

I remember when I first saw him.
He was in the elevator with me when I was going up to my floor.
As he was coming in, he gave me one of those nods of acknowledgement. I smiled and looked away.
The elevator seemed to take forever to get to the 36th floor, and I was beginning to feel a little antsy.
I tried sneaking a glance at him...
Tattoos covered both his sleek, caramel arms, but in a sexy way not a scary way. And his dark hair was cut down to the scalp but slightly spiked at the front, with a little cutting design at the side. He had a strong, chiseled jaw... muscular arms... and oh man... did he look hot in that light blue, button-down collar shirt....
It was then that I could smell his delicious cologne....
Oh God....
His voice nearly startled me to death.
"Are you alright?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." I tried to hide my nervousness and smile.
"You look like you were hypnotized or something."
Yes... hypnotized by your gorgeousness...
"Oh no, I was just thinking about something."
That's when my second ego, the much braver one, took over.
"I'm Mikaela, by the way."
"Are you on vacation?" I asked twirling my hair.
"Nah. I'm just visiting some family."
"Oh. Why aren't you staying with them?"
"Big family, not so big on the space. What about you?"
And then my ego left the building...
I shrugged. "I'm not sure..."
He smiled. "You're at a hotel in California but you don't know why?"
"I... I guess so..."
I hoped he didn't see me blushing.
"Where are your parents?"
"My parents?"
"You seem kinda young to be in a hotel by yourself."
I almost cried. "I'm eighteen."
He nodded. "Okay."
I sighed to myself. Chloe was right - I did look a little young for my age.
"I do not." I tried to defend myself.
"Boo, don't take it as an insult. You're super cute. I'd totally date you if you were a guy."
That made me feel a bit better.
Finally, I heard the familiar ding if the elevator and exhaled in relief. When the doors opened, we both stepped out at the same time. This surprised me. I didn't know he was staying on the same floor as I was.
I secretly smiled to myself.
"Same floor, huh?"
I looked up at him.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Which room?"
He laughed... a sexy, deep laugh...
"What?" I asked him. "Which room do you have?"
"Oh." I blushed.
We walked silently down he hall.
I could still smell the strong scent of his cologne....
.... I felt like melting into his arms or something.
As soon as I faced the golden door with the white "15" I took out my key.
At least, I tried to - but I dropped it. I was reaching down to pick it up when he got it first. He handed it to me.
I opened my door and set down all of my bags.
Before I closed it, Randy said with a smile, "See you around. Mikaela."
Then he winked at me.
It took all my power to smile casually and close my door, before sliding down the back of the wall, onto the ground and falling into some sort of deep, sensational dream....

After ordering room service and having a delicious chicken salad, I called Chloe.
"Hey, Boo!!" she greeted me. "How's California?"
"It's great."
"Did you see any hot guys yet?"
I thought of Randy...
"I sure did. I even met one in the elevator."
"Oooh, in the elevator.... What's his name?"
"Mmmm, Rrrandy. Sexy name. What does he look like?"
"Well," I said, closing my eyes and thinking back to when I saw him in the elevator. "He has caramel-colored skin.... tattoos on both arms...."
"Tattoos? God, that's so hot."
"Are you gonna let me finish?"
"Yeah, yeah go on, sorry."
When I told Chloe everything that happened and that he was staying in the room across from me, she was ecstatic.
"Oh my God! You are so freakin' lucky! I would so love to be in your shoes right now. So why don't you go over there?"
"Go over where?"
"To his room, silly!"
"Why on earth would I do that?"
"So you can talk to him. And then you can kiss him."
"Chloe, are you on drugs or something? He doesn't like me."
"What? Really? From what you told me, i.e. the wink he gave you, I thought he liked you."
"He's not even my age."
"How old is he?"
"I dunno, maybe in his late twenties?"
"Cool, you're dating an older guy!"
"We're not dating! We hardly know each other."
"And that's exactly why you should go over there..."
I tried to think of an argument.... but I couldn't.
"I can't just go over there and say, 'hey Randy, I know you're older but you did wink at me so would you like to talk about some random stuff and then maybe we could makeout afterwards?'
Chloe burst out laughing. "You're funny as hell Mickey."
I laughed too.
"But seriously, you really should talk to him. Whether it's just a friendly "Hello" or a bold "What are you up to?" if you really like him, then you are entitled to a little conversation."
"... Yeah, I guess you're right. But what am I supposed to say when I see him, again?"
"Just say something cool like hey, I remember you. It's Rodney, right?"
"His name is Randy, Chloe."
"But what if he has a girlfriend?"
"You said he winked at you, didn't he? And I'm pretty sure his girlfriend wouldn't be as young and adorable as you."
"Aww, thanks Clo. I love you."
"Love you too, Mickey-Boo."
"I'll call you later."
After hanging up, I decided to check out a new shopping mall (that I saw on this website I subscribed to) called Korman's Devine. I heard that it had a lot of expensive brands for cheaper prices. I thought I'd get something nice for Chloe too. She's such an awesome friend.
I went inside the bedroom with my suitcases and picked out what I knew would catch Randy's eye (even if I was probably going to see him for 10 seconds or less): light-washed, destructed denim "Booty shorts" as Chloe called them, and one of those really short tops where you have to tie it at the front. Then I used some hair spray and wrapped my hair into a smooth ponytail, leaving a few strands out around my face. And then some lip gloss, some mascara, some blush...
After putting on all my makeup, I took out a pair of sparkly slippers and put them on.
I smiled down at my beautiful pedicure. What would I do without Chloe....?
I changed handbags, rubbed some lotion on myself, and sprayed on the perfume Play by Justin Timberlake.
With my hand on the doorknob, I took a deep breath... held it...
.... and opened the door.
I didn't see him.... so I exhaled and turned to lock my door. That's when I heard his open....
My heart almost jumped out of my chest but I tried to remain cool. When I turned back around, I realized that remaining cool around Randy was going to be extremely hard.
He had changed just like I had and was wearing another collar shirt - this time it was black and the sleeves were rolled up a little more.
I smiled at him. "Hi."
He smiled back and nodded at me.
(Oh God, take me now.....)
Then the braver ego of mine said it's hello as well...
"I like your shirt."
"I like yours too."
.....I fainted inside....
We walked down the hall and Randy pressed the button on the elevator panel as we waited.
Thankfully, we didn't have to wait long and when we went inside of it, we weren't alone. But that's when the elevator stopped on floor 19 and a bunch of people came in.
And before I knew it, I was being pressed up against Randy with hardly any space between us.
I tried to keep my heart rate under control, but it wasn't working. I could feel his hard, chiseled body behind me and his cologne was intoxicating ....
The only thing keeping me from fainting was the thought of him feeling the same way about my perfume and body.
I unzipped my purse and took out my cellphone in order to distract myself from the situation.
As I was opening my Internet browser, I felt a hand brush past my butt. I thought it was him, but what Randy said after that, proved to me that it wasn't.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
I turned around to see a guilty-faced Hispanic man in a suit. Randy glared at him as the man nervously asked a middle-aged woman to switch places with him.
I looked at Randy. "He touched me?"
"Yeah. Perverted bastard."
I blushed for the the thousandth time that day.
I couldn't believe he got upset about another man touching me... I mean, hell yeah it got me a little upset, but he made me feel so... protected... somehow....
Though I can't say I wasn't relieved when the elevator doors opened up to the lobby and we all piled out of that claustrophobic area.
Randy exhaled. "I couldn't breathe in there."
"Me neither."
"Think I'll fill out one of those Hotel Rating Surveys and put, 'needs bigger elevators' in the complaint box."
I laughed. "Yeah, right next to 'please remove horny, old, perverted men with suits and guilty faces.'"
We kept laughing with each other until we got outside. He walked me to my car.
"But seriously.... I understand why he would do something like that..."
I stopped at my silver Mercedes and looked up at him. "Why?"
He leaned over to me.... blinded my senses with his cologne... and whispered his answer in my ear.
Now, if there was a particular shade of red that was the highest possible amount in the art of blushing, I was in fact that shade of red...
Randy just smiled and walked away.... I watched him unlock the door to a black Ford Mustang GT.
Then he drove away.
I stood there... with this huge smile on my face..
Because I think he liked me....

Korman's Devine was a great little boutique. It had these cute designer totes and jeans that were twice the price at the other stores. I found this cool graphic tee that would be absolutely perfect for Chloe. It said: Eyes up, dude. Wait no, never mind. And there was a two-for-one sale, so I got one for myself. (I contemplated about whether or not to buy this other shirt. It said Wow, You're so Hot it's Like Looking in the Mirror. I ended up getting it. Just so a certain someone could see it on me...)

After leaving Korman's, I checked out another store that was in the same plaza - Dezire. It had so many sexy outfits, like this skimpy plaid skirt with fishnet tights (that I bought) and this black see-through tank top (that I also bought.)
I found myself buying some clothes that I wouldn't normally buy, all because of a...
very.... very.... very.... extremely.... hot person...
who I oh-so-desparately wanted to impress.
When I left Dezire, I felt kind of peckish.
I wonder what's a good place to eat around here?
So I put the bags in the trunk of my car and drove around for a while.
Eventually, I saw this nice-looking diner place in a smaller plaza. I got out to see that it was called, Trisha's Delicous.
Sounded cool to me.
I walked inside and was greeted by a beautiful Hispanic woman in her mid-thirties.
"Hi there Cutie," she said with a smile. "What can I do for you today?"
"Hi, I was just wondering what kind of food you have here."
"Well, we got burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizza. Just about everything."
"Okay.... I'll have a slice of pizza .... with fries .... and a vanilla milkshake?"
"Of course, sweetheart, coming right up. Why don't you have a seat...?"
"Thank you." I sat on the stool by the counter and waited.
There was a fair amount of people in the diner so I assumed that meant it was a good place.
Pretty soon, the lady was back with my food. "What's you're name sweetheart?"
"Mikeala Heart."
"Mikaela. That's a pretty name. I'm Trisha, as you probably could've guessed. I own this place."
"How come you're working if you're the owner?"
"Well honey, I ain't like them other lazy-ass bosses who just sit around and tell people what to do. I like to work."
I nodded and tasted the pizza.
"This is delicious."
Trisha smiled. "Thanks, dear. I made the recipe myself."
"Yep, my daddy wasn't a very good pizza maker when I was young. So one day, I was experimenting in the kitchen and I made this weird lookin' pizza-like thing, and I persuaded him to taste it. And guess what?"
"He loved it?"
"You're damn right he did. Next thing I knew, he was selling it at his shop."
"What's he doing now?"
"He past away..."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's okay... "
So we talked some more and I stuffed down all of her delicious pizza. The fries and milkshake were pretty good too.
When I was finished and ready to go, she told me to come back soon.
"Thanks," I told her with a smile. She was really nice. I think I might.

It was about four o'clock when I opened the door to my hotel room. I threw all my shopping bags onto the floor and sank into the couch.
California's great, but it's not as fun if you don't have any friends with you.
I thought of Randy...
I would love to tour California with him...
Maybe I should ask him?
No, what am I thinking? I couldn't do that. I'd be way too nervous.
My eyelids started to feel a bit heavy...
I kicked off my flip-flops and laid on the soft, white sofa....

I dreamt of Randy...
We were making out in his bedroom.
Of course we were.
My dreams are always about the impossible.
Then things got heated.... (very predictable) and we started touching certain places of each other's body….
And he whispered naughty things into my ear...
And I did this cute little giggle....
And then he laid me down on my back....
"Miss....? Hello....? Miss.... it's room service....Miss.... are you there?"
.... Huh?
"Hey... Mikaela..."
Oh my god, is that...?
I jumped up and opened the door.
The room service guy and Randy were standing there.
"I've been trying to call you, Miss," he said. "To ask you if you wanted dinner."
"I heard him yelling in the hallway," Randy told me. "I thought you were unconscious or something."
"You didn't hear the phone ringing, ma'am?"
"No, no... I was asleep. I'm sorry."
"Well, do you still want the food?"
"Uh, yeah you can put it inside."
I moved out the way so he could pass.
My head hurt slightly....
"You okay?" asked Randy.
I completely forgot he was here.
"Yeah. Just a headache..."
"You slept all through the evening?"
I shrugged in embarassment.
"You must be a deep sleeper." He smiled.
"I was having a pretty good dream.."
The room service man left and I was still facing a gorgeous human being...
.... with my door wide open.
Now Chloe would have said something like, "Care to join me?" and lured him into the room.
But as we've established, I am no Chloe.
Just as I was about to take the risk of asking him if he wanted to come inside and watch TV or something, a woman came out of his room. She was really pretty and had a similar skin tone to Randy's.
"Is everything okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah, it's cool," Randy told her. "I'll be there in a second."
"'kay." She twirled her hair and went back into the room.
"My sister," he said, responding to my curious expression.
"Ohhh...." Thank God...
"You thought she was... my girlfriend."
I giggled nervously. "Yeah..."
"Riiigght... I'll see you later..."
He turned to leave but... he lingered slightly.... then turned back around to me.
"Speaking of later... I, uh... was hoping you'd want to see a movie or something tonight."
My heart was pounding in my chest...
"Um... I'd love to."
"... Cool. I'll... see you around 8:00?"
"Sure..."I smiled at him.
He smiled back.
I watched him walk back to his room..
And without bothering to turn around, he said, "You should keep that outfit on."

Then he closed the door.

I went into my hotel room and called Chloe immediately.
I guess my headache disappeared because I was literally jumping up and down in anticipation for Chloe to answer.
When she did, I blurted, "He asked me out! He asked me out! He aksed me out!"
"What? Who? Randy?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Oh my Gosh, see I told you you should go for it! You went over to his room, didn't you?"
"No, no, I fell asleep like two hours ago and then the room service dude was trying to call me on the phone to ask me if I wanted dinner but I was totally knocked out so I didn't hear it and so he came up right? And started knocking on my door and I was so deep into my dream that I still didn't hear him, and so next thing I know Randy starts calling my name and of course I hear his voice, and then I finally woke up and the room service dude delivered my food and then I saw a woman come out of Randy's room--"
"Wait, WHAT?"
"No, it was just his sister. And then he was gonna leave, but he was lingering a little and then he came back and asked me out to a movie! He was acting like he was a bit nervous about asking me too! And then when he was going back to his room, guess what he said?"
"What? What'd he say?"
"He told me to keep my outfit on!" I said, excitedly.
"You mean the super short-shorts and that tie top?"
"OMG! You totally got him hooked on you!"
"I know, I know! It's unbelievable!"
"You know what this means, right?"
"Yeah, that he officially likes me!"
"No, not that."
I stopped jumping. "What, then?"
"It means.... when the date is over.... and he kisses you.... he'll want to take you inside his room.... and... you know...."
"Chloe...." But she could clearly hear the smile in my voice.
"And you'll get to see if certain things are as wonderful as his face."
"Okay, Chloe.... I get it..."
"Just checking. I hope you have a great time, Mickey Mouse."
"Thanks, Chloe Kardashian." We laughed together.
"See you soon," I told her.

After I hung up, I sat down on the big, white sofa and turned on the television. Thought I'd catch up on some celebrity interviews before I got ready for the date. They were talking about Taylor Swift...

Huh... some people say I look a lot like her.


Texte: Copyright © 2011 by CreativeNative/Jade Iris All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.08.2011

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