

Chapter One

“Rise and shine princess!”, said a familiar, and annoying voice.
As I opened my eyes, I realized were the annoying voice came from.
“Ugh” I rolled over onto my back. “ Why are you in my house, Jake?” I asked yawning.“Oh Jordyn, did you forget I'm your brothers best friend?” he said, putting a hand to his heart. “Only for a sweet, sweet moment.” I mumbled, getting out of bed, stretching. “ Cute pajamas.” he said with a smirk,nodding at my Sophie’s. “Hey, watch yourself” I said walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

As entered my room, with my towel around my chest, I found Jake, sitting on my bed. I noticed that he never gotten dressed, and he was just in his boxers. “ Dude, put some clothes on!” I said as I walk to my closet, opening it and looking for an outfit, resisting to look at his toned body. Suddenly, I felt his hands on my hips, and his warm husky voice in my ear “ are you sure you want that?.” his voice sent chills down my spine and made me take a deep breath. My reaction made him chuckle and walk off. “Skirt chasing, football playing, pervert!” I yelled.
As I finished putting the finishing touches to my outfit,( A maroon tank top, covered by a black cropped leather jacket, some dark washed skinny jeans, a diamond necklace,a nice pair of Christian Louboutin robot ankle boots and of course my backpack) Jeremy came in with Jake “Well, we're ready to go, are you?” Jeremy said, jingling his keys. “Yeah”. As I clumped down the stairs, Jake came up behind me “I felt you avoiding to look at me when you came in the room, Why?” he asked, obviously knowing the answer. “ Hey,” I said clasping my hands together“lets not talk about that, Okay? Perfect” “Okay, fine with me, but you should know,” he said walking past me, “It'll just get worse, and worse”. I stood and thought as I watched him jump into my brothers jeep. “What is happening?” I said to myself, as I put the keys into the ignition, and drove myself to school.

I absentmindedly walked through the parking lot, into the courtyard,in and out of classes, hallways,and found myself in my fourth period, sitting down at my desk. As if I just couldn't get enough of him, Jake walked in. I still wonder why they mix grades. Of course, out of all the girls on his arms, I found him smirking at me. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and put my head on my desk. I hate it when he gets to me like this. I felt a presence at my side, and heard the screeching of a desk being scooted over. “Hey” Jake said, playing with my hair. Ugh, he knows I love it when people play with my hair. “What?” I said, groaning, lifting my head. Placing his hand over mine, he said “ I was wondering,” there was a brief pause, as he looked over at me glancing at our hands. “Do I make you nervous?” he said, giving me an unbelievably sexy look. “What makes you think you make me nervous?” I said looking down, disgruntled, with a furrowed brow. He ducked his head under my black hair, so he could look at me. He started to laugh, and laced his fingers with mine. I held our hands up,looked at him, and shook our hands away, and tried to pay attention, but he just made that impossible. Just when the bell rang, I left swiftly gathered my things, and I walked off to lunch.

I sat down with my tray of pizza, salad and a water, my friends sat down with me. Noticing the presence of my best friend, I asked “Where's Gracen?” “She's at the beach. She said she got some new beach house in Clear Water.” replied Shannon. As I put my feet on the empty chair next to me, they were brushed off by no one other than Jake. “ You just can't get enough of me can you, Jake? Why are you even sitting here? Go away” I said, as my four friends stared at Jake in utter disbelief that the star quarterback of the Dr. Phillips High, was sitting at our table, now putting his hands over mine.. I glanced around to see if anyone else has noticed , not wanting to cause a seen, and found Ashley Weiss, head cheerleader, shaking with anger, staring at our hands. “Shut up, the guys kicked me out of the table for this new jerk, Trevor” he said, obviously raging with anger. “ I mean, they can't kick me out of my table.” “What new guy?” I asked, straining my neck to see this jerk 'Trevor'. But instead I spot a gorgeous blonde tan hot guy, with tootsie roll brown eyes. “What!? He can't be a jerk. That’s like calling a sweet puppy a vicious pitbull!”. “ Trust me, he looks nice, but he is the biggest apathetic jerk. Don't try to hook up with him, or even talk to him” “Why?” “I just don't want to see you getting hurt Jordyn.” “Awwww!” The choir of my friends exclaimed. He blushed, got up,” Cause you know...that would suck”he said, then left. “ You guys would be so cute together!” Amber told me. “You two should go out!” said Lexi. “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! He is so cute!” Nikki said. I rolled my eyes,Ignoring their screeches of joy as I got up to talk to my brother. “Jeremy, what the hell?!” I said. “ Oh hey they're babe, gotta boyfriend?” “i would so hit that” “Shut up! She's my sister!” Jeremy told them. “Whats the problem Jordyn?”. “You guys kicked out Jake from this table, and got him sent to my table. What makes you think you could just do that?!” I exclaimed. “ Well, we had to make room for our new friend, Trevor.” he said, gesturing at Trevor. “ Yeah Yeah, I know that part. Couldn't you just pull up a chair?” “Nah.” what a selfish jerk. “..Why?” I asked. “ because Trevor hates crowds” Jeremy replied. “Wow! You know what?” I said as I turned to Trevor “Up yours , asshole.” As I walked back, I found the whole half of the cafeteria gone, and the other half being dismissed. Turning a corner to my fifth period, I found Ashley, kissing Jake against a wall. “ Oh!” my presence startled the two, causing them to stop and look at me. “S-sorry” I blushed and turned to leave when I felt a tug at my arm. I turned around a came face to face with Jake. “ I'm sorry, Its not what-” Jake started. “What are you apologizing for babe? She obviously doesn't care”. “Yeah, I mean.. Its fine.” I said looking at him, not showing any emotion,or the fact that it made me a little mad. Really”I assured him, and walked off, not looking back.
“I don't know why it bothered me so much, when I found them kissing. Its not like I like Jake or anything.. Do I? No! of course not, ew. Ew, ew ew He's my brothers best friend. I mean, its Jake were talking about.” I told Miranda in fifth period Chemistry. “I don't know, I mean, he's constantly at your house, teasing you, talking to you, half naked. And lets not forget Ashley. They went out for six months, I just don't think she's quite over him. You stole her spot as Jake's “girl”. Also she's a whore, so what else would you expect” Miranda replied. “ Yeah, I guess your right. I'll just be happy, concentrate and not think about it” I told Miranda. “You go' she said smiling. So the rest of the school hours, I did just that. That is until I got home.

Chapter Two
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water. As I walked upstairs I hear the loud pounding music in my brothers room, typically, Jake was here. “Ugh” I groaned out loud. I opened the door to my room, and found Jake siting on my bed. “Jordyn I-” he started to get up” Oh, no” I quickly shut the door and ran downstairs, and heard Jake running after me. “ Jordyn! You cant avoid me forever!” he yelled. “Yes I can!” I yelled back. I looked behind me to see were he was,right in front of me, tackling me to the floor,pinning my arms down. “ Ugh, what?” I groaned looking into his blue eyes. “We need to talk about this' he said as he stared into my green eyes,sitting up, pulling me with him. “What you saw today, isn't what you think-” “dude, I walked into you and Ashley making out, its fine, I could care less.” I said, cutting him off. “No, that's were you're wrong. When you were saying bye to your friends, Ashley saw you and started kissing me to make you jealous because she thought we had a thing going.””Me?” I asked “Yes” “Have a thing with you?” I asked once again with an eyebrow raised, and started to laugh.“I know. I tried to tell her that we had nothing, but she wouldn't believe me” “What the hell is wrong with her? She's obviously not over you Jake” I told him. “ Oh trust me,i know” he laughed humorlessly getting up. I outstretched my hand for him to help me up. “Anyways, what are in the mood for? pizza sound good to you?” I asked, walking into the kitchen. “Actually I'm heading out with Travis.” he said.“Oh..Pizza sounds good to me!”

I got out my pink Sophie’s and black sports bra out of the closet and started to take my jeans off when someone walked in and put their hands over my eyes. “ Lemme guess. Jake?”I asked. “Miss me?” he asked back. I could hear the smirk on his lips. I whipped around to find a shirtless Jake. Once again I was breathless by his body. I quickly turned back around, pretending to look for something. “can you get out so I can change?” I asked still rummaging in my closet. “Sure”. Once he left, I exhaled deeply. Only then had I realized I was holding my breath. I took off my pants and put on my shorts. Just as I was about to take my shirt off I realized that I never hear the door shut, and that I was standing in the middle of the room changing in front of Jake. “ I thought I said get out!” I yelled throwing my jeans at him. “I'm not in.” he said grinning in the doorway. “but now I am” he said walking towards me and pulling me into a soft hug. No way is Jake hugging me so innocently. He must want something, I thought as his hands moved down and grasped my butt. “Jake!” I squealed, moving away from him, swatting his arm and pushing him out. I shut my door and locked it to be sure. As I finished getting changed I walked downstairs to go get a water bottle out of the fridge, and a pop-tart out of the cabinet “you really shouldn't tease me like this. You don't know what capable of.” I heard Jake say behind me. I Smirked to myself. “ Like what?” I asked innocently, putting the pop-tart in the toaster. “This” he said,then wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me neck, giving me chills. “Jake,” I said moaning. I felt him grinning against my neck as he traveled up my neck to behind my ear, softly kissing my weak spot. I moaned again as my knees almost buckled completely, but I regained my self and slid out of his arms as the toaster dinged and grabbed my pop-tart, jogging away upstairs and got to my room and sat on my bed eating as I typed away on my laptop. Awhile later it turned out to be twelve o’clock so I shut my laptop and went to bed.

Chapter 3

After waking up fully, I shuffled to the bathroom, opening the door only to find Jake with a towel wrapped around his waist reaching for the handle himself. As I tried to walk past him he pulled me into a hug, letting his towel fall. Oh god. As soon as I felt his naked body against me, I ran past him pushing him out. And locking the door, then jumping in the shower.
I got dressed in black and turquoise Pink yoga pants and a turquoise jacket with a black tank top underneath, letting my hair air dry in a sloppy bun,with just mascara on. I felt like being comfortable for school today. As I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, Jake whispered in my ear “ I thought I told you not to tease me”. “How am I teasing you? Educate me Jake, please” I told him. “You know what yoga pants do to a man.” he replied. “ No, I actually don't. Sorry” I said not sorry at all. Actually quite glad that I turn him on. I walked to my car and drove to school smirking the whole time. I'm so going to torture him in class.
Just as Jake sat down for fourth period, I 'accidentally' dropped my pencil in front of my desk. I walked around to pick it up, and slowly bended over and picked it up. I smirked as heard Jake softly groan behind me. I walked back around and saw the tent I created in Jake's jeans. As Mr. Robinson hit the lights for the movie to play, I whispered in Jake's ear “ and you don't know what I'm capable of” I nibbled on his earlobe, resting my hand on his upper thigh, slowly placing kisses on his neck his neck, causing him to moan. He grabbed my waist and picked me up putting me on his lap when I stopped. “Oh so you want to play it that way huh?” he growled in my ear. He then started to kiss and nibble on my neck, placing slow long kisses on my soft spot. I turned my head to moan into my shoulder. He put his hands on my hips slowly sliding down. My heart sped up, but slowed down when the lights were turned back on, cuing the bell to ring. I hopped up from his lap, got my things, and tried to walk ahead of Jake, not wanting him to so my flushed face.
“Girl, you looking cute!” Lexi said. “I'm really not.” I replied grimacing. I soon felt hands cover my eyes and warm lips kiss my neck whisper in my ear “Guess who?” the voice asked. From the gasps of my friends I could already tell. “Hey Jake. Jeremy kicking you out still?” I asked already knowing the answer. “Ugh, yes.” he said sighing. “Why sit here Jake? Sit anywhere else, but here” I said taking a bit of my chicken salad. “Jorydn, that hurt. Plus, I thought you'd love my company. Seems like you did in fourth period.” he said smirking. “What is he talking about?” Nikki asked. “Nothing” I answered a little to quickly looking down. Jake started laughing. “ oh nothing huh? Then how come when I-” I got up, walked to Jeremy's table and dragged a chair to the table. I then walked back to my table and got Jake to sit at Jeremy's table and walked back, sitting down. “Why did you make him leave? He's so cute” Lexi said pouting. “Ugh, no. when hes at your house twenty-four seven, cute turns into annoying.” I replied. I got up once again to get chips from the vending machine. I turned around to Lexi shouting my name asking me to get her something. I replied yes and ran into somebody on my way. I felt myself falling but I was instantly caught, I opened my eyes, realizing I had them closed, and looked into Trevor's toostsieroll brown eyes.“Uhm, you can let go of me now” I said awkwardly after a while.. He both straightened himself and me in one swift movement, releasing me. “ I think you mean 'Thank you for saving me from dying of utter humiliation'?” he smirked. Everything about him screamed conceited jerk. As I payed and choosed me and Lexi's chips, he said “ Im sorry, I didn't get your number”. “That’s because I didn't give it to you." i replied


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.03.2012

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