
The Sadistic Seven 1

I turned in time to see the double door entrance of the school burst open with a loud bang, the light blinded me momentarily. Blinking rapidly, I saw seven figures, glowing from the sun.

Everyone turned to stare. Some gasping, others looked terrified. The boys swoon while the girl had fright in there eyes. The figures stepped into the school, away from the sun.

Seven girls stood at the entrance, slight smirks on their faces, but they weren't nice smirks. The girls started walking, making everybody stand against the lockers to make room for them.

They all had blonde hair and blue eyes. Some light blue, some bright, and one with dark blue eyes. All of them were unbelievably gorgeous. Like, they just came from a modeling shoot.

All the girls' eyes roamed over the crowd, assessing us. The one in the middle that seemed to be the 'leader' met my eyes. Her eyes sparkled with evil mischief. Slowly, her pink lips rose into a smile and she nodded at me.

People around me gasped as she acknowledged me. The leader winked at me, smirking. The clacking of their heels sounded after they turned the corner.

"Yasmin Astre...just nodded at you." My sister, Elisa, said calmly, looking like she was about to have a heart attack

"Yeah. Who are they? Everybody seemed scared of them." I frowned before shrugging it off

"That, my dear, is for another time. We must get to class." Elisa hooked arms with me and dragged me off the class.

"So, you're not going to tell me who they are?" I asked Elisa as she pulled me into Art

"It doesn't matter. Just don't talk to them or look them in the eye and you’ll be fine." Elisa muttered as she sat down in the middle isle

I sat down beside her, "Why was everyone scared of them, Elisa?"

Just as Elisa was about to answer, they walked in. The girls. All seven of them.

All eyes followed them as they walked to the back of the class. They sat down silently and looked to the front of the class. Yasmin Astre looked at me, her eyes roaming over my face before looking to her left, whispering to the girl beside her.

The girl looked at me and shrugged, looking away.

"Who are they?" I asked insistently

"The one who nodded at you is Yasmin Astre, the leader. Number one bitch. The girl to her left is Remmington Astre, second in command she's not as mean as the rest. The girl to
Yasmin's right is Skylar Astre, third in command. Just as bitchy as Yasmin. The girl next to Skylar is Claire Astre, she's so mean! She doesn't talk to anyone but her sisters. The one to the left of Remmington is Naomi Astre, she's such a snob.

"The girl next to Claire is Arabella Astre, she's sort of nice. She's a gentle person. Now, the girl beside Naomi is Zaria Astre she's the nicest one even though all of them are evil." Elisa took a deep breath and smiled at me before glaring, "Don't talk to them. They're evil. Sadistic."

Rolling my eyes, I looked away from the girls and to my sister. "That's ridiculous! Have you ever even talked to them?"

"Yes! Well, tried. Claire pushed me and I fell to the ground. They just walked away, not even sparing little ole' me a glanced." She sniffed pathetically

"Mmmm." Was all I said as I looked back at the girls

Now, all of them were looking at me. Frowning, I looked away.

The bell rang and our teacher bounced into the room, grinning. This lady looks like a serial killer! Her eyes were wide, her smile looked like a psychotic one. Damn! She better lay off them pills.

"Hello, class! Today we're going to paint anything that comes to out mind. A person, place, things, dog, cat, person, COUCH!" She screamed the last part, laughing manically

I looked at her weirdly. Elisa nudged me, "Stop that."

Looking over at Elisa, I shot her a look. "This teacher's on crack."

"Shut up! She can hear you!" Elisa hissed loudly

"Something you guys would like to talk about?" The teacher bounced over to us, still grinning

"No, Ma'am." Elisa said politely as I scoffed

"You on crack?" I asked bluntly

The class chuckled and Elisa punched my arm. I glared at her, "Don't do it again."

"No! Why would you think that?!" The teacher asked with wide eyes as she frantically wringed her hands together

"Oh, no reason." I said sarcastically as I grabbed a paint brush and twirled it around in my hand

The teacher nodded her head fast and ran away, to bother another student.

"What're you going to draw, Faith?" Elisa asked me, standing up

I stood up, "Chace Crawford."

Elisa smirked, "Of course. You're like obsessed with him."

"Not obsessed!" I glared

We started walking over to the paint table, passing the seven girls. Their eyes followed me as I walked passed.

"They keep looking at you." Elisa whispered

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." I chuckled and grabbed my paint

Brown, blue, black, tan, and white. Elisa grabbed green, brown, yellow, and blue. I think she's drawing the outdoors.

We walked back to our seat, once again passing the seven. I could feel their eyes burning holes into my back. Turning, my eyes met Yasmin's and her light blue eyes twinkled with amusement. I eyed her for a minute before looking at Remmington. Remmington's lips curved into a small smile before she got up, walking to the paint table.

Then, they all got up to get paint, except Yasmin who was looking at her nails. Yasmin's eyes rose up to mine, her eyes taunting me. Taunting me to talk to her.

Arching a brow, I looked away and started painting.

When I was finished, Elisa scoffed. "That doesn't look like Chace Crawford to me!"

I blinked and leaned back, out of my little world. Looking at my painting, I frowned. It was a picture of...Yasmin. I looked back at Yasmin and saw her smirking at me. She put her hand over my heart and mouthed, 'So sweet'.

My eyes narrowed slightly as I looked back at my painting. I could've sworn I was painting Chace Crawford.

Elisa shook her, "She's gotten to you."

"Nobody's gotten to me." I snapped angrily

Why the hell would I paint Yasmin?

"Sure." Elisa muttered, going to back to paint her grass

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and went to the sink, washing the paint brushes out. Arabella Astre walked up beside me silently and began washing her brushes out, too.

"What's your name?" Her voice was soft and velvety

"Faith Mackenzie. You?" I asked, already knowing her name

She laughed lightly, "I'm sure you already know. Elisa has quiet the mouth. She needs to learn how to whisper." Her voice grew slightly hard at the end

"Yeah, sorry for her. She speaks bad about everyone." I lied, defending Elisa

Arabella's bright blue eyes met mine as she smiled softly, "No need to lie, Faith Mackenzie. We will always know when you lie." Then, she walked away.




The Sadistic Seven 2

The rest of art was very awkward. Ever since Arabella told me they would always know when I was lying, I was very uncomfortable.

Elisa and I walked out of class together, at a calm pace.

"What did Arabella say to you?" Elisa asked curiously

"That they'll always know when I'm lying." I muttered, glaring ahead of me

"That they'll always know when you're lying? That's creepy." Elisa shiver and grimaced

"I know." I sighed and walked into the library

I have study hall right know. Don't see how I need it seeing as I'm new and I've only had one class. I sat down at one of the circle table and pulled out my ipod, plugging my earphones in before putting them in my ear.

Lyfe Jennings 'Must be nice' blared, making me wince and quickly turn it down. I drummed my fingers to the beat and mouthed the words.

Suddenly, my music stopped. I looked down and saw that it still said it was playing. Frowning, I check my earphones. Someone sat down across from me and I looked up, my eyes landed on Yasmin.

"Hi...?" I frowned and looked back at my ipod

My ipod went flying in the air, into Yasmin's hand. She examined it, "Something wrong?"

The tone of her voice made me thing she had something to do with it

"Nope. May I have my ipod back? Please." I tacked on the please, smiling sweetly

"Sure." Her voice was sweet, gentle but with an edge to it

She handed it back to me, a Mona Lisa smile on her face. Yasmin's eyes squinted a little as she looked at my eyes.

"Blue or green?" She asked

"Both." I answered shortly

"Mmmm." She hummed before chuckling, "Do you not like me, Faith Mackenzie?"

I shrugged, "I don't know you."

"Ah." She nodded, "I would've though your sister, Elisa, would have told you everything about me down to the birthmark on my thigh." She laughed lightly, flicking her blonde hair away from her face

"Elisa didn't tell me everything." I stated, "Don't really care to know everything about you." I lied, wanting to know everything about the seven girls and why everyone was scared of them

"You're lying." She stated, blinking at me. "You want to know everything. Everything about my sisters and I. The question is, Faith Mackenzie. Do you really want to know everything


I blinked, "No, not everything

. Just why everyone is terrified in your guys' presence? How you will always know I'm lying? Why you guys always stare at me? You choose."

Yasmin smiled, "For your second question, we just know. For your third, because we can."

"My first?" I asked

Smirking, she stood up and pushed her chair in. She pulled her pink long-sleeve shirt down, covering her stomach again. Turning around, she started walking away.

"Hey! What about my first question?" I called after her

Yasmin stopped and turned towards me, her smirk widening.

"We are, the sadistic seven."

The Sadistic Seven 3

Glaring at her back, I stood up, shoved my ipod in my bag and walked after Yasmin. I pushed the library door open and saw her walking down the hall, more like strutting. Her black heels clacking against the ground, echoing.

She rounded the corner and I ran quietly until I went around the corner and saw her turning another corner. I ran until I was close enough again without her noticing.

Yasmin suddenly stopped and I was shoved against the wall. My head turned to her to see her smirking at me from her spot ahead of me.

"Why are you following me?" She asked, walking over to me

"The sadistic seven, like, evil?" I panted

"Sure. Whatever you want to call it." She waved her hand dismissively

"So, you guys are evil?" I asked, trying to get down

"Don't try to get free. It will only hurt you." Yasmin smirked and I went even higher up the wall

"Are you doing this?" I glared

"Yes." She smiled, her light blue eyes laughing at me. "Pathetic human." My eyes narrowed as she said that, "Learn to not follow strangers, 'kay? You never know when they'll attack."

Yasmin laughed evil as I fell to the ground, gasping. She walked away, still laughing.

"Good bye, Faith Mackenzie." She sang

I stood up and brushed off my black shorts, walking away.

Elisa was suddenly in front of me, "Why were you following Yasmin Astre?!"

"I needed answers." I said simply, pushing passed her

"Answers to what?!" Elisa shrieked, a wild look in her eyes

"To questions." I said slowly, getting freaked out by her

I haven't seen my sister in two years. Two years ago, my mom and dad sent me to a boarding school because I was a 'bad influence' to Elisa. My parents are idiots.

Elisa has changed quite a bit. She's more mature mentally and physically. Her body's developed.

I'm surprised all the guys are not after her, she has the same blue eyes and black hair as me. She's a little shorter but you can hardly notice unless you actually look.

"So, how was life in boarding school?" Elisa asked quietly

She blames herself for me having to leave.

"Isa, it's not your fault. Mom and Dad are just douches. I was pretty bad back then, I
don't blame you at all." I pulled her into a tight hug

She laid her head on my shoulder, sniffling. "I'm sorry. I made you leave."

"You didn't make me do anything, Isa. I'm back! Be happy!" I laughed and pulled back, wiping her tears off

Elisa laughed and wiped under her eyes, making sure her eyeliner didn't run. "Yeah, I'm glad you're back. Two years! We have so much to catch up on. So, any hot guys at that school?"

"Yes! Dude, you don't even know. Bad boys are so hot!" I groaned in appreciation as I remembered Lucas, the bad boy at my old school

"Who?!" Elisa asked excitedly

"Lucas Mann. Number uno bad boy at my old school. Short cut hair, bright, bright, green
eyes. Strong jaw, that I loved to kiss-" Elisa cut me off, squealing

"You dated him?!"

"Yes, I did." I smirked

"Dude! Do you have a picture?!" Elisa grinned

"Yeah." I pulled my phone out and went to my pictures

I handed Elisa my phone and she squealed loudly, "Oh mah gursh nursh! He's so hot! Sigh. You get all the guys, Faith!"

"You could be my twin, shut your face." I laughed and slipped my phone back in my pocket

Elisa groaned, "I need a man!"

"Whatever! No, you don't." A males voice sounded behind us

"Oh, hey, Jordan. This is my sister, Faith. Faith, my bestie, Jordan." Elisa introduce

A boy with blonde hair and brown eyes stepped out from behind me, "Hello, Faith."

"Hey." I smiled and shifted my bag on my shoulder, "Well, isn't it lunch time?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, got caught up in your sexy bad boy." Elisa smirked, "Let's go."

Jordan, Elisa, and I all walked to the lunch room. Everyone was chatting happily, laughing and joking with their friends. We went to the lunch line and I grabbed a sandwich in a plastic container with a bottle of water.

When we all got our food, we walked over to an empty table.

"So, you guys are besties?" I smirked and saw Elisa blush while Jordan chuckled

"Yes." Elisa whispered, the blush growing

Jordan laughed and took a sip of his water, "Yes, we're besties. With benefits."

"Jordan! Don't say that!" Elisa blushed madly and slapped his arm, "He's lying. It was one time and just a kiss. I was drunk."

"Sure!" Jordan scoffed, glaring a Elisa. "You were totally sober. You don't even drink, Lisa."

I watched as Elisa turned bright red and his her face in her arm.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, Isa. I'm your sister." Rolling my eyes, I unwrapped my sandwich

Suddenly, the entire cafeteria went silent. You could hear peoples' breaths, that's how quiet it was. Everyone was looking at the doors.

Looking over, I rolled my eyes. The 'Sadistic seven' was standing there, with a boy that looked just like them. Same blue eyes and blonde hair as Yasmin.

Oh, so now they're the sadistic eight? Hell.

Their eyes scanned the cafeteria. Yasmin and the boys' eyes stopped at me, a slight smirk dawned on their lips as they looked away from me. They're creepers!

The group went to an empty table and sat down, not looking at anyone but me. Their eyes were trained on me, all of them. All eight.

"Dude, they're staring at Faith." Jordan said in a tight voice, "Remember what happened the last time they all stared at Tamara Hill? She moved out of the country."

"I know. Why are they staring at her, though?" Elisa asked, worried

"I don't know. But Faith looks mad." Jordan muttered quietly

Yes, I was mad. Their eyes held a certain look that made me mad. I can't really explain the look but I know that I don't like it.

They all looked away except Yasmin and the boy. Their eyes stayed locked on mine, smirks still intact.

Clenching my jaw, I looked away and took a bite of my sandwich. Elisa and Jordan were watching me warily.

"I have to use the restroom." I stated, standing up. "I'll be back."

They nodded, "Okay."

Walking away, my eyes met Yasmin's before I looked away and walked out of the cafeteria. I walked down a dark hall, knowing that Yasmin and the boy would follow. Once I heard footsteps behind me, I stopped.

"I won't take you and you little 'crew' staring at me. You don't know what I am. Yasmin, you think I'm human. It's actually cute. Your looks don't intimidate me. They don't scare me." I turned around to face them, their blue eyes glowed in the dark.

"You don't scare me, Yasmin Astre. I'll let you figure out what I am when I take away all of your powers. You wouldn't like that? Huh?" I smirked, tilting my head to the side

Yasmin and the boys' eyes narrowed as they walked closer. I held my hand up and shook my head, "I wouldn't. My barrier can kill you."

They looked each other, "What are you?"

"A demon's worse nightmare."

The Sadistic Seven Cast

The Sadistic Seven 4

Yasmin and the boy hissed at me before lunging. I side stepped them, not wanting them dead from my barrier.

They stumbled a bit before crouching into a hunting stance. My smirked widened, "You guys really are sadistic." I said as their eyes turned bright red

I took my barrier down, smirking. "Come get me."

Yasmin growled, "What are you?!"

I laughed mockingly, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

The boy stepped forward a tried to grabbed me, I stepped away, shaking my head.

"Don't." I looked down, away from his blue eyes

Suddenly, he grabbed me and shivers went down my spine.

"Good job, Cody." Yasmin laughed

Lifting my head up, I looked at Cody sadly. "I told you not to touch me."

I basically just turned him against his family. Mates won't hurt each other. Mates can't
hurt each other or allow anyone else to hurt them.

Yasmin reached for me but Cody hissed and pulled me against his chest. Sighing, I leaned my head back and let out a loud groan.

"Cody?" Yasmin asked, hurt in her eyes

"Do not touch her." Cody said in a deathly calm voice

"C-Cody? What are you doing?"

Cody shook his head, "Do not hurt her, please, Minnie."

I sucked my teeth, "Well, as much FUN this is! I must be going. Good bye."

I tried getting free from Cody's grip but he just tightened his arms. After about five minutes I knew I wasn't going to get free. I slumped against him in defeat.

"This is so not fair. I'm a girl. You're all muscly and stuff." I huffed in anger, blowing my hair out of my eye

Cody laughed, his blue eyes twinkling. His eyes scanned my face, "You're beautiful."

"Thanks." I nodded slowly and tried to ease out of his arms

Nope. Not happenin'. He won't let go.

I shot him a look that he didn't because he was looking at the seething Yasmin.

"She's your mate." Yasmin stated in a tight voice

"Yes." Cody said awkwardly

"This seems like a family matter...I'm just gonna go. Let you two settle this. See ya never!" I grinned enthusiastically and tried to run

Damn his strong grip. He doesn't even look that strong but boy is he!

Yasmin took a deep breath, "Let her go. Now!" She yelled when Cody snarled

"No." He said defiantly

Suddenly, the six girls were surrounding us. I groaned and glared at Cody, "Really, dude? You just couldn't let me, huh? You have to do everything the hard way."

"Cody, just leave her alone." Arabella sighed

"She is mine!" He yelled and the lights went out

"Greeeeeat!" I cheered sarcastically, "This just got more fun."

"Cody." Yasmin hissed, her eyes red. "Let. Her. Go."

"I will not let you hurt her." He said confidently

"I won't!" Yasmin screamed in frustration, "Just let her go! She can kill you."

"Oh, I won't kill him. Just you. If you touch me, that is." I smiled as the lights came back on

The girls all looked at each other, skeptical. Rolling my eyes, I huffed. "I won't hurt you guys, okay?! I'm not like that."

"Good, then. Let us go." Remmington said, walking away

"Don't talk to us either." Yasmin glared and walked away with the others

"That was uncomfortable." I mumbled to myself

"Um, yes. Sorry for my sisters', they are just..." He trailed off, looking thoughtful. "Rude."

"Mmmm." I hummed, nodding in agreement

"What is your name?" Cody asked, finally letting me go

"Faith." I answered, walking away

Of course he followed!

"Last name?" Was that an accent?


"Nice to meet you, Faith Mackenzie. I am Cody Astre." He smiled and held out his hand

I looked at his hand briefly before looking back at his face. "I don't know what you do with that hand."

Cody laughed, sending shivers and tinkled through my body. "Nothing gross, love. I promise."

"Love, eh?" I asked, blinking slowly

"Yes." He smiled, "May I sit with you at your lunch table?"

"Mmmmm." I thought about it before nodding, "You may."

He grabbed my hand, smiling. "Let us go?"

"Sure." I said slowly, "You're very punctual. Most people say 'Let's' not 'Let us'. Just an FYI."

"FYI?" He frowned in confusion

"..." I stared at him, "For real, Dude. For you information. FYI." I huffed, "You have a lot to learn, my young grasshopper."

"I am one hundred years old. Not young at all, my young mate." He smirked and held the cafeteria door open for me

"So, you're old?" I asked as we walked over to my table

The lunch room had gone quiet again and everyone was staring at us.

"Yes but I do not look old. Do I?" He asked me, his brows furrowed

"Nope. But ew. My mates an old man." I fake gagged and he grimaced

"I am not old." He glared playfully

"Sorta are." I smiled sheepishly

Cody laughed and pulled my seat out for me. I sat down and he scooted me in before taking a seat next to me. Elisa and Jordan were looking at us, well, more at Cody.

"Hello, I am Cody Astre. You are?" He asked Elisa, holding his hand out

"E-Elisa Mackenzie." Isa stuttered, placing her hand in Cody's

"You are sister, yes?" He asked me

I nodded, "Yeah."

Cody nodded and looked at Jordan as he pulled his hand out of Elisa's, "What is your name?"

"Don't touch my girlfriend." Jordan glared at Cody

"Don't touch my girlfriend? That is quite a name." Cody scrunched his face up in confusion

"His name is Jordan." Elisa glared at Jordan, "He's jealous."

"Of what?" Cody asked, looking up at Elisa

"Other guys touching me. Especially sexy ones." Elisa smirked at Jordan and looked him up and down

Cody grabbed my hand and looked at Jordan, "Do not fret. I have my...girlfriend already. Faith Mackenzie."

"Wow, you work fast." Elisa whispered to me, giving me a thumbs up

I laughed, "Whatever!"

"Oh..." Jordan nodded sheepishly, "Sorry."

"No worries, brother." Cody smiled, "So, you are new here?" He asked me

"Yeah. First day." I smiled and grabbed my water with my free hand

"Your sister has been here before. Where were you?"

"Boarding school for delinquent!" Elisa cracked up laughing, holding her stomach

"You were a bad girl?" Cody smirked

His smirked made my breath catch in my throat and I shook my head slowly. He leaned
closer, "Yes or no, Faith Mackenzie?"

"No." I squeaked

"Mmmm." He breathed, "Do you always lie?"

"Psh! No!" I scoffed, leaning away from him

"You are doing it again." He stated, tightening his hand around mine as he leaned closer. "You know my kind can tell when one is lying. Right, Faith Mackenzie?"

"Yup!" I nodded frantically, trying to get away. "I know everything about your kind."

"Why is that?" He arched a perfect blonde brow

I smirked, "For me to know and you to never find out."

Suddenly, we were in another dark hallway. Sighing, I rolled my eyes as Cody pushed me against the wall.

"How do you know about us?" He asked softly

I looked him in the eyes, "Because I do."

"But why? You are not even afraid."

"Your kind can't hurt me." I scoffed

"Why not?" He demanded

"I am the Savior."

(A/n: I was going to stop here but I was like, 'Eh, what the heck!'

I'll just keep going for a little bit more. Back to the story!)

"The savior of what?" Cody frowned

"Of your kind." I shrugged

His blue eyes met mine, "What is going to happen to my kind?"

"Ah, ah, ah." I tsked, wagging my finger in his face, "Now, dear Cody, why would I tell you?"

"Because my family is in danger." He growled

"Oh, I know that. But mine is, too." My voice was soft, soothing

"Why are they in danger?" Cody was confused, I could tell he didn't like confusion

I laughed, "Not telling."

I felt his presence enter my mind and I shrugged, leaning against the wall. He wasn't going to find anything.

Cody pulled out of my mind, anger clear on his face. "You know who is putting my kind in danger. Why not just tell me so I can stop them?"

"See, now, that's the real question. Not who is going to kill your kind. But why won't I tell you who they are. You're very smart, Cody. I can tell. Trust me when I say this. You will find out why I won't tell you and who is going to make your kind extinct. But will it be to late? That, is all up to you, Cody Zachias Astre."


Bildmaterialien: Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.10.2011

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