
"Tyler? Can we talk?" I asked quietly.

Tyler looked up from his English paper, his dark brown eyes piercing into my pale gray ones.

"What would you like to talk about?" Tyler questioned, his jet black curls bouncing with each move of his head. The curls made him look far more innocent and boyish than he truly was.

"Tyler...I don't...I don't love you anymore," I whispered backing quickly towards the front door. I knew there was a good chance Tyler's temper would flare once again and I would need to make a hasty exit. I owed most of my bruises and broken bones to him after all.

"What did you say?" Tyler asked in a scary calm voice.

"I said...I don't love you anymore...I want to break up with you," I told him once again, making sure to enunciate the words so he wouldn't be confused.

"Lydia," he said my name with furry, making me shake a little as I quickened my pace towards the door. "You fucking slut. IS THERE ANOTHER MAN?"

"No!" I screamed before turning heel and running full out towards the door. I managed to get out the door before Tyler could really register what was happening. I knew I should have broken up with him in public but I didn't want innocent bystanders in harms way.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU LYDIA!" Tyler shouted behind me. I felt the fear rising within me. I knew first hand how easily Tyler could snap my bones.

"Stop it Tyler!" I screamed as a glass vase whizzed past my head and shattered against the wall. Shards flew at me as I ran past, cutting up my exposed flesh. I felt the blood dribbling down and the tears started falling.

I was running towards the stairs but I could sense and hear Tyler drawing closer.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I was having trouble breathing but I knew all I had to do was make it outside. Outside where most of the town was gathered for the street fair. Outside where I could find protection.

Another glass object flew by my head, closer this time. I didn't know where he was getting his ammunition from, nor did I truly care. The latest projectile caused more blood to flow from my body, covering my face and arms.

I finally reached the stairs and prayed for a silent miracle. I knew there was a good chance I would slip and fall, giving Tyler just the edge he needed to catch me...and kill me.

"You might as well give up now Lydia. When I catch you, I'm going to turn your pretty little face into ground beef. No one leaves me Lydia. NO ONE!" Tyler called out as I took the stairs 4...5...6 at a time.

Tyler lived on the 13th floor. It was a long ways down. Unlucky number 13. His apartment just had to be on the top floor. The Lyrica apartment complex was one with a dark past. When Charles Lyrica built this place for his wife, he made sure it was the tallest building in town and it still is. He also went mad and killed his wife in their apartment. This is a building filled with rage.

12 people have died in the Lyrica apartments. Would I be number 13? Would I be the next victim of the Lyrica curse?

"Please Tyler, just stop!" I begged, sobbing as I pushed myself to go faster. I pushed my body harder and prayed for the strength to make it to the bottom.

By the 7th floor I was beginning to feel a little better as Tyler fell behind but I didn't stop pushing. I knew he could get his second wind at any moment and I was getting so close.

6 more floors...5 more...4...3...2...As I hit the top of the 1st floor I could sense he was gaining again. Getting closer and closer with each step as my body slowed. The harder I pushed, the more resistance I met.

The bottom. I'd finally reached the bottom. I wanted to cheer but I couldn't. Not quiet yet. I still had to get out the front door on the other side of the building.

I was panting and feeling dizzy. The blood was dripping from my fingertips, leaving a sticky trail of pain in my wake.

I didn't hear him as he got closer to me. His footsteps muffled by the heavy carpet. But I felt it when he tackled me, my arm breaking as we hit the ground.

I screamed bloody murder and struggled against him with all my might. I managed to roll over under him onto my back as his long slender fingers pressed into my neck, making it hard to breath.

While the world faded in front of me I heard a man shouting, his voice deeper than Tyler's.

The last thing I could remember before the entire world went black was this feeling of a huge weight being lifted off my chest and I felt at peace.

I felt my eyes flutter open and saw white. At least I ended up in heaven. But I must admit this isn't how I'd pictured it. I couldn't move. I felt as though I was made of brick. And there was this annoying beeping. Hell then. I ended up in hell.

The voice told me the truth though as his face swam into view, "Miss, your in the hospital. A man was trying to kill you. Do you remember anything?"

My voice shook and cracked as I spoke, "I'm Lydia. The man was...Tyler. My ex. I broke up with him and he tried killing me...Can I please have some water?"

The man gave me some water to sip and my throat felt instantly better.

"What happened to Tyler? Is he...dead?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes. I killed him in self-defense. I'll get the nurse. You probably could use some pain medication. You have a lot of broken bones," the kind man said before turning to leave.

"Wait," I called out. "Don't I get to know my rescuers name?"

"It's Logan ma'am," he said, smiling down at me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2010

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