
Chapter One

Kit and Lisa are 13 years old. Kit has nice soft red hair with a blueish greenish eyes, and Lisa has black long hair and brown eyes. The two girls could never be cut in half.

One day the two girls were walking home and they lived on differnt streets. One lived on Main Street and the other lived on Town Square Street.

"Bye Lisa,"said Kit,"See you at the sleep over!!!!"

"Bye Kit!!!"Lisa yelled happily.

Kit went on ward to her house, but 5 mintues passed until she heard Lisa yelled for help.


Kit ran all the way there, but when she got there... she saw a bloody knife and Lisa bloody.

Chapter Two

Lisa was sent to the surgey room, but died on her way there. Kit was not on the good side. The cops asked her over and over again what happened and she said the same thing "Lisa screamed and I ran over there and she was laying there and there was a bloody knife."
The cops letted her go when the parents said that they were best friends. Kit cound not bear it!!!! Her best friend and only friend was dead. How could the cops blame her? KIt was crying when she heard the news when Lisa died on the when to the surgey room. Kit couldn't stop thinking in her head. "It is all my fault."KIt thought.

Chapter 3

Kit woke up the next morning, still sad, but Kit then thought that it was all a dream until she saw that LIsa was not there. Kit slowly looked for LIsa in her house just in case Lisa was awake. Nope. Kit then reached for the phone and called Lisa.

"Hello?" said a huge voice.
"Hello, Mr.Brown. Can I talk to Lisa."asked KIt.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmm.Don't yoou remember that Lisa"said Mr.Brown sadly.
"Oh yeah i forgot......sorry for calling you at... 1 am. Also sorry for our lost."said Kit holding back the tears.
"Bye."Mr.Brown said with a yawn.

The words that Mr.Brown said repeated in her ears over and over again. Lisa is dead, LIsa is dead, LIsa is dead. Kit no longer could hold her hot tears. Soon KIt looked at the tv and thought did the cops catch that jerk that killed my friend. Then Kit turned on the tv and saw the place where Lisa was murmudered.

"This is an awful crime. No one was able to say who murmudered Lisa Red Brown, a 13 year old. Lisa was murmured and Main Street on a walk home from school. And the cops think it is Lisa's best friend Kit Lucky White who murmuder Lisa. But Kit says that all she heard was a yell for help from her friend and when Kit went over there she found her bloody and a knife. The cops is still going to question her, faimly, and friends. If you have any information about this crime, please call the number below."

Chapter 4

"I cannot even think why they would think that it was me, who killed Lisa! Sally... who do you think killed Lisa?"Kit asked.
"Ruff!"Sally barked.
"Yes i know it is a person."
"How can a lion use a knife?"
"Yea I guess that we could find that killer, but you are just a dog Sally."
"Yes I know that you can bite and dig and sleep!But what is the point! You still are just a dog that barks! You can't even hurt a flea!"
"Grrrr"Sally growl and pounded into a wall.
"Ok, Ok."Kit said.

Kit soon got up and went inside still down about the death Lisa. Soon Kit went to watch the news after the 2nd week after Lisa's death.

"Breaking news! It passed two weeks of after the death of Lisa Brown and the cops are starting to stop with the case about Lisa Brown a 13 year old girl that was killed on the walk home from school. The cops says that there is not good evendince and not much. They also say that someone stole the knife that held the fingerprints of the killer. The cops thinks that the killer stole it. The cops also saw that the person who stole the knife broke the tape with the killer on it. The cops still are trying to find the killer but without evendicen they have no chance. This may be the first time the cops my not find the killer in our sweet little town Cowboys. Lets pray that the cops will find that awful killer."

Chapter 5

Righ after the news Kit started to pack her bookbag. She was going to find the mad killer who killed her BFFALAA(best friends forever after live and alive). Soon Kit and Sally was ready to go.

"Sally are you sure about this?"KIt asked.

Soon Sally and Kit went off. They first went to the "COPS OFFICE" to get the fingerprints and DNA. They also got the shoe print that the killer had left behind. Soon Kit and Sally went deep into the woods.

"Sally? Why are there shoes here?"Kit asked.
"Well lets see if they match the shoe print here."
"Bark. Bark. Bark."
"Oh my bananas. They MATCH!!!"
"WHat is it Sally? Wait lets hide."

Kit then reached for Sally and went and hid in a bush.
"UGHH."said a huge voice.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"A deep growl boomed.
"Someone or someKIT been here."said the voice.

Soon the dog from the voice found KIt and Sally.

TO BE COUTINED.............


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.08.2011

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