
Stage Two

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Rose getting out of the cage and into the other team's cage. I hope she doesn't get caught, thats all we can get for now. I looked over to were Zi slept and Broady was very close by. Rose got back and went back to sleep. Sighing, I put my head down. We need all we can get now.

I was a waken by a voices, they kept on wispering something. They drove me crazy, say something, something that should be a sceret. I saw that Rose and Zi was already out of the cage and attacking other wolves. Growling I leaped out of the cage and onto Grgeeneyes. Digging my fangs into his neck.He turned to attack me but I was too fast. Moving quickly to his ear and ripping it off. He growled with anger until Zi attacked him at the sometime. Bring him down. He was taken away. I counted how many wolves the three of us got killed, aobut 20, 24 more to go. I turned to see a wolf comming at me, acting quickly I jumped on it's back and bring it down, ending it's life. I turned to scratch another wolf, IT WAS LITTLE!

"Little."I wispered the old friend's name.

She gave a little growl before another wolf jumped on my and held me head still, leaving my neck out.

"Oh. Look here. The little weak bloodwolf is going to die. How sad,"Little saidas she rubbed her tail under my chin,"Revenge. Oh how I LOVE revenge. You never really saw that I'm not a lone wolf either now did you. My breed is a small type of bad that I killed my Ma and Da. Now I get to kill you."

She went for my neck until I pushed the wolf holding my down to were Little's fangs were going. The wolf yelped and slowly went limp. Growling I brought my fangs into her belly, making her weak. The voices in my head started to grow with more nosie, Kill her. End her life. She wants to kill you.

was the only thing I could hear. Diving for her neck and nearly killing her until she begged for mercy.

'You should've thought of that first off. I am a bloodwolf and I will save my kind." I said as I started to break her neck. She fell to the ground. Now of the healers came for her, they only came to the leaders. The tree grew quit, as the snow turned red. Looking for Rose and Zi I saw Greeneyes and his brown fur entering the woods. The voices grew again hurting my ears. "Urk." I said quitly as I tried to fight the words off. I saw Broady going to Zi and telling her that we can take a break. Good. I need one. The vocies soon went away again as I entered the cage. The cold steal around me made me a little cold, and then Broady came to sit by me. Warming me with his body heat. I looked at Zi, anger grew to her face as she acted like she was freezing under her thick coat. Broady looked at me and then got up and walked over toward Zi.

"You knnow Sparky. I think you get you name from your eyes."He said as he sat in the middle of us. Zi grew mader until he finally said "Did you know that your fur sparkles in the moonlight." he said as I realized that Rose was now mad. Taking our places she won the war..again for Broady. Anyhow I don't care about him, do I? The voices began to grow and my head started to ring. Rose and Zi was now sleeping. I couldn't take it anymore. I soon passed out.

What Rose Did

What Sparky didn't know was that early in the day Rose wanted to make Duke mad. She was able to get Broady to kiss her and give her roses in the rose field. Duke also found out that his soon to become wife, Rosedessa, was cheating on him. Duke also tried to kill Broady. Rose thought that she got the best out of DUke, but yet to come, was the most unbearable thing thatever happened to her.

Nearly There

Waking up tied to a rock and realizing that almost every bone in my body was broken, wasnt the worst of it. The voices were the loudest ever. Nearly screaming in pain, I saw Rose being tied to the rock and Zi still sleeping, looking like she isn't hurt. I looked around and saw ten wolves attacking Broady, he as able to fight them off for five mins until all the wolves pounced on him. Rose woke-up to see them chocking Broady, "NO! DONT KILL HIM! KILL-" Thats al I heard until the voices in my head grew louder and louder. Before I knew it Greeneyes walked up to me scratching my face and said in a low vice, "Don't worry this won't be long." Greeneyes then grabed a big pecie of glass and scratched Rose with it. Duke said something but the voices grew. Finally Rose headbumped Greeneyes and Greeneyes bit Rose in the belly until she blacked out. He than went to Zi. He than cut her neck with his sharpiest claw and whispered something in her ear. Zi gave a little nod and then blacked-out. The voices grew louder, trying to tell me something but not really helping out. Shuting my eye off to try to block the nosie I, the voices went dull as I heard Greeneyes said-

"Get me that herb that makes Bloodwolves weak."

I looked over to my left and felt something move in the right. The hard stone with cold with blood, as I soon found out that I was cut in my back. I was able to move my paw out and clawed Greeneyes. His fur stood as he broke my paw. He said something in the soft wind but I couldn't make it out. He than grabed a huge piece of glass and cutting me to the bone on my four shoulder. I screeched in pain as Duke pull back him telling him something. I was not able to think right until I ate the herb that makes Bloodwolves weak. the last thing I saw was me and my sisters being taken away and back into the cages.

We Will Not Die

THe voice woke me and aattacked my ears as I tried to stand up, but fell back down. When I saw my sisters, that was the only thing I was worried about. Rose's belly stopped bleeding but the glass cut made her fur red. Zi was bleeding to. But I think I got the worst of it. I got up at the same time as my sisters, my broken paw screamed in protest, and my broken leg begged me to go back to the ground. I felt the warm stickyness of blood on the cage flooring. Not able to stand anymore I fell to the ground. Watching as my sisters slowly lifted away. I heard paw steps comming in, looking up I sa Duke and Greeneyes.

"The first stage is almost finish...soon we will be able to kill all of the bloodwolves. We can also become ruler of all the wolves."said Greeneyes.

As Duke made us eat the weaking herb. Everything went dull as the voices in my head yelled


I faced my sisters.
"Yes will we not die." I said to myselft as I watched their bellys going up slowly and down.
"We will not die." I said to my self as I felt a sharp cut on my hind legs as everything went out.


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Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2012

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