
I stepped out of the shower and started to dry off.

“Honey! Can you come down stairs for a moment?” My Mother called up

I groaned. Was I not just down there? Gosh she’s annoying.

“In a minute!” I yelled back

I put my bra and panties on, then I slid my baby blue dress over my head.

"Raynie!" My Mom yelled

"Didn't I tell you to hold on?!" I asked

"Raynie, hurry up!" She yelled

"Oh for the love of God, shut up!" I yelled back

She didn't reply so I resumed with getting ready.

I put my white flats on and went to my vanity. I put some gel on my hand and started scrunching my long blonde hair.

Washing my hand I wondered what she wanted. I should take my time just to annoy her.

I grabbed a towel and dried my hand. Then I grabbed my make-up bag, put a little mascara and eye-liner on to make by bright blue eyes pop. I put on a tint of lip gloss.

Pleased with myself I started walking down stairs slowly.

When I got down stairs I saw three extra people sitting there. I turned to my mom,

“What’d you want?” I asked utterly bored

“Sit down.” She ordered

She knows I don’t like being told what to do. I clenched my jaw, crossed my arms and stayed standing.

“I don’t like being told what to do.” I stated

“Sit down Raynie.” My Dad said

I smiled at him, “Sure Daddy.”

My Mom is annoying and whiny, that’s why I don’t listen to her.

I sat down and looked at the people on the other side of the room.

“Honey, you know my boss Mr. Gomez. This is his wife Marianna and his son Mackenzie.” My Father said

I stood up and walked over to them, “Nice to see you again Sir.” I said to Mr. Gomez

They all stood up except the boy.

“Nice to see you to Rayniesha.” He said smiling

This man looks good for his age. Emerald green eyes and light brown hair.

“Nice to meet you Marianna.” I said shaking her hand

“Likewise.” She said smiling politely

Marianna turned to the boy. Now that I got a better look at him, I noticed how hot he was.

He has emerald green eyes just like his father, black hair like his mom and his skin was tanned. I think he’s Mexican but he could also be Indian. He was wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark wash jeans.

“Mackenzie! Get up!” Marianna snapped

Mackenzie rolled his eyes, “What’d I tell you about bossing me around?”

“Stand up.” She repeated

“Nooooo.” He said slowly

“Mackenzie, stand up.” Mr. Gomez sighed

“Of course Dad.” He said getting up

“Hi.” I said with a little wave

He looked me up and down. I raised a brow and watched him curiously. I turned around and sat back down next to my Dad.

“So what’d you guys need?” I asked looking at my nails

I really needed to cut them.

“You’re getting married!” My Mom exclaimed happily

“Say whaaaaaat?” I asked looking around the room

“You’re getting married.” My mom said slowly

“I fucking heard that part. Since when? I don’t remember no guy proposing to me and me saying yes.” I said with a brow raised

“It’s arranged.” She said still happily

“Why? Do they even do arranged marriages these days?” I asked

“It’s was planned when you were born.” She said STILL happy

What the fuck?

“I’m not getting married.” I stated

“You have to.” She whined

I rolled my eyes, “I ain’t gotta do nothing.” I retorted

“Raynie…you do.” My Dad said, still looking at the ground

“Who?” I demanded

“Mackenzie.” He said quietly

My eyes snapped to the guy. He was staring intently at his Ipod.

I looked at Mr. Gomez and Marianne. They were beaming at me.

“Why me?” I asked them

“You were a beautiful baby.” Mr. Gomez said smiling

I smiled slightly, “Thank you.”

“Yes, Raynie was very beautiful.” My Mother said in agreement

I turned to glare at her, “Were you in this conversation? No. Nobody was talking to you. A, B conversation C your way out of it before D and E comes and F's you up. I'm D and E."

She looked away and I heard a snicker. My eyes went to Mackenzie. He was biting his lip, a smile trying to come out.

I looked back to Mr. Gomez who was also holding back a smile.

“I’m sorry for that interruption. Apparently some people don’t understand when their not welcomed in a conversation.” I said smiling politely

Then Mackenzie stood up and walked over to me. Everyone watched.

“I didn’t get to formally introduce myself. I’m Mackenzie.” He said holding his hand out

I stood up and grabbed his hand, I thought he was going to shake it but he used my hand to pull me into a hug.

Shocked, I slowly wrapped my arms around him. I saw my parents smile and walked over to the other couch with Mr. Gomez and Marianne.

“You’re hot.” He whispered moving his hand down to cup my ass

I grabbed his hand tightly and growled, “I know I’m hot and don’t touch me.”

I threw his hand down, he put it back on my ass and squeezed it, pulling me closer.

“I can touch you as much as I’d like. You are, after all, my fiance.” He smirked

He started rubbing my ass lightly.

“Nice ass. Can’t wait to see it when we're in bed.” He said

I tried to pull away but he pulled me back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked sexily

“Let go.” I whispered so the adults won’t hear

He shook his head and kissed the side of my neck. I tried to pull away again but ended up with the same results.

“Stop.” I growled quietly

He chuckled, “I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you.”

“You’re not going to have anything with me.” I snapped

I got out of his arms and sat down on the couch across from the adults. Mackenzie came and sat down, a little too close to me. I scooted away but he just scooted closer.

The adults stopped their conversation and looked at us. They smiled at us.

“Mackenzie. Why don’t you go help Raynie pack her things?” Marianne asked

“Why?” I asked carefully

My Dad looked away.

“You’re living with Mackenzie silly.” Marianne said

“Why?” I asked again

“You are getting married.” My Mom said in a ‘duh’ voice

I turned and glared at her, “I was not talking to you.”

She looked away.

“So, Mackenzie. Go help Raynie pack.” Marianne repeated

He sighed angrily, “Don’t tell me what to do.”

I held in a smile. My Dad and James looked at each other grinning.

“Mackenzie, go help her pack.” James said

“Okay.” Mackenzie said getting up and pulling me with him

“When are we eating dinner?” I asked “I’m starved.”

“When you’re done packing.” My Mom said still not looking at me

I grinned triumph and started walking up the stairs. Mackenzie following.

I felt something poke my ass. I stopped walking and turned to Mackenzie who was standing there trying to look innocent.

“Why’d you poke my ass?” I asked

“It was in my face.” He said still trying to look innocent

I glared and started walking up the stairs again. I had a feeling he was about to do it again.

“Don’t touch me.” I said not looking back

He chuckled and then we got to the top of the stairs. I opened my door and walked in.

I got on the floor and got my suit cases from under my bed. A couple already have clothes in them.

“Why do you already have clothes packed?” He asked

“My Mom’s annoying.” I said opening one that wasn’t full

“Same here. She thinks just because she gave birth to me I’m gonna be nice to her.” Mackenzie said

I laughed because that’s exactly how I feel.

“Yeah. I only listen to my Dad.” I said still laughing

I walked over to my dresser and started grabbing things. I stuffed my suit cases with clothes and under wear. Then I went to my closet and grabbed all my good clothes. Stuffed those in too. I zipped up the suit cases.

“Done!” I said proudly

“Wow! And it only took you 45 minutes!” He said with fake enthusiasm

“Shut up. Most girls take longer. Be thankful.” I snapped

He nodded his head in agreement and started grabbing suit cases. He grabbed three and I grabbed the last two. No that much. See?

He grunted, “What do you have in these things?”

“Stuff.” I said vaguely

We started walking down stairs, him behind me because he was taking too long. When we got the bottom everyone turned to stare at us.

“Gosh Rayniesha! Why are you working the boy?!” My Mom exclaimed

“Shut up! He offered.” I snapped, not looking at her

The Dads once again held in a laugh. My Dad is so weird. I just told his wife to shut up. Weird, Weird Man.

We set the suit cases down by the door.

“I’m hungry. Let’s eat.” I said excited

“I agree.” Mackenzie second

My Mom got up, “Just a moment.”

She ran to the kitchen and I heard banging.

“Okay.” My Mom panted

I ran into the kitchen and sat down in my spot. This time there were three extra chairs. Mack-turd sat next to me. Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna call him. Mack-turd.

Everyone else got into their seats. We were having lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. Yum!!!

Everyone got their plate ready and started eating.

“This is delicious Victoria. What’s the recipe?” Marianne asked my mom

My Mom hesitated and I smirked.

“Psh, yeah right. She can’t cook for nothing. This is from the store. I bet the salad was pre-made too.” I snorted

Everyone besides my Mom laughed quietly. She just glared at me and I smiled back innocently.

Everyone continued eating. Then I suddenly felt a hand in my thigh, pushing my dress up.

I took a deep breath and removed his hand from my leg. He just put it back.

This is gonna be a loooong dinner.

Chapter 2: We'll see

After everyone was done we all got up and went to stand in the living room so I could say my goodbye's.

"Bye Daddy. Love you." I said hugging him

"I love you too, sweetie." He said hugging me tightly

I pulled away and started walking towards the door.

"Where's your mothers hug?" My mom asked

I turned to my Dad feigning shocked, "Dad?! Why didn't you tell me I had a mom?! After all these years of living in a house with an annoying bitch you finally found my mother? Oh My Gursh Nursh! I'm so excited!" I yelled

I turned to my mom, "When do I get to meet her? Is she pretty? Funny? Cool? Not an annoying slut?" I asked her innocently

She glared at me crossed her arms over her chest, "Tristan! Why do you let her talk to me that way?!" She whined to my Dad

I rolled my eyes and answered for my Dad, "He may be my father and I listen to everything he says but he knows he can't change who I am and what I do. And I choose to be mean to you. You may be his wife but I'm his blood. His daughter, baby girl, sweetie. His kin folk. You ain't nothing. You may have given birth to me but you wouldn't have been able to do that with Mr. Spermy here. Therefore I thank him the most." I said patting my Dads back

He chuckled but hid it with a cough. I smiled at her, hugged my dad one last time, grabbed two suit cases and walked out the door.

"Peace out Homies!" I yelled behind me

I walked into the front lawn and saw two limos just casually parked on the curb.

"What the hell?" I asked

Mackenzie chuckled and walked passed me to the first limo. I shrugged and followed him. A man grabbed the bags from Mackenzie and put them in the trunk. He reached for my bags but I pulled them away.

"It's okay, I got them." I said politely

"I insist Ma'am. It is my job." He said

"Tell me what your name is first?" I asked

"Henry Ma'am." He replied

"The name's Rayniesha, but you can call me Raynie. Nice to meet you, Henry." I said sticking out my hand

"Uh." He looked around "I can put those away for you." He said reaching for them again

"You just gonna leave me hangin'?" I asked

"Ma'am, please?" He asked

"Once again, the name is Raynie." I said slowly, still holding my hand out

He didn't make any move to shake it, "Please?" I asked

He looked around again and quickly shook my hand.

"Thank you!" I said exasperated

He cracked a small smile, "Your bags?"

I handed them to him and he put them in the trunk.

"Thanks." I said to Henry

He looked at me shocked, "Your...Welcome?"

"Yes, that is what you say when someone says Thank You. Or you can say De Nada, Gern Geschehen, Prego, or Graag Gedaan. Yeah, that's all I know." I said

He smiled again and ushered me into the Limo. I got in and he shut the door.

"Have fun flirting with the chauffer?" Mackenzie asked

"Very much. Thanks for asking." I replied smiling

"That's sick." He said turning his nose up

"You're sick for thinking that'd I'd flirt with him." I retorted

"Whatever." He said pulling out his phone

The limo started to drive.

I sunk back into the seat and relaxed. I looked around the limo and saw a DVD player. My eyes brightened as I stood up and walked over to it.

It was on Mackenzie's side but I didn't care. I sat down and reached over to it but my arms were too short.

I reached again but my arm didn't magically grow like I wanted it to. I stood up and reached over to it, at the same time the car made a sharp turn. At least I pressed the button.

I fell backwards and onto something bony. Okay, not bony. Really muscular.

I looked back and saw Mackenzie staring at me with one brow arched.

"Sooooooorry!" I said, not getting up

"Aren't you going to get up?" He asked

"Nope." I said popping the P

I looked over at the DVD player and watched the movie that was in.

"SPONGEBOB?!" I gasped, sitting up in his lap

"Yeah..." He muttered embarrassed

"Awww! Is the Big Bad Mackenzie Gomez embawessed?" I asked pinching his cheek

"Get your hands off me!" He yelled trying to pry my hand off my cheek

I get my grip firm, "My hands aren't on you. My HAND is."

He kept trying to get my hand off his cheek, "It hurts!" He whined

"Want me to kiss it all better?" I asked in a baby voice

"I don't want your lips on me." He said backing away from me

I don't know how that's possible seeing as I'm on his lap. I smirked evilly and started leaning forward. He leaned back more which caused me to leaned forward even more. I still had my hand on his cheek.

I moved my hand to the back of his neck and held him in place. Leaning forward swiftly, I pecked his red cheek.

"There you go. All better now." I said, still talking in a baby voice

I started getting off his lap but he held me in place.

"Yesssss?" I asked

He looked at me for a minute and then his lips are suddenly devouring mine. I must admit he's a gooooood kisser. I kissed him back out of reflex. If a hot guy is kissing you, you're gonna kiss back.

No questioning it.

He nips my bottom lip but I don't open. I plan on teasing him. He nipped my lip again but I didn't budge. He suddenly grabbed my right boob and gave a gentle squeeze.

I gasped and he entered. I pulled back though.

"Who told you, you could touch my breast?!" I asked

He grabbed my boob again, "I don't need permission."

I grabbed his hand and pulled it off my boob, "Yes you do!"

"No I don't!" He said

I glared at his and tried to move off his lap again but of course he held me still, once again.

"I was not finished." He said leaning in

I pulled away, "I am."

He moved me so that I was somehow straddling him.

"How the hell did this happen?" I asked trying to get away

"Practice Bebé, practice." He said

"Bebe? What's that mean? Is it Spanish?" I asked

"Yes, it's Spanish." He said

"What's it mean?" I asked interested, completely forgetting was straddling him

"Figure it out." He said smirking

"Fine." I pulled out my Android and quickly downloaded a Spanish translator app

"What're you doing?" He asked arching his head to look at my phone

"How do you spell it?" I asked looking down at him

"Spell what?"

"What you just called me." I said

"Bebe." He said in a Duh tone

I typed it in and waited for the results.

“It means Baby!" I gasped "I am NOT your baby!"

"Yes you are." He said confidently

"Nu-uh!" I shook my head

"Then what are you?" He asked

"I am not a what, I am a who. If that makes sense." I said confusing myself

"Okay, WHO are you then?"

"I am Rayniesha Alexia Haddum." I stated proudly, head held high

"I am Mackenzie Adam Gomez and you are my Bebé." He said grabbing my hips

"Get off me." I growled

"Your on me." He said tightening his grip on my hips

"Then get your hands off me." I said glaring at him

He shook his head and tried to lift my dress up a little. I slapped his hand but that didn't effect him

one bit.

I raised my hand to his ear and flicked it.

"Ow!" He yelled, bringing his hand up to his ear

I took advantage of this and quickly got off his lap.

"Ha!" I yelled as I sat down on the other side of the limo

The bad thing is that I can't watch Spongebob. Awwwww!

“Loser! Now I can’t watch Spongebob!” I yelled at him as I crossed my arms over my chest

“I didn’t make you sit all the way over there!” He retorted

“Yeah-huh jerk!” I pouted

“How?!” He asked

“You just did.” I glared “Switch me sides.”

“No.” He crossed his arms over his chest

“Pleeeeeeease?” I asked

“No way.” He said

“Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, plea-”I whined but he cut me off

“NO!” He yelled

“I don’t like being yelled at.” I stated before I tackled him

“Ahhhhhhhh!” He yelled

I flicked his ear really hard, “Whatcha gonna do now, Jerk?!”

I flicked his nose and it instantly turned red. Laughing, I flicked forehead.

“Ahahah, power!” I yelled flicking his nose again

He kept squirming then suddenly stopped. He grabbed my waist and flipped us around so I was on the bottom.

“Ahahaha, power!” He copied me

He started flicking my ear, over and over again.

“Stop!” I yelled

I reached up and grabbed his ear, twisting it.

“Ow, ow, ow! Stop! Please!” He screamed

“Power! Muhahahaha!” I shouted victorious

“Stop, Please!” He begged

“Are you gonna get off?” I asked calmly

“Yes, I promise.” He panted from all the screaming he was doing

“Get off then.” I said

“Let go first!” He yelled

“Stop yelling douche!” I yelled back

“If you let go I, wouldn’t have anything to yell about anymore!” He shouted

I twisted his ear more, “Stop. Yelling.”

His face contorted into a mask of pain, “Okay, okay. I’ll stop yelling.”

“Promise?” I asked skeptical

“I already said I would.” He said in a deathly calm voice, probably trying not to scream again

“Mmmm…Fine.” I said letting go of his ear “Off.”

“Nope.” He said grabbing my nose

“Ahhhhhh! You said you’d get off!” I yelled holding his hand that was on my nose

“I lied.” He stated

“No duh, dip-shit! I kind of figured that out when you grabbed my nose!” I yelled

I reached up and tried to grab his ear but he pushed my hand again.

“Ugh!” I groaned

He twisted my nose.

“Stop it!” I yelled

“Pay. Back!” He smirked

I lifted my leg up and hit him in his family jewels.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” He yelled cupping his stuff

I rolled from under his and sat up. Smiling in amusement at his pain.

I saw a tear rolled down his face and I bust up laughing.

“Your…so…going…to die.” He gasped

That made me laugh harder. I clutched at my side because it hurt so much from laughing.

“Whoo, that was funny.” I said once I calmed down

He sat up straight and glared at me, “I’m going to make your life a living hell.” He vowed

“We will see.” I said evilly

“Yeah, we will. When you switch to my school, you’re not gonna have ONE friend. Everyone’s going to avoid you like you’re the plague.” He said smirking

“You don’t know what I’m capable of Mackenzie Gomez.” I told him matching his smirk

“And you don’t know what I’m capable of Rayniesha Haddum.” He glared

“Your life is going to be a living hell. Oh, and I refuse to go to your school.” I added

“You have to, wifey.” He smirked

“I don’t have to do anything.” I retorted

“Oh, but you do. Little naïve Raynie. You have to do everything our parents say. And they said you

have to go to my school and act as if we are really getting married.” He said smirking

“I’m not going to act like I’m married to you.” I said with an arched brow

“I’m not going to act like I’m married to you

. Like I said your not going to have any friends.” He said looking amused

“We’ll see, honey

. We’ll see.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2011

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