
The Two Love Birds

hi my name is Alicen with no last name and this is about my life of how i moved to a new place and met someone... The First Day... I moved to a new town its called Forks yes i have read twilight but its non-fiction but i wish it was real anyways im 18 and im moving with my mom and dad and im going to Forks high school but not in the middle of the year of course this is the new year 2012 so ya going to school tommorw cant wait to met some friends and more. First Day of school ... i get into my car i start it then when i got to the parking lot i parked and then i walked to the office to get my shudle and map and books then i looked for my first class chemastriy awesome i love that subject when i got there the only seat left was next to a guy great lets hope he is hot ahaha. it was the middle of class when we had to talk to our partners about just five elments and guess what they are i guessed air,fire,water,earth,sprit and i was right my partner just staired at me creppy but okay when the bell rang for second period i looked to see what i had and i had math. After math i had lunch and i met a friend in math her name is Chantal and we sat down at the lucnh table the guy i saw in chemastriy was staring at me and i was kinda crepped but he was actlly hot so i didnt mind it " are you even listening to me Alicen?" Chantal said " oh sorry i i was just never mind what did you say?" i said " oh nothing so you were looking at emmett hey i saw him looking at you to is there something going on. on the first day?" she said i said " no i just think he is kinda hot and he was looking at me all today during chem" then the bell rang for thrid period and i had english my fave subject i also like chem but still so we went our sperate ways she said " i will met you at your car i parked beside you okay" i said " okay" then i went to english we were learning about romio and juliet fun then fourth period came and i had drama for drama we had to do a monaglue then fith period came and i had gym we were just doing warm ups when... He came in i guess we have to classes together im so telling Chantal after and he just sat out? hmm okay when the bell rang for us to leave i like almost ran i was speed walking when i got to my car Chantal was there and i said "guess what Chantal" she said "what is it Alicen" i said" the guy in my chem class is also in my gym class but he sat out" she said " oh really oh my gawd Alicen thats amzing" i said " thanks well i better get home to tell my mom and dad i had a good day and i met you" she said " okay see you tommorw" i said " okay" then i got in my car and drove home thinking "i should wacth twilight,new moon, ecpilse, and read the books after" when i got in the driveway and got out of my car i walked in the house and my mom said " heyy honey how was school" i said "it was great mom i met a friend and her name is Chantal and i like all of my classes even chem and english" she said" thats great dinner will be ready in a half an hour okay honey" i said okay mom" then i went to my room to do some homework i turned on my computer to do my math i needed a calculator soon but for now i will use a online one till i have money to buy one. After i finished my math homework i got called down for dinner i wonder what i am having. I am having steak with mashed potatos and corn and gravy and buns yummy... After Dinner... " Mom im going out to hang with Chantal okay?" i said " Okay honey be home around 10 okay" she said " okay bye mom" then i left and i walked to the park for a short cut because we are metting at the store so i thought short cut though the park when i got to the store Chantal said " want to walk in the forset?" i said " okay" we went to go to the forset and started walking though it when we heard a nosie then we both started running out when we were out of the forset it was 10 and i said " Chantal i have to go home bye see tommorw ok?" she said" okay bye" then i went walking home and i went though the park again when i heard the same nosie i was scared so i just started to speed walking because i was close to where i lived so when i got on my street i heard it again and i was normal walking just instead because i didnt want to show fear i learned that from my dad so when i got infront of my house i went inside and locked the doors just incase. I went up stairs and i turned on my tv and put in twilight to wacth and i went to sleep... I was half awake when i heard something outside my window its only be a hour oh okay i went to go look outside saw nothing turned on my lights nothing in in my room ethier so i turned off the lights and went back to sleep...Next Day... i woke up and had a shower got dressed then i had breakfeast and finshed getting ready for school once i was done i said bye to my mom and dad then i got into my yellow punch buggie and drove to school and saw Chantal talking to someone i got out and said " heyy Chantal" she said " heyy this is Karma" i said " Hi Karma" Karma said "Heyy i just moved here" i said " Awesome you will like it here even though this is my second day here" Karma said" thats good there is nice people every were" Chantal said " Ya me and Alicen are one of them opps Karma this Alicen" Karma said " Heyy Alicen its nice to met you" i said " its nice to meet you to Karma well we better get to first period" Karma and Chantal both said " okay" we all went our spertated ways and i was heading to Chem today we are wacthing a movie about the periotic table fun and beside was Emmett i rember his name now and i was taking notes well everyone was but him he was still looking at me oh well when the bell rang for math i went to my locker to get my stuff then i went to math today we are learning about long divison and long multipcation so i took notes and so was Chantal after the bell rang for lucnh Chantal and me went to our table when we saw Karma we waved her over we ate and talked about what we learned and if Karma was having a good time and she was when it was time for english Karma is in it to so we sat together and i helped her out with what she didnt understand told her that we are learning about romio and juliet and then it was time for fifth period i had gym so i had to leave and of course Emmett was there but sat out again i wonder if he does priavte leasons. When i got to my car Chantal and Karma were talking about guys so i joined in and we got talking about our crushes and i said " i like that Emmett guy" and they both looked at me Chantal knew who he was but i dont think Karma did.. or did she? then Chantal said " omg the guy in your Chem and gym classes?" i said " ya he sits beside me in Chem and always sits out in gym i think he gets priavte leasons" Karma said " i-i-i i got to go bye" me and Chantal said" bye Karma see you tommorw" then Karma was gone and just me and Chantal so i said " doe she know him?" she said " no i dont know really" i said" okay well i better get going to" she said " okay bye see you tommorw" i said " bye and okay" i got into my car then dorve home and i swear someone i think was following me but mabey not oh well when i got on my driveway the car just kept going good then i went inside the house and i went to go do homework when someone knocked on the door so i put my bag by the stairs and i went to answer it when my mom was there and it was Emmett? how did he .. he was the one folowing me and my mom let him in thats when i ran up stairs then my mom called me down and i came down and i said " h-h-h hi " and my mom said " i heard you two sit beside eachother and he came by to ask you something" i said " hi Emmett what do you have to ask me?" he said " I was just wondering if you can help me with Chem i didnt really get it and i saw you writing notes so i thought you would let me copy them?" i said" okay let me go get them do you want some paper?" he said " okay and if its okay can i come up stairs?" i said " sure" he said " thanks" i said " no promblem" we started up the stairs when my mom aksed " do you want something to eat or drink?" he said " no thank you" and kept following me once we were in my room he sat on the bed when i got the paper and a pencil and a hard book to write on and gave him my notes " here ya go" i said. " thanks" he said then he started copying them and i went on my computer to look up songs to listen to when i found this one called " All The Small Things" by blink 182 so i played it and then when Emmett was done i walked him to the door and he said " thank you again" and i said " no promblem anytime" he said " okay bye" and i said " okay bye" then he left and my mom looked at me and said " you like him dont you" i said " yea i do like him" she said " its time for dinner" i said " okay" after dinner i went up stairs and did my homework then i went to bed and had a dream about Emmett and me in chem and he kissed me but that was it i woke up and did the same thing i did every day. when i got to school it was the middle of Chem class when there was a gas leak and we had to go home early and they said they will say when its fixed so when we left i went home. after i got home i told my dad why im home early and he said " okay" i went to my room to sleep for a bit when i woke up i went to my computer and i went to google to look for book stores to get a few books for me to read till i can go back to school and i found one so i put down the adress and thought i will go tommorw. it was dinner time after dinner i was in my room i didnt know i feel asleep when my mom called me down i went down and guess who was sitting on the couch in my house it was Emmett i think im starting to wonder if he is being a little stalkerish on me oh well " hi Emmett" i said. he said " heyy i was wondering do you want to hang out since school is out?" i said " uhh sure" he said " okay want to go to the forest?" i said" okay" when we left it was silent but thats okay when i heard the same noise i heard before when walking in the forest and i jumped and i was thinking ran away run the hell away but thats when Emmett said " its okay your with me nothing can hurt you" i said " o-o-okay" and we kept walking when the nosie got louder and louder i was about to say "Emmett look out" when some guy came in looking at Emmett then me then motioned Emmett to come and he told me " stay here ill be right back" then i said " okay" he walked toward the guy while i was just standing there looking at them trying to hear what they were talking about but i couldnt so i gave up after mabey 10 mins my phone went off as in someone calling me so i answered it and it was Chantal " heyy Chantal guess who im with right now" She said" wait before you tell me i have to tell you something i found out about why Karma acted werid when you said you liked Emmett" i said " okay Chantal tell me what do you know" she said " okay Karma and Emmett are brother and sister, she told me that he was her brother but they are adopted" i said" omg really cuz the weridest thing is im with Emmett in the forest and he is like talking to some random dude" she said " werid cuz im with Karma she told me i could tell you want to talk to her?" i said " okay" i waited then Karma said" heyy im sorry i didnt tell you before" i said " its okay Karma we are still friends" she said " okay thx" i said " no problem" then i heard her whisper to Chantal " should we hang up now?" i didnt hear what she said but i said " heyy Karma i have to go im kinda hanging out with your brother sorry" she said " thats okay Chantal says bye" i said " tell her i said bye to" and we hung up. Just then Emmett says " i have to go will you be able to walk yourslef home?" i said" ya illl be fine" then he left and i went the way we came in and when i got out i kept walking when someone grabed me on my wrist.i was about to turn around and see who it was when the person grabed my other wrist and pushed me back to the forest and kept me walking till i almost fell but this person just made me walk when we got near a cave he/she pushed me in it and came in when i saw it was a guy he didnt look like Emmett he looked almost the same as the guy named James in Twlight this cant be happing to me this is werid when i backed up i ran in to someone else and i turned around it was a girl and she almost looked like Victoria but no wait Twilight is non-fiction they cant be real this is me imaging them i have to read diffrent books and watch diffrent movies for mabey a year okay i thought they were gone when i got out of the cave i started running when i got to the park i started to speed walk when i was on my street i just walked when i was around the corner from my house i ran then when i got in i went to my room since my dad was still up i went to get ready for bed when i was ready for bed i turned off my lights and i had nothing else on i got in my bed and went to sleep... When i woke up someone was knocking on the door and i freaked cuz im not like dressed or my hair is brushed or like i dont have my make up on. I hope its not Emmett if its Karma or Chantal then im okay but a guy oh gawed. my mom yelled and told me " HEY ALICEN ITS EMMETT" oh crap okay breath " OKAY MOM IM JUST GETTING DRESSED AND THAT" oh i really said that out loud oh well and i ran into the bathroom with my make up and clothes and hair brush and thank gawd my tooth brush and toothpaste is already in here so i started getting dressed when i heard footsteps and i knew it was Emmett when i finshed getting dressed i brushed my hair then my teeth then i put my make up on then when i came out he was sitting on my bed and he said " heyy sorry about yesterday i want to make it up to you today" i said " uhh okay Emmett" then he got up and said"do you want to meet my parents" i said " uhmm arnt we just friends?" he said " we are but since i know yours i thought youd like to meet mine?" i said " uhmm i guess" he said" dont worry there nice" i said " okay" and i smiled and he said "you can meet my brothers and sister and my brothers gf" i said " okay" okay im starting to wonder if this is his plan to get me to like like him its kinda working not to much though he said" okay lets go but were not going to my house were going to the forest for a hike and since my brother gf is coming they said i could bring you" i said" wait but were just friends?" he said" yes we have to go now or they are leaving without us " i said " okay let me get my coat" he said " okay" then he went to wait for me outside on my poche when my mom came in and said" okay honey be safe and like have fun and Alicen plzz be good also i think he likes you to" i said" okay mom and MOM and bye mom" she said" i love you" i said" i love you 2" and i left when i got my shoes on i saw his car and he said " we meet them at the front of the forest so we drive and that frist then we walk" i said " uhh okay" when i got in and got my seatblet on it was like five mintues when we got there and i saw like a group of people and i was kinda scared but i didnt show i was thinking mabey a scary movie would work better but okay so he got out and came and opened the door for me and i got out said" thanks" he said " your welcome" he walked in front and i followed him
when i saw the group and i knew that must of been his family and then i knew what was next it was the interducing to the family okay thats scary but okay i guess i can handle it. Emmett said " Alicen this is carlise,edward,esme,roseline,jasper,Karma and edwards gf Chantal" uhmm i knew chantal and karma but okay so i said " hi" thats all i said im pretty sure this was a bad idea of coming here but im here so ya carlise said " hi Alicen its nice to meet you" i said " its nice to meet you to" then he said "its time for the walk lest go" i dont understnad this stuff but me chantal and karma were walking together in the back. after a little while we got near the end and we all got in a group when 3 people came and it was the guy and girl that put me in a cave and left? and a other guy oh well..... then the of the guys said " hi im laurent and this is james and victoria" oh my gawd i was toattly right this is so werid that mabey this is all a dream but it cant be its real it has to be but i guess not carlise said " hi im carlise and this is my family" okay i just got never mind okay well and laurent said "mind if we come with you on your hike?" carlise said "sure" me and chantal and karma were like talking to each other and i said in a whisper " are they like stalkers?" Karma said " i dont know" Chantal said " i feel like they are stalking us" all of us laughed and eveyone looked at us and we stoped laughing and they looked away and we laughed quitely this time and they started walking again and we followed them whlie the three people were behind us and we were talking about how Emmett came to my house when i woke up and how i wasnt ready and how i rushed and ya that was today it was funny when my mom yelled at me that he was here and how he came up staires when i was still in the bathroom best story to tell and when we got to the end of the forest we all go in a group to see who was going to the house with who and chantal was going with edward and carlise was going with esme and jasper was going with roseline and karma and emmett was going with me of course i guess i do get to see his house after all and when we got in his car he said " heyy Alicen i have to tell you something" i said " okay what is it" then he said " Alicen i know your not going to belive me but you have to promise me if i tell you. you wont tell anyone" i said " emmett i promsie i wont tell anyone" he said " okay Alicen im a va..." he got cut off when he pulled up to the driveway i said " emmett?" he looked at me then said " i have to tell you somewhere esle follow me " i said " okay?" he got out and i got out and followed him when we got a far distnce from the house he said " Alicen look im a vampire" what the what okay wait wait wait WHAT this is sooo like a dream i said " wait your a vampire this makes no sense emmett i thought like vampires werent real like twilight, druclu there all fake and somehow twilight came true" he said" wait your talking about that movie Alicen ya there fake and took our names okay this is real life this isnt fake" i said " okay" Emmett said " Alicen i i killed people before" i said " i dont care" he said " how could you not care i could kill you right now if i could" i said" then whats stoping you?" he said" because im a vergieterain i only drink animal blood" i said " really?" he said " ya is true can we hang tommorw? i can show you around the house" i said " okay" then we walked back to the house and he drove me home then my dad was home because my mom went to work when i got home my dad made me dinner then i went upstaris and i got into my pjs and thought wait i was souppsed to go to the book store oh well i will go a other time when i got in my bed... THE NEXT DAY... when i woke up i was so tried i needed a shower and i needed some breakfeast. i got my clothes picked out and had my shower and got dressed and brushed my hair then i went down staris to have breakfeast after breakfeast i went back upstairs to brush my teeth after i did that i went on my computer to go on facebook and youtube to listen to music my mom wasnt home yet well mabey she had to work again today when there was a knock on my bedroom door so i got up and answered it. it was Emmett and i said" hey uhmm just let me log off my computer and get my coat and shoes on and i will be ready okay" he said" okay but first i want to ask you something" i said " okay what do you have to ask me?" i was scared what he was going to ask me he said "Alicen will you be my girlfriend?" uhmm that i hardly know him i dont understand so i said " uhhmm o okay" he said" okay " then he walked down stairs when i got my coat shut my door and walked down with him when i got on my shoes my dad said " where are you going Alice?" i said " dad im going out to Emmett's house and dad you know i like it when i get called Alicen not Alice dad you know that" he said " i know honey i love you be safe " i said " i will dad love you to" then i walked out the door and Emmett followed? when we got to his car he opened my door then closed it then he like ran to his and got in and like drove to his house when we got there he opened my door for me and closed it then he took my hand and lead me to his house when we got inside he walked me to his kicthen and his family was making something to eat... Esme said " hi Alicen its , nice to meet you" i said " its nice to meet you to" Carlise said " hi its nice to meet you" i said " its nice to meet you to" oh geezz how long will this be? Roseline said " hi" i said " hi" Edward said " hi Alicen" i said " hi Edward" Jasper said " hi" i said " hi" and then Karma said" heyy Alicen whats up?" i said " Heyyy Karma not to much you" she said" nothing just chilen" i said" cool" she said" ya" wow big family well i think i lost my voice okay mabey not really but ya. Emmett said " uhmm im going to show you the rest of house okay?" i said " okay" he then took my hand and we walked. After a while he said " this is my room" holy crap he had a nice room i said" nice room" he said" thx" i said" no promblem" when i walked in i saw he didnt have a bed so i said " no bed?" he said" uhmm no well i dont really sleep" wow i said " cool" he said " uhh ya" i looked around more and i thought it was a cool room " soo what do you want to do" he said " uhmm want to see a movie?" i said " sure what movie" he said " how about house on hunted hill?" i said " i heard that was a really scary movie" he said " i know" and he laughed okay then we left to the movie therter to go see the movie once we got into the movie area were the movie starts i was thinking what was i getting myslef into i never watched a sacry movie and now i was im going to have the worst nightmares ever. when the movie started it wasnt that bad it started with a aslym and some crazy doctor that killed his patints and they went crazy and ya then it got to the part were all these people were in a house for this guys wife's brithday and they didnt know any of them and then they got locked in the house and they had top survie the night in the hunted aslym and they get like money something like that and then it got to the part were some chick named Melissa and she had a video camara and was walking down these satrirs and saw like human bones and then she saw a table with lights and that and she put her camara to it and saw three people one video tapping and two opperating on one of the patinets and she put the camara down nothing was there she put it back up and saw them again then they stoped what they were doing and looked up at her and then she heard a nosie and looked away and saw someone standing and it was one of the docters then he came and she scremed and he killed her i jumped and got closer to Emmett. and i saw him smile. okay then when the movie ended i walked out with him and i didnt look back when we got in his car and he started to drive when we got to my house he said " bye have a good sleep" i said " ya i i guess so" i was still sacred when i got out he grabed me and he kissed me and i kissed him back. then he let go and when i got in the house my dad was still up and i said " heyy dad is mom back yet?" he said " no and im starting to worry" i said" dad she will be home soon i hope im going to bed im tried and ya" he said " okay i'll be up soon" i said " okay" i went upstaris and got into my pj's and got into my bed well first i turned off my lights and i fell asleep...i was in a house and it got closed up and i had to survie the night i was sacred and then something came up to me and then i...I woke up and i was tembling my dad came in and asked " whats worng honey" i said" just a bad dream dad im okay" he said " okay are you sure" i said " im sure" he said " okay honey i love you" i said" i love you to dad night" he said " night" when he left i went back to sleep. when i woke up there was someone on the edge of my bed. i said" hi" and i knew it was Emmett he said" heyy" i said"wat are you doing here?" he said " uhmm because i wanted to try something" i said " uhhh can i get dressed first?" he said "ya" and he laughed i got up and went to the bath room and got in the shower after i got out i got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair then when i came out Emmett was right at my door and he was on the phone to someone. When he got off he looked at me and said " im sorry my dad called and he said that he got a call and someone got in a car cash when he went to go see it was your mom" i said " is she alive?. is she okay?" he said " im sorry Alicen she is not okay and no she died" i sat down and looked out my window and i didnt answer the slince dragged on for five mintues when i looked back to Emmett he was gone then i got up and i saw him talking to my dad i went to my back door and snucked out and walked to the forest and found a log and sat on it and i started to cry....its been atleast mabey a hour when still no one came after me to see were i was when i heard something i looked up and it was Chantal she looked sad to i said " whats worng" she said " i heard what happened im so sorry Alicen" and she stared to cry and i brought her down and i hugged her and she hugged me back. after a while Emmett came by and said " uhm your dad is worried about you Alicen he wants you home" uhh i didnt really want to go home i said " im going over to chantal's i i wont be back till 3 mabey 5" he said" well not to be mean but i dont want you to get hurt nethier does your dad he also wants to talk to you" i said " but i dont want to go home right now" he said " chantal go home uhmm i will make sure she calls you" she said " okay" and she was gone. Emmett then grabed me and he draged me to the house were i didnt want to be but he was stronger then me once we were inside he let go and walked out and i walked to were my dad is and he gave me a lecture he said" look honey this is gonna be hard but we can do this i know it will be tuff without mom but we have to find a way to keep moving honey i know you like talking with girls so i thought if you ever want your friend Chantal, or Karma to come over dont ask me just do it i will understand but if you need to talk to me dont be sacred to ask me anything okay honey?" i said " okay i guess so dad" he said " but im going to start calling you Alice" i said " okay dad" and i left to go outside again and i walked back to the forest and back to the log were i was and i just sat there thinking that im making this now my log were i can think or just feel better after a while i got up and started to walk to Chantals house when i saw someone and a other person and then there was blood every were and i freaked and ran to Chantals when i got there she answered the door and let me in we were in her room and i told her " okay this might seem crazy but i saw someone and someone else and then all of a sudden there was like blood on him or her and the person was scareming" she said " thats not crazy dont worry" i said " can i stay the night i dont want to go home right now" she said " yea let me ask my dad" she went downstairs and after a while she came back up and said " yea you can" i said" great" we were in her room when someone was knocking on the door and i was thinking it was Emmett or someone esle i dont know but okay i heard footsteps i didnt like this at all Chantal was on her computer and i was on her laptop i was writing a story and she was doing something when we both jumped at the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door she got up since i was on the bed and she was closer she answered it.. and it was well i wasnt looking so i didnt know i was to busy writing my own story for bookrix ya its a cool website you can read books and you can make a free acount and make our own books or storys so its pretty awesome i email my story to me so i can keep working on it where ever i go as long as i have internet and a computer or laptop when i heard a coughing nosie i looked up and saw who it was and it was Emmett im kinda mad at him right now and he looked at me like he wanted to talk to me alone but he didnt say anything i said " hi" he still didnt say anything i finaly got up and he followed me when we were in the bathroom he said something " heyy im sorry i was just kinda mad i-" i cut him off saying " its okay i know i should've listened to you i was just upset with what happened with my-" he cut me off saying " no you dont have to apolgize im the one who has to i should'nt of hurt you like i did it was hurting me that you were hurt inside and i know what it feels like.. like look at me for an example i cant see my real parnets and you know why i've been living for a long time and there dead" i didnt say anything its like i lost my voice and i couldnt speak i saw the worried look in his eyes when someone koncked on the bathrrom door " heyy guys uhmm im kinda loney can you guys just talk about it in my room i will be to busy i wont be paying attion dont worry" when we came out and walked with Chantal to her room she went back doing whatever she was doing on her computer and i just saved mine and closed it so he didnt see what my story was about he finaly said " Alicen please say something" i still didnt answer.. he then walked out of the room and didnt say were he was going after he left Chantal looked at me with sad eyes came over to me and i knew i could speak i said" i i i couldnt answer i just couldnt i was sacred if i said something he he would yell at me i i im soo sooo sorry that this had to happen here i i im soooo sorry Chantal" she said" its okay but Alicen you should talk to Emmett not me about it tell him why you couldnt answer okay" i said" okay" i then ran out of the house when i saw Emmett i ran up to him and i tapped him on the shoulder when he looked at me he said " what" i said" i i couldnt answer you i was sacred that if i answered you.... you would yell at me i i didnt want you to get mad at me i i im sooooooo sorry Emmett i am im soo sorry i will do anything to make you feel better" he said " look i dont know when you decied to finaly come out here and talk but im not here to do that im going home when you see me again then tell me your sorry" i said" Emmett please i i am sorry please forgive me i i didnt mean not to answer you its just that well when i felt how storng you were and then thats why i didnt answer you Emmett i i cant do this right after my mom died and now this Emmett i i cant do it i cant stand having my heart broken twice in the same day i just cant do -" he then cut me off by kissing me i then kissed him back... he then pulled me away and i was breathing hard i dont know how long we were kissing for but that doesnt matter he took my hand and said " want to sleep at my house tonight?" i said " how about Chantal?" he said " she will be there with Edward trust me" i just noded my head and he said " do you trust me?" i said " yes" he started to run while holding my hand i felt like if i let go then i might die but i know he wouldnt let that happen we were at his house and once we got in we walked to his room he took his hand and put it over my eyes i was confused and he led me in and sat me down on something he took his hand off of my eyes and said" do you like it?" i looked around and i saw what i was sitting on i was sitting on a bed i said " yes i love it" he smriked then he lightly pushed me down and he was on top and i looked at him and i laughed and he laughed someone then knocked on his door then came in it was Jasper... he said " ohh uhmm Esme said that dinner is ready for Alicen and Chantal" Emmett said " okay" and slid off the bed and helped me up and we both went down to the kicten when we saw Chantal and Edward talking at the table we joined in after a while Esme came and gave us some food and left Emmett and Edward left to go talk and it was just me and Chantal and i said " heyy whats up" she said " not to much how about you" i said " not much" she said " cool" i said " ya" after we finshed Edward came and took Chantal and Emmett came and got me we were back in his room and he agin was on top of me when something crashed though his window it was a rock it had a messge on it and it said " Heyy Emmett guess what if you dont do what you promsied then we are coming after you and your little human girlfriend so i suggesst you do it or i will kill her in front of you and you have to watch her die or i can do it the other way around ethier way both of you will die if you dont do it soon i give you a week if its not done by friday then well that will be your promblem and mine to kill you both" After i read it he took it and read it i looked at him thinking what did he have to do then he looked at me and said " we have to go somewhere like far from here i didnt now that this would happen soo soon" he grabed me and i didnt have time to say anthing and we were in his car and on our way to some were... I woke up on a plane and the windows were down i looked at him and he said " its night time you passed out while we were in the car so youve been sleeping for about 4 hours now" i said " really" he said " ya" i then cuddled up with him and fell asleep again when i woke up again we were in a house it was a nice place and then the most part was i got up and looked out side there was a pretty ocean mabey this was a beach house i walked to were the kicthen should be and there was Emmett cooking something he looked at me wondering where we were but i didnt ask i just went to the tv sat down and turned it on to the news " ....Back to you Sally..." " oh hi John its rainy here in Forks and im talking to a dad that seems to wonder where his daughter is now mister what did you say her name was" he said " her name is Alicen shes been gone 5 days now and i know shes not with her friend Chantal or Karma" " okay well i hope you find her she is now on our missing list if any one finds her please call on the number below" -226-990-7894 " and to make sure you know what she looks like here is a picture" I then changed the chanel five days? what no way Emmett sat down beside me and gave me a plate it had eggs and bacon and toast yumm i then began to eat when he said" good moring" i said " good moring" then that was it cuz his phone rang on the exicted moment i was going to ask something then he got up and answered it i didnt here anything i was just watching mtv live fail but whatever after i was done eating i got up and put the dishes in the sink and risened them off then Emmett came back and said " want to see a movie" i said " what movie" he said" how about from dusk till dawn" i said " isnt that like a vampire movie?" he said" what movie do you think?" i said " the princess bride?" he said "a chick flick?" i said " ya " he said " are you sure?" i said " okay fine will go with your idea but im going to buy that movie and im going to watch it" he said " okay lets go" he took my hand and we walked there it was only a 5 mintue walk we got to the movie's and got into our seats once we sat done the movie started as we were watching it i thought why would he want to see this movie? uhmm it was close to the end when the lights went out and all the lights were out and the movie got cut off and we were in complete darkness i felt Emmett's hand tense up and i heard a scream i then got sacred what was going to happen when a spotlight came on and someone was standing on the stage and it was a girl and she said " hi im here looking for someone and his name is Emmett Cullen" i looked at him and then i understand it must be friday oh no and then she saw him and she smiled and jumped down and was infornt of us and grabed me and him and then we were in a cave i think i dont i was tied up and i saw Emmett on the ground tied up i was on a pole and he was on the ground werid but okay when she came i noticed he was sitting on a chair and she had a knife to my neck what was she going to do...Emmett said " wait dont do it.. it was my fult okay not hers leave her alone let her go take me" the chick said " uhmm well no you got her in this now its both of you that die.. but she is first" Emmett said " no let her go" she said " NO" then in a flash she was in fornt of Emmett and said " do you want to make her watch you die?" he said " i dont want her here thats what i want" she said " well then you watch her die" he said " i cant i please" she said" oh well" then she was infornt of me and she took out the knife again and had the tip at my neck when Emmett broke the chair and he was standing and ran up to me and the girl he threw her and untied me and said " run get out of here" i said " im not leaving without you" he said"you have to Alicen please i will come out if i dont keep runing okay" i said " okay" and i started to run when i got out i didnt know were to go i was crying so hard i had no idea where we were but i ran straight and i ran into someone i looked up and it was Jasper.. he said " what happened" i said " well me and Emmett went to a movie and then some chick came and took us and now her and Emmett are fighting he told me to run and i dont know were to go i dont even know where i am" he said" were is he now?" i said " in a cave i i forget where though i i hope he is okay" he said " he will im going to go help him stay here uhmm im going to go find him and help him" i said" im done waiting im comeing with you" he said "no" i said " please" then he just left and i just followed him when i got back to the cave i saw Emmett and the chick fighting when i saw Jasper with them to and i didnt know what to do i just watched when the chick got free she came over to me and Emmett looked at me then her when she put her hand around my neck and like my feet werent touching the ground anymore and i couldnt breathe i was clawing at he hand but made no scrathes when she got knocked down i fell and every time i took in air it hurt so much i thought i was gonna cry but i didnt she was infront of me and kneld beside me and grabed my neck again and i could feel her breath on my neck and then i felt a sharp pain in my neck and she droped me and left and everything was blurry and i was in so much pain i felt like i was on fire and i was going to die in a fire and it was burning the inside of me i dont know when or how long i was out or in this unbearable pain when i woke up on a bed in a room i have no clue were i was... when i heard someone open the door to the room he looked fimlar but i just couldnt place it... i dont know what happened or anything i forget everything...the guy in the room said " Alicen do you rember anything?" i said " no" he said " my name is Emmett" i said " what happened" he said " uhmm its a long story but to give you the short version you got bite by uhmm Willow" i said" soo how does that make me forget" he said " uhmm i dont know but uhmm your a vampire now" i said " what?" he said " im one to but me and my family only drink animal blood we can teach you or help you do that to" i said " so wait i cant sleep and now i have to drink blood to live" he said "yes" i said " i i want this to be a dream" he said " im sorry" then he grabed my hand and said " are you ready" i said "for" he said " your first hunt" i said" animals?" he said " yes" i just noded my head and we jumped from his window when i found out that the house was like all windows and glass and a forest for a backyard it was soo cool when we got near this place i felt Emmett's hand tighten and i looked at him and he was tense when i heard a branch break i tried to make him let go of me but he didnt when a person came by and saw us but walked away then once the person was gone and Emmett let go and said " uhmm lets keep going" i said " okay" we kept walking and when he stoped agian and said " this one is for you " i just followed the animal and when i saw the kind of animal was a bear... i punced on it and i sucked its blood...after i was done we walked back to the house... when we got back there was a group of people that looked the same almost they all had pale skin i looked at Emmett and then back to the group of people i was confused then one of the boys or guys walked up and said " hi Alicen how are you feeling" i looked at him again he had blonde hair looked like a doctor so i said " im good" he said " thats good do you have any memory of what happened?" why does everyone keep asking me that? i said " uhmm no" he looked at me then came closer and looked at me then noded at Emmett and then the blonde doctor said " im Carlise and this is Esme,Edward,Jasper,Roseline,Karma and i see you meet Emmett already" i said " hi" then Emmett took my hand and took me to a room and he said " this is my room" i said " cool" and we where hanging when i saw a computer i said " uhmm can i use it?" he looked at me and saw me looking at the computer he said" yea go ahead" i went on it then i went to this movie site and looked up "vampires suck" when i found it i looked to where i could find were i could buy it and it said " you can buy this movie at white oaks mall in the cinmea 1" i worte down the adress and how to get there then i closed it and i put the adress on the desk and left it i went to go sit beside Emmett and he said " want to watch panic room?" i said " sure" he put the movie in and we sat down on the couch he had and i cuddle with him and he put his arm around me and we were watching the movie when i saw something but i was like not in the room i was somewere else and i saw someone and he was coming toward some girl and then i was back in the room and i was with Emmett i didnt tell him. when the movie was done Emmett said " want to go for a walk around your new school?" i said " sure wait my new school?" he said " yea" i said " uhmm okay" then we headed down staris for the door once we were outside we took like i think the long way because it had been an hour already and we where still walking once we go to this clearing i saw this high school and i was still walking with Emmett once we got there he said " i have to go sigh you up" i looked at him and he siad " yep you have to go to school dont worry ill be with you but you have to come with me to sign you up" i said " okay" we walked to the office and there was a girl and she had black hair and blue eyes she was skinny and Emmett sat me down on a chair and the girl looked up and saw me then looked at Emmett and he said " uhmm im here to sign her up for school" she noded and got the paper and said " uhmm she can take any of the classes on this sheet that still have space okay" he noded and took the papers came back to me and gave them to me and said " pick 4 classes" i said " okay wicth one are you in?" he said " im in Chemstriy and Gym" i looked at those ones piced them and looked and saw English and Math so i picked all of those and he took them and gave them to the lady and she gave him a map and shudle and text books for the claseses im in then he took them and gave them to me and we left we were back at the house when he said " you start tommorw okay" i said " okay" and we wacthed half of the movies he had then it was time for school...i was getting into these nice pair of skinny jeans and a nice tee shirt that was black and white...we got in Emmett's car we as in me Emmett and Karma and drove to school Emmett in the driver seat me in the passnger seat and Karma in the back.. we got to the school and he parked the car and we got out and everyone was staring at us i was confused and he just took my hand and walked to our first class i was sitting beside him and we were watching a movie called Dante's Peek it was a good movie when the bell rang the teacher said " we will contiune watching this tommorw" we all left and i went to math and i sat beside a girl and i said " hi there" she said " heyy Alicen i heard that you got hurt and you forget somethings so to help you rember im Chantal" i said " oh heyy Chantal" then the teacher walked in was was talking when the bell rang it was lunch i sat with Emmett Karma Jasper Rosealin Edward and Chantal well Chantal was eating but we didnt eat... when the bell rang for thrid peroid me and Karma went to english then the bell rang for last period and i headed to gym and saw Emmett siting out and i went to him and said " do you always sit out?" he said " depends what they are playing today they are playing soccor" i said " can i play it i like soccor" he said " ya" i went to go stand with the other people then the teacher came in and started to talk about soccor and how to play it was boys vs girls and i was goalie damn i wanted to be felid but i guess not when we started to play i had blocked every shot when the bell rang after that i helped the teacher clean up the gym then i went in the change rooms and changed into my other clothes when i came out it was somehow sunny out and Emmett looked at me and came towards me and was tense i dont know why then when we got to the car he drove fast.when we got the the house we went inside and everyone was there talking and Carlise said " this cant be happing it cant be sunny not just randomly" then Jasper " said i dont know ethier " and everyone agreed i was still comfused when Emmett took my hand and we headed to his room and he said " we cant be in sunlight" i said " why?" he said " uhmm we sparkle" i said " really?" he said " ya" i said " cool uhmm why do we have to hide that we are vampires?" he said " uhmm i dont you would have to ask Carlise that" i said " okay" and we headed back downstaris and Carlise said " we have to move to a new place" Edward said " why what about Chantal" and Carlise said " you have to leave her or bring her with you" Edward said" can i bring her" and Carlise said " sure. okay everyone start packing and Edward call Chantal and tell her" Edward noded and left me and Emmett went upstaris and started to pack when we were done we went downstaris and everyone was done but Edward wanst here prombly getting Chantal. when we left we were in sperate cars when we got to this new place called Canada. we went to this forest i guess and we found this house and moved in it and we picked our rooms i wanted to share one with Emmett and so i did... A WEEK LATER... Emmett went out and me and jasper were talking when we got close to each other then Emmett came in and saw and walked up to me and Jasper went to stand by the door and Emmett said " what do you think you were doing Alice" i said " i didnt mean to i swear Emmett" he said " no not this time im done" then i spaced out " Emmett left after the fight and never came back...... I saw this place there were people in cloaks and one stood up and went to him and killed him" i snaped out of it after while Emmett looked confused and i said " Emmett wait dont" he said " dont what" i said " i saw something" he said " what did you see" i said" after the fight you left and went to this place and someone in a cloak killed you" he said " wait so you saw like me and that person" i said" yes" he said " Alicen you can see the future or well like people making dession and mine was to go to the voltira and kill myslef" i looked at him and i sat down he sat beside me and said" thats amazing wow you are a specil vampire like Edward and Jasper" i said " what can they do?" he said " Edward can read peoples mind but Chantal and Jasper can feel what people feel or change there emotion" i looked at him and said " what can you do..." he said " me and Carlise and Esme,Roseline,and Karma dont have speacil abllitys" i said " do you wish you did?" he said" ya" i said" if you could what would you like to have?" he said " well i dont know really" and then Jasper left and Emmett said " im sorry" i said " no im sorry" he took my hand and got on one knee and he said" Alicen will you marry me" i said " yes" he out the ring on my hand and the ring was like shinning in the light it was soo pretty. I think it was been an hour since ive been looking at the ring i dont know for sure when Emmett snaped me out of it by kissing me and i kissed him back when someone knocked on the door... and it was Jasper and he said " uhmm were going out do you want to come with us" Emmett said "do you want to Alicen" i said " uhmm i dont care" Emmett said " uhmm we will stay" and Jasper noded and left and shut the door behind him and me and Emmett both laughed. Then i layed down on the couch when Emmett went out to go get more movies for us to watch when someone knocked and it was Edward he came in and said " were is Emmett" i said " he went to go get some movies why" i sat up and he said " okay when did he leave?" i said " like a hour ago why" he said "Carlise and me and Jasper are looking for him?" i said " why" he said " uhmm we cant tell you" i said "okay" he left and shut the door and made me think why would they want him so i jumped out the window and went to the movie store and i walked in and saw Emmett looking at some movies i walked to him and said " heyy" he turned around and said " heyy whats up?" i said " well uhmm Carlise, Jasper and Edward are looking for you" he said " for what reason" i said " i dont know Edward said they cant tell me" he said " oh " i said " ya" i saw something in his eyes like he was upset or something i asked " whats worng" he said " nothing go home ill be back in like a few minutes im going to go buy these okay" i said " okay" and i left when i got back to the house i went inside and i saw everyone in a group but i just kept walking when Karma called me over so i came over and they were watching the news about my dad i just left cuz i thought it would be the some so i left and started to walk outside so i can see him when i got outside Emmett came home when he got up to me he said " were are you going" i said " to see my dad" he said " not right now okay" i just noded and followed him back inside when we got up to the room Edward came and said something to Emmett and he noded and said " ill be right back" i noded and he left with him and i was again left in the room and i just looked at the ring... i think its been at least 2 hours since Emmett was gone and i was on the computer on this site called bookrix and reading a book on it it was a good book i thought about making my own sometime when someone came in i was into the book i thought it was Emmett when someone grabed my shoulder and turned me to look at them when i did it was the guy that looked like James i dont know if thats his real name but im just going to call him that when he grabed me and jumped out the window with me and took me somewhere when we got to this place i saw the two other look a likes and one left and she had a piece of paper when she got back all three of them tied me up and sat me down on the ground and eww just saying it stinks in there like rotten garbage or food or meaningless fleash i think i dont know ... " Emmett came and saved me but instead he got killed because it was just him he needed help but he didnt bring any" when i snaped out of it i saw Emmett come well funny but he was alone i looked at him and said " get help now" he looked at me and knew that i saw something bad happen he noded and left and came back with Edward,Jasper and Carlise and they only got the boys the girl ran away chicken. when Emmett came to me and helped me up and untied me and we walked out of there together. When we got to the house i got thinking about what had just happened i was aboutto ask when Emmett tensed and took off like ran away i turned around and there was nothing when i looked infornt of me there was a wolf like a big wolf i was confused when the wolf grolwed at me then i ran and it followed me the wolf was like black i was sacred but it stoped chasing me and walked away i just stood there wondering why there was a wolf here but i kept walking when i found out there were more wolves mabey 5 or more i couldnt count when they made a cricle around me i dont know why i never bothered them when my instinct told me to run and i did and when i got to the house everyone was packed i looked around then i went upstaris and there was Emmett packing and i said " were are we going now?" he said " back to forks" i said "why" he said " you know you saw them right" i noded and helped him pack and we were on our way home. when we got back we went to the same rooms we had before and unpacked. after that i went outside for a walk in the forset when i found this log i sat on it and then i saw someone and i looked around and it was just a police officer and he said " you should go home its not safe in this forest" i said " why" he said " there has been kills from bears" i said " okay" and i left i went back to the house then i turned around and started to walk to Chantal's house when i got there i knocked on the door and she answered and said "heyy " i said " heyy do you wanna hang out" she said "sure just let me get dressed you can come in" i said "okay" and i came in and went to her room and she went to the bathroom i sat in her room when she came out she said "okay ready" i said" okay lets go to the mall"she said "alright" we left and took the bus and when we got there we went to all stores and bought alot of clothes then Chantal got hungry so we went to the food court so she could get something to eat once she got her food we sat down and i said " i have to tell you alot of stuff okay" she said "okay im listening" i said " well i have this ability to see the futuer like visions or see the dissions people make and guess what" she said " what" i said " me and Emmett are married see" i showed her the ring and she said "wow" i said " i know right" she said " want to watch a movie at my place?" i said " sure" and we went back to her house and we watched teaxs chainsaw masacuer ya it was a good movie when someone knocked on her door we both looked at each other and we didnt get up but then i got up and hid behind the door she hid in her closet and i opened the door and it was just Edward and Emmetti thought about sacring them and when i jumped out from the door yea you can tell i didnt sacre them cuz of edward but Chantal got all of us because i forgot she was in her closet it was the best night of my life. When me and Chantal said bye i walked home with Emmett. Edward was staying with Chantal, i was holding Emmett's hand when we were walking, i heard a nosie and i tensed up and he looked at me and said " its nothing dont worry" i said " okay" when we got to the forest when i heard a howling nosie okay i know scary movies still freak me out but as long as im with Emmett i feel a littlle better cuz i know he will protect me from danger when we got to the house all of the cullen's were there but Edward of course and they looked at me i was confused when Emmett took me up stairs and i said " why are the looking at me" he said " cuz you heard the howling right" i said " yes" he said " they always come here for a fight and they looked at you cuz you never got taght how to fight so they want you to stay here" i noded and he left and i sat on the couch and i was lying on it and i could hear everything going on when i blacked out " emmett and the rest of the family were fighting and carlise and esme died and the fight ended" i was running down the staris when i saw Emmett at the door frowning at me and i said " Emmett i had a vison and Carlise and Esme die you have to go help them" he looked at me and noded and went outside and shut the door and i went to the living room and turned on the tv and watched the news. they came back in and they looked at me and smiled and walked away Emmett came and sat beside me and said " this is going to be fun" i said " what is going to be fun" he said " our life story" i laughed and he laughed and we walked hand in hand.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2012

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