
chapter 1

Blood splattered across the walls screams of agony and death could be heard echoing through the air. bodies lay strewn amongst the carnage. I remain as silent as I can, barely breathing. My heart pounds inside my chest. I quickly look over my shouler than run.

Bullets start to fly through the air. Then my instincts take over over. I look over to where a set of bullets is coming from and see an attacker. I slide on my knees, my back to the ground then quickly flip up rapping my hands around my assaliant and snap his neck then through him to a gunman on my right.

I dive across the room then roll and spring up taking out another attacker. then i make a mad dash to the exit. I burst thouh the door and see a familiar figure.

"Exellent training session Alex."says Alaster.


Texte: if you copy this book I will hunt you down and kill your family. and the cover photo is the internet, I know Russians don't tempt me.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2012

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I dedicate this to Fread.

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