smiled and continued walking with me.
“I’m Christine.” I breathed as we rounded the corner to my next class. He repeated my name numerously trying to memorize it.
“That’s a really pretty name.” He said. We both made our way into the class as he pulled up a desk next to me. I finally opened up to him and we got to talking about our schedules and where we were from. Roman had a very interesting life. I sort of giggled when he told me he was actually from Rome but he didn't mind. We quieted our voices when Dr. Cheddy, our Sociology teacher made his way into the room who was immediately followed by Kyle whose arms were occupied by blondes. He looked up at me and winked with his best smile. I rolled my eyes and sunk into my seat thankful that Roman was beside me. Kyle and the girls made their way up past my row but they sat directly behind of me. I squeezed my eyes shut as their little giggle party festered behind of me. I relaxed when Roman leaned over to whisper in my ears, “Don’t mind them,” he said. “They’ll be sent out of here before Cheddy starts.” I laughed once and dared to look at Kyle whose eyes were piercing the back of Roman’s skull. My laughter immediately turned into anger when the skin on his jaws tensed.
I don’t know why I felt the need to make him jealous but because he had these girls draped around him like curtains I felt the need to do it. I placed an arm on Roman thick arm and leaned into his ears to whisper something. I deliberately flicked back my hair to make Kyle get a full view of what I was doing.
“I have a feeling he’ll be staying in here a little longer this time.” I purred with a smile on my lips. Roman tensed and flexed at the sound of my voice and I was overwhelmed with feelings. I glanced back Kyle to see him fuming before his attention was caught by one of the blondes kissing his neck. I heard Roman chuckle which caught Kyle's attention before he looked at me I turned around and sunk into my seat. I didn't know what had just happened. For the rest of the class I kept my eyes on Cheddy daring to look at either Kyle or Roman.
When the bell rang I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and headed for the door but a hand grabbed me. I turned to see Roman staring at me confused.
“Did I say something wrong, Christine? You wouldn’t speak to me for the entire class.” He asked. I sighed trying to make up an excuse.
“Shy I guess.” I smiled. He exhaled and smiled also.
“Would you like to catch a movie this weekend with me? The new Ashton Kutcher movie is coming out and I know how girls like him.” He laughed and I mustered one to follow. Just then I saw Kyle exit the room looking up and down the hall until he spotted me.
“Yes, a movie will be great.” I nodded peeking over his shoulder to see what Kyle was doing. Kyle began to walk my way.
“Maybe we could get dinner before…” Roman was cut off by Kyle stepping in front of him. He didn’t dare speak to Kyle he just shook his head, smiled apologetically to me then left. I waved goodbye and hugged my book to my chest. My happy mood changed when Roman was out of view.
“Hey, Diamond. How’s things?” Kyle said shoving his hands into his pockets. I dropped myself onto one hip and forced a yawn.
“I was in the middle of a conversation, douchebag.” I barked before turning and walking away. He followed close behind me slipping my back pack from my shoulder and onto his. I didn’t mind that part.
“Since when do you know Roman?” He asked unfazed by my previous attack. I sort of felt ignored in a weird messed up sort of way.
“I met him this morning. He’s really cute isn’t he?” I asked feeling a fluttery feeling in my chest. I remembered who was with me and smoothed my expression. It didn't feel right. I could feel his eyes boring into me but I was used to his constant stares by now. “Why don’t you like him?” I asked.
He puffed. “What do you mean?” He asked pulling in his eyebrows.
“I saw the way you looked at him in class today. It’s obvious you don’t like him.”
“We view things in a different light. That’s all I’m going to say.” We rounded the corner for our next class and this time he sat with me but it didn't stop the swarm of girls from surrounding us. I saved a seat for Tamera and Tay relieved that we had at least one class together. They also felt the tension and awkwardness with our sudden assembly.
The class felt like it prolonged forever. The constant giggling of the girls around Kyle was intolerable. Finally the bell rang and we all made our way to the cafeteria.
“You really don’t have to follow Chris everywhere, Kyle.” Tamera says as we sat at the circular table in the center of the cafeteria. I picked at my food keeping my head down allowing my hair to block out any sense of them seeing my expression. I felt a mixture of feelings from anger, to confusion, to happiness. It was unnecessary but the feelings had started since I met Kyle on Saturday.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I watched as Roman lowered himself next to me.
“There you are.” He says kissing my cheek. His lips were soft against my skin but I found myself looking over to Kyle who indeed was fuming.
“Why don’t you sit somewhere else, Greek?” Kyle hissed. His jaws were clenched and veins appeared on his face. Roman was taken aback and glared back at Kyle the same way he glared at him.
“It’s a free country.” Roman calmly replied. I heard Tamera gasp and her eyes shot open. I really didn't know what was going on. I placed my hand on both their knees and they both looked at my hand relaxing under my touch.
“What’s the matter with you two?” I whispered to a hush. They glanced at one another before smiling at me.
“I’ll catch you later, Christine.” Roman politely said before dismissing himself from the table. Kyle didn't dare look me in the eyes because he knew that I would drown him with questions.
The entire table sat in silence and for once I didn't hear Tamera’s constant chatter about the oh so wonderful times she had with Tay. After hurrying down my food I quickly collected my books and hurried to my car not daring to look back. I sighed with relief when I was safely in the car. I put my hands on the steering wheel and steadied myself before the door swung open. Kyle slipped in and closed the door.
“What is it with you?” He asked staring out the windshield. I turned my body towards him and pulled my eyebrows together.
“Are you kidding me? I barely know you yet you’re acting like a god dam douchebag. Scaring off my potential boyfriends and getting jealous if I touch someone. I should be asking you that same question.” I rambled furiously. He didn't look at me he just washed his face with his hands.
“Am sorry, Diamond. It’s just that you’re not like anyone I’ve ever met.” He started.
“I’m not having sex with you if that’s what you’re asking.” I huffed and folded my arms across my chest.
"Is that what you think I want? Sex?” He said with pain in his voice. He disapprovingly shook his head and got out of my car slamming the door behind him. I didn't know why but my eyes filled with tears before pouring over onto my cheeks. I thought that maybe I'd crossed the line but then again I didn't.

Can You Leave Me Alone?

“You look amazing!” Tamera squealed as I stepped from my room. I wore a deep cut graphic tee that accented my breasts, skinny jeans and a pair of black stilettos. My hair was pulled into a loose ponytail leaving a few of my locks to dangle free. I wanted to look my best on my date with Roman yet since we’re going to catch a movie I didn't see the point to go all out.
“You look gorgeous, Chris.” Tay said seconding Tamera’s thought. I smiled with appreciation and kissed both their cheeks.
The doorbell rang and Tamera’s hand shot to her mouth with excitement. I rolled my eyes and modeled my way to the door slowly and purposely to give off a sense of appeal. My face fell when I saw Kyle standing with his head down and his hands shoved in his pockets.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. He looked up into my eyes instantly making me melt under his big brown eyes and well brushed hair. It made me forget our little confrontation and all I wanted to do was grab his face and kiss him.
“I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for the way I acted towards you the other day.”
“No, I shouldn’t have said that in the first place. It’s just that…”
“You had every right to say that. I’m not quite the one to give good first impressions.” He said with a smile. I smirked and leaned against the door.
“Now why would you say that? I liked the fact that you ditched me for brunettes though.”
His smile faded. I knew I’ve crossed the line again. Why was I always saying something wrong around him?
“Hey Christine.” I glanced over Kyle’s shoulder to see Roman walking up the stairs towards us. He stepped around Kyle like he did to him when we first met and planted a kiss on my cheek. He had a beautiful bouquet of roses in his arms as he placed them into my hands.
“Are you guys going out?” Kyle asked puzzled. I smiled and shook my head. “So that means I could tag along?” Roman felt a little uneasy and looked at me for an answer.
“I don’t see why not.”

The Theatre was cold but the tension that radiated us made beads of sweat form on my forehead. My hands sat clasped between my thighs as both of their arms rested on the side anticipating my fingers to rest on their. It was as if an all new Twilight scene was unveiling before my eyes. I was the human who the werewolf and vampire were desperately trying to win the heart of. I tried not to look at them keeping my eyes fixed on the wide screen. The movie felt like a lifetime but as the end credits began to roll up on the screen I felt Roman lean into my ear pressing his lips to my ear when he spoke.
“That was good wasn’t it?” He whispered. I couldn’t say yes because I really didn't know what the movie was about. I just smiled. I looked up at Kyle who was still staring at the screen.
“I’ll be right back.” Kyle said standing and passed us pushing Roman in the process. I heard Roman sigh when he left and finally he turned to face me smiling widely.
“Thank God he left. It was really nice of you to invite him but I think it kind of ruined our date, don’t you think?” He began taking my arm into his and entangled our fingers. “I know he’s not going to leave until I leave your house and I was thinking maybe I should give you your goodnight kiss before…” He leaned in closer to me and pressed his lips against mine. They were smooth and soft as they worked against mine. I pushed myself against him strengthen our kiss until I had a hard time breathing. Moments passed before he came up for air smiling uncontrollably.
Before I could say something I noticed Kyle was standing at the entrance of the theatre with a blonde running her fingers through her straw like hair. He didn't seem to notice our recent activity and I sighed with relief. It was amazing as to how he could attract girls wherever he went. Secretly I felt my heart rip. First he ruined our date plans and now he was ignoring me. I had a sudden urge to scream at him but for Roman’s sake I smoothed my expression. Roman noticing my aura turned to see Kyle and shrugged. He leaned over to kiss me again but I stopped him with my index fingers to his lips. He smiled and kissed my finger pressing his way into another one. We quickly kissed before I stood and made my way to the door purposely brushing against Kyle. He said goodbye to the girl and trailed behind us.
On the ride home I sat in the back seat leaving the two to ride in front. I noticed how they kept glancing back at me for some reason.
As predicted Kyle didn't leave my house until Roman left. He sat on the couch with his eyes planted on the television screen while I followed Roman out to his bike. It was cold and the hairs on my skin were beginning to rise. I rubbed my arms to get myself warm while I watched Roman slip on his leather jacket.
“How about we try this again on Friday?” He said leaning in for a kiss. I nodded against his lips before laughing. He looked at me quizzically.
“It kind of gives me the illusion that you two are afraid of each other.” I said gesturing to Kyle. He wasn’t fazed by my question he just smiled a little and ran his fingers through his bouncy dirt blonde hair.
“We view things in a different light, Christine. Don’t worry about it.” He brushed me aside. Giving one last peck he sped off onto the highway.
I made my way upstairs and plopped next to Kyle on the couch. Tamera and Tay already retired to bed and I knew they were trying their best to keep quiet. I couldn’t push aside the feeling of needing to know what Kyle and Roman’s problem was. It bothered me of how the hatred flared between them and everyone except me knew about it. I turned my body towards him and rested my head on my arm. I was about to ask but something stopped me. The peace in his face was mesmerizing. This was the first time I’d seen him so calm around me. I ran my fingers along his shirt playfully and smiled hoping that the peace would stay longer for how unpredictable he was.
“Want a beer?” I asked softly after he didn't pay me any mind. He didn't peel his eyes from the television like he usually would he just nodded. I quickly ran on the cold floor and got two beers for us. I threw the bottle into his lap as he twisted the cap off with his teeth. I gave him mine to open and as he titled it back I used my fingers and hit the bottle pouring all of the beer onto his shirt accidentally. I began laughing hysterically when the coldness finally hit his nerves. The look on his face was priceless. He glared at me deathly before leaning over to hug me, smearing the beer onto me. I screamed with disgust as he squeezed me tightly. I don’t know why but the feeling I suddenly had was refreshing.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Diamond.” He grunts as he squeezed me tighter. I squealed and gasped for air all in the process of laughing. After a moment of me kicking and screaming he pulled back. I looked into his big brown eyes and noticed something that wasn’t there before beside the peace that once filled it. I couldn’t understand what though. We stayed like that for a moment before he slowly leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. It took me a while to relax under his touch as his lips began to smooth over mine. His lips were soft and moist as they worked furiously against mine. I found myself closing my eyes and leaning into him until I felt his body relax onto mine. His fingers traveled up my arm, to my neck until both hands cupped my face. The kiss began more intense before I found myself not being able to breathe. I gasped against his lips and turned my face from his.
He planted soft tender kisses along my neck. My breathing was becoming more brisk as one of his hands slid down my waist and hooked my jeans. He worked at my button until it finally snapped. Without thinking I pushed him from me and fixed myself.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered as he jumped from the couch in frustration. He ran his fingers through his hair and I immediately regretted my decision of pushing him away. He looked so helpless and…sorry. It was hard not to say I wanted him but I had to keep telling myself that I didn't. His reputation gave me a stronger reason as to why he was bad news. Roman was what I needed.
I sighed and stood also making my way to the door. My hands felt heavy as I hesitantly opened it. “You should leave.” I choked out. He looked at me with sad eyes. Tears were beginning to form. “I told you I wasn’t going to have sex with you, Kyle. You should leave.”
He began to speak but I cut him off. “Before you say something wrong Kyle leave…just leave.” I could clearly see the sadness turning to anger. He stomped towards me and stopped giving me a square view of his face, eyes and perfect lips that I wanted against mine as quickly as possible. I bit my lips and turned my face from him to stop my urges.
“So far Diamond, I think you’re the one that’s been doing things wrong.” My eyes shot up and his anger subsided to sadness once again. The peace that was once there was long gone.
“Leave.” I said trying my best to say it as sternly as possible. He left without another word.

Has it changed?

I hated the fact that Kyle and I always parted on bad terms. I’ve seen him at classes but he hasn’t paid me any mind. Not like he did before. Weeks had passed and it was almost as if we’d have never met nor did our incident occur. Roman and I fortunately went on a couple more dates to the point where both of us were considered a couple. The cutest couple at that but part of me was missing. A part that I think Kyle could fill.
As usual I made my way into class and sat at my usual spot. Roman had called and said he wouldn’t be here for a couple days. He was attending his grandma’s funeral in Ohio but he’ll be back by the time the frat parties came into effect.
I sat in my seat and proceeded in taking out my notebook and tape recorder when Kyle and his group of girls entered behind Cheddy. I was surprised when Kyle took a seat where Roman usually sat. His arm stretched across the back of my seat and I tried my best to ignore him.
“Hey, Diamond.” He whispered. The other girls occupied the seat around us and I happened to notice one of the brunettes from the club.
“Hi, Kyle.” I politely replied. I kept my eyes on Cheddy but I felt Kyle lean in.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” He asks. I gave him a look before turning back to my notes. “It’s pretty clear that you too are dating. Where is the douche?”
“First off Kyle you’re the douche and where Roman is, is none of your god dam business. You of all people should hate to ask about him.” I snapped. His eyebrows shot up.
“Why do you suppose I hate him?” I don’t know why he’s asked me that when it was pretty obvious. Just the air that surrounds them both when they are in a room signals how bad their hatred was.
“It’s pretty obvious and I'm not in the mood to discuss Roman so please stop.”
“You don’t have a problem in telling people stop abruptly, Diamond.” I knew exactly what he meant. It angered me the moment he said it. How dare he say that? For crying out loud I’m not one of those girls who usually drop their panties when he says. I’m different, unique and I want my first time to be hear felt.
“Are you serious right now?” I rolled my eyes, gathered my things and stormed out of the classroom. I knew that my car was parked on the far side of campus so I decided to head to the dorms. Before I turned the corner I felt an arm grab me and spin me around. Kyle pressed his body onto me until my back was against the wall. Without warning he was kissing me. His eyes were closed as his lips moved against mine. They were soft and I missed them but I had a hard time relaxing under him. He was too unpredictable. He released me and hit the lockers behind me with his fists.
“God! Do you know how hard it is to please you?” He screamed kicking the trash can beside me.
“Me? Try you, Kyle! I know that all you want from me is sex and I am not like one of your sluts to drop my panties for you!” I screamed. My hand shot to my mouth when I realized what I just said. I quickly removed them because he needs to hear it. He needs to hear what an arrogant bastard he was.
“Do you think I’d go this far for sex? I can get any fucking girl in this god dam school but guess what? I chose you. I want you no one else but you!” He sighed. His arrogance was practically dripping from his lips but the last words made me smile a bit. The smile vanished when I figured he probably said that to most girls.
“I don’t think so Kyle. I really believe you think of me as a challenge not a lover.” And I for one thought it was true.
“We always quarrel when we’re together.”
“It’s a sign that we aren’t meant to be. I can’t deal with your constant arguments. One moment you’re happy and the next you’re pissed at me for no reason.”
“I have my reasons, Diamond but it’s stupid of you not to see them.”
“Oh now you’re calling me stupid? Why the hell did you follow me out here Kyle go back to one of your sluts. I'm definitely not one of them.” I shook my head as I walked away but he grabbed my arm and spun me to face him. He cups my face and presses his forehead to mine.
“That’s not what I meant.” He breathes. I sigh and close my eyes inhaling every inch of him. He smelled of a mixture of musk and the wind in the mountains.
“I know.” I reply. We stayed like that for moments until the clicks of heels sounded behind us. I peeled my eyes open and watched as a freshman blonde bounced her way past us. She ogles over Kyle but as I glanced back at him his eyes were fixed on me, staring intently into my eyes.
“You’re the only one I want.” He reassured. With that I smiled.

Fun Night Out?

How is it that, now whenever Kyle’s name is mentioned I either get jealous or extremely happy? Was it because we made up or was it because I grew to have more feelings for him than I ever thought possible? Just the way he smiles and his deep dimples sink into his cheeks makes me flutter with joy. Unfortunately, we cannot be together. Why? Roman’s why! We’re in a committed relationship, or so everyone says and rumors have started as to how I am a two timer. I wouldn’t blame them. I spent more time with Kyle than I did Roman but I try to reassure him that we’re friends. Close friends.
I honestly liked Roman and it would pain me to hurt him. Kyle nevertheless insists that I ditch him but that same arrogance he used would always result in an argument. Maybe I should just cut it off with Kyle for Roman’s sake. Maybe then the rumors will cease and my guilty feeling will subside. If I am a two faced maybe I should get rid of one of the faces.
“I don’t see why you can’t go bowling with me.” Roman whines as we watch television on his couch. For most college boys his apartment screams wealthy with brand new technologies in every corner and a motherly touch to the décor. My legs are stretched across his lap and he massages my soles with his thumbs. I casually eat ice cream while ignoring his plea and watch the television screen.
“We haven’t done anything fun in a while, Chris.” He says again.
“We went to dinner last night. That was pretty fun.” I say.
He huffs and the pressure in my legs grow harder. He’s angry. I don’t want him to be. I’ve just been tired lately with this whole situation.
I put the ice cream bowl on the table before climbing into Roman’s lap. He tenses for a moment before relaxing as I place my leg on either side of his and kiss him. He closes his eyes and a soft moan escapes him.
I’ve won.
I can feel him smile on my lips while his hands run up and down my thighs. As I began to pull away his grip tightens and the kiss gets more intense. Before I know it we’re laying on the couch, body to body and our moans drowns out one another. The atmosphere suddenly gets warm as his legs rest between mine and he rubs his groin against me. I moan and tangle my fingers in his hair as we kiss longer and longer until he breaks away leaving us both breathless.
“That was fun.” He breathes. I smile and peck his lips once more.
“Let’s go.” I slip from beneath him and grab my purse. He trails behind me as I head to the door and grab my car keys.
“Where are we going?” He asks excited.
“Out.” I reply and start down the stairs.

The carnival was more crowded than I’d expected. Almost everyone I knew was there as Roman and I waltzed through the crowd towards the booths. Unruly kids high off of sugar were being dragged about by their parents while elderly couples stare longingly at the bright lights and balloons.
“This is more like it!” Roman shouts. He throws his arm around my neck and nuzzles his nose in my hair. I hug him close before we were interrupted by arms wrapping around my waist and spinning me around.
“Tay, put me down!” I yelled as he spun me around. My hair flew about me as blurred images of a laughing Tamera, and Roman played. I kicked and yelled until he rested me onto my feet just as Kyle came into view. He was alone. His hands were tucked into his pockets as he strolled nervously up to the group. I just stared at him for a second running my fingers through my hair. He wore a black leather jacket with a tight grey t-shirt that showed his bulging abs, worn out blue jeans and big black heavy boots. It was a gorgeous sight to lay eyes on.
Roman’s hand strung around my waist as he came closer and I could sense the sudden tension that was there. Luckily, Kyle paid no mind to Roman. I figured it was because he knew I had feelings for him or he was just tired of the constant arguing. I still need to get to the bottom of their feud. Apparently everyone else knew about it.
“You look beautiful as always, Diamond.” He says smiling coolly.
I smile. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He nods and turns his attention to Tay as the two engage into the coming football game. I relieved that he didn't proceed because the grip Roman is giving me is saying that he is restraining as much as possible not to pounce on him. I glanced up on him and gave him a reassuring smile and his gaze instantly softened.
“Chris! Come on. The boys can go a couple of hours without you.” Tamera whines tugging on my arm. Reluctantly I allow her to drag me to all of the rides while the boys go their separate ways. To be honest I miss Tamera and my personal time we used to spend together. Since I finally got a boyfriend- wait, am I still supposed to consider Roman my boyfriend when I have stronger feelings for Kyle? Technically yes because we spend more time together but isn’t your boyfriend supposed to be the one you want to be with. I mean I like Roman a lot but Kyle…
“I think you should ditch Roman, Chris. Kyle is obviously desperately in love with you.” Tamera says as we pick at our cotton candy. I can’t figure out how she knows exactly what I’m thinking.
“Kyle is not in love with me. Plus I want Roman.” I lie. I can’t admit that she was right because it would devastate Roman if he found out.
“No, Chris, you think you need Roman but everyone can see that you want Kyle. Listen, I'm not telling you what to do but you’re playing two guys when you should just be with the one. Its sending a pretty bad image.”
“Tamera, I'm not playing two guys. I'm with Roman and Kyle is a friend.”
Tamera stops abruptly and turns towards me. She’s angry, I can tell. “Christine, stop the shitty act that you’re putting up. You’re hurting Kyle while Roman is…” She trails off.
“What about Roman?” I ask suddenly intrigued.
She looks away from me and continues walking. I have to say this is the first time I’ve ever felt like this. Two guys in my life that I honestly like. Tamera is right. I do need to make up my mind. I have made up my mind. But how can I explain to Roman that I want to be with Kyle? I figure the best way would be to yank the bandage right off and not slowly peel it off for the elongated pain. I must do it soon.
I will do it tonight.

What to do, what to do?

The boys met up with us just as we were about to climb onto another roller coaster ride. When Roman kissed me, Tamera stared disapprovingly at him, Tay was off in his own little world and Kyle’s jaws were clenched as he spoke to a redhead that had approached them. His eyes were still on me when I gave him an apologetic smile. As the line inched forward I noticed everyone grew quiet. The boys were no longer talking and the girls weren’t picking at each other’s hair. I glanced around to see Kyle and Roman glaring at one another then at me.

“What?” I ask shrugging. I smiled a little to mask my uncomfortable feeling.

Kyle leans in. “I need to speak with you, alone.” He whispers loud enough for only Roman and I to hear.

“I don’t think so.” Roman snaps.

“Oh, I think so.” He snaps back. I rest my hand on Roman’s chest to calm him but it doesn’t work.

The line attendant leads Kyle and I to our coater seats and as we buckle up he wastes no time in speaking to me. “You need to leave Roman, Diamond. He’s bad news.”

Funny how Tamera thought the same way.

“Do you know why he’s bad news?” I ask.

“Just leave him. He doesn’t treat you right. I’m not telling you because I want you. I’m telling you because I care.” He replies. He turns his head around to look at Roman as he and the red head climb into their carts. They are seated directly behind us. I also turn around to look at Roman. He’s speaking to the redhead in clipped short sentences and glances at us from the corner of his eyes. As the attendant fastened their seat belts and it holds them into tightly, Kyle does the unexpected. He leans over, grabs my face and crushes our lips together.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.09.2012

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