
The Letter

I sighed as I walked through the hallways, my steps echoing slightly in the abandoned hallway.  I scratched my head of blue hair. I dyed it recently because of boredom. Surprisingly, my parents didn't care. 



I turned around to find my best friend and crush, Marcus McCollum walking towards me. I smiled and waved. He waved back. "I'm soooooo glad that this day is almost over!!!" I said loudly. Marcus nodded. "Yeah, definitely." He chuckled. I reached in my pocket and and pulled out a letter with his name written on it. "This is an invite to a party that I'm having tonight." I handed it to him. He smiled. "OK..." He put on a weird face. "I'll see you later, my lover!" He said jokingly. I made the same face he did. "OK! See you later!!" Marcus walked away, leaving me alone to think on my own thoughts.

I squealed. I skipped away while humming like the gay guy I was.


Time Skip Shit To The Party~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



I was setting up the table with plates and forks as my other friends sat on the floor, talking with each other. There was (these are actual people) Tyler, Chalynne, Cheyenne, and Anita. 'I wonder were Marcus is...' I thought to myself as I set the last plate, which was for him. I looked at everybody, rubbing my hands together. "Alright! Let's party!!" 





This chapter isn't very long, I know, but I thought this was better than nothing...

The Games


We all sat in a circle while waiting for an idea to pop in our heads for what we should do next. I held my chin in my hands. I groaned. ' Why isn't he here yet!!!' I screamed in my head. Just as I finished the thought, the door opened, revealing Marcus with a bag and a couple wrapped boxes. I cocked my head in curiosity as he walked through the door. "Sorry I was late," he kicked the door shut. "But I had to get some presents for you." I chuckled "Marcus, you didn't have to do that for me!!" 


I heard giggling behind me and some soft whispers. "I have a plan," I heard Chalynne say. "We'll have Izell confess his feelings through a game!!" My face grew red and I marched over to where they were discussing this "plan". I squatted down and gave them all my signature death glare, which was feared throughout the school. ( I don't know, I was bored...Don't judge!!)


"I know what your up to, and I'm NOT, repeat NOT, going to confess! I will confess on my own..." I whisper-yelled at them. "So what are you guys doing?" I heard Marcus say from the other room. I smiled and stood back up. "Oh, nothing. Just discussing on what we should do now that your here." I said happily. "Oh! I have an idea!!" I turned around to see Cheyenne with a smirk on her face. "Let's play truth or dare!!" Trying to make me confess through Truth or Dare... Well played... Very well played...


We all sat down and did Enie Meanie Minie Mo (I doubt I spelled that right...) to see who would go first. After the little choosing, which ended up being Tyler, he looked around the circle and pointed to Chalynne. "Alright Cha-Cha, (her nickname) Truth or Dare!" "Dare!!!" She proclaimed. Tyler brought his hand to his chin and stoked his imaginary beard. We all laughed at his silly antics. "I dare you to.... do a hand stand for one minute!" He exclaimed. She looked down to the cast on her leg, then back up to Tyler and glared at him.


"I can't do that! My leg is broken..." "Oh...Okay. Well then, it's your turn Chalynne."

She looks at me. I roll my eyes. "Truth or dare Izell???" 'I'm probably going to regret this...' I thought. I sighed. "Dare..." I mumbled out. Chalynne had a devious look on her face. 'Yep... I should've known better...' I gulped. "I dare you to straddle Marcus's hips!!!" I blushed while everybody else was laughing. Marcus was smiling. "No!" I stood up quickly. "I'm not doing it cuz Marcus doesn't want me doing that!!" Marcus chuckled "Well, who said that?" he asked. My blush grew darker. "Come over here so you can just get it over with then." He patted his lap while saying so.


I groaned and rolled my eyes as I walked over. I stood in front of him. "Um..." I hesitated while I sat down onto his lap. And once again, my blush returned, but in a deeper shade of red. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a long hug. I couldn't help but blush and smile. I definitely can't say I don't like this though...but I probably shouldn't stay here too long before Marcus starts getting suspicious... "Can I move now???" I said quietly, almost a whisper. 


I felt Marcus shake his head. "Nope. Your my prisoner now!" He held me tighter. Everybody laughed once again. I groaned once more. Marcus starting rubbing my back. "Don't do that, I'll get sleepy..." I would too, and he knew that. I yawned and stretched my arms. He continued to rub my back as my eyes started to feel heavy.I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. My eyes snapped open when my watch beeped, indicating it was 12:00. I stood up and stretched. After I rubbed my eyes, I told everybody that it was time to go. I walked over to the door and opened it. 


Everybody walked out, leaving me by myself... Or so I thought. I turned around to see Marcus holding the presents that he walked through the door with a smile on his face. "You didn't open your presents!!" He said. I cocked my head to the side. I took the smallest wrapped box and examined it. The wrapping was a dark blue with orange polka-dots... My favorite colors... I tore the paper and looked at the nicely taped box. "Hmmm..." I pinched the tape in between my finger nails and pulled the tape up. I opened the box and gasped when I saw the item inside. It was a Miku Hatsune doll  that I saw on Amazon that I really wanted. (Miku Hatsune is a popular animated singer from Japan, look her up for more details if you are curious.) I've told him about it, but I didn't expect him to buy it for me...


"Oh my god!!! Thank you so much!!!" I hugged him and looked at Miku. I set her down on the table. Marcus then handed me another box in the same wrapping paper as before. It was at least 3 times as big as the Miku present, but it was very light. I tore the wrapping paper and opened the box... just to see a smaller box inside. Marcus chuckled. I just rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his arm. There was a tiny piece of paper attached to concealed item. I took it off and read what was on it aloud.


"Don't open it until your birthday. It's going to be a big surprise. I promise that you'll definitely like it. And be outside in front of the school when you open it..." I puffed up my cheeks in agitation. "Your going to make me wait for that long!?!?" Marcus waved my question off. "I think you can wait until tomorrow..." He scoffed. We heard a car horn outside.  "That's my sister." He gave me one last hug. "Bye Marcus!!" I waved as he went out the door. I walked over to the window and watched them pull out of the driveway. I sighed and walked back to the table, grabbing Miku hugged it while squealing. I headed off to bed, with Miku in my hands.


The Surprise of My Life


                                                              WARNING!!!!!! SLIGHT FLUFF NEAR  END OF CHAPTER!!!!!



When I woke up, I smiled, remembering that today was my birthday. I also remembered that Marcus had a surprise for me. I got out of bed and got dressed in a long sleeve black and gray shirt that went a good inch or two past my hands. I raised up and hands and flailed them slightly, making the sleeves of the shirt move around wildly. I chuckled at my own stupidity. I rolled them up a little bit past my elbows. I threw on a pair of dark blue jeans and went into the kitchen. I pulled out smores flavored poptarts and put them in the the toaster. I left a note on the table, reminding my parents of their appointments in the late afternoon, since they were still sleeping.


My phone dinged. I raised a brow at it and picked it up. It was from Marcus. I tapped the message.


Marcus: hey


Me: hey


Marcus: happy birthday


I smiled. He's almost too considerate.


Me: hehe thank you


Marcus: would you like a ride to school??


Me: how are you goin to give me a ride??


I heard a car horn outside. I rolled my eyes. I should've known... I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked out the door. I walked over to his truck and hopped in. "Congrats Birthday Boy! The big ol' one six!!" He did jazz hands for affect. I shook my head while smiling. We drove out the driveway and took off down the road. I looked out the window at the trees zooming by. "Why are you so quiet? You should be happy!" Marcus said enthusiastically . I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm normally quiet when I'm in a car." I responded. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip Shit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



We pulled into a parking space at the school. I got out of the truck and followed Marcus inside of the school. As soon as I walked through the door, I heard my name through the intercom. "Izell Stiles to the guidance office please." I frowned. 'I haven't done anything... I think...' I turned my head and saw that Marcus was gone. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the office.  I pushed the door open a little too fast, almost whacking somebody on the other side of it. "Sorry!" I called out to them as they walked out. When I looked to the right, I saw that the counselor had a grim look on her face. I jumped to a conclusion of me being in trouble. 


"Um... did I do something wrong???" I asked. She shook her head slowly. "Your house... burned down this morning..." My eyes widened. "What? Are you kidding me???" I didn't know, but horror was written all over my face. "No... I'm not Izell... You parents were unfortunately, also caught up in the fire." I covered up my mouth with my hand to muffle a sob. "Oh my god..." I whispered into my hands. "I'm sorry, Izell. I'm very sorry." I ran out the door and went rushed outside as fast as I could, tears rushing down my cheeks as I ran across the field. I ran without stopping for about five minutes. 


I went over to an old shed and leaned my back on it, the tears still wetting my face and eyes. I sat down and covered my face with my hands. "Izell!!" I snapped my head up. I saw Marcus running towards the field. I stood up and hid behind the shed. He slowed to a jog when he was a few feet away from the shed. "C'mon Izell! I know your out here." I sighed, knowing he was right. But it doesn't mean that I'm going to give myself up, that's for sure. I walked away as slowly as I could so I wouldn't make any noise. 




I stepped on a twig. "Ah shit!!" I swore under my breath. I yelped as I was tackled to the ground. "Izell, tell me what's wrong." I could feel Marcus's breath on the back of my neck as I shook my head. He sighed out of irritation. He flipped my body around so we were face to face. I tried to move, but he pinned my shoulders. "Let me go..." I said quietly, trying to avoid his eyes. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." He demanded. I sighed. "Fine..."I mumbled. "My house caught on fire... And my parents were caught up in it." My eyes started to sting again as Marcus pulled me in for a hug. It was sincere, warming, and comforting. "It's OK, I'm here for you." My tears fell off my face and landed on his back, leaving little wet spots on his light shirt.


"I was going to do this later, but it looks like you need this now..." I was about to question him, but then he kissed me. My eyes widened, but once my brain figured out what was happening, I close my eyes and started to kiss back. His lips were so warm and soft. We separated, my face a bright red, with his cheeks dusted with a pink blush. I tried to say something, but couldn't think of any words to say. Marcus stood up and signaled to me to get up as well. I stood next to him put my head on his arm, my face still a slight shade of red. "You're moving in with me." I lifted my head up and looked at him. "What? Why?" I asked him. "Cuz I said so." He started to walk away. "That's not an answer!!" I followed him. "Yes it is!!!" He started running. "Get back here!!!!!" I called out to him.


Let's Do It





I sat in the guest room Marcus and his Grandparents gave to me with the door locked. I heard the door knob rattling and look at the knob with my eyebrows raised. 'Who the hell is that??' I think as the rattling continues. "Hey," It was Marcus."Are you in there??" I face palmed, thinking that it was a an intruder. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. He walked through, giving me a weird look. "Sorry," I apologized. "I just feel safer when the doors are locked..." I said while scratching my head, slightly embarrassed. Marcus chuckled with a suspicious smirk playing on his lips. "You shouldn't feel safe when your in a locked room with me." I laughed.


"Oh no, whatever shall I do." I said sarcastically and I raise my hands up, as if surrendering. He shuts the door by leaning on it and locked it. "Ummm... What are you doing???" I ask him, a little bit nervous and scared. He walks over slowly, and I walk backwards. I fall back on the bed, With Marcus on top of me. His hands slowly glide upwards on my thighs. I moan slightly. I cover my mouth, embarrassed for making such a sound in front of him. He takes my hands and pins them above my head. "Don't hide your moans, they're hot as hell." I blush as his head goes down to my neck. He finds my sweet spot immediately, nibbling it and licking at it. I moan again, but louder this time as he continues to attack my neck.


His free hand ventures towards my aching groin, leaving it on top of the pulsing bugle that rest in my pajamas. He lets go of my wrists and slides his other free hand up my shirt, playing and tweaking my nipple. I bite my bottom lip to hold back another moan that threatened to leave my mouth. He rubs my member through the flannel fabric. "M-Marcus, please stop teasing me..." I whimper as he continues to do what he wants. To think I was reduced to a moaning mess within seconds... He leans towards my ear, licking and nibbling the shell of it. "You know what you want, so beg for it." He demanded while squeezing me through my pants, making me thrust forward slightly.


Ugh... This is so demeaning... But I love it... " Marcus, pleasure me... I want you so bad, you don't even know." I pleaded. He laughed a little. "Man... You're an easy fuck." Somehow, through all the sexual tension, I manage to glare at him. "Fuck you." Marcus smirked. "No, fuck you."  He propped me up onto the bed and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I blushed as I could feel his member through his clothing. I looked down to see a huge bulge hiding in his thin pajamas. My eyes went wide and I grew even more nervous. 'Holy shit!!!! That's not gonna fit inside of me!!!!' I screamed in my head. He noticed me staring. He took his hand and caressed my face gently. I looked up at him shyly. He smiled. 


"Don't worry. If it hurts too much, we can stop." I smiled back at him. "You're too nice to- AH!" He slipped his hand into my pants and harshly gripped me. He started to pump me slowly, I moaned once again. He held the hem of my pants and pulled them down, my length springing to life. He blew on it, making me shiver in anticipation . He chuckled. "You're making it obvious that this is your first time."  I frowned at his response. "I don't give a damn." I really didn't care anymore. I wanted Marcus, and I wanted him now. He engulfed my member into his mouth. I kept my mouth closed, but I wasn't able to keep it up for too much longer. His tongue slid over the slit multiple times, causing me to thrust forward ever so slightly. I could feel his tongue running along the side and the front of my length. I moaned as I felt the familiar warmth down in my lower abdomen. Marcus, I'm- I'm close..." I warned him, but he didn't stop. In fact, he sucked harder and faster as he bobbed his head. 


"Ah, FUCK!!!" I swore as I came into his mouth. I panted as Marcus licked off the remnants that dripped out of his mouth. "You know," He unzipped his pants."I still have a little issue that needs to be taken care of..." His length fell out, and my eyes practically popped out of my skull. 'It's even bigger than I thought it was!!!!' He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He puts a rather generous amount on to his fingers. I took a deep breath as I spread my legs. He slowly entered his fingers in to me and I hesitate."W-wait." I grabbed his arm from moving any further. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you... Would I lie to you about something like this??" Marcus questioned me. It was probably rhetorical, but I shook my head. "No..." "Do you trust me??" He asks again. I nodded "Yes, I trust you... So, let's do it." He pushed them in further and I whimper. I moan in pain, but after a while, the pained moans turns into moans of pleasure. "G-go faster" He starts to thrust his fingers into me.


I moan louder and louder as he continues to finger me. He pulls out as slowly as he possibly can. "Nnnnngh..."  I feel the head of his member at the beginning of my entrance. "Are you ready???" He asks anxiously. I nodded vigorously. "Alright" He pushes in slowly."Ah shit!!!" I swear and grab the edge of the bed as he practically tears me in half. "Damn... You're so fucking tight..." He moans as he pushes himself further inside of me. "Ha, ah, fuck" I swear again as he stops moving. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern. I nodded slowly." Ye-yeah." I manage to stutter out. "OK, I'm going to move now..."


He pulled back out, just to slam back into me. "AH!!" I moaned loudly as he perfectly struck my prostate. "Oh, fuck!" He slammed into me again and again, not leaving me a moment's peace to NOT moan. He reached around me and grabbed my aching, swollen member and pumped it quickly. "Nyah" I moaned as he swiped his thumb over the pre-cum that leaked out of the slit and rubbed it roughly on to the head of my length. "Izell, I'm gonna cum..." He moaned out. " M-me too." Was all I was able to say before , I came on to his hand. I felt warmth inside of me as he pulled out. We both plopped down on to the bed, breathing very harshly from exhaustion. "I love you Izell." I smiled. "I love you too Marcus." I fell asleep in his arms quickly, but little did we know, there was two snickering girls with a phone filled with our moans and pleads.


Oh Shit...

 I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I turned in the bed to be face to face with Marcus. I blushed remembering the events of last night. 'I can't still can't believe all that happened...' I got out of bed as slowly as I could so that I wouldn't wake him up. He REALLY enjoys his sleep, and after last night, he's definitely going to need it... I sneaked out of the room and closed the door as quietly as I could. I followed the scent of the bacon, nearly drooling at the thought of having delicious bacon for breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen, I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. "Mornin' babe..." I didn't have to look to see who it was. "Hey. I'm surprised that you aren't sleeping." He hugged me tighter as I put my hands on his. 


I felt Marcus shrug agianst my back. I chuckled. "What's so funny?" he mumbled. I started to walk into the kitchen to get some bacon in my tum-tum. (I don't know... I was bored...) I heard him groan in annoyance and follow me. I walked over to the counter and poured Marcus a cup of coffee. He ALWAYS needs a cup of coffee... No matter what time he wakes up, he needs coffee to be fully functional and intelligent. Marcus sat down at the end of the table, closer to were I usually sit. I sat down at the table and have him his coffee. "Here ya go hun." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What?" "You sound like a barista." I frowned. "Well excuse me for getting your coffee like a good boyfriend!!!" I pouted as Marcus rolled his eyes. "Soooooo.... Do you want to do anything today??" He asked me. I shook my head. I replied, "I don't want to do anything that requires walking, putting on clothes, or paying money." 


"Well you decided what we did yesterday, so I feel like going out to watch a movie." I glared at him. "I NEVER decided what we did yesterday!! All we did was-." I stopped myself any further. I could feel my face heating up, just from thinking about the night before. " I never said I wanted to do that anyways.... You just put your hands on me and it led to stuff..." I mumbled almost too quietly to be heard. "Well, judging from all your moaning and begging, I think you enjoyed it." I blushed more before he could even finish his sentence, knowing very well where it was going. "Oh just shut up already!" I exclaimed at Marcus. He laughed. He always loved embarrassing me, even when we were just friends. Especially in front of people... He was even worse when we were in front of our friends. He said he only does it because it's fun to watch me struggle.... (The sad part is it's true... I mean we aint datin sadly, but he still likes to embarrass the hell out of me...) 


 "Anyways, we have to go to school today. Your grandmother would flip shit if we skipped." I added. He sighed in defeat, realizing I was right.  "Yeah, I guess we should go before we're late..." He grumbled. "Well, I'm going to go take a shower." I said,walking away. I walked into my room and grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom for my shower.




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip Shit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





I yawned as I walked though the doors of the school, with Marcus' hand in mine. "You still tired from last night?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face. I glared at him, my face a deep crimson. " Sometimes I just want to smack that smirk of your's right off of your face..." I wrapped his arms around me tightly. "But Izellie! You love me too much to do that!!" I cringed at that nickname. He calls me that whenever he wants something, or ends up tickling me to death or something... I felt his hands slowly move down to my sides. "Marc, what are you-" He tazed my sides, making me jump forward, squeling. He covered his mouth and burst out into laughter. A few people passed by, snickering at my... womenliness. 



"Oh my god, you can be such an ass at times!!!" I said with a glare. "Oh, vibrations!" Marcus took my phone out of his pocket and gave it to me. I give my phone to him before school starts usually, knowing well enough I'll lose it or forget in a classroom somewhere... "Oh. It's just Chalynne." I gave him back my phone and he slipped it into his pocket. "You aren't going to reply?" I shook my head. I know that doing that's kind of douchey, but all she did was say "Hey", so whatever... "It wasn't anything important." The bell rang, indicating that it was time for class. I gave Marcus a small peck on the lips. "Bye babe. See you next period!!" He said walking away. "Bye Marcipoo!!!" Some girls giggled when I called out Marcus' nickname. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!" I laughed and headed to Algebra.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boring Time Skip Shit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




 I yawned as I walked out of class. Today was boring, as usual. ALthough, I do have to admit that I'm doing alot better than last year. I failed Algebra because of the stupid, bitchy teacher... But now, I have a different teacher who's alot nicer. I'm actually keeping up with the work, with a solid 98 as a grade, and a 94 for the year. I turned the corner and accidently bumped into someone, making them drop their stuff. "Sorry about that. Let me he-" I noticed him glaring at me. "Look, I said I was sorry abo-" "That's not what it's about, cock slut." I gawked at him, surpised and offended. What the fuck gives him the right to call me a cock slut when he doesn't even know me!!! "Excuse me?" I say menacingly. He pulls out his phone, tapping it a few times before turning it to me. It was a video titled "Cute Twink Gets Slammed By Hunk." Below the title, showed Marcus and I... I gasped and grabbed the phone from out of his hand."What the fuck is this shit..." I growled fiercley. "I don't know... It was posted on the school page. It's disgusting." I threw his phone into his chest and stomped away in complete anger.



I need to punch something... Bad. I walked up the hall and turned to go in a abandoned hallway. I punch the wall multiple times with my right fist, not feeling a thing with the adreniline pumping in my viens. I breath heavily, looking down at my now bloody hand. I just glare at it. Who could've taken that video? And who int their right mind would post it on the school page??? The only people who have access to the school page is the Student Council... I will find out who did it, and they're going to wish they were never born...






To be continued....























Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.03.2016

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