
Chapter 1

My name is Takamura Yumi but just call me Yumi and i am 13 years old and i was hanging with my friend Raven we were talking about our futures " so when i get married you can be my maid of honer" i said she said " you can be the maid of honer to" we laughed i said " i should be going my dad told me to get home before dark" Raven nodded and i stood up and walked away it was getting late so i walked faster once i got near my house i turned around to see if anyone followed me when i did i saw a boy around my age and i saw him with a butler so i ran to my door and opened it then shut it once i was inside i took off my shoes and went to my Dad who was in the living room and asked him " dad i have a question" he said " what is it" i said " there was a kid that was..." i got cut off by a knock on the door my dad said " i will be right back" i nodded he got up and walked to the door and answered it i walked upstairs and it was them the kid and his butler what are they doing here i sat behind the railing and watched what was happening when the kid said " Sebastian i order you to kill him" then the butler said " yes my lord" then i saw the butler run at my dad i couldn't watch what was going to happen next so i got up and ran to my room and shut the door lightly just in case and i walked to my window how did they know my dad did it. yes my dad killed my mom and other women he said that if i told someone he would kill me but i told Raven and she promised not to tell anyone. I started to climb out of my window and i jumped down and i started to run to Ravens house it would take me while but i kept running when i bumped into someone i said " im sorry i wasn't looking i am so sorry" i looked up and i saw the butler guy and the boy i got up and backed away and then the boy said " I'm Ciel Phantomhive who are you" i said " im Takamura Yumi " he looked at me and said " what are you doing out here this late at night" i said " going to a friends house" he said " did your dad or mom say its okay" i said " mhm they said it was fine" i looked down so he wouldn't see my face i uselessly never lie this is the first time he just looked at me and walked away with his butler following behind him but i just continued to Ravens house when i got there i knocked on the door and her mom answered and said " come on in Yumi " i walked in and asked " is raven here" and she said " yes she is in her room you can go on up there if you like" i nodded and walked up the stairs to Raven's room when i got there i sat on her bed and she looked up at me and said " why are you not at home?" i looked down and said " well some kid named Ciel came to my house with a butler and order him to kill my dad "she looked at me with sad eyes and yelled down stairs to her mom " MOM CAN YUMI SPEND THE NIGHT" i heard her mom yell saying "SURE" then raven and i talked about everything we could think of.....

Chapter 2

I woke up and i smelled bacon and eggs i walked down stairs and saw Raven and her mom eating eating i said " thank you for letting me stay the night i should be going" ravens mom said" anytime do you want something to eat" i said " no thanks bye raven see you later" she nodded i walked out of the house then i thought were could i go i sure as hell ain't going back to the house well i could go back there just for the money we kept for food so i started to walk to my house when i got there i looked around for the cookie jar i found it and got the money when i did i grabbed me some clothes i like and i walked out of the house well its almost dark and i don't want to be outside now i will wait for tomorrow so i walked back into the house and i went to my room and went to sleep... i woke and and decided i guess i will just live here i don't want to live out side so everyday has been the same thing cleaning making food buying food trying to get a job well at my age its hard since I'm to young but you never know but i finally found one so i can get money for food and clothes

Chapter 3

* 1 week later*

i woke up and i decided to go for a walk it was fall now so i grabbed my coat and got my keys to lock the door once i got outside i felt clam i have always loved nature i never know why i just do same thing with dogs i love them i even found a lost dog and took care of it now i visit him cuz he lives in an ally i might visit him today i named him Max so while i was walking to the ally were Max is i saw Ciel Phantomhive and his butler i forgot his name i hid in a crowd so they wouldn't see me but before i could walk into the crowd he saw me and sighed he walked up to me and said " do you have a place to stay" i said " yea" then he said " not by your self" i looked at the ground and said " oh hmm-" he cut me off saying " you can live with us if you want" i nodded and he started to walk off with his butler following behind him so i just followed the butler time just went by because after a while we were at his hou- mansion i walked behind them when we got inside it was like a maze wow how would i find were to go just then i heard Ciel say " Sebastian will show you your room" i said " okay" and i followed Sebastian up the stairs and around some corners and then we were at some doors then Sebastian said " this is your room and mine is a crossed from yours and the masters is down the hall" i nodded and said " thanks Sebastian" he nodded and before he left he said " i will come get you when dinner is ready" i nodded and he left shutting the door behind him i walked to the bed and sat down well i layed down and i closed my eyes for a bit.. when i opened my eyes to see a dress on the dresser i knew it wasn't there before i also saw a note so i got up and read the note

Dear Yumi

This dress is for you to wear at dinner

from Ciel

when i was done reading it i smiled i put the note down and looked at the dress it was grey and it was knee high and it had sparkles around the waist down and there was also a grey rose around the waist it was really pretty so i got changed into it i walked around in it and it was so easy to move in it then i heard some one knock on the door i said " come in" the door opened and Sebastian came in and said " dinners ready are you" i nodded and followed Sebastian since i had no clue were to go so i continued to follow him when i saw the dinning room i already saw Ciel sitting and waiting he looked up and said " you look pretty in that" i looked down so he didn't see me blushing i said "thanks" i looked and he nodded and i sat down then Sebastian came in and brought the first course - there was steak and mashed potatoes with gravy after that we had desert and it was strawberry ice cream after eating Ciel when to his study when i went back to my room and i found a book and i started to read it i loved reading its like i go into the story my self when i heard a knock on the door i said " come in" i looked up from the book and saw Sebastian he said " young master wants to see you" i nodded and i put the book down and i walked to the study with Sebastian behind me. he is always with Ciel and that there is a strong bond between them oh well. i walked into the study and said " what do you need Ciel" he said " do you want to take a walk with me outside" he wanted to take a walk with me maybe he wants to talk to me about that he saw me looking at him instead of doing my job well i do sorta have a crush on him but not a big one because when he told me about when his betrothed Lizzie died i felt bad for him i said "sure" he got up and grabbed my hand and took me outside while Sebastian stayed inside while we walked we got to a meadow and we sat down and he let go of my hand.

Chapter 4

He sat in front of me and i started to stare into his blue eyes and he stared at mine i think it's been 2 minutes that neither of us said anything then he looked away and i looked down and blushed a little then he said "do you like it here" i was shocked i wonder why he asked i said "why" he said "you always look sad so i thought you miss your own home" i said "not really because there are bad memories there" he nodded and said "we should head back it's almost time for bed" i nodded and started to walk but Ciel grabbed my wrist and i turned toward him and he hugged me i was shocked for a second but i hugged him back before i knew it i was on the ground with Ciel on top of me . we both laughed

Chapter 5

He stood up and held out his hand to me i took it and he pulled me up when i was standing we were really close like lips almost touching i was blushing but i was making sure we didn't see it but he lifted my chin with his hand and i looked at him and he smiled and he leaned in and his lips lightly touched mine and he pulled away and i knew i was probably blushing like crazy he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the mansion when we got back he said "i want to tell you something come by to my study tomorrow after breakfast" i nodded and headed to my room when i go there i went to go have a shower when i was done i got into some pj's after that i got into bed and i fell asleep.

i was in a forest and i was running from a dark shadow i couldn't see it was really dark i saw the end of the forest because i saw light i walked into it and turned around to see Ciel was chasing me..

i woke up and looked at the window and saw it was morning i got up and got dressed into a nice purple dress i walked down stairs and saw everyone already in the dinning room when i walked in they looked at me and said "good morning" i nodded and said "good morning to you guys to" yes i was introduced to Finny, Mey-Rin, Baldo, and Takano and i already know Sebastian and of course Ciel who is the head of the mansion and is the same age as me and i my feelings for him have gotten bigger and I'm afraid what his answer would be but i shouldn't be worried about that...

Chapter 6

I sat down down in front of Ciel and started to eat breakfast... Ciel was done before me so he left to go to his study when i was done i got up and walked to Ciel's study i knocked on the door and he said "come in" i walked in and said "you wanted to talk to me" he said "yes i just wanted to tell you that if you are to go on a walk be careful" i said "why" he said "there is a killer out we are trying to find him" i nodded i know Ciel is the queen's guard dog and i asked "is it okay if i go for a walk i promise to be careful" he nodded and i walked out of the study and walked down the hall and down the stairs and i walked to the door and put on my shoes and cost i walked outside and decided to go to town for a bit so i walked a long way but when i got to the town i just wandered around till i hit the ally were Max was i always visit him when i can and i bring him food or something so walked into the ally and i said "Max come here boy" i waited a couple minutes and he didn't come he always come when i call for him so i just started to leave when i felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me into the ally and before i could scream the person covered my mouth with their hand as they were dragging me i was struggling to get free but nothing was working when we reached the end of the ally and the person pushed me against the wall and was facing me i could tell it was a guy now and i said in a shaking voice " w-what d-do yo-you w-want" he said " you: i said " w-why" he said " you don't need to know" he just smiled at me then he blocked every exit because he blocked me against the wall he put his head near my neck i was about to scream when he put his hand on my mouth again and he said "don't scream you will just make this worse for your self" i nodded and he let go and continued what he was doing when i saw a figure behind the guy i was about to say something but i remember that i should stay quite when they figure got closer i could make out who it was but i wasn't sure if it was but i think its Ciel... Ciel's right eye was glowing red with a cat like line he grabbed the guy by his throat and though him against the wall the guy got up and ran at Ciel with his knife but Ciel jumped and got out of the way then he grabbed the guy again and snapped his neck and he fell down and stopped moving i ran up to Ciel and said "thank you for saving me Ciel but why did your eye change color" he said" no problem and i will tell you when we get home" i nodded and he grabbed my hand and we walked home hand in hand beside each other...

when we got home he took me to his room he said " i will be right back" i nodded i sat on his bed and waited when he came back he sat down beside me and said "ready for me to tell you" i nodded and he started " well i made a contract with Sebastian and it was about my revenge for my parents death and when i got it Sebastian will take my soul so when i did get my revenge something happened and he couldn't take my soul.." then he went on about a guy named Alois and Claude and then everything that happened between them " then he made a contract with Hanna and said that when it was full filed i would wake up as a demon as Alois would get his soul eaten so he can be with his brother Luka" when he was done i looked at him and hugged him he looked at me surprised and hugged me back after a while someone knocked on the door then Sebastian came in saying " its time for bed young master" Ciel nodded and said "if your still shaken up from what happened tonight you may sleep here if you like" i nodded and went to my room to get changed into my pj's when i was done i walked back to Ciel's room when i got there i saw Ciel already getting in bed but he left room for me so i got in and went to sleep... i woke up around midnight and i found out i was snuggling with Ciel i just smiled and fell back to sleep... i woke up to the feeling of someone getting up i opened my eyes and saw Ciel getting up and he looked at me and smiled i smiled back he said "are you still tried or do you want to get up" i said " i should get up i cant sleep all day " i smiled a bit because it's true i cant sleep all day or i will be up all night running around being hyper so i stretched and i got up and walked to my room to change i helped Mey-Rin so i went to go start my day...

Chapter 7

when i was done helping Mey-Rin which was a lot so i was tried but yet i was really active trying to help Finny and Baldo which worked because i helped them get there jobs done we just hung out in the kitchen and we were talking about cats and dogs and if they were to fight who would win i said "dogs would win" then Finny said " but dogs cant climb up trees" i said "true" we all laughed i did miss Raven i hope to see her soon it was summer and there wasn't much going on but all the work we had to do this summer was really boring me maybe i will go for a walk later just around the mansion just so i get some fresh air i do when i help Finny but like a walk in the forest something like that so i thought about it and maybe Ciel would like to go and maybe i could tell him how i feel about him then to but only if he is not busy after dinner i should go find him to see if he is not busy this is hopefully going to work out i cant wait so i started to walk around the mansion to see if i could find Ciel to see is he wanted to take a walk with me after dinner... after a an hour i gave up and also it was because i was lost to maybe it was a bad idea to do this on my own i turned around to go the way i came and i finally found my way to my room and i got my keys to my house because i left my guitar at my old home i learned how to play a song that was my favorite and i learned how to sing it to so i finally got to the house i unlocked it a went up to my and grabbed my guitar case which had my guitar in it and the sheet and lyrics to the song and i walked back after locking the door... when i got back i put my guitar case in my room and walked down stairs knowing it was dinner know and i asked Ciel "do you want to go for a walk if your not busy after dinner" he said "sure" i said "okay" when we were done we got our shoes and coats on then we walked out the door and we started to walk though the forest and i said "the reason why i wanted to take a walk with you is because i have a secret i want to tell you to" he said "what is it"

Chapter 8

i said "well for a while well since i came here i had a crush on someone" he said 'who is it" i said "um his name is Ciel Phantomhive" then Ciel smiled smugly and said "my my, this is a strangely wonderful turn of events" i looked at him and said "w-what do you mean" i didn't mean to stutter i guess i did because maybe he didn't like me back i just looked down i said " I'm sorry i didn't mean to uh-" i was cut off by Ciel saying "why should you be sorry" i said "i uh should go" he looked at me and said "why" i just looked down and ran away well i ran back to the mansion and i took off my shoes and coat and walked up stairs to the room i was staying in which you could call my room and i picked up my guitar and i started to sing and play my favorite song

You've got your secrets locked inside, you've got them hidden so well.
I'm gonna break down all your walls and find out what you won't tell.
I know you think you're gonna slogan up the massive disguise.
Let's go right through into the bullshit, I see all of your lies.

I dropped my guard, you played your card. You dug a hole in my skin!
You cut me deep, then watched me bleed, while you plead your innocence.
Facing your lies, your filthy lies, the truth is here on your face.
You keep in mind that I'm not blind, my memories can't be erased!

Took your love and wasted all of it, on someone who could care less for you.
I give my word, everything I said came directly from my heart, it's true.

Don't think I won't forget the things you've done, don't think you won't regret forbidden fun.
I've drowned my love with you in the sand. Now I know you are the one, who is unforgiven.


You walked me to the gates of heaven, now I'm burning in hell.
Took something pure and true, turned it into something to sell.
Can you live with yourself?!
Be trapped, and think about what you've done!
This is about the game you play, not the game that you've won.

You think you're slick, but here's the trick.
I'll always know more than you know.
You choose your fate, this masquerade is done when you walk out the door.
Don't justify, your bullshit lies. It's so obvious that you're fake.
Who's fooling who? I know the truth. This drama is more than I can take.

Took your love and wasted all of it on someone who could care less for you.
I give my word, everything I said came directly from my heart, it's true.

Don't think I won't forget the things you've done, don't think you won't regret forbidden fun.
I've drowned my love with you in the sand. Now I know you are the one, who is unforgiven.

You had your fun,
With all that was forbidden,
You are the one,
Who is unforgiven.


Took your love and wasted all of it on someone who could care less for you.
I give my word, everything I said came directly from my heart, it's true.

Let it go, just let go. You'll be fine on your own.
Let it go, just let go. You'll be fine on your own.


when i was done i heard clapping and i saw Sebastian...

Chapter 9

i looked up and asked " Sebastian what are you doing here" he said " i heard singing and a guitar playing" i looked and away i always thought i was horrible at it then he asked "were is young master" i said "i don't know why" Sebastian said "just looking for him" then he said "why did you leave him" i said 'oh well um long story" he said "I'm got the time" i told him what happened then he said "so you left knowing he didn't feel the same way as you" i nodded he sighed

Ciel's P.O.V

*flashback before the walk*

"Sebastian come here for a sec" i said and i saw Sebastian come in and he said "yes young master" i said " i want to go for a walk with Yumi" he said "why are you telling me" i said " i want to tell her how i feel" he looked at me and nodded and left to go make dinner "do you want to go for a walk if your not busy after dinner" i heard Yumi say and i said "sure" she said "okay" when we were done we got our shoes and coats on then we walked out the door and we started to walk though the forest then Yumi said "the reason why i wanted to take a walk with you is because i have a secret i want to tell you to" and i said said "what is it" she said "well for a while well since i came here i had a crush on someone" i said 'who is it" she said "um his name is Ciel Phantomhive" then i smiled smugly and said "my my, this is a strangely wonderful turn of events" she looked at me and said "w-what do you mean" i didn't know she liked me to i was going to tell her that i liked her that's why i said that then she said " I'm sorry i didn't mean to uh-" i cut her off by saying "why should you be sorry" she said "i uh should go" i looked at her and said "why" she just looked down and ran away well she ran back to the mansion

*end of flashback*

after a while of me just standing there looking at the ground i decided to start to slowly walk back home when i got there i took of my shoes and coat and walked upstairs to my room when i was Sebastian coming from Yumi's room i looked at him and he followed me to my room then he shut the door when he came in i said "why were you in Yumi's room" he said " just checking to see if she knew where you were and i heard singing and playing of a guitar in her room so i went to go check that out" i nodded and i said " can i tell you something" he nodded and i told what had happened he sighed and said " how about you just tell her you feel the same way?" i said "but i just got her upset i want to tell her im sorry and that i feel the same way" Sebastian said " what if you take her into town and tell her " i nodded and got under the covers to go to sleep before i did i said
"ill do it tomorrow" i saw Sebastian nod and leave then i fell asleep

Chapter 10

Yumi's P.O.V

after Sebastian left i went to go have a shower and then i got my pj's on and got into bed and went to sleep...

i woke up and got dressed and got ready for helping Mey-Rin again today i have to vacuum and dust and empty the dishwasher when i was done i saw Ciel coming down the stairs and he came up to me and said "do you want to go into town with" i said "um sure" we walked to the front door and i got my shoes and other stuff on and he did the same and we walked to the carriage and i let Ciel get in first then i got in and sat in front of Ciel and i said "why is Sebastian not coming" he said " because i wanted to talk to you" i asked "what about" i wonder why though he said " i will tell you when we are walking around in town" i said " so you don't really need anything" he said "ya" i nodded and i started to look out the window watching the everything go by when i felt tapping on my shoulder i turned around and Ciel said "were here" i nodded and got up and followed Ciel out of the carriage we walked out on to the sidewalk and we just went in a random direction...we walked for about i think an hour in silence but it wasn't that awkward silence then Ciel said "the reason why i wanted to take a walk with you is because i want to tell you something" i nodded i don't know what it might be about then he said 'remember our conversation about ow you like me" i said "y-ya why?" he said "well i never got to tell you but i feel the same way" i said "then why did you say that then?" he said "because that was the night i was going to tell you how i felt about you" i said "oh" i looked down trying to hide my embarrassment then he said "lets go home" i nodded and followed him back to the carriage when we got in he said " Yumi would you go out with me?" i said "Yes i would love to" after a couple of minutes we were walking to the front door with our hands together and we were laughing when we got in Sebastian said "welcome home" and that's when my life turned up side down



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

to my friend Raven who has been there for me since this year

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