
I am Amber Lopez and I am 18 years old.My dad left me an my mom when I was 3 years old I used to say that he would come back one day but that hope faded when I turned 11.My mom would cry every night cause she did't know what was reason my dad would leave us like that she said That he loved me like I was the only one he saw around.I would sit with my mom while she cried and comfort her.We had to move away from our house cause it had to many memories that my mom did't want to remember cause that was what made her cry.We live in orlando,florida.Now I am in house in New Britain and going to New Britain High school for my senior year.Any way one more thing I am emo and cut myself to get away from my pain inside that my dad left in my heart my mom know nothing of what i do.


I HATE to be the new kid around town that knows nothing and shows up in janurary.At least I got to my first three classes with no one to show me the way.Any way sence I was emo I didn't talk to any one but at my free class I went to the bath room and I had a knife in my book bag and took it out and I sliced both my arms they were bleeding so much I started to cry and picked up all my stuff grabed some napkins and left. when I walked out I bumped into this cute shy emo boy.I droped everything on the floor even the napkins and he saw bleeding he said he was sorry but when he said that he had his down.I told him not to be sorry it was my fault.Then he was staring at my arms for like 2 mins. Then he finally said something to me he asked why was I cutting my self.Sence I was shy I didn't know what to say I picked up my stuff and left to my next class I put on my jacket before I went in.My class was history horrible.When I got in the teacher told every one who I was and where I came from.He told me to stand up but I didn't I kept my head down the whole time at the end I put my head back up so i can see and i saw the cute emo boy agian he said, "so your name is Amber.Well my name is you didn't answer my question you know why did you cut yourself ?"I knew in my head that if I didn't answer that he would keep askin me till I answer him.I looked him stright in the eye and then we locked.Then I looked down and then up agian and said,"Meet me at lunch time at the trees near the forest and I will tell u why." he said I will and the I stormed off to the next class.


Theird period was over and now was lunch time so I went got something to drink and started walkin.I passed by kids who were eating and talking about they way I was dressed and looked.I didn't care any more bout what people said bout me so I just kept walking.Then I got to the trees and saw adam standing there waiting for me with a very shy face he took my hand and then dragged me a little farther inside the forest.He then stoped walking and I looked around to see many beautiful flowers every where he took one blue and red and gave them to me.Out of the blue he for the first time put up his head and saw his eyes which were bright blue like a water fall I stood there amazed all though looking like an idiot he called out my name,"Amber!"I came back to earth then he said what hr needed to say he said,"You told me you where goin to answer my question I asked you.I then said,"Oh yeah the reason I cut my self for all the horrible stuff that happens in my life."He then took my hands and told me to sit down on the ground that before I would go on with my answer to his question he was going to tell me some thing big that he has never told any one not even his parents.I can understand that u should never tell a parent any thing you do unless if it has to do with help in the body.So he picked his head up agian and we locked eyes and he started with the story.
He started off the story a little slow and scared.This is my story Amber,"When I was 2 years old I was in school and both my parents died in a car crash I was sent to a orphen house cause none of the rest of my family would take me in. When I was there I was treated like a slave we all had chours but they didn't do it so they made me do it sence the house mother was not there to watch us.They all made fun of me cuz I would always keep to my self always do my work and never get in trouble.They told me I was nerd a geek a goody two shoes.I hated all those name so when every one was in bed I would sneek out and go to the bath rooms with a knife and cut a way at my legs and arms of the pain I had in my heart.One day I really got mad at a kid who called me a spaz.I got so mad I went and packed my stuff and waited till dark when every one was sleepin.When they were I quitly escaped.I ran for 2 days and made it here to New Britain.I went to a store to get a bottle of water cause I was dieing of thrist and I had 2 dollars to get something to drink so when I went to go buy it a lady saw me and asked me if I had a home.At that time I was 9 years old.I told the lady I did't have a home and she told me to go with her and so I did.She took me to her house gave me clothes food and iteams to go to school with her boys so I did.Even then when I was with the lady now that I call mom I was shy I went to school all my life and have never talked to any one but the my mom her boys and one girl who is you.I still cry every night cause my real mom and dad are dead and I will never know if I was going to get along with them."I saw him pouring tears down and my heart was borken and one tear droped and he looked at me and told me not to cry over his story but I told him ur story is touching me it's nothing like mine.I have seen kids like you who always keep to them selves and never talk to any one but those people you know very well.I am one of thoses kids to let you.I gave him a tight hug and a big kiss on the check and he blushed and turned like if he didn't want me to see him blush.He then looked at me and said,"That is my back ground now tell me yours."


I picked up my hands that were dirty from the floor and cleaned them and put them in my lap.i looked into his clear bright blues and told,"yes of couse i wil now tell you my back ground."well i told with a very sweet vocie whitchmade him put on a big smile.i told hime then i hope you know my memories are horrible and tragic to me. he told it ok i am hear to listen and hug u with love if i started of with a little tear down.i was 3 years old and i just had gottin back from school and my mom told me my dad left and said he was never coming back. when i heard those words i burst into tear and on my knees.when i got to that part adam saw tears coming out like crazy and took me into his arms with imbrace. i kept the story goin while i was momsaw that every night after she told me knew i would this panic attack so she took me to the doctors.they gave me meds i took them but i hardly got better i just would cry at night. then one nighti was not crying cause i told my
self that he was coming back cause he loves me.any way i was hearing the weeping come out and it was from my mom she was saying i love you with all my heart and passion and this is what you do abndon me and ur daughter just to let u know i will always love and so will your daughter i sat next to her and hugged her wiped her tears away told her not to worry he was going to come so my mom and spent every day with each other at home doing girl thing i spent all my birthdays watching movies with my mom and on my 11 birthday i stood in front of my mom told her that my hope had faded of my dad coming back cause he loves. at that i told her all of that i said is crap now it dont mean any thing i prayed and every thing and nothing happend so he is not coming back.
i kept on with the story in a little more.after i told my mom that he was not coming back at all that i did not care any more.she went to like a stage of pouring crazy tears every i sat next to her all night while she was telling me things about him and crying at the same time.while i was goin to school kids would make fun of me cause i didnt have a dad to come to school and cheer me on in my hurt me so much till one day i puched a girl in the nose and broke it and no ever agian made fun of me not having a dad. all though i had no friends at all so i would never talk to any at all no teachers or kids i would always sit in class and draw little pictures and notesand put them away.i lived in the same house i was abanded in sence i was little till i was 17 years old and my mom told we had to move cause she could not stand being in the same huse any more filled with so many bad memories so we moved in the years of my self not having friend i got so depressed and began cutting my self cause i did not know what to do with all my feelings you know my back ground i know yours are we good so i can leave you alone forever and you can move on being happy you were not friends with.he then got up and i want to be your friend i think we have a lot in commen and we get along very well i think your cool and pretty.i then got up and really you want to be my friend and he said yeah so i gave the biggest hug ever and he tightened it and we left school together he took me home safely.WAS I HAPPY AGIAN?


ADAM and i have been friends for 4 months sence january.we know each other very well and are really close we go every where with each other.he comes to my house for dinner and gets along great with my mom.I guess adam reminds my mom of dad personallity.he always walks me home and to day we walked in together and i heard so many things go around it was some thing likes this,"ohhh!look she has a boyfriend i thought she was such a loser that no one would ever go out with her.but her boyfriend must be blind cause he cant see that his girlfriend is a dimboo."that got me mad so i just went to my first class and saw adam have to people next to him.that was kind of shocking i told myself.he always saves me a seat next to him.after class i catched up with adam and he just ignored me so i just thought maybe he wants some space so i left him a lone all day.after skool i was walking thinking that adam was going to come and walk me the rest of the way and that didnt happen at all.i got home and my mom asked were was adam and i told her that he had some thing important to do that he could not stay.that was the first time i had ever lied to my me it didnt feel so gud inside.i went upstairs and did my home work and thought what if i called to see wat was up with him i did wheni called him he ignored all the calls i left and text messages i left.i thought for second did he become friend wth me just to get my info.then i thought agian no he couldnt he is not like that so i just ate dinner took a shower and went to the middle of the night i got up cause i was having a nightmare.i went downstaires to get something to drink and i found my mom drinking wine and looking at old photos of us as a family when my dad was around.
i then hid myself behind the counter and watched her she got up and carefully and put everything back in a box and she then put the box in the droer that was uder the table in the living room.i watched carefully as she locked and then put the keys a way.when i saw were she put i then ran upstairs and closed the door quitly and went back to bed.the next moring i got up and got myself ready for school put some eye liner and teased my hair grbed my stuff and went downstairs ate breakfast and went off to school.on the way i saw adam walking i had my head down and in the corner of my eye i saw he was watching me so i look up and looked at him.he then put his down i had one of those wtf looks and so i kept walking i then stoped when i was near waiting for him to go in and then for me to go in.but he stoped when i stoped and then i started to run and so he did to.i thaught maybe i could lose him in the woods so i ran through the woods.i ran out of breath and then stoped looked around to see if any one was around and no one i sat agisnt the tree on the floor.

Why did he leave me alone???

Out of the blue i heard a noise of leaves being stepped on.i then stud up and stopped crying wiped my tears and herad even more noise so i called out,"whos there?!"no one answered so i started walkin backwards but then the person started to talk it was a boy he said,"dont be afraid and dont go plzzzz."so i stopped walking and i said,"fine.Who are you and what do you want?"he then told me to turn around so i didnt see him.he came out and touched me from behind and gave me something that looked like water but wasnt i guess when i drank it cuz it tasted gross.i started to be come dizzy and fell to the floor.i didnt see him so well but he started to take off my clothes i was trying to get him off me but i couldnt cuz i had no strengh i was turning weak.I then fell to knock out but then got up 20 min later in some ones house and in some ones bed.I didnt see the guy cause it was dark i then put my clothes on and left ran home i then saw adam sitting on the floor crying i then told him claming to get up but inside i was yelling at him.he got up looked in my eyes and gave me hug i said,"adam why.why did u not answer me u left me alone i got raped and didnt know any thing cause the person druged me.also if u didnt leave me there alone i wouldnt have cut my self agian."i started throwing tears every where.he then grabed me then gave me hug we stud there for 2 hours.He then started talking about why he left and didnt talk to me.
The truth comes out..

Amber,sence the day i met you i thought you were a god from heaven coming down.I see your eyes and to me they look like a big blue ocean with waves when you smile and it they give me fireworks inside me.Everything you tell me makes me feel like you trust me with anything.You see things in me that others don't.I have been in love with sence the time that we bumped into each other and locked eyes.The thoughts you have are amazing like i have never sence a girl talk to me the way you do.You are the one i imagine about every sec. of the day when i am sleeping i drul becuz i see you in my dreams.Everytime i look at you its like you walk around with wings and a halo around you.To me you shine so much bigger then the girls i see jump on me.See i left because i thought that if i told you the truth of how i felt dat you would not like me back.You can see through me like no else and i didnt want to mess up the realtionship we have together for what people say i am so sorry i should have not cared bout what they say bout me i should have stood with you and you wouldnt have gottin did you get raped by???
adam,I have felt the same way to and i thought the same but not for the part about what the people are thinking i really didnt care so i just kept on wit my life.Also the guy who raped me i dont his name he is from skool and i got him on tape my fone rcored it i know his face thats all what do we do now???
Amber lets take it to the police so this won't happen to you agian..
ok adam
lets go.

later on!!

1 year passes by jacob the guy who raped amber was a rested and sent to prison for 3 years for druging and adam and amber have been dating for awhile and are very happy till...

got it mom. who is it?(amber)
it's me adam.
what happen to you?
mom come here and get the first aid kit.(amber)
my step brothers beat me up and i ran away and dont know were to go but here till i find a place.(adam)
no come here sit down.let me clean you up first.(amber)
you can stay here in the living adam till you get out of college or when ever you would like to leave.dont say anything i say you can stay ok.dinner will be done in 15.(ambers mom)
don't worry every thing will be ok and any ways we get to leave in two years dats if we are still together so dont sweat it we will keep you come one lets eat i bet ur really hungrey.(amber)

finishing up!!:D

2 years passed and now adam and i are leaveing college and moving in together in house two streets from my mom...
my mom is make us party for getting through all of this mess together and still together also for getting our mom had invited everyone form skool now my whole is full of people and i know them all.The song that was playing was my favorite song called when i'm gone by eminem.I love that song so much.My mom had baked mine and adams favorite cakes and has strwberry frosting...mmmmmm...
Anyways i am here on the dance floor with adam dancing close and when the song ends we sit down at a special table for an 1 hour relaxing.Out of no where he calls everyones attention to look at us that he has something important to say.He gets up and turns and tells me to stand.I stand and he then kneels on one knee and starts to say.
amber lopes with the permission from your mother will you marry me and become the other half of my heart?
my answer will i will...become the other half of your heart adam.
now we got back to the party after the 2 min kiss it filled with life and joy.We were dancing to umbrella by rihanna.After the party we went back to the house we bought and stood there that night.He had took me to our bedroom in weddingstyle and told me to keep my eyes closed.When he put me down he told me to open my eyes i did and it was beatuiful had roses and candles but they were off and so i got up and he told me to lay down so i did. he came and told me to take off my shirt and i did. i lay back down and he began to kiss me and we go at that for a while.he then started to kiss my neck and i was getting tingly by then in 1 hour we were nacked on the bed kissing and then stuck in me and it felt so good and he started to go slow but i kept begging an the more i begged he started to go fatser and fatser.
We kept going for about 3 hours when we were done we fell alseep spooning style.I felt safe and warm in his arms .2 weeks go by and we keep having sex till two day before and i was throwing up all day i was so sick it was hard to eat then i went to the ert room and they eook test and gave some meds for now till they the results and sent me home.Three days later the hospital calls me in and tells me the results of sickness.....Mrs.lopez i have i think is good news that your and adam are going to be parents because you are having two babies.I was in shock and then rite away called adam and told him and my mom they were happy but i wasnt because i was still so sick inside.The doctors told me what kind of foods to eat and every month to come in so they could see the babies and how they were doing.

kids on the way!!

Its my 4th month and i feel so much better i stop throwing up but i eat like every 30 mins. this is the month were they tell me what my babies are and i am now here in a chair looking at a screen with adam next to me looking and the doctor tells us now what they are.amber and adam you both will be parents of 2 baby boys...I was so happy that i was there crying with tears of joy.That day we bought everything for two boys two share and set everything up to have it ready.We also practiced everything with fake and adam got married one month before birth and were happy together.The day of birth came i was in so much pain and was yelling adam of how much i hated him because he got me knocked up.He didn't mind it so much cuz he knew dat i was for all the pain i was in.I was in labor for about 2 hours.After labor i fell asleep and didn't wake up till like two days after when i woke up i had food in front and i ate all of that like in 5 min.after the doctor came and told so many things like.That the baby boys are healthy and good and that they werte coming right now.Also that on my health i was just fine and that now was wheni got name my kids.When i got the i named one damion keller and the other stefan keller.
They two boys had deep blue eyes and dark brown hair.They were both chubby and adorable always smiling and laughing with their dad.When with me calm quiet and sleeping warm.They were so quiet and good that i wasn't worried any more about having babies i was full of joy as much as adam was.The day we left was when all my friend gave me a baby shower.I was just so happy and so was adam and the babies.Adam and i were happy together forever. :D

The End!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2011

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