
Hi I’m Annabelle Garcia. I have been a good kid until last year when I got in a fight with another girl and got expelled.

The girls dad was the principle so of course I got expelled. My mom said we have to move, I personally don't think it was that big a deal but hey, my mom is weird. We moved to Houston, Texas. That's just awesome. Please note the sarcasm.

My new school is called Jackson High. I have to switch schools and leave all of my friends behind. I’m not that mad though because I know it's my fault. I kept trying to apologize to my mom but she says she doesn't want to hear it. Whatever then.

"I don't want to hear it Annabelle." My mom practically growled

I was on my way to my new school, it was the middle of the semester. Isn't that great? No. It's not.

I pulled up to the school parking lot and got out people were already staring. Who wouldn't I had a Citroen GT. Best car ever in my opinion.

I had to go to the front office to get my schedule. I walked into the warm office and a lady with a green shirt on said,

"How may I help you?"

"I'm Annabelle Garcia. I need my schedule.” I told her

"Yes I have it right here."

She said looking into a manila folder. Then handed me my schedule.

"Hope you have a nice day honey.”

I smiled a fake smile and said, "Thank you." and walked out of the office.
My schedule read:

McKinley High School

Garcia, Annabelle S. Grade: 11
2981 Mack St. Gender: Female
Houston, TX 77001 Locker#:2061

Periods: Class Course: Room: Teacher:
1 AP English 204 Kunkel
2 Social Studies 111 Boster
3 Geometry 148 David
4 Computers 220 Taylor
5 Chemistry 116 Wilson
6 German 203 Harris

I was walking down the hallway with my nose in my schedule when I bumped into someone and we both fell to the ground. I looked up about to apologize but when I looked into his eyes I couldn't look away. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Then he looked down releasing me from his gazed. We picked up their things.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention.” I apologized

"It's okay I wasn't paying attention either." The kid replied

He smiled then he got up. He held his hand out for me to take it. I did and he helped me up. Sparks went through my body. I looked up at the kid and his eyes were glazed over in thought. I knew he felt it too.

"Umm..." I started

He snapped out of it and said “I don't recognize you from around here. So you've got to be new." he added with a smile

"Yeah. I'm new here.”

"I'm Damon. Damon Clark. What’s your name?" Damon said

"Annabelle Garcia.”

"What’s your first class?"

"English with…Kunkel.” I replied

"Hey, that's my first class too. I could show you the way if you'd like.” He said with a smile

I smile back, "Yeah thanks, because I have literally no idea where it is.”

He laughed, "Come on it's this way."

I followed him while he showed me the way. We went into class together but Damon went to sit down in the back of the class while I went to introduce myself to the teacher.

"Hi. I'm Annabelle, I'm new here.”

"Ah...yes I have a seat for you right here." he said ushering to the seat next to Damon.

I went to sit next to him and when I sat down he looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and got out a notebook to take notes in.

When the teacher starts talking I drone out because I’ve already learned it before.

I take a peak at Damon and caught him staring at me I quickly put my head down and for the rest of the class I try not to look at him but I don’t succeed.

I look at him one more time and I got lost in his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

“Mr. Clark…am I boring you?” Mr. Kunkel said rather rudely

“No sir.” he said looking away.

Just then the bell rang. I got up and was packing my things when Damon asks me what class I have next.

“Ummm… History with… Boster.” I said looking at my schedule

“Wow we have a lot of classes together.” He commented

“You have history next too?.”

“Yeah, lets go or were going to be late.”


And we head off to room 111.

“So where are you from?” Damon asked

“Reno, Nevada. Are you from here? I mean are you from Houston?” I asked looking up at him

“Yup, been here my whole life. Why did you move here?”

Me: “Well…it’s a long and stupid story.”

“I doubt that.” he said with a smile.

“Uhhh… well last year I had problems with this girl and one day she came up behind me and pushed me down. And then I got up, turned around and hit her in the face and when I did her dad, the principle, showed up and everybody said I threw the first punch. I got expelled and she didn’t.”

“Well I for one am glad you came." he said with a sincere smile.

I blushed a deep scarlet color. Then we were at the front door of Mrs. Boster’s class. When we walked through the door class had already started. Damon and I looked at each other and smiled. Damon went to his seat in the center idle of the class. While I went up to the teacher.

“Hello how may I assist you?” Mr. Boster asked

“I’m Annabelle the new student.”

“Okay. You can go and take a seat in the back.”

“Thank you.”

I went to sit down and got out my History book. I looked up and saw that Damon was looking at me again. He smiled and looked away.

'Why does he stare at me that way?' I thought.

In class we were learning about East Asia and the religions that are there. We learned that Buddhism is big in East Asia. We also learned about Daoism and Confucianism. That took up the whole class period and when the bell rang Damon came back to talk to me.

“Hey do you want to eat lunch with my group today?” He asked

“Sure. " I said "Thank you.” I added looking up at him

“For what?” He asked confused


“Your welcome.” he said with a smile and him smiling made me smile.

We walked to the lunch room and melted in with the other kids. We grabbed our food trays making small talk and thanked the lunch ladies when they put food on their trays.

When we were out of the line he led the way to his table and when we got there everybody scooted over to make room for us.

“Who is this?” A girl with wavy red hair asked

“Oh, guys this is Annabelle she’s new here. This is Alyssa, Jack, Megan, Schuyler but you can call her Sky, Jason, and this is Jada." Damon said ushering to them as he said their names.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” I said

“It’s nice to meet you too”. They said in unison but for some reason the girl named Jada didn‘t say anything; she wouldn‘t even look at me.

“So Damon you coming over after school?” Jada asked

“Uhhh…sure”. he said with uncertainty then he looked at me. Mmmk. He looked at me and his eyes were filled with worry. “Ummm… this is my girlfriend Jada.”

Why did it hurt so much when he said girlfriend?

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you Jada. I didn’t know Damon had a girlfriend." I said turning to her

“Well he does.” Jada said rudely

When Jada said that everybody was staring at her. I held back a growl.

'Whoa what did I ever do to her? '

I turned to stare at Damon and he was visibly shaking, his hands balled into fist.

He suddenly stood up.

“Come on.” he said to me

I got up grabbed my tray and followed him. Suddenly he stopped and walked back to the table.

“Jada, don't be a bitch. You don't even know her. I don't ever want to see you near her again. I don't even want you to breathe the same air as her, understood?" He growled authority clear in his voice

She nodded, her eyes wide in fear.

"Oh, and we're over." He said before walking away and left Jada sitting there with a flabbergasted look on her face.

He came up to me and stopped in front of me.

“W-why did you do that?” I stuttered

“Nobody is going to be rude to someone who didn’t do anything. Come on lets go somewhere.” He said

“Okay.” I said uncertain

I dumped my tray and we walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. He led me to this janitor’s type closet thingy. Oooookaaaay.

“Come on this is where I go when I want to be alone.” He explained

"In a janitor's closet?" I asked with a frown on my face

“Come on.” he said tugging on my sweater.

I followed him into the room. He turned on a light and it lighted the room just enough to see each others face.

“This is my little hideout.” Damon said looking around

“It’s cool." I lied

He stepped closer to her and put his hand on the side of her.

“I’ve wanted to do this since this morning.” He said

Then he looked into my eyes cautioning me with his and then he leaned in and kissed me. At first it started out with our mouths closed and then his tongue pressed against my lips and I automatically opened my mouth. Our tongues danced together for a while.

“Wait, are you sure? You just broke up with your girlfriend." I panted

“I broke up with her for you.” He stated

He went to kiss me again. He pushed me up against the wall as he deepened the kiss. He kiss me with such passion it almost knocked me off my feet.

“Damon?” Someone called from the hallway

Damon froze. He looked at me and then back away.

“We’ll stay in here until he goes away.” Damon said staring at the door


We heard footsteps walk by. We turned stiff once again.

“Don’t breath too loud.” He said still staring at the door

“Why, it’s not like he can hear me." I scoffed

Damon gave me a wary look. I gasped.

"He can hear me breath?" I asked incredulous

“Yeah, he…ummm…he’s…” Damon stuttered

“Spit it out.” I growled

“He’s a…ugh I can’t tell you.”

“Why?” I asked

“Because it’s a secret we aren’t suppose to tell humans.”

“Human? Who said I was human?" I asked with a smirk

He eyes narrowed. "Then what are you?"

"Now, why would I tell you?" I asked calmly

"Damn it. What the fuck are you?!" He yelled slamming his hands on the wall beside my head.

I didn't even flinch. I smirk as I saw him frown, he probably thought I was going to flinch or something.
I don't think so.

"I can't it's a secret." I said my smirk getting bigger

He growled warningly.

"I already know what you are." I told him nonchalantly

"Am what am I?" He asked rather calmly

"Your a vampire." I said simply

"And you know this how?" He asked

"I've known since I first bumped into you." I said

"How did you know?" He asked

"I smelt it." I said shrugging

Realization dawned his features. I smirked again.

"You're a werewolf." He stated

I clapped my hand sarcastically, "Congrats. Took you long enough."

"How come I can't smell it in you?" He asked confused

"I'm the Heir. You can't smell my scent because if people did they would find me and kill me. I'm the most powerful werewolf out there, I have everyone's power. So they have to mask my scent." I said

"You're the Heir to the Werewolf throne?" He asked gaping

"Yeah, just like you the Heir to the Vampire throne."

"I can't believe this. How could I not have known?" He asked himself

"Nobody knows." I said

"So that story you told me about how you got in a fight with that girl and got expelled was a lie?" He asked hurt

The look on his face broke my heart.

"No that was true. I never lied to you." I said honestly

He sighed in relief.

"I just can't believe you're the Werewolf Heir." He muttered

"It's not that hard to believe is it?" I asked smiling

"You just seem so innocent and gentle." He commented

"I'm different than other Were's. After my mom had me the doctors told her she couldn't have anymore children, and in the were kingdom the second child is suppose to be the Heir. But of course like I just said, my mom can't have anymore children. So my dad changed the rule to the first child being the Heir. After my mom found out I was going to be the Heir she didn't want me to be a cold, merciless leader so she had a witch cast a spell on me so I can never be mean, rude,greedy, ecetera, ecetera. So naturally when I found this out I had the witch take it off. She had to obey me because,well, I'm the Heir. So she took it off and it turned out I was already a good person and the spell was useless." I explained

"I hate your mom." He growled

"You and me both." I laughed

His eyes brightened. He leaned down and kissed my lips gently. Sparks erupted in through my body.

He pulled back confused. His brows furrowed. He leaned in again as if to conform the electricity passing through us. Then suddenly a word came to my mind.


He growls and pushes me into the wall, deepening the kiss. He kisses me roughly. He cups my face with both of his hands and I snake my arms up his chest and to the back of his neck.

I entwine my fingers through his soft brown hair. I return the kiss just as roughly.

☺ Damon ☺

I seriously can't believe she's the Werewolf kingdoms Heir. This is actually great.

I think she's my mate, and if my assumption is true. With her being the Werewolf kingdoms Heir and me being the Vampire kingdoms Heir our children are going to bring all the mystical creatures together.

'How you you know this?' You may be asking. I know this because it's the prophecy.

The prophecy says that the Vampire kingdoms Heir and the Werewolf kingdoms Heir will have children that are so powerful and compassionate that they will bring a change to the world, which is by bringing all creatures together.

That's why I'm so shocked.

As soon as she said she was the Were's Heir I knew she was my mate.

I crash my lips onto her and feel sparks shoot through my body. I lean back, then lean forward to kiss her again. Just to confirm the sparks, and sure enough they were there again.

I finally found my mate.

I cupped her face with my hands trying to be gentle. In return she snakes her arms up my chest and to my neck.

I break the kiss and lean my forehead against hers. We're both breathing heavy.

'Tell her, Tell her.'

My mind chanted

"Your my mate." I told her looking into her eyes

"I know." She said

"So you accept me?" I asked hopeful

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked confused

"I don't know. People reject their mates all the time." I said

"I would never do that. It doesn't just involve me, it also involves you. And if I reject you, you'd hurt too."

I already love her. I've never met a werewolf so loving. They are our greatest enemy.

"I already love you." I said nervously looking down to the floor

She cupped my cheek and made me look at her, "I love you too." She said with a smile

"Really?" I asked beaming

"Really." She confirmed

A smile took over 50% of my face and I leaned down to kiss her again.

We both pulled away at the same time. She looked down and got her phone out of her pocket.

"We are 15 minutes late to class." She informed me

"How did we not hear the bell?" I asked

"I don't know." She said shaking her head

"Well there's no point in going now. Come on." I said grabbing her hand and opening the door.

I pulled her out and we started walking to my car.

"This is your car?" She asked with a huge smile on her face

"Yup." I said

"It's cool, but not as cool as mine." She said smugly

"Whatever." I scoffed "No car is cooler that THE Viper SRT10." I added

"Mine is." She said pointing to the sickest car I have ever seen.

"Citroen GT, also known as the coolest car in the world to some people." She said smirking

"How did you even get that?" I asked amazed

I walked over to her car and gape at it.

"Heir to the Werewolf throne. Remember?" She asked teasingly

"But still. This is my dream car. It's not even out yet." I said still gaping

"I know people." She said

I turned back and stared at her.

"What?" She asked raising a brow

"Can I drive it?" I asked hopeful

"Sure." She said walking over to the driver side "It's a finger print lock." She explained pressing her thumb to the pad

I clicked and she opened the door. I gaped in amazement once again. She stepped away and I got in. She walked around to the passenger side and got in.

She leaned over and pressed her thumb to the place where your key is suppose to go into. The engine roared to life.

"You're all set." She said putting her seat belt on

"What? No 'you crash my car I kill you'? I asked mockingly

"I don't think vampires can get into crashes." She said smirking

"You're right." I said laughing

"So where we going?" She asked

"You'll see." I smirk and pulled out of the parking lot


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2010

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