
Caring is so not Sharing

I sighed in disgust and stared at the limo. I preferred lamborghinis and Porsches. I had told mom and dad over three times that I will not be riding in a limo. It attracts to much attention. Trust me, I've had experience. I felt like laughing. I looked at my watch and looked down at my clothes. I was dressed up for soccer. My match right before today. Mom and dad were planning to take me along but out of nowhere they get this ridiculous idea of sending me to a boarding school. I wanted to scream and still do. I had read a book on a girl who was rich, went to a boarding school and found it was a school full of vampires. That's when I stopped reading. I picked up my soccer bag with my duffel bag full of my clothes and walked around the limo. "Miss. Nicolas, please." said my driver, Sasha. "Sashes, keep within your latches. Please, I told them last time, I am not going to ride in that thing." I gestured towards the limo with my head. Sasha looked sadly down at it. "Fine. We will go in the range rover." he compromised. I stared bewildered at him. "No more compromises. Besides, the Porsche takes to much gas." he said. I rolled my eyes. Like I didn't know that. I sat in the shotgun seat beside Sasha. We went rumbling down the streets of London to the Airport.
I walked off the plane to the airport. I was starving and thirsty. Since I was a soccer player, I got dehydrated a lot. I dragged my suitcase along with me. I took my Adidas sweater off and hung it over my arm and kept walking. I stepped into the airport. I was greeted by one of the airport workers. "Hello Ms.Nicolas. I'm Pellenica Stewerts, your personal assistant to your ride to Crete." welcomed the assistant. She had her hazel hair up in a bun and her brown eyes were tired but sparkling with delight. I smiled at her. "NIce to meet you Miss Stewerts." I said shaking her hand. "Please, call me Pellenica." I nodded. "Is there any place I can crash?" I asked. Pellenica looked at me confusingly. "It's British and American slang for can I get something to drink or eat?" I explained. Pellenica nodded. She lead me down a escalator and up a staircase. She opened a door to a fancy restaurant. "Um, Pellenica, I'm sorry but this is to... Elderly. I. Still just a teen so maybe just a fast food place would be good." I said. Pellenica nodded and led me down a staircase and up a escalator. She lead me to a place with teens sitting and ordering. "More of my taste." I mumbled.
I pulled out my camera and took pictures of the scenery. Crete was so beautiful. I looked around at other things. The car stopped. I raised my eyebrows at the driver. The driver grunted something and rolled his eyes in the rear view mirror. "Your...ah...hostile...hostel or...boarding school here." he looked happy when he finished his sentence. I guessed he didn't know english very well. I opened the door and hopped out. Crete was so great! In front of me stood this humongous castle or modern castle. I sighed and pulled out my luggage. I dragged my luggage and myself to the front door. I thought I saw Flying horses at the side of the school. I ignored my hallucination and walked into the school or whatever it was. I saw signs in Greek and translated in English under it all over the place. I walked into the main office. At the front desk sat a thin gray haired woman typing on a keyboard. "ah, hello." I managed to say. "Zephyr Nicolas. Welcome. Here's your schedule. Here's a file with all you need to know." with that said, the woman turned her attention back to the omputer. "Oookaaayy." I said and slipped away from the office. I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I mumbled. I looked up to see who it was. A boy stood there looking down at me. He was very, very, very handsome. He had dark brown hair with purple eyes? "it's alright. You look new." he said and walked away as if being new was my excuse. I stood up and checked the thick file the secretary had given me.
This is what the first page said:
Welcome to White Ridges Boarding School.
Your Dorm: F20
Your parentage: Poseidon
Period. Class
1. Swordplay
2. Defence
3. Pegasus riding
4. Greek writing
5. Water controlling
6. Free period
7. Capture the Flag
I was sure their had to be another schedule. I had signed up for sports. I was hoping I could have some help finding my dorm but after walking into the dorm section of the school, it was pretty simple. There were corridors with the letter of the dorm printed in bright lime green on the wall so it was visible. And the best thing was it was in alphabetical order. When I walked down the corridor, I found my room midway through. I knocked on the door. A boy with jet black hair like me and sea green eyes opened the door. He had olive skin and was well built. The only difference between me and him was he was a boy, was well built and had sea green eyes. I had literal green eyes. He looked at me and mumbled something probably in greek. "Hey, how can I help you" he raised his eyebrows at me. "Um, I'm new here and..." I handed him the first page of my thick file. "I never knew that I had a sister. What's your name?" he asked me. I replayed the conversation. "I'm your what?" I asked him. " my sister. You're Poseidon's daughter and I'm Poseidon's son. You see the resemblence?" I stared at him with my mouth shaped in a O. He pulled me in with my luggage.

Do I know you?

After the whole explanation of me being a demigod with my step brighter, I was ready to believe anything. He had told me that my mom and Poseidon had hooked up which created me and my mother probably left me or something and poseidon made two humans adopt me and finally send me here. Other than that, he said he didn't know anything. After the whole conversation, I finally asked his name. "My name is Aleixo." he said stretching on the blue couch. The dorm was nice. Or I would prefer the word awesome. It was all the shades of blue. Which was my favorite color. In the mini fridge, there was red bull and monster energy drinks. There was also icecream, chocolate and a blue cake. "MInd showing me my room?" I asked Aleixo. Aleixo paused he ps3 game. He signed and got up. "This is the magic mini fridge. It restocks every 15 hours."he pointed towards the mini stainless steel fridge which I had already been through. This is the relaxing room." he said walking towards a dark blue door. I followed him. He opened it revealing a mini lake in a room. I was suprised that the water didn't pour out. He simply walked in then floated in the water. He could see me perfectly without having to squint. He was breathing too. I felt like I was going to faint. "Come on in" he gestured me. He could talk underwater too? I hope he wasn't doing magic. I fearfully put one of my feet in. Aleixo sighed annoyingly and pulled me in whole. He held me tight. I didn't breathe until I got to the point where I had to open my eyes and breathe. Surprisingly, very surprisingly, I could breathe underwater. Aleixo and I swam out. Before getting out, he told me something. " will the water to keep you dry." he told me. I nodded. I wasn't sure how but I tried. I closed my eyes and commanded the water to keep me dry. The I hopped out...dry. Aleixo smiled. "You're a fast learner. It took me two weeks to learn how to do it." he laughed. I joined him. He lead me to his room. Which had a water bed, posters, and other boy things. Then he lead me to the room next to his. "There's another room if you want but this one is the cleanest." he assured. I liked the room. It was plain blue and had a water bed and a washroom. "Does anyone else live here?" I asked. Aleixo shook his head. "Only Poseidon's children can live here." he explained. I threw my bags into the closet and walked back to where Aleixo was sitting. I picked up another controller and said "Verse You." Aleixo grinned at me. "I am the master of Black Opps." he bragged. "Oh yeah, I'm the mistress of Blavk Opps." I bragged. It was an hour later when the door slammed open and a group of laughing boys came in. Aleixo and my eyes were burning for staring the Tv straight for an hour. I paused the game and looked to see who it was. I was awed. I had never seen so many good looking guys in one day. "Hey Alex, pass me a red bull." said one of the guys walking in and lying down onto the Purple couch. They all grabbed controllers and sat down. They didn't notice that I was sitting there until I killed over 25 guys. They turned their heads to face me. I raised my eyebrows. "Hi." I mumbled. The boy sitting beside me was absolutely dashing, handsome and everything else that was good and I could think of. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. His blue eyes had lightning strike through every once in a while. He kept his mouth shut and turned his gaze to Aleixo. "She's my sister, Zephyr. Zephyr meet the guys. The guys meet Zephyr." introduced Aleixo. All the guys mumbled a hi except for the boy beside me. I could tell he was Zeus's son. He was just so serious. "I'm Austin." he introduced himself. "I'm Louis!" cried out the one with brown hair and gray eyes. "I'm Christopher." said the one lying down on the purple couch. "I'm Julious." said the one sitting on Christopher's feet. "I'm Donatello." said the one sitting on the ground in front of me. "I'm Zephyr. Friends call me Zee." I introduced myself. The guys stared at me like I was an old missing friend finally found. I stretched. "You guys like football or soccer or some sport we can play?" I asked yawning. Austin mumbled something underneath his breath. There was something familiar about him. I joist couldn't put my hand on it. "Let's go for football." said Louis standing up and stretching. "Lets play soccer or football. Whatever you call it." I shrugged. We all walked out the balcony and onto a huge football field. I sat onto the ground. "Alright, let's start."

Monotaurs are so last season!

I walked around the packed dorm. It was packed with demigods. I shuffled my way through them towards the door. I wanted to leave. A girl had called my dorm inviting me and Aleixo over for a party. I wasn't much of a party person because I didn't dance or sing. After five minutes of traumic elbows in my arms and bodies pressing against me, I finally reached the door. I walked over and opened it. I stepped out into fresh air and closed the door behind me. The hall was empty and silent like a deserted Texas town. I walked into the Corridor F. I stopped and turned back around and walked the other way. Maybe, I should get some fresh air. I walked down the heap of stairs and onto the first floor. I could see the main enterence. I walked towards it and opened the door, stepping out into the sweet smell of Crete. I walked down the pathway until I found the hill where I had saw when I was playing football with the others. I Badly wanted to sit on the hill. If I could reach the top of it, I would be able to see maybe all of Crete! Now that would be amazing. The only problem was that there was a forest guarding the beautiful, green hill. I wondered what was beyond it, I mean the hill. The only thing I could think of was green plains and all. The forest looked a bit creepy. Two voices were going through my head. One was saying, Common sense, don't go. Remember all the freaky movies you watched? And how the stupid teens would go into the forest at night and something would attack them? And how you would wonder why they were so foolish? Well, you're doing that foolishness right now!

said one of the voices. The other voice said Come on, Zee. The generation has changed! The creepy forest movies were so last season. Now it's all about date devils and rebels. Besides, it's probably only a chunk of three or four trees and it's over.

I heard myself groan. I had no weapons i had a good stamina and a good chance of running away from whoever attacked. The voices in my head argued. I walked into the forest without a second thought.
"Where is she?" I asked Aleixo. Aleixo shrugged. "What if that witch, whatshername?..." I snapped my fingers trying to remember the woman with white flames as her hair and white cat like eyes name. Aleixo scratched his head and shook his finger saying " Cannon's mom, right?" he asked unsure. I nodded. Bif Cannon was a jerk who lived in the forest with his mom. He was a witch's son which turns out he was. "I got it! Melanie Jasper Cannon. Thats her cover name, now whats her real name?" I rolled my eyes at him. Sometimes, Aleixo was no help." Maybe we could iris it." I suggested. Aleixo and I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a windex spray bottle and sprayed water over the window. I dug in my pocket for a drachma. "Aleixo, she's your sister." I said pulling my hand out holding a quarter, a nickel and a dime. He took my forty cents and placed his drachma in his palm. "O Iris. Please accept my offering." the drachma dissapeared into mist. "Show us Zephyr, Poseidon's daughter." ordered Aleixo. A scene came up of Zephyr walking through woods and she stopped because she heard a hiss, then kept on walking ignoring it completely. "Zoom out." commanded Aleixo. The scene zoomed out until it showed our academy, the forest, then the hill and then the lake. I smacked my forehead. "Great. She's going for the hill." I said annoyingly. What was so special about the stupid, damn hill. I had flew over the forest to the hill once but there was nothing to see. Except all of Crete.

I hiked over rocks, branches, broken twigs, dirt,bones, leafs and more. It was like an abandoned thrift store. I moved along going straight and taking no turns. I kept on walking no matter what happened. I came across a campfire. It was just there. I ignored and kept walking. I had to get to the hill. It was my goal. For tonight. Without anybody's help, I had to get up there. A figure landed i front of me. I had to blink a few times to see clearly who it was. "Austin. What a surprise." I said smiling and kept walking but Austin didn't budge. He stood there. I took a step back. "Now, why are you goin' to the hill?" he asked. For the first time, I noticed he had a Irish accent. It was cute. It made him look even more wanting. "I'm going to the hill to see all of Crete." I responded. Austin rolled his eyes. "C'mon you've got to be kidding me." he said. I crossed my arms. "Your Zeus's son. You probably did laps around the island flying for an exercise!" I argued.


Texte: Tuto Mecco
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2012

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To my red bull...somewhere

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