

I have been living tormented by the memory of Damen . I have been living alone in an apartmen t I rented in California . The only aunt that had been nice to me helped get a job . I lived here for two months it seems two years have passed since the last time I've seen him. I am never at peace not even when i'm asleep .I have to keep strong I can't let those simple memories and dreams drag me down drag me to him . I have not sensed the wolves I hope they have forgotten me. I hope these dreams mean nothing . I hope Damen means nothing even though it will never happen !

Dreams of promintion

I saw him he was looking for me the look in his eyes was full of anger confusion and a hint of hurt . Strange a shadow was next to him . It was night cold and there was not a single star or the moon to light up the sky . We where in a park no one was playing it was just Damen and the shadow that where there.

" Autumn ", Damen shouted, .

I felt him reach to me but then I woke up . I put a hand on my chest I was glad it was just a dream .The same dream that I had been having for a week I wondered what was going to happen my vampiric abilities where strange after I was bonded with Damen they where more accurate.I got up today I didn't have work . I worked at some big shots company as a secretary I also went to collage.

I had recently visited some old friends before I had left with Damen . I was suppose to meet them in an hour . I took a shower the dream I had was still my mind. I grabbed some jeans and a plain black shirt . I brushed my hair and went to meetmy friends . It was a nice day the sky was blue and some clouds where there.I walked down the side walk I turned around I accedently bumped into someone.

I bumped into a tall guy about twenty years old nice light blond hair and brown green eyes with a hint of gray .

" Sorry ", I said.

He raised an eybrow I kept walking but I felt a hand holding me back . It was the guy.

" What ", I snapped.

" Are you in a hurry ", He asked.

" Yes ", I said.

" Sorry to be inprudent my names Vladimir doirem but I don't need to ask yours you are Autumn right prince Damens toy ", He said smirking .

Rage went through me I wasn't Damens toy who was this guy anyway I could tell he was a vampire but who.

" I am not his toy ", I said releasing my hand from his and slapping his face.

I left him angry and went to meet my friens. I reached them and wondered what a vampire could be doing here he seemed to bee a noble one by his attitude and his aspect .

" Hi Esme " ,I said greeting my friend trying to forget the incident with the blond vampire Vladimir.


I awoke with crystal at my side . She was in my bed I remembered the even ts that occured last night I had been a bit drunk and wanted to spend the night with crystal of course she would have agreed . I could make her do anything I wanted her to do .I glanced at her and saw she was going to wake up . I looked her features she had fair skin it reminded me of Autumns but Autumns was more fairer .

" Damen did you barley wake up ", Crystal asked.

" Yes I did you should get dressed ", I told her.

I walked out of the room leaving Crystal alone . Every single day since Autumn left I have missed her. The feeling inside of me was uncontrolable I was so attached to her I couldn't forget her that easily. Usalley I was the one that made young woman not forget me but this time it was me .

I knew there was a risk in letting Autumn leave the wolves could find her alone. They could kill her with ease . They had allies we saw that when they attacked Autumn the day of her wedding.With my cousin Deric. Deric hadc been the reason Autumn left. She thought that my only family members death didn't hurt me but she had been wrong. Deric was like a brother to me.

Oh , well . I had to suffer a bit for her but I was going to move on after all I was the leader of my race . I was the vampire prince after all.And as a prince I had to lead my race and focus on important things like the council . More nobles where coming and in them was one of my least favorite visitor Vladimer .

Vladimer and I where enemies since birth hate filled each of us .He would probably saw I wasn't doing a good gob by letting the wolves escape. Vladimer always envied me for being prince he even swore to me I wouldn't last long as prince but he had been wrong I've been ruling over us vampires for centurie. When I get married I would become king .Suddenly Crysals voice drifted me away from my thoughts.

" Damen can you take me home by the way Jason called you have a meeting and he said someone named Vladimer is coming in th next meeting , She informed.

Vladimer coming here in a week He was supposed to come her in two moths I wondered what would have caused him to come earlier. .

" Okay lets go ", I said.

I drove Crystal to her house she lived with her parents but they really didn't care what she did she was a daddys girl but her father always gave her what she wanted and leted her do as she pleased. I opened her door .

" Bye Damen ", She said kissing my lips and she left.

I headed to meeting withe members I wondered if the priest would be there they would only come when the whole covens met or when something strange happens . Maybe Jason should start telling me about the meetings instead of putting that excuse to call crystal . I knew how he felt but he shouldn't mess with my things .

I got to the meeting and to my suprise the Priest where here.

" We are her becuase their is a situation in Translyvania the wolves that attacke the wedding of your cousin are back and in search for the girls ", Said Priest Christian.

Shock and worry came to me if that happened Autumn was unprotected.

" But it has come to our attention that they have gotten more allies .They where doznes way more than last tim and we can't return to Translyvania they have taken over ", Priest Jerome informed.

Everyone gasped including myself.

" How could they have taken over Translyvania is the birth place of our race ", I asked.

" They where more and they are stronger than ever before they are strong with out the moon but with the moon there almost invincible ", Said Victor .

" The guards hadn't fed and that gave them advantage ", Said Gabriel .

" Shouldn't they be ready for any attack ", I growled.

The guards where there for a reason the had to guard our territory .


" Bye Avry Bye Hannah ", I said .

I had a great time with my friend but I felt as if bad things where happening.It was three a clock . The morning had gone quickly I liked acting noraml and being with my friends . I missed my mother and my sisters I hadn't taklked to them since I left . I had checked on them and they wondered why I left and mom was worried becuase I didn't call them .

I got home to my apartment I had many worries especially becuase I wanted to call my mom . I got up and took my phone out I had to call her tell her I was okay it wasn't fair for me to make her worry epecially since she was so nice and diffrent from my father.

" Hello ", I hear her voice through the phone .

" Mom it Autumn ", I said unsure .

" Autumn darling where are why did you leave with no say ", She said asking many qquestions at the same time .

" Mom I'm fine I left becuase I had a problom sorry for not calling but I didn't want to worry you ", I said honestly .

" I already told you , you have a home with me and Arthur ", She said .

She and Arthur her husband told me I could live with them before but I didn't want to be a bother especially since I was a bastered and didn't want to make Arthur uncomfterble .

" No mom i'm fine I'm in California One of my Aunts helped me get a job and I ren an apartment here ", I told her .

" I thought you wanted to go to school ", She said .

" I am going to School before work ", I said.

" I am here at a council meeting if you want I can tell Damen you're okay ", She said.

"No ", I said instantly . "I perfer you not to mention me ".

" Okay Darling ",.

" Well bye mom ", .

" Please call me again ", She siad.

" I will I promise ",I said as I hung up.

Instantly as I hung up I saw a quick movement. I gasped someone was in here who could it be . I felt someone breathing behind me . I instantly turned around and saw a pair of green eyes with a hint of gray .It was Vladimer.

" What are you doing in here ", Iasked my breathing got quicker .

" Well I wanted to know where Damens Precious toy lives ", He said smirking.

I didn't llike I was alone here with him I could sense his evil.

" Get out ",I hissed.

" Those are rude manners right there I expected you to have more manners , I mean no offense Damen likes educated things to play with ", He said loooking down at my body .

" But you do have the curves ", He said as he licked his lips.

" I am not his toy ", I shouted.

He rapidly covered my mouth.

" Shhh , we wouldn't want to bother your neighbors don't you think ", He said .

I nodded. He removed his hand from my mouth .

" Good ", He said .

" I'm going to ask you again what do you want ", I asked.

" Well to tell you the truth I thought you where very intresring ", He said grinning he kept on staring me up and down that made me shiver.

I gave a look that said and thats it. When he saw that he sat on the couch.

" I wanted to invite you out I'm very attracted to you ", He said.

" You're kidding me right ",I said unsure if he was joking.

Again in a flash he was behind me.

" Why do you thjink I'm kidding ", He whiperd behind my ear in a very sensual voice.

I pulled away completly uncomfterble.

" Um , you call me Damens toy you come in my house withh out permission and you keep on looking at me if I where something to eat ", I said.

Vladimir was sitting on the couch and staring at me again.

" I was just teasing about the toy thing and about eating you well I woul if I where a flesh eating monster so are we going out ", He asked arrogantly .

I looked at him he was again in front of my face something about his green eyes made me want to go with him . As if he where manipulating me.

" Okay ",I said.


Negitive attraction


After the council meeting I greeted an old friend named Eris he had been living with th priest in Translyvania.He looked the same I hadn't seen him in at least five centuries.

" I understood you where living with a girl named Autumn ", Eris asked.

I didn't want to talk about her I had to get the thoughts and worries about her out of me. She had decided to leave now she had to take care of herself . She knew the risks as well as I did.

" I'd perfer not to talk about that , but I thought you where intrested in Emily ", I asked.

Emily is one of Autumns crazy sisters.

" Things go around here quickly", He said grinning.

" You haven'y answered my question ", I said.

" Okay I am a little ", He admitted.

" A little ", Said a voice behind me .

Jason .

" You asked her to marry you when you arrived yesterday but she said you went to fast on the prposal ", Jason said smirking .

I raised an eyebrow.

" A little bit intrested ", I repeated.

Eris face went red.

" Um the Priestr wished to have a word with you ", Eris said ;.

Why would they want to speak with me ?

" Do you know what for ", I asked.

Eris shook his head " They only said to tell you to see them pronto ", He said .

I got up from my seat an left Eris with Jason. As I walked away I could hear Eris telling Jason why he had open his big mouth . Eris knew I had no desire of getting marrien not until another thousend years.I opened the door in a where the priest where talking as soon as I entered they told me to sit down.

" Damen we have come to a time where we think its time for you to get married ", Priest Gregory .

I gasped the Priest hadn't bugged me on getting married centuries ago after my father died.

" Why ", I asked .

" Its time you become king ", Said Priest Allistar.

" You can't always rule as prince Damen you have to become king you have to get married ", Pries Jerome said.

" You have till the end of this year to find a bride ", Priest Christain said.

" Isn't that a bit.... drastic ", I asked.

Drastic times call for Drastic mesures you may go ", They said kicking me out.

What was I going to do I have six month to find someone to marry !


I had to addmit I did have a great time with Vladimir . He was arrogant but something about him made me want to know him more.The day had went by quickly .

" Thankyou ", I said .

"A plesure ", Vladimer said.

We where standing in my apartments door. He grabbed my hand and kissed it . I had a strange feeling becuase his fangs came out he gently bit into one of my fingers . He licked the blood off my finger . The strange thing was I let him I actually let him bite me .

He came to my neck I thought he was going to bite me but instead he licked my neck as if he where tasting my pulse he kissed my lips but I pushed him off .

" Good night " I said.

I was about to close the door.

" See you soon Autumn ", He said smiling in a mischevious way .

What was happening to me I wondered . How could I let him kiss me and bite my finger when I barley met him today .He hadn't tried anything when we went out .If he weren't so arrogant he would be okay but he kept on bring Damen up . Vladimir asked me lots of Questions about him like if I loved him or if he was nice company . He always tried to compare himself to him as if wanting me to think he was better than Damen.

I kept on thinking about Vladimir and also Damen . What would Damen be doing right now . Is he thinking about me ? Many probloms and questions didn't let me sleep . I got up for a glass of water when I saw a shadow near the window . I opened it and I wasn't suprised to see him there.

" What are you doing I thought you left three hours ago ", I said annoyed.

" Your thoughts are very intresting ", He said inviting himself in .

" I'm suprised that you also think about me ", He added .

" Those are personal ", I muttered .

" Sorry your just so ... so diffrent", He said licking his lips as his gaze roamed my body and went to my face staring deep into my eyes .


What was I to do I had little time to find a bride I of couse could marry Crystal but sharing eternity with her would drive me insane . Maybe I could get the priest to change their mind in that tim and Crystal would be my back up plan . Maybe I could kill the priest and that way I wouldn't have to get married. No that was nonsense . I sighed knowing everything was wrong.

I saw Eris he was standing talking nto Autumns sister Emily . Everyone knew Emily was only playing with Eris she had been doing that for the past four hundred years . I watched as Emily left Earis he turned to me and was instantly on my face .

" You should stop begging her ",I advised him.

" How did you know I was begging her ", He asked.

" We are vampires Eris remember hard not to hear from far away ", I said annoyed.

" I love her Damen and you can't understand me becuase you've never loved anyone ", He said .

His words actually stung what did he know about feelings . I would have snapped at him but I sighed .

" I know enough to assure you Emily is not worth it ", I told him.

" No becuase when you love someone so much you'll never let them go you would do anything to make that person stay with you ", Eris said .

I said nothing knowing he might be right the only person that had made my ice cold heart flutter was Autumn . Eris had been in love with two girls one of the girls was Emily and the other one had died killed hunters .

" So changing the subject what did the priest say ", Eris asked.

" They want me to find a bride in seven months they want me to become king ",I informed.

He gasped in shock.

" What are you going to do " ,.

" I'll just let them think I'm looking for a bride and then I'll say no way ", I told him .

" The priest are very stubborn Damen the haven't asked you to marry someone in more than two thousend years ago ", He said.

I shrugged not caring what the priest wanted .


" So how come your here in california ", I asked .

" Well I'm just passing by , I leave in two more days ", Vladimir said .

I sighed in relief I was actually happy he was leaving .

" Why are you so glad ", He asked faking hurt in his voice .

" I barley know you and you are strange in a bad way ", I said .

" A strange vampire girl telling me i'm strange wow ", He said smirking .

" I'm not strange ", I argued.

" If you say so ", He said getting up and leaving .

He didn't even say good bye he just left . And he said I was strange for a guy who I barley meet and stalkes me and then bites my finger . The thing with him that I liked was I didn't think of Damen that much around him . But now that I was along I felt him aas if he where here with me . I always wondered if he thought of me just like I did .

Sometimes I wondered if I had made a mistake in leaving him in leaving his soul. The memories of Deric where slowly drifting away but I knew the memories I had of Damen would never go he was stuck in my heart and soul .When I fell asleep it was very late .

" Damen ", I gasped .

I couldn't breath someone had a tight grasp on my neck . Damen was on the floor his own blood covered him . I wanted to help him but I couldn't I heard laughter . A familiar voice was calling Damens name mocking him . I turned around to see who it was .

" Let me go ", I shouted .

They didn't listen they just kept laughing.

I awoke horrified at the dream I just had . I remembered Damen and how he was covered by his own blood . I hoped he was okay .I still loved them and could only ask for that .I hoped that wasn't a premonition . The past and the hunt me .Sometimes I wish I could be a normal girl with normal probloms but tha could never be becuase I was born vampire born a bastered .

I laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling .Vladimer .Why was I thinking about him I could feelhe was trouble I was going to stay away from him thankfully he would leave soon .


" So do you still think the priest will let you go on as a prince and not king " ,Jason asked.

" No i'm going to mary crystal ", I said waiting for his reaction.

I felt him tense.

" What about Autumn ", he said smirking .

I stiffened when I heard her name

" What about her ", I managed to say.

" I thought you could marry her but I heard she left you ", He said.

" No I let her go but they usalley let you go am I right ", I told him glaring .

I felt someones precence behind me it was Eris thankfully I didn't want tokeep on tyalking about autumn .

" Damen Vladiemer is coming much more sooner he might be here tommorow ",Eris said .

I gasped. " What? why? " .

"He is alsocoming with the witches and all the council they are meeting with the priest privatly Ithink there are probloms with the others about you" Eris said .

" They think you haven't done a good jobruling the werewolves are taking our territorys and the hunters of course " he said .

Shit . If Vladiemer convinced the councils that I wasn't doing a good job Vladimir would rule in my place . I had to work on getting everything ready by tommorow this was going to be a busy day.


I went work as usal trying to act like before my distasteful encountors with Vladimir . I was actually good a at my job . My boss was a big shot but he was a nice old man . He said I knew perfectly fine what I was doing even though I was young . I really didn't mind working . Before my time with Damen I had been a waitress becuase my aunts said it would be useful for me to have a summer job .

I left work it was four I was walking when I heard a voice behind me .

" Hello my little toy ", said a familiar voice .

I didn't have to turn around to know it was vladimir . I sighed .

" Can you please leave me alone and i'm not a toy ", I said in a polite voice .

" I thought I could say good bye before leaving ", He said .

" I thought you were going to leave in two days ", I said suprised .

" Well to bad maybe i'll come back and see you again ", He said .

" No you shouldn't waste your time ", I said quickly .

" It worth coming to see you ", He said .

He locked his gaze on mine .

" uh .. well good luck ", I said turning around to leave .

I took a step forward but he was already in front of me .

" You shouldn't do that mortals might notice ", I warned him .

" I wanted to invite you to lunch ", He said giving e one of his special attractive smiles .

" I thought you were leaving " I said .

" No I still have five hours I already packed "



As we waited for Vladimir to enter I heard the whispers who couldn't with our vampire hearing it was all to easy . There where many rumors. I have never felt this nervous in my four -thousend years . We have only reunited all the councils in two occasions . One when my father died and two wich was when the wolves started to attack us . Something very serious had caused this it wasn't only the werewolves but something worse .

" Vladimir and the council is here we shall start the meeting in a couple of minutes ", the spoke said .

I caught a glimpse of Vladimir he was smirking when he saw me looking at him he smiled .He came over my way.

" Hello Damen ", He said .

" Hello Vladimir its an odd occasion when you honor us with your presence ", I said trying not to hiss at him.

" No its my honor our prince , I have seemed to encouter a wonderful girl on my trip here I might even marry her ", He said .

" Really I'm suprised I suspect this girl is not that intrested noone is when it comes to you ", I said grinning .

His look darkened . I knew that in his past he had been rejected by a lady in 1876 .

" MAy I ask what the lucky girls name is ", I asked .

" Of course her name is Autumn Corneilian " he said.

I stood there in shock .

" She's very special she has the softest most sweetest lips and- ", I cut him off before he could say anything else by shoving him .

" You will stay away from her if you know whats good for you ", I growled .

Before I could say another thing the meeting started .

" We have been reunited here for many reasons ", Priest christian said .

"It is our duty to announce everyone that Damen will not be our prince he shall be replaced by vladimir ", Priest Jerome said.

Everyone gasped even myself I was being replaced by Vladimir . I couldn't believe it I had done everything to keep this place and our race secretive and safe.

" The reasons to this is that Damen has been off task and werewolves have taken control , we need a king not a prince Vladimir will get married soon ", Priest Allistar said.

With all the dignity I had I got up and left no one said anything they just looked at me with pity . I don't need it I thought. I walked home .I though of howmy father would have been disappointed in me. But other thought blurred me I remembered what Vladimir had said to meabout autumn .I hated him but how else could he know.

Iopened the door and saw a shadow I saw a some light. I turned the light of and Autumn was standing ther beutiful as ever.


I saw him there standing he looked at me with shock. I ran to him and rappped my arms to him . I had missed him so much .We clung to each other there for a brief moment. I felt a wave of peace with him but he pulled back.

" Damen i'm sorry I should have never left I love you ", I said everything I felt in that sentence.

" Autumn I'm sorry to for letting you leave you have no idea how much you being here means to me at this time ", He said rapping his arms around me.

" I can never be apart you we are soul mates we belong to each other ", I told him crying.

I hadn't known since when I had bee crying but it didn't matter .

" Sit down ", He told me.

I saw his face he seemed happy but also sad .

" Whats wrong ", I asked him.

" Many things but you are here now and that doesn't matter to me no more ", He said .

He was lying I could tell everything he felt it was some of the upiseof the bond .

" No lies please ", I begged.

He sighed .

" I'm not the vampire king anymore some one else is ", he said .

" Why ? who ? " ,I asked .

"Vladimir ", He said at last .

I didn't know what to say he gave mean odd expression .He tensed .


" You know him don't you I know you had something with him that he kissed you ", I hissed rembering .

I looked at her but she looked away .

", Its not like that ", She said .

I found my self looking into her electric blue eyes.

"Tell me then ", I said trying to control my anger .

" I ran into him and he started asking alot of questions about us but then he wanted to know me so he invited me to dinner ", She said .

" And you happily accepted ",I growled at her.

" Yes but he wouldn't leave me alone and then after that he kissedmy neck it was weird today in the morning he followedme to work and he kissed me ut I kneed him and told him you where the only one who could kiss me becuase I loved you I swear ",she promised.

" You did ",I asked.

She nodded putting her head down her cascade of golden hair fell on her face .I pushed it aside so I could kiss herlips her soft lips. It was a long kiss .

" I heard you where back with Crystal ", She hissed .


Texte: No permission of publishing with out authors permission
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.08.2012

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To my friends and fans who comment on my books cheering me on.

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