

To be yours forever
To share all my love and never
Have a fear nor a doubt,
To give all my love to you
And promise you forever.

From the day I first saw you
I wanted to build my world with you
But you belonged to someone else.
I told my heart we could not work
But in my soul I could not chuck
The belief that one day we would start
A song as sweet as summer’s start.

To be yours forever
To share all my love and never
Have a fear nor a doubt,
To give all my love to you
And promise you forever.

I have died a thousand deaths for you,
Shared my sun and moon and stars with you.
Gotten nothing in return
But sad days and lonely nights.
A constant reminder of love unbidden
Of a heart unrequited
Yet still my dream remains

To be yours forever
To share all my love and never
Have a fear nor a doubt,
To give all my love to you
And promise you forever.

I sense the sadness in your heart
And know you cannot sleep at night
He took your love and run away
He left you here to brace the pain.
With me my love, please trust again
Look in my eyes, let go the pain
For even in this rain I still would pray

To be yours forever
To share all my love and never
Have a fear nor a doubt,
To give all my love to you
And promise you forever.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.02.2011

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To my dearest Keshi, without whom getting over you would still be a dream.

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