
Hello my name is Sam. Alexis is my dream girl.She looks beautiful, shes tall,skinny, brown haired and she is funny. and this is how my 8th grade year went...One day I was in my room and all of a sudden it was my best friend Matthew calling. He was talking about our geometry test tomorrow. I FORGOT! I forgot that we had it! i thought it was Wednesday. So i guess I had to study. I hung up. Then when I went to my backpack...the worst thing happend. I forgot my book at school! so when I went to bed I kept panicking. So the next morning I had to go to school. When I got there I totally forgot that I could've looked on the internet to study. But I guess I was too stupid. When I went to school we had our test right in the morning. When I looked at the test it was 15 pages long! I'm so gonna suck. When I was taking the test I got distracted by Alexis. She was so pretty! When she looked at me I think that she felt sick. (Odds are that I will be lonely, and die alone.)After school I went to the teacher named Mrs. Mathis, and her assistant, Mrs. Vecchio.I asked if I can see my Geometry test. She said you should've done better next time. So I knew that it wasn't going to be good. I thought that I would've got a "C" or a "D". But I actually got a A! Thats the first A I have got in the whole year.
After school I saw Alexis with her boyfriend, Nathan. I knew him sense kindergarten. He doesn't like me because in Kindergarten we got in a big fight because he wanted my animal crackers for snack, and in First Grade I put gum in his hair because I would get in trouble by the teacher, Mrs. Lamb for chewing my gum in class. I saw them kissing behind the tree. I didn't get what he had that she liked and I didn't have.
After school I followed him and he was going to the library. I didn't know he liked to read. When he went out front the librarian gave him a book. It was called Death by Heart. That book was created by Breaunna DeMoss. The book was so big! Then I got my camera and took pictures of him reading. Than I got big pictures of it and got tons of pictures and hung them in our school.
The next morning everybody saw the pictures. When Nathan saw it he freaked out. He went to every person and threatened them saying that he was going to kill them if it was us. I was kinda nervous but he deserved it.
At lunch Matthew told the principal, the vice principal, and the secretary that I was the one who took the pictures and threw them all over the school, under classroom doors (classes were held), in the bathrooms, and the teacher's lounge. Later on that day I figured out that he was never my friend.
The next day Alexis kept staring at me in Social Studies class. When she looked at me I thought she was looking at me, like I had something on my face. So I went to the mirror and checked out my face. There was nothing on my face. When I got back to my seat she kept staring at me for the rest of the day.
After school Alexis came up to me, and before she could say something, I said "Why did you stare at me all day?" She didn't answer. Then I asked "What did you want to say?" She turned around while flipping her hair, and walked away acting like she had just told someone off.
When I got home, my mom said that I had a visitor. When I walked into the living room, I saw Nathan sitting on my couch with a mean look on his face. He jumped up and led me outside. He started fussing, and said "Why did you tell off my girlfriend?" I told him the truth about what really happened.
The next day at school, when I was walking down the halls people stopped what they were doing and stared at me. When I reached my locker, my locker partner asked "why did you tell off Nathan's girlfriend yesterday after school?"
By the time I reached first period, my classmates were whispering about what they think that I did yesterday. I tried to tell Mark,sits beside me, what really happened yesterday after school but he didn't believe me.
At lunch I was walking with my tray and Nathan came up to me and smacked my tray right out of my hands and it got all over my face. From that day on I was known as The School Loser!
In Related Arts we had some free time. In that free time Alexis came up to me and she said that she was sorry for the rumor that her boyfriend started. (Alexis is the only one that believes me)
When I got home from school, Alexis was waiting on me at my house, unexpectedly. She had just broken up with her boyfriend. We went outside to discuss why they broke up.We talked for hours.
At school the next day Alexis started a rumor about Nathan. The rumor was that Nathan cheats on every one of his girls. When the rumor got around to Nathan, he new that it was Sam who started the rumor.
When he approached me, he started yelling. WE got into this huge argument about the rumor that he thinks I started. During our fight I accidentally yelled out that Alexis was the one who started the rumor...(my bad).
When I got home I had tons of browses on my face from him beating me up. My mom got worried that she wanted me to go to the doctors but I said no. I could still remember each time he punched me. It kinda hurt. The rest of the day I just layed down on the couch watching TV.
The next day at school it was Friday. This weekend is Christmas. All of a sudden Alexis walked up to me and gave me a Christmas present. It was a watch that said I love A. So I told her that I will give her's Monday after Christmas.
When English class was over Nathan saw me wearing the watch. he took it right off. I was sick and tired of him so I tried to fight back but I couldn't. Then Matthew saw us then he helped! When the Vice-Principal came it wasn't good. My mom had to have a big meeting with the principal.
When I got home I was in big trouble for doing that. I had to stay in my room for 45 minutes. I was pretty bored but I just kept thinking about Alexis. When I got to go downstairs Matthew was in my living room. He said "we took him down". I laughed. For the rest of the day we played video games and had a good time.
At school the next day Alexis walked up to me and said "it was brave what you did". I said "I know". She gave me her phone number. She said call her when she got home. When she walked away I went crazy! As soon as I got home she called me. She said she wants to go on a date with me. I asked when and she said TOMORROW!
I had to get ready. I couldn't think clearly. I had to know what I was going to wear. I had to think what to get her. I knew what I was going to wear, and I got her a watch that says I Love S. She loved it. Our date went perfect.
At school the next day in teched, I sneaked on Facebook and Nathan posted something really bad. He made a picture that says Sam looks like ham. I hate him so much. I just wanted to get revenge.
After school I went to the library and I saw Nathan and Alexis kissing again. I was so mad at Alexis. She saw me. Then I walked right outside. She tried to chase me but I didn't want to speak to her. I just went right in my room and took a nap.
The next day at school I could tell Alexis didn't like what she did. She kept looking sad the whole day. So I walked up to her and said "Why did you kiss him"? She said he kissed her. I was still a little bit mad at her. But she promised that she would break up with him. The best part was that I got to watch. When she did that. Nathan saw me and started chasing me around the school. I finally got away.
The next day the kid who sits beside me in class (Mark) was having a party. I was invited. The party is Saturday and right now it is Wednesday. So three more days is the party.
When I got home I got on Facebook and looked at Matthew's profile and it said on his status "Got my Best Friend back :)" So that means were officially friends.
When I got to school I asked Alexis (MY GIRLFRIEND) if she was going to the party. She said of course she is. So that means I am going for sure. She wanted me to go with her to shop for our clothes. When I got home to tell my mom she was sleeping. So I just whispered that I was going.
When I went shopping with Alexis I had a lot of things I liked. One was green tux and the other was a Blue tux. But I chose the blue because that was the color of Alexis's eyes. We had a great time.
After I walked home my mom was in the living room crying. When I walked in she said "thank god your alright". I said "What do you mean"? She asked where I was and I told her. She probably didn't hear when I told her where I was going. She said I was in big trouble and said that I couldn't go to the party Saturday! I got so mad and through things and went to my room.
I told Alexis that I could still go. Because I'm going to find out a way to go because I'm not missing that party. So I kept thinking a way how to go. But then I found a way how.
Its Saturday, and I'm gonna get there some how. So when my mom was sleeping I sneaked out the window, and closed it quietly.
At the party I found Alexis. Then it was so crowded that we sneaked into a closet. Then we started talking then some how we started kissing. I loved it. It was the best time of my life. I seriously like her. I hope we get married some day. I felt that it was love in first sight.
The next day of school Alexis told everybody that we made out. Now I was the popular kid at school. They even hated Nathan because I started a rumor saying that he broke up with Alexis because he thought that she wasn't good enough for him.
When I got home I had to walk my dog, We walked around the block and saw Nathan. He saw me walking my dog. He started chasing after me. I ran home As fast I could. So I just walked my dog in my yard. Next time I walk my dog I hope he's not there again.
When I got to school I noticed something, I noticed that This year was going so fast. In About 5 months I'm going to leave my school. I'm always going to miss middle school. I'm mostly going to miss the memory of Alexis. But there's one thing that is bad. I keep wondering if Nathan is going to the same middle school as me.
After school I had to walk my dog again then I thought I saw Nathan in the library again so I chain my dog outside. When I didn't see Nathan sneaked outside and let my dog off the chain. When I found out someone did that I went to the librarian and she let me watch the tape outside and I was not shocked about who did it....NATHAN!!!
I saw him walking home so I followed him home and I walked up to him and said "Why did you do that to my dog"??? He said he felt like it and I deserved it. I punched him right in the face. He slammed me to a brick wall and I thought I broke my arm. When he left me on the ground really hurt. Alexis's mom was driving Alexis and they picked me up and drove me to the hospital.
At the hospital my mom walked in the room real worried. The first thing she asked was "Where's our dog"? I said this dude from school took him. I didn't tell her his name Because I didn't want her to get to worried about this.
When everybody was out of the room besides Alexis we started talking about what happened. She said when I'm still in the hospital she's gonna look for my dog. I thanked her.
The next morning I was in the hospital. Alexis came in with a big surprise...she found my dog! It was Around the block where I lived because he knew where it was. I gave Alexis a kiss for doing that. She was the best girlfriend ever.
Its kinda fun being in the hospital, you get to play free video games, watch free movies, and get room service. The best part is that you don't get beat up here!
I can't believe what just happened, the nurse said that I go home tomorrow and I have to wear my cast. Alexis might think its geeky!!!
The next morning I had to go to school, I was so nervous of Nathan and Alexis. When I got to school Nathan walked up to me and said he's sorry for what he did. But he still said when I'm out of the cast He will beat me up but not as hard. That was kinda good.
When Alexis walked up to me she gave me a big hug. She said that her dad is knitting a blanket for me...that was kinda weird. She asked me where my dad was. I told her a answer.
When I was seven years old, my mom and dad got in a big fight because he got drunk, then she kicked him out of the house and that night he got in a car accident and died. Alexis gave me a big hug.
When I got home my mom said shes going out(shes going to a bar). I didn't care. When she came back there was another guy in the house. He told me his name was Tyler. I said "Hi Tyler". He said hi back. It turns out he spent a night at my house.
the next day at school, we had a new student. He was Chinese. But I didn't understand his name. But I had to work with him in first period, hes actually kinda cool. After first period, I saw Nathan and Mark. They were beating him up. I never knew he was that mean. When Mark was going to punch my friend I tackled Mark. I never knew that I would ever do that. Than Mark was fighting my friend and I was fighting Nathan. My friend kept beating Mark up. But Nathan kept beating me up. When Nathan was about to break my leg. My friend knocked him off of me and Mark and Nathan was on the ground. My friend was pretty cool.
When I went to the bathroom after that I walked inside and I heard someone close and lock the door behind me. It was Nathan and Mark. Mark was the one who locked the door. I already knew what was going on. They were going to beat me up. Nathan threw the first punch. I was bleeding all over my face. So I walked up to Nathan and tried to punch him. But Mr.Steven(our principal). He took ,Nathan,Mark,and me to the principal's office. Nathan told him that he was walking and I tried to trip him first! But I had a idea, I told the principal to look at the camera's in the hallway. So the principal looked at it!
Nathan is suspended for two weeks and Mark is suspended for one. I was so happy when I found that out. I ran to my desk and as soon as I set the bell rang! I was so lucky today. When class was over I walked over to Alexis's house and told her. She was happy mostly because I wouldn't get hurt for two weeks. But I knew that in a few weeks I'm still going to get beat up. But I just wanted to enjoy what was going on for right now.
When I got to school the next morning I talked to my other best friend Corey. He was a honest guy. When I thought I was lucky I was stupid because there is obviously another bully in my school. His name is Nic. I walked to give out everyobdy some scissors so we could do a class project then Nic tripped me. I felt bad but of the scissors cut my stomach. I rushed back to the hospital. I noticed that I was not so lucky anymore.
When I went back to the hospital I got so dizzy. I felt like the whole word went upside down. I noticed that my school was too bad for me because I keep getting hurt. I was sick of it. I just wanted it to end. When my mom rushed in another guy rushed in. It was...tyler. I didn't know my mom still talks to him. It turns out that he really cares about me. My mom and Tyler said that I'm switching schools! I yelled at them. "I don't want to"! She said my school is too dangerous. I told Tyler not to. then he convinced my mom to let me stay in the same school for now. Just til something really bad happens one more time. The nurse said I'm going back to school in a week! Thats awesome. But I thought of the worst thing. Thats exactly when Mark comes back!
It turns out that I got the same nurse from last time I went here. I didn't like it because as soon as she walked in and looked at me she said "what happened this time"! I thought she was kinda being mean. But the good part about being in the hospital is that Alexis gives me more gifts. This morning she sent me some chocolate candy! But now it is Wednesday and in a few days I have to go back to school.
It is Sunday now. School starts tomorrow! I am not that worried about that Mark is coming back. Because I have friends like Corey and Matthew. So as soon as I wake up for school I'm going to get straight up and be a man.
It is Friday morning now. I did jump of from bed! When I got to school Mark kept staring at me with a weird face. Later on that day I saw my friend talking to Mark. It turns out they made up and their friends. So its like Nathan, Mark, and my friend vs Matthew, Corey, and me!I bet that we could take them down.
The next day at school Alexis walked up to me and said "I'm so happy our back again"! I loved that she cares that much for me when were only in 8th grade! When we was talking we saw Mark talking to this girl named Harley. She was this bratty girl in my home room. Me and Alexis walked up to Mark and Harley and said "Who are you?" Harley said that she was Nathan's new girlfriend! She said to go away and shut our face.(Wat ever that means). Alexis and me walked away. Because we didn't want nothing to get started. Because I still had a cast around my stomach.
For some reason this morning at school I saw Nathan's dad having a argument with the principal about the fight. The principal called me over there to say what happened. I wanted to tell the truth but Nathan had this face saying that he was going to hurt me if I did't lie. So I yelled "I started the fight". The principal didn't make me get suspended because I just got out of the hospital. But I just hated what I did.
The next day in homeroom it didn't go to good. Harley and Alexis got in a big fight because they kept talking about each other to other people. Harley first punched Alexis and then they really got in a big fight! When Nathan came in the room he actually slapped Alexis! I jumped across the room and I punched Nathan in the face. When Nathan was on the ground Mark came up behind me and tackled me on the ground. Alexis walked up and tried to get me up but Harley pulled Alexis on the ground. so Nathan,Alexis, and me was on the ground. Corey came up behind Mark and shoved him on the ground. Then Harley came up and Hurt Corey! Then Matthew came and he bumped heads with Harley! Harley fell but Matthew didn't. Then the Chinese boy came and Matthew and him punched each other at the some time! So the Chinese boy,Mark,Nathan,Harley,Matthew,Corey,Alexis,and me was all on the ground! Then our vice principal came in the room and took all eight of us to his office.
In the principals office it didn't go good. All eight of us have to do a compromise thing. Every time we be mean to each other the other person gets a dollar from you! I don't think its fair at all.
After we left the office Nathan came up and told me that I was a jerk. I told him that he has to give me a dollar. But he said "make me". But I know I couldn't. So Alexis,Matthew,Corey,and me guarded him. He actually gave me a dollar!
I still didn't get the Chinese boy's name so I just called him Chin. When I left to gym I was wearing a towel and there was this dirty,nasty girl in the hallway. I stopped and asked her what her name was. She told me that it was Tammy. She put her arm around me and said "can you show me around"? I wanted her to get her arm off of me but I didn't want to be mean. I forget a lot of stuff so I have to write my locker combination on paper and she smoothly took the paper out of my hand. I said give me it back and she took off the dirty wig and the nasty clothes and she really had regular ones on. It turns out it was...Harley dressed in dirty clothes! I had to chase her around the school. She through a pile of water on the ground and I slipped and fell. So I walked as fast as I could and I could see my locker across the hallway. Nathan,Mark,Harley,and Chin was taking something out but I couldn't see what. When they left I looked in my locker and my clothes was gone! But I found my paper of my locker combination on the floor. So I called my mom to come and give me some clothes. I told her my locker combination.
Finally, my mom came. She gave me the worst clothes ever. That is why I tell my mom to let me buy clothes. It was a purple and red striped shirt. When I got out of my locker the last bell rang! So that means all of the students in my whole school was coming out! So I tried to hide quickly but there wasn't no place to hide. So when everybody came out and looked at me the started laughing like wild animals. I couldn't believe what happened. Our gym teacher walked out and said "whats so funny". Then one of the people pointed to me then the gym teacher started laughing too! So I hurried up and got out of school.
When I got home Tyler was the only one home. He said that my mom got a job! He also said that she works at Gateway Church. I was proud of her. I asked Tyler if we should move since hes dating my mom. He said that that was my moms decision. I asked that because I didn't like my school. The only bad part is that if I moved I would have to leave Alexis.
I hope Nathan isn't coming to the same high school as me. If he did then there are more fights in high school so I probably go to the hospital on the first day! I already know Matthew,Corey,and Alexis are but I don't know about Chin,Mark,Nathan,and Harley.
Today was when we got our report cards!!! At the end of the day I got this
B:Spelling C:reading,math,english D:science,social studies. I didn't like it at all! my mom freaked out when she saw it.
The next day Nathan forgot his report cards yesterday and I sneaked and looked at his grades. They were better than mine! I couldn't believe what I saw! He got 3 A's and 3 B's!So I knew If I passed middle school We might have a 60% going to the same high school next year.
When I was walking home I saw Mark,Chin,and Nathan beating up Matthew! I ran out there but then I stopped and thought"what if I went to the hospital". But Matthew was my best friend since kindergarten. So I ran over there and as soon as I got there Nathan pulled me on the ground. I knew this isn't going good. When they were beating up Matthew I sneaked over and called the cops. When they arrived they caught Mark because Chin and Matthew ran away. So Mark was spending jail until the last day of school! So that means only Chin and Nathan can beat me up for now.
After I got home my cellphone was ringing. It was Alexis. She told me she wanted to go to the movies. We were going to see Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1. I didn't like that series but Alexis did so I just went with it. When we got there I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Matthew! He came up and asked what movie we were going to see. We told him. He yelled "me too"! So that means he has to watch the movie with us. Alexis whispered and said she didn't want him to. But She said let him because she didn't want to make him feel bad. In the movies Harley,Matthew,and Chin was watching it too. There were only three seats left and they were right in front of them. Later on when we was watching the movie us three kept hearing them talking about us. So finally Matthew couldn't take it and he started fighting Chin. Then Harley started to get him off of Chin. Then someone complained and Chin,Matthew,and Harley had to go. So that just left us with Alexis,Nathan and me. Then Nathan started kicking my chair. So I told Alexis I was using the bathroom. Then I secretly complained about Nathan. So when I walked back in Nathan looked at me and he saw someone who worked there. So she told Nathan that he had to leave. Then finally Alexis and I watched the movie.
On facebook Nathan started a whole profile and the name is Sam sucks, and there's 2,475 friends! Then I checked when the profile was made and it said today at 8:17 am! Its 9:46 right now! So in that many munites! I bet that most of them were just randsom people.
the next day at school at my locker I found a sticker note on it. It said on it. and it said Nathanrocks. I bet it was the password and email for the facebook page. So when I went home I checked it out. When I got on there was tons of messages. Most of them said "y r u sucky"?

When that was over, my mom walked in the room and I closed my laptop. I didn't want her to find out what happend because everybody will think I'm a baby if she told my principal. She told me that she had to go work and Tyler was babysitting me! I kept telling her that I'm old enough to take care of myseflf. But she still made him. So I just pretended that he wasn't there. When I went downstairs he was talking on the phone. It was my mom. They were talking about my after Christmas present! But when Tyler saw me it didn't go so good. He yelled and said "Get out, don't you see I'm busy"! So I ran upstairs.
I kept thinking what I'm getting but I couldn't think of it. They told me that they're getting me it in 3 weeks. I could not think of what I'm getting. I just didn't like it that I'm getting it in 3 weeks. My mom said it was a big present. But she already gave me the little presents. I got cool stuff. I got a spy camera! I liked it.
You know what, I've haven't told you a lot about the people that I'm telling you about. I'm a 8th grader who feels nobody can get in my way. Alexis is a girl who loves to party and Nathan is someone who wants to ruin everybody's life for no reason!
When I went to school one of our teachers was telling us about Facebook. She said that we shouldn't have one because it ruins friendship...watever that was about. She said she said "its about two boys in this class". I knew it was about Nathan and me.
When I got home I got on my computer and got on Facebook. I looked up my teacher


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2010

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