
Chapter 1: The house

The night air stung Camilia's lungs,her nose was frozen she couldn't smell a thing "Bryan i think you should get home now,im sure i can stay there all alone for one night maybe they wont bother me tonight" Camilia said,Bryan shook his head "Look i may have been a bad friend before but im not going to now,those things are after you im not going to leave you alone". She smiled at him he had been her friend since she could remember and he stuck with her no matter what he was two years older then her "you were never a bad friend...." she paused "Ok fine maybe that one time" she said laughing Bryan laughed too "ok so whats the plan?" he asked her,Camilia shook her head and looked at Bryan he was tall and slim with sandy- blond hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight or moonlight he always loved to wear cardigo shorts no matter the weather and Camilia adored him for that,he was crazy, diffrent,extrodinary he could keep you up all night just by telling you a crazy tale." i dont know i guess i didn't think of that" she said at last.The rest of the walk to Camilia's house was filled with silence.When they arrived to the big 4 story building with chipping black paint and an eerie grim garden they paused "ready?" he asked ,Camilia nodded.She was about to open the gate and she felt something she didn't expect, a hand held her hand "Were sticking together no matter what okay?" Bryan said smiling "you have got to be kidding Bryan,holding my hand not 5 anymore" Camilia said grinning,Bryan grinned back then let go of her hand while she opened the gate. They trudged on the short dewey grass and stopped at the front door,Camilia reached for the door knob "You sure Cam?" Bryan asked with sympathy in his voice.Camilia opened the door "does that answer your question?" she said stepping inside,Bryan followed her inside he had been here before....before those things came and took over.This place once belonged to a happy family a man and a woman they had a little girl they lived so happy until the guests arrived they murdered the family and left thier corpses in the house.No one moved into the house after that until the Jones's family moved in they were a happy family a mother a father and thier little girl which was Camilia,one day some people asked to stay in thier house the Jones's being really helpful people let them stay then one day Camilia's parents never came home and the "guests" had vanished along with them and ever since then wierd things started happening. "why is it so dark in here Cam?" "the lights are upsatirs....." Camilia said not bothering to even look up "ill go turn them on" Bryan said "No its too dangerous who knows if they are up there" Camilia said her eyes watering .Bryan stared at Camilia she had light brown eyes and dark ink black hair tucked behind her ears he had a secret crush on her but he never told her,he loved the way how she wasn't like most girls not considering all the creepy stuff that had happened to her,Camilia wasnt the type of girl who stares at guys with googley eyes and batting her eyelashes to get attention no she simply didnt take interestes in jerks like Collin Miller the "hottest" guy in school she read books filled her head with facts stayed focused in school almost as if she didn't have a girly girl brain not that it was bad.The lights suddenly flicked on Bryan stared around noticing Camilia wasn't in site "Cam you dork why did you go upstairs without me?!" he yelled up the stairs,Camilia started going down the stairs she was speechless "Ok then so what is your plan?" he asked sitting down on the couch,she didn't reply "ok Cam whats up?" he asked bracing himself when she didn't reply he turned around and saw that Camilia wasn't even behind him he felt his heart start to thud harder adrenaline started flowing through him like water "Cam!!" he yelled rushing up the stairs.The lights flickered vilontley then they turned off. Bryan reached the top of the stairs huffing and puffing "CAM!!!!" he yelled despretley "Bryan!!!" said a voice it didn't sound like Camilias but he went towards it lead him to Mr. and Mrs. Jones bedroom.He reached to open the door but felt a tug on his arm.He whirled around quickly no one was there,He rushed downstairs hoping to find Camilia laughing her head off,but the room was quiet too quiet.He took out his cell and dialed 911 "hello 911 what is your emergency?" asked a gruff bored voice "Some one just broke into my friends house and now she's missing!" he yelled "Ok sir calm down and give me the adress we'll be there in a moment" said the voice.Bryan told the cop the adress then before he hung up a voice echoed "Bryan you fool you should have seen that you had no bars in here" but it didnt come from the phone (it partly did) it came from the darkness. The kitchen light flicked on and there Bryan saw the Jones's phone dangling from a cord as if someone had just finished grabbing it and didn't hang up "Bryan." called a calm voice it was Camilia.He followed it upstairs again to the Jones's bedroom he opened the door,the lights flicked on a woman was making the bed she had golden short hair up to her shoulders She turned to face him "Bryan...." she called "Save me Bryan!!!" she hissed "Mom?!" Bryan yelled "Sato him in a faint echoing voice "honey...." she called again "Mom...." Bryan said "I didn't die baby im here come here...." she said sadly.He ran into her arms and hugged her "mom..." he whispered,then the woman started flickering ve me or her!!!" she hissed with evil in her voice then she flickered one last time before turning into smoke.Something whacked him in the head "Lights out" said a distant voice then everything around him whirrled around then he fell into darkness.

Chapter 2: mysteries

Bryan awoke on the couch in Camilia's house everything whirled around him he felt something soft and damp on his forehead "hnnn" he managed to say "shhh" it was Camilia's voice "Cam what happened?" he asked sitting up carefully " You told me you were going to turn on the lights i said 'no' but you did anyways you didn't come down stairs after the lights turned on so i freaked out then i heard a loud thud in my parents old room i rushed up and i found you unconcious and i brought you down here" she explained leaning into his face so close that her hair tickled him "Oh..." was all he said.Camilia didn't look satisfied "I tripped and hit my head on the table" he said shrugging "Yea,i dont think so..." Camilia said staring at him hard "ok fine" he sighed.He explained everything starting at how she was the one who had gone upstairs not him. "Wow...wierd" camilia said rubbing her eyes "rest a little bit kay? were going to your house were not staying here" "okay but promise me your not going upstairs" he said glaring at her "whatev" she said getting up "Oh and Cam.." "hmm?" " mean alot to me.." he managed to blurt "thanks you do too" she said kissing his cheek.Bryan fell into a deep dreamless sleep.When he awoke Camilia was sitting down beside him reading a book "Ready to go to my house?" he asked, Camilia jumped "Dork you scared me almost gave me a heart attack!" she said punching his arm playfuly.
The walk to Bryan's house seemed so long they wanted to turn around and go back to Camilia's house but they decided against it.They arrived after an hour of walking in the coldness,Bryan's home wasnt a house it was an apartment with wide space and white plain walls. Camilia sneezed "Bless you" Bryan said "What did you say?" "I said bless you" Bryan said raising an eyebrow "oh thanks....i was just thinking about how my mom and dad had this old painting in thier room it was nothing was just a lady standing in a garden holding a hankerchief in her hand with a guy in the distance watching her, in the right hand corner in small letters it said 'A secret Bless you' " she said sitting on a bean bag chair "hmm interesting" Bryan said opening the fridge "Who was the artist?" "oh some guy named Robert Derts" she answered "oh..want anything to drink?" he asked "some water please". Bryan handed Camilia a glass of water "thanks" she said putting it on the table "so why did it pop up in your head?" "i dont know maybe because my mom liked it so much she was obsessed with it i mean...what i mean is it vanished along with her..." then she trailed off "hmm i wonder why" Bryan said "i'll sleep on the couch if you want" ", no im going home don't worry about me" Camilia answered nervously "Nope,your staying here i don't want to risk losing another person" He said wiping his eyes. After a long argue with Camilia about who was sleeping on the couch she finaly agreed to sleep in the bedroom. Bryan didn't go to sleep something had to be connected to Camilia's parents and the painting.He googled 'Robert Derts' a bunch of pages popped up but one article caught his attention it read
Robert Derts was an artist he wasn't commonly known worldwide but he had a series of beautiful paintings the most commonly known was a piece called 'A secret bless you' it was a piece that Robert refused to sell.One evening on October 3,1982 Robert Derts was found dead in his home and the only copy of 'A secret bless you' was missing,Many witnesses say that a week earlier Robert had invited some "guests" into his house and disapeered on the same day Robert died.The guests were never found and niether was the painting.Robert had a daughter and a wife his wife disapeered a week after Robert did and thier daughter grew up in a foster home her name was Lidie Derts but they changed it to Chrystal Hudson to protect her in case anyone wanted to kidnapp her.This was a very misfortunate thing for the Dert family but life goes on.Octber 31,1982
On the bottom of the page was a picture of the little girl she looked Vaguely familiar but Bryan couldn't put his finger on it 'how had the Jones's had this painting? were they the "guests" did they find it in the garbage?' all these questions reeled through Bryan's head.He would have to show this to Camilia in the morning and see if she knew who the little girl was.He turned out the light and went to bed.

chapter 3: The black Raven

In the morning Camilia dragged herself out of bed and went into Bryan's living room.He was still sleeping "Bryan...Bryan wake up we have school" she whispered into his ear.Bryan opened his eyes "Cam,i have something important to show you" he said pushing his blanket aside.He handed Camilia the article he had printed out.She read it carefully then her eyes turned as big as saucers and her mouth turned into a little 'o' "that little girl Chrystal Hudson she...she she's my mom....but since she got married with my dad her last name turned into Jones..." Camilia said handing the paper back to Bryan.He hugged her while Camilila cried."its okay Cam im sure were going to figure out why all of this has happened" "... if i have a daughter...history is going to repeat itself" Camilia whispered "Yea but what about the famliy that lived in the house before you guys they werent connected to you relatives were they?" "No...well who knows..." Camilila said wiping her eyes,she felt lonely like a lost little puppy Bryan was there with her but what if she lost him then what would she do?
At woodville high school Raven sat down at the next avalible table she was wierd,an outcast she felt trapped in a world of nothing.Ever since her parents had been murdered she wasn't the same everyone thought she had died with her family but the truth was that she hadn't it was her cousin Mariah who had parished along with her family.The truth...that stupid house that had cost her parents $300 was wierd Raven had begged them not to buy it cheap houses always had a history and this one well Raven didn't know what it was but she was going to find out. A girl with Dark ink black hair approached Raven alongside her was a boy with sandy-blond hair "Raven Evenson?" the girl with the dark hair asked "yea.." she answered shyly "we wanted to ask you some personal questions" the boy with the sandy-blond hair said "yea and you are the csi?" Raven said looking down at her food "No im Bryan Johnson and this is Camilia Jones but just call her Cam, this is about your old house the one at the corner of Elm street" Bryan said.Raven got up "im tired of geting laughed at if i were to tell you what really happened you would laugh like an idiot this is bull sh-" then Raven stormed off. Bryan caught up to her "Raven look at me Cam lives there she already knows about the wierd crap going on in there...what happened the day the "guests" stayed there" Raven looked left then right "just tell Cam...that her life is officialy screwed" raven said dissapeering into the crowd. Camilia caught up to Bryan "so?" "your life is officialy screwed..." Bryan said imitating Ravens voice but making it sqeaky and mouse like "oh no! ..." Camilia said sarcasticly.They both laughed and headed towards the cafetreria.Collin blocked thier path "Hey Camilia Chameleon wanna go to the dance with me?" Camilia looked disgusted "Ewww id rather eat a can of worms with ketchup than dance with a moron" she said moving past Collin,Collin smirked "I feel sorry for you Bryan she doesn't want to dance with you" Collin sneered "yea... i may be a moron maybe thats why even having special Ed classes is higher than you" Bryan said slipping by him.Collin stayed quiet "Just you wait Johnson!".
The coldness of the air clung to Grace's cloths making them feel damp "jesus Logan why do we have to come it looks creepy in there" she said staring at the house "because we need to help Cam" Logan replied then shivered "ugh just because you like her doesn't mean you have to drag me along with your stupid plans" Grace replied,Logan glared at her "Look sis i promise ill buy you that stupid iphone if this works out okay?" "fine" Grace said sighing. They reached the house in silence "You go in first it was your plan" "ok ill go first but if i dont come out come look for me kay?" Grace nodded and Moved her brown bangs out of her face.Logan stepped inside and closed the door behind him.Grace looked at her watch 15 minuets "Logan? ok come out now" she said her voice really small and timid.The door opened by itself and Grace stepped in there sprawled on the floor was Logan his eyes lifeless and mouth in a big "O" shape.Grace bent down next to him and shook him "L-L-Logan!!!!!" she yelled tears streaming down her face she looked around and saw a figure move towards the kitchen.Grace stood up and ran to the kitchen.A plump woman was making cinnamon cookies she turned around and Grace noticed she had a dolls face Button eyes and a sewn grin the womans hair flowed around her as if there were imaginary wind.The womans sewn grin opened "Would you like a cinnamon cookie dear?" her voice sounded like dry leaves on an autum day rustling on the pavements.Grace backed away "No thank you i was just about to leave" she bumped into something she slowly turned around and Screamed in horror...
6th period class, come on only 30 min. until the bell rang Bryan was frustraded he needed to search something,he drummed his fingers on his desk Ms.Bell turned her direction towards Bryan "Mr.Johnson will you explain to the whole class how good of a musician you are?" Ms.Bell said staring at him through her thick reading glasses.Meredith turned around to face Bryan and handed a slip of paper to Brook then Brook turned around and gave Bryan the note,Bryan took the note Smiled as kindly as possible and slipped it into his pocket "No thanks Ms.Bell i was just anxious thats all" Bryan replied looking at Meredith who was blushing.Ms.Bell continued reading "Dreaming of Jenn" a very boring book filled with true love that book was totaly fictional.Bryan took the note out of his pocket and opened it, in very neat loopy handwriting it read:
I just wanted to ask if you would like to go with me to the dance,Collin asked me out but no way i would go with him you dont have to if you dont want to but i would sertainly like the company of those huge gorgeous alomond shaped emerald green eyes sincerly, Meridith Cobbs
Bryan smiled he never knew anyone would ask him to the dance espicially Meredith Cobbs.she was pretty long curly dark brown hair that reached her mid-back it was always down with a ribbon always placed in it.He had never heard or in this case read that his eyes were "gorgeous" he rolled his eyes girls now and days.he tore a piece of notebook paper from his journal and wrote:
Thanks for inviting me i truly mean it but i guess i had someone else in mind for inviting to the dance but thanks anyway and thanks for saying i have GORGEOUS eyes but like i said i had someone else in mind sorry Meridith
He handed the note to Brook and Brook gave the note to Meredith,Meredith read it then her eyes read the note again she looked mad! she raised her hand Ms.Bell nodded at her "Ms.Bell this story is soooooo fiction,how can Jenn ask William if he loves her on the first time they see each other and Willian says 'yes my love i do' a-and plus he never rejects her or anything in true life he would have said 'no i do not princess you are spoiled and ugly plus i had someone else in mind' and he would reject her millions of times" Meredith said glancing a hateful glance over her shoulder Ms.Bell didn't say anything instead she continued reading "Jenn ran into Williams arms and said 'Oh Will why did you leave me for so long i was dead i was in my grave Will' William hugged Jenn back..." and so on the teacher kept reading until the bell rang.Bryan gathered his books and went to his locker where Camilia was waiting for him "Hey Cam whats up?" "Not much just a lot of creepy stuff and history homework and you?" she asked moving her black hair out of her face "Not much either..." he replied closing his locker.Camilia shifted her wieght to her other foot "You know Meredith right?" Camilia asked glancing around as if expecting her to pop out of the crowd "Yes what about her?" "she asked Collin out and collin rejected her and now she's mad at me because Collin wants to go out with the way who are you going with?" she asked.Bryan laughed what a liar Meredith was Collin hadn't asked her she asked him, "eh not sure yet" he lied,he was going to ask Camilia to the dance.They walked to Bryan's apartment in silence it was a comftorable silence though..

chapter 4: Graceful Grace

Camilia popped a popcorn in her mouth "You know i have this feeling that i have to go to my old house to check something out but i don't know what" Bryan ignored her he was using the computer searching stuff up.she snuck past him and opened the front door ever so quietly and slipped out into the night.She walked until she reached the house in the corner of Elm looked more deformed than ever it almost looked angry because Camilia had left it,she opened the door quietly and was surprised to see the lights on.A smell of cinnamon flowed in through the kitchen.Camilia walked towards the kitchen Mrs.Wellignton was in the kitchen making cinnamon cookies again "hullo" said Camilia as she sat down on one of the stools Mrs.Wellignton turned around and stared at her with her imense Brown buttons they seemed to gleam in the light her sewn mouth opened "Hello child come for one of my famous cookies have you?" she said in a dry raspy voice,Camilia nodded.Mrs.wellignton continued baking while Camilia ate her cookie and while she baked she sang in her dry raspy voice
Graceful Grace knocked on my door asked me if i knew Miss.Noor i nodded yes to Graceful Grace and then she transformed....a graceful dancer she quite was but quite sad as was what had been done poor Grace fell and broke her neck and danced again she never quite did.
camilia didn't understand what the song meant but it was a sad melody and Mrs.wellignton's buttons always seemed wet when she sang that song almost as if she had cried .Camilia's chair tipped backwards on it own she screamed as she hit the floor with a thud a pain shot up her spine to her neck.Mrs.Wellignton continued singing
Graceful Grace knocked on my door asked me if i knew Miss.Noor i nodded yes to Graceful Grace and then she transformed....a graceful dancer she quite was but quite sad as was what had been done poor Grace fell and broke her neck and danced again she never quite did.
Camilia got up from the floor her neck throbbed "im going upstairs Mrs.Wellington" she said meekly Mrs.Wellington stopped singing and said "watch out for Grace my dear she is quite angry right now" Camilia nodded and then grimaced in pain her neck throbbed again "why did i fall of my chair?" Mrs.wellignton's buttons gleamed "like i said she's angry" then she pointed behind Camilia.Camilia turned around but saw no one.She walked out of the kitchen alarmed the house was dark again then a spotlight turned on in the center of the room and in the center of the spotlight was a girl tall with radiant black hair and a pink tutu she had light brown eyes, camilia was petrified there she was in the spotlight yet here she was standing the other Camilia twirled,Camilia felt heresef move she also twirled the other camilia leaped through the air,Camilia leaped through the air then the other camilia stopped and smiled "Do you know miss.Noor?" Camilia's heart raced "No" "ah a quite good ballerina she was everyone preffered her over me...but she had way more years of expirence...." hearing her other self talk knowing she had said nothing creeped Camilia out "oh" Camilia said "i knocked door to door asking if they knew Miss.Noor they all nodded yes so i danced and showed off but one day i knocked on this exact door this house so i danced i tripped and fell on a garden gnome it broke my neck damaged my spinal cord and i died right here" the other camilia said "but of course i can't show my true self it is a corpse dead gross so i borrowed yours for a bit" she continued.Mrs.welligntons singing came from the kitchen dry an raspy
Graceful Grace knocked on my door asked me if i knew Miss.Noor i nodded yes to Graceful Grace and then she transformed....a graceful dancer she quite was but quite sad as was what had been done poor Grace fell and broke her neck and danced again she never quite did.
that song made more sense to Camilia it was Grace's story.The lights turned on and Grace disapeered but now on the floor was Logan Thompson and Gracie Thompson sprawled on the floor thier eyes expressionless and thier mouths twisted in horror.Camilia gasped and backed up then stopped when she bumped into something she turned around slowly and there behind here was Grace the dead ballerina one her blond hair was twisted in tangles and her ballerina suit was stained a penetrating red her head was tilted to the side because her neck was broken and bleeding her mouth was in a snarl "your turn show me what you've got" Camilia wanted to scream but had no voice.Her body jerked and whatever grace did her body did the same then on the floor a gnome apeared Camilia gasped in horror as Grace tripped and fell on the gnome which impaled her neck and broke it.Camilia jerked forward as she began to dance and spin then she felt her body wobble.She heard Mrs.wellignton's voice "poor Grace fell and broke her neck and danced again she never quite did." she fell backwards and then she found her voice she screamed then she found blackness.

chapter 5: Consequences

Camilia blinked she was sprawled on the floor next to the gnome she missed it by a few centimeters she had bumped the floor really hard instead and passed out.Camilia got up supporting her weight with her arms she stood on shaky legs then when some of the dizziness had passed she ran out the door.She collapsed 15 blocks before reaching Bryan's apartment.She awoke with a major head ache and a nurse peering at her curiously "Can you hear me alright miss?" the nurse asked.Camilia strained her neck to look around the nurse and saw Bryan sitting down on a chair with his hands on his face,Camilia could tell he wasn't crying more like he was exaspertated. Camilia spent 3 days in the hospital before they released her.At Bryan's apartment he handed some papers to Camilia
The home itself is described by realtors as a lovely Dutch Colonial with five bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, and joke, joke, perhaps a ghost or two. The local news reports that the house at the corner of Elm street was on the market for $400, but it is not known what it actually sold for.
The house became a sensation in 1977 when Alicia Ferroro's book, "The Guests" came out, detailing a real murderous rampage that had been carried out in the house. Some 26 years ago, Robert Derts . was found misssing after some guests had stayed over and his wife disapeered not a week later at that address. And a family who bought the house after these dissapeerings were found dead in thier home.Many say they see strange things when dared to go inside but Despite its sordid history, the house was only on the market for 70 days before another family bought the house,they too disapeered after some "guests" had stayed over ,thier daughter who we shall keep anoymous is an orphan who now is wondering off on her own . Town realtors say that some high-end homes like this one have remained on the market for over a year. They describe the house today as charming and well-maintained, with a very different look from its days of horror.
The person who is selling it now, did a lot of work to transform the property, including putting in a boathouse, and replacing the bulk head, the central air conditioning, the gas heating system, the roof, the windows, the sprinkler system, the central stereo system, the deck and the patio.
Camilia read the article over again "so everyone knows about this house?" "apparently" bryan replied sitting on the bean bag chair "But i was wondering how did your mom and dad ever get thier hands on the painting 'A secret bless you'?" "i know that your mom was his daughter but didn't the painting get stolen?" Camilia stayed quiet "Im going... im just saying lets just put the case to rest for a while okay?" She said sounding irritated.Bryan glared at the wall for a second then nodded at Camilia,she trotted to his bedroom then she came back carrying a small suitcase "i think its time for me to head home" she said tears streaming down her face.Bryan stood up his emerarld green eyes twinkling in the light "don't Cam it's dangerous in there you know what happened last time." Camilia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand; then before Bryan could stop her she rushed out the door the wind rushing by her making her feel cold her sleeveless shirt now fluttering behind her she ran and exited the building.Outside the sky had been splashed with black paint.Thick gray clouds hovered the air splashing water below; thick raindrops landed on Camilia soaking her thoughrouly her black damp hair clung to her face,in the rain it was imposssible to tell if she was crying.She quickened her steps and looked down puddles lay in every dent on the sidewalk,her tears fell on the sidewalk making the puddles even larger.Bryan rushed out the building and saw Camilia turning the corner walking really fast.The rain came down faster and more thicker Bryan's sandy-blond hair stuck to his face , he removed strands away from his face then scanned the street it was empty no sign of life the sky threatened to bring more rain and maybe even lightning .Bryan ran with all his strength but failed to catch up to Camilia 'what had gotten into her?why had she suddnly become so sensible like that it was as if something snapped inside her' Bryan thought.Camilia ran as fast as her feet could carry her then she bumped into something or someone and she fell backwards she closed her eyes for a second wondering what she had done to deserve such misfortune; she wanted the days where her mother and father would be there to comfort her in the night,the days where her father would be so frustraded with work so he would run his fingers through his Midnight colored hair then smile stand up and take Camilia to the ice-cream shop,she got her looks from her mother her eyes the color of wet sand,and her lips and nose.But her shiny straight black short hair that came from her father; her mother had light caramel drizzled hair with blond highlights."Camilia are you okay?" said a distant voice it was familiar.Her eyelids fluttered open but she only saw the dark rainy sky then a face came into view she stood up.In front of her stood Henry McCarter: he had a mop of brown hair that reached his eyes but you could tell he wanted a haircut because he constantly removed his hair from his face,he had thick rimmed black glasses on his nose,aqua-green eyes and a pearly smile he's what a blondie popular girl might call Curdy a mix between cute and nerdy,She smiled politely "Yea sorry i wan't looking " Henry removed damp hair from his face but the hair went back on his face "Hey no prob....I was wondering will you go to the dance with me" he asked, his already colored cheeks burned brighter,Camilia looked over her shoulder Bryan was approaching her "Cam wait!!" Bryan yelled after her, she let herself go what did it matter anymore Raven had been right her life was officialy screwed, Bryan stood next to them now his face Complexed "so will you go to the dance with me?" Henry repeated A flash of anger was seen in Bryan's eyes 'please say no Cam please say no' but it was too late Camilia nodded her head reluctantly "Yes Henry i will" she said turning around "after all Bryan is going with Meredith" she said walking away "No!! she asked me and i said no" Bryan said.Camilia ignored him "Go on facebook Bryan instead of paying attention to me, she posted it up there 'omg going to the dance with Bryan xoxoxox luv ya Bf' " Camilia said angirly "I personly don't care who you go with but Bryan you should have known not to hide it from me i had planned something for you,you should have told me so i wouldn't have waisted my time" "So you wanted to go with me?" Bryan asked.Camilia stayed silent "Bryan ive been your friend for more than 5 years open your eyes and smell the flowers! if you really "knew" me then you would have caught the clues" Camilia said before running away.Henry stood there akwardly "Dude i seriously did not know you wanted to ask her to the dance.." he said before walking away.
Bryan walked to 3rd period in silence the bell was going to ring in 30 sec.but what did it matter. Meredith shrieked when he told her he was going to go to the dance with her she had even dared to kiss him ON THE LIPS but he slipped by her just in time.He sat in his seat pretending not to notice the teacher glaring at him for being late; he took out his reading book and pretended to read but out of the corner of his eyes he stared at Camilia her dark hair up in a ponytail she looked happy almost as if nothing had happend,she wore a long dress/shirt thingy and black tights with white fluffy boots.Brook peered over Camilia's shoulder then she giggled and turned around and whispered something to Meredith,Meredith slumped in her chair she looked angry! meredith's curly long hair was down covering her face with a torqoise ribbon in her hair.Mrs.Gucciner turned her back on the class and wrote a long paragraph on the board.Brook snatched Camilia's notebook and handed it to Meredith.Camilia said nothing,she kept her head down.Meredith stood up and handed the notebook to Bryan.He grabbed it and put it beside him then he opened it it was full of writing not math/reading stuff diary "stuff" he read it then closed it shrugged and asked to be excused.

Out in the hall Bryan wondered what to do next things had been so simple and now they were complicated.he remembered when he first met Camilia in Oakland.the new nieghbors looked like they were stacked with money piled high.The one that was probably the mother was talking to one of the movers she had long hair the color of dark brown gold with blond the woman talked she swayed back and forth impatiently her hoop earings swayed along with her,the woman had a short denim skirt despite of the cold weather and a running jacket on.Bryan looked closer she had light brown eyes.A talll man stepped out of the red Caravan and admired the house.He ran his fingers through the layers of his Dark black hair then took one of the boxes from the movers and went inside the house.Not a minute later the back door of the Caravan opened and out stepped a girl around 9 she had black ink hair that reached her mid-back her light brown eyes were narrowed at the house,You could tell her lips had been smeared with lipgloss.Bryan took a step closer toward the new nieghbors house,he could tell the girl was mad,she also despite the cold weather had a layered pink silk skirt with black polished flats.The girl had no sweater and hugged herself to keep warm ''Cam come over here and get your jacket out from one of the boxes!'' yelled the woman.So the girls name was Cam like Cam jansen the book series Bryan said to himself feeling cold even though he had a thick skiing jacket on and jeans, he narrowed his Emerald green eyes to get a better glimpse of the nieghbors but his Mother called out to him ''Bryan Johnson come inside dear it's cold out there your going to catch a cold.'' he took one last glance and went inside.His mother took a pie out of the oven her golden hair fell over her shoulders as she reached in ''mmmm smells great mom is it for me you and dad?'' Candace's eyes lowered ''no dear this is for the nieghbors and for the last time your father isn't coming back he made that very clear'' she said handing the warm pie to Bryan ''Bryan dear your 11 im sure you would know more about this situation'' Candace said turning away.Bryan shrugged '' i guess i just had hope that dad would actualy have loved me enough to stay'' he said heading out the door.The nieghbors were inside now unpacking.he knocked on the door the woman opened it surprised to see him there ''hullo im your nieghbor and umm-Can-my mom made this for you'' he said about to leave ''well thank you but don't go id like you to meet my family'' she said pointing inside,Bryan nodded.''Im Crystal Anne Jones all seprate'' she said grinning,Bryan nodded.In what seemed to be the living room the tall man looked at Bryan awkwarldy ''this is umm...'' ''Bryan johnson'' Bryan said sticking his hand out the man took it ''Jackson jones pleasure to meet you....Camilia!! come here dear'' Jackson said smiling.The serious girl trodded downstairs ''oh hi..yea i saw you staring at me earlier so yea you must be the nieghbor'' camilia said smirking.Bryan stared at her blankly he had never seen this girl before what was she talking about?Maybe he had,had a black out he had those more frequently now,he would black out when he was nervous,stressed out or sometimes it would just occur, doctors assured him they were working on a cure.''sorry but this is my first time seeing you'' he said shyly ''don't act stupid i saw you'' she said ''thats enough Camilia!'' Jackson said with a stern face.Camilia shrugged ''Bryan,Camilia,Camilia,Bryan.She's my daughter'' Jackson said.Bryan greeted them all told them it was nice to see them and left.A tap on the shoulder shattered Bryan's flashback "huh?" he said puzzled to be back in the classroom, Brook gave him a wierd smile "Here from Meredith'' she said turning around .how had he gotten to 6th period?he could have sworn he was just in 3rd period in the hallway...he must have blacked out again he thought to himself "oh ok" he said taking the note.he opened it

Hey bryan remember that tonights the dance! :) i can not wait to see you there muuuuah! hugs and kisses meredith cobbs
Bryan felt disgusted this girl was obbsessed with him.

chapter 6: Danceaster

every one at the dance had dresses and tuxedos Bryan looked down at his cloths A black tuxedo well at least he fit in.Meredith tugged his shirt "lets go in Bri" Bryan hated when she called him ''Bri'' it sounded like a girl name "not unless you stop calling me Bri" he said.Meredith smiled wickedly "of cousre...because boyfriends shouldn't be called by shorter names" she answered sweetly "wait a minute since when am i your Boyfriend?" he said crossly "ummm helllo since last week when we were at lunch and i asked you if you wanted to be my boyfriend your friend Chameleon said of course you would say no but would you look at that you said yes!" Meredith answered opening the double gym doors and pulling him inside 'just great no wonder Cam had been so mad at him he had,had another blackout but that was strange he hadn't had had any since the doctors gave him the pills he should have just told cam about his blackouts' he thought to himself as he let Meredith drag him inside "hold on kay?gotta go find my girlfriends" she yelled over the loud music then scrunched up her long blue dress in her hands and walked away.He was left alone so many people yet he felt alone he grabbed a baby carrot from the table and munched on it "loving her yet?" said someone behind him,Het turned around surprised to see Camilia there she looked more Beautiful than ever she had a pink silk mini dress with dimond earings,black high-heels,pink lipstick and light pink eyeshawdow.All the pink made her Hair stand out "yea im loving her...not!" he said grinning.Camilia peered into his eyes searching for the lie but found none "well..that sucks because Henry is a really good dancer" she said giggling,Bryan rolled his eyes "so?" the song "without you" by David Guetta ft.usher was playing "i am am lost i am vain i will never be the same without youuu-without yooooou!!!" Camilia shifted her weight to her other foot she looked uncomftorable "Hey song kinda fits with my life....wanna dance?" Bryan asked Camilia, she brightened up "sure" he grabbed her hand and for the first time she didn't say "seriously bryan im not 5 anymore" he moved her to the dance floor where other people were dancing to the catchy part of the song and stopped when it got to the slow part.They danced until they were too tired Camilia looked like a million pounds had been lifted off her shoulders.Bryan leaned closer to her and closer....and closer he took her head in his hands and was about to kiss her when he heard a scream "OMG!!!EWW BRYAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING GROSS!!!!" he didn't even have to look back to know it was Meredith Cobbs his "girlfriend" "Meredith Cobbs i break up with you look i have a serious problem that people like you wouldn't understand to why i said yes to you" he said staring at Meredith's gold colored eyes she shrugged "I was going to tell Your friend Cam to stay away from Henry because he's my boyfriend that's also why i came to tell you the exact same thing you said to me i break up with you!" she said sashaying away.A girl in a bloody ballerina costume stood behind Camilia.Bryan leaned in closer to Camilia's ear and whispered "someone came to the wrong party" Camilia turned around and her eyes widened in horror she backed away then she took Bryan's hand and squeezed it then she pulled him outside "She was looking for me!" she half whispered "what?" "oksoyouknowhowthatonetimeiwenttomyhousewellshewasthereexeptshetriedtokillmeok?she'sdangerousreallydangerouswehavetogetoutofherebeforeshefindsus" Camilia said catching her breath.Bryan laughed "Its okay Cam we can go in my car to my house" he said pulling her along.People were outside laughing and hanging around Bryan found his car and opened the door for Camilia she smiled and stepped inside.He closed the door.He buckled his seatbelt.The drive to his place was filled with music blasting from the stereo "Make me a radio and turn me up when you feel low!" "Nevermind,ill find someone like youuuuuuuu i wish nothing but the best for yoooooouuu tooo" "We found love in a hopeless place we found love in a hooopeeelesss place!". They arrived at Bryan's place in silence "So why did you want to leave again?" he asked clicking the button that would put the alarm on the car, the green honda blinked once then it was protected.Camilia sighed and told him who the ballerina was."Wow tough luck....want to sleep in the room?"
"No thanks Henry's picking me up in about 3 min." she answered absently "he is?" he answered with a hurtful tone in his voice "Ouch right....yea he was taking me to dinner tonight" Camilia said then her phone buzzed
Me:so are you picking me up 2night right?
Henry McCarter: yea im outside right now :) ;D
Me:ok on my way now :D
"i...umm ill be back later kay?" She said planting a kiss on his cheek.He ran a quick bath then slept in his bed for like the first time. Chrystal and Jackson were often gone leaving Camilia with Candace and Bryan thats how they got to be great friends at first it wasn't a very pretty sight.There was a loud knock on the door Bryan rushed to the door hoping it was Henry his best friend but no there stood Camilia her black hair was into a messy braid tied with a pink silk ribbon."ew this is where you live so anyways" she said flicking a piece of blond hair away from her jacket "seriously that woman needs to stop hugging me her hair is all over me now" she said stepping past Bryan and landing on the couch "soooooo why are you here?" Bryan asked.Camilia ignored him and found the remote control she clicked the power button and the t.v. roared to life "tsk tsk tsk all lame shows" She said clicking the power button again "you didn't answer my question spoiled bratt" "hey watch your language Greener alert" she said giggling then she poked his eyelids softly "i looove your eyes dark emerald green never seen em" she said punching his arm playfully.Bryan called his mom "The spoiled bratt is here we are to baby-sitt the extratrarestrial" Candance narrowed her eyes as she filled the tin pie pot with strawberries "Oh ok then go do something then play with her make her feel like she's at home" "oh pwwsh she already feels like she's at home mom" Bryan said stealing a strawberry before exiting the kitchen."come on Greener alert lets go exploring!" Camilia said moving her arms like winshield wipers "sure just let me get my jacket spoiled bratt" he replied running to his room.
"eww what is that Greener alert?" Bryan rolled his eyes "A slug Spoiled bratt" he said picking it up, she took a step back and tripped on a moss rock she hit the floor with a thud she began to cry "oh sorry Cam" he said holding her hand and helping her up "you called me by my name?" she said wiping her teary eyes Bryan smiled "Hi im Bryan whats your name?" she giggled "Camilia but my mom calls me Cam because i am a Cam full of surprises...get it?" she said smiling,they shook hands and then they both knew they would be together as long as possible was possible "Bryan" Camilia said trying out the name "i like it" she finished.
Bryan woke up in the middle of the night something was wrong he pulled on a pair of fresh crisp jeans and a plain white t-shirt.He pulled his arms through his jacket he grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.He stopped in front of Romio's Pizza Henry's favorite place to take dates which he later decides not to date.He opened the door to the restauraunt the bell on the door rang.A petite woman rushed to him red lipstick smeared "welcome to Romio's pi-" "yea sorry im not eating i just wanted to make sure someone was okay i was a little worried" The pettie woman smiled "of course come with me please" Bryan stopped in his tracks he knew Camilia was in the right hands now.She was leaned across the table kissing his only "true" friend Henry had his hand on Camilias face no wonder they were making out they were the only one's there beside Bryan and the petite woman beside him "yep she's fine" the woman said turning around embarrased to have walked in on them.Bryan fought back tears "yea i suppose" he mumbled under his breath then he turned on his heels and left felling anger well up in his chest.He turned the car on it roared to life "Spoiled bratt" he said angirly he hadn't called her that since he was 11.He looked into the mirror and wished that he would look like Henry.He had been so close to having her but he lost her all because of Meredith Cobbs "she is a 'Cam full of surprises' " he mumbled fumbling with his seatbelt while driving; when he glanced up a semi-truck was running full speed towards him it did not slow down one bit.Bryan gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.The next thing he remembered was the truck slamming into his Green Toyota and the air-bag blowing up in his face.Even though nothing was found broken Bryan was sure his heart was the only thing that had been fractured.

chapter 7: seprate ways

Bryan blinked he was in a grass field with Camilia next to him she reached for his hand and held it tight "Bryan" she said testing out the name "I like it" she finished she turned on her side and stared into his deep emerald green eyes "Wake up sleepy head" she said her voice fading along with her.Bryan awoke in a bright room with polished wood floors the bed was stiff and had striped sheets. The room whirled around him then a man came into view he had sandy-blond hair and emerald green eyes "Hmm talk about a reflection" the man said taking Bryan's face in his hands.The man looked young "Hello son" The man said "I am your father" "Oh yea sure uhuh because a 'dad' walks out of your life and comes back 10 years later " "you don't understand anything yet Bryan Johnson" the man said stalking to a bookshelf where he took a hard covered book binded with wire and glistining rubies "I loved you and your mother dearly...son" he said son as if it were a hairball stuck in his throat "hmm so im sure thats why you left" Bryan said trying to sturdy himself "hmm no that may not be a way to show someone you care...but like i said you don't understand yet...Son" yet again the word sounded like a hairball caught in his throat "stop saying that okay im not your son becuase a son is actually with his father at least half of his life okay?" Bryan mumbled more to himself then to the man that claimed to be his father "I look like you isn't that enough of a resemblance to say that i am your father." bryan shrugged "Just tell me how i got here" "Your mother and i were forbidden to love each other we did the impossible to be able to be by eachother's side...tell me..son,do you crave for things un other than normal human food?" he said ignoring Bryan's question "No...why?" "oh goody more like mother on the see Bryan can i put this?We didn't expect you to come into the picture an-" "and so thats why you left me with my mom" Bryan said hastily "No..son,i loved Candace and you but the hunters found i had to flee,I son am a don't freak out i see you don't have any vampire signs or cravings so i-" "please don't go on your nonsense only upsets me more" he said getting off the bed but his head felt like it was going to explode so he sat down on the bed "son no vampire has ever breed with the human kind before,so please tell me if you have any abnormalties" the man said turning to leave the room "do blackouts count?" he wondered why he was following along with this silly story "So do you remember anything you do after you wake up?" "No" "hmm maybe you have a split personality half vampire when you blackout and your normal human self when you wake the way and i don't ever wan't you to say my name but call me father but my name is Maldrick" he said before leaving.Bryan felt worn out so he sunk back down into the sheets and fell asleep.

"Tell me child because i will not repeat myself again...Where is the boy?" Sisilia said slaping Camilia "I do not know ,he well what can i say he umm he disappeered.Now we made a deal i tell you all i know about him and you would tell me about my parents and them" she said hot tears forming in the corner of her eyes "i lied" Sisilia said slapping Camilia again "I knew it but it was worth a try" Camilia said wriggling in the chair she was tied to "That stupid boy has caused nothing but trouble to the hunters he needs to be found and killed at once he is not supposed to exsist is that clear!Now go find him or you die" she said unting her.Camilia ran to Bryan's house she felt a fist full of guilt punch her stomach 'how could she do this to her only true friend?' she thought to herslef 'but it is worth a try if i can find out what happened to my parents'. Camilia knocked loudly on Bryan's door but nobody opened the door she knocked 5 more times before giving up .She sild down on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest she had to find Bryan or she would die.

Bryan woke up and found himself in what seemed to be a living room.everyhthing was black except the light floating in through a high window.He was sitting down on a black wooden table across from Maldrick he was talking "Thats interesting Bryan so tell me more about yourself im glad we got to know eachother better....Bryan?" "what the heck am i doing here?ew what the heck is this red stuff it smells like iron!" he said pushing the cup away with disgust. Maldrick stared at him in awe "whoa someone had a cranky moment" he said chuckling "no seriously i was just in the bedroom" Bryan said definsiveley "oh blackout, well that was akward because you seemed to enjoy the blood i placed in front of you" Maldrick said getting up and pushing the black polished wood chair in "So during your blackout you said something about Camilia lets go visit her shall we?" he said "sure" Bryan responded shrugging.Maldrick even had a black car it was a black porsche.They arrived at Camilia's old house.Bryan knocked on the black old wooden it creaked open by itself.Maldrick looked confused then said "isn't this the 'murder' house?" "Yep" Bryan said stepping inside cautiously."you check upstairs i'll check down here is that clear?" Maldrick said moving his bangs away from his face.Bryan nodded and trodded upstairs.He opened Camilia's bedroom first.She had a Justin Bieber poster in one of the corners of the wall (Bryan shuddered at the thought of Camilia liking that dude) a pink frilly bed with stuffed animals strewn across the bed sheets there was a counter on the side of the bed with a tinker bell lamp and a glass of water.The room looked untouched.There was a loud thump in the closet,Bryan raced towards it and opened the door hoping to find Camilia but it was just Henry tied up to a chair he had fallen over his aqua-green eyes shimmered in the sudden light.Bryan bent down and untied him "what happened dude?" he asked "I don't know" Henry said rubbing his aching wrist "Things got wierd after we wen't to Romio's Pizza so around 10:00 p.m. i took her home an-" "wait you took her home by 10:00? i went to Romio's at like 12:00 a.m. and you guys were there kissing so i left" Henry laughed so hard his side began to ache then he noticed Bryan's serious expression was still on his face "Oh your serious huh? well yea that must have been someone else because im pretty sure we left around 10:00 p.m. and NO we did not kiss it was just a friendly chat" Henry said perching his glasses back on his perfect symetrical nose "oh" "so why were you tied here?" "some wierd chick with a bloody ballerina costume kidnapped me...dude she was freaky i tell you she kept saying stuff like 'where's that forrbiden child Camilia?' or like 'that girls not going to escape me!' i thought she was like sooo jelous of Camilia being with me" Henry replied getting up "dude not every girl is in love with you" he said punching Henry's arm "oh going home dude im sooo creeped out" Henry said before troding downstairs.Maldrick walked in a second later " I suppose that wasn't Camilia that just left?" Bryan had to laugh "nope"

Lidie lurched forward in the black van "slow down Kenny " she hissed.Jackson looked green " Kenny god help me not slap you across the face next time you do that" he said his dark yes narrowing at each individual house "im only 17 and your screaming at me already jeez" Kenny said slowing down he looked forward to seeing his sister that was 16 "is this the house mom?dad?" "yes stop here Kenny." They filed out of the car there was a black porsche parked outside "is there anyone here mom? what if someone already bought the house" Kenny asked tiliting his head his dark hair falling in his eyes "impossible no one will buy the house knowing about the murder" Lidie said absently.They opened the house door and filed inside.Everything was as how it was before they left.the couch was piled high with pillows and the chairs were in the kitchen but one stool was tipped over.There was a sound from upstairs "Kenny Jones" Jackson said pointing to the flight of stairs "im on it sir" he said before disapeering upstairs.He tried his sister's room first and hesitated before opening it. A tall man with sandy-blond hair was standing with his back toward Kenny "Sorry but you guys are intruding this is private property" Kenny said to the man;he turned around and Kenny saw that the man had emerald green eyes "Maldrick?" Kenny sputtered "Kenny my boy meet Bryan my son that one that i told you about" Maldrick said smiling Bryan came into view he looked exactly like Maldrick except he was younger and he had diffrent lips "Hi Bryan...say did you know your forbidden to exist" he said cocking his head at Bryan "yea thanks for telling me" Bryan mumbled "hey come with me my mom and dad are here" "wait how do you two know eachother?is he a vamp too?" Bryan asked "No son he is Lidie Derts son we met in a meeting for un-human runaways you'll know more about it later" Maldrick explained "ok dad" Bryan said coughing up the word dad.They headed downstairs.Maldrick hugged Lidie and shook jackson's hand. Bryan couldv'e sworn they looked familiar like Camilia's parents but the woman's name was Lidie and she had short blond hair not long carmel drizzled hair with blond highlights and Jackson had long shaggy dark brown hair not black.Lidie smiled warmly at Bryan "Nice to meet you Bryan i have never seen a half human half vampire in my life which is why your so lucky to have Maldrick as your father" Lidie said with a half distant smile.Maldrick beamed "thank you Lidie same about your son and da-" "shhhhhh" Lidie warned "just my son for now half faerie half demon...which is why we are being hunted" Maldrick nodded "I understand" "boy's go outside while we talk privateley okay?" Lidie exclaimed.

Outside the cold was unbearable "Dude do you know who Camilia Jones is?" Kenny asked his eyes narrowed through his red glasses.Bryan inhaled then exhaled "Yea she is-i mean she was my best friend" he said tracing lines in his hands "Oh.." Kenny replied.They walked nowhere yet it seemed that they were aimed to go somewhere.Kenny was the first to speak "I should have great vision yet it got messed up because faeries have great vision but demons they have a good sense of smell" he said shrugging in his oversized jacket "oh well im not really special just blackouts i guess" Bryan said also shrugging.Kenny stopped walking "whoa check out that place looks cool huh?lets go check it out dude" kenny said cocking his head,he seemed to have a habit of doing so "why do you do that?" Bryan asked "What?" Kenny said annoyed "do that with your head" "it helps me see better and helps me see wether its dangerous,right now i don't sense anything" Kenny replied cocking his head to the other side.The place turned out to be a closed down mini-mart the lighting was dim and eerie.A sudden crash followed by a moan got Kenny and Bryan's atention they stared at eachother then rushed to the noise.

Camilia stared in horror as two boys entered the mini-mart where Sisilia had ordered her to meet she ran towards the back room but not before she crashed into the aisle that had tin cans and pots she moaned as a big pot came crashing on her head.A blanket full of stars covered her eyes as she fell into a dream.A tall,slim boy with a long silk red robe approached her he had cat-like eyes "Camilia i've come for you" the boy said "No i have to stay to find my parents!And to find out what happened to them" she said astounded by what she had said "No you must come with me because your parents they are already here" she felt herself fall but got caught by strong arms.the dream ended."Whoa are you serious?" said a blurry boy he seemed to be the one holding her head up.Camilia wanted to say 'who are you and what are you doing here' but all that came out was "hnn" "Cam?" said a very familiar voice "Cam ?" the boy said again.Camilia sat up she felt groggy "Bryan?" she asked seeing him come into view, his sandy-blond hair and emerald green eyes sent a sigh of relief through her more than a hug ever would "Bryan who's that" Camilia said pointing to the serious grim faced dark haired boy with red glasses that made his round dark eyes bigger "Im kenny, Camilia ,im Kenny Jones" he said sticking his hand out,Camilia ignored his hand and took Bryan's instead and helped herself up "So i see you met a new friend" Camilia said rubbing her sore head "yes and i se-" "Camilia come over here right now!" came Sisilia's voice from the back door "Bryan...." she grimaced could she really turn him in just like that?he had helped her through everything yet here she was about to turn him in to a hunter and he had done nothing wrong to any living soul it wasn't his fault his parents had broken a law she thought "Bryan ...stay here hide behind something and don't come out,and you black haired boy help him hide and do NOT come out of hiding under any circumstances" she said with a serious face her lips pulled into a tight straight line "but w-" Kenny began "shut it four eyes!" Camilia snapped.Then she went to the back room and was ready to encounter Sisilia but Bryan came out of hiding and ran to her.Sisilia had a smile of triumph on her face "Well done Jones,i see you brought him with you" she said grinning from ear to ear her long tangled golden hair seemed to light on fire in the sunlight.Bryan stared from Camilia to Sisilia and vise versa."what?" he said blinking "gosh Cam tell him why you brought him here" Sisilia said still grinning "I did NOT bring him here Lia you knew very w-" "do NOT lie child for you yourself told me that you would bring him to me for information YOU were the one who proposed the deal" Sisilia said her smile fading replaced by a horrible frown.Bryan stared at them blankly.Then Kenny walked in looking confused as well "oh you brought TWO of them" she sniffed the air then scrunched up her nose "Hmm the blondie is Vampire and human the Dark haired one..." she sniffed the air again "Faerie and demon" sisilia finished with a disgusted tone in her voice " my guess is Maldrick and Candace and jackson but i can't make out the other person..well it isn't surprising Faerie blood is unusually srtong in genes even though you two don't look like like your mother " sisilia said with a sour expressionn on her face.Kenny and Camilia exchanged looks "You mean..." then she trailed off "yes Cam he's your brother" kenny did not look surprised "i could tell she has the same good looks as me" he said running his fingers through the layers of his dark hair.Camilia tried to smile but it was hard when she was facing sisilia."Enough!" Sisilia yelled.She pulled out a long blade with green rubies bordering the handle she raised her hands and with a swift movement ran to Bryan and was about to kill him when there was a thundering voice "NO!" it was Maldrick.he ran forward and surprised sisilia so that she dropped the sword Bryan lunged himself forward and grabbed the weapon.Camilia was still schocked but she moved out of the way took the sword from Bryan and ran forward to Sisilia.She ran at full speed so quickly sisilia didn't have time to react.There was a loud yell as the two headed into collision.Kenny quickly ran to his sister's side he pulled her away the sword was on the floor,both Camilia and sisilia were covered in blood but was impossible to tell who had been hurt.Sisilia laughed then revealed her hand a blood stained blade in her hand "Always keep a spare" she said vanishing into thin air.Camilia fell backwards but Bryan caught her,there was a deep gash on her side a little below the rib cage.

chapter 8: Justice court

Bryan stared out at the pouring rain tapping his fingers to the rythm of the pitter-patter of it hitting the window.Maldrick had proven to be a great father but that wasn't why he was sulking.Kenny put a hand on Bryan's shoulder but he didn't seem to notice "My real name is Kevin" he said randomly.Bryan pulled away "she was using me.." Bryan whispered.Kenny walked away shaking his head."She said she was my friend but there she was gonna turn me in to the hunter" he said still staring out the black window."and all for what?for false information." He fell backwards and fell into a darkness.

Henry walked rapidly to Maldrick's house.He pounded on the black wood door Bryan opened the door he looked diffrent,well he was diffrent.His short sandy-blond hair was now darker and longer it reached his eyes, his Emerald green eyes were now mixed with a hint of red,instead of his usual button down shirt he wore a black t-shirt and dark blue denim jeans "What?!" Bryan snapped "Dude calm down i came to give you news about Cam," he replied with a frown on his face.Bryan stepped aside to let Henry in.Bryan patted Henry's mop of brown tangled wavy hair "Good pet" he sneered.Henry shivered "not get off dude this is serious" Henry said narrowing his aqua-green eyes.Bryan smirked "and so what do i look like i care about that chick Chameleon?" he replied,Henry gasped "you said you would NEVER call her Chameleon!" he said,Bryan shrugged and bit into a juicy red apple the juice leaked out of the apple and dribbled down his chin.Henry looked at him with disbelief "You turned into a pyscho you know that?Johnson?" Bryan shrugged again and wiped his hands on his T-shirt then threw the bit apple into the garbage can."That stuff sucks i need something else like.." he looked directly at Henry with hunger in his eyes "Blood?" he finished ,getting closer to Henry,Henry backed away "dude quit messing with me" he said.Henry pushed Bryan away "stop!" Maldrick walked in "BRYAN!" he yelled,Bryan turned to look at Maldrick and let go of Henry's collar "Im hungry and there's nothing in the fridge" he whined;Henry stumbled backward and rushed out the front door in such a hurry he almost bumped into the wall.Maldrick handed Bryan a cup of blood and he drank it gratefully.Kenny walked into the livivng room he srunched up his nose "Smells icky in here" he said clutching his stomach "Just kidding hand it over!" he yelled yanking the cup out of Bryans clutch.He gulped the last of the blood;he licked his lips "Mmmm faeries loooove blood" he said yanking the refrigerator door open unsatisfied he closed the door.Bryan found himself in the kitchen the taste if iron was in his mouth "gross what the heck,my mouth tastes like iron really badly!" he said rinsing his mouth with water;Kenny rolled his eyes then stared at Bryan "werent you just wearing a black T-shirt?" Bryan glanced down at his Sleeve Button Collar Green Batiste and shrugged "and your hair and eyes its shorter and your eyes thier green!" he sounded freaked out.Bryan laughed."No duh!" he said snatching an apple off the counter.He bit into it and was grateful for the juice he was suddenly very thirsty.

Camilia recovered a month later she moved back into her old house.she was alone again.She hugged herself she felt cold even though she had a long-sleeve fleece sweater.At school she lowered her head and stared at the ground Kevin was her brother but apart from that she had no one;A tall boy with scraggly blond hair bumped into her really hard he ran off,leaving Camilia on the floor in a rain puddle;she hallucinated Bryan walking up to her with a worried expression on his face she closed her eyes; one to push the tears back down her eyes and two because she knew when she opened them he would be gone.she opened her eyes but the tears still streamed down her face,Bryan was still standing there "Need help?" he asked sticking his hand out.she wiped her eyes and took his hand despite verything here he was helping her.She couldn't resist herself she hugged him but Bryan didn't hug back "Your welcome" he mumbled and left without saying another word.The smell of his light cologne lingered in the outside air.Kelly nudged her in the side Camilia grimaced as a sharp pain shot up her slightly still wounded area "Ow don't do that Kell" she said glaring "sorry i just came to tell you that this new guy James wants to tell you sumthing" she said shrugging "He says to meet him outside right now" Camilia was curious who the heck was James? "But ill miss cl-" "sh sh sh sh just go he sounded eager ill cover for you" Kelly winked and walked away.Camilia was dumbstruck; she trugded outside and saw the same boy from earlier his blond hair circled his head like a halo, his hair was straight and medium length,he had auburn colored eys.He moved his hair over to the right and smiled.Camilia didn't return his smile "what do you wan't?" she said,suddenly feeling embarased by her wet cloths "I am here to bring you to the justice court all you have to do is....sacrafice something you love and in turn you will get accurate information no tricks" James said putting his right hand up as if saying an oath.Camilia shook her head "No" James shrugged "Im not a hunter,promise im a goblin im trying to help you, you could sacrafice a favorite blanket that you love something like that" he said,smiling showing rows of sharply pointed teeth you had to stare at his mouth to notcie they were sharp.Camilia remembered her favorite barbie she refused to let anyone touch , she still had it "a barbie?" she suggested "IF its going to be an object you must sacrafice some blood your's or someone elses just 3 drops that's all" james said.Camilia hesitated then nodded real slow "yea i'll do it."

Camilia's first night at her own house without Bryan was scary; every little noise made her jump.Camilia pulled the sheets up to her chin and closed her eyes just for a moment then there was a loud thump downstairs;Her breathing got heavy and panicked,she went and hid in the closet. She could hear her heart thumping and hoped that whoever was downstairs couldn't. Her bedroom door opened and there were heavy footsteps.Camilia put her hand on her mouth to try and stop from screaming. The footsteps got closer she was sure that whoever was outside was just outside the closet door she felt like a fly cornered at a wall with an angry human holding up the fly swatter. there were other footsteps now, "She's gone must have gone out the back window Jay." it was a boy voice not a man's a boy's voice "Raveen don't call me that it's J!" the second boy hissed.Jay or J? which one Camilia thought.Jay/ J walked over to Raveen "Well then you better find her Jay/J." Raveen said thoughtfully.Then Camilia stepped backwards and all the hangers crashed to the floor.Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she realized it was all over.The closet door swung open and a boy with dark hair and blue eyes (the rest of his face was covered with a mask) peered in at her "This Raven?" Raveen asked "No dummy Raven is the other girl,this is Camilia Jones" Jay/ J said.The boy's removed thier masks and all at once Camilia knew who they were "James? Raveensking?" she said tentavely.Raveen nodded a little too enthustiastic "Yea!yea! but im actually Raveen and well James is James except WE call him Jay" Raveen explained "HEY I SAID TO CALL ME J!" James yelled "What's the diffrence?" i asked timidly "Jay is J-a-y and J is just the letter J" he explained "Now can we go to the justice court or what?" he finished.Camilia nodded and took his cold hand."HOLD it Raveen we need...2 drops of.." he scrunched up his nose real piggy-like "Faerie blood and,look we ran out of it when SOMEONE accidently spilled it." James half yelled at Raveen "Heeey she's half Faerie does that work?" Raveen said pointing at Camilia as if she were some strange creature and he was afraid to touch it "No way Raveen!" Camilia said backing up "Nuh uh!" "Uh huh" James said smiling "Hold out your hand" Camilia reluctatly did so;James took out a small blade and made a thin neat cut on her index finger.Blood oozed out of the cut quickly Raveen took out a small tube the kind they use in science and let 2 drops of her blood drip into it then he quickly took it away "There!" he said smiling pleasantly. Raveen handed James the tube "You first Jay" "J" James mumbled.James raised the tube to his mouth and then licked a drop of blood "There!" he exclaimed as if he had just done something amazing,Raveen took the tube and licked some off too; Then he handed the rest to Camilia " And im supposed to drink my own blood because? " "You need to thats why!" James said impatiently.She drank it with disgust it tasted like Roses and a little bit of bitterness.They all held hands once again and James said a chant then the floor beneath them rumbled and fell in.

Bryan awoke in the middle of the night a chill crept up his neck making the hairs on his neck stand on end like a cat's fur.He slid into some cloths and then slipped on his shoes;He left a note for Maldrick and slipped out into the night "Hey! wait up Bryan," It was definitley Kenny ,Bryan stopped and let him catch up "Dude are you stalking me 24/7?" "Umm let me see let me check my calender....yes,yes i am Bryan because i can't track my sister and so i just wanted to make sure you didn't have her." Kenny said eyeing Bryan carefully watching to see if he had anything suspicious on him.Bryan shrugged and shoved his hands into the pockets of his navy-blue jacket "So where are your guy's mom and dad?" he asked wryly "Oh just you know having a little 'chat' with THEM." Kenny whispered "They told me 'Kevin,son we are not going to hurt them just show them what we are capable of' so i said 'oh yea ya mean torture?' so they said 'no son not quite" kenny continued scanning the perimeter. There was a slight rustle behind them it coud've been a cat or a squirrel so Bryan ignored the sound but Kenny whiped his head aroud so fast Bryan was sure he had broken it "Come out!" he yelled pulling out a small dagger.Nothing stirred no one moved.Then Kenny cocked his head to the side and whispered "Goblin." there was a chuckle from behind them "my my my so i was correct you are one of them.A hunter" the girl hissed "No you are mistaken i AM a demon just half Faerie." Kenny correcetd concealing his dagger in his back pack.A flash of relife flashed through the girls face and her shoulders lost thier tension "Im Rachel!" she greeted them "Kevin Jones,Bryan Johnson." kenny introduced both of them.Rachel had blonde hair and auburn colored eyes that looked like fire in the moonlight "I was looking for J but i stumbled upon you two by mistake i must get going." she said smiling apologetically "Oh!" was all Bryan said.Rachel turned her head to look at him "yuh say something?" she asked "Umm-WHO is Jay?" Bryan asked "J!...oh sorry my brother." she paused and chuckled "He was taking some girl hair to the justice court her name was,i think was wait Cun.Ummm i don't know something like that." Rachel answered before stepping behind one of the bushes and disapeering from view.Bryan ran to catch up to her "Cam! her name was Cam short for Camilia!" Rachel jerked her head to face him and she leaned real close to him "What did you do to them?!" she yelled pushing Bryan "No what did YOU do to THEM!?" Bryan yelled back.Rachel's face softened "sorry i just can't seem to find her house,can you help me?" she whined. Bryan and Kenny helped her find Camilia's house IF she would take them to the justice court which (according to Kenny) was a horrible gloomy place where creepy people stalk you and know your every move they know what has happened to you, what your about to do, and what will happen to you.

Camilia opened her eyes and saw the boy from her dream standing in front of her.His cat like eyes gleamed and looked at her in hunger "I TRIED to tell you before but you answered with 'No i have to stay to find my parents!And to find out what happened to them' which i thought was absurd but lets start this over." he said dryly "Camilia i've come for you." he held out his hand.She took his hand, it fell dry and soft at the same time."My name is...Jeremy Wells.Just so you know." Jeremy said letting go of camilia's hand then beckoned her to step into the booth with him.She did so reluctantly." Give me the object,Good now place your hand here.Yes ah there we go good." Jeremy said showing Camilia what to do.He pushed a small button on the side of the stump where she had placed her hand then before you can say "wierd" a green hand apeared from the stump and gripped her wrist,she gasped but stayed frozen another hand reached out from the stump but it was pink, it was holding the smallest dagger she had ever seen.The hand cut her hand clumsily spilling blood all over the stump.Her hand leaked and leaked yet the hands would not let go of her she screamed in horror. "HELP JAMES HELP ME YOU SAID ONLY 3 DROPS HAD TO BE SACRAFICED!" Jeremy seemed to snap back into reality and calmy yet fiercely said "Ruth,Sarah enough." then the hands dropped Camilia's hand and melted back into the stump. The booth turned black and girls about 15 gaped in amazment at Camilia.They stopped gaping and pursed thier mouths "Child what would you like to know only 3 questions my be asked." thier mouths stayed shut but the words echoed around her head like bugs."where are my parents?" she asked,the girl with pink skin seemed to talk "Your parents are in the house on the corner of Elm street." "Why are there ghosts haunting my house?" Camilia asked,the girl with the green skin answered this time "They are there because your great great grandparents killed them,now whenever someone trespasses they die because of the great curse your great grand parents put on the house but the ghosts can't leave they want revenge." Camilia considered asking what the heck they were talking about but decided to save it for a better question "Who ARE my parents?" fire seemed to dance in the girls eyes before they smiled a cruel un-human smile "Launey and Jackson Jones." then the lights in the booth turned on and Jeremy apeared before Camilia he smiled and his cat-like eyes gleamed a bright flourescent green before he stepped out and beckoned her to follow.

Bryan,Kenny and Rachel drank from a small tube the dark red liquid tasted of Roses.Rachel's eyes gleamed with evilness before she started saying a chant then something interrupted her "Thier already here." she snarled then she smoothed out her dark blue dress and hair.3 people apeared in front of them "J!" "Cam!" "Raveensking?" they all shouted at the same time.Camilia blinked and noticed that Kenny,Bryan and some girl were standing in front of her "Oh hi guys.." she said trying to hide her bandaged hand "what happened there?" Kenny asked cocking his head "Oh um we went to the justice court." "I told mom and dad not to let you go that place is creepy." Kenny snarled.Camilia tried to smile but it turned back into a straight line.

Maldrick tossed and turned in his bed every night he kept having the same vision in his dream's.
"So Candace your pregnat?" Mrs.Ferrel asked as she poured a cup of tea and served it to her daughter "Yes M'am." Candace said looking down at her tea.Maldrick twined his fingers together and looked at Mrs.Ferrel in the eyes "My god Candace your only 19 why?" Candace took a sip of her tea but remained slient "Mom,im sorry but..i don't know.." she began but didn't finish "But what you were careless thats what,there are NO excuses Candace and that goes for you too Maldrick." Mrs.Ferrel was cross for a minute then her face softened when she saw her daughter start to sob "Oh my god Candace i know but im here for you okay baby you don't have to feel alone." "Mom this is gonna sound ridiculous but you have to understand okay?" Candace took a shaky breath "This.." she pointed at her stomach to indicate what she meant "Woudn't be so hard if..if Maldrick wasn't a vampire and wasn't being hunted." Candace finshed, hiding her face in her hands.Mrs.Ferrel stayed quiet and glanced at maldrick for a moment then she bent down and hugged her daughter.
At 7 months you could really see Candace's belly "I'm naming him Bryan Ferrel." Candace said rubing her big belly "No Johnson like me." Maldrick said and there was no question about his last name.At 9 months Candace had a REALLY big belly "Maldrick!" she squeaked then he rushed her to the hospital."Congratualations Mrs.Johnson you gave birth to an 8lb. baby boy!" the nurse said handing Candace the baby in the blue bundle.Candace looked down at her son and had a brief sigh of relief "it's perfect Maldrick it has no fangs a-and he isn't deformed like my mother said it would be." she said smiling and hugging the thing closer to her."Candace...I-I have to leave The hunters found out your pregnat and they found a way to track me down i have to flee,it's the only way to keep you and the baby safe." Maldrick said kissing his wife and his son "I'll come back one day baby i promise and untill then you move houses you understand Candace?" Candace nodded and watched her husband leave she fought back tears.

chapter 9: The story of us

Maldrick sat up in bed and fought back tears "And i did I came back only to find out those bastards found her and slaughtered her!" he yelled into the night.he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed;He got up and went to the kitchen he warmed himself a cup of blood and sat down on the table.There was a note on the table "I will explain later,Bryan Johnson." he read outloud "I too sneaked out a night; sometimes just to clear my head other times because i knew something was wrong it's a vampires instinct" The front door opened with a loud "THUMP!" Maldrick sipped from the mug and smiled as Bryan came inside with Kenny and Camilia following close by "Hello Mr.Johnson!" Kenny exclaimed before going into the kitchen and taking the pitcher full of blood out of the black fridge,He poured some into a cup and drank it vigorously. Bryan trudged over to the table and sat down dark circles outlined his emerald green eyes "Sorry dad,i just needed to clear my head out." he explained; he twined his fingers together nervously "Theres something your NOT telling me Bryan Johnson." "Okay fine." Bryan took a deep breath "I had a feeling something was wrong so i went outside and then Kevin was stalking me and then we found some goblin named Rachel and turns out she's J's sister who was taking Cam to the justice court." he explained looking at Kenny who was staring longingly at the pitcher of blood; Kenny must have felt Bryan's eyes on him because he whipped his head around and grinned a mocking grin.Maldrick chuckled "Ah like father like see son vampires have an instinct that when provoked alarm us," he paused and seemed to be lost in thought "I wanted to show this to you,the day i saw you and you saw me but it would be too confusing for you." he stood up and stalked to the room and came out with the book he had grabbed from the shelf the first day Bryan had seen his father,it was a hard covered book binded with wire and glistining rubies "here son take a look at it,and as for you two; go to the big closet at the end of the hall and look for some sleeping bags or something." Maldrick said before disapeering into his room.Camilia who had been dozing off opened her big oval brown eyes and sleepily followed Kenny to find some blankets.Bryan opened the book to the first page "The story of us." he read outloud

April 2,1972
I was just enjoying a walk outside when something accidental happened,it wasn't supposed to happen it wasn't supposed to be in this book but it is and here's what happened.She was pretty short for her age yea but pretty slim her hair was golden and long she was out for a jog i could hear the blood pulsing from her heart i could've killed her and not regretted it but something stopped me,LOVE is what stopped me i now belive in love at first sight "Hello there." I said stepping out of the shawdows she turned to face me with bewilderment "Oh hello there." she said smiling she stopped jogging and tied her long golden hair back with a pink flourescent scrunchy."I thought i might ask you if you would like a water bottle,i had it in my hand when i saw you jogging by." I said handing her the water bottle.She hesitated "Thanks but i have my own," seeing that i wasn't satisfied she continued "Really i was just finishing a-" "Are you s-single?" i murmered,she chuckled a small chuckle the kind you get when you've just insulted someone with something funny that wasn't true "Ah yes i am but i r-really should get going." she replied panick creeping into her voice.So i never saw her again after that.

October 6,1974
There she was again in the store talking with some guy he looked like her dad around 40ish and fine gray golden hair he seemed furious and let her talk.After seeming satisfied with the explanation he left the store without another word.I marched up to her she was picking red apples and strawberries "Hello," i said satisfied about finding her again."Dad i told you already tha-" she started to turn around but stopped in mid-sentance after seeing me "Oh hi umm do i know you?" she asked "Oh i was just wondering why you needed all those apples and strawberries.Not that it's any of my buisness of course," i said,a smile snaked across her light pink lips "Just for some pies im's kinda my hobby." she said placing her items into her cart.I lingered by the apples and watched her walk away; she turned to face me and and smiled again and mouthed the words "See you later." then she paused and chuckled "That is if you stalk me." she said then finally disapeered in the crowd of shoppers.

October 28,1974
I keep seeing her in my dreams around every turn on everyone's face.I was invited to the masqurade ball i attended it as planned but i didn't expect to see her there.she seemed to reconize me under the black and red mask because she stalked over to me "Hello there,i'm Candace Ferrel." "Pleasure to meet you Candace im Maldrick Johnson." i greeted her she smiled and her cheeks flushed "Would you like to u-um dance?"----

Bryan closed the book and walked off to bed he was about to flop down to bed but noticed that Camilia was sleeping on it Kenny was looking out the window he turned around and smiled a real smile "Sorry she was just really tired." he whispered,and for the first time Bryan noticed how he did look like Camilia except with glasses.He left the room and melted into the shadows of the hall.Bryan walked over to his bed he swooped down and kissed Camilia on the cheek she woke up and groggily said "Bryan i'm sorry i feel asleep a-" "Shh" he hushed her "It's okay go back to sleep,I'll sleep on the floor." Camilia shook her head "Oh no you haven't slept on a real bed for a long time." she patted the spot beside her he sat down reluctantly "You get to sleep here..With me." she said then she lay down on the left side of the bed.Bryan took off his shoes and lay down on the far right side of the bed and dozed off not a minute later. Sunshine poured in through the thick black velvet draped windows.Bryan blinked and dragged himself out of bed.He glanced around his room dust was recolecting on the windowsill,a tall drawer hung sadly by the door and held all his cloths and money he sighed as he headed out the drawer to the living room where activity was buzzing already.The refrigerator door slammed closed Kenny Bryan thought to himself before he stepped into the kitchen he heard Camilia say "But Kevin i just..i don't know theres just something that stops me from telling him you know how i f-" "Good morning!" Bryan shouted entering the kitchen and finding kenny drinking probably his 50th cup of blood.He smiled behind red stained lips and Bryan scowled and turned away "You know thats for my dad." Kenny shrugged and made his lips a tight sraight line.Maldrick walked into the living room looking a little dazed "I have to go to a meeting tonight..Do you guys wanna COME?" he asked sitting down.Bryan stalked over to the couch and shrugged "Will there be THINGS there you know like other vampires goblins a-and you know things." Bryan asked,Maldrick chuckled to himself and sighed "Son it's one of the meetings for runaway's Kevin's parents host it they aren't being hunted, it's usually just me being hunted for having a kid with your mom a human and the Calderbers for i think was having kids made from the sacred rose that was meant for the queen for when she would want children ah a serious flock that family is." Maldrick said sighing.Maldrick rode everyone to a local Denny's for breakfast.A familiar looking waitress greeted them with a forced smile "Welcome to Denny's." she said handing them all menu's.Her eyes lingered on Bryan for a minute then led them to thier table "Can i get ya'll something to drink while you choose something to eat?" She asked.Bryan glanced at the womans nametag "Rosealinda." it read he glanced at her taking in her sharp features brown hair and green eyes.But that didn't fool him "I thought you were dead." he stammered his voice cracking a bit.The woman stared at him blankly but couldn't hold her tears in "Oh Bryan i thought i would n-never see you again baby let me hold you." she said wiping her eyes on her t-shirt.Bryan embraced his mother and inhaled her familiar scent.Maldrick stared at them for a minute before realizing what was going on "Candace?!" he said standing up.Candace nodded and lead them to a more private place to talk "You have to leave they know your here thier coming you have to flee!" she said panic taking over her voice "Who Candace...i thought you w-" "i know what you thought Maldrick," and she waved a hand in front of his face to cut him off "They MADE you think i was dead they made me dye my hair brown and they made me have a surgery on the eyes to turn them green." she explained pushing them out the door just as two men with srcuffy red beards apeared behind her "Rosealinda is everything alright?" the tallest one asked folding his arms across his massive chest;Candace nodded and smoothed out the wrinkles in her pink skirt she winked at them and walked with the men back into the resturaunt.Bryan inhaled sharply "What are they gonna do to her." he wondered outloud.

Every one had lost their apetite they walked home leaving the black porsche at the denny's, Maldrick said he was gonna come back for it at night.Camilia was the first to speak "You think they were demons?" Maldrick scowled at the floor "Most likely," he said "they probably work for the hunters just to avoid thier evil gazes." he finsished then halted to a stop he stared across the parking lot the others did so as well across the parking lot a man stared back at them his red eyes gleaming in the twilight ''Oh master will be very pleased when i drag you into his lair," he paused and removed fine red hair away from his face "i can just hear him 'fabulous job Walter Hawkinks you deserve to take my place' oh i just do don't i?" Walter stepped out from the shawdows and everyone stared at him in awe he had square shoulders and an angular jaw set tight, high cheekbones,he had hair the color of red hair (literally)like the color of fresh cut roses not orange. Red,he had red eyes with specks of gold clustered around them,he wore a black long sleeved shirt with a strange symbol (three straight lines with a strange squiggly line on either side of it) and black denim jeans with matching tall work boots.Walter chuckled and with a quick stride was in front of Maldrick "Shapeshifter." he mumbled under his breath Walter looked at Maldrick for a real long time before laughing hystericaly "Good guess now pray that you may come out alive Maldrick Johnson," he waved his hands in the air and turned into what seemed a vampire "there that should be fair enough." Maldrick's face stayed blank not a single emotion played on his pale face.Bryan stared at them both in surprise a shapeshifter he had never seen one before he collapsed into darkness catching one last glipmse of Maldrick and Walter.Camilia glanced at Bryan he looked nauseaus then he looked diffrent his sandy-blond hair was WAY darker than it had been and his eyes were a bright red his jaw was clenched and he had a black t-shirt with matching cardigo shorts.He turned his head slowly to face her "You seem to be every where i go dear girl." he ran his fingers through the layers of his now darker hair and turned back his attention to the two men facing eachother.Maldrick was the first to make a move he moved to the left Walter with a quick stride moved to face him again,Maldrick cursed under his breath in what seemed to be latin then drew out a sword a short one but looked very sharp out from his trench coat.Walter moved aside as the sword flung over his head,Maldrick took another sword out and closed in on the shapeshifter.The shapeshifter laughed and flung a small dagger towards Maldrick he ducked as the dagger flew past his left shoulder but damaged it; Blood oozed out of the wound;Bryan rushed to his fathers side,Walter laughed quietly to himself "Now kiddo we can do this the easy way or the hard way; dragged into masters lair knocked out or alive and well?" he asked.Bryan paid no attention to the shapeshifter and watched as his dad blinked rapidly "Bryan here it wont do much but no son of mine is going down without a fight," he handed Bryan a small thin sword."enough chit chat," Walter rubbed his hands together took his index finger and wrote the words "young Vampire." on the air as if it were a sheet of invisible paper then he shrunk size and looked 5 years younger "There,i like to fight fair kiddo." Walter said looking at his long thin hands.Bryan stood up.Walter raised his hands and flung the dagger at Maldrick it struck him square in the abdomen Bryan watched frozen as his father flew back in surprise he fell to the floor his eyelids fluttering fast and dazed then closed.That was enough with rage and adrenaline running through his blood; Bryan ran forward and knocked Walter to the ground Walter fell with a loud "Oomph," Bryan rolled to his side and gripped the blade tight in his hands he heard Camilia shout something and then turned back his attention to Walter ; he had disapeered from where he had left him on the floor.someone tapped his shoulder he whirled around quickly.Walter. He smiled a pleasent smile "I love bugs," he said with a smile on his face Bryan shuddered at the thought of such a foul creature loving bugs "To crush them under my foot." Walter finished Bryan took the blade in his hands and tried to stab Walter but he dodged the blade "Too easy kid,i guess i'll turn into something else a-" he gagged and then opened his mouth in surprise,Walter fell to his knees Camilia stood behind him holding a bloody blade "Dang Bryan your dad has tons of these th-" Bryan turned around and kneeled down next to Maldrick he was breathing heavily."Cam...No wait Kenny call the ambulance!" he yelled tyring not to let his voice quaver so much.Kenny took out his cell phone and dialed quickly; Camilia bent down next to Bryan and looked for Maldriks pulse she found it his heart beat was a slow pattern Boom..........Boom.................Boom then nothing then again Boom "He needs help faster," she bit her lip a habit she had of when she was nervous "And i doubt the hospitals can give him that help." Kenny strode over to them his dark serious eyes were now blue with no pupil just completely blue. "I hung up i realized tha-" Bryan pushed his hand out and put it on Kenny's arm "Yea we know but if the hospital can't help the-" "J," "he told me that if i ever needed anything to release this." Camilia held up a small blue ball.Bryan watched as Camilia dropped the ball to the floor it opened and released dark blue smoke up into the air.For a while no one dared breath then out of the smoke apeared a tall slim boy with auburn eyes and blond straight hair "J!" Camilia cried and she rushed over to hug him James embraced her and then peeled her off "What?" he asked crankily as if he had been woken from his beauty sleep.James's eyes wondered around the parking lot when he finaly realized what was wrong "I'll see what i can do..i do have to call my sister she's an expert at healing." he said pulling out a long tube with torqoise fog rising up out of the top; he bent over Maldrick opened his mouth and poured the liquid into it,they all watched him do it holding thier breaths.

Berker paced his throne "Where the hell is he," he clutched his hands together "Yonkel get your lazy ass in here bring me my wife!" he called out.A shadow emereged from the great golden double doors "Master wanted to see me?" Yonkel asked lowering it's head and bowing,Berker waved his hands in the air "Don't do that it pisses me off." he said opening and closing his fists.Yonkel nodded and aksked what his majesty wanted "You stupid creature i said bring me my WIFE!" he yelled fire in his eyes.Yonkel nodded again and disapeered into the shadows.Berker rubbed his temples "I wan't to see my got dang son already dead or alive i don't care," Berker rubbed his throat "No alive." Yonkel apeared not a minute later with Berker's wife she looked fragile at his side as if a single touch from anybody would break her into a million pieces "Candy...Yes i like that name from now on your name is Candy it will be short for your other long name," he stared at his wife and frowned "You know i don't like it when you do that long face." Candy turned her face away "And you know that i don't like it when you don't let me see my own son Berker." she said infuriated,Berker laughed "I sent one of my worriors to fetch him." Candy turned to face her husband "I swear to hell i must have been out of my mind when i married you i don't even love you i love Maldrick and you knew it also MY son isn't your boy." she said under her breath,Berker raised his hand in warning " Do not tell me what i already know HUMAN," " i married you because i hate Maldrick and he IS my boy remember don't be such an ignorant creature Candy you had that baby already married with me but," Berker scowled at Candy "You stole the key from the gene chamber and found Maldrick's genes and placed it on the baby so practically he IS Maldrick but he's MY boy don't act stupid." Candy smirked "Yea your right but he won't belive you when you tell him your his real father." then she rushed off to her room slamming the golden doors behind her.Berker scowled again "When i get Maldrick in my hands i will kill him i swear to the devil." Then Walter apeared at his throne "Your majesty i failed you," Berker scowled again "I'm getting tired of all the things you stupid creatures do go fetch ALL of the warriors there will be battle i WAN'T my son NOW!" Walter nodded and rushed off to fetch the others.

Maldrick paced the decision room where the Greats choose your destiny; You die or you live.About 1 million people stood before him some wept others waited eagerly,but Madrick held no expression on his face.A Great tapped him on the shoulder "Maldrick Johnson your fate is," he paused and pulled out wrinkled papers and studied them,he pursed his lips and opened his eyes on surprise "Oh i didn't expect this." Maldrick tapped his foot impatiently "You die of poisining Maldrick Johnson." Maldrick was taken aback "B-but why a shapeshifter was supposed to kill me," ''Let's see it say's overdoze of healing potions." And that was that.


Texte: This is the edited version of "A twisted world" just a little bit of things are diffrent.Also please pay close attention to very detail that way you can solve the mysteries :) (Warning:MILD LANGUAGE) -Adalina Cruz
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2011

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