
For my BFF Greer.
You are Corie.
Chapter 1

One spring moring two young werewolves were born. One from the Runways and the Moon Dancers. They both hated each other so much that they do not look at their land. The female werewolve from the Runaways pack had a white as snow baby girl pup named Bella. The Moon Dancers had a nice black little girl pup named Corie.

"Young one. Wake up. It is time for you to have your sixteenth birthday."the mother from the Runaways or Runner said.

"So...I'm too tired... Wait! You said sixteenth birthday! Mom so you got it?"Bella asked.

"Yes I got it. You will never stop asking for it! So go to the dinner table and eat your meat!" Runner said.

Before Bella did anything she got a nice purple shirt and blue jeans on and went down stairs. She ate all her meat and waited and waited and waited until she asked her dad if she could get her birthday kiss and went to her werewolve school.

At the Moon Dacers pack it was also Corie's birthday. It all happened just like the Runaway pack. So when Corie got to her werewolf school everyone was looking at her. Corie was wearing a nice bright red shrit with a shorts on. On her shirt it had a full moon on it.

"Look at her! She pretty hot. Like one of those... hot dogs."Jonh Dig said.

When all the others were looking at Corie, Bella had just walked in and every body went right back to doing their thing. "What the dogs! No one even said anything to me!"Bella thought. It was ture. No one did talk to her...EVER! No one cared for an A student who wanted to be pack leader.

Chapter 2

Corie's first class was gym. Corie loved gym! She loved when they turn into werewolfs and fight and run down the tracks!
"I am here just hope I am not late."Corie thought. She pushed the doors open and to her surprise she was the sencond one there. Bella was in there, sitting and waiting for the others. "Well, at lest it is better then being last today."Corie thought. Corie walked up and took a sit on the floor, next to Bella.

"Bella and Corie you two are going to be agaist each other today."Mr. Gym told them.

"Well, better off to start now. I am going to change now. Just sit and stay for now."Bella said.

"Does it matter now! I am bord and now I want to fight and fight. You do know that everyone hates gym! They do not want to be pack leader like me!"Corie yelled.

"Do not yell! We will start to fight if you wait! I want to be pack leader too, you know!"Bella yelled back at Corie.

Before anything else happened the two girls got up and changed into werewolves. Bella was as white as snow and Corie was as black as the night sky. Bella was surprised, that was her first black werewolve she every saw! Then Corie jumped up and landed on Bella. Bella did a back flip and bit Corie on the back. Corie gave out a huge cry and reached her head back and bit Bella on her neck. Soon Bella leted go of Corie's back and jumped off the walls and went to the roof, then Bella sat down on a pole.

"Hey! No fair! I can not do that. Well, here it goes!"Corie said.

After six hours the two girls were still fighting. They both wanted to win until the gym teacher told them to go home.

"Hey! You were good. You want to come to the "Me. Moon. Shop" with me tommorrow, it would be fun!"Corie asked.

"SURE!!! I would love to go to the mall with you! That is my favorite mall too. See ya at the front door of the mall!"yelled Bella as happy as could be.

Chapter Three

Bella ran all the way home and bust down the door to her house. Run up to her room and looked around to see if her mom and dad got her gife. Then she found a note saying

"Dear Bella,
We put the money for your gife under your pillow. We could not find any that you may like. So here is the place where you need to go!

Main Street 555
Boneton GA 89045

Hope You Can FInd It and
We love you,


Bella went and looked under her pillow and found the money. Then she was off to the "Puppy. Dogs. We Hate Cats".

When Bella got there she stated to look at the puppys. Then she looked at the dogs. After that she ask the store owner if she could have the puppy in cage one. Thast puppy was white as a cloud and had one black spot on its fore head. BElla named the pup Jr. and headed home. On the way there she saw Corie.

"Hi Corie! What up. I just came from that dog store down the street a few blocks down. Well have no more time to chat. Bye!"Bella said.

Chapater Four

Corie was going home for the day and then she saw Bella. Corie had no time to ask what pack she was on at gym, once they were walking home, and just then. "Well...I guess I will find out tomorrow." Corie soon ran all the way home to Barkman Street. She went into her house to find a note saying that her mom and dad went out and would not be back unlit late moring on Sunday. "What! This is the hundred time I saw this note! It even said that the date is 5/1/1995!"Corie said out loud. Soon Corie's Norwegian Buhund, Baily came running down the stairs and she triped on the thrid to last step. Corie just looked at Baily who was acting like nothing happened.

The next day the two girls met each other at the mall.

"Hey! What up?"Corie asked.
"Waiting for you is what up with me."Bella said

The two girls soon walked into the huge mall. Both looking at all the dog bones, shirts,pants,hats,shoes,and steak they had. They both were so happy they did not said a thing. Soon they heared people talking in low vocies in a scary way. Then a tall woman came and said that they needed to get out now. A Runaways and Moon Dancers pack could not be together. The girls left and tryed not to start a fight with 5,195,534 werewolfs.

"What was that about? We just wanted to buy some stuff and then some one tells us that we need to leave because we are in different packs! That is not right Corie."Bella told Corie.

"Well, it always a big promble. Some packs hate each each so much that they will kill each other,"Corie explanded,"Hey! Want to come over to my place. My mom and dad are not home. So yes or no?"

"Sure why not. Do you have a dog? I have one her name is Jr. ."Bella said and then she called the name out and soon came running a huge but thin dog comming to them.

Chapter Five

Corie soon jumped up in a great surprise! It was a Great Dane puppy. Corie thought that Bella was just jokeing about her dog, but she was for real.

"I am ready to go now!"Bella said.

"Ok. So... You got your shrit and other stuff. I do not want to let you put on my stuff. You mite be to small."Corie explanded.

When the two girls were at Corie's house they ran in to find Corie's mom and dad.

"Why did you put this note there Bill!"said Nacy who is Corie's mom.

"Then why didn't you tell me you did not want me to put it there or put that note there! I am just too lazy to wirte another one!"Bill yelled.

"Everyone knows your LAZY! You are such a."Corie's mom said just before she could finish.

"MOM! DAD! I HAVE A FRIEND THAT YOU NEED TO MEET!"Corie said as lound as she could.

Then they both looked at Bella and slowly but fastly tured into werewolves. Then they both jumped at Bella makeing Bella run out the door.

"MOM! DAD! Why did you do that! She is my friend."Corie yelled.

"Well, she is a... a ... Runaways. WE NEED TO DO THAT! WE BOTH HATE EACH OTHER!!"Bill and Nacy said together.

"Then, way do we hate each other?"Corie asked

Then her parents just walked away out into the back door into the yard and ran off.

Chapter Six

Bella ran off crying with Jr. trying to keep up with her. " Why...Did they do that to me? I was their guest."Bella said to herself. She soon came to her house and ran to her room. Her mom Runner saw her run up to her room and went to check on Bella.

"Bella... Are you ok? I saw you run up the stairs in a sad mood. What is wrong?"Runner asked.

"I went to my friends house and her parents turned into a werewolve and jumped on me!"Bella explaned.

"Well... They may have... have... WHAT PACK ARE THEY!"Runner said in a lound voice.

"I... Think that it is Moon Dancers. Why?"Bella now sounded worried.

"Well. We both hate each other so much. I think it is because they think we killed their stuid pack leader. When they killed ours!"Runner explained

"Ok."Bella said with a face lokking at her mother.

"Now they tried to kill you! Now Me and your father must start a war to get pay back for them trying to kill our little girl!"Runner said madly.

Before Bella was able to stop them her mother and father went off to go and get the other memebers of the pack and to start a war with the Moon Dancers.

Chapter Seven

The Moon Dancers also went to get their members to staart war with the Runaways because of them making the child be friends with Bella.

Corie was there all by herself thinking what will happen to Bella.

"NO! I will not let them kill Bella or her pack. Therefore I will save them!"Corie said out loud.

Soon turning into a werewovle and go thorught the woods to save them.

Bella also thought the same so she went off to.

The two girls met each other in the center of the woods telling each other what had just happened and the two girls went to their packs a started the war.

Near the ending there was bright red blood and dark red boold all over some werewovles died and some flee. The last two standing was Runner, Nancy, BIll and Bob (Bella's dad). The four got into a big bad fight comlpaining the two mothers soon flee knowing that their husbands will win the war. Before Bob bite nto Bill's neck he ran and jumped onto Corie!

The two got into a worse fight. Before Bob bit into Corie's neck to kill her Bella jumped into the middle of them taking the bit for Corie! Then there was no sound. All you could hear was the birds.

"Bella!!!"Corie yelled as she ran to her.

"Bella... Talk to me."Corie said sadly about to cry.

"Corie... It hurts!"Bella cried in a weak vocie.

"Bella... Get up PLEASE!!!"Corie said crying.

"No. I am too tired. Corie. I think I am not going to make it. I took the bite for you. I did not want you to die. I wanted you to live."Bella said.

"Bella! Bella!! Wake up!! WAKE UP BELLA!!"Corie said a million times to find that she was dead.

Chapter Eight

It passed a day when Bella died. Corie
was so sad she did not eat or drink. Her parents said that she should be happy because they won and no she was pack leader. But all Corie did was say no or shock her head.

When Corie went to class every one wanted to be her new Best Friend, but all Corie did was say no. Corie started to fail in math, ELA, reading, writing, gym, S.S and Science.

Back at the Runaways....

They all did not say a word. They were surprise that Bella will save A Moon Dancers life. They did not know that they were close friends until that day that Bella died. They were going to go to the woods and howl at the full moon to tell every one that a Runaways furture pack leader died. The Runaways did not think that one thing will happen that day.

Chapter Nine

Corie knew when they will have a full moon for Bella and where. Corie was going to go there and howl for Bella.

"I'm alone. More then any other animal or dog in the world!" Corie will think.

"All I can do now is say good bye to Bella and wish that she lives and have a nice time in heaven."Corie said to her self.

Chapater Ten
(Last Chapater)

It was the day. The day for Bella's full moon. Corie was the first one there. Looking at Bella's body. Corie soon changed into a werewolve and howled then a sad thing happened to Corie. Corie was so sad that she died right there in the middle of her howl. Her parents heard the howl and soon saw that their child was dead.

SO that night the two packs howl to gether and when the moon came out they all soon saw the two girls awake and said at the same time "You guys are getting along. Now llok at you! You tow hated each other and now you are howling togther. That is why we are alive now."

From that day on. The two packs did not hate each other. They were friends now. Corie and Bella are pack leaders now and they work toghter to lead the two packs. That is how the two packs soon where togther and Corie and Bella.



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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2011

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To a very dear friend of my. Greer.

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