
Sibling Bond


I walked through the halls of the school, and the final bell rang. I grabbed my bag from my locker, and i slightly blushed as Travis Turner walked past me to his locker. I looked away, and i shoved everything into my bag and walked down the hall.

I grabbed my skateboard from a classroom, and i put it on the ground and skated down the sidewalk to my house. I kicked it into the air, and i grabbed it and went to the door and saw my older brother, Dylan, looking out.

I smiled and ran inside, and he hugged me and spun me around. I laughed, and i said, "hey, Dylan. How was your day at school?" He laughed, and i said, "you didn't skip again today, did you?" He blushed and looked away, and i sighed and said, "are you hungry?"

He made a face and said, "not if Rachel makes the food." I laughed, and i put my stuff down and said, "she's too busy messing with her boyfriend. I'll make some snacks." I jogged into the kitchen, and i pulled out two apples, some caramel, and some milk, and i quickly made him a snack.

I put it on the table when i was done, and i grabbed my stuff and went up to my room. I turned on a Blue October song, and i grabbed my makeup case and heard a knock on the door. Dylan walked in, and i said, "hey, do you want to come to a party with me tonight? I got invited by my friend Maribel, and it goes on until about four in the morning."

He nodded, and he said, "does it have a theme?" I thought for a minute, and i said, "oh yeah, she said that it was a drop dead sexy party." He grinned and said, "I am going to go get ready." I grinned back at him, and i went to my closet and grabbed my button-down, red silk shirt, dark denim skirt, and red heels.

I quickly changed, and i stood up and looked in the mirror. The skirt went to the middle of my thigh, i unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt, and i saw the heels made me a little taller. I put on red lipstick, light pink eye shadow, black eyeliner, black mascara, and pale pink fingernail polish.

I brushed my black hair, and i curled it and let the waves fall down my back. I put my money, phone, purse, driver's license, and pepper-spray in my bag, and i put it on my shoulder and heard a knock on my door.

I opened it, and i saw Dylan waiting in the hall. He had brushed his black hair into waves, put on a tight black shirt, dark jeans, and sneakers, and he had put on a watch and had his wallet in his front pocket. His eyes widened when he saw me, and i rolled my eyes and said, "don't flip out. It's a party."

He gently grabbed my arm, and he said, "ready?" I nodded, and we went out to his car and drove down to Maribel's house. I saw people in little outfits walking up to the door, and i jumped out and smoothed my clothes as my skirt rode up to my upper thigh.

I walked with Dylan up to the door, and we walked inside and both grinned.

Party of the Ages


I saw Maribel standing next to the fireplace, and i walked up to her and saw that she was wearing a short skirt, a half-shirt, and a pair of red heels. She hugged me when she saw me, and i said, "you didn't invite Travis, did you?"

She suddenly got a guilty look on her face, and i groaned and said, "what is wrong with you?!? She slightly winced and said, "you have had a crush on him since forever! Tonight is the time for you to tell him how you feel." I shook my head, and i looked around and said, "he doesn't even know i exist. He walks right past me looking at everyone in the hall, except for me, and i won't tell him how i feel when every girl feels the same way because of his looks! Maribel, can i go home?"

She shook her head, and i groaned again and said, "can i at least have some beer?" She laughed, and i went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I saw dozens of beer cans, and i grabbed one and popped it open, draining it in seconds. I sighed, and i threw it away and saw Travis come into the kitchen.

I felt the color drain from my face as he looked at me, and i walked past him and grabbed my stuff. I saw Dylan doing a drinking contest in the corner, and i went to the backyard and sat down in the garden. I ran my fingers over a rose, and i heard a woman say, "what are you doing out here all by yourself, young girl?"

I turned around, and i saw an older woman in a cloak walk toward me. I backed away, and she smiled at me and said, "I am here to fulfill one wish you have. Just name it, and i will bestow it upon you, but there is a price."

I looked at the rose, and i said, "I want to be noticed. I want to be the girl every guy wants to date, but i want them to truly love me, not just follow my looks. I want to be the girl who nobody hates, everyone loves, and i want to be myself and be loved." She nodded, and she said, "your heart is filled with sadness. Your mother is dead, your father is never around, your stepmother is mean, your sister is a loner, your crush does not like you back, and your brother looks at you like he wants to be yours. I will grant you your wish, but in six months on the final day at midnight, you shall die. Do you accept?"

I felt a tear run down my cheek, and i nodded and said, "please don't take anyone away from me, though." She nodded, and she picked a rose and said, "sleep with this in your hand tonight, and you will have your wish." She handed me the rose, and then she vanished. I looked at the rose, and i heard Dylan call my name.

I looked up, and i saw him walking toward me. I caught him as he staggered, and i said, "dammit, Dylan! You are going to have one heck of a hangover tomorrow. Want to stay home?" He nodded, and i helped him up and said, "ready to go home?" He nodded again, and i put one of his arms over my shoulder and put my bag on my other shoulder. I gently held the rose in my hands, and i walked him to the car and helped him into the passenger seat.

I took the keys from him and started the car, and i drove him down the road back to our house. I helped him inside, and i put him in his bed and wrapped the blankets around him. He grabbed my hand as i turned to leave, and i looked back at him as he said, "Vanessa, I don't want you to leave." I sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Dylan, I will be back later to check on you. Go to sleep."

My voice came out in soft, lovely voice, and he said, "promise me that if i run away, you will come with me." I nodded, and he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Is It a Curse or a Blessing


I went back to my room, and I grabbed the rose and laid down with it in my hands. I thought for a little while, and i fell asleep.

I dreamed about a river with a bridge over it, and i suddenly woke up. I sat up, and i saw two rose-shaped marks on both of my palms. I went to the mirror, and i saw that my face was a little different. My aqua eyes were brighter, my lips were redder, and i had long, full eyelashes. My skin was a perfect ivory, and i saw that my hair was cleaner and slightly wavy.

I heard a knock on my door, and Dylan walked in and froze when he saw me. I looked down, and i quickly covered myself when i saw that the rest of my buttons had opened. I grabbed a t-shirt, and i said, "Dylan, i... I'm sorry." I slid the shirt on, and he gently grabbed my hands and forced me to look in his direction.

I blushed when i saw his eyes, and he said, "Vanessa, don't be embarrassed. I won't ever be mad at you." I looked into his eyes, and i watched as he leaned forward and gently kissed my cheek. He pulled away and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen." I watched him as he left the room, and i pulled on some light jeans and silver slip-ons.

I went to the kitchen, and i pulled out six eggs, some bacon, and a coffee tin, and i made some breakfast. I put on a pot of coffee, and i cooked the eggs and bacon and turned off the burners. I put the food on two plates, and i poured two cups of coffee and poured cream and sugar in his the way he likes it. I put his food on the table, and i sat next to him and quickly ate. I did the dishes, and Dylan said, "Vanessa, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I shook my head and said, "Dylan, you didn't make me uncomfortable. I am just confused. I didn't know that you felt that way about me." He stood up and gently grabbed my hands, and he looked into my eyes and said, "we aren't really a family. This house is just filled with people who live together."

He started to go on and on, and i silenced him by pressing my lips to his. He froze, and then he looped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I tilted my head, and his lips parted. I pulled away from him, and he brushed some of my bangs from my eyes and said, "you love me back." I nodded, and i heard Rachel say, "that was so cute. You both make a perfect couple."

I turned to her, and i said, "hey. Did you get in this morning?" She stuck out her tongue and said, "at least i know how to have fun at night." I gave a soft laugh, and Dylan looped his arms around my waist from behind and hugged me close. I grabbed his hands and said, "Rachel, is there something you needed?"

I felt him silently laugh, and she laughed and said, "carry on." She walked out of the kitchen, and i turned around and saw Dylan with a big grin on his face. I quickly kissed his cheek, and he said, "what do you want to do today?" I thought for a minute, and then i said, "how about we take a walk through the park? We haven't done that in a long time."

He smiled and nodded, and i hugged him tight and said, "Dylan, if something happened to me, would you keep on living for me?" He hugged me tighter and said, "I won't let anything happen to you, Vanessa."

I felt a tear run down my cheek as i remembered what the woman said, and i said, "I love you, Dylan."

Fierce Protection


I went to my room and grabbed a jacket, and i went to Dylan's room and saw him shirtless. He slid a white shirt on, and i looked away and knocked on the door. He slid it open, and he said, "are you okay?"

I nodded, and he looped his hand through mine and said, "you're blushing." I looked away, and he put his hand under my chin and pulled my face into his gaze. I blushed brighter, and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I looped my arms around his neck, and he pressed me against a wall as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I felt our lips part, and he pulled away and said, "sorry. I got a little carried away." I gently grabbed the front of his shirt, and i pulled him to me again and silenced him with my lips. He froze in surprise, and i wrapped my arms around him and held him against me.

We finally broke apart, and i said, "Dylan, is it hot in here?" I felt the world spin, and he caught me as my knees buckled. I felt my heart beat faster, and my eyes rolled up into my head and i passed out.

I woke up a few hours later, and i saw Dylan sitting next to me. I shakily sat up, and i said, "what happened?" He gently helped me sit up, and he said, "you passed out. I brought you in here when you wouldn't wake up, and i covered you with blankets when you began to get cold. Are you okay?"

I nodded, and i looked at my palms and saw that the marks had spread. I looked up at Dylan and said, "I'm fine. Dylan, why did you love me in the first place?"

He was silent for a minute, and he said, "Vanessa, i love you for your heart. You have lived with Sarina for six years, and you haven't turned to hatred. I admire you for that."

I looked down at my hands, and he said, "are you sure that you are okay?" I nodded, and i looked up and said, "I just... you have so much life and happiness inside you, and i don't know if you should have someone like me."

He gently grabbed my hands, and he said, "I love you, and i don't want to lose you." I faintly smiled, and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled him closer, and he broke away and knelled in front of the bed. He pulled out a small box, and he opened it and said, "Vanessa Williams, i promise to love you for the rest of our existences. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

A tear ran down my cheek, and i nodded and said, "I do. Yes, yes, yes!" He smiled, and i watched as he slid the ring onto my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he hugged me tight and said, "will you stay with me?" I nodded, and i said, "I promise to love you till the end of time. I love you, Dylan."

He pressed his lips to my neck, and i felt more tears slide down my face as i remembered the witch's words.

The next few months were perfect, and then the last day of my wish came.

Last Day


I was spending the entire day with Dylan when he asked if we could go to the park at about eleven. I agreed, and i drove us to the park and started to walk along the trail.

I heard a river ahead, and i saw a stone bridge over a large river. I walked up to the railing, and i remembered my dream the night the wish began. I looked out over the side, and Dylan came up behind me and said, "are you okay?"

I looked back at him, and the clock-tower in the middle of the park rang five minutes until midnight. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and i said, "Dylan, whatever happens tonight, don't stop living." I pressed my lips to his, and he clock changed to 11:59.

The witch appeared, and i pulled away from Dylan and turned to her. She walked toward me, and she said, "I hope that your last day had been memorable." A tear ran down my face, and i looked at Dylan and said, "I made a deal with her to be everyone's crush, and the price was my life after six months. I'm sorry, Dylan. I love you."

The clock struck midnight, and i cried out as a wave of numbness came over me. My hands went through Dylan, and i covered my mouth with my hand and started to shimmer. I reached out to Dylan, and the world melted into a white room. I walked to the door, and i stepped through it to the afterlife, waiting for Dylan to join me.




Once your dead, things go on forever, even if you aren't there to enjoy everything. Once he moved past my death, he kept on living like i had never exsisted, only showing sorrow when my name was mentioned or he walked past my room. He eventually couldn't take any more of life, and he hung himself. The thing is, though, when he did that he trapped himself on Earth, where he couldn't be seen or heard even if he was there.

I sadly watched over him from the afterlife, and one day the witch appeared to me again. I had been watching Dylan one day when she came up to me and said, ''there is something you can do to help him.'' I turned to her, and she said, ''but it is a hard journey. Are you prepared?'' I nodded, and she said, ''perfect.''

Authors Note

I hope you enjoyed this book. I am not going to reveal my real name, but you can call me The Changer, because that is what i do. I have written over a hundred versions of different stories by other authors, but i switch them around to fit my own taste.

If you enjoyed this story, i will be writing another one called, ''To Hell and Back.'' In that story, Vanessa has to travel to Hell to beg for her love to be returned. This will be the second in a series of four books.

Hope to hear from you, and i hope that you enjoy all of my work.

-PS: my email is

it is that exactly, and no, that is not my real name. Don't want to use my real one. Maybe if i get enough favorites- ; )


Texte: Crazykoolaidwriter
Bildmaterialien: Crazykoolaidwriter
Lektorat: Crazykoolaidwriter
Übersetzung: Crazykoolaidwriter
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2012

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