
Chapter 1


“Why’d you do it?” The old cop screamed in my ears. He crashed his fists against the metal table and glared intently at me. A smirk played on my lips and I crossed my arms across my chest. It pleasures me to see how these cops takes interest in my ‘small, harmless’ crime. I mean all I did was TP’d my neighbor’s garage with a couple of other friends. It’s not like I killed a person.
I brought my hand to my mouth and yawned obviously telling the man that I’m not interested. To my crappy luck he couldn’t have been more oblivious. He sighed and walked out of the room leaving me to ‘think about what I’ve done’. When alone I felt a sense of abandonment and I was about to cry out in sadness. I didn’t think what I did was that bad. Come to think of it that cranky old witch deserved what she got.
The blinding white light shone down on my face forcing me to squint my eyes and even the heat that radiated didn’t help the feel of the cold winter air. A chubby man entered the interrogation room that I occupied a few minutes later. He wore a white linen shirt that tucked into a black well ironed pant, black shoes and a gray felt hat. Suspenders peeked from his gray jacket and they looked worn out. I figured it was from his huge beer gut. He gazed at me with his tired blue eyes that looked nothing but friendly but his facial expression was rock hard.
“Now little lady, why in the world would you go out in the freezing cold and throw toilet paper at that old ladies house? Didn’t you know there will be consequences?” His tone sounded playful although he looked drained. "I get that a lot. Wanna be popular's. It's hard to fit in in this generation. Tell you what, how about I let you off with a warning. That’ll make both of us happy.” He makes his way on the opposite side of the table and draws a seat. “Would you like that?” He whispers.
I raise my eyebrows and inch forward. “Is this a good cop, bad cop act? Because if it is it isn’t working.” I tried to make my tone sound serious but I couldn’t help but smirk. I recline back into my seat and out stretched my legs beneath the table. Good cop adjusts his hat and clears his throat before nodding and escorted me out of the room.
My father sat in a chair outside of the room and his face was buried in his hands. He looked up at me with disappointment in his eyes. I wouldn’t blame him, who would want a delinquent daughter running loose in their home town? My father is a sweet loving man who always looked out for me even in the harshest of times and that’s why I love him. He, as well as the good cop looked tired. I may have dragged him out of bed with this incident. Dad stood and shook the cop’s hand who was gripping my shoulders rather tightly. I shook my way from his grip and ran to my dad wrapping my arms around him.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered and buried my face in his snow covered coat. I felt his hand touch my hair and he pressed his cheek to mines.
“It’s ok honey.” He replies. My father is such a patient man. He had to be in the state my mother was in and I was thankful for that. “Thanks Bill but I think I’ll take it from here. She needs some rest.” I looked up at Bill in the most innocent way and smiled. He only tilted his hat and winked. Pedophile.

Outside was colder than I’d expected. The snow blazed across the tar street and the winds knocked me from side to side. I clung to my father until we made it to his car. At least I felt safe with him. When he helped me in we took a moment to re-warm ourselves. The quietness was overwhelming.
“This is the third time this year, Lure.” He casually says knocking some snow from his coat. He calls me Lure because he says I ‘lure’ attention to myself. I would always retaliate and say “Give me one example, Chum.” I loved our relationship but from since my mother passed it’s been hard to stay on the same page.
“Dad, it was a harmful prank. No one got hurt.” I shrugged and ran my fingers through my long curly dirty blonde hair. I stared through the window as the vehicle began to move. We didn’t speak for a while we just listened to the game on the radio. That’s one thing we enjoyed, sports. I missed our routine game watching day with mom. She and dad would always quarrel over who the winners would be. I smiled to myself as a single tear rolled down my cheek.
“Lure, is everything ok?” Dad finally speaks. I quickly wipe away the tear and force a smile then turned to face him.
“Why wouldn’t I be? Look am sorry dad, it seemed to be a good idea at the time. Mrs. Newsome deserved it but if it makes you feel any better I regret it.” I sounded convincing but not as convincing as I’d hoped. Everyone who knew my dad knew it was hard to fool a lawyer.
He chuckled. “Where did we get you from?”
“A basket on your doorstep. That explains why I look nothing like you.” I laughed and he soon joined.
“You’re right but you look so much like your mother. Both so beautiful… I miss her.” His smile faded and he gazed back to the street. It was filled with longing. I was about to say I miss her too but mentioning that will only make more tension build in the car and I am on the verge of bursting into tears myself. I suck in air and released it slowly.
We approached a red light and I felt my father relax in his seat. I dared to look at him and in the one streak of light that hit his face I saw a tear. I couldn’t wrap my finger around how we haven’t been able to overcome her death. It’s been a year, today…her anniversary. It will be a nightmare to stay in a house of cries and sadness. I needed to get out for just one night, this night.
I popped the door open and climbed out. I heard my father calling after me as I ran down the deserted street. He didn’t follow me so I figured he thought I needed time to myself.
Not sure where to go I made my way to the park. It was also empty and covered with snow. The wind continued to knock me about so I sat at the nearest bench. I plopped onto the seat and washed my hands over my face. Minutes passed before I finally let myself cry a storm.
I cried until I was interrupted by a thud at a tree not too far from where I sat. The time was around 1:30. I was freezing by this point and couldn’t generate enough strength to face the noise. All that was possible for me to do was wait.
“Hello?” A smooth husky voice said. I turned to face the man that spoke and was met with a pleasant gaze. He was gorgeous. Even in the dark I could see his piercing blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. His black hair fluttered in the lightened wind and his pale soft skin looked astounding. I was frozen both literally and metaphorically.
“H-hi.” I stuttered. He made his way over and sat next to me stretching out his hand.
“Why are you out here so early in the morning? You look like you’re freezing.” He stripped his jacket and threw it around my shoulders.
“Problems but I’m fine, thanks. Why are you out here? Shouldn’t you be playing video games or something?” I joked.
“That’s a funny comment for a delinquent.”
“How do you know that? I’m nothing but a nice kind hearted girl.” I batted my eyes in a flirtatious way. He pressed closer to me and I felt his hot breath dance across my cheek.
“Nice or naughty?” He purred. I forced a laugh and my ears suddenly began to regain feeling from the blush. I somewhat felt unusually comfortable around him yet I don’t even know his name. Also he looks strangely familiar and I figured he has noticed my watching him because his eyes met mines and a smile grew on his perfect pink lips. His ocean blue eyes gave my plain hazel green eyes the illusion that I’m swimming at a beach in Hawaii. Butterflies stirred in my stomach and the urge to press my lips to his was intolerable. He only stayed silent.
My eyes regretfully peeled from his after a while and diverted to the mucky ground. It was now getting brighter as the sun peeked above the east to say ‘wake up world’. I looked back to see the gorgeous man’s face but discovered he was long gone. Had it been that long I sat here? My father may be worried sick but at this moment I was happy, care free, confused, and star struck. Then again aren’t I always?
I slowly rose from the bench and proceeded in walking home with the man still on my mind. Time seemed to be passing me quickly today because I found myself at my doorsteps not long after. A smile stayed on my face when I trudged up the stairs leading to my great Victorian. I peered through the window to see my father sleeping in my mother’s loveseat. I could imagine the crying he must have done. I sucked in deeply before I opened the door trying at best not to awake him.
I closed the old oak door and tip toed across the hardwood floors that led to where he slept. His face was soaked with tears as expected and his eyes were puffy and black. I leaned over and softly pressed my lips to his forehead and whispered, “I love you, dad.”
There was no reply.
I spun on my heels and crept up the stairs to my room.
Our house is quite big for a house in Canada. It was furnished like a snow caped cabin in the mountains yet that’s where we are. With wooden floors, recyclable lights and soft fury furniture’s. My room was fairly big as well. A huge bed hung from the ceiling took half the space up and it rested in the far corner of the room. A computer desk occupied the north wall and a walk in closet at the west. The walls were violet covered and the drapes were cream with patterned daisies. My family had such expensive taste when it came to luxuries and I inherited it.
I scanned the room to see if anything was out of place but everything was where I’d left it except for an envelope on my desk. Not bothering to look at it I plopped into bed where sleep instantly took over.

Hours later I was awoken by the voice and shaking of my father. He was dressed in an apron when my eyes finally opened and a gentle expression on his face.
“Hi dad.” I murmured as I rolled onto my back to get a better look at him. He looked better from when I last saw him.
“Hey, Lure. I made dinner if you’re ready?” I smelt the spicy musk of his after shave and figured it as being a new ‘day’ for him. I nodded. He reluctantly stood and left giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
I soon afterwards got up from the bed and took a shower with a quick brushing of the teeth. I slipped on a bra and underwear and a thick pair of navy blue jeans before I remembered the man’s jacket.
I continued dressing where I finished with a black tank top and a thick wooly pull over finally wrapping his jacket around me. Black boots warmed my feet and a white towel held my hair. I started downstairs.
My father was at the table eating his dinner and ushered for me to sit. I chose the seat directly in front of him on the far side. Today’s dinner was tasty as usual. My dad’s famous meatloaf and mac n cheese with sparkling apple cider but it was quiet a typical night in this house. I was focused on getting back to the park in hopes of seeing that man again but I doubt dad would let me leave.
So I asked him, “I’m leaving soon. Just thought you should know.” I didn’t technically ask.
He didn't look up from his plate. “Where are you going? I’m not in the mood for another one of sheriff’s calls.” He sounded serious.
“Dad, I’m just going to the park. It’s not like I’m going to kill anyone.”
“I don’t want to hear anything about killing or death in this house young lady. We’ve suffered enough of them.”
I was about to retaliate but thought better of it. Instead I nibbled at the garlic bread. “No.” He continued. My eyes shot up but his didn't meet mines.
“What do you mean no? I’m old enough to go out by myself.” I hated speaking to him like that but I just can’t take being told what to do.
“I mean you are not to leave this house, Lure. I haven’t even given you a punishment for what you’ve done. Do you think you could just do what you want when you want?”
“Dad,” I started.
“No, Allura not another word on this subject.” Anger stirred with in me and my face must be obviously turning red. I stood and left not bearing to see his glare. I heard an exhale as I ran up the stairs and slammed my bed room door. I plopped onto my bed and screamed into the pillow. I don’t know why I’m upset he was just being the father he thought was appropriate. I cried. Not only for him but for myself. I wasn’t making any of this easier for him and I sure as hell haven’t made the wisest choices.
There was a knock on the door as he pleaded his sorries to me. I was about to tell him that it was my fault but something restrained me.
“Allura, sweet heart, am sorry.” He pleaded.
I groaned when I said my next words but meant every one, “Dad, I’m the one that’s supposed to be apologizing. I over reacted. I love you, good night.” He left without another word.
The time was 1:00 when I climbed from my window onto a loose vine that snaked beside my window. It took me a while to reach the ground but I made it. Dad was asleep and so was the entire neighborhood so there was nothing to fret about. I found my way back at the bench where I met the man. The snow had begun to melt so it was wet and icky. I sat and hoped for another miracle.


Chapter 2


A thud like the one from before occurred and to my surprise the man was the one that caused it. He wore a tight black t-shirt that showed his chiseled abs just enough and a pair of jeans the gave a slight preview of his manliness. I wondered how he could wear such light clothing in weather like this. Pushing that suspicion out of my head I stood and greeted him only this time he wasn’t as enthusiastic.
“I’m so glad you came.” I said sincerely. “You forgot your jacket. I just want to return it.” I out stretched it to him. He took it and shoved pass me not making any eye contact.
“Hey,” I continued. “Aren’t I the one that needs cheering up?” I followed him to the bench and sat beside him. Quietness filled the air once more. I didn't want him to leave like yesterday so I kept my eyes at his feet. “Talk,” I said and nudged him in the side with my elbow.
He didn’t move. His face was in a serious expression and I contemplated on what he was thinking about. Finally, he looked up from the ground and then into my eyes, his beautiful ocean blue eyes. Something swept over me because I found myself not being able to peel away my eyes. There was something unusual about him something fascinating. The way he looked and the way his skin was deathly pale. The way he would clench his fists and grit his teeth whenever he came next to me.
“Speak,” I commanded and for a second it looked as if he was going to do it but he thought better of it. I just wanted to hear his sexy voice before this dream ended. “I won’t bite.” I tried to making my voice sound playful but it was impossible. I was in his trance. My eyes still couldn’t be removed from his and it seemed as if he was engulfed in my gaze as well.
“What’s your name?” He finally whispered. He was so close that I felt his warm breath on my exposed skin. Waves flew down my spinal cord and I felt obligated to answer him.
“Allura,” I mumbled. “What’s yours?” He kept silent.
“Allura,” He repeated. It almost seemed as if he were tasting my name on his tongue. It satisfied me.
“What is your name?” I asked. He gritted his teeth.
“Taren.” He whispered and I repeated his name as he did mines. There was something about it that I couldn’t put my finger on.
“Well Taren, how long are we to stare at each other like this?” My question made him blush and released my gaze. He was so cute the way he blushed. He smiled. The smile that could melt me easily and it caused me to giggle. “Did I make you uncomfortable, Taren?”
“No,” He replied flatly and out of the blue he stood to leave. I couldn’t let that happen, he actually made me smile. I grabbed his elbow and the unexpected happened. He grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground splashing mud all over my clothes. I was scared and a part of me felt angry.
His eyes were flared as he looked at me and my fear grew. All I did was touch him. After what seemed like minutes his glare softened and he reached out to help me up but I declined by dodging his touch. A few more moments passed before he turned and left but this time I didn't object.

There was something about Taren that amused the hell out of me and even though he touched me I didn't feel threatened. It kind of turned me on.
I trudged home like before but the walk seemed longer. The bright side about it was that it wasn’t as cold and the sun was beginning to peek through the trees.
Minutes passed before I suddenly felt eyes at the back of my body but when I turned to see the source there was nothing. I continued walking but I also continued to feel the eyes. I turned again. Nothing.
“Must be an owl.” I reassured myself but picked up the pace. Yet I kept feeling eyes on me. I broke out into a run believing that I wasn’t feeling things. This time I heard the snapping of twigs and the pants of a person behind me…in the same speed I was running. I was about to scream for help when unexpectedly hands covered my mouth and eyes. I let the scream out but it was muffled.
I began thinking of my dad and how he would be devastated to hear I was dead after he specifically told me to stay home. I couldn’t let that happen. I heard the licking of lips and a pleasured sigh behind of me and the breath of the persons grazed my neck. It was cold.
Using my elbow I jabbed it into the person’s ribs and for a brief second they released me. I didn't look back but I began to run again screaming for help but it was hopeless. There wasn’t a house in the distance.
“Leave me alone!” I yelled as the hitting of boots approached. To my luck a puddle was in my way and my leg got caught in the mud. “Please,” I begged as I crashed against the ground hitting my head on the pavement. My world went completely dark.

His eyes, his beautiful ocean blue eyes greeted me when my eyes fluttered open. I had a piercing head ache and the base of my neck was itching like crazy. Taren was pressing a warm wash cloth against my head and his eyes never left mines.
“W-where am I?” I stuttered. I peeled my eyes from his and scanned the room. It was mine and the window was wide open. Cool breeze flowed in and fluttered his dark hair.
“How did you get in here? What happened?” I proceeded. His eyes were glassy and his touch was soft. His touch how didn't I notice? I was in my bra and panties. I hurriedly tried to cover myself with the sheets he only smiled and rose.
“I have seen more, Allura.” He commented. I gave him a confused look.
“What happened?” I persisted. I began to scratch my neck where I felt a rash form. I pulled away my fingers and looked at it…blood. “What,”
“You were attacked, that’s all I can tell you.”
“What do you mean that’s all you can tell me? I demand to know.” He looked into my eyes and once again I felt trapped. A smile rose on his lips as he leaned forward towards me. I pushed him away and rolled off the bed. I don’t know why I did that I wanted to kiss him but not with questions left to be answered.
“I’m unusual, Allura. I’m what you humans call…never mind. Let’s get to the point, you were attacked and I saved you.” His face quickly turned hard.
“Who attacked me?” I dared to ask.
“A messed up version of what I am.” He replied.
“What are-“
“You can’t know!” He gritted his teeth again but I wasn’t afraid of him… not now. I boldly walked up to him until my breath swept his face. I peered into his eyes and hoped my command will work seeing as it worked on me when he did it.
“I demand to know.” I calmly whispered. Unpredictably he leaned forward and brushed his lips against mines. They were soft and smooth with his moisture combining with mine. I let it be. His kiss grew more passionate and his tongue commanded entrance to my mouth it which I hesitantly granted. A soft moan rose in my chest when his cold fingers brushed against my exposed hips. I was standing between his legs now and his manliness rubbed on my legs through the rough fabric of his jeans.
Our tongues worked together and my fingers made its way to his head and tangled in his hair. He all of a sudden bit my lips but I was too aroused to notice. My blood was lapped up by his tongue and a loud groan rose in his chest. He began to suck my lips hard pulling more blood from my body when I finally pulled myself away breathing heavily as was he.
He looked embarrassed but why? Was I a bad kisser? I touched my now swollen lips to see blood still oozing out. I wiped it with my hand and walked to get a cloth. I smiled in the bathroom mirror. If he was a kinky kisser I wonder what else he was kinky at. Drops of blood fell into the sink before I left the bathroom to notice he was long gone.
“Shit.” I mumbled. “How could I have let him out of my sight again? Dam.”
An hour passed before my dad woke up. It was minutes to 9:00 then. I decided to make him breakfast. To pass the time of what has been going on. I made eggs and pancakes, his favorite.
“Good morning sweet heart.” He groaned as he sat at his usual spot.
“Good morning dad. Did you sleep well?” I asked as I lay his food in front of him and kiss him on the forehead.
“I’ve had better.” He replied and shoved a mouthful of pancakes into his mouth. I pulled up a seat at the far side of the table and sipped at my orange juice. He asked for the syrup and I slid it across the table for him. “School starts next week. Are you excited?” He asked after a while.
I shrugged. “Name one sixteen year old that is?” I picked at my eggs.
Dad noticed my quietness. “What’s the matter, Lure? Was it because of yesterday?”
“No, no dad it’s not that it’s…nothing.” I didn't know how to tell him that I snuck out, was attacked, saved by a man I grew to like…a lot and made out with him while he was a sleep. It seemed a bit much don’t you think?
“What happened to your lip?” I quickly touched it to notice that it was still swollen and if things couldn’t get any better m neck began to itch again.
“Umm, I bit it.” I lied. Well not technically. I mean it was bitten.
“And your neck?” He noticed that I was tugging at the turtle neck I put on.
“A rash.”
“Then should I be eating this food?” He chuckled. I sighed with relief that he wasn’t suspicious. “Listen I know this isn’t the time but I figured out your punishment for what you did to Mrs. Newsome.”
I completely forgot about that.
“Well, her niece is visiting next weekend and I volunteered you to...well how do you put this? Be her tour guide.” That stuck up bitch? Ewe, she’s a dam thief and I am to tour her around. Hasn’t she been here enough to see herself around?
I groaned, this is a punishment. “Can’t you think of anything else, dad? Like no TV or a phone for a month or something?”
“You don’t use that stuff, Lure. I think this is reasonable.”
“I’m starting to question your fatherly skills, dad. This is forcing someone to do what they don’t want to do. I don’t like it.”
“I don’t like the tone you’re using; Lure and I get to call the shots. I’m the father and what’s done is done. Next weekend you are to spend all of your time with Anna. Do you understand?”
I paused. “Fine.” I pushed away my food and headed for the door not bothering to tell him goodbye.
I walked around the neighborhood. I didn't want to risk another attack from that unknown person. I just wanted to see Taren. I repeated his name in my head a couple more times before my vision blurred and I had to sit on a nearby ledge. Something was happening. I repeated his name some more and my vision went completely dark.
I opened my eyes to see myself running up a bunch of stairs although I wasn’t the one doing the running. This is peculiar. I made my way to a large room that looked more like a hotel suite but without the bright colors and lights. I flopped onto the huge bed in the far wall and groaned. A groaned that sounded vaguely familiar.
There was a knock on the door and a man’s head popped in. He looked like Taren but with a meaner, leaner look.
“You went to see that wretched human again didn't you brother?” He said. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair but this time it was different. My hair was curly and short now.
“Don’t speak of her that way. She’s not like anyone I ever met.” I replied. My voice, it sounded so…familiar. Smooth and husky with a hint of charm. It was Taren’s voice. I was in Taren’s body!
“Well you almost lost your life to save her. What were you thinking when you risked your life for her when that stupid Mutant attacked?” The man continued.
“I was thinking about saving her! Even if I had to die. Listen, Joshua, I need not a lecture now. I am wiped and starving. Send me food on your way out.” Taren waved his hand at the man, Joshua, ushering for him to leave. Soon afterwards a small child entered his room carrying a napkin. The little boy had such fear in his eyes as he sat next to Taren’s feet. Taren stroked his hair before lifting the boy onto his lap.
Without command the boy tilted his head so that his neck was exposed to Taren’s lip. Taren sunk his mouth onto the boy’s neck and the boy’s body stiffened as a streak of blood rolled down his neck from Taren’s mouth. Taren’s moans were muffled by the boy’s cries to stop but he didn't listen, he wouldn’t listen. He gulped down the boy’s blood until his body went limp and it fell to the floor. I found myself crying tears but they didn't show on Taren’s face. Taren exhaled and fell onto his back closing his eyes with me soon to follow.
The tears didn't show on Taren’s face because it was on my actual face. I touched my cheeks and pinched my hands to verify that I was alive and wasn’t dreaming. I had no explanation as to what happened. But I couldn’t stop myself from crying. Taren killed that innocent little boy. Not only that but he drank his blood! There was only one explanation, Taren’s a cannibal…or is it a…no it couldn’t be, they don’t exist.
I sighed before standing and headed back to the house. Dad didn't say anything when I reentered the house. He only watched me…harshly. I climbed up the stairs to my room and sat at the computer desk where I passed the time by playing games and facebooking.

It was 8:00 and I hadn’t eaten for the day except for my crappy breakfast. My stomach was starting to grumble and I was beginning to feel fatigued. I decided to go downstairs to get something. I prayed my dad had retired for bed early but I wouldn’t count on it. He would stay awake at nights and read to my mother’s loveseat before he sat in it. It was his usual routine. While most people call it weird I call it usual. It makes me feel that she never left.
I look a hell of a lot like my mother. She was the perfect housewife at the time with bleach blonde hair always kept in a tight ponytail, lovely green eyes like mine; sun kissed skin and a reassuring smile that whenever I had nightmares she would use by singing me a song with her mesmerizing voice. Even on her death bed her beauty never failed.
I crept down the stairs trying not to be heard by my dad who was in the middle of his reading. He didn't seem to notice me. I quickly confiscated a soda bottle and popped a few Hot Pockets into the microwave before I went to the sink to get a glass for my ice. I’m really picky about how I eat my foods…another thing I inherited from my mom.
Anyways, as I was getting the glass I happened to glance out the window above the faucet. I noticed something quite peculiar. A dark colored car sat outside of Mrs. Newsome’s house. But there were no lights on on the inside and the old witch doesn’t even own a vehicle. I looked closer practically pressing my nose to the window to get a better look when a shadow crossed in front of me. I assumed that it was a bird up high in the sky whose shadow looks huge but then again birds don’t have arms. My Hot Pockets finished as I quickly ran up the stairs to my room. I felt safer to look at the shadow up here. At least it can’t hurt me. I sat at the computer desk and began to eat the junk.
“This is the last time I can see you, Allura.” Taren whispered. He was standing directly behind of me. I readied to scream as the image of him sucking my blood like he did the little boy filled my head. But I thought better of it. He wouldn’t hurt me would he but I was asking the wrong question. How the hell did he get in here?
“Why not?” I stuttered and spun the chair around to face him. His face was in it serious mode and his teeth gritted and his fists clenched. I stood to meet him but it was hopeless. He was more of two feet taller than me. My face was by his chest and his abs were right there. I wanted to touch them but didn't.
I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes. “I just can’t.”
He turned and headed for the bed. I followed willingly. I sat next to him and fondled with my fingers. “I want to ask you something. Something important.” I manage to say.
He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. “I saw you…I saw someone that looked like you. Umm, how do you say this? Kill a little boy.” I gathered the courage to look at him inly to his eyes wide open and his mouth gaped. The clarified that what I saw was true. But how? I wasn’t there.
“How, who, what did you see?” He grumbles clearing his throat. I began explaining him the entire situation that occurred and when I finished I heard him swear.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. He took my hand into his and brush stray blonde hair from my face. “Taren?” Why was he suddenly being so nice?
“It’s complicated, Allura. I can’t explain it to you now. But soon. I'm sorry.” I know I shouldn’t believe him but how could i? I actually grew to…love him. I always considered love to take time or it just doesn’t exist but when Taren’s near me I just can’t help myself. The struggle between my body and mind to not throw myself at him was frustrating. I had to ask it though, is it love or lust?
“At least give me some sort of explanation. You owe me that much.” I gave him my usual puppy dog eyes with a flirtatious blink. He sighed and smile. Oh, his smile. I missed it so much. I wish he wouldn’t leave when I turned my back for a second. “On second thought. Why did you leave when you kissed me this morning?” His smile faded instantly and so did mines. My lips were still a bit swollen from the kiss yet I found myself wanting more of his touch.
“It’s not you if that’s what you’re thinking. It’ll all be clear soon enough.” I pondered on that day but for now Taren lips against mine was all I thought about. He laid me back on the bed as our lips worked as it did before only this one was more intense. He bit my lips again but not as hard so I let it be. Why was he so amused with my blood? The little boy, I pushed that thought behind me. His hand snaked up my shirt and unhooked my bra. He quickly slipped it off and worked at my leggings leaving my legs and breasts to dance freely. I halted him as he tried to lift up my shirt because a knock sounded at the door.

Taren and I were wrapped in each other’s arms and he sucked at the base of my neck over the diminished rash. I loved the smell of him, it was soothing, sexy even. But yet again I have to release him to open the door. He hid in my closet because I wouldn’t let him leave. I felt attached to him and I don’t know why.
Anyways, I opened the door for dad. He was shirtless and his hairy chest showed the scar from his heart attack years ago. He was now wearing a black sweatpants and a white towel thrown over his shoulder. I gaped the door hindering him from looking in. I hadn’t noticed that I was only in my shirt and panties.
“Lure, I just came to tell you goodnight.” He said.
“Ok daddy. Night.” I reply hastily. He tried to peer into the room but I wouldn’t let him.
“Can we talk?” Without warning he pushed pass me and made his way to my bed, sitting at the edge.
“What’s up?” I asked sitting directly in front the closet.
“You seem privative lately. Is everything ok?”
“Yea, fine, couldn’t be better. Good night.” I stood and yanked him off the bed.
“Are you dating anyone that I don’t know about? If you are honey I won’t be upset.” I took a quick glance at the closet but he didn't notice.
“Well, there is a guy I’ve been crushing on.” I figured what’s the harm in telling him his name.
“Oh, who?”
“His name is Taren. No biggy. Now can you leave I was in the middle of something.”
“Oh, oh ok sure. Didn't mean to intrude. I just thought I was the problem. I should meet this guy. Have him over for dinner tomorrow, will ya?” I smiled as did he before I shoved him out the door.
“Will do dad.”
“Good night sweet heart.” He whispers. He kissed me on the forehead and left.
I collapsed onto the door and sighed out loud ushering Taren that it was all clear. He made his way from the closet and strolled towards me.


Chapter 3

"I hate when you have to leave, Taren." I whisper as he brushes my arm delicately with his fingers. His breath sent shivers down my spine but this time it was cold, he was cold. The covers covered his body while he covered mine.
He stayed silent, not commenting on what I said.
"Taren?" I repeat. No reply. "Taren, why aren't you-" My vision started to blur once again in the dark and the back of my head had an intense pain. I found myself spinning in an empty room before I came too. I was staring at a body that wore the exact same clothes I did. They had the same dirty blonde hair and a patch of freckles on their left shoulder. I noticed that the person was me. Yet on the inside I felt like I was in love with myself but there was something pushed at the back of my head that I couldn't quite figure out. It was a secret. A secret that could control how things were in this relationship. How do I know this? I'm not the one to ask...ask Taren.
He leaned over and softly pressed his lips to my bodies cheek. "I won't leave you tonight, my love." Taren whispered. He closed his eyes and I found myself back inside of my body. I had a smile on my face and blush in my cheeks.
"Good." I replied softly.

I awoke to an unpresent Taren. I don't know why I'm surprised that he left but it was the sincerity his voice held when he said those words. I stretched my body across my sheets and inhale his sweet smell as I recall everything that has been happening lately. It's weird that we've only known each other for four days yet we've already slept in the same bed. That same reason made me want to stay close to him even more. But unfortunately, I have no way of contacting him. He's left yet again.

I stay in that position for a couple of minutes before climbing out of bed and head for the shower. I allow the warm water to trickle down my body for a while before hopping out. The room was extremely cold from the opened window as I dash across the floor to my armour. I yelped in surprise when I turned twoards my bed. Wide blue eyes stare back at me.


Texte: All rights reserved. Every aspect of this book is purely made up from this authors head. It is coincidence if any detail described has happened. You may not re produce anything seen in this book without the authors consent. Thank you!
Bildmaterialien: Google Image
Lektorat: Windows, Sephia Gallop
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to the author (and my favorite one at that) Christopher Pike. He has given me the inspiration that not all vampire stories are boring and that anything is possible. I would also like to thank my mother and father who have been nothing but a pain in my neck by pushing me to succeed in what I do.

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