

"In the beginning I feared him.

Then I loved him,

and in the end...

I lost him," -Ivy


Ivy 1522

I never mean to kill him....

One moment he stood before me innocently, then the next he became my prey and I indulged in the attack.

His cold stone hand wrapped around my ankle."Please do not leave me here alone.." He said in barely a whisper, "Do not make me die alone," tears swelled in my eyes. "I wont," I said.

The wind blew hard in the night's sky. The air hitting my face, I was smacked so hard my face flew to the side, I can feel the hand print forming, and the leaves dancing around the boy and myself. It felt like the world was watching us. The leaves formed people and they all stood around us. Laughing at me, and yelling, torturing my soul, my mind, my being. "Shut up," I yelled, though they just started laughing even more, harder, the insults came at me faster. The world was a blur, my head was racing my mind was spinning and I was chocking on my own breath, my tears formed puddles at my feet so deep they would drown lost children. Then just as fast as it started, it was over with. The leaves fell like they should, and the world was just as slow as normal.

I cried because I did not know anything better to do. I cry not for the pain and not for the dying. I cry now because of my fear. The underlying fear of the images and the people. The ones who know to much about me though they do not exist. The ones only I can see, the ones who haunt and torture me. The world may age and time may pass, though these people, never change, they are always with me. As the world forgets who I am and people start to die, they will stay, and haunt the next child after the next.

If there was a reason he did not die yet why didn’t I know about it. Any other human would of have been dead minutes ago, but he seemed stronger, more strength than anyone I had ever seen. I tried to pull away from the unbreakable grip that had complete hostage of my ankle, but no use. He did not scream any more but he did look beaten and abused. I barely touch him. Barely bit him. The way his face looked at me was beautiful. I sat down it front of him stroking my right hand across his forehead, wiping away some of the blood that ran down. He looked up at me with painful eyes and a tears racing down. I ran my left hand under his eyes gently; pushing away most of the tears but it did not help much. The liquid came out to quickly and too fast that I could have barely notice I did anything. Though I did. His white shirt was now a reddish, brown color and his black pants had darker spots on them. The hem of my dress was stained with the blood, getting on other parts as well as I sit here. His unbreakable]] grip of his hand that was around my ankle was now holding my hand. The softness of his skin was so smooth against my hands skin. Cold as ice, and hard like stone, his hand was small, a child's hand. Who will never be a man.

I could no longer stand him being in so much pain, I stood up and walked around the tree, looking for the big stone I had seen earlier. I picked it up in my left hand, then walked back to him, he saw the stone, he understood. He swallowed hard and looked at me, tears streaming down his face, he knows there is no hope. Nothing more I could do to save him. He then closed his eyes and nodded his head.

“I am really sorry,” I cried to him. Barely able to speak for the lump in my chest worked its way up to my throat making it extremely hard to talk.

“Its fine,” he coughed, so much blood came out of his mouth choking him to were he can not speak to me any longer. I want to be talked to, to be held. I want to be loved so much that if my charmers last dying breath was the words of I love you, I would know my life was worth living. I am sorry he was never loved. I am sorry, but sorry is never enough.

I held my left hand far above my head, and closed my eyes, I know I did damage to him when I heard a grunt and then a cracking sound. The rock smashed his skull, blood came out of his mouth and ears. He was breathing heavy, grunting even more, he looked at me and closed his eyes. I hit him again. I hit him and hit him over and over far after he was dead and his soul was gone. Blood was every where. All over me and his face no longer looked the same. I robbed him of his soul and life, but worse his identity.

Being dead and alone is better than being alive and afraid.......

His eye lids closed completely and his chest no longer moved, not even a little. More and more tears came out of my eyes as I watch blood ooze out from every cut and tear in his body. Sitting here with a person lying dead on the forest floor, with not a soul in the world really caring why he was dead, I wont ever forget the feeling.The blood off his body came on to my dress, I frantically tried to get the blood off, but it was every where, the more it spread, the more I panicked.

There was a breath in my ear, a sound so soft I could barely it, then a wind passed over me. Around me and under me, it danced through my body, it laughed at my soul, it pushed my head down to his chest with a strong hand that didn't let go.

"Look at him," the air said to me, "Listen to his non-beating heart, know you did that. Know who you are, what you have done," his blood was being pressed all over my face and I could taste it on my lips, "Love that taste, crave the taste of blood that is so sweet, runs so smoothly down your throat, fill your desires. Know who you are Ivy, you belong in the Mafia of Midnight. "

The hand was pulled away from my head, the air settled.

During the moment on earth between light and darkness, all of hell came out from hiding and took whatever human soul noticeable they wanted.

My mother was out in the field one night picking out herbs. She was a midwife, one that was running low on medicine. She could cure almost anything, or, I use to think she could cure everything, that my mother was the reason women could outlive death in child birth. She was beautiful and talented I knew the difference from her and what others see.

She was at the doorstep of my home she could not open the door. It was never difficult to open it either; a push of the wood was enough for it to swing open. There were men on the inside keeping quite so they would not give away there hiding grounds. The people of the village knew what she was and cursed her for it. They barricaded the door on the inside with a table. The sun was rising slower than usual. They thought it was more funny than abusive. Then hell broke lose. My mother went too hide in the barn but the demon, Sebastian, saw her first. He followed her and let her think she was safe for a while, then there eyes met, my mother prayed that he would not hurt her. Though her prayers where not answered, he did hurt her, he hurt her a lot that night. He walked over to her, grasped her long red hair, and dragged her back to the center of forest. Her screams and cries sacred the whole town, everyone could hear it. The screams of the healers cries, the healer that could not heal herself. They went to the center of the woods, only left to find a letter from the kidnappers stating they took only the women with beautiful long red hair. They gave the note to my father. He did not care much he had other affaires to attend to that day to cheer him up. I was eight and powerless. My father remarried when I was nine to a women that has two daughters. Her name is Esmeralda, the oldest by fourteen minuets is Laminate, and the youngest is Rosemary. My father died when I was thirteen, but that was three years ago.

I put the boy down laying his body flat down on the ground, next to a hallow tree that was carved out in a war. To use for hiding. Covering him with leaves. It almost looked like nothing was under there. The sky brightened, I ran home.


I felt like last night never happened. Like the rush to dispose his body was only a dream, that I still had feelings from. I got out of my bed in a cowardly way. To scared to face my fears, but have to much pride not to encounter them. I never put on my shoes although I thought about it. I never even changed clothes; I just walked into the hallway leading to my closest exit. My sisters were my only problem. If I didn't come back at all they would play as if they cared until the men of our village found me and returned me to them, then once got captivity of me, beat me until I couldn't scream, only that the new pain would become a part of me forever. If they saw me leave, only God knows what would happen. I went through the back door swiftly and quietly trying not to be caught.

I went thought the center of town passing the little shops blessed by the queen. The little people that run the shops and there kids. They looked at me curious and I only look back not knowing anything. What was wrong with them? Though maybe it is not them, thought it is me. I am just tired, I want to go to sleep for a hundred years and just sleep. Not ever having a nightmare or waking up. Just a long, restful, sleep. Though instead, I started down the street without bothering to stop.

I came in view of the woods entrance a saw a boy older than me, walk out of the forest. I started to convince myself that he did not know about the boy and was only hunting. Though this is not the time the men go hunting, or the forest the men hunt it. I picked up my pace trying not to look to suspicious. Then the boy stopped to talk with Aaron, the towns blacksmith. I began to run, he turn his head to look at me nodded once in my direction an turn to walk the other way. I kept my pace, running through the wind and the mist, running until I could hear my heart pounding so loudly in my chest I believed at any moment it would stop, and believe me I wanted it to, prayed for it to stop. I ran until I could hear his screams, and all the screams from all the people I have killed. Running until I got to the same place I put the boy yesterday, in the corner of the hallow tree, I started searching for some clue that he was still here. Instead of finding a boy with blood and leaves covering his body, I found a note.


I you are safe now my little bird, I will continue to watch over you as my baby bird until I know that you have found your own strength to jump form our nest and finally fly on your own. the worm that you had eaten for supper, you have killed by your self. Any parents instinct is to be proud of there young, though I must say, I am not your parent, and I am not proud of you my little bird. you should know better, regardless of if you know better or not, the worm was removed form your life and is not a problem you must face anymore. Baby bird, come to our nest, the hallow tree, before sun rise. Do not worry my baby bird, I will not let the sun get to you.


I put the note back on the ground and sat beside it. A baby bird? That is what I am. I stood up and but my back against the tree, I looked around, keeping quite, listening. Though I heard nothing, and I saw nothing, it was not just anyone that was watching me. It was someone who knew how to hide, some one who can work around my senses, I was quite. I listened. Then out of now where I heard the breathing and the footsteps. I ran to them. I ran and my teeth sharpened, I tackled him to the ground. I placed my red lips on side of his throat and around his bone and I bit down. Hard. I bit and I kept biting. Until I tasted the blood. Until he no longer fought back, He grunted and cried. I did not stop. He would not hurt me. I will not let him hold me under his upper hand and control my life because he knew too much. The last bite I held on his throat I snapped his bone in half, I can feel the pointy pieces of bone prick my face and can taste the marrow gushing in my mouth, He stopped fighting. He knew his life would be over know. Even though he is alive and I can feel his heart beating. He is not fighting. If I was him I would be fighting until my very last breath, The coward just gave up. His breathing is no longer, and his chest does not move. His heart is not fast anymore.I hold my grip on him until the blood in my mouth is a stale taste and his heartbeats are not there. I let him go and his body thuds on the ground of the earth. I closed my eyes and wiped my mouth. His blood tasted bad. After a few more inhales I opened my eyes and looked down at Gabriel.

I fell to the ground and screamed. I held his hand and I prayed. I cried and my heart hurt so much I could no longer feel anything but pain. Gabriel, turned out to be a little boy. James. I knew his family very well. he had just turned six. I had made him a cake out of dough, and placed fresh fruit in the cake. He ate the whole thing by himself.

The pain was scattering through me. It is not worth killing. For the feeling I have. I cried and the unstoppable tears where no longer hurting as the fell on the little tares the his bones made on my face.

I pick him up. All his blood was dripping, no not dripping, overflowing on my arms and body. Another dress to throw away. I knew my way now. To the waterfall. I prayed but my prayers are like my mothers. Unheard. I prayed for someone to come and free me. To help me. No one did. So here I walk, Scared and alone. Crying and holding a dead child in my arms. I saw the river. I wanted to throw the boy off the side of a cliff, though putting him in the river will work too.

I walked waist deep in water. Crying like a little fool, my soul was singing, help me Ivy, for you have gone to far and now you must be punished. Do not let them hurt me. My mind sang back, you will be punished by the man on the black horse. The man who takes away the bad souls. The one who cleanses the world of wickedness. The people stand around me. Ivy, Ivy, Ivy, what have you done now. And I scream nothing. Go away. The ripples in the water make figures and people that come and dance around me. Ivy. the women sing. Come swim with us. I scream back, No! I hit the water with my fist and the people go away, the water is normal. And my dying breath is calm again. I set the boy in the water and push him down. The waves of the river carried him away, and I wish I could go with him.

I walked up the stairs to the door of my home and opened it quickly. I opened that door quickly and closed just as fast. I was waiting there for a moment. Waiting for the sound of that voice to ask me were I just was. But instead -I heard silence yelling at me.


Morning, Gabriel.

We all sat in the finest chairs in the grandest room in front of the most beautiful table. All of them where wearing their best clothing and hair in the best and most elegant way. For a while we sat their and just enjoy our friends company, telling stories to the group, laughing falsely at jokes. My maids served the humans brunch and the immortals a empty tea cup so that they would think of us the same as them. It is better to have everyone think than for everyone to know.

But the entire time I could not get the way her face looked as she saw me coming out of the woods. She looked like she was going to cry, like I did something wrong. Aaron, knows what she is and what she did, he is just like her. I told him to watch her for the day, I will be to busy to. But they usually both sleep, or stay indoors. The sunlight burns them but somehow he has found away to stay in the darkness. He will check on her frequently.

"What are you to do about the food storage Gabriel?" someone asked suddenly. I looked up from my glance from the table and started to a woman, named Claire. She was attractive but nothing compared to Ivy.

"What about the food storage my dear?" I asked her, sitting up right in my chair.

"Will we all here have enough food for the winter and plenty for our families?" she asked me with a smile of "I will make sure," I told her, she looked mesmerized and smiled to me in a girlish charm. They all applauded me as though I am their hero protecting them from hunger. When most of them don't even eat.

"My lord I need to make sure you have more money invested in the hospital, we are having more and more people each day from the plague." a males voice said. The surgeon and doctor sat on the other side of the table sipping out of their fine china tea cups.

"I will, don't worry, what is the death rate today, who where the latest to go into your facility?" I asked them. The doctor licked his lips and then sighed. Sat right up in his chair then folded his hands in his lap.

"Today fifty two, yesterday-"

"No only today please." I said. Then stroked my thumb over my lower lip, tracing the scar I had that ran from my left eye, down to my throat, then extended to my waist. This scar causes me to be partially blind, I can only see what they look like, and I can see there soul. If there lying, if there nervous, happy. I can see there true self's. People wjo knew me well, knew not to think about certain thoughts around me, not only can I see

"The list today has around seven more people coming in sick. All most all are the children that attend the school. Um the names, John- um John something I do not remember right now. Libby Rachel, Michael Seen, Sarah Seen, Mary Ann Vince," he stopped their and looked up at me, they all looked up at me.

"Mary?" I asked. Then stood up. A breathing healthy child my mother bore, my little sister. A baby. The look on my face must have been aggressive. The all started to lean back in there nice chairs away from me, I know I am a an awful person to be around, I have a mood to kill something at all times, and was sitting in my chair thinking up ten thousand ways to kill Sir Prince Jamquithe Andermenso. I need to kill to get my inner frustration out side of me. I should kill now. Though I will not, not yet.

"My lord do not go there it is full-"

"Be quite," I shouted, in such a stern voice the walls of the room seemed to gasp in shock. Marching out of the room I ordered Vane to finish the meeting for me and my men to come with me to the hospital.

The ride was not long, so I took a longer way, I rode to get out my frustration. To get out my furry. To be full of nothing when I see Mary. I know in my heart I will not need to feel as I see her. our hearts would not be able to take it.

We arrived and I looked at the outside of the place. With all the money we put into this, I could hope for it to look better, clean and nice. The outside was stone that had been imported for a great sum of money, it use to be a pretty white. But now it was a faded white that had ivory climbing up the side of the building with molded and poison ivy.

The doors opened to a large room with a few chairs and round filthy wooden table. One of my guards ran their fingers on the surface of the table and looked at all the dust that his skin had collected.

"Gabriel, this is uncalled for. What are you going to do about it?" he asked me, shaking his hand to get off all the dirt.

"Find Mary first, then fire the doctor, don't let me forget to look for the best doctor in the country to replace him." I said. They both laughed at the thought of getting rid of him. The man who had been there to deliver there children and take care of then while sick, no longer here. That is interesting.

We all walked up to a nurse who looked tired and hungry, even though she was over weight.

"Do you know where Mary Ann Vince is?" I asked her.

" You can't be here," then out of know where told me," Go down the hall and to the left, talk to the lady at the stairs and tell her where you are going and she will give you a mask to put on, do not take it off. You will find her at the front of the room, first bed, to the right." then she walked off after looking at my guard, Phil, in a sultry way.

We got past the old woman and into the room. It was nasty and dirty with a lot of sick children lying in beds with unclean sheets, just laying their to die. I wonder how many of them quit fighting at this point and just gave up, how many just excepted it by now. How long did it take to rip the hope and joy from a child's heart and turn it to misery that you can see it in their eyes that they truly want to die, and with every look they give you it is as though they are silently begging you to take it all away.

She was at the end of the room on a small bed with no blanket on her and a grey blood stained night gown on. My men and I went to her side. I took her baby hand in mine and laced my fingers through as i brought it up to my cursed mouth and kissed it, she looked at me when she felt my lips, smiled with a weak and loving smile, she looked like this brought her pain but she held her smile, she held her breath. Maybe from the pain of the movement, maybe from the pain she has all over.

"I am going to make it all better, Mary you do know that right? I have never left you alone or let you fall with out me putting up a war for you to win. Even if i can't fight this one for you, I am still you best and most loyal fighter you will ever have." I scoped her up into my arms and she grunted as I lifted her from the hard bed, I could feel the indention on her back from the mattress, one of my fingers traced the shape, it felt like a cross. God save her, I begged, I love you and only try to please you, I have never asked for anything. Though in this moment I will ask of you one thing, take away her pain, if saving her is taking her from this world and making her your angel, then so be it, just please do not make her suffer. Amen.

We had a hard time getting her out of the room, all the children cried as they watched her being taken away, one girl cried for me to go get her mother for her, another to tell his father he loved him. All the heartbreaking commands I can never obey, said by the children of the innocent, and the only ones who ever truly felt pain.



The black sky was a lighter color now, more of a grey color now. The sound of nature shadows around me. The feeling of hatred from the earth gives me a since of unloving. The feeling of not being. This time in my life means to much to throw away and I feel this every day, there is a places in my life's history that will happen very soon, maybe it is to happen now. I hate feeling, if I was numb it would have been and easier life for me. I would have been able to have a life that was peaceful and I could be regular. With emotions it feels like the world is the very rotting hell that makes me crave to get through with a sweet taste at the end of just one day. I hear the rustling of leaves on the ground. I sat in the middle of a dozen trees. Holding my breath for my Gabriel to come and tell me what he needs to. When I turned around I thought I died.

A man with messy brown hair, little less than shoulder length, with a large muscular frame and twice my height. Walked towards me with strong strides and power. He looked at me, tears where on his face leaking out from his gray eyes. He had the same color of eyes I did. Only in one of his eyes. The other eye was blue. He had pouty lips and cries escaped them. I looked at his arms, so large and fearful, held a small little girl. No older than seven, who was very clearly extremely sick.. Her hair fallen back over his arm, her breathing was very hallow, shallow. As if any breath would be her last. She looked so pale it scared me.

He stopped in front of me, looking at my eyes and following them to her. "I told you to meet me here but I didn't have any intention to bring her here 'til a little while ago, I had a much different meaning to come," he told me. his voice rough from the raw tears.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked in the smallest voice I could. I didn't want to scare her. I already knew what was wrong, I just wanted something to say to him.

"She is sick?"

"Why did you bring her then? Take her to the hospital," I shouted. "She needs treatment or medicine, that's what you do when some one is sick. Take them to get better." I am sure that is what you do, I would not know I for one have never been sick or broken, physically. On the inside, I have the plague, a dying black body, with bruised eyes and grey skin, I would be skinny and my hair would be straight and fragile,

"I think you can help me though I do not know for sure," he admitted in a whisper. He sat down right in front of me, laid her down on his crossed legs. he took his hand and brushed her hair back and looked at her in a sad way. "Ivy," he breath," I was wondering if you could make her what you are, to save her life. I am sorry to ask you this. I can not have her die. She barely started living, life." he looked up from her and at me.

In the state of shock I can barely feel my heart beating in side my hallow body, that I can hear the beating roughly as if at any moment it would stop. And my blood races through my veins as though i have a gash that lets all the blood escape, and all of it wants to.


"Yes Ivy?" he asked me, his eyes full of hope.

I took a breath, completely filling my lungs making them stretch to the point of pain, and releasing it all to press my lungs together so tightly that I wish it would have killed me. Trying to die.

"I know that you think I am something great that can save your sister, I can feel your energy of excitement. This is not her way out of being sick. I can not save her, if I bite her then it will only be like that boy that I know for sure you know about. You don't want that. It will be worse than dying this way,"

" How long does it last though? The pain." he looked down at her, i could see his eyes gleaming with the tears of hurt and pain. Two things related to each other but can feel so different and can make the worst possible sorrow stronger.

" Only for a while, that boy was the longest to live and her died before a hour of being bitten." I admitted. This is not something I am proud of and I hurt to think of it.

"Then do it. If it is only for a while take her out of pain, they told me she had a few more days. I want her to be over with it as soon as it can." he told me, "Please," he begged.

"No," I said firmly.

He looked at me in surprise. I know he had been wanting to let her out of misery, but in another way I cant do this willingly. I have enough pain from it being when I was upset.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I killed some one less than one day ago, I am still suffering from that. I cant do it to her now."

" Ivy you can do this, when it is over we can suffer together."

"I don't even know you."

"I know you, and every secret you hold with in. You think your a misery to the world, that none knows you like you do. I know you much better than your self, cause unlike me, you cant lie to me like you do yourself. I don't lie about what you do to make myself feel good, or i don't pretend it never happened cause it did, and you simply run from it cause no one knows and you think no one ever will. So you treat it that way. Ivy you do this cause it is simple and easy for you. Don't lie to yourself about that. Just bite her, once then you can run far away and let me deal with it. I'll come to find you later. Bite her."

"No," I told him mad this time.

"Coward," he said trying to make me mad.

"Shut up!'

"Bite her you murderer!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Then bite her!"


"I will tell every one in the council what you are, and have you burned! Now bite her!" the man of hated words and lies spat through his teeth.

Anger took over me and I launch myself on to his little sisters body, giving in to the sweet taste of her weak blood. It was so sweet cause I hate her brother, I feel hate. The feeling makes it sweet. I sank my teeth deeply into her throat and heard her scream. But the pure feeling of blood tracking down my throat gave me no feeling of pity for her. I drank her blood greedily. He wanted her dead as soon as possible and this way is quicker. I bit harder around her windpipe and crushed it. I felt his hands on my hair petting me. As though he is urging me to take her life. Comforting me in the process of killing. I growled at him. But his hands kept petting. I looked up at him, his eyes locking with mine. I sank my teeth deeper and pulling her up to me. Hoping to him that this was a threat. It wasn't.

I looked away and closed my eyes. Drinking her blood. I laid my self down in front of him, getting in a position i could manage being in for a while. His hand brushed my hair down my back and up. over and over. This to him, killing. Is beauty.

After a while fighting ended. But I kept drinking. Gabriel hand to throw me off of her body and slap my face to get me to pay attention to him, so i wont end up eating her.

"Sit down and hold your breath Ivy. You did wonderful."

I did what he told me. Not wanting to be slapped again. But i watched her intently. Her blood was amazing. I didn't realize he started a fire or that he stopped crying and breathing to. then he picked her up in his arms, kissed her head and threw her into the fire.

"No!" I yelled and ran to the fire to get her out. He held me back. I turned to him and sank my teeth into his neck to. Biting hard. The I realized who he was, why I had a feeling I knew Mary. He was royal.

I let go of him and watched him, ready to look at him die. Tears trace the lines of my face.

his hand touched the spot that i had got him. Then brought his hand to look at it. Chuckling.

"I am so sorry, please don't die." I whispered, if he didn't die. I did. He would kill me for trying to kill him.

He laughed at me,"I am immortal Ivy, I like you, will never die."



She ran. That’s all I could think of at this moment, without time for my heart to beat another she was up and gone, with no words and no looking back. I thought of chasing her, though the tears that ran out of my eyes flowed to fast to let me see the direction she was going. I stayed where I was and took a deep breath, my little sister smelled like blood, as she lied limp in my lap. I didn't know what to do. For the first time in my life I was confused.I grabbed the bridge of my nose and pinched it between my fingers as hard as I could. I can kill a thousand men and leave the battle field without one scratch on my body. I could lead an army into war for three hundred years and not lose a single man.I have before, nothing was ever confusing for me. I knew what to do. How to move my sword to make each move just right to kill them. I understand that moving your wrist to the side will give you a clean cut and stabbing them with a back hand will leave them dying, not dead. This is not something that I can just pick up a sword and fight off. Life is not always a war, a small battle maybe, but I don’t need an army behind me always. Sometimes, I am my own worse enemy. I have to fight my self off.

I heard her grunt. I looked down at Mary. She did not breath and she could move. She no longer had a heart beat. But she was alive. I looked at her, my tears covered her in wetness. She moved, her body twitched, she grunted, and blood poured out over the cuts in her body. I sobbed, I didn't know what else to do.

No one knew.

That was my last thought before I threw her into the fire. My last thought before Ivy ran away and bite me. She bite does not sting anymore, its numb. My body is fighting off her very lethal venom. I looked for her, and i couldn't find her. I asked about her and know one knew where she was. I sent letters and men with horses and guns to find her, but they brought back nothing.

A year Later- Gabriel

I ran into a different country. Into a different world. When my mind was set I figured I would run to Rosemagion. I had friends there who would aid me. Right now I was running through the woods of Afterlo, The beautiful green trees surrounded me, I felt fine in the comfort of the woods. I spent so much of my life in the woods. When I am here, I feel like I am standing with my brothers, ready to take on the battles.

It was getting dark and we where close to the well that the demons emerge from.

My men kept fighting, The lines disappearing in the dark of my men. A boy came up behind me and I pushed my steal blade into his skin and through his muscles until I tore through his heart, when he fell down and his blood on the earth as well as my blade, as he fell to the ground I heard him gasped, as I looked at his face, he was too young. The next attacker came to me, I stepped back and threw my sword in the air, the steal clanged against each other, he had me on the ground and his weight on top of me, I pushed the back of my sword into his arm and heard every little bone break as he cried out. I pushed my feet up and kicked him off of me, I took my bladed and dragged it across his neck, his head rolling on the ground. I fought until I though I was only dreaming about the men who ran towards me with blood on there blades and anger in there eyes. Who look so much like me, with the hatred showing on there bare skin.

When it was done and over with I couldn't breath anymore, I was not out of breath I just simply did not breath, it smelled to bad, then I panicked, I ran. Into the forest and through the streams, under the fallen logs and into the swell of the earth. I ran away from hope, and I ran away from pain, and when both are taken from you, what the hell do you have left? I heard a woman's screams. Out here in the woods, in a place so close to battle grounds.

That’s when I found her.

They had her trapped. Three against one in a battle. They where stronger than her, solders and one man held her down easy while one ripped her shoes off. The other one was trying to undo the top of her dress. She was crying. The man holding her was leaning up against the tree with his arms under her to hold her back, and had on hand over her mouth. She was screaming into his palm while he spit on her and clawed at her with his other hand. He removed his hand and the man untying her dressed kissed her hard on the mouth and then slapped her across the face hard, she cried out. she kicked him and he fell to the ground.

I ran up to the man on the ground and grabbed his hair, pulling him back and then twisting his body so he was lying on the ground, I pushed his face into the floor of the forest hard, his face broke. I pounded his face into the earth until the blood was pouring. Until he was unidentifiable.

Another one of her men came at me while the one who held her was trying to drag her away. I hit him and he took my sword and slit my throat. I went blank.


Three months later, Ivy

"I am going outside!" I called to Gabriel as I left our room. I got a chuckle and a okay back from him. I held my basket in my hand and was dresses in my best dress. My hair was pulled up in a timeless fashion.

"Ivy!" Gabriel called.

"Huh?" I yelled behind my shoulder.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No! I am good, thanks though."

"Okay be safe, love you."

"Love you," I turned at the end of the hallway and out the door to the garden, I like to pick fresh flowers for our room every week. life was to different for me now. I no longer lived with my stepmother, I lived with Gabriel's family, I didn't work as a slave, I have slaves working for me. And I'm happy. I have people here who love me and take care of me. I have Gabriel who lets me do what ever I want to, and I spend most of my time with him cause that's is what I want. but he has to much work to do. I usually just watch him.

I never thought that this would ever be my life, having a fresh start with no worries, something I never thought could happen to any one.

The flowers spill out their sweet sent of honey and spice and I only pick the ones with the best scent, roses are my usual but I want to surprise him and get something different. Something that has a bittersweet smell to it you can't identify and only god knows the exact scent. The bushes are covered in buds that are slowly turning to beautiful things. Mysteries they are. They just come and go and are never seen again, but they always leave something behind to make the next one even more astonishing.

I grabbed one and placed it in the basket, more and more followed. It never take long to fill it up. I kept grapping flowers.

then I felt something around my waist, arms.

"What are you doing?" I heard his chuckle in my ear, his slow sweet breathing.

"picking flowers, I thought I told you that you didn't have to come with me,"

" I got bored. Want me to leave?"

"No, I like company sometimes," I turned my face up to kiss him quickly. "but if you make me mad you better leave me alone, or I might hurt you,"

"you would never hurt me,"

"then I will hurt some one else, you don't want that do you?"

"oh god no, don't hurt them," he chuckled. then let go of me and grabbed my hand, we walked.

Sometimes in the dark we walked as I picked flowers, sometimes we walked to get now where but lost, then walk to get back to the house. We walk a lot. And I feel loved when we walk, he could be doing anything else, but yet he is getting lost with me, and talking. We talk about his life, how he has been alive since 1114, how much the world has changed, how much he hates the fast changes. But he likes the change in his life that brought me him, even if it was a little fast. I laugh a lot now. It scares me sometimes, I never laughed so much. Then at times I love it. He pulled my face to his with his hands gripping my cheeks, this was no normal kiss, this was almost a promise, his tongue gently traced my lips before he bit down on them, I gasped, my eyes widen, then it was over and I realized it was not a promise, but an apology.

"You know what?" he asked me. His grey eyes glimmering as I laid my head against his shoulder.

" What?"

"One day we are going to keep walking and never come back. One day we will have completely different life's, wake up and wonder when it changed. Then not be able to remember. One day we are going to wake up to the sound of babies crying and little hands shaking us. We won't miss a thing about our life now, cause I swear we will have something better. I will give you something better than what you have now. I swear. What do you want Ivy, tell me." he told me.

"I want," I began, then started thinking hard about the question. "All I want is a promise that we have a future together. I want to know that you will never leave me alone some where to get back inside my head, then set me free of myself again when you find me. But when you find me I might not be the same as I am now."

"I would miss that. Not being with the same you. I set you free? Of what?

"Everything, now I realize I have purpose. I use to believe i had no reason, that is cause i was stuck in my head. I am free now." we walked to a cliff. the sat down. "If their is one place that I would not mind dying, it is here." I told him, he looked at me with wonder.

"Why here?"

"cause of it's beauty. When I leave I want to looking at the two most beautiful things in my life, you and the sun rise."

"you have seen the sun rise before?"

"yes once when I was little, never do it again, the blistered hurt for weeks. But I remember so clearly of they way it looked. I wish I could see it again." I showed him a scar i have on the back of my hand from the sun. He took my hand with so much tenderness and so gently i nearly giggled with excitement. Then he lowered his head to my hand and kissed the scar.

"I am sorry it hurt." he kissed it three more times, "But does it hurt now?" he asked. He knows it doesn't, it is only a scar. But then again, he always made a way to make me giggle from all the romance.

"You just want me to say yes so you have reason to kiss my hand everyday," I told him.

"Caught me, what is my punishment?"

"You have to kiss my hand every day for the rest of your life, and then tell me how much you care about me and love me."

"Not a punishment if I like it sweetheart, but good try." he said playfully. he held my hand and pulled my to him. He rested me against his chest and rubbed his hand through my hair. holding my other hand in his against my ribs, I stroked the back of his unscared hand. But his hands where only unscared on the outside, in side they had many scars from all the people he killed. Those scars no matter how long they stayed their, hundred and hundred of years, will always stay. And some will hurt as if fresh, others will be their and look old and wrinkled. But never leave.

If we could stay their and let the sun burn me away I would gladly let it. But he got both of us up a little later and made us go back home. Their he tucked me into bed and kissed me good night. And I dreamed of the sun.


One Month later, Gabriel

"Ivy tell my father exactly what you told me," I said to her. Her poor body so small shook so hard I wanted to pick her up and hold her so she would feel safe.

"Come here sweetheart what's wrong?" my father took her into a hug and held her to him and then sat her down. He sat beside her.

"I - I killed Laminate." she sobbed. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to she followed me and said some things I got mad and - I am so sorry!" she ran to me and threw her arms around me. I picked her up and sat down with her laying in my lap.

" I burned her body after she told me, she didn't come back for a while she was just in the garden and then I saw her go in the woods. Laminate was already dead when I found Ivy moments later after looking."

"It must have really made her mad. It usually takes an hour or more-"

"That's the point."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know."

"People will look for her," I informed him. "It is not like she is that unknown."

Ivy kept crying then looked at me. Why was life so cruel to her it made her cry and kill. Her bright red dress was covered in blood and dirt and her face with tears and sweat. Sometimes it was as if she was a child, to me she was. This little girl was bringing her self into a life of misery and it felt like pain to watch her suffer. And she never leaves it, but it is all in her head.

"I am taking her to bed, it will be morning soon." I stood up with her in my arms. "Did I tell you that she wants to see the sun rise. But her body wont allow it. She saw it once and it burned her skin and left scars behind." he looked at me, as I looked at the window and say the light outside turn a purple.

"Take her to bed then come back." he ordered.

We left the room and started down the long hallway only to turn countless corners and go through blackness. in the bedroom she changed clothes and remained silent. Either to scared of her self, or to scared of the out come. When she turned her face to me she looked as if some one had beaten her. Like she beats her self up and it shows on the out side more than in. She sat on the bed in silence looking at me.

"What's going to happen?" she asked me in the smallest voice. I sat beside her and held her hand.

"I am going to go talk to my father and your going to go to sleep." I told her. Then kissed her scared hand. She laid down and pulled the covers around her and held her arms out for me, I leaned down and gave her a hug. Then left the room.

In my fathers office there was two women. One very young wearing a black dress with a black veil, and the other very old with a red dress on and a black veil. The young one looked at me and smiled wickedly, i backed up.

"Oh son their you are, Rosemary would like to talk to you. Take her to your study." my father told me, he sat behind his desk and looked stiffed. I bowed and motioned for her to follow me.

As we walked to my study we walked in uncomfortable silence. I felt her black glare on my back as I walked before her. She studied my every movement, and I can't even see her to feel the look of her is hatred. At the entrance of the room i opened the door and motioned for her to go first. She nodded her head no.

"Go in, you wanted to talk," I reminded her.

"Your room you go first it is only polite," she said to me. She continued to glare. I studied this strange girl. She was very large, not attractive at all, with no inner or outer beauty. Her mother was her same size and shape but was beautiful. I wonder what happened to this one. She does not look friendly at all and her aura was bad, she will never go around Ivy.

"Go in ," I repeated.

"No it is your room."

I took her by the shoulders and pushed her into the room. "get in the damn room!" I shouted. She backed up with me pushing her and her eyes wide in shock. I forced her to sit in a chair after she struggled with me, then turned and slammed the door shut. I took a few deep breaths before turning around. I don't like her aura at all, it is giving me a headache.

"What do you need?" I asked through closed teeth. The room was lighting up from the sun pouring in through the slightly parted curtains. The day felt of hate.

"Where is Ivy, Gabriel?" Her voice sounded sweet like Ivy's, but her voice has a rougher sound, but through the sweetness it sounded fake.

"What do you know about her Rosemary?" I turned to her and glared. She glared right back at me.

"All I know is that you are hiding her here, and i know that she is a vampire, and the law states any immortal thing is to be killed. And also if you kill some one you did don't you?" she asked.

"Ivy never killed anyone," I lied.

"She killed Laminate. I know cause I was their and i saw everything. She killed my sister in front of me and i want revenge. I wont have her get away with this she is immortal until some one kills her and I intend for that to be me. Do you understand Gabriel, you can't hide her from the world that she lives in." I heard her say the words but never thought that it was true. I made sure their was no one else around us and I didn't find any thing. But the fact is she knows.

"I am immortal," I told her to see what she would say. "And all the guards and my parents and the council,"

" But your not a vampire," she corrected me, "Right?" then she got worried.

"Your right i am not a vampire I am a half blood demon and half blood angel. My mother is the demon and my father is the angel. The council is the same, either demon, angel, or both." I informed her. We both sat their and let my words sink in.

"I will kill her, or you can. I can cause a big mess for her and turn her in to the towns people to have them do their justice, or you can kill her easily and your family will have a good name forever. Or they will be know as traitors."

"Is that a threat Rosemary?" I screamed, "Did you just threaten me or her, or my family!" I shouted, then went to my desk and threw things off of it. I heard glass smashing on the floor and imaged the tinny little pieces, I want her to walk over barefoot. Then I heard papers fly in the as and the books hitting the floor.

I went to her chair where she almost got up but I pushed her down in to it and put my hands on either arm rest.

"Listen to me Rosemary, I am the very last person you want to threaten. You can say you will kill Ivy but those are only words. I can kill you. Right now. Yes they are only words but I am capable of killing you right now. With out hesitation."

"Then do it you brave prince, I kill the girl who will kill your first true love whether I am dead or not."

"I will give you one chance to take back those words you have just spoken. But if you refuse to, then I will end your life with out any emotion. Would you rather live your life and have pretty babies with your rich husband on a owned piece of land with maids working for you and live a long time with him and die old with him in your sleep, painless. With children and grand children to morn over your dead old body. Or are you willing to give it all up just to kill one girl that has cause you no harm. Maybe emotionally for killing your sister. But what about when she lived with you and you beat her. You heard her cry all night and did not help her once. Then beat her more when she would not stop crying and beat her to silence. Do you want me to tell you about the pain you caused her and the unhealed scaring and tissue that will never go away?" I told her.

"I don't care about her pain I want her in pain if that makes anything get cleared up. I hate her, and I will kill her. So go ahead and kill me, cause the pain I will put her through will make her beg for death and I will give it to her.

Or if you kill me now i have other people to take over."

"Then I guess you will die right here tonight."

"I don't care," she tried to sound brave but I heard that small bit of fear in her voice, the fear that will never go away. And when she is in hell I hope that she hears Ivy's cries, and her laughter that she beat out of her. I hope she sees Ivy smile. Cause someone like her will never have happiness.

"Very well," In one fluent movement my hands went to her neck and turned it in a unnatural and painful position. "I did not break it fully, I want you to suffer, I want to hear you beg me to kill you. But since your neck is broken and you can't breath and your in a huge amount of pain at the moment, and you can not talk. I guess you will never get the chance to ask me to kill you, so I guess you will just have to sit their and die at your own pace." She sat in the chair with her head to the right and her feet and arms twitching. Her mouth had blood coming out from it and her eyes where staring at me. "Guess you should have taken the words back," In her eyes as i said those words to her anger flashed through her. I will be the last person she will ever see and I hope that her life in hell is completely dark, I want her mind to see only Ivy and myself. And know that I will always win the greater battle.

That night, Ivy

"You killed her Gabriel?" I asked him in shock. I never thought of him as a killer. I know he killed people long ago but it would seem he was done with it. To me he was Gabriel, not the Gabriel the killer. But now he is both.

We sat on the bed, he had just waken me up from a good night sleep. I cradle him gently in my arms and thought that this might not be the best time to tell him about it. So I let it all go. We rocked back and forth as I rubbed his back and played with his hair. He has the softest hair, so long and curly and wild. It was the most beautiful shade of brown I have ever seen.

"Does it matter to you that I killed her, Ivy? Did you have any emotional attachment to her?"

"None at all my love," I reassured him. I think I felt a tear on my shoulder that dripped off from his cheek. I pulled back to look. His face was flooded in tears. I took my hands and wiped under his eyes and down his face to get up all the wetness. He put his hands over mine and chuckled.

"It has been very long since my last kill." he told me, "the feeling is new again." he explained.

"Welcome to my world." I whispered, then pulled me to him. I put my head in the dip of his shoulder, his head the same on my shoulder. We looked at each other. I saw his face go from sad to emotional wreck in seconds. I pulled him even closer if that was possible, and he began to sob. I made soothing noises and continued to rub his back.

"I am so sorry, I am the one who has to be strong for you, it seems flipped huh?"

"Yes, but it's alright. Just go ahead and cry, their is no one here but me to see you." He did as I said. He cried all night, until I went to sleep when the sun was up, but even then he laid by me and held us together. And I felt his tears put him in a dream that will change him forever.

"Ivy, Ivy! Wake up!" I heard his scared voice fill the room. "My god! Wake up please Ivy!" I sat straight up then. Feeling that something might be wrong. Our eyes meant and he was not crying but about to. I moved his hair out of his face and took deep breaths, he did the same thing but his breaths where struggled.

"Sweet heart what is wrong?" I asked he looked me up and down, felt my shoulders and face with his hands. Took my hands in his and looked at the scars.

"I am a wake, your alive. We are fine." he sighed.

"Yes, where fine, nothing is wrong. Come here." I whispered, "Come here," I held my arms out to him, he shook as he placed his head on my shoulder and shook as I rocked him to sleep. I think he even cried in his sleep. Dreams are a powerful thing that changes his life like no other person. His dreams are memories or what can happen. And the worst thing for him is that the dreams about the past. All the endless war. All the blood. The brave war hero was bound to have some kind of with war, not the fighting, the kill was easy for him to do. He was worried about the other lives he destroyed that he never knew. The ones that belonged to the men in the battle. The ones that never see them come home, he hates the feeling of emotional pain on others. The pain that could have been easily avoid. But caused.


"Merry Christmas Ivy," Gabriel told me then kissed my lips. Then rubbed my round belly. I got around to telling him about something he already knew. We sat in a chair by the fire in our room. Our family around us handing me gifts. Gabriel sat at my feet and held my hand, my other hand on my baby.

"This is for your baby boy." Our father said. and handed my a present wrapped in a shiny silver paper.

"How do you know it is a boy?"I asked and smiled. So happy that I will have a baby boy that will grow up and become the great man like his father.

"You have the same aura as your mother did when she was having Gabriel." He laughed. then turned his attention to Gabriel. "She will become very moody and very emotional, she will cry at the sight of anything, knowing Ivy everything. This is my only warning to you son. Take it to full extent." Gabriel smiled.

"Their is nothing worse than her being upset. I have seen her at her worse."

"She will be worse than that she was at her worse. Be prepared, do everything she says no matter what. It saves you a lot of tears,"

"Okay," he kept smiling. Then looked up at me. "You won't be bad will you?" he asked me playfully.

"All the time." I replied then opened the gift. It was a necklace with a silver cross. I set down at once.

"Fake my dear. But we have to have a good name on our family. If they think the cross is real silver, they will think that we hunt vampires, which you know we don't, but it saves us a lot of questions. It is better to have them think than know." My mom explained to me. I nodded my head in understatement. And picked up the cross to fully look at it. It was beautiful, I loved it. But it scared me. It looked to real, but then again it has to. I looked down at Gabriel who was looking up at me and smiled. But he saw my discomfort and took it out of my hands, and placed it on the floor next to the leg far away from me so i didn't have to look at it.

"He will only wear it in public." I said, they all agreed.

One month later, Gabriel.

With her due date less than two months away and her always wanting me by her side. I can't see how I can leave her easily. She seems fine with it now cause I am still here. My mother swears to take care of her. But once I leave I bet she will have a difficult time not crying from me being away.

"You won't be gone long will you babe?" she asked me, the midwife put her on bed rest, so she sat on top of the covers in her white night gown with pillows propped up under her head and swollen feet.

"I will try not to be," I told her. "But you'll be fine sweetheart. My mother and all the maids and all of the guards will be here to take great care of you. I can't see how your worrying. Don't I always take great care of you?" I winked at her. Then went to go kiss her head, but she put her hands on my head to bend me down so she could kiss me.

"I know you always take care of me," she said with a gleam in her eye. "But I don't want to sit here all day with nothing to do but talk to your mom. She is always busy anyway so all I can really do is eat and sleep," she complained. I looked at her with amusement, she is always over reacting. "Okay so I can knit or stich or something, but it will not be the same. the house will feel different though. It won't have you." she told me.

"I will be back before you have the chance to miss me. And I have something to keep you busy," I admitted. I went over to our wooden dresser and knelt before it. Pulled out the last drawer. "Here," I said taking a book out from the back of the space. It was old and coming apart but it was history. She loves ever bodies past but her owns, I understand why. I went to go sit back on the bed next to her. "I want you to read this," I handed it to her. She opened the cover and flipped through the pages.

"Book about what?"

"Every war I was ever in,"

"Is it detailed?" she asked, I smiled.

"Thoroughly." I told her.


Something in me told me that this is not what she needs. She does not need anymore violence in her life. But I am sharing the past of my life with her. I want her to understand what I did, done, and will do. She understands I go to war to kill the enemy. She understands that I kill with skill, bit I need her to know why they want me, why they ask for me to kill people, ask me to go to every war they get them self's into. I need her to understand the demon in me. That i only show here the angle. Cause she gives me no reason for the other side of me to unleash.

Their was a knocking at the door and the guard entered. I quickly grabbed a quilt from the end of the bed and threw it over Ivy's entire body but her head. He noticed my quick and uncomfortable movement.

"Oh sorry my lord. The people are here now, shall I take your things?" Vane asked. He has been my best friend since we where kids. Over three hundred years of trust I have for him.

"Go ahead Vane I will be their in a moment."

He bowed and took my things out of the room. I watched him do so. Then I looked at her and smiled, and leaned my forehead against hers.

"I have to go now Ivy. I love you."

"I love you to," she told me with her voice thick and tears rolling down her dace. My mother stepped into the room at that moment. I pulled back and she saw Ivy crying.

"Well darling you go on now," my mother said to me and placed a old wrinkled hand on my shoulder. "Don't you worry about Ivy I have the whole thing planed out. I do not intend to leave her alone but to sleep." she told me with comfort. I gave her a hug and started walking to the door.

"Gabriel!" I heard Ivy shout. I turned around to see her holding out her arms towards me and her sobbing now. I went to her and gave her a hug. She squeezed me tightly then my mother tapped her and told her I need to go. She held me tighter for one moment the let me go. "I love you," she said. I ran my hands under her eyes and kissed her forehead.

"I love you to. But I have to go." I left her alone with my mom. All the way down the hallway I heard her cry out for me. I heard her call my name, I wanted to go back but I have to let her get use to me going away for a while. I will come back. It hurts me to leave her. I feel bad for spending a year at her side then leave her here while she worries about me in a war. Tears rolled down my face to. But I am crying cause she is crying. I feel her pain even worse than what she feels.

But I got on my horse, all my men seeing me cry. They are seeing me at my weakness.

"This does not mean I am weak," I told all them.

"It means you truly love her," one of our younger guards named Aiden told me. I smiled at him. Then rode off in a direction that will not lead me to love only misery.


Four days later, Ivy

"I slashed his throat with my knife and watched as his throat broke open on my blade and blood came out, spilling and over flowing his gash, he feel down dead. I turned around and brought my blade into the stomach of my next victim, and watched him gasp his last ragged breaths as he fell down and began to die. We where brought here to kill the enemy and to protect our people. And I intend on doing that. I yelled as the blood continued to fly around me, bursting out of peoples broken flesh and in the air. It all smelled like dying, it all smelled like blood.

One of my men brought me my hoarse and told me to go back to camp as they killed the last few people, but I refused to and wanted to stay, I enjoyed the kill to badly, I craved the feel. As I brought my bladed into the back of a young boy I realized he was just like me, he wanted glory, he wanted to be wanted. But he is stupid. That is the difference, I know what I am doing I know and understand the every move of the enemy cause I have been on that side. I have been taught how to kill the way they are taught and the way they live. I know what they choreograph to make their strike. But the thing is, I dance the same moves as them, just better.

People flew pasted me and fell to the ground dying and screaming. And once I never cared. Then i saw my ultimate match. It excited me, I spun my sword in my hand three times for luck then began to fight the over sized beast. I got him in the arm but only enough to make a few gashes. Then I got him in the inner thigh, cutting his arteries. He cried but never gave up, he swung at me and missed by barely a inch. Then out of now where, a blade went into my back, I groaned, And turned around to see a person on my side mistake me. I stood in shock, Vane.

"I am sorry Gabriel, but it is too much, I told you to go back to camp," He said to me I began to fight my own side and then, the beast stabbed the bladed in the back of my neck, thrusting downward, and hitting my heart. I felt it penetrate me. I gasped then I fell down dead. Now I was the one gasping for air, suffering my last ragged breaths, and dying.

I Knew that I was dead when I heard my heart stop beating.

So I woke up in hell. And i spent three hundred years their to. I bowed before the devil and got my punishment as he sat in his thrown of glory and ordered them to kill me over and over as he laughed and laughed, he told me about love and laughed at me some more and I will remember the laugh of the devil for the rest of time. As Vane took over my country and ruled until i returned. I spent three hundred years in a room full of darkness and wondered what it would have been if I hade gone back to camp and lived. What would have happened if my friend had saved my life instead of take it. I remember crying in the tears of blood as I felt the cuts and gashes for on my body from the battle and wonder how it would have been if they never appeared. I wondered if I am still beautiful even with the scars, but even if they faded I would still know they are their but my lover would not, only if I told her. Then would she know the truth. I have been to hell and been killed as I have killed. I felt true pain from the underworld and know how it feels to be a demon.

But in truth. If I could have been anything in my life. I would have been a peasant. Cause they find true love and they have actual happiness. I have what I am given', not what i freely found. I want to find my own since of peace, and i want to be loved by a women who has had nothing and knows what it means to love. I want out of a world of darkness I want out of hell. And i want to be able to be a person who has no regrets and when he dies, stays dead."

I seat his book on the night stand table and went to sleep thinking about his death and his hell. And what he must have suffered and never showed me. I understand now why i read this book. For me to understand he has been through what I have felt emotionally, that is why he cares so much. So i don't end up like him.


I woke up peacefully despite what i read last night. I dreamed about what i have done and what i have read about him. And what i will do to make my baby have a much better life than I was given.

Then I heard a loud knocking on the door and a male voice call in.

"Ivy open the door now!"

I grunted as I got myself out of bed, but as soon as I stood up I threw up all over the floor. And I grunted, as I walked over to grabbed my robed, at the foot of the bed.

"One moment please, "I cried over to the door, but my throat was raw and hurt, I was sick, like every morning, though this time was worse, I could barely breath and my head was dizzy, the air floated around me, don’t do it. It was too late, the door busted open.

"Put the robe on Ivy, and come with me. Please do not fight with me just do as I say and when Gabriel gets here I will hand you over to him." I looked at my intruder and saw it was Vane. His green eyes where looking at the floor not me in my night gown to show respect. His stance was threating but he had a since of frightens.

I pulled the robe on to my body and pulled it around my baby in the front and tied it in to a not. AS I want to go walk over to put shoes on my swollen hurting feet, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to walk with him.

"Please let me put on shoes," I pleaded him.

"Monsters don't get special things, Be lucky I am letting you wear that robe," he looked back at me in a glare. " But it is only polite i let you wear it for your master Gabriel's wife."

"I am not married to him yet," I corrected. That stopped him, he turned to me and slapped me across my face hard, and shouted at me.

"You whore. Loving on every man that takes pity on you." He screamed. I stood their and shook.

"I have only been with Gabriel," I whispered.

"Do not correct me child!" He shouted and hit me again. Then dragged me out of my room and down the hallway, I tripped and the fell on my stomach so he dragged me by my hair.

Three hours later I sit in a chair in a room of the house i have never been to. And I am all bloody and broken. These men have asked me questions for a long time, and beat me and my baby if the question was wrong. My body hurt so bad it felt like I could ide, my tears wear beaten out of me, all i could do now was helpless little moans.

"Tell me monster," Vane said. "How many months are you?" I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, I am tired of these questions that will not prove my innocence.

"Seven or eight," I whispered, My mouth was dry, I have not had anything to eat or drink today, and it is almost midnight.

"What did you say?" The judge said, "I could not hear you, you talk to softly, speak up." he said to me. But he talked to me as though i was dump. Pronouncing all the words carefully and slowly. I licked my dry lips and repeated.

"Seven or eight," I said some what louder. Then Vane hit my face with his fist and i felt the bones break as he did so.

"He told you to speak up!" He shouted.

"Seven or eight!" I yelled to him. i kept my eyes down and looked at my baby. I felt it kick and stretch. I wish i could rub my hand down the lump on my skin, my hands where tied. The baby was not use to me yelling, it frightened him, Vane took my face in one of his hands.

"Good girl," He said then spat in my face. The entire room filled with the laughter of cruel men. The wetness dripped down my lips and chin, I turned my face to the side and wiped it off on my robe.

"I am not the monster in this room," I shouted at them as they laughed. The judge leaned over his railing and yelled.

"Then who is the real monster my darling, We all want to know."

" The real monster is you, every single one of you are. You think it is funny to hit a girl while she is caring the prince baby boy. That will one day rule. I am the monster for doing things I am not proud of, but at least I feel bad for the sins I committed? You sick people love it. I hope every one of you go to hell." I shouted. Then i felt the room go silent. Finally men's fist where hitting my body so hard and so violently I saw only blackness and stars, I felt tears in my eyes that where not meant to be their and pain and bruises that will be their to say forever.

"Burn the girl before sunrise," The judge said then disappeared.

My hands where hung above me on the wooden board. I was tied up to it completely naked and bloody. And I waited for him to come. I waited and waited but I still never saw him, even though he promised. He can not save me from everything. He can save me from myself but not the world. I love him for what he is and has done to me. But I hate him for lying. I will die with my unborn child inside of me. I can feel it kick and I can practically hear it cry from being hit with stones and scared. And when I smelled the fire I knew it was over, I have to wait for it to began,

I have to wait for my death to come. The then flames and the heat barely touched my body, and I started to sweat in the cold air even though it was snowing. I never gave up hope that he would appear, I wanted him to be the last thing I ever saw. I wanted to die in beauty not hate.

The then fire touched my bare skin and I screamed from the pain and my body melted in the heat and the sun came up and I saw it.

My sunrise. It was how it was always meant to look. When my body went numb and my head was hung down low I kept replaying what it looked like over and over in my head, hoping I would never forget it. The sunlight helped the fire burn me as it slightly shown through the clouds. The snow had stopped falling and the people had stopped shouting, but the fire kept burning me. As I stood there almost dead I heard one more shout and thought it came from me. But I can not cry any more. Nothing hurts.

The only thing that hurts me now is knowing. That he didn't rescue me. And he promised he would.


After Ivy's death, Gabriel.

I was dying. I slit my wrist as I watched Ivy die from the shadows of the trees, and did nothing to save her, even though she screamed and cried I did nothing to help her at all. I stood their and cried and did nothing. If I could have one more moment with her I would have saved her. I would have told her "I love you" one more time. But I don't get that one more time. I only get now.

Now I sit on the ground in front of Ivy's ashes. Thinking about how we will never get to have that life we always wanted together. We won't ever know what our baby looks like who will fall in love with him. What will happen if I die and go to see them, will they still love me or not. And as I sit in front of ivy's ashes I also sit in front of my sons. And i think about how much I let them down. I didn't save them. But I could.

The pain was so unbearable. I lost my love and my child.

As my life soon come to I thought about what Rosemary told me. How if I don't kill her she would one way or another. I think we both killed her. I let her die and I let her realize I would not come to save her, I let her give up. But they are the ones who burned her. But I blame myself. I always will. In the moment of my sorrow I can already smell the smoke and fell the ashes that will be burning my dead body to ashes. And hope it sends me to where ever Ivy is. I hope the fire lets me go.

For allowing my first true love to die, with out no one their to tell her I love her. I want to be the one to suffer forever, and have no one show me mercy.

"Gabriel, listen to me closely," I had my eyes closed, but I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew the voice so well, Vane. "Gabriel she needed to be ended. Needed to be put out of this world. I just did, what other people would have done. Though I did it out of love for you. She had no struggle and she was so clam about the whole thing. She wanted to die. she didn't mind it. Do you hear me? She didn't want to be here anymore. " He told me, I listened to him talk to me but I didn't believe anything of what he said. She loved me. And she was killed out of hatred for what she was. She was perfect, and beautiful, she was my wife, my best friend. She was the only reason I kept living, breathing only to see her again. Now she is not here. But I keep breathing knowing I will see her one day. Hopefully soon.

"I want to be with her Vane," I told him in a low soft voice.

"I know you do Gabriel, I know. But if you trust me, I can be the person who can help you see her again. To tell you the truth, I am the only person who could ever help you see her again." I started to cry harder. "it's okay Gabriel, it's okay. Just trust me, you can see her really soon." He said, I heard him pull his blade out of it's holder and I could feel it lingering above me. I don't move. I don’t hesitate. I don’t even breath. It felt like a sharp pinch, that stung for a moment. Then it was all okay. It was all dark, and it was all over.



I woke up in a sun lit garden to the sound of Ivy's laughter. When I opened my eyes I saw her wearing a white dress with her hair pined up in a beautiful braid, and a small baby wearing a white dress in her arms. She danced around the garden singing to the baby and stroking it face with her finger. The sight was beautiful, and I was laying in the shadows. Butterfly's danced around her and the baby and the baby laughed with excitement. She pointed to them and one landed on the baby's foot, it kicked and squirmed as it was filled with happiness and joy. And we all laughed. She looked at me and laughed again.

"Gabriel you awake!" she announced and came to my side with the baby. "Here you go," she said and handed me the tiny little boy. He looked just like me. I cradled him in my left arm and let him hold my right pointer figure hostage.

" Hello my baby," I whispered to him. "What is his name?" I asked.

"Chance Gabriel Bentley," she told me and ran a figure around his tiny face. " I thought you where going to sleep forever," she said to me. I looked at her.

"And what if I did Ivy?" She looked up at me and smiled so sweetly my heart stopped beating for a moment.

"I would wait in the garden with you until forever is up, chasing away all your nightmares until you woke up. Then when you are awake and ready, we would go to heaven together with Chance in your arms." she told me. I pulled her close to me in a hug. We both careful not to hurt our baby.

Tears that I did not feel appear spilled over my eyes and landed on her shoulder. I have to let her go again. I can't go to heaven. I have been to hell before. When she enters the gates to heaven with him, the gate will close before I can take my first step, then the garden burns and I go back to the underworld. Leaving them here.

"My nightmares are harder to chase away Ivy," I said to her. My voice thick.

"Why? I bet I could do it, fight them away for you, you gave me strength."

"Because in my bad dreams it is hard to pick out the bad person. He has done very bad things, things that he regrets and things that he does not remember because they are pushed to far back into his memory to be seen. If you looked at him you might not think he is such a horrible person because you know him like no other person knows him. But to the rest of the world he is evil and hated. Not very many people understand him and have caused him to become what he is today Ivy. But you must understand. He is not meaning to be so horrible, he just is. He is the half blood angel, and he wants to tell every one that but none will ever listen."

"Who is it then my love, I would listen."

"I know you would and that is what makes you such a beautiful person Ivy," I hugged her closer. Until I could feel her heart beat through my chest. Until I felt like I had a heart beat, until I thought I could live in this moment forever.

"Gabriel who is he," she begged to know.

I sighed and then whispered so low.


We continued to sit their in silence and hold another in our arms, the baby had fallen to sleep. I looked at the gate to heaven and cried. I want to go in so bad it hurt with knowing I couldn't. It looked so beautiful and so peaceful behind the gate, I can not keep them from that any longer. I kissed her head one last time and got up to walk with her. I still held my child and she held my hand as we walk in silence. I should think of something to say, but I can't. Nothing came to my mind, I thought of telling her I loved her. But I didn't. Now, I wished I had. When we got to the gate I took my son and raised him up so I can kiss his small lips. He opened his small eyes and yawned. But he did not cry. I place him on my shoulder and hugged him tightly. I felt his little hand brush my shoulder, and that small act sent tears in my eyes that over flowed. I stood their and cried and I had to make sure Ivy thought it was from the happiness. I don't want her to know or she will never go through the gate. So I smiled, it was painful and it hurt. I laughed to, but not from happiness, from irritation. Did I not deserve a life of happiness with my wife, after all I had done, was I still not a good person? I handed her our son, and ran my fingers through her hair. I bent down to kiss her lips and hug her once more. I tapped my finger to his nose then held her hand.

"Go in first sweetheart, I will follow." I told her. Then our hands let go, that ways the very last time our skin will ever touch. I will always remember how soft her skin was. She felt like a rose petal, a rose that was growing in the bushes of a dark winter, she was my winter rose. I watched her walk pass the gate and turn around to motion for me to follow. After my first step, the gates shut. I bent my head down and smelled the burning flowers. The birds flew from the trees as there home caught on fire. I turned around and I saw butterfly's trying to get away but there wings catching on fire, they fell to the ground in ashes that was soon covered in burning flames. Animals of all kind gathered there young and tried to escape. Some where lucky and found there way out. Other families, got caught in flames.

The fire turned blue as it came around me. It was not hot, it was not cold. It was nothing just like me. The blue fire came around me and grew taller until it covered me completely. Then the fire was just like air, it went through my body and then back out. I stumbled forward as it entered me. It was as though I was knocked out of breath when the fire left me. I looked down at my hands, they felt as though they where on fire. My hands had scares and tattoos all over the flesh, my shirt had been burned off and I can see scares and tattoos all over me. The scares where from war. All the times I had been cut or broken. No matter how many times your body is torn, you are broken down, not matter how many wounds heal and now matter how long it has been since the scare was on the skin, they will always be there. When the time comes to show your true self, they will show. My hair no longer touched my shoulders, I felt my head and I had no hair at all, I had more scares on my face. With my hair gone I understand now I am truly defeated. My strength was ripped out of my, and I can barely breath. My tattoos looked like words, until I figured out they where Catholic prayers. Protection prayers, to keep me, the evil away from goodness. The prayers I had once prayed, that I see now never where given to God, because they never left me.

I stand in the middle of gardens of flames, and I can hear the mafia of midnight calling me back to hell. I do not want to go. I turned around and looked at Ivy, she was crying and looked scared. This is what I look like underneath my skin. This is who I am. She looked at me like I am a monster. Like she didn't even know who I was. Before I began to burn along in the flames that where killing the garden, I went up to the gate, with little steps. I kept my head down, and my eyes on the ground. I looked at the way my feet move in union, then I saw the gate come before my feet. I looked up though not at her, I looked at the bars that are keeping me away from her, I wrapped my hand around the bar, and looked right at her tear stained face as she tried to calm Chance down. I wanted to rip the metal away and hold her, though I know that would frighten her.

Tears fell down my face and I saw the fire in her eyes grow behind me.

"I love you," I said to her, in the smallest of whispers. She did not hear me, though that is fine. It is better off for her to be scared of me than to love me, but I truly do love her. I looked at her one more time, then turned around to walk away. Dodging my way around the fire, I walked back down to darkness alone.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2012

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