

After she walked through her door I started to walk to my house. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around to see who's they were. And as I turned around a fist connected with my jaw.
I grabbed my face and turned to see who it was.


Another fist hit my face.

Jack: "Stay away from Jessica!"

Me: "And if I don't?"

A foot hit my side knocking me to the floor. Once I was on the ground he kept kicking me, and when he stopped I asked

Me: "Your that weak that you would kick a guy when he's down?"

That infuriated him even more.

Jack: "I'm not weak. Now stay away from Jessica!"

He screamed it so loud a couple of light turned on...Including Jessica's.

The lights turning on made Jack run. I lay there on the sidewalk in pain. I saw most of the lights go off. And I saw Jessica's front door open. ' God please don't let her see me.'

I begged. But of course she did. Her eyes widened in horror. She ran over to where I was.

Jessica: "Are you alright?"

I groaned

Jessica: "Who did this?"

I just shook my head. I wasn't going to give that faggot what he wanted.

Jessica: "Tell me now


Me: "It was nobody Jessica drop it."

Jessica: "Nobody? And know I'm not dropping it until you tell me who it was."

I didn't say anything and that made her mad.

Jessica: "Lets get you home."

Me: "Won't your parents be worried if your not there?"

Jessica:"They're not home. I'll call them at your house and say I'm staying at a girlfriends house."

Me: "No, I can get home by myself."

Jessica: "I wasn't asking permission David."

Me: "Ugh. Fine."

She got to her feet and held her hand out to me. I took it and she pulled me to my feet. She put her arm around my waist and my arm around her shoulder. I put some of my weight into her but not much. She started walking towards my house. We walked there in silence. When we got to my she rummage through my pocket until she found my key. My parents still weren't home Thank God for that, they probably would press charges. She walked me to my room and layed me on the bed. She walked over to the couch on the other side of the room and grabbed a blanket. She walked back over to me and put it over me. She started walking back to the couch when I grabbed her arm.

Me: "Come lay with me."

Jessica: "Okay."

I scooted over a little so she could lay with me. She layed down and I put my arm around her and she put her hand on my arm.

Jessica: "Are you going to tell me who did this?"

Me: "No."

Jessica: "Come on its not like I know him."

I was silent and she gasped.

Jessica: "I know him."

Me: "Yeah."

She was quiet then. I could almost hear the mental click as she put it together. I groaned.

Jessica: "It was Jack wasn't it?"

I just shrugged.

Jessica: "So I'm taking that shrug as a conformation to my question."

Me: "Please just drop it."

Jessica: "Fine. I'll drop it."

Me: "Thank you."


There was no way in hell

was I going to drop it. If David did think I was actually dropping Jack beating him up, he had another thing coming.

David: "What are you thinking about?"

Me: "Nothing."

David: "You sure?"

Me: "Yeah, just get some rest."

I felt him nod. He tightened his grip on me and we fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning I woke up at 10:00. We missed school. Its not like I would have let him go anyway. He must have felt me move because his arms that were around me moved.

David: "Hey."

Me: "Hey. You feel better?"

David: "Yeah, I'm still a little sore though."

Me: "Want some Advil?"

David: "Yeah. It's in my bathroom on the other side of the room."

'He has his own bathroom?'

I got up and went to the other side of the room and sure enough there was a bathroom that was bigger than my room. I went to the mirror and opened it. I looked at all the labels and found the Advil. I grabbed the cup he had on the counter and filled it with water. I got out two advil and put the bottle back. I walked out of the bathroom and over to him.

Me: "Here you go."

David: "Thanks."

He sat up and I gave him the pills. He put them in his mouth then I gave him the water. He chugged the water and set it on the night stand beside him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes like it did the last time he kissed my hand.

David: "What's wrong?"

Me: "It's all my fault why your hurt."

David: "No it's not. He's just a jerk that can't handle rejection."

Me: "But if-"

David: "Enough, it's not your fault. Now lets just stop talking about it."

Me: "Okay."

David: "Let go get something to eat." he suggested

Me: "But what if your parents are here?"

David: "They're not. Trust me."

I hesitated. But followed him down the stairs. We walked into the kitchen and just as I had said. His parents were in there.

Davids Mom: "Oh honey what happened to you."

I was relived because she hadn't seen me yet. I thought about running back upstairs. As I turned to do so I saw his dad staring at me. I froze.

David: "Mom, dad this is Jessica."

Davids Mom: "Hello, its nice to meet you."

Davids Dad: "Why are you here this early in the morning?"

I was about to say something when David decided to.

David: "She's a friend from school. She found me on the street after I got jumped by some kid at school, I asked her if she would stay and she said yes."

Davids Dad: "Oh, are you okay son?"

David: "Yeah, thanks to Jessica."

Davids Mom: "Thank you so much Jessica." she came over and hugged me.

Me: "Ummm...your welcome."

She let me go.

Davids Dad: "Yes, thank you Jessica."

David: "Sorry I haven't told you there names yet. This is my mom Alaine and my dads name is Sean."

Me: "Alaine is a beautiful name."

Alaine: "Thank you. I always loved the name Jessica, that's what I'm going to name my first girl."

I smiled at the thought of Davids sister having the same name as me.

David: "What did you guys eat for breakfast?" he asked his parents.

Alaine: "Eggs, bacon and pancakes."

David: " mom makes the best

pancakes." he said to me.

I smiled and followed him over to the cabinet. He grabbed two plates and handed one to me.

Me: "Thanks."

He nodded. Then he walked over to stove and got two pancakes, a scoop of eggs, and what seemed like eighty tons of bacon. I got one pancake, a scoop of eggs, and a couple pieces of bacon. We went to sit at the table. He grabbed the syrup and drown his pancakes. He handed me the syrup and I put a little on my pancakes. He finished eating before me and when I was done he grabbed my plate. He took his and my plate to the sink. He rinsed them off and stuck them in dishwasher.

David: "Come on."

He started toward the stairs. I followed him to his room. After I walked in he shut the door.

David: "So what do you want to do today?"

Me: "I don't know, got any ideas?"

David: "We could...kiss."

Me: "Mmmm...I like that idea."

He smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed me and crushed his lips to mine. Once again I felt the explosion of heat as his lips touched mine. I let his tongue slip past my lips. His tongue danced with mine in a way in a way I've never felt before. His kisses traveled down to my neck. He looked up at me.

David: "After all the years of pretending that we don't like each other and here we are."

Me: "I wasn't pretending that I didn't like you just didn't acknowledge your presence."

David: "That's very rude."

Me: "It was, wasn't it?"

David: "Very."

He leaned down to kiss me again.

David: "You kiss very well."

Me: "Yes I do."

David: "Ha ha."

Just then we heard a knock on the door. We both jumped. We separated.

David: "Come in."

His mom opened the door.

Alaine: "Am I interrupting something?"

David & I: "No." we said in unison

Alaine: "Very well then. Me and your father are going to the store."

David: "Okay mom, bye."

Alaine: "Okay, okay. I get it."

She walked out the door and shut it behind her.

Me: "Well..."

David: "Sorry."

Me: "It's alright."

David: "We could finish?"

Me: "Yeah, ha ha. But lets wait until they're completely gone."

David: "Okay."

We were silent until we heard their cars pull away. I ran and tackled him on the bed. But he groaned. 'Dang it I forgot he's still sore.'

Me: "Sorry."

David: "It's a good pain."

He leaned up to kiss me and I kissed him back. He rolled over until he was on top of me. We kissed for a while and when we were finished he got dressed into clean clothes.

David: "Well since were suppose to be in school we can't go out. So what's up, what are we doing?"

Me: "We can just hang out here."

David: "Sure."

We went down stairs to watch t.v. We at on his beautiful white couch. We turned the t.v to MTV. He pulled me onto his lap and put his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his shoulder so that we could be comfortable.

Me: "Oh shit, I forgot to call my parents last night to know where I was."

He reached over and grabbed a cordless house phone. He handed it to me and I started dialing my house number. It rang and rang, and finally it went to voice mail.

Me: "Mmmm, that's weird they didn't answer."

David: "You want to go to your house?"

Me: "Naw, I'm sure they're just out somewhere."

David: "You sure? You said they weren't there last night, what if something happened?

Me: "When you put it that way, lets go."

David: "Okay lets get our shoes."

I got up and went upstairs, he followed me. We went into his room and got our shoes. We ran back down stairs and out the door. I was quiet the whole way and David must have noticed something was up because he asked

David: "You alright?"

Me: "Yeah, just worried."

He pulled me into him and hugged me.

David: "Its going to be alright." he whispered to me

I nodded. Then we were on my street and there were police cars by someones house. Wait it was my house. I started running, David chased after me. When I got there I busted open the front door.

Me: "What's wrong?"

My mom looked like she'd been crying all night.

Mom: "Where were you? We thought you were kidnapped or something." she said while rushing over to give me a hug.

Me: "Oh, that's why the police are here? But I'm fine, a friend of mine needed me last night. He was really hurt. I was going to call you but I fell asleep."

She then noticed David.

Mom: "Is this the 'friend' that needed help?"

Me: "Did you just use air quotations around the word friend?"

Mom: "Yes, I did."

Me: "He is just a friend."

Mom: "With benefits?"

Me: "Mom! really? did you really just ask that?"

Mom: "We just got off subject. Why didn't you come home last night?"

Me: "I told you my friend needed help, so I help him."

Mom: "What kind of help?"

Me: "Mom really?! he was jumped last night, that kind of help."

I looked back at David to find him blushing. That's probably why my mom were asking those kind of questions. I gave him a death glare he didn't see. I looked up at my mom. His eyes had red rims around them like he was crying all night too. I ran over to him and gave him a hug.

Me: "I'm sorry dad."

Dad: "Don't you ever do that to me again."

Me: "I promise, no I swear I won't."

He squeezed me tighter.

Dad: "You and your mom are all I live for."

His words made me cry. Hot tears ran down my face. We pulled apart and I wiped them off. I smiled at them, they smiled back.

Me: "I'm gonna go to my room."

"You just got back." I heard my mom say but me and David were already halfway up the stairs. We went into my room. I shut the door behind us.

David: "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

Me: "No its not. If Jack hadn't beat you up because of m-"

David: "Why are we still talking about Jack?"

Me: "Because he beat you up and its my fa-"

David: "I said its not your fault."

Me: "Am I allowed to finish a sentence?"

David: "Not if you keep blaming yourself you don't."

Me: "Okaaaay. It's all my fault." I said in a rush so he couldn't interrupted me. I grinned.

He just sighed and then smiled.

David: "So what your saying is that everything that happened is your fault?"

Me: "Yep."

David: "So me asking you to say last night had nothing to do with the cops that are down stairs?"

Me: "It has nothing to do with it because if you hadn't got beaten up there would have been no need for me to stay with you last night. And since you getting beaten up is my fault and all the things that have happened so far revolve around Jack beating yo up,m so basically everything is all my fault."

David: "I don't like your logic." he said but he smiled after.

Me: "My logic is very good and you know it."

David: "Ha ha. Your logic blames you for everything. So Jack is not to blame for this happening?"

Me: "No, because if I hadn't rejected him then-"

David: "Then what? One things for sure, if you didn't reject him we wouldn't be together."

Me: "True." I said as I walked toward him and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back. He put his hand on the small of my back to bring me closer to him. I gripped his shoulders trying to get closer to him. But I couldn't we were basically already one. We pulled apart to breathe. Our breath was ragged. When our breaths steadied we went to sit on the bed. We turned o my little t.v. We turned on the t.v even though we didn't watch it. Soon I saw it was getting late through my window.

Me: "Its getting late, you should get home."

David: "Ha ha yeah. We don't need the police at my house either."

Me: "I'll ask my mom if we can give you a ride."

David: "I can walk."

Me: "No, you can't. Not after what happened last night."

David: "Fine mom."

Me: "It would suck if I was your mom because I wouldn't be able to do this."

I kissed him.

David: "It would suck very much."

We got up and went down stairs.

Me: "Mom can you give David a ride home?"

Mom: "Sure sweetie. Let me just get my keys."

Me and David went out to the car. I got in the backseat with him. My mom got in the car glanced back at us and gave up us a weird look. Then she started the car.

Mom: "Where do you live David?"

David: "Scott Street."

She drove to his street, we past a couple of house.

David: "This would be it."

My mom stopped the car and unlocked the doors.

David: "Thank you Mrs. Miller."

Mom: "Mrs. Miller? You make me sound so old, Just call me Janet."

David: "Okay."

David got out of the car, and so did I.

Me: "I have to get something from his house." I explained to my mom.

She nodded. We ran up to his house. He unlocked the door and closed it behind him.

David: "What did you need to get?"

Me: "My goodnight kiss."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. We kissed for a few seconds before we pulled apart.

Me: "Bye." I said as I started for the door.

David: "Don't you need to get something so your mom won't ask questions?"

Me: "Oh yeah. I need something."

David: "what do you want?"

Me: "Anything."

David: "A sock?" he said teasingly

Me: "No something that is actually worth coming back to get."

David: "How about I give you my math book and you give it back to me tomorrow?"

Me: "Sounds like a plan."

David: "Let me go get it."

He ran upstairs to his room and was back in like no time at all. He handed it to me.

Me: "Thanks." I said before giving him a little kiss and running out the door.

When I got in the car my mom said

Mom: "You were in there for a while."

Me: "I couldn't find my math book."

She didn't reply she just pulled onto the road.

Mom: "Are you dating him?"

Me: "Mom! No, I'm not dating him."

Mom: "You know Jessica, I was once a teenager. So I know your dating him. And also I'm your mother so I know when your lying."

Me: "Okay were dating but it nothing serious."

Mom: "You had no reason to lie to me before."

Me: "You were asking if we were 'friends with benefits!"

Mom: "Ye-"

Me: "And you were asking that right in front of dad!"

Mom: "Okay I'll apologize for that but I am not going to apologize for being concerned in my daughters life."

Me: "Okay I forgive you."

Mom: "Now lets go for a drive and talk about you and David."

Me: "Can't we just go home? I've had a long day today. I just want to go lay down in my bed and go to sleep."

Mom: "No, lets go for a drive."

Me: "Mom, I really don't want to talk about my dating life."

Mom: "I didn't say anything about talking about your dating life, but now that you mention it lets talk about it."

Me: "Ugh. I don't want to talk about it mom that's the problem right there. Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"

Mom: "I understand them but that doesn't change anything. Were going to talk whether you like it or not."

Me: "Why?"

Mom: "Because I said so."

Me: "Oh so now your stooping down to the 'because I said so'? You haven't used that since I was five. Now you know what your trying to do is wrong. Your prying."

Mom: "I am not. Your my daughter, so technically its not prying. So its called snooping."

Me: "That's the same thing mom. Snooping, prying, butting in. You may choose your pick because they are all the same things."

Mom: "Don't get smart with me little girl."

She pulled off the curb and started driving somewhere I really didn't want to go; I just wanted to go home.

Me: "Where are we going?" I asked annoyed

Mom: "Its a surprise."

Me: "Really mom? why can't you just tell me where we're going?

Mom: "I told you it was a surprise. Now zip it young lady."

We were driving past this museum-like thing when my mom stop the car.

Me: "Mom what is this place?"

Mom: "This is where me and your father met."

Me: "Really? this is so cool. How did you guys notice each other?"

Mom: "Don't tell him I told you this story. I noticed him because when we were there I heard a loud crash. I turned around to see your father on the ground next to a clay statue. I went over to help him up and when he looked up to see who was helping him I got lost in those big brown eyes and knew I was in love."

Me: "Awww mom that's an amazing story. And now I have something against dad. Ha ha."

Mom: "He can't know I told you the story. He said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life."

Me: "I love that story."

Mom: "I thought you might. Now lets go home I'm pooped."

Me: "Okay."

She started up the car again and we drove home talking about he story. When we got home I said goodnight to my mom and dad and went to bed.

The next morning i got up, and took a shower. Today I'm going to wear some white skinny jeans and a baby blue t-shirt. I went and brushed my hair and teeth. Then I grabbed my shoes and went down stairs.

Me: "Bye mom, bye dad. Love you guys."

Mom: "Bye sweetie."

Dad: "Bye pumpkin."

I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I waited for the bus to come and when it did I had a spot saved for me next to David.

Me: “Hey.”

David: “Hey, how was your night?”

Me: “It was alright. How was your?”

David: “Mine was fine it would have been better if you were there though.”

I smiled and grabbed his hand. I gave his hand a squeeze he returned it. We were almost to school. The bus pulled into the parking lot and all the kids got off the bus.

Me: “You alright?”

David: “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

Me: “Jack.”

David: “What can he do to me were at school?”

Me: “There are a lot of places without cameras at this school I’m pretty sure Jack knows where some are.”

David: “Forget about him okay?”

Me: “Okay.”

He walked me to class and we just hung out by the door until the one minute bell rang David stayed because his class was right next to mine. I leaned up to give him a kiss. He leaned down to meet mine.

Me: “Bye.”

David: “Bye.”

I walked into class with a smile on my face. I looked up and saw that Jack was already in his seat. I don’t want to sit by him but I doubt the teacher will let me switch. I sat down without looking at him. I got out my books and waited for the teacher to come in.

Jack: “So when did you and the loser start dating?”

Me: “How did you know……?”

I looked at the door and there was a perfect line of sight from where I sat. He must have seen me and David kiss.

Me: “Why do you care?”

Just then the teacher cam in.

Jack: “Didn’t say I did. I was just asking.”

I didn’t reply. I just stared straight ahead. Then I raised my hand.

Teacher: “Yes Jessica?”

Me: “Can I go to the bathroom?”

He motioned with his hand for me to leave. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. I went to the bathroom and went pee. I flushed and then I washed my hands. I dried them and walked out of the bathroom. I didn’t plan on going back to class. I was walking down the hall when I seen somebody. I was too far away to see who it was so I just kept on walking. When I got close to the person I noticed it was Jack and he saw me or he’d been waiting. I turned around and walked the other way.

Jack: “Jessica wait.”

I just walked faster. I could hear him running behind me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

Me: “Get you hands off of me.”

Jack: “I told you I was sorry. Why couldn’t you just forgive me?”

Me: “Because you’re a jerk.”

Jack: “I don’t know why I was being like that. But I said sorry.”

Me: “Your sorry doesn’t mean a rat’s ass to me. Now let go.”

Jack: “At least tell me why your dating that loser.”

Me: “Because unlike you he’s nice.”

Jack: “I’m sorry.”

Me: “No I don’t care. What you can only be seen with me outside of school?”

He didn’t say anything. I closed my eyes.

Me: “Let go of me now.” I said with my eyes still closed

I felt something warm touch my lips and my eyes popped open. I tried to jerk away from him but he held me. I twisted my head to the side so my lips weren’t near his.

Jack: “Jessica, look at me.”

Me: “No.”

Jack: “I know you like me and-.”

Me: “No I don’t like you not anymore.”

Jack: “Can I finish?”

I didn’t say anything so he went on.

Jack: “I was going to say I like you too.”

Me: “I don’t care I like David now.”

Jack: “Why?”

Me: “I already told you.”

Jack: “You know he’s just the rebound.”

Me: “No he’s not!” I said turning my head toward his.

He took advantage and leaned forward and kissed me. I heard a door open and I broke free from Jack. I turned around and saw who it was.


He was staring at us with wide, hurt eyes.

Me: “David its not what you think.”

He didn’t say anything he just stared at me. I started walking toward him he just backed away.

Me: “David…”

He turned and walked away and left. I stood there staring at where he was just standing. I turned around to Jack.

Me: “Are you happy!?”

I ran to follow David. I didn’t see him anywhere. I started walking down the street that lead toward his house. I saw him walking. I started running toward him.

Me: “David!”

He turned around and looked at me. I stood in front of him.

Me: “David, it wasn’t what it looked like.”

David: “Really? Because to me it looked like you were kissing Jack.”

Me: “He kissed me.”

David: “And there’s a difference. And if there is please enlighten me.”

Me: “He….He…”

David: “He what?”

Me: “He kissed me, its not the same as me kissing him. Which I didn’t. Why don’t you believe me?”

David: “Because I saw it with my own eyes.”

Me: “What you saw back there was nothing.”

David: “Why didn’t you try to get away from him then”

Me: “I did. He just held me tighter.”

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.


Oh no she’s starting to cry. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. At first she didn’t respond but then I felt her arms go around my waist.

Jessica: “I’m sorry.”

Me: “No I’m sorry I should have trusted you more.”

I looked back to see her face. She looked up and I kissed her. When we pulled apart I grabbed her hand.

Me: “Lets go back to school.”

She nodded and we started walking toward the school.

Me: “You okay?”

Jessica: “Yeah. Do I look weird?

Me: “No, you look pretty hot to me.”

She smiled. When we got to the school is was between classing periods. Jessica and I had the next class together.

We walked into class and sat down. I looked around the room and saw Jack's bright green eyes. I looked away and to the front of the class but I could still feel his eyes on me. I tried(Unsuccessfully) to ignore him. I looked over to him with a scowl on my face.

"What?!" I mouthed to him

"I'm sorry." He mouthed to me

I just turned away from him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.01.2011

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