
Chapter 1 - Unexpected journey

I looked up as i was catching my breath,there before me i saw a reaper waiting for me,waiting for my last breath to come.the monster clinched its hands tighter around my neck; it felt like a 300lb weight pushing itself against me.

         I began to let go.....

        I was letting go the fear...

        I was letting go the hate...

        I was letting go the fight.

 AND THEN LIKE A STRIKE OF LIGHTNING IN MY EYES, I saw my father's face and i realized that letting go would not bring his death to justice.Quickly,I reached for my pocket knife. ''pure silver.'' i jabbed my hand into its chest withdrawing into its heart.

The ''monster'' then dissolved into brown ashes falling onto my stomach,I didn't know what type of monster it was...but they're all the same to me.I jumped up and streched my limbs right in time to see the reaper smile and disapear. 

''not today'' i said to myself,i was thinking ''maybe not today,but tomorrow'' and i'm sure me and the reaper shared that thought.

I pulled my old trac-phone out of my jeans and dusted off the dirt and sweat;dailing 888-485-8188(My old friend) who lived in the area i was hunting in. i was expecting to get a ride with her,but she did not answer.I sighed heavily ''better start walking.'' i said to myself. 

I was lucky enought to hitch a ride with some innocent old lady,her car smelt of cats and well..''old people'';she seemed more worried that i was alone rather that i was asking for her to take me to the middle of nowhere.

''thank you miss,god bless your heart.'' i said with a dawnting smile. ''you too young lady,take care.'' she had driven off carrying sand with her,the sand that had blown so heavily in the wind.I started the spell by cutting my wrist gently with the same blade i had used to kill this ''unknown creature'' not too long ago (human blood is esstantial for summoning demons) 

''ana matta qu ji na'' i chanted this three times and waited patiently for my prize.

The demon's name was ''adam'' they say he was the very same adam that disobeyed god in the begining of time.''How may i help you,lovely? here to make a deal? i can bring your daddy back...''I turned around to find a demon sitting there on the sand with an ugly smirk.''save your bs,you're not getting this soul,i have a favor to ask you'' i said smugly ''oh? really a favor? hahhaha you funny little child,i don't do favors; I'm a demon sweetie no pay no gain''

I thought to myself demons really are stupid.

''Look.'' I said straight & foward ''you get me some place too sleep and i'll think about letting you out of that devil trap below you''Devil traps were made to trap demons,if you drew one and the demon stepped inside of it. it could not step out. i know right? what geninus came up with this?

''You little SHIT! I'll destroy you,let me out now!''

I put a smirk on my face ''You really are funny,now mr. satan. cut the shit! either you do what i ask or your ass is gonna be sitting here choking on sand for a very long time.''The demons eyes turned fully black ''You're bluffing!''

''Oh? really? i am.. '' i began to walk away from the demon hearing it scream and yell,it's probably the worst sound you can hear. ''ALRIGHT,i'll do it. where?!'' I knew adam meant buisness; when a demon makes a deal it cannot be broken,not even by god himself.

''closest motel to here,please and thank you''the demon clinched its teeth ''it's a deal, now let me the hell out of here!''I laughed ''haha well hell is denfinately where you're going'' It's face filled with fury,it was so mad the poor women that it was possessing began to foam at the mouth,her face turned red and the veins in her head popped out.

I quickly began to say the spell in latin which returns demons to the depts of hell,it takes some demons years if not centuries to crawl back up to earth.As i was finishing up the spell the demon left the woman's body in a thick black smoke,he blonde hair had almost looked like it had turned brown while it was leaving her body.

The smoke dissolved into the ground leaving burning ashes behind,and the woman collapsed on the floor.I was running out of money i needed that demon,but i don't think i'll be summoning one for a long time.


Ty for reading!! Chapter 2 - What's a home without love?

I probably slept for three hours tops,and that's with the medications.The demon from yesterday contacted it's sources(that's the only way a non-insane person would let a 14yr old girl stay in a motel room by herself and free of charge).Demons have a ''sure'' way of getting what they want.

I called a cab in the motel office phone,which made things difficult for me ,because i was running out of money...But i didn't think anything is more difficult than swatting flies away from your face while trying to make a phone call on a sticky phone. that pretty much sums up every motel i've ever been to.

The cab pulled up to the office right before the clock hit 7am,i draged along my heavy beaten up brown bag filled with knives and toothbrushes to the trunk. I never got a chance to get my hand on a gun.. just thinking what pure silver bullets would do to a werewolf. 

My hands began to cramp,the cab driver stepped out to assist me ''no thank you sir,may i make a phone call?''

''YUS.'' (i tried not to laugh) i took it as a yes,his face was quite beaten up,the bags under his eyes fell lower than mine.

I dialed up my aunt's number,i did hesitate too knowing she'd be worried. ''hello? clifton family here.''

 ''hello...this is jenise.''

  There was a short silence after.


  ''ha..yeah.'' i laughed

  ''I can't believe you're alive!! it's so great to hear from you,where have you been? is your father ok?'' she baffled me with question i wasn't ready to answer.

''I'll explain it all when i get there,okay?'

''Yes,yes come! Stay safe remember you're only 14! don't talk to stra-'' I hung up on her before she finished. i always thought the way she went on and on was annoying,my dad and i always agreed on that.

After 5 hours of EXHUASTING driving we finally arrived at my aunt's house,god i felt hungyier than a freashly turned vamp. I sighed heavily. 

My aunt seemed to have enjoyed my company at the house,how could i tell her that i would be leaving soon again? it would break her heart. sunday morning was quiet but something was off i salted every door and window in the house (Salt is pure,so anything evil cannot come past it,like fire salt purifies and cleans evil and wicked the boundry of salt is powerful) ...two hours past by and nothing happened,maybe i was getting paranoid.

''BOOM,BOOM,BOOM'' i hear the door and a lousy drunk voice say ''honey let me in'' i guess that was my aunt's new husband..i refuse to call him my uncle. he was a messy,drunk,and horrible. I opened the door only for him to rush up on me. It was the most disgusting thing ''PLEASE GET OFF OF ME! MR.HERNY PLEA-'' I couldn't get out of his grip! how could he even think that i was auntie may?! mason(My aunt's son) pulled him off of me. ''thank you this how he always is?'' Mason looked at me with a serious staight face ''if he ever comes at you again,it won't be pretty for me or him. um what the hell i thought to myself. I never knew my aunt's life was so hard, dealing with a drunk cheating husband she couldn't let go and a rebel son she couldn't control.

I went to sleep that night feeling as though i had to save her from her bitter life,somehow..but how? I woke up monday with a bad headace the first thing i saw was mr.herny choking down hard liquor and beer. He didn't seem drunk at first until he asked me if i wanted my breakfest eggs cracked or hatched. ''No thank you mr.har-'' he interupted me ''please no,call me steven.'' i continued ''um..steve-'' he interupted me again ''Liking it here so far,jenise?'' ''uh i gu-'' he interupted me again and something in me cracked ''Look steven have you ever gotton off your drunk lazy ass and took a guess that auntie may needed help with anything?! stop asking me the questions you basta-'' A soft tired voice called to me ''That's enough jenise...why don't you go clean up the porch a bit?'' My eyes stayed on mr.henry fiercely like fire ''fine,atleast someone's doing it.''

GOD I HATED THAT MAN! He was obviously making my aunt's life misreable;I wished him dead over and over again but that didn't change anything. I finally understood how mason felt i had only been here a few days and had to listen to him yell at her and slap her. i could feel her pain running through the walls right into my very soul. My dad always talked about how his sister may never made it with the right guy...guess he was right. mason opened the door as i sat there on his bed covering my ears ''enjoying the night? it's always like this,sometimes i can't even believe she'd put up with this'' he sat down next to me and i watched the tinest tear fall from his eye ''why so?'' i asked curiously ''She always raised me to be strong,always told me to stand up for myself and do the right thing.'' i looked down..the mood was dark and lonely ''Maybe its time you teach her what she taught you'' i looked up and smiled ''there's always hope for the hopeless,remember that mason.'' 

I didn't feel right leaving the house as disfunctional as it was but i felt like mason could handle things,and even though i couldn't help my aunt i knew in my heart that one day she'd be free from the endless pain the one she loved caused..i just wanted to talk with her one more time before i left. I ran downstairs and saw auntie may sitting down on the couch by herself ''Auntie..'' she glanced me over her shoulder. ''It has been rough for me without my dad,but i feel like i'm ready to take on the world.'' she laughed ''why is that young grasshopper?'' I tried not to laugh ''Because he taught me something that will stay with me forever.'' ''Oh and what is that?'' My aunt said to me seeming uniterested ''We are the only ones that can change anything,we can't wait for others to evolve we have to take charge first! because love isn't love at all if you can't feel it.''

There was long silence after ''...Jenise,you are your daddy's girl.'' ..I smiled and kissed her forehead. of course i couldn't tell her i was leaving she'd flip her shit. I waited till she fell asleep and left through the window. 

Chapter 3 - The forgotten ones

After i left aunt may's house i felt empty inside. as if i left my home behind aswell as my used knives sitting under her kitchen sink. 

The next bus to maine was coming at 3:00am and i had only gotton to the bus station at 12:00am so far things were easy going. I sat down on the bench next to a black man wearing a strange disguise. I glanced at him a few times and tried not to stare ...i mean.. hey who was i to judge? i thought to myself.

An annocement comes on from the bus station's operations room For all to hear saying ''Bus to maine will be arriving a little ealier than expected. all proceeding massengers wait for bus 1087 to dock at the 3rd section of the parking lot'' I was thrilled that i wouldn't have to wait another 3 hours.

As i push along my bag filled with knives,salt,holy water and underwear to the bus, i feel my bag get lighter in my hand. there behind me was MASON! lifting up the suitcase. ''MASON!?'' my eyes got wide starring at the one person who i'd never thought i see. ''How did y-'' He cut me off ''Look jenise,i'm coming with you.'' I was shocked ''Mason! you must not come with me it's too danger-'' ''I know what you do jenise.'' He replied. There was a short silence ''I'm not asking you,i'm telling you. There nothing good about what i'm leaving behind!'' I sighed,somehow he was right. His family wasn't the best but still ''Mason,your mother needs you!'' I begged him to go back ''Jenise....I need my mother!...'' Another silent moment came '' And she will never be there for me,so why should i be there for her?'' Mason..i.. he continued ''Steven ruined our family,before she met him i was happy..jenise..i was happy..Do you remember what it's like to be truely happy?!'' I sighed.. ''no..i don't mason'' 

''EXACTLY! ....theres nothing i can do for her now jenise..Nothing! no matter how many times he hits her...kicks her..rapes her..she wakes up the next morning and cooks his breakfast and not mine...''

I had truely feeled for mason...But i couldn't help but think..what will become of my dad's only sibling and the only family i had left?''

Mason carrying both my bags walked up infront of me and said ''by the way. i got your knife under the sink,smartass.'' I smiled and followed along Thinking...


We are truely ...the forgotton ones.

Chapter 4 - Where do we go from here?

It was a long bus drive to back felt broken and my ass was completey glued to the soft bus seat i'd been sitting in for 1 full day. Mason sat beside me. he was still sleeping,his face when he's sleeping was the most adorable thing. i felt like i could stare at it all day. I felt guilty when i used him as a pillow, he's such a deep sleeper you could hit im with a hammer at 8am and he'd still wake up at 12. 

A ring of salt was poured around our chairs.... ''Did i do this?'' i thought to myself 

I thought lightley of the salt being there since evil cannot go near salt whoever did it must be some kind of human right? But i was wrong to think lightly about the salt because when i got up ...the image of salt had disapeared ..this could only mean one thing... Someone on this bus isn't to nice to meet us..



But who could it be! 


''Mason..MASON!,wake up!'' I repeatedly tried to wake up mason, he finally opened his eyes ''jenise..don't wake me up unless breakfast is ready'' I laughed,he was quite the joker honestly. But whatever was happening now was nothing to joke about,our lives were indanger and i had low resources of weapons left. ''Mason listen,something is not right here.'' He quickly replied ''What? do you think its the boogie man?'' The look on his face was hysterical. Although i did not know much myself about supernatural creatures i surely knew a whole lot more than he did,and i had to let him in. ''I will teach you somethings later,okay? but for now be alert of your surroundings.'' He nodded his head ''Alright.'' 


I gave him a waterbottle to hold on to, He began to open the bottle and put it to his mouth. ''MASON NO!'' i shouted. the women sitting across from us stared at me. ''oh no,what have i done.'' I whispered to mason ''you idiot,it's not normal water,do not drink it. i barley have any left as is.'' mason smirked ''jenise you could have just simpley told me this earlier.'' 

I sighed. ''We musn't cause attention to ourselves. Less attention,less problems.'' ''okay mom.'' he replied. 

The bus operator annouced ''The bus will be docking in maine within 10 minutes,all passengers must have IDs on display before leaving.'' Mason looked at me,and i returned the glance. ''SHIT,what are we going to do?!'' mason placed his hand on my head ''relax, i have a fake one, besides,Do i look 16 to you?'' I smiled, i was pleased that mason was starting to think ahead of me. ''You're right!'' 



The bus stoped, but i hadn't forgetten about the false image of salt around my chair. It was haunting me,Like a living nightmare. i became upset with myself because i just could not figure out what the meaning of it all was. 

Mason touched my hand, i looked up at him ''what?'' He smiled. ''Jenise,whatever you're worrying about..let it go,just for now.'' Bu-'' he interupted me ''we have a whole day to save the world,but for now..please just relax. you deserve it more than anyone else.'' 

I took mason's hopeful advice. I let it go,still on edge. but eventually i'd forgotten about the strange image. 

Our long journey finally came to an end. Mason took the bags belonging to us off the bottom of the bus, compared to everyone else's lugage what we'd had looked almost like nothing at all. Mason looked at me ''Where do we go from now?'' 


Chapter 5 - Maine Pain

''First things first, we need a place to stay! of course.''i answered. Mason agreed ''Yes,but ..what are our options?'' I sighed. ''I don't know honestly,I have less than 100 dollars left.'' Mason smiled,his eyes were filled with hope, a hope that i knew i could depend on. ''What is it? Tell me! whats so funny to you!?'' ''Well.'' He replied ''I withdrew over 10,000 from my savings account, that should definatley do us some good.'' I was overwhelmed...Flustered.. ''I-..mason..I'' He looked up at the sky, ''It's dark out,theres some cabs over there!..Lets go.'' I shook my head and followed his lead. 

We got into the cab,it was quite warm and beaten up inside. But i wasn't complaining. ''Ah..what a beautiful young couple,Where to?'' ''Uh..'' Both me and mason showed out hatred for such a comment. ''We'll be staying at the mariato hotel tonight sir.'' mason said ''All right,sounds good.'' The cab driver pulled out and began to drive. 

I was so worn down i couldn't even sit up staright,I leaned against mason's arm. it too was very warm and firm. I couldn't ask for a better object to lay on. I smiled as i hugged up against his arm. ''J-Jenise..Don't fall asleep you idiot,we're almost there.'' 

''I'm not falling asleep moron'' I replied ''I'm just enjoying the moment.'' Mason did not reply,but i could almost feel his words.'' 

We're here! He said exciteley. I stepped out the cab door and my eyes were full of awe ''OMG mason! this place is beautiful.'' Truely a piece of art, bright lights and cystal chandeliers hung from the outside of the hotel. 

''I know..My father took me on vacation here once when i was younger..'' I looked at mason. my awe had turned into sorrow. 

He continued ''My father told me, everyone runs away from their problems sometimes and other times we're just running away from the things we love the most.'' His face still.. ''I never really understood what he meant then, but when i figured it out, I never blamed him again for abandoning me and mother.'' 

There was a short silence.. ''M-Mason..'' He looked at me with that look of hope in his eyes, He did not reply..but yet.. i could feel his clearly. 


As mason pulled the key out of the door, I Busted through and jumped right down on the bed! it felt amazing.. ''MAKE ROOM FOR ME!'' he shouted doing the same. I skooted over and he laid down right beside me. 


''What is it?'' he asked. 

''I think its about time we talked about what you read in my diary back at auntie may's house.''

''...Yeah..'' he replied. ''Do you believe me?'' There was a short silence ''..Yeah..i do,jenise.'' 

''Auntie may thinks my dad is in a coma,but the truth is...'' ''Shut up!'' mason said angrily. ''WHAT?''

''The truth is that weather he's in a coma or not..whatever happened that night,if thats what you believe ..than that is the only truth to believe in!'' My eyes teared up,masons words had touched me.

''If we're going to put an end to this 'thing' and save other people from it,we'll need the right resources.'' 

Mason said. ''Yes..and i know exactly where to begin.'' He turned his body toward me and smiled. I blushed..He was truley beautiful i thought,Then before i could finish my thought he said. ''Jenise.. I think you're truley beautiful.'' ..''I-..'' I didn't know what to say, it was as if our minds were connected. ''Lights out,lets get some sleep.'' Mason said with a smile ''yeah, you take the floor'' I laughed. ''Of course,goodnight ..jenise.'' 

Our day came to an end Although we had rested..There was something..that had never rested closer to us,than we thought. 

Chapter 6 - Dancing with the Devil

I woke up to the sound of mason taking food out of a bag. ''Wah..'' i mummered. 

''Breakfast is on the table. get up,we have work to do.'' Mason said with a smile. ''..yeah..'' i agreed.

I got up and skipped to the table enjoying the smell of fresh blueberries and pancakes. ''So..jenise.'' mason said while i was eating, i looked up. ''whats up?'' i said concerned. ''I found some places i think we should visit today'' ..hmm.. i thought

''Places you say? what kind of places?''

''Well this dude in an news article i got from down stairs says here that he sells ''Weapons and supplies'' for supernatural entities. '' you think he's ..foreal?'' ..well..''Theres not many stores like his in the whole state,i think we should check it out..i won't hurt to try will it?'' My eyes wandered on mason's ..i saw the hope..and so i said '' won't try..'' 


We headed out to the ''ghost supply and co'' was tacky looking from the outside, both me and mason had our doubts but we continued in. 

''Welcome to ghost supply and co lady and gent, how may i be of assitance to you today?'' I looked around ..the whole store was filled with toys and cheap murchandise. I was disgusted at the sight. i turned to mason.. ''Well we've wasted our time.'' He looked back at me, quietly agreeing.

''WAIT! right there'' the lady shouted, ''I'll be back youngings!'' We didn't know what to expect. 

She brung out a man wearing a mysterious tall hat. he looked something like the mad hatter. ''Ah..young hunters..definatley amature as well, follow me.'' mason and i looked at each other,both dazed and confused. but i knew this man definatley was going to give us what we needed,when he reconginzed that we we're hunters. we both followed him into the back room. 

A wide variety of hunting knives, hung up on the walls. Guns of different kinds inside of a glass display. Bullets,spellbooks,summoningcrafts,Candles,deviltraps,Anti-possesionjewlrey,holywater,Salt dispencers,Pentegram chalk,Wolf fur,Skin of a much MORE! This place had it all! It was our haven. ''Me and mason both in total shock..curious wanting to know the use of every nic and nac there was. ..our minds began to open in multiple ways.. ''so kids..Ready to dance with the devil?'' 

Chapter 7 - Only 1 way To Go

We'd left the store with more Things than needed and even more connections than we'd hoped for. The ''mad hatter'' man had suggested we'd stop by his home some time. he's an ex hunter after the death of his daughter he could not find the strength in him to continue. ''we have everything we need!'' i said to mason ''...yeah..i guess' he replied soundly dreadful ''whats wrong?...'' Mason stopped walking his breath had appeared to stop awsell. ''do you think i was wrong for leaving my mother behind?'' i couldnt answer him because i knew it would be the answer he had not hoped for. My aunt was happily married a man she loved. they'd adopted mason right around the same time i was born, he was 2 years old. Father had told me auntie may's first husband past away suddenly and unexpectantly. I could relate to his sense of loss. but I could not lie.. ''Yes mason, i think it was wrong. but now it's too late we can only wish may the best.'' Yeah..only the best...'' he replied we kept walking on an edless road that never seemed to end,

but the danger i'd felt hovering over us was not gone in fact it became more ominous when an old man walked by us on the street laughing and giggling repeating '' ITS YOUR TIME NOW, ITS YOUR TIME NOW haha ITS YOUR-''

I ran behind him ''QUICK MASON! THE WATER'' mason tossed the bottle of holy water right in my hand, i pulled the old man's jacket just enough to flick it on his shirt but like fire in the wind the image of him had blown away. 

''What the hell just happened jenise???...'' That i could not answer all i could do was stand there in shock ''Am i going crazy??.. no.. mason saw him too!'' The ''mad hatter'' man from the hunting shop stood outside the door observing us both. he must've been thinking of us as the worst wanna-be hunters in history. ''Tsk how amature of you.'' Mason and I both looked at each other in shock. ''well...'' mason said ''theres only 1 way to go from here...'' 







Did that just happen??

Immediately after our encounter with the strange old man mason and I had decided to ''stop'' by the mad hatters home. We both felt unsafe and for the first time i was unsure of my ibility to sense ''things'' 

But soon after i noticed Masons face had turned red... maybe he was hot i thought ''Mason, here drink some water before you pass out.'' Mason looked at address the mad hatter had suggested us to. 

''this is it'' mason said. yeah..hopefully i added.. i was still unsure about this everything unsure to me.

here goes... we slowly walked up to the front door step by step praying and hoping that it wasnt anything fishy. ''you ring the bell'' mason said ''what i coward'' i thought to myself ''FINE ILL RING IT!'' he laughed. slowly i pushed in the hollow button but heard nothing...a minute gone by pushing it several times and no answer. i looked at mason in complete dissapointment ''i knew this was a hoax'' ..he seemed as dissapointed as i was 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2014

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I dedicate this to my wild imagination and many t.v shows and movies that inspire my ideas.

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