
The journey to create new dreams
has just begun,
It is your turn to start the fun
of fantisies and more!

As I awake in my bed with the poem of dreams in my head, I think about how my birthday (I'll be 16) will be today. It's June 9th and school is over, but with a mom who is broke and an abusive step-father, it's going to suck BAD. So far I haven't had the guts to tell my mother, but I have a feeling she woudn't care. "Huh, guess it's time to get up", I say to no one in particular. Another day of my stupid life, what to do? What to do? The answer is nothing! As I walk downstairs hoping there's breakfast (which there never is) I see my father on the sofa, I'm about to run up to my room but he has already noticed me.

"Come here honeybun", he purrs with sexual hunger in his eyes hazel eyes.

"Um, I have to get ready for,, YEAH work!", I say, but I still have the feeling of copper in my mouth because of my nervousness.

"It can wait", he growels with primal hunger still in his eyes, and I swore it felt as though a shiver just passed through my body.

I walk over slowly because I still feel the chills rock through my body, I sit next to him on the sofa and he takes his hand and drags it down my back to my butt, I look at him with fear in my sky blue eyes, he just laughs at me though. Then I get really mad when he moves his hand to my personal area and I slap him as hard as my hand can go, then run up to my room and lock the door. "This is the last straw", I yell loud enough that I know he hears me. I pack a couple shirts and pants in my duffle bag. I get my girl scout rope that was in my closet and climb out the window, but not without scraping my knee which is now bloody and dirty. I run as fast as my legs will take me to my friend Billy's place to see if he can help me. I ring the door bell.

"Comingggg", I hear Billy's father Harold says.

"Hey Mr. Harold, mind if I stay here for a while", I say but I see Billy's gray eyes filled with sadness.

"Sure honey, stay as long as you want", he tells me with a grin on his hairy face.

"Thanks Mr. Harold!", I scream with joy.

I walk into their well-furnished house, painted with hot red paint which, to me, is a really sad color. Billy walks me to his room but doesn't talk until we are in his room and his door is locked.

"Why did you come here Mayra?", Billy says with a hesitant tone, as though he's scared I'll get mad at him.

"I couldn't stay at my house with that stupid man!", I say and my voice brakes with a sob.

"Oh, Mayra don't cry, I just didn't want you here because it's not safe", he tells me, but too soon his dad opens the door and grabs my ponytail REAL HARD and it almost feels like my hair will fall out soon.

"Wh-What are you doing Mr. Harold that hurts pleas stop!", I yell with tears coming down my face and I see Billy getting ready to help but his father punches him so hard that Billy literally flew across the room.

"Shut-up you stupid brat and Billy you shouldn't bother with this...this...SLUT!",I scream and yell at him to let me go, but he just takes me to his room and throws me on his bed.

"I've been waiting to take you since I saw you with Victor", he says with a growl and crawls up to me like a lion coming towards its prey. He starts taking off all his clothes and before I can stop him, he starts taking off my clothes but I keep struggling to get free, as soon as he has all my clothes off he takes something from his dresser and puts on something I haven't seen before and start doing something that's hard to talk about but the whole time I feel numb with pain and horror. As soon as he fell asleep I climbed out the window and sprain my ankle. I run and run down the street until I bump into something solid and rock hard.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into to you but anyway where were you headed in such a rush", a boy with light brown hair and beautiful honey colored eyes, high cheek bones, a muscular build, tanned skin but not too dark, and a voice like sweet candy on my tongue.

"Oh, where just going for a jog, by the way my name is Mayra..", I tell him but end up lost in his beautiful eyes and oh did I mention that they were beautiful.

"My name is Gabriel", he says breaking my connection with his eyes so I could admire his oh so sexy body.

"Oh, nice name...Gabriel", I say

Gabriel's POV

She sounded so sexy saying my name and I swear she looks like an angel from heaven with curly, light blond hair in a ponytail and how I wish I could run my hand through it and see if its like silk, she also has the most gorgeous sky blue eyes and a nice petite build. What am I thinking, I just met her and she looks like she's been crying for awhile.

"Thanks, yours is too and not to be rude because I just met you and WOW your beautiful but have you been crying?", I ask her and see that she is taken aback by the comment I made about her being beautiful.

"Oh my, you noticed that my step-father tried to touch me and I hope I'm not burdening you with my problems", she says nervously.

"No, no its not a problem, you can crash with me if you want, I know it probably sounds crazy coming from someone you just met", I tell her with a grin on my face but sadness in my eyes, so she doesn't think I'm going to rape her or something.

"OMG, thank you so, so, so, so, much!", she screams and runs up to jump on me and hug me so tight, I swear she might just take my breath away ha ha! Oh wait she already did.

"Um, your welcome", I say and wrap my arms around her then finally I let her go.

"Okay so all I have to do is climb up my window, then pack my things, because I left my bag in a friend's house, then I have to get out slowly...", she's so cute when she is babbling to herself, then she notices that I'm Zoning out and smirks at me.

"Too much to handle, huh?", she tells me with a huge grin on her face that is too cute and I almost think it is too much for me to handle.

"Nothing's too much for me too handle", I tell her and gives her one of his award winning smiles.

Mayra's POV

I gasped at that gorgeous smile and shivered as he just said that he could handle me and boy oh boy did I want him to, but it was too soon, I just got raped and I wasn't ready to have my first time YET.

"Alrighty do you plan on walking me to my place or what?", I whisper in his ear and I could feel him shiver at the contact of my breath on his ear.

"Absolutely!", he says and start off in a jog and I laugh at him.

"My place is this way Gabe", I tell him while trying to stop my uncontrollable giggles.

Gabriel's POV

She just called me Gabe, the only one who ever called me Gabe was my friend from third grade and Mayra did look like her but I highly doubted it, and her laugh was like a rainbow after a thunderstorm.

"Oh yeah, I knew that", I yell as I feel my cheeks get as red as tomatoes.

We walked halfway, but Mayra got tired and I volunteered to give her a piggyback ride to her house and she agreed. As I carried her to her house, I felt her head on my shoulder and her a slight snoring, but it was so cute that I didn't even care. When we reached her room window she gives one huge snore (which I find hilarious but I decide to hide my laughter) and she wakes up too soon for me to like.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to sleep on you but I was just so tired and couldn't stop myself...", there it goes again, that sexy little girl's babble, I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?", she smacks me arm softly and glares at and I stop laughing but still have a smile on my face.

"That sexy way you always babble when you're nervous", I tell her grinning from ear to ear.

Mayra's POV

OMG he just told me that my babble was sexy, no one has ever told me that, I'm starting to like him already.

"Aw, aren't you the charmer", but I stop talking when I remember what we're here for. "Give me a lift Gabe", I tell him in a serious tone.

"Okay hold up", he grabs my foot and lifts me up, I'm amazed I hadn't noticed how strong he was, while I was thinking to myself I hadn't known he was taking to me.

"Oh. what did you say", I ask him without looking at him.

(sigh)"I said, you're going to have stand on my shoulders to reach your window", he says and I could tell from his voice that he was tired.

"It will only take a minute, Ok", I tell him as I climb in the window to my room and start putting my clothes in the carry-on bag I had since 8th grade, but then I here a noise coming from the hallway and my door suddenly opens and my step-father walks in.

"Where are you going you stupid SLUT!", he yells and tries to punch me in the face but Gabriel is there as fast as lightning and stops the blow.

"Don't touch her and she's not a slut you sleeze-bag!", Gabe yells and punches Victor in the jaw, then he pushes his fist as hard as he can into Victor's stomach which send Victor tumbling onto the floor.

"You incompetent child, leave NOW and take that stupid SLUT with you!", Victor booms from the top of his lungs then he collapses on the floor from all the energy he lost (which isn't much).

"Lets go M, before he decides not to let us leave", Gabe tells me as he takes my hand and drags me down the stair and out the door into the....RAIN!

I run into the street and let the rain fall on my face and I just feel so free, and hopeful that one day I will become something important, the rain feels as though I am in the ocean with my family (well how it used to be anyway). I hear Gabriel's chuckle from across the street and he soon joins me in the fun, then he grabs me and throws me into the air like a bird and I soon too start to giggle.

Gabriel's POV

She was so gorgeous in the rain that I couldn't help it and took her by the waist and threw her in the air. She looked like a bird, no an angel soaring through the sky then I caught her bride style.

"Having fun", I said and chuckled at her smile that grew large.

I carried Mayra all the way to my place, which was a small apartment with two room and one bathroom. The manager asked me if I needed help with Mayra and she started giggling uncontrollably. "Shhh M, you're going to wake the people in the building", I kept telling her but I couldn't help but chuckle myself.

"Aw shucks, stop being so boring Gabe", she says and starts pouting and using the puppy dog face but soon enough she can't hold her laughter and finally she erupts.

"M don't laugh so loud", I whisper in her ear and this time its her that shivers from the contact of my minty breath on her pale skin.

"C'mon Gabe, when are we going to bed, I'm beat", she whispers with a long sigh.

"Alright, we're here M", I tell her with and a tired expression crossed my face and she noticed.

"Sorry, I kept you in the rain for awhile", she tells me with a puppy dog face.

"You know I'm not mad at you M, I'm just tired", I say to her.

"You want to know something?", she asks me with a hesitant tone to her voice.

"What?", I ask her.

"I like it when you call me M", she says nervously.

"And I love it when you call me Gabe", I tell her in her ear.

Mayra's POV

I was so surprised when he told me he liked how I called him Gabe and there was only one person who I've known that liked the name Gabe, but this isn't him.

"Nice place", I tell him.

"Did you bring your bag with you?", he asks me.

", I left it when you and Victor got into a fight and you dragged me downstairs", I tell innocently.

"Fine, go get dry and I'll get you some clothes from my dresser, he says tells me as he walks away.

Gabriel's POV

"Oh my God", I think in my head. She looked so sexy in that soaked shirt and I don't even want her to change out it, but I go get my largest shirt for her anyway. As I walk back in the room, I see her laying on the sofa asleep. Boy, was she cute when she snored. I tap her,"M, don't you want to change out of those wet clothes?"

"Please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone", she mumbles in her sleep.

"I won't", I whisper back, even though she is half asleep. I get on the sofa, climb in next to her, and wrap my arm around her slim waist.

Mayra's POV

I wake up feeling a heaviness on my waist. Before I panic, I turn my head and Gabe is sound asleep behind me and I feel a wave of pleasure rock my body because of his arm. I look at the clock and it says 5:00 am. Instead of getting up, I turn around to watch him sleep. His eyes suddenly open with an alert look, but then softens when he sees me.

"Mornin' sleepyhead", I lean over and whisper in his ear. He sits up as if something is wrong.

"Sorry M, you kept saying that you didn't want to be alone", he says nervously and it was so cute.

"It's okay, it did help me sleep", then I do something that I wouldn't have thought of. I leaned over the sofa and kissed him on his soft, tan cheek.

Gabriel's POV

I feel suddenly wide awake when Mayra kisses me on my cheek. She looks at me and I cup her face with my hands, and slowly bring my lips to hers so she can get away if she wanted. When she stood there waiting, I didn't need any reassurance and kiss her right on the lips so passionately, my head would come off. She puts her arms around my shoulder and tries to get closer, so I grab her waist and squish her against my body. We brake apart to get air and she looks at me with such passion.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2011

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To My mother who thought she knew love but instead has hope. <3

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