
Slowly, I trudged to my music class. Why is school so energy consuming? We should have only one class period a day. That’s all I ask for in life! Not that much, right? Well, the school board thinks it is.

They’re freak-nuts.

Class had started over 10 minutes ago. Meaning, I was late. Well, it’s not my fault. I had to go pee. The preps were hogging the bathroom, fixing their hair and make up because of this new kid or something. I don’t know.

Anyway, by the time I got to use the bathroom class was already 8 minutes in. So, I did my business, washed my hands, dried them, and started walking to class.

Stopping in front of my classroom door, I pulled it open and walked in. Everyone’s eyes turned to me. The girls looked at me then looked away, at the teacher.

The guys…well, they’re guys. They stared at me without shame. Rolling my eyes, I walked to my seat in the back of the class.

“You’re late.” A very masculine and…sexy voice stated

I looked up and quietly gasped. In front of me was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Dull blue-grey eyes stared into mine.

The unfamiliar tingles spread through my body, my stomach felt heavy, and my heart stopped.

I found my mate.


Laughing at one of the questions a female student asked me, I leaned against my desk.

The girls were all sitting in the front, their chests pushed out and shirts pulled down, showing their cleavage. The guys looked a bit disgruntled.

The door opened and I turned to it. My eyes landed on the sexiest women I have ever seen.

Her long brown hair fell in curls down her shoulders and back. Shining hazel eyes scanned the room.

I noticed how every guy in the room sat up straighter and puffed their chests out. That made me…angry? Yeah, angry.

Ms. Sexy walked to the back of the class and sat down, I walked up to her, assessing her with my blue-grey eyes.

“You’re late.” I stated huskily as I looked down at her

Slowly, she looked up at me. She gasped quietly and I could see her eyes roaming over my face.

Her eyes met mine and sparks shot through me, making me stumble back slightly.

I shook my head as I looked at her, “No…”

Ms. Sexy frowned, “Are you alright? You look kind of green.”

Clenching my jaw, I stiffly turned around and walked back to the front of the class. “Let’s continue with what we were doing before we were interrupted, shall we?”

A petite blonde with large tatas raised her hand, high in the air. Chuckling, I pointed to her. “Are you single?”

My eyes automatically slid over to Ms. Sexy. Her hazel eyes were wary as she looked at me.

I looked back at the blonde, “No. I’m married.” Lifting my hand, I showed them my wedding ring

My wife is very…I don’t know how to say this nicely. Needy. Yes, she is very needy.

I never knew a human could be so annoying, until I met her of course. Don’t get me wrong, I love her but she can be annoying at times.

The girls around the room sunk into their chairs, crossing their arms over their chest.

“I’m always up for a challenge.” A determined voice said

Looking up, I saw that it was a red head in the front of the class, she had dark makeup on, she was wearing a black mini-skirt, a white tube top thing, and white heels.

“Is that so?” I tried to hide the smirk that threatened to come out

She nodded, a look of pure determination on her sharp face. Her cheek bones were very prominent, the dark makeup made her light green eyes stand out, pinkish lip gloss covered her thin, almost invisible, lips.

I licked my lips, “Not happening.”

She shrugged, “We’ll see.”

Shaking my head, I chuckled. “I am your teacher. You are my student. I don’t roll like that.”

“How old are you?” A red head that looked the same as the other, except less makeup and she was actually wearing clothes

“25...and a half.” I smiled

The girl jerked up in their seats, confident again.

“You’re young.” The blonde smirked

“Okay. Anymore questions?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned against my new desk

“What’s your name?” A different blonde asked, leaning closer to me from the front row

“Mr. Flynn.” I smirked, knowing she wanted to know my real name

“Your first name.” She giggled

I almost rolled my eyes, “Caleb.”

She grinned, “I like that name.”

“Me too.” I laughed

“My name is Alicia.” She giggled, again

Why do girls always giggle? Do they think it’s cute? Well, news flash: It’s not.

“That’s nice.” I commented, walking around my desk so I could sit down

Sitting down it the soft, comfortable seat, I looked at Ms. Sexy. She had a bored look etched into her gorgeous features.

What’s her name?

I looked at my attendance log on the computer.

Dakota Dale. She’s a senior this year. All of her information was on here. Name, age, address, what she wants to be when she gets out of high school and goes to college.

The class was chattering excitedly, the girls talking about me. Dakota sat in the back, ignoring all the guys that tried to talk to her.

That brought a smile to my face. At least my mates not some $lut.

“How about we all get to know each other?” I suggested, wanting to know more about Dakota

The chattering stopped and the girls flicked their hair over their shoulder. A blonde, the girl closest to the door stood up, popping her wad of gum.

“Hey, Mr. Flynn! My name is Miranda Lalo. I am eighteen years old and single.” She smirked and sat down

I nodded and motioned for the next girl to stand up. This went on until I reached Dakota. Every girl told me they were single, if they weren’t the boyfriends in the room stared at the girl in shock.

It was actually pretty funny. Dakota stared out the window, at the gloomy sky. It was going to rain today.

“Ms. Se-Dakota,” I quickly corrected myself, “Would you like to tell us about yourself?”

Her eyes slid to me as she stood up, “Hi, I’m Dakota Dale. Eighteen years old, a senior this year, I love music and rain.”

She sat down and turned to look out the window again. Is it just me or does it seem like she doesn’t want to be here?

Nodding, I stood up. The bell was going to ring soon.

“Well, I’ll tell you guys about me. My full name is Caleb Jacob Flynn. This is my first years of teaching. I love music. Anything to do with it actually. As you already know, I am married. Happily married. I have two sons.” Gasps erupted through the room but I continued, “My eldest son is Caleb Jr. We just call him CJ. The youngest is Dustin. CJ is five years old and Dustin is four.

“They both look like me…My wife was mad about that. Everybody thinks she adopted them because they look nothing like her.” I laughed

“What does your wife look like?” The nicer looking red head asked

“Blonde hair, green eyes. CJ has grey eyes and Dustin has blue. They both have my brown hair.” I smiled, thinking about my two sons

“They sound cute.” A girl with glasses smiled

I laughed and nodded, “Very cute.”

The bell sounded and all the guys rushed out of the room. I laughed and shook my head as the girls took their precious time.

Dakota was slinging her back over her shoulder when I looked at her. The girl all filed out of the room, winking at me.

Dakota was behind them. I reached out to touch her to see if it was real, if what I was feeling was real.

My hand came in contact with hers and a jolt went through me, making me feel alive.

Her head snapped to me, “Don’t touch me.”

“You’re my mate.” I breathed, not wanting to believe it

“I know.” Was all she said before walking out

She just walked out of the classroom. Then…why did it feel as is she was walking out of my life?

Heyllo, my peoples. How are you guys? Good, I hope. So, this is a new book that I've been writing. Tell me what you think? Bah-byyyyye!

Chapter 2

As I walked out of the class, I could feel Cal-Mr. Flynn’s stress and confusion. Shrugging, I walked to my next class, P.E.

P.E and music are my favorite classes. Music is my life. I play every instrument, sing, write songs. Everything.

Walking into the gym, I was Ms. Stan. Yes, that is her last name. Lacey Stan. Weird, huh?

She was in tight short shorts and a tank top, like everyday. She was flirting with some of the boys in the class.

Ms. Stan is…pretty so to say. She’s just tries to hard. You know how some people have natural beauty? Well, she does. If she would take off all that makeup and look like a human should, she’d be alright.

But Noooo! She likes having a whole makeup salon on her face.

Sitting down on the blue bleachers, I set my elbows on my knees and cupped my cheeks in my hand.

The gym door opened and he walked in. Ca-Mr. Flynn.

Ms. Stan did a double take as she looked at him. She skipped over to him, her blonde hair flying behind her.

She did what she did best; flirt. He looked unfazed by her flirting. I looked away from them, a sick feeling in my stomach.

Finally I found my mate. But, he’s married with kids. Greeaaat! I could feel his intense gaze on me and I clenched my jaw, trying my hardest not to look at him.

“Okay, class, this is Mr. Flynn! He’s going to be helping me this year!” Ms. Stan giggled, probably thinking inappropriate thoughts

The sick witch! Thinking about my man-Mr. Flynn that way! Psh, she is just sick! Nasty, nasty, nasty! Yeah. Nasty!

Now that I think about it, wonder what he looks like shirtless. No! Bad, Dakota! He’s married and has two sons that he loves. No thinking about him shirtless.

His toned abs that I could lick- Dakota! Stop it!

A giggle brought me from my bad thoughts. Ms. Stan was hanging off Ca-MR. FLYNN who looked very uncomfortable.

“I’m married.” C-Mr. Flynn shook her off and stepped away

She pouted, “So?”

I stifled a laugh as he sent her a weird look. She just stared at him, pouting with her arms crossed over her chest. A laugh came from my mouth as she stepped closer to him but he stepped away.

He looked at me with those amazing eyes, I became entranced. Ripping my eyes from him, I took a deep breath. No, Kota, he’s married. Happily married at that.

It doesn’t matter if I’m his mate, he has a family. Why am I even thinking about this. I have an amazing boyfriend. He’s sick today though.

His name is Kale. He has bright green eyes that make me melt every time I look into them, curly auburn hair, a muscled body that I love running my hands over.

He’s sexy. Very sexy indeed. Almost too sexy for me.

I shook my head and came back to reality, Ms. Stan was rubbing herself against…Mr. Flynn. Ca-damn it! Mr. Flynn was glaring at her, backing away.

“Are we gonna start class anytime soon?” Hector screamed, he has a huge crush on Ms. Stan

Ms. Stan jumped away from-oh, what the hell- Caleb and pulled her tank top down.

“Volleyball!” Ms. Stan pumped her fist in the air

My eyes narrowed at her as I stood up. We don’t really get along. As I walked passed, she glared at me, I glared right back.

“Go get dressed little girl.” She sneered

“I could say the same to you.” I smirked and walked away

She gasped behind me. Ignoring her, I walked into the girls locker room. I changed into the degrading blue short shorts and the black tank top. After putting on m beat up blue Vans, I walked into the gym.

Ms. Stan and Caleb weren’t in there. Listening closely, I heard quiet arguing inside Ms. Stan’s office.

Curiously, I walked to it and pushed the door open. Ms. Stan had Caleb cornered, all up in his face. Caleb looked like he wanted to disappear.

I leaned against the door frame, watching in amusement. Caleb’s eyes snapped to mine and he narrowed his eyes before looking back at Ms. Stan. He grabbed her and pulled her to his chest, locking lips with her. His eyes stayed locked on mine as he kissed her.

My face was emotionless. If he thinks he can hurt me, then he’s got another thing coming. I took my phone out of my bra and took a picture of them kissing.

“I don’t think your wife would enjoy seeing this.” I smirked, waving my phone in the air

Caleb jerked away from Ms. Stan and pushed her away before quickly walking so he was standing in front of me.

I licked my dry lips, “That’s what I thought.”

“Delete it.” He growled

“Now, why would I do that?” I asked rhetorically as I sat in Ms. Stan’s comfy chair

Ms. Stan walked out of the office, flustered. She started talking to the kids. Caleb shut the door and locked it. I arched a brow as I set my feet up on the desk.

“Delete. It. Now.” His eyes flashed black

I smirked, “No.”

He growled loudly and his eyes turned completely black, showing me that he was an Alpha wolf.

Suddenly, he gasped and his eyes went back to normal. He looked at me in shock and my smirk widened.

“You can’t hit your mate, Caleb. You should know this.” I laughed

He grit his teeth, “Just delete it.”

I turned serious, “Don’t ever try to hurt me again. It will only end bad for you. I’m not easily hurt.”

Caleb’s eyes narrowed into slants, “I deny you.”

My wolf whimpered and I could feel my heart splitting into two. My face stayed strong.

“We’ll see.” Was all I said before I stood up and walked out


Damn it, Caleb! You’re a f*cking idiot. Why would you tell her that?! Just to see if she would get hurt? Well, she’s not! You made me lose my mate! My wolf screamed at me furiously before whimpering in the end, You made me lose her, Caleb.

Rolling my eyes, I walked our of the $luts office. We didn’t lose her, stupid. Calm down. We couldn’t have her anyway. Remember Amy and CJ and Dustin? Yeah, our family. We can’t leave them.

They’re your family Caleb! Not mine! You lost my world! He is just over reacting

Dude, you’re blowing this way out of proportion! I don’t want her!

My wolf growled loudly in my head and I fought to keep myself in control, You’re lying! You’re just a coward, that’s why you’re fighting the bond. Amy doesn’t even love you!

Low blow, dude. I muttered, feeling used

Yes, I know Amy doesn’t love me. She always has a different mans scent on her. But what can I do? Divorce her? Leave my children? No. I’ll put up with it until I know if CJ and Dustin are werewolves or not.

If they are, I’m leaving Amy. Maybe I can start a life with Ms. Sexy? Nahhh, I’m good.

Ms. Sexy was getting ready to serve. Her blue shorts went a little higher, exposing more of her tanned thighs. My wolf howled in laughter and satisfaction as he saw our mate serve, her shirt rising above her belly button. She had a it pierced. Dayummmm! Ms. Sexy really fits her.

The whole class period, my eyes stayed on Ms. Sexy. I will deny her if it’s what I have to do.

No, you won’t. My wolf growled slowly, trying to intimidate me

Ignoring him, I looked at Dakota. She’s perfect. Everything I could ever ask for in a mate. She brought me here. To San Francisco. This is where my life is. My Dakota.

Her hazel eyes met mine and she smirked mouthing, “Blackmail.”

Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared emotionlessly at her. She didn’t even flinch. Staring at me, she hit the ball over the net.

I blinked, impressed. Ms. Sexy looked away from me and to the boy walking through the doors. He had green eyes and brownish red hair.

He was smiling at something behind me. Looking behind me, I saw Ms. Sexy running to him. She jumped in his arms and he swung her around in circles.

He stopped and set her down, kissing her forehead.

“Hey, baby.” The boy grinned

Ms. Sexy beamed at him, “Hey. I though you were sick?”

“I am but I couldn’t just not see my girlfriend.” He laughed

Ms. Sexy smiled at him, “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too, beautiful.” They interlocked hands and walked passed me

Ms. Sexy’s lips quirked into a small smirk as she looked at me, “I’ll never be jealous.” She whispered, only loud enough for weres to hear

I flexed my jaw as his hand rested on her a*s. She smiled up at the boy, pulling his hand up so it rested on her lower back. Anger and frustration rolled off the boy as he pulled away from her, walking over to a bunch of guys.

Ms. Sexy looked after him, frowning. My anger was flaring. How dare he treat her like that?! She deserves the world and everything in it.

Her eyes snapped to me and she looked embarrassed.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart.” I shook my head and walked away

Why would anyone treat Dakota horribly? She’s seems like an amazing person.

I could feel her hazel eyes burning into my back as I walked to Lacey-Ms. Stan’s- office. Shutting the door, I sat down in her chair and spun in circles.

I hate teaching P.E classes. Don’t know why, I just do.

The door opened and I started praying, hoping that it wasn’t Lacey. Ms. Sexy’s head poked in, then her whole body as she shut and locked the door.

She sat down in the chair beside me, “Hey.”

“Hi.” I laughed and locked my fingers behind my head as I leaned back in the chair

She took a deep breath, “Do you have pictures of your sons?”

I did a double take, “You want to see pictures of my sons?”

You would think she’d hate them because I’m her mate and I had them with a different women.

“Yeah, is that a problem?” She frowned

Shaking my head, I took out my wallet and got out the pictures of CJ and Dustin. I handed them to her and she looked at them, smiling.

“They’re adorable.” She commented, “They look exactly like you.”

“So, you think I’m adorable?” I smirked and leaned forward in my chair

She rolled her eyes, “No, creeper! You’re ugly.”

Scoffing, I leaned back in the chair again, “Say what you want but we both know that, that’s not true.”

“How old are they again?” She asked, ignoring what I had recently said

“Five and four.”

Ms. Sexy smiled and handed the pictures back to me. I put them in my wallet and slipped my wallet into my pocket.

“What’s your wife like?” She asked, a bit hesitant

I shrugged, “I don’t know. A women?”

She laughed, “A women? Really, dude? What’s her persona?”

“Needy, lazy, b*tchy-” She cut me off

“Whoa, okay. Guess you’re not happily married?” She rolled her eyes

My eyes narrowed, “I’m not going to tell my students about my personal life, Ms. Sex-Dakota.” I pursed my lips, hoping she didn’t noticed

“Ms. What?” She frowned

“Huh? What? Nothing!” I practically screamed

Nice, Caleb, nice. Real smooth.

She smirked, “Calm down.”

My eyes scanned over her face. She had a little mole on her cheek, a little away from her nose. It just made her all the more beautiful. Her brown bangs fell into her light hazel eyes.

She was smiling, making her cheek bones stand out beautifully.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat

I blinked, “Huh?”

Ms. Sexy rolled her eyes, “Whatever.”

My head tilted to the side as I looked up and down her curvy body. Slowly, a smile made it’s way to my face. On her thigh, was my mark. My mark.

It was a wolf, howling into wind. The Alpha symbol. Yes, I am an Alpha. Well, was.

“Well, I’m outta here.” She stood up and started walking to the doors

My wolf gained control and he stood up, grabbed her arm, stand down, and pulled her on his lap.

Jacka*s. I growled, trying to get control back

Just let me. He whimpered

Sighing, I calm down. Fine.

My wolf smiled at Ms. Sexy and pushed her bangs out of her face, fully showing her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, making me shiver.

His -my- hands were firm on her hips, not going any higher or lower. So, he’s trying to be a respectful gentleman today? Psh, dumba*s.

“You’re beautiful.” He whispered, smiling as she shivered

“O-kay.” She whispered back, blushing

You’re creeping her out! I yelled at my wolf

No I am not! Shut up, Caleb!

I laughed as he smiled lovingly at Ms. Sexy.

“Wolfie.” Ms. Sexy smirked

“What?” My wolf frowned

“You’re not Caleb.” She stated

“Yes, I am.” He was nervous

“No, but don’t worry. I like you better.” She smiled

I gave her a dirt look. B*itch.

Don’t call her that! My wolf snapped angrily

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Give me back my body.

Just one kiss. He pleaded

You’re a weenie! I laughed

He shrugged, cupping Ms. Sexy’s face. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. I shivered as her breathed fanned across my face.

As soon as her lips met mine, my wolf gave me back control. Shrugging, I kissed her gently, caressing her lips with my own.

Her hands tangled in my hair and I growled, nibbling on her lips. Her hands in my hair felt too good for words.

My wolf was grinning, cheering me on. I smiled into the kiss and her tongue slid into my mouth, making me moan.

I kissed her harder, putting more passion into it. Her tongue wrapped around mine, sucking.

A knock at the door made her jerk back. She looked panicked.

“What’s wrong?” I asked breathlessly

Her eyes grew wide, “You-me-boyfriend-wife-sons! Oh gosh!”

Ms. Sexy jumped off my lap and ran to the door, she unlocked it and ran out. Confused, I stare after her.

Lacey walked in, “What’s wrong with her?”

I shrugged, “I dunno. What do you need?”

She smiled ‘seductively’ and shut the door, locking it. Slowly, she walked over to me and trailed her finger down my arm. “You.”

“Me what?” I sighed and flexed my jaw

“I need you.” She whispered

Rolling my eyes, I pushed her manicured finger off my arm. “Good bye, Lacey.”

I stood up and walked to the door. After I unlocked it, I walked out, shutting the door behind me.

Lacey is a piece of work!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.09.2011

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