

I was out for the night with some of my friends all of them thought of me as a freak because i belive in vampires nobody else thinks that. Im soo werid my friends left me soo i was out just by myslef after that i cought sight of someone in the ally. What the hell was this person doing all i saw was someone leaning and it looked like the person was kissing her neck or was it the other way around i dont know but whatever i guess soo i just kept walking and then all of a sudden that person who was kissing the neck turned out to be guy he was infornt of me what did he want wait is that blood on his face okay i think he was drinking her blood okay im creeped out i love vamps but thats just werid. " Hi my name is Travis what is your name" he said. what do i say right he asked for my name okay i said "Hi my name is Karma" what i cant belive i just did that okay so i turned away and somehow he was in fornt of me again and now we are in the ally against the wall what was he going to do to me. I dont know i just hope i can go home to my family i have to take careof my sister and brother because my mom and dad have been fighting so much they left to go get help so im stuck with them for 4 months its only been 2 months so i cant die now i cant i just cant so i did what other 15 year old girl would do i screamed so loud he covered my mouth " dont scream you are only going to make things worse for yourslef loof if i take my hand off your mouth will you promise not to scream" all i could do was nod soo he took off his hand from my mouth i was soo scared i had no clue i guess i could not talk i was soo scred i said nothing " what if i could give you a new life and a gift of something" what did he mean okay what should i say so i said " whot do you mean you can offer me a new life or gift" he did not answer me all he did was leave okay i went home and then i cooked dinner then put them all to bed and me i went to bed. 1 MONTH LATER... i was out again at night and guess who i saw i saw Travis omg what do i do so i made sure he does not see me to late he did omg i wish he never saw me so he came up to me and said "did you make up your mind Karma" what do i say soo i said " yes i guess so but what do you have to do?" Travis said " i will not tell you because you will run away but i will tell you this it will hurt but not alot mabey just for a minute okay". what to say what to say ahh " okay i guess i only have one more month anyways soo sure i guess" soo waht happened next was soo painful i cant explain it was like i was buring what was happening to me then the next thing i know is that im in this room the windows were covered and then randomly they opened and Travis came in " how are you feeling Karma" well i felt thristy is that normal so i said " well uhmm im really thristy for blood is this normal what happened to my family how long have i been out" " well you been out for a other month soo mabey your mom and dad are home now and they have papers out saying your missing then they will think you are dead but as you can see you are already dead by you being a vampire" WAIT WHAT DID HE JUST SAY IM A VAMPIRE NOW IM SCARED NOW REALLY I WANT TO SCREM soo thats what i did then he once again put his hand over my mouth " be quite please becasue all of the hunters will be out tonight looking for us okay so you have ti be quite please i beg you" what do i say right i cant so like i did before i noded and he took his hand off my mouth and i was about to cry when i found out i almost bit him and he hit me well i think it was him and i blacked out... okay im even more thristy then before and now for some reson im in a forest and i smelled something good like blood so i got up and then i got pushed down again what the hell is all i think and he turned me around and its someone who had a stake close to my heart shi i think he is going to kill me i really think that i hope not then i loooked into his eyes all i could was say something about them before i knew it i was leaning into his neck but he did nothing he was just on the ground not moving and then there was someone behind me and said " kill her dont let her kill you just put the stake in her heart then she is done you know that right Mark" what he did was so werid he droped the stake then said "kill me end my life i cant take it with people bossing me around to kill you i cant take it plz just plz end it" what were i to say i think i love him is that normal what happened to uhmm Travis were did he go like hih he just leaveme so this is what i said" well i dont know i will just leave and find my way out okay i did not mean anything im sorry" okay i know huge fail but i did what i said so i started walking when i think Mark but i think it was the other guy oh whatever and he grabed my wrist pushed me to the ground and he was pinning me so i couldnt get up he said"i belive we cant let you do that see we are hunters and we kill your kind okay so since we both are here that means we have to kill you" holy shiz okay im dead like for real this is not cool im going to reget this but i did this to save me and mabey stop this hunger thing and i bit into his wrist and he was crying wow for a guy like him its funny i have no clue what happened next Mark came and tryed to take me off of the guy and Mark had a stake he said " let go or i will do what i was born to do" soo then i let go i felt better not weak i felt strong and then i ran so fast i think they just left me alone okay i had no clue were i was going but i ran up a tree not to close to them or far but in the middle so i can hear and see them when someone moved in the tree like come on im done with these hunter guys but it was Travis omg thank you he is alive and well hemust have been watching me thats okay he was writing something on a peice of paper and gave it to me and it said " Follow me" so i noded and i tryed my best to keep up with him guess he is faster then me when we stoped infornt of this house and he said " this is were we are going to live im glad you are now well fed and i see you almost took half of his life for someone like you thats good" we started to walk closer and we got inside and we walked till we reached a room and he said " this will be your room have a good sleep and hit the botton over on the right side of your bed so you wont burn in the sun" i said " okay uhmm you have a good sleep to and thz for what you said before but why did you hit me when i didnt mean to bite you" okay i hope he doesnt get mad at me." ohh no promblem and uhh thats why you were in the forest i was going to grab you and jump out the window when they came in and i ran im so sorry i did not mean for that to happen. I was looking for you but when i did i thought you were in trouble and i was going to comw and get you but then i saw you bite you better get some sleep i have to teach you alot of things tommorw night" i said " okay" then he left me in the room soo i hit the botton abd now the windows were covered and i went to sleep. " i was in a medow a nice green medow i loved it then it faded away when someone came out it was dark like a ally and it was like i couldnt see and the person was Mark omg what is he doing here he came up to me and gave me a neckle omg it was soo cute i dont know what was i going to give to him when i found a red rose and i gave it to him but he didnt want it so then he left." i woke up at like i dont know and i was cryiong and Travis came in and asked me " what happened are you okay" i said " ya im fine it was just a bad dream no worries im fine i swear it was just a sad bad dream okay you can go back to bed" he said" are you sure you can sleep in my extra bed in my room if you want i wont do anything i promise okay" i said " uhmm then can i just move in cuz there will be no ponit of me having two rooms" he said" okay i dont mind that get your stuff and i will be right outside your door waiting for you okay" i said "okay" was all i could say because i was tremblinf like i just went to a scary movie or something. when i was done getting ready and packed to move into Travis's room. once i got out the door someone i think i rember grabed my wrist and i yelled for help them he cover my mouth with his hand then i saw two other people and one had a stake to someone's heart that someone was Travis omg they were going to kill us and i was freaking out so much i started to cry. then i was alone i had tears in my eyes and i noticed i was already in Travis's room was that him i think i should cheak i got out of the bed and walked over to the other bed and when i was close he moaned something and i said " TRAVIS" he woke up and looked at me and said " what im trying to sleep cant you see that" why was hwe being like this i dont think this is him so i walked away and started to cry i was scared and he shook his head and grabed my wrist and said " Karma are you okay tell me about your dream" wait what just happened oh well after i told him about my dream he looked at me and smiled and said " this uselly happens to vampires if they have an affinity for something or a abillyty mabey you have both i knew you were going to be diffrent then the rest of the vampire world but to find out what it is we would have to do tests " wait im only 15 and im going to saty 15 for the rest of my life and now i might have a ablity or a affinty to who knows what. i said " okay well im still tried but i think i can do it" i think Travis is wat you call my boss or maker or something like that oh well he said"after the testing you can go for a walk but you would have to be back at midnight okay" i said "okay" after i woke up we started doing the tests and stuff for about 3 hours then we were finaly done and my affinatiy is Lightning thats a cool affinatiy after that i went for my walk and then i wet to this club and i thought i saw Mark i think but i went up to him anyways and sat down beside him and said " hi uhmm your Mark rihgt?" im trying to get on his good side and i can never ever should think in my head ever agin he said " ya sorry whats your name i never got it because oh ya im sorry about that its just my brother always yells at me cuz i never killed a vampire so sorry about that again" wow talk about alot of sorry's i said " my name is Karma and its okay and sorry i bit him its kinda confusing with this new life and i guess just intects just kinda took over me i couldnt srop sorry" im an idoit in love witha hunter who might want to kill me but i dont think he will lets hope he wont find out. he said" its okay he needed it and hi Karma its nice to meet you uhmm well i got to go since its almost moring" wait what" what time is it?" he said " its like midnight" danm it " okay same i have to go back to where i live okay well it was nice to talk to you bye" crap Travis is going to kill me or mabey not "okay well bye" we ran out together not really i was faster then him and then i saw him go into this ally so i followed him and i hid behind a grabge bin its gross yes but ya and i saw some other dude and he looked like i saw him before he looked like that guy i saw in the forest oh that must be his brother cool i guess he was the leader of the group because he told alot of people what to do he said " why were you talking to her" Mrak said " i dont know she came up to me" he said " well why didnt you kill her then?" Mark said " because i didnt want to do it in puplic" the his brother looked to where i hid and said "i know your behind there better come out" oh he was talking to me oh crap i got out behind my hiding place and said "how about you come here im just waiting for someone to come by so you know but i alreayd fed yesterday so ya but im thinking about it" he said " Naw i dont want to walk and you should listen to me cuz i can kill you just like a snap of a finger" wow that was what he is sure the leader of this hunting group whatever then he said to Mark "Mark here is your chance get her" then Mark said " no im not going to kill her because she is living" i said " look go ahead im not living im just a vampire who has no soul or beating heart" Marks brother said " see Mark i told you i was right now do it" i should just leave i dont want to get in the middle of this. then Mark said " no your not i was always the smartest one you were picked to be leader becasue your buff and strong but your not as smart as me" i started to sneak away when Mark saw me sneaking away he said " your not going anywere" then his brother came and pinned me to the wall okay i think they are working together to kill me great thats just great how do i get Travis omg i know im going to be dead soon but i dont want to die im just getting used to my new life like ugh i think it is worng to like someone who wants to kill vampires when i am one. i said " plzz dont do this i i i i need to go like the sun will kill me but you know that so i know why your keeping me here but i i i just dont want to die"then Marks brother said " you make a good pet they way your acting so we will keep you but if you decide to not listen to me or Mark or the other hunter's then im going to get Mark to kill you understand" they will prombly never go out to get me something to drink or they will prombly watch me so they know i wont run away or something.then some one jumped out of the bushes and said " leave her alone she is to young take me" wait i knew that voice it was Travis he found me yayayayaya then Marks brother said " how about no" then he pushed me to Mark so now Mark is holding then Mark had rope and tied me up then he put duck tape on my mouth and pushed me to the ground to help his bro and then the brother had a stake and then put it to Travis's heart and i started to cry i hope this was a bad dream that im still in my bed in my home with my family but i knew this was real. I closed my eyes because i knew what Marks brother was going to do then i heard him scream and then all went quite i opened my eyes and Marks brother was dead and Travis was standing over him and Mark was beside me and he was on his phone and i could tell he was calling the rest of the group and i started to strugle so i could help Travis but i couldnt get freee i wanted to scream but i couldnt cuz of the duck tape. After a few mintues Mark was carrying me and all i saw was a bunch of people were around Travis and then he was dead. Mark hen put me in the backseat of his car and he got in the front seat and started to drive after 20 mintues we reached this shed type thing and then he parked the car he got out and came to get me he opened the door and grabed me and like kinda draged me once we got to the door i was sitting on the ground he opened the door and grabed me again. It smelled really bad in here like rotting food or something and i couldnt take it when i passed out.... when i woke up.. i was in this cage and there was like no one around but in the cage there was a bed and everything that would be in a girls bedroom werid i went up to one of the bars to see if i could break it and when i touched the bar and it burned me. I jumped back holding my hand and then i heard someone coming down the staris and it was Mark "I thought you knew vampires cant deal with silver huh i guess he never told you that did he" he was diffrent he is not the same guy i fell in love with mabey he figured it out and he is prombly showing his real side i guess he is playing a game with me i guess i can play at it to i said "well i guess he didnt. he was prombly waiting for the right time to tell me but you know i used to reaad about vampires i guess i forgot about it when i got turned into a vampire" Mark said "oh really well i guess you know now but sis you know that ive found something out from your eyes is that you love me but i tell you dont anymore for how im acting but that is because my brother gave me something and he told me to give some to you to so you can become like us but diffrent . so here have a drink" he handed me the drink and i said " no im not drinking that and becoming like you. just let me go and let me have the life im soupssed to" he said " fine dont drink it then whatever and you know if you didnt follow me this whole thing wouldnt have happen so its your fult that your maker is dead so you can live with the guilt" when he is going to bed im going to break out of here while i was turning around he said " im not going to bed but i will come back out and let you out but if your not back in 4 hours im calling my group and when they find you your dead got" is he stupied i'd be gone by then i said " yea okay whatever" he then walked up staris and didnt come back for 4 hours when he came back i was just sitting on the bed looking at the wall when i heard the cage door open i bolted when i got to the airport i got on a plane to Canada once i was on the plane it took off and we were on our way. After 20 minutes someones phone went off and he noded and got up okay i think this is bad i think i got up and went into the bathroom and locked the door. I got out and sat back down and the guy got up again and went to the bathroom oh good then when we landed i got out and walked to a apartment that was selling a room on the thrid floor so i bought it then i went and bought a car then found this job thing so when i got home i called my house and on the thrid ring my mom answered and said " hello who is this?" i said " heyy mom its me Karama i just wanted to call you because i wanted you to know i was alive and okay and im in london because of something" "OH MY GOD KARMA thank gawd your alive. im happy you called" " i know mom but i have to go to work right now i will talk to you tommorw okay love you" "love you to bye" i hung up and got in my car and went to my new job i was a waittress when i got there my first costermer was perrty nice so when i was writing down his order he said "i think i know you from a day ago or something" i said " uhnn i dont think i ever saw you before sir im sorry" he said"thats okay" i walked away and gave the order to the chef and finshed my shift i went home it was almost moring better go to bed when i was ready for bed i got in and went to sleep.i was in a nice room it was Travis's room and i saw something in his bed wait thats him i walked up and said "hi Travis" i wish i could be here forever becasue when he got up i was goning to cry i missed him. he said" dont cry okay and to teell you this is just a dream and i wanted to see you so i thought i would meet you herebut there is a reason two why i am here its becasue you have to be careful you never. KNow whats going to be out there waiting for you at night okay and it wasnt your fult i died it was my time anyways i lived for over 300 years anways rember they guy from the resturnt?" how did he know mabey he can read minds cool i said "ya i rember why?" he said " well becasue that is one of my friends and the reason he said that he saw you a day ago was because he was helping me and said he'd follow to keep you safe and he lives next door to you on the lleft side okay go say hi and tell him i sent you and he knows im dead but he will know you had a dream like this but rember go at night" i didnt want to leave him i just couldnt. i said" but i miss you and i dont want to leave this dream i just want to stay here, and i rember, i just dont want to wake up and i know it wasnt my fult but it feels like it"he said" i know you dont but you have to go on i will vist you sometimes okay only in dreams of coourse okay dont forget what i said and i know i miss you to" all i could say was " bye i hope i can see you again Travis" . . . I woke up screaming and trembling and crying then i heard a knock on the door i was scared to go down and see who it was but i did it anyways and it was that guy from the restrunt so i answered it and he said "heyy i heard you screaming so i came over to see whats worng" i told him my dream from were i can rember he said " if you want you can live with me if it will make you feel better" and i did so my life was the same going out at night to eat or go to work and sleep during the day i called my mom to and i was careful for Travis and i also talked to my sister, brother, and dad sometimes to and the guys name is Jack. There was a knock on the door i went to go answer it when Jack came out from the kicten and said " dont answer it just go and hide" well he whispered it to me when a voice in my head said "Listen and do what he says he will keep you safe and get you though school and everday do it for me" then i went to my room and hid under my bed when i heard Jack answer the door and then i heard like footsteps running to the kicten then there was a loud scream it reminded me of Travis i was so scared i got out from under the bed and jumped out the window and ran i dont know were i was going i was just running when i got infront of my house i opened the door and went to my moms room and she looked at me and smiled and we both hugged each other i dont know why i came back here i guess i just needed my family i told her everything of what actlly happened i even told her i was vampire she was okay with it i think i told her i lost my maker and my best friend and i lived there all i did at night was sneak around on a the nights i needed to feed. One night when i was out i heard a nosie and i ran when someone grabed my arm and spined me around oh no it was Mark this is when i was scared because i rember when he said that if someone found me i was dead but also i kinda saw something change with him he looked like the guy i did fall in love with but i knew he was faking it when he got rope and duck tape again really agian wow when we got in his car i was scared to what was going to happen to me i didnt even move because i was thinking that if i made a move he might kill me but why does he do this to me the car stoped in the same place before he pulled me out of the car and to the door and he opened it draged me downstairs untied my hands and took off the duck tape and he pushed me in the cage i rembered not to touch it cuz it was made of sliver so i just sat on the bed i was wondering why he was keeping me here. He came down and said "guess we found you well i found but why did i have to get you when you were hunting...?" i didnt answer him i just ingored him i was looking at the wall not him.He said " I can tell that your weak because you havent had any blood so you cant fight me but you can ingore me heyy well i guess thatas how you want it" i said " go away and one thing im not weak okay" then i heard him laugh and he left me and for sure im not drinking what they give me becasue i rember that i'd become like them and im not going to i wont touch it and know i have so much more thinking to do it was a bad thing because i was thinking if i didnt follow Mark Travis would still be alive and i wouldnt be here so it was my fult how could i think it wasnt and now im slowly killing myslef just so i could see him i will... ONE WEEK LATER... i couldnt take it anymore i was soo thristy i knew i was on the edge of dying. When Mark came down with the cup of blood and left it on the floor in my cage and then left i got up off the bed and grabed it and chugged the whole thing okay i know what was going to happen but i didnt care after i drank it i passed out.... When i woke up someone was putting a needle in me and i freaked on the guy and Mark held me down but i didnt stop moving then i heard the dude say " are you sure this is a good idea Mark?" " yes after her maker killed my brother i wanted her to be on our side soo she can see that things dont work with us being together and if she wants us to date this is the only way" "Mark i know that your in charfe now but wouldnt it be easier if you just killed her like look were only doing things to her and its not working because she is dead whatever we use on her wont work" "SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB EMMETT" "oh okay" and i didnt want to hear anymore so i closed my eyes and went to sleep. When i woke up i was back in the cage on the bed and Mark was sitting on a chair as if he knew i was gonna wake up he said "good moring darling" i said " what did you do to me Mark why do you have to do this to me" he said " because if you want to be with me this is how it is" i was on the edge of yelling but i didnt i said " i rather be dead then date you.. your f**king mean and i heard you yell at Emmett i dont know him but still i cant be with you i want to be dead" he said " your wish is my command.. die or live?" i said " i rather die then be with you" he said " okay then let it be" he then presses a button and the wall behind me became a glass wall and the sun was up so this is how he was going to kill me make me burn in the sun great no stake to make it fast then he opened the cage door he said "come out if you want to die fast or stay in there and die slowly" i thought for a mintue then decdied to go out when i got out he laughed and grabed me by the arm and draged me up the stairs once we were outside he grabed a stake out of his pocket and thats when i saw Mark shaking and it looked like he was about to cry but he gave up and put the stake down and said " i cant do it" i looked at him and said " why i thought that was your job" he said "i know but your diffrent i cant do it i i i just cant" mabey he was falling in love with me i think then he grabed me and draged me back inside and took me to the cage and closed the window and put me in the cage and locked the door and left when he came back he had a cup of blood and gave it to me and i drank some and he sad "im sorry for the way i acted will you forgive me?" i said " yes" he came to the cage door and opened it when i walked out he gave me a other cup of blood and sat on the chair and i sat infornt of him on the ground and he said " you can leave" i said " i cant not during the day i will at night" he noded and looked down and i asked " whats worng" he said " i know i always wanted to kill you but i finaly relased that if i killed you i killed my self and i couldnt deal with you being dead" i said " Mark i know you already know this but i love you" he looked up and smiled at me and he got up and sat down beside me and kissed my cheak and i smiled then he turned my head and kissed me gently on the lips and i kissed back. He pulled back and smiled and tilted his head and said " make me like you so we can be together always" i didnt know wat to say or wat i should do but i just smiled and put my lios to his neck and i bit him he screamed in pain and i pulled back and he said " its okay i just never been bit before im fine" i said " i dont want to hurt you" then he said " im fine okay" i noded and did the same thing i did before and bit him this time he didnt scream he was clam and then i stoped i was aifried that i killed him but he was still alive when i saw something in his eyes then before i could bilnk he grabed the stake and jabed it in my heart i felt pain and i was crying he betrayed me then the last thing i saw was Mark crying like he'd done something he didnt want to do when everything went black.....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2012

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