
Hey Guys, I'm writing this story with Chrisbr50. She's super funny and kool.

Well, hope yuh enjoy the story!

Heart, Comment, Friend! Do what yuh gotta do!


“Tay-tay, why arw wuh weaving?” I sobbed into my hands, “Do wuh want to weave?” I asked looking up at him

“I don’t want to leave Ashy-pooh.” He cried hugging me, “I gwonna miss you!” He sniffed

“Don’t go. Pwease, Auntie Liza!” I begged looking up at Tay-tay’s mom

“I’m sorry, Ash. We have to.” Auntie Liza said

I nodded and hugged Tay-tay again before running into my house. Daddy picked me up and told me it was going to be okay.

“Do you want to say by?” Daddy asked

I shook my head, “I’ll crwy again.”

“Shhh, baby. Taylor will be sad if you don’t say bye.” He whispered

I started crying again, “O-okay! I’ll sway b-bywe.”

He nodded and started walking towards the door. I saw Tay-tay in the car.

“Bye, Tay-tay! I miss w-wu!” I cried waving at him

“Bye, Ashy-pooh! I miss you, too!” He waved as the car started going down the driveway

“I wuv you!” I yelled putting my head in my Daddy’s neck

“I love you, too, Ashy-pooh!” I heard him yell

“Is he gwone?” I asked my Daddy

“Yeah, baby. He’s gone.” He said hugging me harder

I cried more and my Dad tried to get me to stop but I couldn’t.

I just lost my best friend.

Chapter 2: Good Girl Gone Bad

Hey guys, this is the workings of Chrisbr50.

Hope you like it.

Ashlynn's POV.

"Mom!" I screamed while jumping up and down trying to pull on my jeans

"What?" I heard her ask from downstairs

"Where are my black stilettos?" I screamed again

I heard footsteps so she must be coming upstairs. A minute later her head pop into the doorway. She looked around then walked in.

She walked over to my dresser, and reached up to the edge where she pulled down one. How did it get up there? Oh well.

She then walks over to my bed, and gets down on one knee while moving her arm around under the bed.

A minute later she pulls out the other matching heel. Why do my shoes end up in the most crazy places?

"Here you go sweetheart." She says. While handing me the two shoes.

I grin sheepishly before kissing her cheek, thanking her.

I hop over to the bed, and sit down before pulling on the two shoes. I walk over to the mirror to check out my outfit.

I'm wearing some faded skinny blue jeans. A white tank-top with a black vest on top. A white bracelet that says 'I WUV U' in black, and a black bracelet that says 'ASH' in white, silver, and grey. I got them for my birthday last year.

Oh yeah that reminds me. I haven't introduced myself yet. Well I'm not going to sorry don't have enough of time..... KIDDING!

My name is Ashlynn McKenzie Thomas, and I am 5'3. I am NOT, I repeat, am NOT short. I'm fun sized. My hair is a fiery red, and goes down to the top of my butt. Hehe I said butt. I have shocking grey eyes with gold flecks in them. I have creamy golden skin, and I have curves in all the right places. Not to brag. I look over at the clock, and my eyes pop out. It's 7:15.

I run down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast. Before kissing mom on the cheek, and sprinting to the front door. I yell bye, and grab my keys off the stool by the door. I run outside where I see dad mowing the grass.

I wave goodbye before running into the garage, and over to my black and yellow motorcycle. I tie my hair up into a ponytail. Before putting on my ponytail, and putting on my helmet. I turn the engine on before pulling into the driveway

I cruise down our long drive way. Oh yeah forgot to mention that when I was 10 my dad got a job, and we moved out here to California. So now we live in this huge 7 story mansion, and I have about 10 or more different cars.

I pull up to the black gates at the end of our driveway. Before buzzing myself out. I speed down the road doing over 100 mph. I turn down the dirt path, my tires screeching from the speed, and drive until I get to the fork in the road.

I rev the engine. Before speeding down the left side. I gain a lot of speed before I see the ramp up ahead. I push as hard as I can before I'm soaring through the air, and over the gates of the school. Students stopping to stare in awe.

I turn the handles before I land, and end up parking perfectly in the first parking space. I cut the engine, and I get up before taking off my helmet. I pull out the ponytail, and shake my hair out. People gasp, and soon enough the parking lot is buzzing with the whispers of many people.

About yours truly.

Chapter 3: Ugly Teachers, Hot Guys, and Blushing Boys

I strutted into school with a small smirk playing on my lips.

“Who is she?”

“Is she new?” Asked a high pitch voice

Noooo. I’ve been here my life. Bimbo.

“She’s hot.” A guy to my left commented

I looked over at winked at him. He froze and turned bright red. I laughed and pushed the doors to the office open before walking in.

“Hey, I’m Ashlynn Thompson. I need my schedule.” I said in a bored tone

A really ugly lady looked up, “Oh, yes, the new girl. I’ll go get your schedule. You wait right there.”

Where the heck am I gonna go?! I need my schedule.

“Where am I gonna go?” I asked throwing my hands up in the air, “You know what? Don’t answer that question. Just go get my schedule. Make it quick too.”

She stared at me in shock, “You may NOT talk to me like that.”

“Just did.” I shrugged, “Now, go on little buddy. You can do. It’s just one piece of paper.”

Her mouth dropped to the floor when I shooed her away with my hand.

“Go.” I said with wide eyes

She glared before hitting a button on the phone. Who’s she calling?

“Yes, Principle Stewart. Can you please come out here?” Ugliness smirked at me

She called the effing principle! Who does that?! Don’t they know all my principles and I become besties?

I smirked back and crossed my arms over my chest, “Principles don’t scare me.”

Her smirked faltered a bit, “Hurry, please, Sir.”

She nodded and lifted her finger from the button, “The principle is coming.”

“I heard.” I nodded sarcastically, “Can I have my schedule now?” I asked impatiently

“What’s wrong her, Ms. Johnson?” A mans voice asked

I turned to it, “The problem is she won’t give me my effing schedule.”

“She is being rude. And I won’t tolerate it.” Ms. Johnson said standing up

“I’m a rude person. Deal with it.” I glared

“I will n-” Principle Stewart cut her off

“Enough. Just get her schedule. I’ll talk with her.” He rolled his eyes

Johnson huffed and walked into the back room.

“Thank you, God! She was so annoying.” I said staring at the ceiling, “And ugly.” I added with distaste

“You can not talk about staff that way.” Stewart said sternly

I turned to him, “Yes, I can.”

“No, you can’t. Unless you want detention for a month I suggest you stop.” He said giving me ‘The Look’ I was so used too

“I don’t feel like taking your suggestions. Sorry.” I smiled

He sighed heavily, “Great. Another ‘bad girl’.”

“I’m not a bad girl.” I glared, “I’m a…okay, I’m a bad girl.” I sighed

Stewart shook his head and walked away. I shrugged and turned around, waiting for ugliness to come back in.

She came back in with a scowl on her face, “Here.”

I grabbed it, “Thank you, Ugliness.”

Her mouth dropped to the floor again and I smirked, walking out. When I walked out of into the hallway, kids were roaming around.

I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had Math in room 204 first. Sighing, I started off to find room 204.

The bell rang and I groaned. I’m never going to find it!

“Need some help?” A voice chuckled behind me

I turned around and came face-to-chest with a really buff dude, “Yeah, do you know where room 204 is?”

He nodded, “That’s my class too. C’mon.”

We started walking in a totally different direction than I was going previously.

“How is your first day so far?” Dude asked

“Alright. I don’t like the secretary person. She’s ugly and…ugly. The principle and I are slowly becoming besties. How’s your day so far?” I smiled up at him

He laughed, “Not as fun as your’s. Mmmm, let’s see. Woke up, showered, got dressed, ate breakfast, came to school, broke up with my girlfriend, sat through FIVE antagonizing minutes of hearing how much a douche I was, got tired of it ad walked away, hung out with friends, then met you.”

“Nice story. Very long though. I have a short attention span sometimes. I only got half of that.” I said completely serious

“Too bad. I’m not saying it again.” He playfully glared

“Thank you!” I said gratefully

“I’m hurt. You didn’t like my story? I though is was good.” He frowned

I shook my head, “It was horrible. I was only in it for, like, a second.”

He laughed, “You’re cool. What’s your name?”

“Ashlynn, Ash for short. Yours?”

“Sean.” He smiled and opened the classroom door, motioning me in

“Thanks.” I smiled and walked in

“You’re late.” The teacher commented

“Really?! I thought I was early!” I gasped with wide eyes

The class laughed quietly as the teacher glared.

“Sit down, Ms…” He trailed off

“Ash. Ms. Ash.” I smiled and skipped to a table that was occupied by a bunch of boys, Sean among them

As I sat down everyone turned to me.

“Turn around!” I yelled moving my finger in a circle

“Who the eff do you think you are?!” A blonde bimbo screeched standing up

I stood up too, “Ashlynn McKenzie Thompson. In the flesh.” I bowed over dramatically

All the guys around me laughed.

“Told you she was cool.” Sean chuckled

“Silence!” The teacher yelled

The class fell silent.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to yell at people?” I asked putting a hand on my hip

The teacher glared at me, “Sit down.”

“I don’t take orders.” I stated

“Start taking them.”

“I’m good.” I smiled, “Now, I’m going to sit down. But only because I want too.”

I slowly sat down, “Done. You may go on with your teaching.”

“Oh, how sweet. Thanks.” He said sarcastically

I ignored his sarcasm, “You’re so welcome.”

He rolled his eyes and turned towards the board. I leaned back in my chair and set my high heels feet up on the desk, Bad Girl style.

“Dude, you got like, the hottest girl in school to sit at our table.” I heard a guy whispered

I turned and saw him whispering to Sean.

“The hottest girl, eh?” I smirked

He froze and looked up at me, “Huh?”

“Idiot.” A blonde boy muttered, shaking his head

“Yeah, who says ‘Huh’ when a hot girl is talking to him?” A boy with brown hair and blue eyes frowned

“Apparently him.” I chuckled

The guy blushed and slowly leaned away from Sean.

I could actually like this school.

Chapter 4: This Dude Is Weird!

“Ay!” I yelled waving my arm in the air

It was the middle of class and I was SUPER bored.

“Helloooooo!” I yelled

The teacher finally turned around, “What?”

“Can I go to the bathroom?” I asked putting my arm down

“No.” He said before turning around

“Thanks.” I said sarcastically as I stood up

“Sit down.” He ordered

“Didn’t we go over this, like, 30 minutes ago. I. Do. Not. Take. Orders. Mmkay?” I said slowly as I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder

“Please, sit down.” He said sarcastically

“No.” I said simply as I walked to the door

“You have detention!” He said strictly

“Let’s see if I care.” I then walked out of the classroom, “Looks like I don’t!” I yelled behind me

Like I’m gonna go to detention. That teacher is on crack.

“Ash!” I heard someone yell behind me

I turned around to see Sean smirking as he ran to catch up.

“Hey.” I smiled

Sean laughed, “You’re not going to the detention, huh?”

“Hecks no.” I stated

He shook his head, “Well, what’re we gonna do. Class is so boring.”

“I don’t know. What’s cool around here?” I asked looking up at him

“We can go get the guys and go to the bowling alley?” He suggested

“Sure.” I shrugged turning around

We walked back to the classroom and when we were in front of the door, I flung it open and bounced in.

“I’m back!” I sang skipping up to the teacher

Really gotta learn his name.

He groaned, “Lovely.”

“Yes, it is! I know you missed me.” I teased poking his forehead

He stepped away from me, creating a lot of space as he turned towards the board.

“Guys! Let’s go!” Sean yelled

All the guys stood up and grabbed their backpacks.

“Sit down!” The teacher yelled

“We’re good.” A guy with brown hair and brown eyes smiled, walking out the door

The teacher was fuming as all the guys walked out, followed by Sean and I.

“Bah-bye!” I yelled shutting the door, “Okay, just to let EVERYONE know. I suck at bowling.” I told the guys as we walked down the hall

“Most of us do. Except Tyler.” Sean pointed to a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes, “He always wins.” Sean glared

Tyler laughed, “You guys suck, that’s why I always win!”

“I’m good, too!” The that blushed yelled

They all looked at him, “Liar.”

Blushers glared at them and stalked over to a black GMC Yukon. All the guys got in and told me there was no more seats and that I had to sit on someone’s lap.

“Heeeeck no! You,” I said pointing at Blushers, “Sit on his lap.” I said pointing to Tyler

“Huh?” Blushers frowned

“Tyler’s lap, now.” I glared

He scrunched his face up and plopped onto Tyler’s lap, smirking. Tyler punched Blushers shoulder as I got in Blushers spot.

“Names, please.” I smiled looking around

Blushers raised his hand, “Aaron.”

The guy with brown hair and brown eyes said, “Beau.”

A guy with brown hair and blue eyes raised his hand high in the air, “I’m Damian!”

“No need to yell.” I chuckled

“Gabriel. But call me Gabe. I’ll hurt you if you call me Gabriel.” A black haired green eyed boy said casually

I scoffed, “Sure.”

“I’m serious.” He stated

“And I’ll seriously kick your bootie.” I glared

“You know for a bad girl, you really aren’t bad. I thought bad girls cuss?” A blonde haired hazel eyed boy said confused

“I’m not a bad girl!” I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest

They all looked at me with pursed lips and narrowed eyes, “She’s got the lying down.” Beau laughed

“Anyways! I’m Leo!” A red headed boy exclaimed proudly, throwing his hands in the air

“Like, short for Leonardo?” I smiled

He glared, “Don’t ever call me that.”

“Leonardo.” I said slowly, looking him in the eyes mockingly

“That’s it! I’m ‘bout to throw down! Shanekwa hold my earrings!” He yelled pulling his ‘earrings’ out of his ears

He handed them to Damian. Damian frowned and looked down at his empty hand, “The the hell?”

“C’mon! Hit meh!” Leo yelled putting his hands up like a boxer would

I stared at him, “Are you insane or something?”

“Borderline.” Aaron muttered

Leo looked at him, shocked. “Say what?”

“Huh?” Aaron asked with wide eyes

Leo smacked Aaron, hard. I started laughing as Aaron cupped his cheek, massaging it. He shot me a glared, “Hit her, Leo.”

“She’s a girl.” Leo stated like we all didn’t know that

“Noooo! I’m a transvestite.” I said sarcastically

“Huh, never would’ve guessed.” Leo frowned

We all stared at him.

“I have to say. You are the hottest man I have ever met.” He winked, completely serious

My mouthed formed a soft ‘O’ as I raised my brows at him. “I’m a girl.”

“On the outside. But what about under those skinny jeans?” He smirked

“Still a girl.” I chuckled

“Are those boobs real?” He asked reaching out to me

I slapped his hand away, “Yes. Very much real, dork.”

“She’s even talking about pen!ses!” Leo yelled in exasperation, “Dude, so, does this mean you’re gay? Because you’re a guy, dressed like a girl, that likes guys.”

“You just confused me.” I frowned

“Are you gay?” He asked bluntly

“Do I like girls?” I asked shaking my head

“You. Are. A. DUDE! Do you like guys?” He asked slowly

“Yeah…” I nodded

“So, you’re gay. That’s all I needed to know.” He shrugged poking my boob, “They feel so real!” He said with wide eyes

“Because they are!” I yelled punching his chest

“I thought you said you were a guy! Guys don’t have boobs!” He yelled

“I’m a girl!” I glared intensely

“You’re confusing me!” He screamed getting in my face

“How?! I. Am. A. GIRL!” I said getting closer to him

“You’re a guy! Trans-vest-ite!” He pronounced poking my cheek with every syllable

I flexed my jaw, “I’m done with you.”

I leaned back only to be pulled back by him slipping his hand around my neck, forcefully pulling him to me.

“I like guys.” He whispered to me

“That’s nice. I’m a girl.” I struggled to get out of his grip

“Huh, guys? I like guys?” He grinned, looking around

They were all biting their lips, stopping the smirks that threatened to show.

“Yeah.” They nodded

“Told ya!” He sang looking back at me

“Okay, I believe you. Let me go!” I yelled

“But, I like guys. You’re a guy. I like you.” He smiled

“I’m a girl!” I pinched his arm

“Owwie!” He whined poking my boob, hard

“Ow, douche!” I yelled punching his ‘no-no spot’

He squeaked in surprise and tightened his grip on my neck as he punched me in my ‘no-no spot’.

“What the heck?!” I screamed

“How do you like being punched in your… you know!” He glared

“I’m. A. Girl! It doesn’t hurt that much!” I smirked

His eyes widened in outrage, “How does it not hurt?! It’s suppose to hurt! You’re a dude! It hurts!”

I took a deep breath to calm myself, “Let. Go.”

“I like you.” He smiled, anger gone

“We’ve already established that. Don’t really care. Let goooo!” I scowled

His eyes widened, “But…I love you.”

The guys groaned, “He says that to everybody.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean it this time. Do you see how hot he is?!” Leo squealed pulling my face closer to his

I put my hand on his face and pushed it away, “Don’t come any closer.”

“I love you.” He mumbled, trying to look at me through my fingers

“That’s cool.” I muttered, freaked out

“Yeah, do you love me? We can adopt a baby with blue eyes and brown hair. I don’t want a blonde haired blue eyed baby. Hitler might come back and make him or her join his new baby army. I don’t want that, that’s bad. Hitler’s bad. He’s mean to all the Jews and…people.” He shuttered, “I hate Hitler.” He added

“Nice.” I nodded ripping his arm off my neck

He reached out and grabbed it again, smashing his lips to mine.

“Ahhhhh!” My scream was muffled

Someone pulled Leo off and I scrubbed my mouth with my hand. “What the freak?!”

“Sorry. He’s…yeah.” Gabe shook his head as he held onto the squealing Leo

“I kissed a hot guy!” He screamed trying to get out of Gabe’s grip

I ran my hand down my face, “I’m a girl! I have a va-jay-jay! Okay?!”

Leo stopped struggling, “For real?”

My eyes widened in annoyance, “For real!”

He blinked, “Oh…my bad.”

My eye started twitching, “You’re crazy!”

“Insane.” He corrected

We all stared at him then the guys looked away, shaking their heads.

“I need acid.” I stated rubbing my lips again

“Admit it! I’m a good kisser!” Leo yelled pointing at me angrily

“No, you’re not.” I said exasperated

He gasped, “Bonesha! Hold my high heels! This b!tch is ‘bout to go down!”

Gabe slapped him in the face, “Shut up. It’s quiet time.”

Leo nodded and locked his mouth shut then pretended to throw the key somewhere. Leo looked at me and did the motion of pointing at his eyes then me, mouthing ‘I’m watchin’ you.’

I looked him up and down, “Little boy, please.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes

His eyes widened but Gabe shot him a look, telling him to stay quiet.

I smirked smugly and sat forward, crossing my leg over my knee.

“Is quiet time over yet?” I heard Leo whisper

“No.” Gabe answered simply

Leo sighed and slumped forward, his head in his hands. Sean pulled into a parking lot and parked.

“We’re here.” He announced turning off the car

Leo squealed and threw the door open. He jumped out and ran into the bowling alley.

“He was dropped on his head as a child.” Damian shook his head in sympathy

“A lot of times. He has permanent brain damage.” Tyler sighed as we started walking toward the doors

We walked in and Leo was harassing the person that gives us our shoes. Gabe and Aaron groaned as they went over and grabbed Leo, apologizing to the freaked out man.

They dragged Leo back over here and let him go. “Stay.”

“What’s I do?” Leo whimpered sitting down on the ground

“You can’t yell and slap people, Leonardo.” Aaron scolded

Leo’s head popped up at the use of his full name, “I’ll slice you.”

Aaron scoffed, “Whatever. Let’s go get our shoes.”

Leo hopped up, “Okay!” Then he started running towards the man again

We followed him at a slow pace. Leo was yelling and pointing angrily at the man.

“Gimme my shoes!” Leo screamed stomping his foot

“You have to pay.” The man said quietly

“Do I look like I give a d@mn?! No. I don’t! So, gimme my shoes, NOW!” Leo glared

Gabe set his hands on his shoulders and squeezed, “Stop yelling.”

Leo squeaked and nodded stiffly, “Okay, big brother.”

“Good. Shoe size eight and nine, please.” Gabe smiled and the guy

The man nodded and bent down to get the shoes, “Five dollars.”

“We have more people that need shoes.” Gabe nodded towards us

“Ladies first.” Damian smirked

I shot him a glared before looking at the guy, “Size six, please.”

“You have really small feet.” Sean said with wide eyes a he looked at my feet

I shuffled uncomfortably, “…Thanks.”

He laughed and looked at the guy, “Nines.”

All the guys told him what his shoes size was and he gave them to us.

“You need socks.” Aaron said pulling me to a gift store type thing

“Yeah.” I nodded grabbed a pair of socks that hung from the wall

“I’ll buy.” Aaron smiled

I shook my head, “I have money.”

“It’s good.” He took out his wallet and handed the money to the guy

I took a five out of my wallet and slipped it into his back pocket. He handed me the socks, “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He smiled and we walked over to the guys

“I’m gonna kick your butt at this.” Leo stated glaring at me

“Whatever crack-head.” I shrugged, taking my heels off

“Whatever hormonal chick.” He glared

“I’m the hormonal one? You kissed me against my will.” I scoffed, pulling the socks on

“You said you were a guy! You don’t tell a gay guy that you’re a dude when you aren’t. It’s not my fault you’d make a hot bottom.” He shrugged slipping his feet into the bowling shoes

“Say what?” I asked shocked, “I’d be on top, Dude.” I glared

He pursed his lips and looked over me, “Nahhh, I don’t think so.”

My teeth clenched, “Douche.”

He was about to retort when Gabe stepped in, “Shut up, Leo. It’s your turn.”

Leo’s eyes widened and he jumped up, running to grab a ball.

“He’s not even gay.” Gabe shook his head and sat down

“That’s great to know!” I yelled with fake enthusiasm

Why would I be happy?! He’s already kissed me!

When Leo was done, he came bouncing over to me.

“Hey, Sexy.” He said casually

“Hey, Mr. I-Kiss-Strangers.” I nodded

“You’re not a stranger. I love you.” He smiled

“Nice to know.” I rolled my eyes

“Yeah, it is. Don’t you love me?” He asked innocently

“Suuuure.” I said slowly

He beamed at me and laid his head on my shoulder.

This dude is weird!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2011

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