
Chapter 1



Growing up for my twin brother Jason and i was very difficult. You see we are what you call foster kids. How did we make our way in to the foster care system? you ask. Well our birth mother left us in the forest. Funny thing is it wasnt only me and my brother who was found rapped in thin sheets and a big blanket. There was also Mason, and Madee. Yep four pour little new babys who were Just born that day, crying in the forest one early spring morning, and thats when a group of hunters found and took us out of the forest and made their way into San Fransico and dropped us off at the CPS buliding. thats were they ran DNA test on us, and thats were they anounced Jason and i  brother and sister twins and same for Mason and Madee. yeah thats also how we got our names. Mason, and Madee. Jason, and Jadee. I mean they could Have at least put a little effort into naming us but its all gee. 



 I am 4´11 in hight, i have a bubble butt, electric blue eyes, honey blonde hair that end right under my butt, a six pack, thick tighs, slim waist.


Jason is 6´5, he has an eight pack, dimples, electric blue eyes, honey blonde hair he is very muscular and sharp jawline. 


 Madee is 5´0, she had a body similar to mine her legs are a little bit smaller then mine, her hair color was Medium brown , her hair ended at the same length as mine her eyes were emerald green eyes. 


 Mason is 6´6, He also has an eight pack, dimples, muscular body and a sharp jawline just like Jason he also has emerald eyes like Madee but his hair was a a dark brown. 




  In 5 days we will be moving to Worth, New York, leaving the great city of San Fransico behind us, and in 10 days well be turning 16, with our new parents, Mr. and Mrs. Street. There Multi-Millionaires who live up in the countrys of new york, oh and also adopting 4 random kids from across the country. Yeah im kinda paranoid about this. Its the first time someone actually want us, and they want us out of all the kids they could have picked up from new york or anywhere else in the country. Its kinda weird but i guess its our faith right.


 ¨HEY JADEE, MADEE, OPEN UP¨ Mason pounded on as of right now our room door (madee and i share a room) 


 Madee jumped up and ran to the door to open it, and there he stood. The one boy in my life that i wanted so dearly to call my own to hold every night, with a slut, his girlfriend in other words. 


 ¨Mr. and Mrs. Street are down stairs. were leaving earlyer then expected.¨ Mason said. snapping me out of my thought. 


 ¨they are here? a-aa-as of r-rr-ight now¨ Madee said worried. 


 ¨yes and dont worry Dylen is her-¨ Mason was cut off by a quick Madee running out the room and down the stairs. Dylen is Madees boyfriend. 


I turned around and packed mine and also madeeś bags, when i was finish everyone was in the living room saying there good byes. i heard a slight knock on the door and there stood my brother Jason. I smiled and gave a slight hand movement signaling him to come in. 


 ¨So... when are you gonna tell him?¨ 


  I looked up and just gave a small srug. I knew he was talking about Mason, but how was i gonna tell him. ¨Jason, i cant tell him. We all know hes gonna move back here and swoop her off her feet. No matter how many times she cheated on him. he takes her back.... and i. I am just poor Jadee. Shes chearleading captain, hes quarter back, captain of the football team. lets just say him and me, were not ment to be together. okay¨


 ¨hes stupid if he doesnt notice you. your beautiful, kind, caring, loving, and so much amazing things. your perfect Jadee in everyway. I just want you to be happy. If i were you i would tell him. If not tell him move on. You need to be happy.¨ Jason said and stood up. taking my bags to the limo outside our house. 


 I got up and walked out the house. I hugged my foster mother and said ¨momma i dont wanna go.¨ 


 ¨oh darling, Our house didnt have enough room for all 6 of us. All you kids are gonna live in a mansion on there property. A mansion darling. Your gonna love it, i promise¨ 


 ¨No momma, please dont make me go.¨


 ¨baby, you cant leave your brother or Mason and Maddy. Yall need each other. Now go baby doll.¨ and with that she let go of me. and i was about to step into the limo when i seen Masons girl friend Macking on Dylen, on the side of our old house. i ran up to her and punched her in her face. and ran back into the limo. 



 the whole ride on the private jet Madee was crying and Mason was talking about how she cross the line this time and how i didnt have to punch her and a bunch of other bullshit. i eventually got iratated and punched Mason. in the process i confessed my feeling for him. in my exact words i said ¨I dont know how stupid you can be. She Cheats on you all the time, and you take her back. that.. that is stupidity. You can do so much better. Your so blind. You cant see that i care for you. that i love you. Im never good enough for you. Your a total fucking jerk. I wish i never got in that limo, because if i didnt get in i could be many miles away from you right now. I might have a chance of finding peace. I wish i never had feeling for you. You ignorant peice of shit. FUCK YOU MASON¨. I left the area were everyone was and i walked to the rear section of the plane. 


 I fell asleep and i woke up to warm hands on my shoulder. I didnt even have to open my eyes to tell who it was. i get sparks everytime Mason touches me and i felt sparks. 


 ¨Jadee, you dont have to say anything i know your mad, i just want you to know. there can never be anything between us. Im sorry if i gave you the wrong impression... but you know my heart lies with leah. No matter how many time she hurts me. i-¨


 ¨No Mason, im sorry you feel that way, because one day im gonna be happy with someone else and you. Your gonna die lonely. Your gonna die alone with no one to love you. Your not gonna have kids because that whore that you love, shes prego, with Dylens baby. They been dating behind yours and Madees back for almost a year now. Dylen told me everything. He said you and Leah didnt have sex for 2 months isnt that right? and she got prego 1 month ago. Dylen even broke up with Madee and told her that hes been with someone else for a year and he got her prego, and hes gonna be with the other girl. The other girl is your slut. So thanks, Mason. Im happy for you. Go fly back to San Fran and see if she will take you back. Live the life you deserve you fucking dumb-¨ 


 Mason crashed his lips against mine. I pushed him off of me and slaped him. 


 ¨No Mason your too late. You break my heart. Then only secounds after you break it and hear the truth, you want me?. Fuck no Mason.¨ I said standing up to get off the plane. 


  When we got off the plane their was a limo there to pick us up. Mr. and Mrs. Street, told us our plans for the day witch contained alot of shopping. Madee went with a girl named Lexi who looked to be late 20s . lexi is Madees personal assistant, makeup arist, hair syles,and every thing.I went with Ian Street. My new adoptive brother. He took me to the cars dealership for my car. He told me he had to stall me because my personal assistant wasnt going to be in Worth for a few more hours, so he was going to assist me today.  


 Ian choose out a matte black Lamborghini for me. I was absolutly in love with the car, i fell in love even more so after Ian threw water on the hood and a white wolf with bright red eyes appeared on the hood. Ians Lamborghini was similar to mine. the diffrence was his was was white with a black wolf on the front. We drove around in his car, while the dealership towed my lambo to the Streets Property. they said they were gonna leave in at the front gate parking. I had no idea what they were talking about but Ian knew so i was okay with it. 


 We drove to a mall so we could go shopping for clothes and grab a bite. Ian was telling me his opinion on all the clothes and we bought everything he said to get. He has amazing taste in clothing. We then went to the food court and we ate at panda express. I had so much fun with Ian at the food court i didnt notice my Jason, Mason, and Madee looking at us. 


 ¨Are you serious Jadee, Mason is going crazy over there. Stop Flirting with Ian.¨ Jason said.


 ¨you told me to move on and i am. Im happy, I am having fun. Grow a pair. Maybe Mason shouldnt have told me there was no chance between us.¨ i said and started to smile because Ian was coming. 


 ¨im sorry to steal her away from you Jason, but its getting late, and i must be taking her home. I assume you guys got your cars.¨ Ian said sticking his hand out to me and looking at Jason. 


  ¨yeah, we do and its no problem. mind if i ask witch house on the property is our to stay in?¨ Jason asked


  ¨oh you guys will be staying in my Mansion. Its the big castle looking one in the far end. its the biggest one, you cant miss it. Miss green and i shall be on our way. we will see you at home¨ Ian said


  ¨okay Ian, Miss green¨ Jason said with a smirk on his face. We dont ever use our last name. Green stands for the green bush we were found in. 



 The car ride home was a blast. Ian made everything fun. We even rased from the front gate to the castle i now call home. We parked the cars and went into the house.


 When we entered the house Jason, Mason, and Madee were at the table eating dinner. I told them i was gonna get a maid to deliver food to Jasons room we were gonna eat in there. Mason looked pissed off, but i srugged it off. Ian and i laughed as we watched Funny movies on Netflix almost the whole night. Ian even kissed me 11:11 he said i am his wish. and i fell asleep in his arms.




Chapter 2



  I Awoke in Ians arms. He looked so peaceful asleep. His eyes still close he started to smile.


 ¨like what you see birthday girl?¨ 


¨Maybe I do.¨ i smiled hoping out his bed and into my room. 


 When i got to my room, i took a shower and threw on black underwear and a Black and white v necked dress witch ended around the knees and had a slit runing up to about mid tigh on my left leg. I blow dried my hair and curled it. my makeup artist Meg Put a smokey eyed look for my make up. Meg then gave me a slash that read ´BIRTHDAY GIRL´ and a gold,daimond tiara. she told me all that all the birthday kids have to use crowns and slashes.


 I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a bite and when i reached the kitchen i ran into Mason. The one person i was trying to avoid. 


 ¨Happy birthday Mason.¨


 ¨Happy birthday Jadee¨


  I dont know why but my attraction towards Mason keeps on growing. Today it has the biggest pull on me ever. I need to froget it. Ill just go eat and hang out with Madee and Jason. 


 After eatting breakfast Mr. and Mrs.Street called us into the living room. There was a bunch of people i didnt know in the room. The only people i knew whas Ian , Jason, Mason, Madee , Mr. And Mrs.Street, but in this room there was at least over 30 people. 


 ¨Silents¨ Mr.Streets Voice boomed through the room.


 ¨We are gatthered here today, To celebrate The return of the royal blood.¨ Mrs. Street said standing and smiling at us.


  ¨ Today our royals turn 16. They will find there mates and will be bonded together forever. We are here to witness the return of our great princess, Jadee Our prince Jason, Rulers of the South and North America. We are Also here to welcome the Royals From Europe Princess Madee and Prince Mason.¨ Said Mr.Street. 


 Madee , Jason, Mason, And i just looked at each other we were all trippin´ out. Even though we wanted to say something we just sat and listened to the coverstion.


 ¨Today when the clock stikes 12 (am). OUR ROYAL FAMILIES WILL TRANSFORM!¨ Mr. Street said. 


 everyone in the room howled in response.


 ¨As we know, Alpha Females are always first to rule. When Princess Jadee and Princess Madee find their mates we will crown the queens and their kings.¨ Mrs.Street Said 


 ¨ in 20 minutes we will all go to The Rock Of Royals, and witness our royals transformation. when the royals have finished their transformation , their very first run on four legs , and finding their mates. We will crown the princesses and their mates again at The Rock Of Royals. Be their at 4 pm sharp.¨ Mr. Street said 


 ¨Dismissed¨ Mr. and Mrs. Street said together. 


 ¨what do they mean by royals ?¨ Madee asked 


 ¨ they were calling us royals, They know our history. Our parents, everything we been asking and searching for our whole lives.¨ Jason said


 ¨ Jadee, Jason, Mason, and Madee Its time we get you to The Rock Of Royals.¨ said a man who transformed into a wolf infront of our eyes. 


  we all ran around the room screaming. How the fuck did this man change into a wolf. We stopped running and screaming when we realized the man stood at the door in human form again and we all backed into the corner.


 ¨ Get on our backs, In 10 minutes, you have to be on the rock.¨


 i was the first to hop on to the back of a wolf or a man, man wolf, werewolf whatever you wanted to call him. 


 We got to a huge rock. this rock was high up the wolf ran up to the top and ran back down. everyone was watching us. 


 it was 11:58 and every inch of my body started to hurt. I could tell Jason them was in pain too. we all growned in pain, every bone in our body was breaking, our lungs was giving out by 11:59, and just like they said at 12 we were wolfs. Jason was a black wolf, with brown tips his eyes were red. Mason was a full black wolf with red eyes, Madee was a lightbrown with a black paw and red eyes. I was a pure white wolf with red eyes.


 I looked off the rock to see over 300 wolfs, looking up at us. I turned to see that my brother had found his mate, Madee. His wolf seemed to jump for joy, so was Madee. They were chasing each other around the top of the rock. 


 I looked down and seen Ian Street. Could Ian be my mate? My heart skipped a beat just at the thought. As i turned around to go run down to Ian and ask him if he was my mate, i seen Mason. I froze in my track.. Every inch of my wolf screamed mate. 


 It couldnt be him. I couldnt have Mason as my mate. He broke my heart and.. now i have to be bond to him forever. No way. 


 ¨ Jadee...¨ It was Masons but his lips wasnt moving. It was like we were mind linked. 


 ¨ Mason , Im sorry. But i Jadee Green Reject you Mason Everland as my mate, i shall not be bonded to you.¨ I said mind linking him and i ran up. 




 I ran past Mason and back to the house. 


 How could my mate be Mason? He rejected me, then kissed me out of hurt and now the moon godess desides to throw me under a bus and leaves me to a dog who just pisses on me when ever he gets the chance. I must make the anouncement. I shall rule north and south america alone or i will step down from my thrown and hand it over to my brother, ill make the anouncement at the crowning. 


 just as the thought left my mind Mr. and Mrs. Street came running into my room. Mrs. Street hugged me and Mr.Street just stared at me, he looked speechless.


 " Jadee, you play the biggest roll in werewolf history as of right now. You must marry Mason. You might not agree now but European and American werewolfs depend on you. Queen Madee withdrawled from the thrown, with that it grants her brother, Mason ruler of Europe. If you marry him, youll rule both Europe and America." Mr.Street said, sounding power hungry. 


  " I dont care about the roll i play !. I am a fucking 16 year old girl, And you expect me to step up and become a queen of two nations of werewolfs and marry the one asshole who said he would never love me the way i wanted him too."


  "Jadee no questions more. you'll marry him, You can work on your relationship later. After the marriage." Mrs. Street said. 


  " WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!, YOU ARE NOT MY MOM.YOU CANT TELL ME WHO TO MARRY" i felt my wolf taking over but i tamed my wolf, so i didnt change and rip her apart.


 "I am your betas mother, i am an elder. Youll marry him in 2 weeks. well talk more about it at dinner. your things are being moved into Masons room. So you guys can get closer. " Mr. street ended the conversation with that as she turned and walked away. 


  The rest of the day i just ran in wolf form, blowing off steam. when i got back dinner was in the oven, so i took the time to shower. I walked into my room to find notthing. Then mason stood at the door, and said everything was in his room so,  i walked out what was once my room and into the room i now share with Mason. I took out a sports bra and girl spandex. ( I always sleep in a sports bra and spandex.) I then ran down stairs and ate dinner.


  When dinner was finish i washed up, and went to the room. Mason was in the bed. 









Texte: copyright
Lektorat: leialoha
Übersetzung: leialoha
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.05.2016

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