
chapter 1

I don't know if it was the first time i saw him or the second time i saw him that made my heart stop and lose all my thoughts i had in my head and stop breathing. The color of his hair, his eyes, and so much more.I swear i could hear the song " Stop and Stare" playing in my head. As he made his way towards me, I smiled. Dylan stopped in front of me and my locker. He looked at me with a funny look on his face and asked me " What are you thinking about?" "You,always" I smiled again after I replied to him. He smiled at me and told me " Well, you can stop, cause I'm right here." He reached for my hand and held it in his smooth, tan, strong hand. I look all around me except at him because I knew if I did, I would lose the question I formed in my head that I wanted to ask him. As my eyes roamed the banners and posters that were in the hallway, there was one banner that caught my eyes and what was on that banner completely shocked me and it was something i completely forgot about. See, before I "met" Dylan, I hadn't planned on going to the dance. But now that I had a date, I really wanted to go. Then when i looked at the date of the the dance I swear i felt my jaw drop.' Oh My God!!!! The dance was in 2 days!!!' I put that in the back of my head to ask him if he wanted to go to the dance with me. You know what? I'll ask him tomorrow, I thought to myself. I swear I will. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear the bell ring, until I felt a tug of my hand. I looked up at Dylan with a question on my face. "Class?" he asked with a grin. I shook my head and smiled. "Sure." We walked to class because we had the same last period together, History. When we got there we separated cause we sat in different seats. 
The next day, I met my friends at my locker and waited for a certain someone. Once I saw a familiar head of sun-kissed hair, that had a touch of gold by my locker, i smiled. I told myself silently, 'You will ask him. There is no backing down. You are a strong girl. You can do this.' I walked up to Dylan and my friends, glanced at Dylan, and told him " I need to talk to you." I stopped, turned on my foot, and walked the same way I just came. I didn't look back to see if he was following me. I stopped at a door that read JANITORS CLOSET, walked in and closed the old, creaky metal door behind Dylan after he entered. I dropped my bag with a thud and stayed starring in the direction, which was at the other side of the metal door. After a minute, Dylan asked me " Is there something you would like to ask me?" I glance at him and see that he has a smug look on his face. It was the eyes that told me that he already knew what I was going to ask him. I look away. " Well... yes there is." "Go ahead." I hesitated, but only for a second. " So.. You know how the dance is coming up in 1 day right?" When he didn't respond I continued. " I was wondering.. If maybe you would be my date." Before he could answer my question I added, still looking at the door "If you don't want to I understand, even if you have better plans, that's okay." I didn't hear him, but suddenly he was behind me, turning me around to face him. His hand, softly grabbed my chin and lifted my face up to meet his. He kissed me. It was a sweet kiss. A kiss that took my breath away. A kiss that said yes. I broke the kiss to peer up at Dylan. " I'm guessing that is a yes?" I asked him. With a twinkle in his eye, he told me " What do you think?" " I think," I paused, running my hands through his bronze hair that was touched by the sun and continued. " I think that is a yes." Then he tightened his arms around my waist and held me to his warm, solid body and swayed to nonexistent music. I put my head on his strong shoulder and sighed peacefully. I looked up into his beautiful, understanding, caring, ocean blue eyes. I smiled at him cause I loved him so much. I was thinking about three words that I wanted to say to him. Before I could stop myself I blurted out " I love you" My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in a embarrassing moment , turned around away from him, and didn't look at him or say anything. I feel so stupid, I thought to myself.
what seemed like forever, Dylan finally said something. It was more of what he did than say. He walked up to me, turned me around, lifted my chin so I would look at him, brush a few strands of partially brown hair out of my face and kissed me. A kiss that spoke to me in every way possible. That told me, not through words, but through something deeper than words or feelings. Love. He slowly pulled away from me and held me close. He whispered in my ear " I love you too." I shivered at his breath and smiled so he could see my happiness. When I got home that day, after school, I was so happy that I started the wiggle, wiggle, wiggle dance through the whole house. I finally, had enough of looking for the parental's in my house, so I yelled " MOM!! " "DAD!!" I heard music and noise coming from the kitchen. I wiggled my way to the kitchen and found my parents cooking, and dancing at the same time.... I had to cover my eyes at the sight of them dancing(LOL...) After a few minutes, I cleared my throat by coughing. "-cough,cough-" My parents gaze over to me, guilty looks on their faces, laughing. "Yes, dear?" my dad asked me. I beam at them like an idiot and wiggle my way to my mother. "I need a dress for Prom this week on Friday." I told her with a twinkle in my eye and a song in my heart. They both stared at me shocked, excited(mom's face), and sad(dad's face). "So, will you help me mom?" She practically skipped to me and hugged me tightly. "Absolutely."



Chapter 2

The next day after school, my mom and I went shopping for my dress for tonight. The dance was less than 3 1/2 hours away and I still needed to go to the salon and get my hair and nails done. We went to a little shop called The Boutique Dress Shop. As we both walked in, the brass bell rang from above. As I walked around, looking at dresses for me to wear, my mother asked me " What kind of dress do you wanna look for?" I was looking at a satin dress that was bubblegum pink and was strapless." Honestly, I don't know." My mom looked at me over a few rows of dresses. " Really, what I'm looking for is something like a long midnight blue or violet dress with straps and covers my whole body, not ending at my knees." As I told my mother this, I found a couple of dresses that i wanted to try on. The first one was a dark purple and it was a full body dress that had flowers at random points in the dress. The second one was a light blue that had a shawl wrap and it was strapless. I put that one back and walked to my mother with the dress. I saw that she too, had a few dresses in her arms. I couldn't see the third one but the other two didn't appeal to me in any way possible. Mom hands me the dresses and I slowly walk to the red cherry maple wood dressing room at the back of the store. I took the HUGE dressing room and laid the dresses on a stool that was there. My mom slipped a few pars of heels over the door for me to try with the dresses that i had.
One of the dresses I had tried on was a satin dress. The color mdnight blue with little flecks of glitter on it. It covered my whole body when i held it up to me in front of the mirror.The shoes i had to go wiht it were a pair of black stilettoes. I took off my clothes and outlled the dress over my head and slipped oon the shoes. I kept my back tot he mirror cause I wanted to see the full effect of the dress. I walk out of the dressing room,and stood there, looking at me, was my mom. Of course she was starring at me: Wide eyes, jaw dropped.... She shoke herself and and smiled at me. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. The dress was so beautiful. I couldnt believe it.

Chapter 3

We arrive at school about 15 minutes later. Even though we were still in the car, we both could hear the blaring music. I shook my head as I climbed out of the black Honda Civic. Linking my arm in his, we both walked to the school. As we stepped silently through the hallways I was shocked. The decorations that covered every inch of the hallway walls were amazing. I commented to Dylan " We need to give the kids in our class more credit than we already give them." As we both neared the cafeteria I started to get butterflies in my stomach. Wher we stopped outside the lunch room doors, I started to fiddle with my dress and everything else, too keep from looking at him and going into the dance. He turned and faced me, grabbing my hands and holding them tightly, forcing me to look up at him. "We can do this." I took a deep breath and nodded. He pushed the doors open and pulled me inside after him. As soon as I walked through the door, everyone stared at us. Or so I thought. Suddenly, I started to feel self-concious, but my friends rushed over and crowded around us. I smiled at Layla, Whitney and Britney as I pulled them to the dance floor as the boys stood in the back, watching us and talking to each other about god knows what. As the girls and I danced, I caught Dylan's eye and smiled. He smiled back and gave me a little wave before laughing at something Andy said. When the beat sped up, the girls and I started to shimmy against each other, and soon enough all three boys had grabbed their dates and danced with each other. I didnt spot Dylan so I kept dancing. Too soon, the music slowed down and I stood there without my date. As I started to walk away, a pair of strong arms slid around my waist and pulled me back against a broad chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his.  I closed my eyes and swayed to the music with him. I finally found my voice. "Why did you leave the other guys?" I looked around and saw all of our friends standing in the back of the room, laughing. "Because I saw a beautiful girl dancing and had to join her before some other guy swooped in." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Protective much?" "Very." I giggled but I knew he was serious. I buried my face in his chest. I dont know if his hold could have gotten any tighter.

Suddenly, he stiffened up and tried to turn us around so I would be behind him. That's when I caught sight of who was making their way over. Vanessa. The meanest, "Prettiest" b**** alive. As she twitched (something she did with her butt, cause she didnt walk) over to us, I narrowed my eyes at her. She was wearing a fire engine red dress that should have been illegal because of how short it was. She has EVERY boy after. And I do mean every boy. All but one, of course. She stopped infront of Dylan and ran a red fingernail suggestively down the front of his shirt. I looked into her eyes and they reflected lust.

“Hey Dylan.” She purred. I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at her. “Jezz.” She said with a nod. I ‘What a bi-‘my though was cut off by Dylan’s question. “What do you want Vanessa?” She smiled at him once more, before walking away. “Nothing I can’t have, of course.” I knew that tone. I’ve heard it many times before. It means wait and find out. I watched her ‘twitch’ her way over to her friends to do whatever. Then she walked out of the side door of the cafeteria. I walked away from Dylan and picked up my dress. Holding my head up, I made my way through the crowd and exited out the same door that Vanessa.


One minute I had Jezz behind me, next she is exiting the cafeteria. I stood there, unsure what to do. A few minutes later, Whitney runs up to me. “Go after her and help-” she never got to finish because I was already gone. I ran out the same that the other girls. Stopping in the dark hallway and trying to catch my breath so I could hear any noise to indicate where Jezz had gone. I soon heard crying further down the hallway. So I bolted down the hall. Who I found there wasn’t who I was looking for. “Vanessa.” She was standing in front of the lockers. The sad thing was, she wasn’t crying. She was smiling. She was gazing at me with such an intensity that I flinched slightly. Her smile only widened. She slowly walked forward until I was pinned against wall on the other side. She placed her hands on my chest and kissed me.


I looked up, my face tear-streaked, to the sound of something slamming against the wall on the other side of the bathroom door. I slowly got up and made my way to the sink and washed my face. I stood over the sink that was by the door and looked at myself. I shook my head and opened the door.


While trying to push Vanessa away from me, I heard the bathroom door open.


I stepped out of the bathroom and faltered. I see Dylan and Vanessa. Kissing. He had his hands on her shoulders and she had her claws on his chest. My voice wobbled as I asked them, “What is going on here?” Vanessa, who stopped kissing him and stepped back from him, answered. “Nothing that concerns you Jezz.” She sneered. I looked over at Dylan, my eyes filling with tears again and my hand going to my chest, where the necklace lays. “Dylan…?” I take a deep, ragged breath and I turn away. I don’t look back to see if he is following me. Before I walk back into the dance, a few tears escape my eyes and I brush them away. I walked in and started to scout out one of my friends. I caught Layla’s eye when I found her dancing with Taylor. I beckoned her over to and waited. She shimmed her way over and when she got close enough to see my face, she said nothing. She pulled me into her arms and hugged me fiercely. I gently pulled away and told her, “I need to go home.” She nodded and made a sympathetic face. “Okay, but please stay with me and find out who won Prom King and Queen.” I sighed. Just then, the DJ stopped the music and tapped the microphone. “Ladies and gentleman, how is your prom?” Everyone screamed with excitement. “That’s what I though. Now is the moment you have all been waiting for. You Prom King is…” A drumroll started and then stopped. “Dylan Smith.” Cheers and applause erupted in the room as Dylan materialized at the stairs of the stage and accepted his crown when he stopped next to the DJ. “You Queen is…” Again with the drumroll. “Jezzabelle Lucas!” There were cheers. I looked over at Vanessa, who was standing next to Brad. She glowered at me and stalked away, dragging Brad with her. I slowly made my way up to the stage and over to the DJ to receive my crown. He turned to the crowed and started clapping. “Give it up for this year’s Prom King and Queen.” As I took Dylan’s arm, I didn’t look up at him. I kept my gaze on the ground. He spun me into his arms once we were in the middle of the floor for the annual ‘King and Queen dance’ which I didn’t want to do because it required me to be close to him, which is not what I wanted. I wanted to be away from him. I felt like I wanted to collapse. I glanced up at Dylan. He was watching me. I closed my eyes and looked away. ‘I can’t take this anymore.’ I thought to myself. I removed his hand from around my waist and took a step back. Not many people noticed us not dancing anymore. But the few that did, were definitely watching. “Wait…” Dylan pleaded, holding one hand outstretched towards me. “What?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Layla and Taylor stop dancing and watch. “Please let me explain earlier.” I stiffened at the thought. “There is nothing to explain.” I explained. “You were obviously trying to make a point and you did. You made it quite clear.” I looked up into his eyes, to see that they were shinning with unshed tears. I shake my head, my tears finally falling. I turned and ran out of the cafeteria, Layla and Taylor running after me.


When I got home that night, I was tired, my feet were killing me in these shoes, and my heart was in tatters. I fingered the necklace as I changed for bed. I yanked the necklace off my neck and chucked it across the room. I turned on my bedside lamp and laid on my bed, drawing my knees up to my chest. And sob. I scream like a banshee, scream so loud that the whole world could have heard me. I let out all of my pain and anger till I have nothing left. I fall asleep, alone and heartbroken.

Chapter 4

The next few days weren’t the best days of my life. People kept glancing at me and whispering. I falter at the school doors, unsure if I want to go in. I scuff my boots against the pavement and take a deep breath. Opening the doors, the rush of air came rushing at me. I held up my head and strode through the hallways to my locker at the other end. Just like always, I make it to my locker to meet up with my friends. But when I get there, my locker is deserted. I searched up and down the hallways to see if they were at their lockers, but to no success. So I went to class alone.

At lunch, I saw my friends at our table chatting away. I was almost there when Vanessa stepped in my path. Just looking at her made me want to punch her. “What do you want Vanessa?” I muttered. Her smile only got bigger. “Nothing, anymore.” She replied and moved out of my way, sitting back down at her table. In the end, I did sit with my friends. Only to pick at my food and feel sad for myself.

At random times of the day, I would see him. See how sad and broken he was about the situation. It wasn’t until a few days later, that I saw that he had had enough of this. Before English class, like always, I was at my locker, hanging out with my friends. I didn’t see or hear him walk up to me. He just grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him. I stumbled at first, then caught my footing and followed him silently. He had finally arrived at his destination. The window said, “Custodians Only!” he opened the door and pulled me inside, then slammed it shut. Glaring at him, I folded my arms across my chest and said, “You have no right to just drag me to whatever destination you want.” He took a deep breath and turned around and held out his hands. “Your right, I had no right to do that to you. I’m sorry.” I incline my head. “What do you want Dylan?” He took a step closer to me and I took a step back. Hurt flashed in his eyes. “I want to say I’m sorry about what happened at the dance. I want to explain myself to you.” I put down my bag and sat on what looked like a bucket. “Go ahead.” He crouched in front of me and held my hands in his. I tried to keep my gaze trained on him, but I kept looking away. He took a deep breath and started speaking. “Jezz, believe me when I tell you that what you saw in the hallway was a mistake. I was trying to push her away. I was looking for you, to make sure you were okay.” His eyes pleaded with me. “I wasn’t cheating on you or anything like that. I swear on my life.” I finally looked at him and breathed. “Really? You weren’t going out there to follow her? To do… anything?” he shook his and smiled sadly. “I was worried about you. I always worry about you. You’re the only one that I love. The only one I will ever love. I swear.” I smiled back and touched the side of his face. “She ambushed me Jezz. I would never do that to you.” I wiped away his tears and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry that I doubted you.” I stood up and reached my hand out to his. Pulling him, I opened the door and pulled him out and headed down the hall towards the exit. There was Vanessa and her ‘crew’ surrounding her. I walked straight up to the circle, standing in front of her. I smiled and asked her, “You know what’s funny about karma?” She raised an eyebrow and replied. “What?” I slapped her dead across the mouth and grinned. “It’s a b**ch.” I walked away, with Dylan’s arms wrapped around my waist. ‘I feel pretty freaking good right now.’ I thought to myself.


Later that day, Dylan and I were in his living room, watching TV. I was lying with my back against the arm rest and my legs were across Dylan’s lap. The contestants on the show started laughing as Steve Harvey busted out dancing. I giggled and shifted on the couch. Dylan looked over at me and grinned like a crazy person.

The next few days weren’t the best days of my life. People kept glancing at me and whispering. I falter at the school doors, unsure if I want to go in. I scuff my boots against the pavement and take a deep breath. Opening the doors, the rush of air came rushing at me. I held up my head and strode through the hallways to my locker at the other end. Just like always, I make it to my locker to meet up with my friends. But when I get there, my locker is deserted. I searched up and down the hallways to see if they were at their lockers, but to no success. So I went to class alone.

At lunch, I saw my friends at our table chatting away. I was almost there when Vanessa stepped in my path. Just looking at her made me want to punch her. “What do you want Vanessa?” I muttered. Her smile only got bigger. “Nothing, anymore.” She replied and moved out of my way, sitting back down at her table. In the end, I did sit with my friends. Only to pick at my food and feel sad for myself.

At random times of the day, I would see him. See how sad and broken he was about the situation. It wasn’t until a few days later, that I saw that he had had enough of this. Before English class, like always, I was at my locker, hanging out with my friends. I didn’t see or hear him walk up to me. He just grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him. I stumbled at first, then caught my footing and followed him silently. He had finally arrived at his destination. The window said, “Custodians Only!” he opened the door and pulled me inside, then slammed it shut. Glaring at him, I folded my arms across my chest and said, “You have no right to just drag me to whatever destination you want.” He took a deep breath and turned around and held out his hands. “Your right, I had no right to do that to you. I’m sorry.” I incline my head. “What do you want Dylan?” He took a step closer to me and I took a step back. Hurt flashed in his eyes. “I want to say I’m sorry about what happened at the dance. I want to explain myself to you.” I put down my bag and sat on what looked like a bucket. “Go ahead.” He crouched in front of me and held my hands in his. I tried to keep my gaze trained on him, but I kept looking away. He took a deep breath and started speaking. “Jezz, believe me when I tell you that what you saw in the hallway was a mistake. I was trying to push her away. I was looking for you, to make sure you were okay.” His eyes pleaded with me. “I wasn’t cheating on you or anything like that. I swear on my life.” I finally looked at him and breathed. “Really? You weren’t going out there to follow her? To do… anything?” he shook his and smiled sadly. “I was worried about you. I always worry about you. You’re the only one that I love. The only one I will ever love. I swear.” I smiled back and touched the side of his face. “She ambushed me Jezz. I would never do that to you.” I wiped away his tears and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry that I doubted you.” I stood up and reached my hand out to his. Pulling him, I opened the door and pulled him out and headed down the hall towards the exit. There was Vanessa and her ‘crew’ surrounding her. I walked straight up to the circle, standing in front of her. I smiled and asked her, “You know what’s funny about karma?” She raised an eyebrow and replied. “What?” I slapped her dead across the mouth and grinned. “It’s a b**ch.” I walked away, with Dylan’s arms wrapped around my waist. ‘I feel pretty freaking good right now.’ I thought to myself.


Later that day, Dylan and I were in his living room, watching TV. I was lying with my back against the arm rest and my legs were across Dylan’s lap. The contestants on the show started laughing as Steve Harvey busted out dancing. I giggled and shifted on the couch. Dylan looked over at me and grinned like a crazy person.

chapter 5


chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8

The next day I went home for alittle while. I saw a bunch of mail on the counter and flipped through it. There was a huge manile envilope with my name on it. "OMIGOD!!!!" I screamed as i ripped openthe letter and started reading it. I started screaming and jumping up and down with joy that when my parents came into the room i barely noticed. It was my mom who asked, "What's with al the comomition here?" I started wavnig the letter in her face but she couldnt catch it so my dad was fast enough tosnatcht he papers out of my hand and start reading. I saw that as he contimnued to read a HUGE grin was litghting up his face. My mom started jumping up and down with me. That is when I realized that in order for me to go to that college, i would have to leave. I stopped jumping and grabbed my keys, walking back out the door, my mood already ruined cause of the desicions I'd have to make.


Our daughter grabbed her keys and walked back out the door, suddenly all quiet. I looked at husband and sighed. " What just happened?" I shook my head. "She just realized she would have to make a desicion between her life and her education."  My husband stood there with a blank expression. "She has to choose between Dylan and the college of  her dreams."  He nodded. "Oh dear... I'll still love her no matter what she will choose." "Yes , WE will."


I walk out of my house and get in my car, driving off to god knows where... I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that i had to choose one or the other. I dorve little longer before i went to Dylan's house. I finallt got to his house and parked behind his Honda.
I got out and sighed. Unlocking his front door, after locking my car, I steppd inside and went upstairs to his room and flopped down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Trying to think of something that would cheer me up, kicked off my shoes and looked around the room, remembering all the fun times i had with Dylan. Sighing, i curled up and tried to think of other things. I heard the door creak open and heard the sound of clothes falling tot eh floor. I turned and sawe Dylan standing there looking at me with a smile on his face. Trying to hind my sorrow, I smiled back and said " Hey." He looked at me for a moment and tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?" he asked me. I shook my head and looked away from him. I didnt want tot tell him cause sayoing it out loud would make the whole thing all the more real. "Jezz, come one.. Please tell me what is going that has made you so sad..."  I swallowed and tried to formulate a explanation...I tried to think of a lame excuse oif feeling sad inside... I looked up at him smiled alittle. "Its nothing really Dylan.. Its just stupid stuff..." In reality, it wasnt  stupid stuff. It was Life changing...


He gave me a look tha  said that he didnt believe me one  bit. I gave him a small smile, hoping it would fool him into dropping the subject but,still he pressed on. "Jezz.. babe please tell me what's wrong..." he trailed off for a moment. "Is it something bad?" i shook my head. "Good?" i nod. "Okay.. let's see here. something good...." he stands there and starts to think.. "I got accepted to the college of my dream and its in New York and i didnt want to tell you because i dont wanna leave you but at the same time i want to go to this school." I blutrted out, tired of holding it in and waiting foor him to guess it. He looked at me and smiled sadly. "How is that a bad thing? You want to go to your favorite collage and I understand that."  I looked at him adn sighed. "Why are you being so happy and not begging me not to go to the collage of my dreams instead stay with you forever and never leave. Go to a different collage..... Anything!!"   "Because i love you Jezz and I want you to be happy."  I coveered my face with my hands and shuddered,trying to keep the tears from falling. "But...."  He crossed the space between us in a matter of seconds and wrapped his arms around me. "Jezz... please dont do this. I want you to go and follow your dream. For me... Please follow your dream for me." I pushed him away and leaned against the wall, sliding down till i hit the floor,crying. I screamed "Why are you trying to get me to leave you?" Tears streaming down my face i stared at him,waiting for an answer. He ran his hands through is hair, frustated. "Go to the college Jezz. Don't miss out on this chance to be smarter.Don't worry about me. I'll find a college close to you or something." My lip trembled. "But Dylan..." He sqatted before me and kissed me. "Don't worry about me. I'll find you again." I leaned against him as i cried. Inside I was happy and alittle worried. 'Why am I excited about gong to college and leaving Dylan here? I should be sad.'


'why am i being so calm about this?'I have asked myself this question a million times and I still don't know. I look at the velvet box on my desk infront of me and wonder in my head why I wont just beg her to stay with me and not go to the college she wants. It's because your scared she will  move on from you, my concience whispered to me. No! i said to myself. That is not the reason why. You know that is the reason why.. your just too scared to admit it...  I ran my fingers theough my hair and banged on the desk. I know her... She wouldnt forget about me. Not her... I gazed at the last velvet box that sat hidden on my desk. It was a 4 caret diamond ring... I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.


Jezzable Marie Lucas, I love you like the world will end tomorrow.

Will you do me the honor of being mine and forever?


I closed the box and put in her bag. Grabbing my laptop I leaned agaisnt my bedframeand watched her sleep. I looked up the school websie and started registering.


Chapter 9

I grabbed the last of my stuff and placed it in my car. I slammed my trunck shut and glanced at my parents and walked towards them, saying goodbye for the last time. I promised myself that I wasnt going to cry, but when I hugged my mom, tears were sliding down my face. I looked at my dad and cried harder. "Im going to miss you guys so much..." Secretly my heart was aching because Dylan was't here to see me off.. "We'll miss you too baby girl, call us when you made it safely there." I smiled. "I promise I will." I looked down the street one ore time to see if a silver Honda Civic would drive by and stop.Nothing. I backed away from my parents and headed towards my car. I turned back one lat time and waved at my parents. I got into my car and headed for a new life.


After a few days of driving, I finally made it to New York. I drove straight to my arpartment building and started to unload my stuff. I was pulling the last of it out when I heard a voice say " That's alot of boxes for just one girl." I bumped my head and cursed silently. I stood up and looked atthe peron who talked."What would-" I trailed off as I lookde at him. Piercing green eyes,and a nice built figure. I scolded myself. 'What about Dylan?' But Dylan wasn't here."Yea... It is alot of boxes..." I smiled and chuckled alittle bit. He offered his hand. "The name is Tyler." I smiled and shook his hand. "My name is Jezz." I let go of his hand and looked down. "You need some help with your boxes?" he asked. I nodded and bent down and grabbed two while he grabbed the others. As it turned out, Tyler was right across from me. I found that kinda reasurring. I thanked him for helping me and closed my door. I hooked up radio and turned it on,making the music louder than needed. I collapsed on my un made bed and fell asleep.


The next few days I spent setting up my apartment and hanging out wtih Tyler. It turns out Tyler goes to the same school as me.  I suddenly found myself throwing away stuff from Dylan and making room for the knickknacks from Tyler. One night I was watching tv in the living room when I heard a knock on my window. I ignored it. A few minutes minutes later, I heard a another knock on my window. I got up and opened my window. Looking down, I saw that it was Tyler standing there with a grin on his face. I looked at him. "Repunzal,Repunzal, with hair so fine, climb down your down your window and join me for some time." I smiled and laughed. "Oh Prince, dear Prince, your intentions are pure, but I, Repunzal, have no where to show." Again he tried. "Repunzal, Repunzal, who's humor's so strange, Meet me out front, and your life will change." I smiled."Dear Prince, Oh Prince, You know me so well, Giive me 10 minutes, and we'll do yopu will. I closed my window and ran into my room to get dressed. Tripping out of my room wearing a short skirt, purple tank top, black tights and black combat boots. Holding one boot and trying to lock my door, I exit my apartment locking it. I headed downstairs and met Tyler down there. I tapped his shoulder and ran around to the other side, then I tapped that side and ran all the back around till I was in my original spot. I stood there and smiled. I tapped his shoulder one last time and waved. He laughed and pulled out a rose and handed it to me. It was a beautiful black rose.  I blushed and stuck the rose in my hair. "What's the ocassion and where?"  He reached for my hand and halted, unsure. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. "There is no real ocassion. The where is a suprsie." I gave him a look and he laughed. 10-15 minutes later we arrived at a building whose billboard said  "Bingo Tonite." I glanced up at him. "Bingo? Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow. "No. Not unless you want to play." I shook my head and we sauntered into the building. I let Tyler lead the way. It took us a few minutes to get to our destintation. We cam to a black door. I could hear the music pulsing through. I pulled Tyler through the door,laughing. "There's a club in the BINGO house?" He chuckled. "No. Underneath it is the club." Just then, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol came on over the loud speakers and Tyler held out his hand. "May I?" I smiled and took his hand, letting him lead me to the dance floor. "You may." As we started dancing, I realized something. Your not so different from me..." I looked at him. "He smiled and continued dancing. "Of course I am. I'm hotter,cooler and Awesomer than you." I punched his shoulder and smiled. "Okay. Yea right. " He smirked down at me. I conceded. "Okay.. So maybe you are hotter and cooler... But I am way AWESOMER than you."  I poked his chest. The song turned into a fast one, so I excused myself to the Ladies room. When I returned to Tyler he was bobbing his head to Pain by Three Days Grace. I immediately started dancing along with him,losing myself in the music.


I watched as she closed her eyes and danced to the music. She looked breath-taking.  I hummed along to the song and watched her.


I laughed as he danced down the street back down to the apartment building. My feet were killing me, my head was pounding, but it was all worth it. I was happy. I got so tired to the point were I was lagging and shuffling my feet. He turned around and looked at me as he walked backwards. "Hey! You okay?" I smiled and waved. "My feet hurt. Why are you so hyper?" He grinned and stopped walking till I caught up with him. "You shall know my secret one day."  I walked past him and then all of a sudden felt air beneath my feet. I looked up and gasped . Tyler had swept me up and was holding me bridal style and his face was so close to mine I felt his breath on my cheek. I looked up at him and then quickly looked away. I bit back a laugh and looked straigh ahead as he carried me to the apartment building. He put me down when we reached the front doors He leaned against the pole and looked at me with such an intensity that I looked away. He cleared his throat and smiled as I looked back over at him. "What?" I said. He shook his head and opened the door for me. He walked to my door and shuffled his feet. "What's up Tyler? You've been acting strange ever since we got back from the club." I leaned agaisnt my door as he answered. "I.... I just... I just had a great time with you and I dont want it to end...." he trails off, looking at the ground. "Oh...." I was speechless. "I mean.... We can hang if you want." I blushed furiously. 'Why was acting so coy around him?' I asked myself. I shook my head and smiled at Tyler. "We can hang. Movie or did you have something in mind?"  He nods, heading over to his door and unlocking it. "We can do a movie. How bout the Terminator?" I looked around, not realizing that he was talking to me. "Earth to Jezz, what about Terminator?" I blinked and looked at Tyler. "Huh? Oh, yea. Terminator is a great movie." I rubbed the side of my  head and took at deep breath. I sighed, watching Tyler. "Tyler?" I leaned against the counter. "Hmm?" "Do you have a spare t shirt or something I could wear instead of this?" He looked up at me. "I think so. Gimme a sec." He bends down again and opens the fridge and pulls out two bottles of soda. "Root beer for you and Dr. Pepper for me." He grins and sets them on the counter and disappears into what is his room ( I think.)  I opened the rootbeer and took a drink, waiting for him. He returned wearing a grey wifebeater and sweatpants, holding an oversized Raiders shirt. (Author- I just thought of them. I dont actually know or like the Raiders. No offense to anyone.-) He handed me the shirt and I smiled my thanks. I retreated into the bathroom to change. I re-entered the room to see the Terminator playing. I sat down on the couch after grabbing my soda.

About half way through the movie, he paused it. I looked up at him, slightly confused. "What's up?"  He shifted in his seat and looked at the couch,saying nothing. "Tyler, you can talk to me." He looked up briefly and smiled. "I know. It's just I want to tell you something but I'm not sure how you would react to it." I sat up and facesd him. "Tell me. I promise not to flip, no matter how bad or good."  He took several deep breathes and looked at me finally. "Jezz, I've wanted to tell you this for some time but I couldnt find the words till now. The thing is, I like youu very much... Ever since the day I met you.... I was caught up in you...." He trails off, going silent. I looked around and tried to find the words. "Tyler, I..." I trailed off, unsure. I took a deep breath and began to speak. "Tyler, I feel so flattered that you feel the way you do about me. But you know I have a boyfriend. Granted, he doesnt seem to be a caring one right now... And it's not like I could say I feel the same about you and act upon them, even though I do." I look down, sad. "Wait, what?" I looked up at him. "I like you too Tyler. No one has made me feel like this in a long time. I... I just dont know if we should act upon these feelings because of all the drama I have going on with Dylan..." I smiled weakly at him. He leaned over and hesitated for a moment before kissing me softly and pulling away. I blushed and leaned against him, resuming the movie once more. No more words needed to be said.

Chapter 10

The next few days went by smoothly. I went to school, met up with Tyler and spent the rest of the day with him. It was Friday and I was just waking up when I heard the doorbell ring. I assumed it was a neighbor across the hall or something so I didnt bother looking through the peephole. Boy, was I wrong. I opened the door and froze. "Jezz...." I held up my hand, cutting him off. I shut the door in his face and leaned against it and tried to calm down. 'How did he find me? What is he doing here? Why didn't he come sooner?' All these questions were running through my head. I took a deep breath and turned around, opening the door again. "Jezz, please listen.." I opened the door wide enough that he was able to slip in. I shut it behind him and walked around him, but he grabbed my wrist, and using the momentum, propelled me into his arms. "Dylan, please..." He let me go and looked at me funny. "that's not like you to push me away." I flinched. "The Jezz you knew is gone. What you see now is what's staying." I said, my voice emotionless. He walked around my apartment and gazed at the pictures and knickknacks that replaced his. "What are you doing here Dylan?" I asked, my voice hard. "To see my girlfriend, but obviously, she isn't here." I heard shuffling in my bedroom and shut the door. He looked at me with hurt-filled eyes.  "You know, I honestly came here thinking that you still loved me and was hoping to renew that. But obviously, I was wrong." I narrowed my eyes. "I did wait for you. You never came." I leaned against the counter in the kitchen. "You weren't even there when I said bye to my parents. And all this time, I've been here. Not once have you called, texted, or even mailed anything to me!" I sreamed at him and clenched my fists. "You knew that choosing my dream over you hurt me. And you did nothing. NOTHING!! You never even bothered to see me off." I looked away from him, dashing away the tears that escaped. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. " I was crazy enough to think that you still loved me!" I knocked his hands away. "I did. But you never showed, so I moved on." At that moment, Tyler walked out, wearing his wife beater t- shirt  and faded jeans. He looke3d at me: face tear-streaked, clenched fists, and shaking. Then he looked at Dylan and narrowed his eyes. He turned on his heel and strode back out of the room. I lifted my necklace up and took off the 14carat diamond ring adn gave it back to Dyaln. The last thing I had of Dylan. "Goodbye Dylan." I turned away from him and winced as the sound of glass shattering on the floor echoed through the room. I slid to the ground and huddled there, crying. Tyler walked back out of the bedroom and checked the mess before coming over, picking me and sitting me on the counter. He held me and comforted me. Didn't ask me any questions. I sniffed. "Maybe this is the end for me..." Tyler wiped my face and looked at me with tender eyes. "Maybe it's a  beginning." He kissed me softly.


Maybe it was a beginning. A new beginning for me.  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

i want to dedicate this book to my friends and family. i hope they enjoy this book and whatever other books i write. I want to send out a shout out to my reading teacher, Mrs. Hughes, for believing in me.

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