
My name is Rylie Belikov.I am only thirteen.I was created out of two Dhampirs in total and complete Love.I'm the only recorded one.My best friend is my mom's best freind's daughter,Tiana Dragomir.Her name is in favor of the old queen before Queen Vasalisa or as I call her Aunt Lissa.They shortened it though.Her name was Queen Tatiana.Tiana has spirit too and I'm bound to her.

"Rylie!It's time for us to drop you off at school.We have to go to court for Tiana first though."Said Rose,her mom.I searched the bond."She's already at school,mom."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.12.2010

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To Richelle Mead,You've inspired me so much,I'm writing a book about your books!

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