
chapter 1 - Nikita P.O.V

As we turned into the drive way, my breath got gut in my throat. this house is huge i thought then i turned to look at Nicole and she had her jaw hanging at the floor. i beeped the car horn once before getting out of the car.

we walked around and went up to the front door. As Nicole was about to knock on the door, the door swung open and standing their was Aaron, our big brother "Aaron!" Nicole and i squeaked hugging him like our life depended on it "Uh.. c-c-can..t br-ea-th" Aaron chocked we let him go mumbling "sorry" when he finally managed to get his breath back he hugged both me and Nicole "it's good to see you guys. i missed you guys so much" said Aaron as he kissed us me and Nicole on the head like he use to do when we were kids. "Come in and meet the others" said Aaron as he lead us into the living room. 'the others?' was my first thought then glanced at Nicole to see that she's also as confused as i am. we shrugged our shoulders at the same time and turned to the right following Aaron into the living room.

chapter 2 Nikita P.O.V meeting the boyz

"Hey guys, i would like you to meet my Sisters Nikita and Nicole" said Aaron as he stood between me and Nicole with his hand on our shoulders and a huge grin on his face.
one by one as if practiced the boys all stood up in a line. i counted as they stood and gasped shocked that their are so many boys in this house. And DAMN!! THEY ARE CUTE! i looked at Nicole and raised my eyebrows she looked at me with the same expressions. we checked each other out and gave a high five because we still looked good. Nicole and i have long brown hair up to our back with arched eyebrows. Nicole has lime green-ish eyes whilst i have Purple eyes with a hint of blue around the edges making the purple stand out. some people think that we wear contacts but we don't. we have a cute small but straight nose, and we both have lips like Angelina Jolie. okay back to the boys before i become too vain. on my count i noticed that their are 14 boys including my brothers makes 15 'WOW!' it's gonna be fun this year.
"Hi my name is Christopher" said a boy about 6'2 with black hair and really grey eyes. he smiled and put out his hands for a handshake 'wow, he's smile is soooo breathtaking' i thought i shook his hands " My names Nikita you can call me Nikki or Nik for short and this is my twin sister Nicole you can call her Nic for short" i said with a wink giving him my million dollar smile he looked at Nicole and she did the same. his eyes got wide and he looked at Aaron "you never said their will be two of them" he said accusingly at Aaron. Aaron just smiled and said " that was the surprise i was talking about" Aaron smirked at his reaction. his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes got bigger and i just couldn't hold it in any longer Nicole and i just burst out laughing dropping to thje floor as we clenched our stomachs clawing around on the floor "HAHAHAHAHAHA... T-THAT W-W-WAS PRI...PRICE..LESS" Nicole and i shouted together at the same time making us laugh harder. when we sobered up we got up leaning on each other for support "Sorry" i said at Chris smiling sheepishly. "Okay... lets get this introduction out of the way so you guys can go and rest you must have been tired after that long journey" said Aaron. " so, girls meet Devon, he's the ladies man in here watch out for him and Devon meet Nikita and Nicole make sure you don't get them angry especially Nikita as she is the most feisty one out of the two and can make you sorry you messed with her and her sister." said Aaron looking pointedly at this boy with ash blonde hair with dark green eyes, about 6'4 tall with broad shoulders and lots of muscles. the boy just shrugged his shoulders. " Next to Devon is Dexter he can be...shy at times but he has a bad temper on him and that's Eliot fun at times and next to him is Xavier he may look like an angel but he's a real devil" said Aaron and at the devil word he smiled as if he just won a trophy or something. he caught me looking at him and he winked at me. i looked at Nicole winked at her and at my signal she looked at Xavier and winked at him giving him a smile most boys can't resist when Nicole really wants to give it to them. At that Xavier blushed and looked away " That's Alek and Alex the other only other twins in this house" Nicole and I looked at Alek and Alex they looked identical "So which one is Alek...?" i asked whilst Nicole completed my sentence asking "Which one is Alex?" our brows borrowed together deep in thought as we tried to distinguish which is which. the one on the right raised his hands as if he was in class " i'm Alex" whilst the one on the left said "i'm Alek" i looked at them and as if by some kind of magic Nicole and I pointed to the one on the right saying "you're Alek and he's Alex" putting our hands on our hips glaring at them as if challenging them to try and lie "they're good" said Devon "As i said don't try to mess with them" Said Aaron smugly "Next to Alex is Kent, Macon, Mannix, Nathan, Dominic and Jordan" Completed Aaron. "Nice to met y'all" i said smiling "so how old are you guys?" Asked Nicole "Were are mostly 17 and 18" Said the boy named Eliot "so how old are you" Asked Devon licking his lips as he looked me and Nicole and i up and down "16" we answered raising our eyebrows when he never noticed we turned to Aaron begging for his help. "yo man stop starring at my sis like that you're making them uncomfortable" said Aaron looking as if he was ready to beat up Devon any minute. "Sorry man, but it just that your sisters are HOT!" "We know" we said as we turned to Ron "Can you show us to our bedroom please?" Nicole asked whilst i went to look in the fridge and freezer to see if the're anything healthy to eat in the house. well what do you know this fridge is full of crap. ugh "Aaron! what the fuck are these?!" i shouted getting angrier by the minute as i took out a piece of raw meat with blood dripping to the floor. i smelt it and ugh OMG it smells disgusting "uh...meat?" said Aaron "I know it's meat but what is it doing in there" i said pointing to the freezer "uncovered and still dripping blood?" i looked around at the boys and guess what? they start laughing! "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY?!" I asked/shouted "Well we put those there so... when you find it we could record your reaction then we could use it as a leverage for when we want you to do stuff for us and guess what you just fell for it!" Said Dexter as he burst out laughing his deep booming voice ringing out. "Nik, this is their way of welcoming you into this house. it's there way to say that they accept you" explained Ron his face red from laughing too hard "Wow you guys are...strange you know that? But, let me just warn you about something Boys, you guys are on my list so you better watch your backs" i warned sounding as threatening as i could with a piece of raw meet dripping blood. At the sound of the word List, Aaron stopped laughing his face draining of color "No not the list" he pleaded "Oh yeah the list" i threatened my face curling into a smile whilst i dropped the meat on the sink and washed my hands "What's the list?" Asked Alek and Alex together. "Well you'll find out soon enough" i said "So, Ron can you shows us our bedroom please?" i asked as i took off my jacket which now smells of blood. ugh. "yeah sure follow us" said Ron as he walked to the elevator all the other boys followed. you know after that little prank, i feel like I've been living here for a long time. We all got out of the elevator and walked down the corridor there were at least 12 doors on each side. we continued walking down the hall and we stopped at the last door on the end of the corridor. "this is your bedroom" said Ron as he turned right and opened the door. As soon as i walked in i swear i stopped breathing

i walked in and opened a door on left and saw that it has it's own bathroom. good i thought i had to be fighting the boys to have a bath every morning. i walked out looked at the boys then shouted "I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!" Jumping up and down as if i got squirrels in my pants. i ran and hugged Alex and Alek wrapping my legs around them and rubbing up on them "hmmmmnnnnn..." they moaned i jumped of them "sorry" i said looking sheepish. "it's okay" they said i looked down and saw that they were hard. ohhhh i just got a good idea about how to tease this boys. Man i'm evil. "Everyone get out of my room!" i said with hands on hips eyebrows raised for a challenge "Yes mother" said Nathan i followed them and looked into Nicole's room and boy i gotta tell you it's good.

Nicole went as happy as i did and ended up rubbing up against Devon just like i did to Alek and Alex. Devon had the same reaction. i looked at Nicole saw that she had reached the same conclusion as i did about teasing the boys. I walked to my room and jumped onto the bed and fell asleep.

chapter 3 Nikita P.O.V The Game

my hello kitty alarm starts ringing. i moaned and turned my head to look at the clock it was 7:30 am. Good thing it was Saturday. i looked around the room and noticed that i need to go shopping for some new clothes. i got out of bed since i'm now fully awake. i grabbed my mini vanilla shampoo and my towel then walked to the bathroom. i switched on the shower and waited till it got to the right temperature before stripping my self naked. as soon as i went into the water my body instantly relaxed. i took the longest relaxing bath ever before walking out. i dried myself and looked into my closet trying to decide what to wear. it looks like it's always sunny hear so i wore a pair of short jean skirts a black tank top then i walked over to my drawer taking out a black knee socks with white strips going around the top. i walked over to my mirror trying to decide whether to wear makeup or not. i decided to just wear a light mascara and black eyeliner with a light vanilla sainted lip gloss. I grabbed my hair straightener and straightened my hair then put on a little hair spray then a dash of perfume (Pulse by Beyonce). I quickly grabbed my I pod 2 and my blackberry touch before running down the corridor to the elevator. As soon as i was down stairs in the humongus living room, i noticed that Nicole was already awake wearing the same outfit as me but with a little more color. Sometimes it's wired how we always end up wearing the same outfits even when we don't plan to match. It can get a little freaky at times. I walked to the living room giving Nicole a hug and a kiss on the Cheek. I went to the kitchen looking for something to eat. I found a box of frosties. i took it out and started eating it dry. i walked back into the living room and found that all the boy are already awake and are lying there on the floor in their BOXERS!! "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND TO PROTECT MY INNOCENCE PLEASE YOU GUYS PUT ON SOME CLOTHES ALREADY!!" Nicole and I shouted at the same time which give it more effect. They all turned our way and smirked like this is the funniest thing in the world. I turned to Ron begging him with my eyes. it didn't seem to be working so i turned to Nicole she got the idea so we turned around and at the count of three we brought out the innocent puppy dog eyes with out bottom lip Quivering and tears falling down our eyes. At the sight of the eyes the boys dashed off into their bedroom and then they dashed back wearing football shorts and shirts. Now i feel much better. After the guys finished having breakfast they ran to the living room and started watching the T.V. I sighed in boredom "Do you guys want to play a game?" i asked at the word 'game' they turned around. well looks like their bored out of their mind too. " well what do you have in mind?" Asked Dexter. "We could play Truth or dare or Strip Poker" i asked. at the word strip poker all the boys looked interested now. "Are you guys in?" Asked Nicole. I know she loves this game she always ends up winning with more money and clothes than possible. "Were in!" they shouted "Okay guys but there's a twist to this game i'm going to change the title to Strip, Truth or Dare" i said adding the first bit to it at the top of my head. "Are you guys still going to play? or are you gonna chicken out?" i said as i wiggled my eyebrows at them taunting them a little. "were still in!" they shouted. okey doke then. i went to the kitchen and got out an empty bottle then walked to the living room. We sat in a big circle then i placed the ball in the middle. I spined the ball and it pointed at Ron(Aaron). I smiled evilly at him "Truth, Strip or Dare?" i asked him. he looked around the house then looked back at Nicole and me. I can tell we both have thesame facial expressions right now because he's starting to look scared. "Dare" he replied. okay then. "We dare you to give let Jordan, give you a wedgie" i said smirking at him. Jordan smiled and walked over to Ron as he got up and stuck his bottom out squeezing his eyes tight. Jordan slowly took Ron's boxers and yanked it up hard and fast. Ron let out a pain filed squeal that sounds like a dolphin. He's face going read with his eyes twitching like a demented man. We burst out laughing. I laughed so hard my laughing box start to hurt with tears streaming down my face. We all sobered up and went for another round as Ron tried to sit back down his face pinched in agony "oh haha very funny" his voice sounded so weird. you know when you blow up a balloon and then take in the oxygen in the balloon and your voice changes? well that's exactly how Ron sounded. Very squeaky. "Ron, spin the bottle " i said trying to stop the smile that was creeping across my voice. Very slowly, Ron got up and spined the bottle. It landed on Chris (Christopher). then, still with the weird voice, Ron asked Chris, "truth, strip or dare?" "Truth" answered Chris. "Are you Gay?" asked Ron. i gasped and looked at Chris everyone was looking at him for answer. "What happens if you don't want to answer?" he asked "Well you have to... take off a piece of clothing" i answered. He took of his socks and we all turned back looking at Ron. he looked much better now. poor him but i gotta admit his face was funny. Chris spined the bottle and it landed on Devon "Truth, strip or dare?" asked Chris looking as if he's going to enjoy this "Dare" answered Devon. "I dare you to drink Eliot's pee" Smirked Chris everyone started laughing because we all know that Chris was going too far and that Devon would just say no and strip or something but we stopped laughing when we hear the word "DEAL" coming form Devon. I can't seriously believe he's gonna do this. Eliot peed in a plastic cup and gave it to Devon to drink. HE looked around the room making sure everyone was watching then he sniffed it and DRANK IT!!!!! "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" We all said completely disgusted. i gagged and ran to the closest toilet and vomited all my breakfast. i took out a random tooth brush and brushed my mouth until my breath smelt minty. i walked back in and sat back on the floor holding my head. "That was disgusting" i said my throat hurting. everyone laughed at the disgusted look still planted on my face. Devon spun the bottle and it landed on Dexter. "Truth,strip or Dare?" Asked Devon evilly Dexter smirked with the same evil smile and said "Truth" "What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?" "well... there's been alot really but the most embarrassing was when i had to play Santa Claus at school and i fell of the chair on the stage then one of my friends eat too much chocolate and vomited on me." (A/N: This is actually my little brothers most embarrassing moment and he said he doesn't mind if i used it in this story to make it worse everyone was recording him and watching him. i wanted to put it on you've been framed but mum said no but i still use it as blackmail. haha ;).) I burst out laughing along with everyone because little Dexter being Santa Claus is impossible and not to mention he fell of the stage and got vomited on!!!. Dexter spun the bottle and it landed on Eliot. "Dare" Eliot said without hesitation. "I dare you to.. Kiss Nathan for 2 minutes with tongue whilst we record you" said Dexter with a smug look on his face. "Fine" he mumbled before walking towards Nathan. I got out my BlackBerry touch and record the whole thing. as Eliot kissed Nathan a moan escaped from Nathans mouth and OMG! it was funny because i looked around and the boys looked like they were ready to laugh any moment. finally i couldn't take it anymore i busted out laughing like here's no tomorrow the other people followed then i made sure they kissed for a whole 3 mins instead of two "GUYS STOP... STOP!" I shouted at them. they pulled apart and wiped their mouth immediately Nathan had a blush and so did Eliot "Why are you both blushing?" Asked Nicole "uh.. because it's cold" they both said "oh my gosh that lie is so 20 years ago" said Nicole exaggerating the year a bit too much


Texte: please don't copy my idea including names and the pictures... basically everything.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.12.2011

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To other writers on Bookrix who gave me this idea :)

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