

I walked through the doors of my mother's small little shack. The smoke through the chimney made black clouds. Sighing, I walked down to People Square, holding a knife in my boots. Sighing again as I headed to the center of the noisy People Square. Braody was there, his big strong body mocked me as he talked to his so called 'friends'. I saw one of the children running back to the shop to buy some rotten meat. Braody than spotted me and singled his group to come with him.

"Look it's Kiba, or KiBaby."Braody said as his gang started to circle me.
"I am not a baby! I will someday become a Warrior like my father."I said as I tried to find a way to escape from there circle.
"He thinks he will become a Warrior! All of the other Warriors will laugh if a boy like you joined."Braody said as he punched me in the shoulder.
"BOYS! Let not start a fight now, the Warriors are back, and they want all of the men to go to Shadow Tree." said one of the Knights.

The Knight ran off to the Southern part of the town, and toward the Shadow Tree. Braody and the gang shock there heads as the headed off staring at me with the , WE will get you, eyes. Shacking that off, I ran to the Shadow Tree, and ran to the front of the group. I saw the brave warriors around the dead tree that still left as a shadow, they were also around someone else, trying to protect it. I balanced my feet to see but Braody came up to me and pushed me. His eyes were wide, like when he saw his first dead dove.

"Men,"said the leader of the warriors,"We went off to Dragon Mountain and found nothing."
Everyone sighed and was about to leave until the warrior signaled the other warriors to move raveling a young girl. She had long beautiful hair black hair, it had some strains of purple in it, her eyes were a bright purple, matching her hair. Her eyes showed a spark as she looked away from all the men and looked at me.

"We found this girl there. She is young, it is too dangerous for her there, so we let will let her stay her. We will also let her choose her Saver."he said as he pushed the girl forward.

She looked straight at me and started from the very far end and started HER WAY UP TO ME. Braody was than thinking that she was going to choose him. She looked at him and he grew excited as she began to pull her hand up, but than put it back down. The smile from his face was gone as she turned to me and pointed. She WANTED ME!

Everyone started to whisper, Why didn't she choose the strongest? I didn't know the answer, some of the warriors started to whisper and point until the leader said.

"Very well, We will let HeJay find you some clothing. You can choose anything, and Kiba come with me." The leader said as he walked up to her and showed her were HeJay was, the old lady took her by the hands and walked her to her shack. I slowly pushed Braody out of my way and walked up to the leader.

"I am going to show you were you will take her and keep her safe, if you fail, you shall be decapitated. This is your journey. The Dragons are dangerous. All they need is more power, and we are done for. IF they take anymore people they will kill us all, so Kiba, keep her safe, understand her."He said as he took me to a 5 room shack, and the young girl was already sitting down on the steps. She was wearing a matching purple shirt with a star in the middle and a pair of of Warrior jeans.

The leader nodded as he left kicking the dirt and disappearing.

"What's your name? I'm Kiba."I asked as I opened the door for her. She slowly got up and stopped at the door, staring into my eyes and said "Luna."


I sat down at the brick table and rubbed my hand down it. "Kiba, that's a good name."I said quietly as he sat down next to me.
"SO do you know the town yet? If you don't, I can show you around."He said as he looked out of the window.
"Sure, you can,"I said as I looked up to meet his brown eyes.
"Ok when you want to get started?"He said as his short black hair bounced.
"Tomorrow."I said as I looked away.
"Oh, Ok. SO why were you on Dragon Mountain. That place has killer dragons all over it. You shouldn't be there."HE said as he walked into one of the rooms.
"I don't know, Just wanting to see a dragon I guess."I said as Kiba hit his head on the low railing.
"YOU WHAT?!"He said in a shocking voice as he pat his hurt head.
"I wanted to see a dragon, I guess."I said as I felt him come near me.
"They are cold blooded, they won't mind eating us...All of the dragons everywhere are blood hungry."HE said as he shock from what he just said.
"I don't understand that, but you think what you want to think, and I think what I want to think. Ok?" I said as I walked pass him as he nodded his head.

That is what I saw through the brown eyes of him, understanding, wanting to kind me safe. Not like that Braody, all he wanted was love, he won't care if I got hurt. I walked into the smallest room. And fell into a deep long sleep.


I woke up and saw Luna outside waiting for me. I looked at the sun to find out wake time it was. It was already pass dawn. Shacking the sleep off me I walked there the room and out side to meet Luna, who was very excited.
"Come on lets go, first I will show you where People Square is, than The Meat Center, Shadow Tree, and than I will show you Dragon's Death." I said as she shock the words write off of her.
"Um are you ok?"I ask as she blinked and looked up to me, with a nod of that is was ok, I took her to People Square.

The Square was pack, like all ways. Kids and Hunter Dogs played as men tried to see Fur from, bears, panther, wolves, and beavers. Some where selling feather. Luna was looking at the fur and feathers in a way, of her diapering. She turned to find herself face to face with Braody.

"Well, hey beautiful."He said as he turned hiding the fur he had just bought. I took a quick look at it to see that it was pink panther skin.

"I am not beautiful, I am Luna. And you must be Jerk."She said as she turned and slapping him with her long shinny black hair.
"Well, I am Braody. I brought you Pink Panther Skin."He said as he began to show Luna the fur. She took one look at it as slapped him, leaving a red mark on his check.
"I didn't ask you to."She said as she walked up to and looked at me, telling me to get away from here.

"Ok here is Meat Center."I said as her face was more pleased with this place. The Center was covered with the bones of the animals, showing respect for the animal. Some of the fur was hung to show how they were grateful for it.

"Do you want so elk meat?"I asked when I saw her over there already buying the meat.
"Does this answer your question." she said as she payed for it.
I looked around this place was more peaceful than People Square. Sighing I turned to see Luna gave a young boy the elk she had just bought. She looked back at him with a smile and came up to me.

"Shadow Tree was were I found you right?"She asked.
"Yea, so now I will take you to the last place."I said I walked down the road and over small hills. She began to follow me and we made it toward the opening of Dragon's Death. Most people came here to eat the meat and buy the scales and horns. I looked over at Luna, hoping that she would like it but all I saw was her running back to the house. I was able to see tears running down her face. Why didn't she like Dragon's Death?


I run as far as I could from that place, the meat on chains, bones on the ground, the scales not being taken care of. ALL of it, I hated. Blood was everywhere and the people seemed to loved that the dragon was dead. I ran into the small shack and was about to cut me toe off when I passed a piece of metal sticking from the door. I sat down and wiped the tears away, that what happened to them, humans, they have been killing them. I heard the door open and closed and saw Kiba walking in.
"Why didn't you like Dragon's Death? I mean,why?"He said as he sat next to me.
Looking at him I said,"Because, a dragon saved my life when I was a baby."I looked up at Kiba when I saw the shock on his face I could tell he didn't believe me.
"There was a fire where I was born, my mom died when she gave birth to me, and my dad was killed in war. I couldn't get out of the fire. I was Breathing in smoke, I was about to die when an Ice Dragon came and saved me. It was a he. HE brought me back to a cave so that I could meet his she which was a Fire Dragon.they raised me, then one day the she didn't come back, so the he took me near your town, so that I could live there. And every time I see a dead dragon, I don't know if it was his she or he."I said as I had the flash back. I got up and headed over to the window. Sighing I looked back at Kiba as he nodded, telling me that he understood. I walked over to my bedroom and lay down. Will I ever see she and he every again?


I woke up the next and woke Luna up. she was sleep talking, I couldn't understand her, I poked her until she woke up. She was very happy to be a wake so she told me she wanted to see the out sides of the town. I nodded as I left I saw Braody out side waiting for Luna. HE saw me and before I could get back in side he had me in a neck hold.
"Let go!"I yelled as I tried to get out.
"Oh look Kibaby wants me to like go, but I just want Luna to see how weak you really are."He said as he pushed harder at me neck. I was getting harder to breath, I was going to die if he didn't let go.
"LET GO OF HIM!"I heard a furious voice said, I soon realized that it was Luna.
"See Luna, he can't even protect himself by himself. And you need to be pro-"he didn't get a chance to finish, because Luna slapped him and was able to pin him down, making him cry for mercy. She finally let go of him and said "boo." and he ran off for his life,
"Lets go."She said with anger still in her voice. I ran off after her to show her where the Cave if Darkness was, than Danger Falls, and then I would show her the Sea of Pointed rocks. We finally made it to the Sea of Pointed Rocks, The Rocks sticked out of the sea floor calling for someone to fall down, the wind was at high speeds and was trying to push us off the cliff and down to our death. But other than that it was a beautiful site. The rolling hills in the background calls for you and the sun always seems to hit the water just right to make it look like the sun was setting. I sighed to my self as I turned to Luna, "Lets go Luna, It may be dark soon"I said as the wind blew in protest. Luna started to walk off as I began to follow her I heard a cracking sound in rock below me, I was about to run until the rock broke from the cliff and I was falling to my death.


I heard a little yelp from Kiba as I turned around I saw that he was falling to his death. I ran up to the edge, hoping that he was there. But hope sometimes leaves you to give someone else hope. He was still falling but he was trying to grab a hold of something, but there was nothing there. I had to do something. I than thought of what I must do, but if I do so he may kill me. What should I do? I need to think faster.


The wind laughed as I fell, I heard the pointed rocks calling my name telling my to fall on top of them, so they can end my life. I shut my eyes shut, waiting for the sharp pain to slice through my body. But instead I heard a loud screech from above and felt the air around me pushing me up. I opened my eyes to find myself in the claws of a dragon, it was purple (it looks like the purple dragon on the cover of the book,)and I shouted to Luna "LUNA! RUN ITS A DRAGON!" I looked up at the cliff she wasn't there, she must of went back for help. I dug into my pocket to pull out my knife. I wasn't about to become some dragon's dinner. I drew it to its leg and I realized I needed to add more to the leg of the dragon, this time I threw it into it's leg and it let out a screech of pain as it landed to the cliff and let me go, I hit my head against a rock and got up with my head ringing. The dragon looked calm and gentle, I ran up to it to push the knife in its wings but I stopped when I saw the purple eyes, they were Luna's. This made me fill with anger so I jumped at its neck and tried to push the knife into it's neck, It ate Luna, I kept on saying to myself. The knife fell out of my hand as I tried to kill the beast. I looked at the beast as IT fly up in the air and I saw human legs appear, than arms, and than Luna was standing in the place of the dragon.


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2012

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