
chapter 1- reuniting

*this is my first book, so comment if it kind of sucks or if it needs some improvements or whatever. :)

They walked to the door of the house slowly. Memories came back to them of the things that went down in that house years back. She wore a fitted pair of skinny jeans with rips going down the front, a pair of black and white chuck Taylor high tops and a black one size too small graphic tee. The diamond lip ring shone in the sun with the rest of her silver jewelry. She put her hair behind her ear, showing the cartilage piercing and the ear cuff she had on. The boy she walked with dressed like her except without the many piercings and jewelry. He wore dark jeans, a black tank top, showing off his tattooed muscled arms, a backward white hat and a pair of black Nikes. Diamonds shone on both ears. They walked into the house, full of people dressed in black. People looked at them as they walked in. though everyone wore black they wore more relaxed clothes will the others wore more church like clothes. They walked over to the lady in the recliner whom people had surrounded. She sucked in air when she saw the two walking towards.
“Why no slow-mo run towards us like in the movies” said the boy
“She might break a bone nowadays but she could say hey to us though” the girl said to the boy.
“You two” was all the lady could say.
“Surprised? Well don’t be, you should have expected that we would have came, I mean we are human, we wouldn’t miss this day” the girl said.
“What are you two doing back here” the lady said.
“Just like everyone else, we came for the funeral, but were kind of tired so we’ll see you late. If you need us we’ll be upstairs, well you know where to find us” the girl said.
The two walked up the stairs, ignoring all the confused looks they were getting.
“Who were those two people” asked one of the ladies nearby.
“How can you not remember Rayne and Grayson” the lady answered.
People started whispering. The lady rose out of the seat and walked up the stairs to the rooms. She walked into the first room to find the two sitting in the bed.
“I see that you took us up on the offer” the boy, Grayson, said.
The woman closed the door “Linda, you don’t look a day over 47” Rayne said.
The two high fived then looked at Linda, who had a pain stricken look on her face.
“After you two left years ago now you decide to come back?” she asked.
“well you say it like us being here is bad or something, you practically told us to leave, remember” Rayne said.
“you two were more than welcomed to stay but I wake up one day and Grayson’s gone then you leave” Linda said.
“Well I guess we both didn’t like the living conditions so we left for better and as you can see that we both turned out good” Grayson said.
“I bet you thought we were like dead or something” Rayne said.
“We can discuss this later on today, if you are going to stay for that long” Linda said.
“Don’t worry we’ll be right here” Grayson said.
Linda sighed and walked back out knowing that it was going to be a long day.
The whispers down stairs had died and people were back to whatever they were doing.
Johnny tried to sneak into the house without his mother knowing that he was late. He climbed up to an open window upstairs and hoisted himself through. He walked through the bedroom and out the door.
He met Rayne in the hallway “you didn’t see that” he said and walked downstairs.
Later on, when the body of the man was taken to the gravesite and Linda returned back home, she found her two guests lounging in the living room.
“So what you want to know” Grayson asked as Linda took a seat in front of them.
“Why you two waited to some back home after all those years you up and left” she said
“We can’t miss that mans funeral even though we hated him, its just to be polite you know we just had to see him on his way to hell” Grayson said
“Don’t you dare say that about your father, he was a good man” Linda said
“Good man! He was as good as Adolf was to the Jews. Good my ass” Rayne said
“So how long will you be staying” Linda asked
“Well Gray here will only stay here until the end of tomorrow but I will stay until I feel like going back” Rayne said
“Back where?” Linda asked
“Back to our home in Cali” Grayson said
“I really missed you two” Linda said
“Yea, and you tried so hard to make life better, you really tried stopping all those things that went down at this place” Rayne said with hurt in her voice.
For a sixteen year old she had been through all hell.
“I regret those things that happened” Linda said
“Off course you do” Grayson said.
The two kids walked up the stairs leaving Linda sitting there alone. Later on Grayson took Rayne’s suitcases and bags upstairs to her old room.
“So do you think that you can stay here again, I can always take you to grandma’s” Grayson said as he sat at the foot of her bed
“I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself” Rayne said.
He laughed and ruffled her hair then kissed her forehead. He would always see her as an adult, ever since she removed herself from the bad situations she had faced when he wasn’t there.
“You registered for school yet” he asked
“Yea, I had them send my transcript so I can start on Monday” she answered
“You know you can always come back, no matter what” he said
“Even if I have like a gazillion kids” she asked
“Yep, we’d just get a bigger house” he answered
“What if I gained like five hundred pounds” she asked
“We’d put you on a diet but I’ll still take you, you’re all I have and nothing can get between us” he answered.
He fell down next to her and she buried her face in his chest. The next morning the two drove around the neighbor they were familiar yet fuzzy with. They stopped at a Wal-Mart to get school supplies for Rayne and at a phone store to get her a new phone plan. They drove by the school she would be starting on Monday. It was a big school mostly glass.
“Glass, they must be either rich or really stupid” Rayne said.
She saw the boy that she met in the hallway walking with a group of teens. He looked really familiar to her but she couldn’t put a finger on it so she just forgot about. She knew that she had forgotten some people but she wanted to find her old best friend since they were three years old. He had moved away a year before she left to live with her brother and she had no way of finding him. At home Grayson prepared to leave. The first time he left Rayne was too small to know that he wouldn’t be back and leaving her there again made her unsure but she had grown since the last time and was a lot wiser. Linda drove Grayson back to the airport but he refused to talk to her, he was the same stubborn child that ran away ten years ago, not changing a bit. Linda talked and he listened to some but ignored most. He wasn’t ready to listen to her apologies. The moment they reached the airport he got out the car and left without saying a word to her. Rayne took her brothers old car to a car shop to have it checked since it had been sitting in the garage for more than thirteen years then took it to the car wash. It was an old jeep but she didn’t care as long as it got her where she needed to go. She had a new radio put in since the old one was too ancient for her liking. She drove by all her old hang out spots then headed home to prepare for her first day of school at the glass school. Unlike her brother she didn’t ignore her mother but she didn’t like her either. She bought some McDonalds on her way home, one for her one for Linda. Linda came home and sat down at the dinning room where her share of food was.
“I see that your brother still hasn’t forgiven me” she said
“That’s his problem, I mean I haven’t forgiven you either but I tolerate it” Rayne said watching cartoons
“You know that I’m sorry right” Linda said
“Yea, yea save your apologies for some other sap I’m not really in the mood for that” Rayne said not taking her eyes off the animated people dancing across the screen.
“Well, I took the liberty of getting you a job at a boutique near the school” Linda said
“Yea, whatever I’ll look at it tomorrow but until then I wouldn’t mind doing things that I missed during my childhood” Rayne replied.
The two ate in silence; Rayne didn’t even bother looking at her.

chapter 2

The next morning Rayne went through the same routine that she had in California before school. Showered, applied make-up put all the earrings of the piercings she had in and then dressed up. She wore a bright green tank top that fitted tightly around her, showing the outline of her belly button piercing, a pair of skinny jeans without the rips down the front, and a pair of yellow all star low tops. She wore a long silver necklace, three silver hoops in each ear with a diamond stud in the cartilage. She wore the smallest diamond snakebite earrings.
She combed her thick black bangs then straightened the long back hair. She curled the two blonde streaks on each side of her face. With bracelets around her wrist and rings on most fingers she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.
“Do you need a ride” Linda asked
“Nope, I got the jeep” she answered and left.
In her point of view she looked kick ass but to Linda she didn’t recognize her daughter. Rayne had changed the license plates of the cars so that the jeep had her dads’ cars license plate. She turned up the music and whipped the car out the garage. People stared as she walked to the office to get her schedule. She was a bombshell with her green eyes and tanned complexion. She waited as the counselor printed out her schedule and saw her old enemy walk into the office in a cheerleading uniform but the girl didn’t notice her.
“Rayne Conner” the counselor said out loud.
She got up to get her schedule
“You” said the uniformed enemy.
Rayne just grinned and took the schedule. More stares as she walked to her first class upstairs and even more stares as she walked into the classroom. The teacher gave her a seat in the back which was exactly where she wanted to sit.
She used her bag to block the teachers view as she texted her brother “man these folks a bunch of lames”.
During the class period the kids would glance at her when the teacher turned around but she just ignored them. She breezed through second period but she saw the boy she thought she knew, Johnny, in her third period with her old enemy. The girl whispered something to him and he looked at Rayne and kept glancing at her during the period which made her think that her enemy, Britney, had told him something bad about her like she used to do.
When the bell rang for lunch Rayne took her time so that she could be the last person out.
The moment she walked out Johnny was in her face, staring at her “is it really you” he asked
“Do I know you” she asked
“So you leave for a couple of years and forget your old best friend Johnny” he said.
Her eyes went wide “don’t blame me, you look different and how can you say that I left when you left before me” she said.
“Okay so we’re both guilty, lets catch up at lunch” he said then wrapped his arm around her neck.
Like old times, she thought. More stares came around but this time it wasn’t with curiosity it was with jealousy. They sat down with a bunch of football players, cheerleaders and Britney outside
“You guys remember jelly bean” Johnny said when everyone was looking at
“Jelly bean!”Screamed Mack, one of her old now football player friend
“Talk about loosing the baby fat, Mack” she said
“Yea, I had to if I wanted to get on the team with Johnny here” Mack said.
She looked at Johnny “what are you the water boy” she teased
“More like quarter back” Johnny replied
“So where’d you go when you left” one girl asked
“Cali” Rayne answered
“So that was your brother with the tattoos” Johnny asked.
Rayne just nodded and then Johnny saw her tattoos and piercings. This wasn’t the girl he had left behind.
“What happened” he asked, almost in a whisper
“What do you mean” she asked back
“I leave for a year, come back to find you missing, never hear from you and then three years later you appear out of nowhere looking different” he replied.
The others were looking at them but couldn’t hear their conversation.
“Like you sent me any messages or whatever when you left” Rayne said
“What do you mean I sent you letters and everything I could” he said confused
“Are you sure ‘because I got zip from you and I have my reasons for not sending anything” Rayne said back.
The others were now really looking at them. Johnny grabbed her hand and led her away from the table and off to the parking lot where he stopped at his car and sat on the hood.
“I promise you that I sent things to you almost every week and why couldn’t you send me things?” he asked
“I don’t want to talk about this here or right now” she said avoiding his question
“Okay then answer this, what’s with the new look?” he asked,
“When in Rome do as the Romans do” she answered and started walking away.
He stood there for a minute thinking about what she had said then started after her. He had to admit that the new look made him happy in places that he didn’t want to be at a time of such. It was hard not to look at her as she walked away; he noticed curves that weren’t there three years ago.
“I didn’t know that you had a belly button piercing” said one of the cheerleaders
“Oh yea I got it a couple years back” she answered
“Can I see it, I wanted mines pierced but I don’t know” the girl said.
Rayne shrugged and lifted up her tank top to show the girl. Johnny read the tattoo that was on the side of Rayne’s hip as he got closer. ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ it said. The rest didn’t notice it because it was near her back
“It’s so cute, now I have to get mines pierced” shrieked the girl.
“No public nudity” Johnny said as he took his seat
“Hater” Rayne replied
“So are all the people in California all pierced up or is it just you?” asked Britney in a voice that was far from nice
“What are you trying to say that I’m a freak or something ‘cause of the piercing and if you are then I wonder what I’d be if you knew of the other piercings that you cant see” Rayne replied with a grin which meant that the game was on.
“I wouldn’t use the word freak more like whore, skank, slut and those other words” Britney replied
“It’s not my fault if your fake tan, cheap extensions and flat chest can’t get you any man” Rayne replied still grinning.
“This is not called for, both of you guys are acting immature right now” Johnny said
“Yea, who cares if she has not titties as long as she can give some good-” one boy was saying when Britney screamed and ran from the table.
“It’s good to be back” Rayne said and gave that boy a high five.
“I can’t believe that after all these years you two can’t bury the hatchet and stop the war between you two” Johnny said.
“I tried to not start anything but she started it” Rayne said.
Some of the other cheerleaders went to look for Britney and so did Johnny, leaving Rayne with the football players.
“So you coming to the game after school” Mack asked.
“I haven’t heard nothing bout no football game” she answered.
“Well it’s after school and its here so you can come and cheer us on” he replied.
“She doesn’t even have that southern accent anymore” said a tall boy coming up from behind Rayne.
She turned to face the stranger.
“Speak of the devil” said one boy.
“Don’t I get a ‘hey tony, how’s it been’” said tony.
“Why would I do that, the last time I checked you didn’t even know that I existed” Rayne said.
“Off course I knew that you existed it’s just that we never had time to hang out or nothing” tony said.

chapter 3

The bell rang and people started getting up. Rayne grabbed her bag and walked past tony who grabbed her wrist “don’t be like that, how bout we start out fresh you know turn the page or whatever” he said looking down at her. Tony was a senior and also Britney’s older brother. Before she left he had never even said a word to her, as if she was invisible.
“So all of a sudden you want to hang out with me?” she asked.
“Why wouldn’t I, you seem like a cool person without that boy Johnny always around like a watch dog or something” tony replied.
Tony and Johnny were never on good terms since they were younger for some reason that Rayne didn’t know. She knew why he all of sudden wanted to hang around her and she wasn’t having it.
“Yea whatever, I’ll see around” she said and pulled her hand which he was now holding away.
She ran into Johnny on the way to class but just walked past him, he looked mad and from experience it was never a good idea to talk to him when he was mad. Johnny watched Rayne walk past him, he didn’t blame her but then saw tony walk past him and he got a bad feeling in his gut. Truth be told Johnny was like a brother to Rayne but when the hit middle school feelings that weren’t there years before started emerging and he then wanted to have more than a brother-sister like relationship and now her coming back looking like that wasn’t helping the situation.
He didn’t want her to be involved with tony in any ways, tony was trouble but now that he thought about it so was Rayne. Rayne walked into her sixth period, American history, but in her words ‘the lamest subject ever created in the history of man kind’. She took the text book that the teacher gave to her and had a seat in the back of the class room. After five minutes of trying to pay attention she gave up and tuned him out. Twenty five minutes later the bell rang and an announcement told the students to head to the gym for a pep-rally.
She grabbed her messenger bag and text book and headed out to the gym.
She met tony and a group of boys hanging out some lockers near the gym. Tony approached her and she tried to join in with the crowd but it was too late.
“So you said that we can hang out or whatever so how bout you sit with me during this pep-rally” he said as he backed her up against a wall with one hand by her head.
“I’m supposed to meet some people” she lied
“They’ll be okay with you sitting with me” he said then grabbed her hand, leading her towards the gym. He sat her down in the middle section of bleachers. She had to admit that it was a good view but knew that if Johnny saw them he’d kill her later. Students piled in and she was sure that Johnny wouldn’t notice her so she relaxed. The cheerleader started with a boring routine then the football players tore through a banner and onto the gym floor. Music blared, students screamed, and the cheerleader flipped and danced. The football players were introduced then they told the crowd to come out for the game after school. They sat on the first row of bleachers of the middle section of the opposite end of the gym. Johnny searched around the gym with his eyes for Rayne and saw her sitting with tony. He was playing with one of her blonde strands and whispering something in her ear making her giggle. If it wasn’t in public in front of teacher and what not Johnny would have marched to tony and broken the fingers that he used to touch her. For a sixteen year old Johnny was much bigger than normal. He was about six feet and ripped with muscles. His dark hair that at first covered his eyes was now cut short. Mack noticed Johnny and looked in the direction of his gaze, he saw the same thing Johnny did but this time tony had his arm around her and was closer. He didn’t want to put his friend out there but he didn’t want the other to see the anger in Johnny’s eyes and body movement. Mack just tried to get Johnny’s attention from those two without sounding suspicious to the other players.
“So you see that game yesterday?” Mack asked
“No, man I had forgot” Johnny replied, he now was paying attention to Mack and the anger in eyes was gone.
The pep-rally which was more like an assembly after the cheerleaders made another performance didn’t end for another twenty minutes. When the bell rang and students started spilling out into the schools parking lot to catch buses and to do whatever else they had in mind before the game started Rayne escaped Tony and drove off towards the boutique she was to work at. She parked in the parking lot of a small clothing boutique. It was mainly teens’ clothes that they sold but clothes for older people were also sold there. She walked to the register with a blonde teenage girl sitting there.
“Can I help you?” she asked in a voice that sounded as if she wasn’t interested in what Rayne had to say
“Yea, I’m supposed to be seeing the manager or something for the job that I got” Rayne replied
“Oh. You’re the new employee, well the managers in the back so I’ll just get her that she can explain the stuff to you” the blonde said and walked to the back to get the manager.
Rayne walked around the store looking at the clothes. It was a small town, which meant that there weren’t a lot of clothing stores, and they only had a small Wal-Mart. The manager walked out and headed towards Rayne
“You must be Linda’s’ daughter, it’s a pleasure to meet you but I heard that there was a football game today so you can start work tomorrow” she said before Rayne could get a word in
“What time do I have to start work and when do I have to work?” Rayne asked
“You work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from three thirty to eight and on Saturdays from eight in the morning to two” replied the manager.
Rayne drove home to change into another shirt, this time she wore a purple and white t-shirt. She tied her hair into a messy ponytail and took all her earrings off. She changed her shoes and put on her black knee high converses. She drove back to the school, bought a ticket and went outside to the already packet bleachers.
“I saw you looking at her” Mack said when they were heading out to the field quietly though not wanting the other boys to hear.
“Looking at whom?” Johnny asked
“Rayne and tony in the bleachers all up on her” Mack replied
“I wasn’t looking at them I was thinking about something else but was looking in their direction” Johnny lied
“you cant lie to me, I already know how you feel bout that girl and right now you acting like a fool, sitting back while she hooks up tony, man you dumber than I thought” Mack said then walked off.
Johnny had told Mack about his feelings for Rayne a couple of years back when she wasn’t there. Johnny walked onto the field and didn’t feel like playing any more but some how he found Rayne in the crowd of people.
“This is her first time seeing me play, I cant loose” he thought to himself.
The game started off slow then the energy that Johnny was putting in pumped his team members and before he knew it they were crushing their opponent. They won the game and the crowd stormed the field, cheering on Johnny and his team mates. Rayne was pushed and shoved out of the way, she wasn’t the type to go onto the field and storm the players. She walked up to Mack who wasn’t being attacked
“Congrats, you guys stomped the other team” she said
“Thanks, so you want to come to the pizza shop after this?” he asked
“Why not but I don’t know where its at” she said
“I need a ride, you need direction, perfect” he said.
She waited as he put his things into the locker room and changed then they left for the parking lot. Johnny was walking around looking for Mack to take him to the pizza restaurant but he was nowhere to be found so he called him. Mack was sitting in the car, when he got a call from Johnny. Mack was still mad at him so he just ignored the call and texts.
“You seen Mack anywhere?” Johnny asked the players
“He got in this jeep with that cutie from lunch” said one player.
“She past cutie, she fine” said another player
“That’s one sexy chica that I wouldn’t mind spending some dough on” said one Hispanic player.
The boys nodded and Johnny realized that what Mack had said about him being a fool was true. In the pizza restaurant there was a long table set up for the players, cheerleaders and coaches. People were already seated around the table and the tables surrounding it.
“You can sit next to me” Mack said patting the seat next to him.
Rayne didn’t feel like sitting around a table of people different from her, like the cheerleaders and whatever they talked about and the football players flirting or hitting on her.
“Its okay I’m supposed to be sitting with these girls” she said and walked to the last empty booth in the corner of the restaurant.
People didn’t even walk to the last booth since it was so far away but the occasional group of late comers would walk back there only to find Rayne stretched out in one of the booths. She looked like the type of person that you shouldn’t mess with so they all just left. The coaches made a toast to the team and they all dug into the stacks of pizza on their table. Johnny sat next to Mack.
“Have you seen Rayne” he asked
“She said that she was sitting with some girls” Mack answered.
After a while people started messing around and dancing to the music playing so Johnny decided to find Rayne. He couldn’t walk a few feet without someone stopping him to congratulate him to have a chat. Rayne wasn’t the most social person so she just put in her headphones and tuned out the people. Britney and her cheerleading group spotted her and decided to have some fun. Britney stood at Rayne’s’ table as if she was waiting for her to look up and establish her. Britney called Rayne several times to find that the girl had in headphones and was blasting music, not hearing a thing. She tapped Rayne on the shoulders before the girl noticed her.
“Why, your friends finally found out that you’re a freak or did you take somebody’s man?” Britney asked harshly.
Rayne considered her choices, kick Britney’s butt and get arrested or just ignore her. “Maybe I stole somebody’s man but if it’s not yours I prefer that you take some steps back and leave” Rayne replied.
She chose to not go to jail.
“Oh, now you’re not so tough any more, I know you want to say something smart” Britney said feeling a little defeated
“No not really I don’t see the point of wasting my time” Rayne said and slid out the booth.

chapter 4

She walked over to the counter and ordered some take out. Some people were laughing at Britney which made her even madder. Johnny saw the scene and walked over to them, not wanting any fights to happen. Britney got an idea that she thought would piss Rayne off and took the opportunity. When Johnny reached them she kissed him out of nowhere. Rayne looked at them then just laughed; she grabbed the food, paid then walked out with a normal stride. The other cheerleaders thought that Britney had gone too far with this and so did Mack who had seen the whole thing. Johnny pulled away and turned from Britney, trying to reach Rayne before she drove off. He stepped out as she started the engine
“Rayne, Wait, hold up!” he screamed but she just backed out her parking spot, turned up her radio to tune out his yelling.
She didn’t know why she was mad but she hated Britney, Johnny, the world and even herself. Johnny drove after her, not knowing why he felt as if he had to apologize. She wiped the tears that fell furiously as she drove home. She made sure that there wasn’t a streak of mascara or tears running down her face as she parked and headed inside the house that was torture and hell a few years back. She left the food on the table and walked up to her room, locking the door behind her. She put her headphones on and blasted music, not wanting to hear the world anymore. Johnny parked his car and headed for the door, he rang the door bell even though he knew that Rayne wouldn’t answer. Linda came and opened the door to find Johnny standing there
“Can I please talk to Rayne” he said
“Sure, you know where her room is” Linda replied and watched Johnny take the stairs two at a time.
He knocked on her door several times to receive quietness. He knew that she wouldn’t open the door but he didn’t know why, was it because Britney made her mad or maybe because she actually liked Johnny. He shook the last thought out of his head and headed out the front door to take another approach. He climbed up unto her balcony and tried opened the window, her back was to him and with the music blaring she didn’t hear him banging on the window to get her attention. He quit after a while and decided to go home and talk to her later. Rayne bathed and went to sleep knowing that she had to go to work the next day. Johnny got up the next morning and all he could think about was the situations from yesterday. He was used to Rayne and Britney fighting but it had gone too far now. Rayne woke up and got ready for a day at the boutique. She wore a white long sleeved t shirt, a pair of black shorts and her knee high lace up combat boots. She teased her hair into a faux hawk and applied dark eyeliner on before heading out the door. She met the manager at the door of the boutique and was greeted with a friendly hello. She was told to work the register, which she already knew how to from previous jobs in California. The manager was in the back room checking orders as she sat there listening to her iPod and trying to stay awake. By twelve people started coming into the store, not a lot of people like in a mall but enough. She checked their clothes out and returned back to her music while studying the type of people that came and went out the door. Most of the people were in their mid-twenties. Johnny drove to Rayne’s house only to find her car missing and no one at home. He decided to go and hang out with Mack and the rest of his friends at the pool. By two at least twenty people had came into the store and it was time to go somewhere else for Rayne. She got in her car and decided to drive around the town, trying to find something interesting to do. Johnny avoided Britney the entire time they were at the pool. Rayne stopped by an ice cream shop on her way to nowhere in particular. She got out and headed in the store. Johnny saw her car then her so he decided to go in there. He walked across the street to the shop alone but was followed by most of his friends. The shop was empty when he walked in and saw Rayne talking to a boy on the other side of the counter. She was laughing as she got her order and sat in a booth. Johnny started walking towards her but stopped when he saw the boy walk out from behind the counter and sat next to her, being replaced by another employee. The people that had followed him were now making orders and taking seats and Johnny was pulled to a booth by someone who he didn’t even bother to look at, he was still looking at Rayne and the boy.
“So you go to that stupid school too” Rayne said
“Yep, I’m part of that stupid student body” the boy said back
“No offense but your school sucks and most of the students are dimwitted” Rayne said.
The boy laughed “I agree with you, but if you hate the people and the school why are you there?” he asked
“I really don’t know” she answered honestly
“So you moved from Cali to this town for nothing “the boy said
“Basically” Rayne said.
“You want something off the menu or what?” Mack asked
“I’m alright” Johnny answered
“Then why’d you come in here in the first place?” Mack asked.
Johnny just nodded his head in Raynes’ direction and Mack followed. Mack saw Rayne and shook his head
“Either don’t fall in love or grow the balls to tell her how you feel” he said to Johnny who just put his head on the table.
“I guess you aren’t growing any balls any soon” Mack said and went to get his ice-cream.
Rayne and the boy walked out the door to her car and all Johnny could do was watch.
“I’ll drop you off at your house” Rayne said to the boy as they climbed in.

chapter 5

She looked up and saw Johnny staring back at her. She looked away and backed out of the parking lot, leaving Johnny staring at the car drive off. The boy, Sammie, saw what had happened but didn’t want to say anything. He lived a couple houses from her and a house away from Johnnys’. She dropped him off and he thanked her. She drove back home not having anywhere else to go. Her mother was home, sitting with a woman who Rayne didn’t recognize at first but did soon. Mrs. Lauden, Johnnys’ mother.
“Well hello Rayne” she said as Rayne walked into the living room.
“Hello Mrs. Lauden” Rayne said not wanting to take her anger that she has for her son on her.
“You mean Ms. Lauden, that old coon and I are divorced” she replied
“Oh” was all Rayne could say.
“Forget that, so how has it been since you came back?” Ms. Lauden asked
“Pretty good” Rayne replied.
“Well I leave you to do whatever you children do at this time” Ms. Lauden said.
Rayne just smiled and walked up to her room, where she plopped down on her bed. She just laid there thinking about what Ms. Lauden had asked about her stay. Was it really good or was it just as bad as it had always been. She set her alarm clock knowing that she might fall asleep and be late for school the next day. Like she thought she fell asleep in her clothes just to be woken up by her obnoxious alarm clock.
She got up out of bed and went to get ready for another day of school. Today she wore a cute white shirt, a black mini blazer, a black skirt and a pair of black flats. She put in her black snake bite studs, which stood out against her lightly tanned skin. She wore her white earrings and diamond studs but no belly button ring. She out her hair up in a messy ponytail on top of her head and put on her nerdy fake glasses and headed out the door with her bag. She drove to Sammie’s house to pick him up and they headed to school. They got there early and headed into the cafeteria until they were told to go to class. She got looks as she made her way to an empty seat with the boy.
“It’s going to be hard to stay low when you get all these looks wherever you go” Sammie teased as they sat down.
Rayne laughed and turned her phone on. Fifteen minutes into in her phone rang; she answered it, not knowing who it was.
“Hello” she said
“Um its Johnny, can we talk?” he asked.
She wasn’t ready to talk to him, not knowing why but she just didn’t want to.
“Sorry, I’m busy” she replied and hung up.
Johnny stood at the opposite end of the cafeteria watching Rayne as she hung up on him. He didn’t know why she wouldn’t talk to him but it was excruciating to watch her lie to him. He walked over to her table bent on making her talk to him.
“Hey” he said to Rayne who just ignored him.
He slid in next to Sammie, who he ignored.
“So you’re busy?” Johnny asked,
“Clearly you can see that I’m busy” Rayne responded.
“Okay, so why don’t you want to talk to me?” he asked.
Sammie felt really uncomfortable sitting there.
“Maybe because I just don’t want to” she said sharply, trying to hold a steady look even though she knew that he was the one person who knew when she was lying.
Johnny held her gaze until he frowned and left. He steered clear of Britney as she walked through the door he was planning on leaving through. People started murmuring as she walked in; even they knew that she had gone too far when she kissed him. Mack walked over to Rayne and Sammie.
“Nerd” he teased as he sat down next to her.
“Hating jock” she replied.
“Oh, hey Sammie” he said.
Sammie just nodded to Mack; usually the jocks ignored him completely.
“So I see that you and bravo still aren’t talking” Mack said.
“More like I am not to talking to him” Rayne said.
“Why?” Mack asked.
Rayne shrugged and stared past him. The bell rang and students filed out of the cafeteria. She headed to her first period which Johnny was not in. she headed to her seat in the back of the room like usual and put in her head phones as she waited for class to get started. One of her favorite songs came on and before she knew it she was in her own world. A thought of her and Johnny as children slipped into her thoughts and snapped her back to reality. She scribbled the notes the teacher wrote and tried to pay attention to a boring lesson on trigonometry. She thanked god when the bell rang, leaving one boring class just to go to another. She hated U.S history the most so off course to was hard for her to pay attention but she wanted to make good grades and it was easier to pay attention to the teacher than to look at all the stares and looks she got from the other students. She sat in her English class after that not wanting to look at Johnny who tried to keep her gaze for more than a second before she looked away. Literature was one subject that she actually liked and excelled in. to her music was the same as stories or poems just with a really awesome beat to it. When the bell rang for lunch she was the first one out, not because she was really hungry but because she didn’t want any run-ins with Johnny or Britney. She went outside and sat under a tree near the lunch room. She called her brother just to hear his voice.
“Hello” he said in a voice that suggested that he was still asleep.
“I leave for a couple of weeks and you can’t figure out how to wake up?” Rayne teased.
“One word, Epic! Went to the bombest party yesterday!” he said.
“Don’t rub it in and bombest is so not a word!” Rayne said giggling.
“It is in my dictionary, but I know you’re suppose to be in class or something right now so what’s up?” he asked
“Nothing. I just wanted to see how bad you were doing without me” Rayne.
“I’m okay but how are you?” he asked.
“I’ve been better but like I always say the worse it can get is death” Rayne replied.
They said their goodbyes and Rayne put on her beats headphones to block out the environment she was in. she was on her third song when Sammie sat next to her.
“Is this place taken?” he asked
“Of course not” Rayne said as she took of her headphones.
“So why you are not sitting with your jocks and so called cheerleader friends?” he asked.
“Because the only jock friend that I have is sitting with my nemeses and her new male accomplice” she answered.
“So what’s with you and Johnny any ways, you two are the topic of all the gossip” he said.
“Nothing, just old friends who had a falling out” Rayne said even though she knew that they were more than just friends, they were like each others other half.
“Friends, huh?” Sammie asked.
“Yea, what else did you think that we were?” she asked.
“I don’t really know” he answered.
The sun shone through the gaps in the tree and Rayne stretched out her hand to feel its heat.
“You want to see something?” Sammie asked.
“Yea” Rayne replied.
He stood up and helped her up. She took off her blazer since the heat was starting to irritate her. She took her hair down as they walked back in the direction of the cafeteria. People turned around to see her and Sammie walk by, even Johnny who was going through his phone. The wind blew hair around her, making Johnny catch his breath as the sun shone just at the right angle. She looked gorgeous at the moment and without realizing it he was taking a picture of the girl he lost. Sammie and Rayne walked through the hallways until they got to the art room where the inside was painted with pictures of the sort.
“This is really cool” she said admiring one of a girls face.
She walked over to a glass case which held paintings and drawings. One of them caught her attention; it was a painting of a girl walking in the darkness with only her white clothes illuminating the place, her face was hidden by her dark hair. She looked at the signature at the bottom of the painting but it was illegible.
“This school got some Picassos and Van Gogh’s” she said as they walked out.
“Yea they’re pretty amazing” Sammie agreed.
They had fifteen minutes left of lunch so they returned to the tree, getting the same looks they had got when they were leaving.
“So can you draw?” Rayne asked.
“No not really, I’m just a normal kid, what about you, do you do anything special?” he asked with a smile.
He wasn’t a bad looking person, with his dark hair and baby blue eyes.
“Nope just a regular kid like you” she replied and returned a smile.
This was going to be a good friendship, she thought. The day turned into weeks as they hung out with the eyes of the whole school following them around. One of the Sundays that they were hanging out at the mall she noticed something about him. They were sitting in the food court just talking when a boy she recognized from school walked to the counter to order something.
Sammie was looking at the boy the whole time, never taking his eyes off him. When the boy sat down at the table next to them and said hey, Sammie turned blushed like a little girl. “You like him” Rayne said confidently as they walked out of the mall.
“What are you talking about?” Sammie asked looking away.
“You were blushing like a nun in there when that boy said hey to us and you couldn’t take your eyes off him” Rayne replied.
“Okay, so I might like him” Sammie said quietly.
“Does he know that you like him or are you fresh out the closet?” Rayne asked.
“I’m not fresh out the closet and I don’t think he knows” Sammie answered as they got in the car.
“Maybe because you act way too straight that he doest know Rayne said.
“Everybody knows that I’m gay so it nothing new and we all know that he’s gay” Sammie said.
“Man you folks down here are so complicated!” Rayne said as she pulled out of the parking lot.
“You’re one of us, remember” Sammie said,
“Don’t remind me” Rayne said back.
Rayne pulled up to her house to find a moving truck and Johnny there. Boxes were being taken out of the truck and into the house. She saw her mom and decided to ask her what was going on.
“Grayson decided to send you some of the stuff from California” Linda replied.
She went inside and opened a medium sized box to find it full of posters and the things that hung on her wall at Graysons’ house. She sat on the firs step inside and opened a small box. It had a note on top of the things saying, ‘never know when these might come in handy’ and a smiley face. She looked under the note to find dozens of condoms of different types and sizes. She couldn’t help but laugh at her brothers’ immaturity. She called him to ask him what he thought she would be doing.
“I don’t know maybe one day something leads to something else then you’ll need them” Grayson answered with a laugh.
“You’re so immature!” she said back to.
“hey maybe you and that boy, what was his name, Tommy or something, just could hit it off after like a billion years of being so called friends” Grayson said.


Texte: craziestshortie
Bildmaterialien: craziestshorti
Lektorat: precious
Übersetzung: precious
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2012

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