
Beep! Beep! Beep!

I aimlessly moved my hand around trying to shut off my alarm. FINALLY I hit the off button but by that time I was already fully awake.

I groaned and tried to sit up but something was holding me down. Looking to my right I saw

Logan snuggled up against me, seeming perfectly at ease.

I leaned over and shook him, "Logan."

He just snuggled closer to me and tightened his grip around my stomach.

"Loooogan." I whispered

"Logan, Logan, Logan." I said bouncing up and down

"Baby, stop moving." He groaned

"Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan." I chanted, still bouncing up and down

"Stop." He groaned

I pulled my hand from under his arm and flicked his ear.

He groaned and lifted his hand to his ear. I flicked his nose, and when his hand went to his nose I flicked his ear again.

His hand went to his ear so I flicked his nose. When I was about to flick his ear again, his hand shot up and grabbed mine.

"Don't do it again." He said with his eyes close

I pulled my hand out of his grip, flicked his ear before hopping out of the bed and ran to the bathroom.

I shut the door and locked it. Throwing the shower curtain back I started the shower, stripped, and hopped into the warm shower.

I took a quick shower. When I got out I screamed.

"Logan! What're you doing in here?!" I yelled in shock

He looked over at me and his eyes raked my body. His eyes slowly looked up at my face. I'm pretty sure I'm as red as a cherry.

"Sorry." He muttered, not sounding sorry at all
I snapped out of my shocked state and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around me tightly.

"What're you doing in here?" I asked again

He suddenly smirked, "What do you think?"

"I think you came in here to perv." I stated

"It's not perving because you're my girlfriend and I have the right to look at you." He retorted

"You don't have the right it I don't allow it." I said smugly

"Can you really deny me my rights?" He asked

"Yes, It's my body." I said

"But I claim it." He replied

"You can't claim another’s body unless you're married. Even then you can't sooo.....?"I trailed off smirking

He narrowed his eyes, "If I take your virginity then can I claim your body?"

"Who said your gonna be the one to take my virginity?" I asked raising a brow

"Me." He said simply

"And what if I don't want you to take my virginity?" I asked

"You and I both know you do." He smirked

"Any guy would love to take my virginity. I could ask a stranger to do it.” I said

"Don't play with me." He growled

"Just sayin'." I said putting my hands up in the air, in surrender

"Well don't say that." He said looking away

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his.

"I was just kidding." I whispered in his ear

He turned around in my arms so he was facing me and hugging me back.

"I know but Freddy is going to be mine." He said in all seriousness

I laughed, "Thought you didn't like the name Freddy."

"I like the name very much if I'm the father of the baby." He said tightening his arms around me

"Yeah...Freddy's not going to be in the picture for a while." I said

"We'll see." He said smirking as he walked out of the bathroom "I'm irresistible!" He called back

I scoffed loudly and walked into my room where he was sprawled out across the bed.

"Out." I said pointing to the door

"Nah." He said putting his hands behind his head and crossing his ankles

"Get out." I groan

"Nope." He said popping the P

I run a hand through my hair and let my other hand drop the towel.

Watching in satisfaction as he gasped and started squirming around.

"You gonna get out?" I asked walking over to my closet

I looked back at him and he had a pained expression on his face as he watched me.

"Something wrong?" I asked innocently as I rifled through my closet

I pulled out red short-sleeve shirt and a pair of dark wash skinnies. Then I walked out of my closet and over to my dresser, completely ignoring Logan.

I pulled out a black bra with a red bow in the center and matching panties. I slipped on the panties and looked over at Logan who was staring at me lustfully.

I grabbed my bra slowly. Logan always was a boobie man. Slowly I buckled it, smirking when he groaned.

I put my pants on, buttoned and zipped them up. When I went to reach for my shirt Logan magically appeared in front of me.


How FUCKING cool is that?!

"Are you a magician?" I asked with wide eyes

He frowned at me like I was crazy, "Pardon?"

"Are you a magician or vampire or alien. Oh! Maybe your a rainbow unicorn that has magically powers!" I yelled

"What's wrong with you? You've never acted like this." He said hesitantly

"Acted like what?!" I yelled, smiling widely

He cringed, "Like...this. You're never this...weird."

"So you're saying I'm weird now huh?!" I asked; well screech in his face

Attractive I know. It's just something about me. Yeah, I'm awesome. Yup. Coolio Dude. Coolio. Smoothly awesome. Uh-huh work is baby. Oh yeah.

"I didn't say that." He said defensively

"We are SO not making Freddy!" I yelled at him

"I didn't call you weird!” He yelled, horror written on his face

"I don't care! I am NOT making Freddy with an alien! He'll look all blue and...stuff!" I humph, crossing my arms over my chest

"Blue?" He questions "Why would he be blue? Aliens aren't blue Katie."

"Yeah-huh!" I yelled with a frown on my face

"No they're not!"

"Then what color are the dip-wad?!" I asked, my frown deepening

"They're green." He said

I gasped, "Nu-uh! They're blue! Ask anybody!"

He looked at me like I was crazy, "Where the FUCK have you EVER heard that aliens were BLUE?"

"The internet. Duh." I said pursing my lips

He scrunched his face up, "I'm pretty sure the internet says they're green."

"NO! They're BLUE! YOU FREAK-NUT!" I yell furiously

"That's SOOOO not attractive." I told his matter-the-factly. I set my hand on his shoulder soothingly, "It's alright though. I still love you. Even though you're stupid and think aliens are green. It's alright."

He flexed his jaw with a slight smile on his face, "Aliens are green."

"How many times do I have to tell you?" I asked calmly "Aliens are blue."

He set his hand on my shoulder, "They're green."

I flared my nostrils and shrugged his hand off, "Nu-uh!"

"Yeah-huh!" He shouted

"No!" I yelled in his face




"Nu-uh!" I yelled poking his shoulder roughly

"They're GREEN!" He yelled getting in my face

"They're BLUE! Dip-shit!"

"They're GREEN! Ass-wipe!"

"No! They're BLUE YOU LINT-LICKER!" I shouted

"No!" He shouted


"NO!" He roared



"NO!" I yelled trying to trick him

"YES!" He yelled

"Thank you!" I yelled exasperated

He looked at me in disbelief then suddenly smiled, "I taught you so well!"

"What-ever!" I scoff

"I taught you everything you know." He said smugly

"Nu-uh! Your lint licker self didn't even know aliens were blue." I said glaring at him

"Because they're not!" He said throwing his hands in the air

"You already admitted they are." I pointed out

"You tricked me into saying yes." He stated

"I did not!" I said appalled "I would NEVER do such a...THING!"

"Why're you acting so weird today?!" He asked with wide eyes

"I'm not acting weird!" I yelled defensively "Yup! No Freddy making for you, ever!"

"Why?!" He asked

"You called me weird." I glared, crossing my arms over my chest

"I didn't say you were weird! I said you're acting weird!" He said in a rush

"Same difference." I pouted

"It's different! Being weird and acting weird are two TOTALLY different things!" He explained

"Same difference." I mutter again

He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me, "I'd never call you weird babe."

I almost melted into his touch but then I remembered something. Jumping away from him I crouch into a ninja stance and narrowed my eyes.

"Stay away from me you BLUE ALIEN!" I yelled

"Do I look blue to you?!" He asked sticking out his arm

I cautiously walked up to him and grabbed his arm. Carefully expecting him I came to a conclusion.

"You're a vampire!" I gasped

He chuckled lightly and shook his head.

Suddenly my hand connected with his cheek.

"How the FUCK could you let a VAMPIRE bite you?! Are you an IDIOT?!" I screeched as a tackled him to the floor, straddling his waist

"I'm not a vampire!" He yelled cradling his cheek

I pinched his arm and flicked his ear, "Bet you can't feel this can you vampire man?"

"Stop! It hurts!" He whined

"Liar! Vampire can't feel pain!" I said flicking his nose

"I can feel pain because I'm not a VAMPIRE!" He yelled gingerly touching his nose

I flicked his forehead roughly, "Vampires are bad! DON'T YOU FREAKING KNOW THIS?!"

"I'm not a vampire!" He yelled flipping us so he was straddling my waist

"Get off me you evil Vampire Alien...dude." I struggled under him

He ignored me and started leaning down. My eyes widened and I struggled more. OH NO! HE'S GONNA BITE ME! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! OR BE A VAMPIRE! I LOVE HUMAN FOOD!


If I become a vampire I'll never be able to play soccer again because I'll burn in the sun if I go outside. And you have to play soccer inside.

I'll never be able to see my Mom or Dad again. I won't ever be able to-

My thoughts were cut off as a pair of lips lay themselves on mine. Sparks went through my body and I found myself kissing back.

Who cares if he's a vampire alien? They have those...Right? They can't be that rare.

I wrapped my arms around Mr. Vampire Alien and kissed him passionately.

He nipped my bottom lip. Suddenly reality came back to me. I was kissing a VAMPIRE ALIEN! Now I'm gonna become one!

I don't wanna be a vampire alien!

I broke away from the kiss and started sobbing.

"Katie? What's wrong?" He asked worried

"I'm gonna turn into a vampire alien!" I sobbed "I don't wanna be a vampire alien. I don't even like blood!" I sobbed harder

"Why would you turn into a vampire...alien?" He asked

"Because I kissed one." I sobbed even harder "How could you?! I thought you were my best friend! Now you turn me into a vampire alien! Dude, what's wrong with you?!"

"I'm not a vampire alien." He told me

"Then what are you? A green smurf?" I asked scared, I heard green smurfs are the worst. The red ones are nice though

"Green smurf? Smurfs are blue." He said cautiously

"Nu-uh! Aliens are blue freak!" I yelled

"Okay, Katie. Aliens are blue and smurfs are green." He sighed in defeat

"Thank you Mr. Vampire Alien." I said grateful that he's finally understood

"I'm not a vampire alien. Never will be and neither will you. Don't worry." He promised

I studied him carefully and then sighed, "Okay, I believe you. Oh and you might want to get ready for school. You have 10 minutes." I smirked

His eyes widened and he jumped off me and ran to the bathroom.

I laughed. Then a thought came to my mind. He never denied being a magician. Gasp! I have to ask him.

I ran to the bathroom and threw the door open to see a VERY bare Logan.

"What the hell Katie?!" He yelled covering his ding-a-ling

Te he. Ding-a-ling. He he. Okay, back to the question at hand.

"Are you a magician?" I asked getting straight to the point

"No! Now get out!" He yelled

"Oh! I see how it is! I guess I'm not wanted here!" I frowned

"You're not! I'm NAKED!"

"I can very well see that." I smirked

"Katie!" He whined

"Alright, alright. I'm going. But be aware. I can pop up ANYWHERE!" I yelled throwing my arms behind my back and running out the door

I ran to my room and put my shirt and red Vans on. I quickly scrunched my hair and straightened my fringe. Then I plopped down on the bed and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later Logan walked back in. My eyes snapped open and over to him. He was looking through his drawer with only a towel around his waist.

Sensing my gaze he turned to me and smirked, causing me to blush.

"I know I'm hot, but damn. You were staring at me for like 10 minutes." He teased

"It was not ten minutes!" I said defensively

"Oh sorry. 9 and a half." He smirked again

I glared at him and got up to go eat breakfast.

"I want a hot pocket!" He yelled after me

I groaned and ran down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and went to the freezer, then I pulled out two ham and egg hot pockets. Then I put them in the microwave.

I leaned against the counter next to the microwave. Staring at the microwave, willing in to go faster.

"Staring at it isn't going to make it go any faster." Logan said from behind me

"You don't know that." I said not taking my eyes off the microwave

"I'm pretty sure." He chuckled

Then I felt a body press up against my back and arms wrap around my waist.

Logan kissed the side of my head and rested his chin on my shoulder. His warm breath washed down my chest. tried to suppress a shiver but it didn't work.

I felt him smirk against my shoulder. He turned his head and kissed my neck slowly. I held in a moan as he kissed my sweet spot.

I felt him nip my neck and then suck on it.

"Stop." I said trying to get away before he gave me a hickey

He just held me tighter and continued sucking my neck. I sighed angrily and crossed my arms over my chest.

A few minutes later he finished and admired his work.

"I have a sexy mouth." He said cockily

"My turn." I said turning in his arms quickly

Before he could stop me I kissed his sweet spot-that is located at the place where his neck and shoulder meet-and he moaned, gripping my hips. I sucked that spot for a few minutes and pulled back. He was moaning the whole time.


have a sexy mouth." I said smirking

I looked up at his face and my smirked dropped from my face. Lust was evident in his face but his eyes told me just how much lust he had for me.

I slipped out of his arms and quickly ran to the front door. I grabbed my bag and threw the door open.

I grabbed Logan's keys and ran out the door. Unlocking the doors I hopped into the car and started it. Then I waited patiently for him to come out.

After about 5 minutes he blessed me with his presence. He got into the driver seat and glared at me before driving towards the school. He was silent the whole way there and I had an innocent smile on my face the whole time.

"That soooo wasn't cool." Logan complain

At least he was talking to me.

"I'm sorry." I said not sorry at all

"No you're not."

"I am though." I lied

"I'm going to get teased today." He pouted

"Why?" I questioned

"You gave me a hickey! I've never let anyone give me a hickey before." He said

"You let me." I said smugly "Wrong person to give permission to."

"Apparently so." He muttered

I grabbed his hand that wasn't steering the car, "I'm really and truly sorry."

He glanced at me and studied me carefully, "Okay."

I smiled at him and then we pulled into the school parking lot. He parked in our usual spot and turned the car off. He quickly got out of the car.

I opened my door and hit something.

"Ow!" The something yelled

I opened my door all the way and saw Logan holding his head. I stifled a giggle.

"You okay?" I asked

"No. I come and try to open the door for my girlfriend and end up getting hit in the head." He complained

I laughed and got out.

"Shut the door." I ordered

He looked confused but obeyed.

"There. You at least closed the door for me." I said

He smiled, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to our friends.

"Hey Logan, Katie!" They all exclaimed

"Wassup?" I asked as Logan said "Hey guys."

The everybody looked down at our linked hands.

"You guys are together?!" The girls screeched as the guys smirked

"Yeah." Logan laughed

All the girls turned to glare at me. I my brows at them. I thought they were my friends.

"Bitch." They all sneered

I laughed, "Sorry Hun. I am not a dog."

"Slut!" Carly yelled

"Virgin!" I sang happily

"You are such a BITCH!" She yelled

"I already told you. I am not a dog." I said slowly

She stepped towards he menacingly and I just arched a brow and smirked.

"What're you gonna do?" I asked

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I hate you."

"Love you too Carl." I said happily

She took another step towards me and I stared back at her evenly. When she was close enough she raised her hand that was poised to slap and sent it towards my face.

I caught it before I could come in contact with a beautiful cheek.

"What is it with slut and slapping people?" I mused to myself

I heard snickers so I looked around and saw people forming a circle.

I dropped Carly's hand and looked around sheepishly. Then suddenly a hand came in contact with my cheek. My precious cheek! Oh, hell no!

Everyone gasped. My eyes slowly slid back to Carly who stood there looking smug. I took a deep breathe the calm myself.

"You just smacked me." I stated

"Yeah, I just did." She sneered

I ran a hand down my face in frustration, "Why do I always get smacked?"

I turned to Logan who stood there with wide eyes. "This is all your fault you know."

He eyes slid to me in disbelief, "How?"

"If you weren't so hot I would get smacked." I told him

He smiled, "I know. I'm just so sexy."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Carly, "I'm going to tell you what I told Ashley. Nobody smacks these days."

Her eyes blazed with anger and she stepped towards me again. She lifted her hand up quickly and it's destination was my face. It wasn't going to get there.

I let go of Logan’s hand and grabbed hers. She lifted her other hand to try to hit me but I just caught that one too.

"I'm going to let you go but you can't go all ape on me. Okay?" I said calmly

She growled, "Shut up bitch!"

I flexed my jaw, "For the last fucking time. I AM NOT a dog."

"I don't care!" She yelled in my face

"Whoa Dude! Someone needs a mint. Badly." I said letting go of her hand to waft the air

Some people laughed and Carly turned bright red. She lunged at me but I side stepped and she flew into Logan.
I laughed at his disgusted face as he tried to get her off him. She clung to him for dear life.

"Why would you date her Logan?" She whined

I crossed my arms and laughed.

She turned back to glared at me and Logan tried to pry her off of him again.

"Katie. Please, get her off me." He pleaded

I chuckled, "You can do it. I'm scared of Green smufs. I heard they're evil." I stated

Everyone stared at me in confusion and Logan rolled his eyes.

"Please?" He begged

"Okay, but if this evil green smurf kills me. My blood is on your hands...Just saying." I say as

I walk up to him.

I grabbed one of Carly's arms and twisted it behind her back. She screamed in pain and grabbed my hair with her other hand.

I frowned. Hair pulling? Is she fa real right now?

I pulled her arm behind her back more and she let go of my hair. I pushed her away from.

Everyone surrounding us looked shocked. I walked up to Logan.

"Is my hair alright?" I asked him combing fingers through my fringe

"It's perfect." He said grabbing my hand

I smiled at him and started walking towards the school but the people were still in a circle. I walked straight ahead and the person in front of me just so happened to be Ashley.

"Hello Ashley." I chirped

She rolled her and looked at me in disgust.

"Something wrong?" I asked feigning worry

"No you're just a bitch is all." She said casually

"Were you not here when I explained to Carly that I am not a dog?" I asked "I think she's a green smurf too." I whispered to Logan. He chuckled.

She glared at me and stalked away. I tried to get through the circle again but nobody moved.

"Excuse me." I said politely

Nobody moved.


Still. Nobody moved. I was about to scream when Logan interjected.


Everyone scrambled away, frightened. Logan pulled me towards the school.

"Why'd they moved when you yelled but not when I yelled?" I pouted

"Because you said excuse me. If you want people to listen you have to be mean." He stated

I glared and pouted some more. He halted and turned to me smirking.

"It's alright. You're just too nice to be scary." He said

I pouted even more and jutted my bottom lip out. "It's not fair green smurfs should tremble at my presence. After all I am the Queen of the Red Smurfs. The kindest smurfs in the world." I said sighing happily

"What's your name You Highness?" He asked

"Queen Red Smurf." I stated

He laughed and I pouted again when I remembered the green smurfs weren't scared of me.

He leaned forward a bit my lip.

"Ow Freak-nut!" I shouted rubbing my lip

I mustered up a mean glared and scrunched my face up, "Stupid evil vampire alien dude." I muttered quietly

"I'm not a vampire alien." He said throwing his hands into the air

"Fine then your a green smurf. A red smurf would never to that to anybody." I pouted

He leaned forwards a placed a light kiss on my lips. I smiled and pressed my lips harder against his.

"I love you, even though you an evil green smurf." I murmured against his lips

"Thanks." He chuckled and deepened the kiss

"Hey! No PDA!" Someone yelled

I reluctantly pulled away from Logan. Standing in front of us was Logan's football couch.

"Hey coach." Logan said shyly

Coached narrowed his eyes, "Get them grades up yet Carter?"

"Psh! Hecks yeah!" Logan lied

Coach's eyes narrowed even more, " 'Cause if you don't. You know the consequences, right?"

"Yes sir." Logan said

Coach briskly nodded and stalked off.

"Please help me get my grades up?" Logan begged

"I donno...mmmmm...mmmmm...I don't think my fellow red smurfonians will appreciate me helping our greatest enemy. But okay." I said thoughtfully

He sighed, "You REALLY gotta get over this smurf/alien/vampire thing."

"Do not!" I yelled

People turned our way but I didn't care.

"Katie, be quiet." Logan said

I glared at him and attempted to stalk away. Key word: Attempted.

Logan grabbed my waist and slammed my back into his rock hard chest.

"Logan!" I whined

"Yes babe?" He asked

"That hurt!" I pouted

He turned me around, "I am sorry."

I narrowed my eyes trying to see if he was lying. When I saw truth in those three words I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

He kissed me back and started back me up. My back hit a locker, he licked my bottom lip and I willingly parted my lips. Our tongues met half way and when they did those sparks that I feel every time he touches me shot through me.

The sparks heightened my need for him. I tangled my hand through his dirty blonde hair, holding his face securely to mine. His hand cupped my cheek as he deepened the kiss and pushed me further into the lockers.

I bit his tongue playfully and that caused him to groan. He pressed himself closer to me and ran his hand down my side.

His hand cupped my ass and lightly squeezed it. I pulled back.

"Class." I choked out

"Ditch." He offered

I shook my head and willed my breathing to slow down.

"We have to go." I said disappointed

Logan noticed this and kissed me again, slowly this time.

"We don't have to." He murmured

I kissed him again, "We do."

He groaned, "Fine."

"See you in Bio." I whispered

"Love you." He said pecking my lips

"I love you too!" I said happily

I skipped to my class which had already started.

"Nice for you to join us Ms. Thompson." Mr. Head said sarcastically

Mr. Head is his real name. Weird....

"I know sir. I'm just awesome aren't I?" I asked

"Sit down Ms. Thompson." He said all too seriously

"Don't get grumpy with me Mr. Head. I'm a red smurf." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"What?" He asked confused

"Me.Said.I.Is.A.Red.Smurf." I said slowly

"Sit down." He growled

"Of course sir. All ya had to do was ask." I said flicking his forehead

Everybody laughed quietly and I looked around. My eyes landed on a kid I had never seen before. He had light brown hair and hazel-green eyes. I approve.

"Go to the office now Ms. Thompson." Mr. Head sneered

"Wait! I gotta say Hi to the new kid." I groaned, "Hello, new kid. My name is Kaitlyn Shianne Thompson! What's your name?!" I asked skipping over to him

"Ms. Thompson!" Mr. Head yelled

I innocently turned back to him, "Yes sir?"

"Office now." He ordered strictly

"Do I look like I take orders?" I questioned

He narrowed his eyes. We have always had this hate/hate relationship. Ever since the first day of junior year when I accidentally spilled his coffee on him. It was an accident Dude. Get over it!

"Do I have to call the principle down here?" He asked

"I just wanted to say Hi to the new kid!" I groaned

"Go now." He ordered

"Calm your freak-nut head." I told him turning back to the new kid

Everybody laughed loudly at that. I shrugged and looked expectantly at the new kid.

"The name is Carter. Jason Carter." He said dramatically

I looked him like he was crazy, "Okay Carter, Jason Carter. Hey, that's my boyfriends last name!" I told him

I took the seat next to him and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Ms. Thompson! I told you to go to the principles office." Mr. Head called

"I promise I won't be bad anymore." I pouted

His glare softened and he turned back to the board. I smiled triumphantly and turned back to Carter, Jason Carter.

"So yeah! Are you related to my boyfriend?" I asked in a hushed whisper

"I don't know who your boyfriend is Babe." He smirked and set his hand on my thigh

Hell no.

I pushed his hand away and glared at him. He put his hand back higher this time.

I jumped from my seat, "Mr. Head! This freak-nut won't stop touching me!" I shouted

Mr. Head glared at me, "Office now."

"But he was touching me!" I complained

"Office." His voice rang with finality

Glaring at the new kid I grabbed my back and walked up to the front of the class. I walked up to Mr. Head who was looking at me suspiciously.

"The new kid Jason Carter is a green smurf and cannot be trusted. Mr. Head is also a green smurf slash blue alien! He cannot be trusted either, Thank you everybody!" I yelled, flicked Mr. Head's forehead and ran out the door

After I got out of the classroom I ran to the office. I opened the door and gasped at who I saw there.

All bloody...


I wrote this when I was really hyper. Me being hyper is a VERY bad thing sometimes.

Yeah my friends are scared of me when I'm hyper but hey? Who cares?

I don't that's for sure.

Well bye and remember...aliens are blue and smurfs are green.

Goodbye everybody!!!!

Hope you lyked it :Q


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2011

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