

Ryan shoved me into the pool. I was wearing my blue surfer top with yellow bikini bottoms. I cursed him out as the cold water met with my skin. I swam back up to the surface to see him and the other guys laughing at me. I for no reason joined in and jumped out of the pool. I walked up to Darren. Out of all the guys i'd have to say he's the most quiet and shy of them all. I loved teasing him. I could just walk into the room wearing shorts and a tank top and bend over in front of him. He'd instantly get a hard on an start fidgeting to hide his errection. Everytime I pulled something like that on him all I could do was laugh. All the other guys got hard too but they just...weren't ashamed of it i guess you could say. When I got to Darren over by the pool chair I liteally made a show of leaning over him just to turn on the stereo. Some awesome Mexican music came on. I grabbed Darrens' hand and i pulled him up in back of me.

Then i smirked and laughed a bit as all the guys looked at me with intense expressions. I mean i'm not trying to like perform a strip show if thats what your thinking couldn't hurt to have some fun once in a while...The only difference with me is that I have fun every day of every hour in every min. along with every second. I crushed my backside against Darrens' front and i started grinding on him. He still stood frozen or in shock behind me. I started grinding myself harder on him trying to make a point that I wasnt leaving him alone till he participated. I turned around and pouted at him which made him blush, laugh and shake his head. I turned back around and pressed my body on him again, this time he responded and held onto my hips pushing himself on me. So yea basically we were dry humping but the fun was just about beginning..right?! I turned the music up louder and after Darren got into it I ran over behind Ryan and grinded on him. He started partying with me..I mean jesus people this is a Friday night please show some respect for the Gods of Fridays!

We ended up dancing around the pool forming a conga line. Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha..cha- we sang this over and over until the music shut off. Ohhhhh great! My brother was home..The guys that were on mE unhooked themselves from my body and moved away as my brother zeroed in on me.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat..?" I cooed, my brother Aaron said, "Anna what have I told you about grinding up on my friends.?"

"Heyyy there my friends toooo." The guys laughed around me. I came up with a sign that me and the guys came up with at the end of our junior year. I put my two fingers up in the air as I yelled into the night sky,"Beeeeeeeeeer Tiiiiiiiimmmeeeee."

I ran out of our backyard with the other guys following behing howling with shouts and laughter. I ended up the first one to the fridge. I pulled myself out a can of large Redbull while everybody else made there choices. I looked back through the kitchen window to see my brother staring at me with murderous eyes. I decided to play along and I looked back at him the same way until he cracked a smile.

I laughed and started bumping on the other guys again..feeling the buzz begin to take over. I gurggled my beer and swallowed it making the other guys laugh like shit. I rolled my eyes ...OOHHH this was going to be a long..,fun..night.


I yelled and ran up the stairs as Aaron chased me to my room. The fact that I was stumbling didn't help me. I ran all around the hall but the door to my room until Ryan caught me in his arms. I yelled rape as I jumped and squirmed in his arms. The other guys came up the stairs to see what all my yelling was about. Once they saw my brother they all started laughing..but wait why were they laughing at him and not me? I looked up at my brothers face which was red..But then i noticed that something was laying on my was hard...I yelled,"Oh my god you mother fucker your enjoying this!" All the guys laughed around me and my brothers face cracked into a smirk.

"Ryannnn!...Ryannnn.!" He answered with,"Yes my sexy gal". Which pissed me off for some reason. I turned around in Aaron's grasp and I kneed him in his ugly golden coins. He groaned and fell to the floor.,"Bulls-eye!" I laughed and soon everybody joined in with me.

I tied to run back down the stairs but all the guys were blocking the path down the stairwell. Hmmm..those fucking bastards are up to something..and Idon't want to find out. I ran and jumped on Michaels back and yelled,"Giddy up horsey.!" He grinned and help onto my legs aound his waist. He..he..,"TRAITOR!!" I screamed. He ran with me to my room. All the guys followed and handcuffed me to the bed. Where the fuck did they get handcuffs from? I scowled while all the others grinned with pleasure as i squirmed. Perverts. I'm in a getting-nowhere crisis and all they can do is stare at my body??.!

Ryan gently put his hand on my leg but I kicked him off making my whole body shake.


Wow. I gotta say moving in with Aaron and his sister has to be the best thing thats happened. Oh and I love Anna shes so fucking crazy and sexy but her body i'd pretty amazing too.she has the right curves in every right spot...And she is one fineee Latina i tell you..Anna even manages to keep herself an amazing six pack...which is pretty hot.

Watching her squirm on the bed has to be the most funniest and sexiest thing. She's just lying there totally unaware of what shes doing to us guys as she shakes all her goods. So basically everybody was just staring at her with lust and thinking with their dicks. But oh well what can you say?...we are guys after all.


I'm kind of aware of what i"m doing to the guys now. Each of there faces became red and they all had bulges in there swimsuit draws. I kept kicking my leg "free" trying to seem like I as unaware but really I wasn't. I kept playing my part when suddenly the memory of what mydad did to me came to my mind. My eyes clouded in fear and tears began to drip from my face. Suddenly my brother jumped in and uncuffed my hands holding me in his arms to stop my crying..but even he didn't know the real reason I was crying for. I got up from my bed and I kicked everybody out. As the last guy left I threw the handcuffs down the stairs ...which im pretty sure hit somebody. Well...I guess it's time to go to bed....


I thought maybe I could get over everything that happened last night..I mean I don't really want the other guys to find out what happened between me and my dad. Something I can never really forget..ever.

I got out of my bed and checked my clock it was 3am. I changed into my spandex running shorts and my sports bra. Lastly pulling on my nike running sneakers, I left the house quietly sliding down the rail of the staircase so the stairs wouldn't creak under my weight. I began a slow jog down the road. The fact that we have a mansion in the middle of a county makes things a little creepy. And it was 3 in the that helped anything..but I needed to relax so that all my stress can fly free. I sped my pace up a little faster hoping to get in at least six miles and still be able to make it back to the house in time before everybody woke up.

The thing about me was that I always felt a strength when I ran..and my breath never came in hitches. The only pain that I felt when I ran was a bit in my legs which I started to feel right now. So i ran faster zipping through the night. I ran and I ran soon realizing that the sun was up in the sky and the guys might be up by now. Nowhere near out of breath I turn back around and start back to the house..,biting my lip knowing that some buttface was going to be pissed.

(Aarons POV)

I woke up to the scents all around the house. I walked into the kitchen to cook some meat..when I noticed Anna's fading scent near the doorway. I cursed under my breath, running upstairs to her room. I flung the door open just to see her pj's and underclothes laying on the floor. I picked them up and tossed them into her hamper, closing her door, and running back down the stairs.

As I walk into the kitchen I turn to see Anna's sorry ass walking into the entry way. She looks at me like she was just having a huge arguement with herself. I felt my eyes soften in sympathy. Surprisingly instead of me yelling where the fuck have you been?! I mamaged to hold my temper together and asked as nice as I could,"Where have you been.?"

(Anna's POV)

I tried to turn and run up the stairs but I turned just to see all the guys standing there just waiting for me to try to run...Even though some of them were just about drooling over my sweaty body...Ewwww..I looked at them..then looked at the stairs. I knew I would never get by so I said,"I went out for a jog." Then i started to feel the run take a toll on my shoulders sagged with tiedness.

"You better let me go unless you want me to pass out cold." I warned. All the guys moved to the side and i trudged up the stairs. I felt somebody hit my ass but of course i was too tired to take action on it. I entered my room and picked out my pj's to wear. I made it into the bathroom and i stripped down all my clothes. Too tired to stand i sat down in the tub. Someone knocked on my door and i told them to go away. Pain swept through my body making me groan and shut my eyes...Oh yea and all the guys are having a celebration tonight that i'm not invited to. I have no idea why they picked tonight..Tonight was a full moon....

UH OH....

The next morning I woke up and walked into the kitchen. All the guys were already in there eating dinner...dinner?,"Why's everybody eating dinner so early.?" They all peered up at me in curiousity, creating a long stretch of silence. My brother broke it by saying,"Anna you've been sleeping for two days straight." Holy fuck..what?..two days..!! I guess my face showed the alarm I felt cause all everybody either smiled or smirked looking amused.

I ignored everybody, walking up to the frige and pulling out a pack of pooptarts to snack on. Aaron stood up and handed me his plate, taking my poptarts away. I groaned but thanked him for the food and sat at the table.I thought I saw a person in the corner but..i'm hungry so who the fuck cares.? Most of the guys watched me like I was doing something naughty while the others were to focused on their own food. I ate quickly and stood up and I fell back down...the world went black.

he was there hurting me...abuse..he was there touching me...molest...he was there not feeding me....neglect..he was there pounding me...rape..Other guy was there at school..missing me..i was protecting him from dad...tell him i'm ok...pain..lies..more pain..escape...


I awoke to a bunch of heads surrounding me with worried glances. I open my eyes and sat up but I felt a pain in my I settled back down. I lifted my shirt up a bit to see the pain. A large purple bruise covered the lower part of my stomach and a bit of my waist.

"You hit your hip hard on your way down." A guys voice I didnt reconize said. Oh ok that makes sense I wanted to say but nothing came out.

"Anna please wake up..I think it's time you explained some stuff..We heard what you yelled when you were out." I heard Aaron say. Damn couldn't I be quiet when I slept. With my eyes still closed I told the story..from when it first started.

"Aaron you were at your boarding highschool at the time. Dad..he..he raped me and touched me...and held me in all the wrong ways." My voice shook as the tears formed and my bottom lip trembled.,"Aaron..he beat me..he hurt badly. I didn't want to tell you you were doing so good in school..and you had a girlfriend...I wanted you to be happy." I took a deep breath and continued.,"The first time it happened..I..I was thirteen..and you had just left..I was getting undressed for my shower when dad barged in..He stood there watching was his prey and he the predator." My body now shaking in full sobs I kept going.,"He..he shoved me on the bed and his clothes..he..he forced himself on me...he made..he made..he made me suck..h--. Aaron cut me off, "Anna why?" He too crying now..,"Anna why did you never tell me?..You should have told me..I swear I would have beat that mother fucker up." His sorrow now turning into anger and pure hate. I took another deep breath and opened then closed my eyes. Then opened them again. Wait..who...who is that guy??

I looked at Aaron,"Who is that guy Aaron??" "He's your new buddie..Anna,meet my new friend Josh."

"Aaron you bastard..I practically told you my whole fucky life and there's some stranger in the fucking room and you didn't even fucking tell me!..Better yet why didn't you fucking decide to stop about hey Anna there's some company..Geez you..." I started spewing random curses in Spanish and stood up. I ran up the stairs ignoring the pain and tears.


(Josh POV)

The first time I saw her I swear I could have fainted. from her beauty. I don't know why but I was seriously attracted to her. But we all know that wouldn't work out becasue he's my friends little sister.

She walked into the kitchen with all the guys practically drooling over her amazing body. Her long black hair flowed around her as she walked. She had curves..everywhere and I mean everywhere...And her face..I mean she's a Latina and part Italain but i've never seen this beauty before..Thin black eyebrows and dark violet eyes..with plush lips that just made me want to kiss her all day and night.

She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a pack of poptarts but she brother handed her his plate and took her poptarts away. Look at that big bro to the rescue. I just stood in the corner of the dining room admiring her. She ended up finishing her plate really quickly, she aburtly stood up but she fell to the ground , hitting her head as she blacked out. NO!!! my wolf howled. I don't have any idea why I showed so much concern for her though....

All of the guys including me rushed over to her to help her up but she was out..and not moving. Everybody stayed crowded around her until Aaron told everybody to move and give her some space. Maybe about twenty mintues later she awoke with a terrified look in her eyes. Her and Aaron conversed and she ended up spilling some painful secrets. I felt the anger from my wolf coming to surface now getting ready to brts out. Then after I figured out her name is Anna..she laid her eyes on me and suddenly turned completely pissed on full Latina mode.

She exploded with a bunch of curses in a totally different language which i assumed was Spanish toward Aaron and not letting her know that there was a guest present. If it wasn;t for the look of betrayel and pain on her face i would have cracked up laughing. Then her tears started pouring out and i felt bad for even thinking of laughing. Anna left the room and ran up the stairs. My eyes were perfectly trained on her ass as she walked away..Aaron and the guys around or at me growled there, there wolves ready to come out. Couldn't really tell if they were growling at me or of what her dad did to her all these years.

(Anna POV)

I stayed in my room crying for maybe about an hour. I mean I just can't believe Aaron didn't tell me there was another person...a new person also.. in the room. More anger flared into me as I remembered my little movie scene downstairs. Tears still came out and I knew I wasn't going downstairs anytime soon. I scream flooded out...

(Aaron POV)

A couple of mintues after Anna left to her room probably pissed about everything and anybody right now, I walked downstairs to mine completely and utterly pissed at dad. I stood in my doorway surveying the large basement thinking about what I was just about to do. I changed into some shorts and took of my shirt. I took of my sneakers and socks I was already wearing. Then I walked to my personal gym. Opened the door and began.....

Punch..This if for you being a lying bastard and hurting my sister..Punch this is for pretending that everything was ok and ignoring my concerns for Anna....Punch this is for hurting Anna all those years..YEARS!!..Punch this is for sending me to boarding school on purpose...Punch this is for..for..not being a dad..and a good dad at that..You suck!!..,"I hope you die a slowly painful death!!!" I yelled into my empty gym,"You lying bastard!!!!!"

My chest heaved as I hit the punching bag harder and harder pretending it was dad. My lungs felt like they were conracting from the extent ...I kept going. Keeping a rhythm and punched faster and more forcefully...This is broke down into sobs for my sister Anna.. I know she went through all of this..but I..feel..I feel the pain.

Strong arms warped around my abdominal core trying to help me up. I shut my eyes through all my tears and kept them closed.,"Come on Aaron get up your better then this..fight off ur wolf!" Josh yelled in a helpful but..not so helpful tone. I yelled as if in pain..knowing my eyes were turning black...My wolf wanted to come out. Knowing that I would heal in the morning..I picked up the sharpest tool I could find and slit my wrists...



The memories too overbearing I screamed over and over until my throat was as dry as sandpaper..leaving me to cry instead. I kept my head burried under the pillow and tried to breathe..Take deep breaths Anna..and forget. I tried I really did..My lungs got tighter as more memories came to mind. It played over and over by one. Each one tormenting me. Sweat covered my body making me feel like I was going through the assaults over again. It pained me to re-live this nightmare..I felt the same fear I did before..When him and my step mom kicked me out. My head became dizzy and the world went black again.

It could have been hours or mintues when I woke back up again. Someone was shaking my shoulder and whispering to me in my ear. I opened my eyes to a pair of sad ones. They were blue and very worried. It was Josh.,"Anna you need to get up..your brother needs you and i'm pretty sure you need him too."

I nodded and tried to stand and failed. It was like my body was paralyzed in shock..or maybe fear but all I knew was that my muscles were locked. More tears poured down my face and before I cracked my skull on the floor Josh caught me in his strong arms. One arm around my shoulders the other under my legs, he carried me to my brothers basement.

When we made it downstairs I saw my brother crumpled on the floor sobbing and dry heaving. All the guys were crowded around him and my tears fell again. Everything seemed to be in slow motion now. I knew..I knew that my brother was too much in pain just like me..I had to be the bigger person for both of us. I felt dizzy again. I moved out of Josh's grasp and instantly collasped from my weight, not able to carry myself.

The guys turned to me, just realizing i entered the room. My brother looked up still sobbing. I cried and moved myself across the floor to him. I looked in his eyes...he looked into mine and we understood each other. It was like our brother sister bond was connecting..and we just..we understood. We held on and cried onto each others shoulders.


I don't think i've ever witessed a brother and sister love each other so much. Anna and Aaron didn't look too different from each other. They both had dark black hair..his short hers long. The only difference between them was height, gender,interest,age, and eye color. His dark brown hers violet.

They held onto each other both crying and supporting each other. I felt a longing ..for something..but I don't know what for.

I had a feeling it was for Anna to be holding me like that..or the fact that I want a sister.

When I moved into this house with the guys and Anna I knew it was gonna be fun. I don't know what I was expecting of Anna but it sure wasn't this. She wasn't slutty..she was confident..she stood tall..she was beautiful and she always had her own game plan. Anna was amazing. Well..I'm glad to be "part of the family."



The next day was a bit slow. I walked into my bathroom and took a long, boiling shower. I even decided to wash my hair. When I got put I put on my long pj pants and a big tshirt.

On my way downstairs I stopped by the kitchen,picked up an apple and walked into the living room. All the seats were taken so I sat on the floor, only to stand back up because I heard a groan and felt hands pushing me. I looked sown to see Josh sitting there with a faint blush on his cheeks. I smirked and said,"Whoops..! Sorry Josh didn't see you there." He just nodded and blushed an even brighter red making me smile even bigger. You know what I should just sit on Josh to..--- My brother cut off my thoughts and said,"Anna just get your big ass over here and sit on my lap so you can stop torturing others with hard-ons."

Some of the guys chuckled at that remark so I shot back at him,"Aaron if any guy is gonna get a hard-on, I know one hundred percent that you will be one of them so shut ur face." This made the guys laugh and now it was my brothers time to blush. Good for him...jackass. This made everybody laugh even Josh. I bit into my apple and sat next to Josh on the cold floor.

"Hey-ya" I said. " 'Sup" he said back. Then there was this long awkward silence. I took that time up to take in his profile. He did have very broad shoulders for one thing. And I defiantly know that he has at least a gorgeous six pack. He had this chiseled jaw line and the littlest but cutest bit of hair on his chin. It took me a few seconds to see that he was staring right back at me into my violet eyes. He smirked while I blushed a deep tomato red. I shrugged and stood up, swaying my hips as I walked just to tease the guys a little. I heard groans and I laughed to myself. Going back into my room, I took a nap.

Will add more(: Hope u enjoyed the first eight chapters pls leave comments n let me know what u think(:

New Experience

I awoke to a pounding on my door. I moaned from the heartbreaking noise,moving my head under my pillow.

"Annaaaaa wake up were going surfing today" Aaron said. I jumped out of my bed saying,"Be down in ten." I rushed putting on my black bikini that i know would make the guys faint. Putting on shorts and a tank top with my sandals. Brushing my teeth..blah ..blah. 30 mintues later i walked down the stairs. The guys groaning with relief that i was finally done.

"Anna remember when i said dont take long" Aaron said. I saw Josh looking at me from the corner of my eye. I smirked and shook my head no.


When we got to the beach we set up our blankets on the hot sand. I screamed as my bare feet touched the boiling sand. Josh chuckled beside me. After we found a spot to settle i began to undress to my bikini. All the guys were staring..including strangers i didnt know.i stuck out my tongue at them, grabbed my board and ran my way to the ocean. Aaron and his buddies following behind.

It was pretty fun i gotta say. Doing this helped me forget more about what happened the other night. Waves crashing down, water so cold and fresh you want to scream. I also watched Josh surf. He was pretty good looking i'll tell you that and he had abs whoooo babyyy! i laughed and yelled aloud. The others laughing. We had a great time that day until the beautiful annoying bitchy crew walked over to us in the sand... ..ughh great more annoying people.


Texte: all rights reserved - Copyright2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.05.2012

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