
I sit at this console breathing life into my dreams as it quietly sings to me dulcet sounds of an inspired race. Wild flights of fancy take wing on my gently exhaled breeze. Their feathers ruffled by the many images streaming through my mind. A rainbow oil slick mixed in a stream, moving in close harmony with the swift water yet forever separate from it.
I am a magician in possession of great tools. Capably I weave this magic until before me are wrought entire personas; full of life within their homes, on their worlds, adrift across their multi-verses. And the splendors of these realities rage away, pouring from my imagination full and overflowing. I give them life and they live free of me until I control them no longer.
On their own my humble creations seek to find shelter within the minds of others. An integral part of their design, the very essence of their being, they crave the dark corners of your psyche, wanting only to ignite those dim recesses with the brightness of their existence.
Washing your synapses with fire, wildly random yet beautifully choreographed electrical signals traveling along your neurons, in mere milliseconds my children paint creations of their own. Their new homes (your minds), grow full with fantastical images of people, places, things and whatnots. And in turn you are happy.
I sit back from the console and admire my handiwork. A feeling of contented satisfaction spreads throughout my being. Feeling love for my creations I sigh and believe. I believe this act of creation, imagination manifest, this is as close as we get. This power, magic, wonder…
…is close to Godliness.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2011

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