
When I was walking to High School with my friend Dally and I was worried life has been different since i met him and I don't know why but I hope i find out soon. After school I asked Dally if he wanted to come over and he said "Sure Amy But We should do our homework first before we do some fun stuff okay?." wow see he makes me feel different then the other guys i had as friends its like we are like perfect but then he told me he doesn't like dating so i respect that but still he has Emo hair but its brown and blueish greenish eyes and is "5" foot "2" and is a super hottie "Uhh sure we can do that." me i have long black hair with ice blue eyes and I'm "5" foot "2" and there is something else but i don't know what it is and it scares me i told Dally about it and he thinks its my mind making it up but i know there is something or someone growing inside of me. When we got to my place i went to the kitchen to get some food so we can eat while working on our homework and after i got it ready i put it on the table with our homework and i put on the news since there really was nothing to watch i mean listen to so i put that on and then Dally and me started to do homework it was funny because he was like stuffing his face with the sandwicths i made and after we done our homework we went for a walk and i had a felling he had to tell me something soo i waited but he never said anything and i always knew he had something to tell me when he acts like this soo i just kept waiting and finly i got tired of the silince and i said" soo were do you want to go?" he didnt answer me and i stoped and he truned around and said " What can't we have a nice walk together without stoping and asking questions all the time?" wow he never acted like this before i missed my dog Sodapop he was my best friend but one day i left him home so i could go to school and then i saw blood and i followed the trail and i saw him dead and ya " uhmm okay" thats all i said and it went back to silince and then he stoped and i looked at him and he said" its time i tell you something i know you might run but if you do i will come find you" " okay what do you have to tell me?" " okay but you won't like it i-i'm a vampire" and thats when i ran and when i got home i locked all of my doors and grabed what i needed and left and then i went to my parents house in london ontrio in canada and when i got there i knew he would find me by tracking my secnt but i didnt know i loveed a vampire and i dont know what to do now and now i know why he didnt like dating unless it was his own kind huh i never thought about it till now " OH MY GOD AMY!!!" "MOM" " Amy i missed you how come you left to go live with your grandma?" " because there was a guy there and i liked him" " how come your back then?" i didnt know why i ran from him i just did i coldnt tell her soo i just went to my room and put everything away and then called one of my best friends and she was the only i could trust to talk and then we met and we had lucnh and what i missed at school but i didnt miss much cuz i was in school anyways i was happy to see all of my friends again then i went home and i saw a car in the drive way i thought it would be him but i walked in anyways thank god because it was just one of my moms and dads friends so i went up starits to wake my dad up but he wanst there i went to go get my mom from the basement she wasnt there i went to go say hi to him and he was on the counch wacthing tv so i just went to go sit in the aarm chair and he said " were is your mom and dad?" " i dont know why?" and he took off the hood he was wearing to cover his face and thats when i saw him and i was running when he cought me and trapped me against the wall and i was sacred and its like he could tell " Amy don't be sacred i won't hurt you okay just listen please?" holy crap do i trust him after he kept the screct since like i was 14 and now im 15 and he kept it for a year thats not fair i dont think i should but i did any ways so i just nodded and he said " okay good now i want you to stay here for a while with me because you are being tracked down my my brother because im not suppsed to be friends or for the matter hanging or dating humans but i broke the law and now he told my kind and now they are after both of us unless i change you but i can't do that because i don't want you to lose your human life like i did okay just trust me okay for a 1 year then they have to leave us alone cuz it would be no use okay?" i didnt know what to say i really didnt should i trust him for a year to i dont think i should but i do like him so i said " sure but do i have to leave here because i just got back?" "yes you do im sorry but we do cuz they know that you live here and they aleady killed your mom and dad im soo sorry i got you into this mess i guess i was stupied and when i saw you come into the school i thought to my slef she could be the one and i guess you are but still i got you here and now your parents are dead becasue of me im so sorry but i have to portcet you no matter what happens to me atleast i would know your safe even if i died" i didnt like how that sounded i didnt want him to die because of me no that wont happen so i saisd " Dont say that Dally please i know what your talking about but still dont say that your going to die for me i will help you if you get hurt no matter i have to do to keep both of us alive" " holy crap now i see why i liked you so much when i saw you Amy now are you sure you about that because to heal me-" i cut him off by saying" yes Dally im sure" " okay then" then Dally took me by surpise he kissed me and i kissed him back it was like a passointe one and i liked it for the first time ever i had my first kiss with a vampire and he was the guy i had a chrush on him then he broke away and i was breathing hard and he said "' are you sure now and are you sacred of me?" " no i will never be scared of you Dally and yes im still sure and i-" he cut me off with a other kiss omg i think i love him more then i did i think he loves me to omg im soo happy then he broke the kiss and said " go get what you need before we leave for the country side i know they wont go there soo we should be safe for a yeaer there" "okay" and he went to go to sit on the coucnh again i went up sarits to pack and i came back down he was gone and then i saw something moving in the kicthen and i went there and i saw someone i didnt know so i said " uhmm why are you hear and what do you want?" the person turned around and it was a guy and he said " oh its you good now that your here and Dally itsnt oh may i say im his brother Stark anyways Amy" thats when i once again got trapped aganist the wall and with a movement i didnt see i was in a car with my stuff in the back and then i heard the door close and it was Dally i was about to ask what happened when Satrk came out and ripped my door opened and took me and ran i could tell that Satrk was faster then Dally and then i was in a ally and there were more people and Stark though me to them and then they ran to this place and then i was in a basement with my stuff and i was locked down there and i didnt know what was going on then i saw Dally chained up and i ran over to him and he was i think crying? and i untied him and he fell to the ground and i was sacred was he dead no woldnt he be in dust i tried waking him up he didnt thats when i got the idea i found a shap thing and cut my slef and put my wrist to his nose and then he woke up and he bit me it hurt yes but i knew he was alive then he stoped and looked at me and said " why did you do that?" " i did it because i thought you were dead but then ya your welcome i just saved your life" " well thanks and were are we?" " i dont know Dally i dont want to die and ugh" i turned around and he cought my wrist and he kissed me and evrything seemed to disapear and then i feel down screaming in pain i didnt know what was going on then Dally kenlt down and said" oh no Amy fight it just try please come on" and when i didnt stop screaming he was crying hard and it looked like he didnt know what to do and then he bent down to my neck what is doing and he bit my neck and i screaming in pain again cuz it hurt so much then it was like the pain going away then i past out......... When i woke up i didnt open my eyes but i heard Dally talking to someone " Dally i dont know but i see why you did it but i dont know if she will wake up human" " But Sandy i didnt want her to have the life i do Sandy you have to do something please" "Dally clam down look i could try but if she is awake then there is no turning her back into human" "OH GOD AMY!!!" "Dally stop it just wait 10 mins if she wakes up then there is nothing we can do and if she is still sleeping then i might can get the venom out before it reaches the heart but i dont know if it will work" "Sandy Please cheak " " Dally come on 10 mins okay" " Fine Sandy but im staying till then" "Okay you do that Dally just be careful okay" "okay" okay what after 5 mins later i thought about opening my eyes then when i did Dally was crying and i didnt know what to do i sat up and he snaped his head up and said " oh no what did i do to you Amy im soo sorry i didnt mean for you to have the same life as me i just i just i dont know how i can make it up to you. you can be angry at me if you want i do understand if you are mad at me" " omg Dally im not mad its that why did you bit me on my neck again???" " i-i thought i could stop the venom but i guess i could im soo sorry please forgive me" "Dally stop it oky i just told you im not mad and i do forgive you now are we still in the basement?" " uhmm no we are at my moms she understands everything and she said she would keep us here" "Why did you call her Sandy?" " oh no she is the vampire doctor so ya " " oh okay i wanna go im hungry" " oh crap i forgot okay lets go okay but i have to help you because you might not be eable to stop you would prombly kill like 6 people but you only need one a week" " Wait what i have to kill people no way i wont" " Look Amy if you dont then you would die then i wont be albe to see you and you wont be able to see me would you want that or would you want to live?" " i-i love you i dont want to live without you i just cant" " then we go hunting okay?" " fine but im not going to like killing people" " okay" when we left to go i smelt something good and i followed it and Dally followed i guess to make sure i dont kill a cop or a person near a cop but i kept following the secnt when i found the boy i walked up to him and said hi and i kept walking for some reason he was following me when i go to the ally i trapped him against the wall and bit his neck then when i drained him dry Dally said " good job and lets go before someone sees us" " okay" then we went home and then i was following Dally and then someone grabed me and then draged me somewere then we were in side and he had me on a bed and then he walked away when i tryed to sit up he push me down then when i saw his face it was Dally oh he wanted to play this game when i sat up again and before he pushed me i grabed him and trapped him on the bed and i started to laugh and then he did to then he kissed me and filpped me over again it was a fight to who traped who when someone came in and he was on top rolled off and he said " hi Sandy" " Heyy how is it going?" " good" " could you try to keep it down please i have a patinent down startis and i can hear you guys from up here" " oh my bad" and he started to laugh agiain and walked up to her huged her and wishpered something to her prombley like get out please then he came back to me and i filped him over and kissed him again and then he kissed me back then someone cleared there thoart and then i turned around and it was his brother Stark and he was upset Dally got up and walked out of the room with him and i was waiting on the bed just thinking about what his brother saw even if we were kissing we couldve had sex then that would be every werid if he came in then when Dally came back he kissed me and left i was wondering why so i left to go to the living room to wacth tv then 7 hours later i fell asleep on the counh when Dally came home he picked me up and he layed me on the bed and tucked me in then got in the bed be side me and then when i woke up i heard the tv and when i walked in to were the tv was i saw Dally and then i walked up sat down beside him and said " good morring" ' good morring how did you sleep" " i had a good one and i dreamed about you Dally " " oh really now" " ya" and i knew i couldnt blush but it felt like i did. when we went for a walk we ran into Stark and he kept walking like we were not there i was about to ask what happened to him when i felt something hit me and i passed out......after i woke up i was in a diffrent room on a diffrent bed and the frist thing i noticed was i wasnt alone there was someone i rembered but i think he was my friend i dont know so after i sat up i was pushed back down by the guy and i said "What are you doing? and who are you? were am i?" " its me dally ,amy what happend to you, you just went out did someone hit you?" dally did i know a dally i dont think soo okay werid so i said "uhmm i dont know i felt something hit me in the back thats all i reamber" i think i might rember who hit me but i dont know " uhmm okay but we got to go are you sure u dont rember what the person looked liked?" uhmm i dont know if i should say something " uhm well he had blonde hair and i didnt seee his eyes but it was guy and he was strong and pale like you" "shit okay thats my older brother Stark" what i rember now dally is a vampire so is stark what so that just leaves me with were am i? okay " okay but Dally were am i?" shit did i really just say that then i am over my head or something " your in my house just relex when i get you something to eat okay and please stay here becuse this is a big house it will be hard to find you okay" " sure dally i will stay" " thanks amy" then he left okay so i know e told me to stay and i said i would stay but when he said it was a big house i have to go looking around so i got up and left when i smelt something good like soup but it had something else i think mabey bood so i followed the smell and saw dally making soup yumm i walked up in the kicthen and sat in a chair and he looked at me and smiled and got back to work on the soup yummy im hungry when will it be ready gezz i cant wait yummy nom i dont know " Amy?" i didnt know i fell asleep " wha-t ohh srry" " its okay go back to the room its just across from here and i will bring the blood soup to you okay?" "umm okay sure dally" i walked back to the room and then i saw something i didnt know if i should run or scream so i ran back into the kicthen were dally is and then someone had him in a choke lock and i freaked out i coould tell he wanted to tell me to calm down but i couldnt i dont want him to die so i stared backing away when i backed into someone and i think it was a guy i dont know but he grabed me and i tried kicking him in the nuts but it failed and then he draged me away from dally i was sacred so much i started to cry what if he kills me or worse if the other guy kills dally oh god kill me not him please god please i beg you not him " Stop crying your giving me a headache fuck" i didnt say anything i was to scared but i did stop crying and then he let me go but then locked the door and the window somehow so i cant get out i dont know but i want Dally to be okay please ugh im bored this sucks i think its been 2 days i been locked up with the Mr.Random but i rembered i had a cell phone so when i got it out the dude snapped his head up from reading and he said " give it to me now!!!" " its dead i cant use it see" i truned it off so he wont know and then he went back to reading i turned my phone on and i was texting my friend then when he looked i just put it back in my pocket and i asked him" how much longer do we have to stay in here cuz im hungry" "danmit fine but im following u though so no funny bussiness" " fine" then i said under my breath " i hate you" oops so i when i walked out of the door i heard someone yelling from down the hall so i started to walk that way when he said " were do u think your goin missy" " to the bathroom" god like come on so when i kept walking i saw the room were the yelling came from i walked in and there i saw Dally on the bed and some other dude like htting him something like that and when i came in dally got up so fast it was a blur and he took my hand and ran i dont know why he couldnt do that before but okay so he kept running then we got in a ally and he hid me behind a garbge bin and then he left me alone in the dark ally behind the garbge bin and it sitnks mabey he is going to go kill them and left me here so they wont smell me?. Then i heard yelling so i got up to go find the person but when i walked out of the ally someone like grabed me and draged me somewere and when he droped me on the ground it was soft it was a bed what " uhmm were am i who are you and weres dally what did you do to him?" i said " holy crap slow down i will answer your questions in the mornig so have a shower because you stink and then get into this" he said i looked at what he threw me and it was one of his tee shirts and then he ponited to where the shower was and i had the shower and put on the shirt and when i came out he was gone i went to the kicthen but he wasnt there hmm okay i went back to the bedroom and then i saw the dude with blood on his mouth and shrit i was sacred is that what he was going to do to me omfg " uhmm exuse me i have a question?" i said " what is it" he said " whats your name?" okay he should answer that because then i dont have to say i dont know " its cody" he said.he is pertty cute wow and i like dally but i dont know anymore shit my life just became hell with boys ugh whatever " my name is amy" " hi its nice to meet you amy " " its nice to meet you two cody" " okay amy go to bed we have a long day tomorw okay" " okay cody were do i sleep?" " in here with me because of my roommate sleeps in the other room" " ohh who is your roommate?" " oh his name is dally" " rlly omg i konw him he is like my best friend" " okay you can talk to him in the moring now go to bed" " okay night" " night"... The next day... i woke up and i smelt i think bacon and eggs so i got up and went to the kicthen to see who was making it and it was cody so i walked to the tv room and turned it on but not to loud cuz i guess dally is still sleeping and i put it on the news channel and they were talking bout a 14 year old girl missing and they showed a picture of her and she had blonde hair and blue eyes and she was really pertty and i dont know for some reason she almost looked like stark but thats werid and ya so i kept wacthing when dally came out of his room and walked into the kicthen prombly to help him or set the dishes something like that and then dally came out and sat beside me and then cody came out two and sat on the chair. There was a knock on the door and cody got up and went to answer it i heard like i guess a scream but i dont know and then dally got up and went to the door and then i followed him and there was someone taking cody and dally started to fight with cody to kill him i guss so i went to cody's room to hide but i saw something moving so i got out of the room to find there was no one in the house so i went out to the front door to see were they went and it was getting dark out and i couldnt see anything so i kept walking but i got a chil so i went back inside and locked the door and sat down in the tv room and wachted tv till they came home but they never did so i went to bed thinking they will be back in the moring when i went to bed i heard knocking so i got up and waked to the door and it was Dally and he walked in and then he said " hide under the bed okay just do it no quetions" " okay" i walked and hid under the bed then i heard someone elese come in and then they walked in the bedroom were i was hiding i held my breath. Then he was gone so i came out under of the bed and i walked to the door and i opened it and i started to run to some place i dont know were but when i found a resturant that was opened 24/7 i went inside and i had my wallet and i went to go buy something to eat and after i got my food i sat down wait what am i doing oh well and after i ate something i walked out and i started to walk back to the house when i got back there was someone in the house cuz i saw the lights on cuz i turned them off so i still went inside to see who it was and it was a guy who looked like a wolf and i was kinda freacked cuz im already dealing with vampirees and now wolves oky i swear if there is any more fucking monster i have to die oky so i went to go see who it was and i said "hello whats ur name?" he turned around and saisd "hi im Clay wats ur name?" "im Amy" uhmm i dont know what is happening were did Dally go this time and leave me with this werewolf uhmmm well this sucks " were is Dally?" " who" oky wait wahh he doesnt know Dally then wat " uhmm Dally my Boyfriend" " uhmm i dont know sorry im only here for you because someone gave you a ticket for Botdf and he said he wil you there" " BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR ARE YOU KIDDING?" "no" " oky" then we left and when we go there they just started playing sext " he is over there at the table" " okay thz" " bye" " bye" then i walked over to him and it was Dally " heyyyyy Dally" " heyy do you like your brrithday persent i heard you liked them alo i got us back stage passess soo you can meet them" " omg thanks sooo muc Dally" " no promblem" and we just wacthed them then they started the next song S my D hehe........ AFTER THE CONCERT we headed bac stagae and i saw Jayy Von Monroe and Dhavie Vantiy but i love Jayy more and i think Dahvive is cute Dally was behind me and i went to go say hi when Jayy turned around and said " heyy do you guys want to join us we are heading to a party and we are aloud to invite 2 people a boy and girl" " uhh okay" when we followed they lets go and put on some partying clothes on and we went to the party it was awesome cuz me and Jayy haged out alot while Dahive and Dally talked i guess about something but whatever and Jayy was like " did you like the concert and i heard it was your brithday" " it was awesome and ya it is" " hapy brithday and ya" " thanks" " no promblem" and ya there was more we talked for like the time when Dally came by and said " its time for us to go it was nice to meet you" " okay bye" " come on Amy you better go soo i can take you out for dinner" and i knew what he was talking about " uhmm oky" i said bye to Jayy and Dahvie then we left and we walked to this club and he told me pick anyone when i did i made sure he folowed me to the ally and sank my teeth in i forgot how good blood was i forgot the last time i even had a drink okay when i was down when i came out of the ally Dally was there and he was smiling and i smiled back and i followed him i guess he rented a hotel and he went to have a shower so i waited for my turn when he came out i went in had a shower when i came out Dally was in the living room and i sat beside him and he looked at me and kissed me and i kissed him back and we had a war again on who traped who and guess who won i did last time he did and this time i won im so happy and we kept kissing till we heard a knock on the door and i got up to go see but Dally grabed me and got up and told me to " stay here" and i did wen he came back he said " it was a prank" and we got back to what we were doing till the knock came again this time i got up and went to go see and it was a girl and her name was sandy so i let her in since she was the vampire doctor to cheak on me Dally got up when he saw her and went to talk to her private it was just sandy that came out of the room cheaked me out and left i went to the room and Dally must of jumped out the window and there was a note on the pillow and it said " Dear Amy im soo sorry i have to leave there is something going on with the vampire concil and asked all vampires to come i know your one to now but they dont allow new borns come im sorry i will be back at 10am sorry it willbe that long
love Dally <3" uhmm great okay uhmm what to do i heard a knock went to go see who it was and it was Jayy Von Monroe and Dahive Vanity i let them come in and they hanged around till midnight because i went to bed and when i woke up there was someone in the bed with me i thought it was Dally but it wasnt it was Jayy i wondered why didnt he go home and it was like 9am 1 more hour and Dally comes home i got up to make something for Jayy... Dahvie was sleeping on the couch okay werid i started making breakfest when Dahvie woke up and saw me all i had on was a tee shrit because i couldnt find my clothes so i took one of Dallys tee shrit and when i finshed making breakfeast Jayy got up and they i told them i wasnt hungry wich itsnt a lie and i went to go put something decent on when i did that they were leaving soo i said bye when they i left i cleaned up it was finlay 10am and Dally got home at 10:01am but thats oky i ran to him and huged him he was tried i let him sleep hen i was bored i was getting my shoes on when Dally came out and asked me " where are you going" " im going for a walk" " oky be home sooon though we have to leave okay" "why?" " cant tell you" " uhmm oky" i left when i saw alot of people freaking out over omething and it was a girl and she was on the ground screaming over something i asked someone what happened they said a dude came by and bit her i thought of Dally but it couldt be i walked back to the aprment and i saw Dally on the couch crying i went over to him and was about to ask him what happened when he said " get what you need dont bring to much " when i was done he took my hand said "ready" i just nodded and he jumped out the window when i saw the girl again being carried away the group of people sw Dally they were saying thats him who did it and all that so it was ture that he did it but why? oh well when he got us to te airpot he said something about Tulsa ive heard of that place there was like a high school called Broken Arow but ive never went there and ya i gues when we were on the plane and when we got to Tulsa he said "were to a school okay" " uhmm oky" i wonder wen we got to the school it was night and there were kids walking around i was about to ask when someone came " hi im zoey redbird and im the leader of dark dughter and sons how may i hlep you" " uhmm we are looking for Nefret" " uhh okay she is over there by the wal" " okay thz" " no promblem" when we started to walk over to that person its like she knew we were coming she turned around and greated us and then told us we wont be able to share a room but we can have the same classes andya " thats it okay i will show Amy to the girls dorm and Dally you already know were to go right" "yea Amy will you be okay wih this" " i guess but i dont if i could deal sleeping in a room with out you" " Amy can you go by the fountian please" " oky" when i left i saw Dally and uhh i think her name was Nefret but okay when i got called back they made a deal that we could share a room as long as we dont do anything but i have to be in the boys dorm but okay as long as im with Dally but he is lucky becasue he doesnt get to go to school i do great i feel soo lucky and since im like not a marked vampire i get to be in the last grade soo yippe. it was moring and i was scared because its my first day today oh how i wish i wasnt alone but oh well i guess its okay soo its near xmas to like in a week i cant wait like yaya but i dont know what to get Dally and my new friends huh i guess i will figure something else out i guess right ahah. after xmas i went for a walk and wondered when was the last time i had a drink soo i asked dally to come with me cuz i didnt know who eles and he agreed so once we left the school and was out on the streets we looked for homeless people because they wont know there missing right so once i found mine i always like to take them to a ally after i did that i put him agansit the wall and leaned down and bit him yep i had my drink then when i walked out someone grabed me and i was at the school wait were was dal- oh they had him here already shit i think we are in trouble for what being real vampires danm then she started to speak "do you know that this is against school rules Dally shouldve told you but im sorry you can not leave the school you can but you cant leave without a teacher or Dally and this time he should know better next time. right Dally" " yes mam im sorry" " thats okay dont let it happen again." "it wont i promise" then we walked away "well uhmm then what are we suppesed to do" i said " i will think of something okay" Dally said we walked to the dorm.Once we were in the room i laid on the bed and he went to go have a shower after he came out he was in his pjs and i went to go have my shower then i came out in my pjs we went to bed cuz we both new i had to go to school at 8pm tilln 3am fun anyways.. i overslept by acdient so i missed first period thats what i call it then a boy teacher i think his name was dragon i think he knocked at the door when i was getting dressed and dally was in the bathroom getting dressed i got done before him so i answered it and he said " why were you late for first hour ms.summers??" " i-i-i-i overslept soryy perfoser dragon" " dont be sorry to me be sorry to nefert the one you missed class with now hurry on to your second hour before your late for that one to" " okay" then i almost ran into perforser erik he was my second peoriod teacher i heard he was a tracker now but whateve anyways after school i saw Dally in a choke hold with Stark and i screamed and no one came and Stark took out a stake and killed Dally and i knew i was next.. Stark was Near me and had the stake out and was about to kill me when finly perfoser dargon came in and saw and got the whateve they are called and killed stark i was crying because he killed Dally but after they left me alone i found the Stake and thought i want to see you Dally and i killed myslef then everything went black...



Texte: some of the names i got were from real books
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2012

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