

I was told I was given at birth but I always thought they where lying.But when I turned 17 I was told damen was going to come .I had no intrest in meeting and especially living with him. An image of an old man went through my mind . I told the women I thought where my aunts they where crazy that I was never going to live with damen .Since then they decided to stay quite about the subject. Several months passed and in almost two months I was going to turn 18 .Thats when they told me damen was going to be here in three days . I tried to leave but they held me back they where very stronge vampires like me . They locked me up in th studio . But nowI have escaped finally and I have to run they are after me .I have no place to go , they probably know I left already and they wont stop until they find me.

Chapter 1


" Hello where are youy headed to ",asked the airport lady ?.

" Im headed to newyork " , I said.

After getting of the airplane I looked for a cab but I found a strang guy looking at me. I turned at the corner then I turned around and the guy was behind me following me. I started to run hopeing to lose him but the next thing I knew he was on top of me.

" Get of me" , I shouted .

Everythinhg fell into sudden darkness . When I woke up a tall handsome guy was standing over me.

" You have caused me a lot of trouble " , he said coldly.

" Who are you " ,I asked ?

Those where the only things I could say. My head felt like it was going to blow up.

"My name is Damen vidernian and I am your owner",Damen said .

" You son of a bich ,no one owns me is that clear " ,I said .

I didn't know why but he discusted me but I also had a strange feeling about him.

" Thats a very nice attitude , very lady like " ,he told me.

I stood up looked at him in the eyes , " You discust me sicko ".

Rage filled inside his eyes he slammed me against a wall.He got me by the hair and slammed my face on a table.

" You know maybe after I drink your blood I might kill you and no one will say anything becuase you belong to me " , he told me.

Damen was dragging me to a dark room he left me there and locked the door.

I started to shout " Open the freak'in door ".

I shouted many times but no one came .My face hurted tears came out of my eyes .
Hours seemed to pass.


" Hi damen,crystel said seductivly ".

I turned around and crystal was there standing there in a short blak dress . I remembere that me and crystal where supposed to go out today , but since I found autumn I forgot about he.

" Sorry crystal but today we are not going any where , I said .

Crystal was the dauhgter of one of the royals and what they called today my girlfriend. Even though I am four- thousend and fifty years old I still date the young .

" But why Damen ,she whined "?

" I have important matters to deal with , I said " .

I found autumn in the floor sitting down whith her head in front of her knees crying .
I didn't feel bad for hitting her after all she had tried to escape from me . I had bought her from her drunk uncle ,I had given him houses , money and respect as for her parents they thought she was dead. I have actually done her a favor for keeeping her alive for almost eighteen years.But why would she try to run from me I could give her anything she wants if she submits to me.


When Damen came back he had a small grin on his face . He startrd getting close to me and made me stand up.

"Get away from me " , I maneged to say after the beating he had given me I felt worse than before .

Damen pulled me against the wall I rested my head , but I found myself looking at his gray eyes.He was looking at my face where he had slapped me. I directed all my hatred and rage to him ,I could feel my eyes swelling with tears.

" If your nice and submit to me things would not be so bad for you ,he said with a grin on his face".

I knew what he ment Damen wanted to bite me ,and I was not able to do anything.

He started to remove my sweater that cover my neck then he moved my hair out of his way I saw his fangs come out .Suddenly I was able to move I pushed him then I got a lamp ant smashed his head with it .I glimpsed back damen was standing up I started to run I passed manyu doors I went down aby the stair case . Damen was shouting " Autumn ", he roared , "get back here or things are gooing to get worse ".

I knew he wasn't joking around about things getting worse for me but I didn't care .Since I was a vampire I was very fast. From my surroundings I could see I wasn't in Newyork to me it looked like I was in Italy . I had about five-thousend and a hundred somthing dollars I looked around for a map or something then I saw a girl who was rich obsouly by the clothes she was wearing you could instanly tell .

" Excuse do you where I can find a motel" ,I asked .

" Yes there is one about three blocks away " , she said .

" Thanks , I said ".

For some reason I felt strange around this girl it was as if she where a vampire to.I didn't trust her. So I decided to get out of this place as soon as possible so I headed to airplane.


When I find Autumn I am going to kill her I will not rest until I find her . I saw Jason oh great I thought the stupid retarted bich is hear.

" I heard that thought you know , so what happened to your head " ,he asked ?

"Nothing have you seen a girl she has blond hair and eletric blue eyes ".

" No is she a hooker becuase if you dont want crystal no more I want to date her " ,he said with a smirk .

I felt like I wanted to kill him I knew anger showed in my eyes along with murderus rage Jason acutally stepped back.

" I think this is not agood time to talk to you " ,he said before leaving.

Where could Autumn go I understood she had never left california before .

" Hey damen , you know I saw this girl I think she was a vampire but she was bruised and everything I kind of feel bad for her " , crystal said .

" Where exactly did you see this girl ", I asked

" Why " , she asked ?

" Where did you see her tell me now", I shouted !

" I saw her by the museum " ,she said.

After she said that I quickly left to that plac the only thing on my mind was finding autumn and making her pay.I found the place where crystal said she had seen autumn there was no sign of autumn. Suddenly I knew where autmn would be she was going to be in the airport probably going back to Newyork.I got in my car and drived to airport when I got their I saw autumn standing upn waiting for her flight. She had a diffrent jacket on probably bought one becuase hers was all bloody. I started to get close to her I wanted to suprise her


I suddenly felt a strong but firm around me I turned my head an it was Damen shocked filled inside me how could he have found me so quickly. I saw his eyes they where filled with rage and annoyance.

" Don't say anything things have already gotten very bad for you , so I suggest you should do everything I tell you ", he said between his gritted teeth .

I swallowed hard knowing that when we got back to the house he would sink his teeth into my neck ,and I knew no one would help me. We walked outside the airport he shoved me in the car slamming the door . He was driving very fast.

" You know whats going to happen when we get back to the house ", he said .

" Things would have been easier if you had just been a bit nicer ".
We where back in the house he dragged me back to the room .I could see the hunger in his eyes he savagly pressed his fangs into my skin . I felt pain but then the pain went away and it started to feel more like plesure . When he was done I felt so tired I thought I fainted for a few seconds I laid on the bed not knowing where damen had left but I was glad he was gone. I felt as if I had gotten violated but in an instance I fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw damen standing by the window .

" You know today's your lucky day , I have decided to spare your life ", he said . I coulds see a smile of satifaction on his face.

" I prefer to be dead then to be here with you " I said.

" I know , but your blood is so tasty I can't just let it go to waste like that. You are my new personal snack now ", he said with a wicked grin.

" So your going to keep me as a snack ,wow and you say I have no manners " ,I responded .

" I have manners unlike you " ,he said .

" Really ? I don't think hitting girls shows your manners " ,I challenged .

" I technically did not hit you " , he said .
In a blink he was sitting on the bed .

" I was just trying to restrain you from leaving " , he continued .
His hands where on my face touching the parts that where bruised . It took all the will I had in me to slap his hand on my face.

" Don't touch me " , I said .

" Well I just came to get you for dinner ,I mean you haven't eaten all day " , he said .

I actually was really hungry but I was not going to eat with him.

" I'm not hungry , I lied.

" If you don't eat I'll shove the food down your throat " he threatened .

I stood up from the bed and followed him knowing that he was not kidding around about shoving the food in my mouth . While we walked through the halls I could tell the house was very old by the paintings. When we reached the dining room he called his maid . He was about to pull a chair for me but I sat somewhere away from him . We ate dinner quitely , I ate alittle bit I could not stand eating in the same room as he did . After dinner damen showed me the room I was going to stay in .

" If you ever try to escape I will kill you and I am not making a joke so take that idea out of your head. Becuase your going to be staying here .Is that clear" ? Damen said.

I nodded I went inside the room and close the rooom it was big and luxurios. There was a night stand the room itself was beautiful .I laid down in the bed trying to sleep but I couldn't until hours passed and then I fell asleep.

Chapter 2


Damen woke me up in the morning .

" We have to go" ,he said.

" why I ", groaned I was so sleepy ?

" Becuase I said so , now get up we are going in my private airplane " , he said with a grin .

I nodded . Show off I thought.

" I am not a show off by the way " , he said.

" Get out of my head damen " , I told him .

Since I didn't have any clothe with me I just got up brushed my teeth and went downstairs.
Damen was waiting for me we got in the taxi cab and head to the place where the air plane was. We took of I had to sit right next to Damen wich felt very uncomfortable. He kept on turning around and looking at me it was getting annoying.

" Is there a problom or do I have something on me "? .I asked.

" No " , he said .

" Then stop staring It feels strange " , I ordered .

" Talk about being sensitive ,what are you scared of me autumn " ?. Damen asked me.

" No " ! I instantly said.

But it was a lie,I was very scared of him becuase he could now decide what could happen to me.Ever since he bit me I felt more scared becuase I felt Damen had no limits .

" Then whats the problom " ? He said with a grin.

I said nothing the whole flight was quite.I wondered what would happe when we got of the airplane. Would Damen kill me ? Would he keep me as a snack like he said ? I had any things on my mind .

Time went quickly and I didn't notice until Damen said that we where here. Here , here where I thought in my mind ?


When we got of the airplane I glanced at autumn her thought kept me thinking if she was really scared of me . Oh well I thought its all her fault she put this on her self we could have had a nice pleasent time if she hadn't acted in a stupid way .

" Get in the car " I told her.

I thought she was going to try to run again but with the look I gave her she quickly got in the car .Since I was vampire royalty I had a lot of power in the vampire society.

" If you where wondering were we are we are in chicago " ,I said .

" Damen why do we have to move around the states " ? she asked.

" We have to move becuase the humans might notice that some of us are not getting old " , I said.

Without anymore quistions we drove to the mansion I had in chicago.I forgot to mention to autumn I had purchased her some clothe while she was asleep . Something else was on my mind and it was about autumns parents. When they find out that Leonard autumns uncle sold her to me it was not going to end up good.But no one quistions me becuase I could kill them . Well problom solved. Then another problom came in my mind what was I going to tell crystal when she saw autumn it does not look good having autumn live with me.Autumn had caused and was causing me many probloms.

We finally got to my mansion.I saw autumns face from the expression on her I cpuld tell she was not supriesed but her thought was kind of funny. When I read her thought it said Wow Damen is filthy rich.

" Theres some clothe upstairs I purchased them while you where asleep " , I told her.

" Um, how do you know what size I am " ? she asked.

" I called the women that raised you and asked them " ,I told her.
She sighed.

I lead her up stairs showing her around her mind was filled with many thoughts and many quistions .

" Dame since we have to move around alot that means I don't have to go to high school right"? autumn asked.

" You have all eternity to go to school " ,I told her .

Vampires like me and her did not age only if we wanted to.

" You should change put on something like a dress we have to go somewhere later ,we might encounter your parents " ,I said .

When I mentioned her parents her eyes went cold and they where filled with hate. Hate a very powerful emotion.She probably hated them becuase she thought they gave her to me but if she only knew that her parents wanted her dead ,and that her uncle was drunk when he gave her away.

" I will come back in about an hour ", I said.

I glanced at the clock it was eight forty already . I left the room so she could get ready.


I couldn't belive what damen told me . I was going to see my parents the pepole that gave me away to damen.Ifelt anxious but I also felt hurt asnd hate. How could my parent give me away jus, just like that like a dog. I knew that my parents had an affair and they where married to diffrent pepole ,but there was no excuse for them to give me away . My parents where royals to I wondered how I was going to react when I encountered them.

I took a shower and looked in the closet there where some very expensive clothe I was not suprised.I picked out a short black drees and some high heels . The dress showed of my curves but it seemed for like a model becuase the bodice seemed tight but it fited perfectly.Damen came and knocked on my door.He looked very elegant .

" lets go ,I'm always very punctual ", he bragged.

He kept on looking at me up and down it kind of bothered me . We got in his car and left.

We arrived at this mansion bigger than Damens mansion.There where many cars parked outside .We went inside some other vampires began to stare at us I felt strange.In the crowd of some girls there was the girl that I had asked directions back in Italy. She looked back at me like she recognized me.

" That man over there is your father " , Damen told me.

I glanced where Damen was looking I saw a man with blond hair green eyes he looked like he was thirty years old. I recognized my own blond hair when I saw him .

" And the woman over there is your mother " ,told me.

The woman I saw was very beatiful I turned away not wanting to look at them any more.

" Why are we here " ,I asked .

" We meet here almost every two months you could say its like tradition " he ansewred.

A handsome guy came over he bowed.

" Hello Damen ,and who is this " , the guy asked .

" Hello Lucian , this is autumn my house mate " damen said.

Lucian extended his hand form to shake it.

" Its a plesure to meet you " ,Lucian said with a grin.

" Could you excuse us Lucian " ,Damen said.

I did not know why Damen started to act like this. If I didn't know any better I could have sworn Damen was jealous .

" Is something wrong " , I asked.

" I don't know you tell me is something wrong " he said .

I could tell damen was angry so I waited for an ansewer.

" You should not flirt around with Lucian " ,he said .

" I was not flirting with anyone ,and why the hell sould you care " , I said angrily.

He had no right . He might own me but he could not just things about that where not true he didn't even know me.

" Well since you live with me and I don't wwant pepole to know that I am living with a slut." , he said.

" Then why don't you just let me go , if I bother you " , I said .

" We will talk about this later " , damen said cutting me off.

Damen went to talk with the other vampire royals . I thought it was a bunch of royal bull shit .I could tell that Damen could read my thoughts ,becuase when I thought that he gave me a furious look .The pepole that where my parents barley noticed me , I felt as if they where trying to ignore me I did the same.Lucian kept on staring at me when Damen noticed that I was looking at Lucian I thought he was going to go up to Lucian and kill him.

" We should go " Damen said.

I said nothing I just followed him he said goodbye and just followed him .

I went up stairs to my room not wanting to get Damen angry.


I woke up and remembered last nights events I could not belive that autumn liked Lucian .I was glad she was upset last night when her parents wouldn't acknowleg her.She was so stupid to think that Lucian would like her or maybe she wasn't .By the way Lucian looked at her and his thoughts.Lucians thoughts where very dirty ,images about him and autumn in a hotel had flashed through his dirty mind.I had to talk to autumn.

I got dressed and went downstairs autumn was already there there fully dressed.After we ate I decided to talk to her about what happened last night . I told her to come to the livinig room.

" I think we should discuss about last night " ,I told her .

She was ignoring me she didn't even look at me .

" Do not ignore me autumn" ,I hissed at her. My patience was running low.

" What do you want , oh wait I know you want to call me a slut again " ,she said annoyed .

" Well maybe you are ,becuase after all if your mother is one maybe you inherited from her. I mean your mother was married after all when she slept with your father ." I said .

Autumn stood up and she slapped me with such force me faced turned around . She left up stairs I could hear her crying . I relized I had went to far by telling her was igoing to make it up to her . I suddenly heard a window breakingn it was autumn she probably got out ,again .
Shit . I had to go get her and fast before the other royals noticed she was runninng away from me. I saw her running as fast as she could.I was faster and got her by the arm and dragged her back to the mansion.

" Seriouly you should stop runnig its getting annoying " , I said .

" Let me go you stuck up bitch " , she shouted.

I put a hand to cover her mouth .

" Shut the hell up already , you think I like to be here with you every fuckin day" ,I said angrily.I took her to my room and looked at everything that would help her escape . I locked the door and left the house irrtated.


I stood inside Damens room wanting to escape .I prowled around the room looking for something that would get me out. I gave up my search knowing it was impossible , even if I got out Damen would look for me and surley find me.I remembered last night ,and how my parents did not even notice me . It hurted me to know that they tried so hard not to notice me. The guy with blond hair and green eyes Lucian that was his name I remembered . I thought he was really cute . The way he looked at me made me feel strange though. Suddenly an idea went through my mind maybe I could use my power. I had the power to see the past and things that went around me. I decided to see my parents past that night when they left me .

I had never went back in the past to see who my parents where I had never had the courge. I relaxed my mind . It was night the place I was seeing seemed very old there was a woman holding a baby girl . But the woman was not the only person in the room there where three other men and two other women . I recognized one of the men one was my farher as for the rest I didn"t know .

" Shaila you should not carry the girl you know whats going to happen to her " , said one of the men.

He looked older than the other man that was next to him he had sand colered hair and dark brown eyes he seemed to be fifty years old.

" No father she is my child I can not get rid of her just like that " , my mother said .

" What would your husband say when he saw the girl , or are you going to tell him you had an affair with estaban " , the man said .

That man that wanted to get rid of me was my grandfather.

"Your father is right we can't let anybody know " , my father said.

All of the vampires that where their nodded . My grandfather took me out of my mothers arms .My mother started to shout.

My mothers eyes where filled with sadness ,tears poured out of her eyes .

" Dispose of her Maximilian " , my grandfather said .

He handed me to the man that was next tome. My grandfathers eyes where cold with no felings in them .As the man took me away I could her my mother screaming . I decided I had seen enough and pulled my mind back.

So my mother had not given me away she had cried for me . I directed my anger right at my grandfather and all those other vampires that where there .


A sickning feeling went through me when I had shouted at autumn. I started to remember the night when her uncle had offered her to me.

" Her blood could be very useful to you my lord " , her uncle said .

He was very drunk that he told me everything that her parents had said .We made a deal that I would give him power in exchange for the girl . I took autumn to be raised with the pure bloods. I really didn't know why I was remembering all of this. I wanted to talk to her I wanted to be more than the person she hates I wanted to be her friend . I knew it wasn't her fault her parents had not wanted her.

I went to the room I had locked her up wich was my own . She was sitting on the floor with her head bent down between her knees.

" Autumn " , I sighed. " Autumn look I'm sorry I haven't been treating you nice,but I want things to change I want to be your friend " , I told her softly .

She raised her tear stained face up to me her eyes where filled with sadness . I wiped her eyes with my hands.

" I'm sorry I didn't want to make you cry " , I said quitely,.

" No Damen I'm not crying becuase of that " , she said.

" I know what really happened that night the night I was given to you . My mom had wanted to keep me but the rest of her family had taken me away from her " , she said .

How had she known I really didn't know what had happen I myself didn't know what had her family said.Her uncle had told me that her parents had despised her when she was born.

" How did you know that " , I asked her .

" I have the ability to see the past and things that go around me " , she said sounding more calm.

I looked at her with shock I had never thought of what powers she might have but that power was incrideble . Images of what had happened that night started to appear in my mind. What she had told me was true. An idea apeared in my mind.

" If you wamt your mom can come here tomorrow I can let her talk to you " , I said.

Autumns eyes lit up a small smile pirced her lips .

" Really you mean it ? " ,She asked.

" Yes I do " , I said .

Autumn hugged me she felt warm.

" Thankyou Damen " ,she said .

" No problom , and I hope you don't hate me to much " , I said.

" I didn't hate you I just said , but I didn't technically like you either " , autumn said .

" You can go out as long as you come back and about Lucian you should be careful " , I told her .
she nodded.
She went back to her room and I stayed in my room thinking how I fixed things with autumn.I got my phone out and called shaila to let her know she could come and visit autumn tomorrow she had agreed her voice sounded anxious.


I was so excited to talk to my mon I coulcn't wait to see her to tell her I knew everything I couldn't wait till tommorow . I grabbed my purse and went out to sight see . It had seemed strange to me that Damen had apoligized to me .I thought he didn't have no feelings I still think that but I was going to play his game. It was better to be on Damens good side until I could see my mom and tell her that my uncle had sold me to Damen not that she could do anything. I still hated him for making me leave my home in california and for buying me, but he would pay its my turn to be evil I vow to make Damen pay for what he did to me . I vow to kill him when I get a chance .

Chapter 3


I had gotton back to the mansion like at nine . When I woke up I was so excited that my mother was finaly going to come. I also remembered the vow I made last night I vowed to kill Damen . I got dressed then I went downstairs Damens maid told me damen was waiting for me so we could eat breakfast.Damen pulled out a chair for me .

" Good morning " , Damen said with a smile.

" Morning " ,I said trying really hard to keep the discus out of my voice.

" Yor mom is going to be coming in about three hour" he said.

" Thank you Damen " I said . I was trying really hard to hid the hate out of my voice .

My mother arrived in three hours just like Damen had said.I stood there emotionless not knowing what to do or what to feel. I felt my eyes getting watery when suddenly my mom rapped an arm around me .This was the first time I ever felt loved becuase when I lived with my aunts they had been cold and harsh to me they would slap me when I wouldn't do something right.

" I'm so sorry for not being with you all these years Autumn ," She said. I could feel regret and guilt from her.

" Its not your fault I saw everything that happened that night " ,I said trying to comfort her.

We sat down she grabbed my hand and stroked my cheek.

" You grew up so much , but I don't understand why you are here with Damen", She asked.

" Your brother sold me to him and now he's using me as a snack becuase he takes my blood when ever he wants ,"I said.

I shivered when I remembered Damens fangs pierced in my throught drinking me in and the plesure

I didn't want to feel.

" What that is despicable he can't be doing that he can't be drinking your blood that taints your blood. Since he drank your blood he can't drink any other vampires blood but yours ! ," she said with shock and rage.

" What do you mean it taints my blood " ,I asked.

" When female vampires get bitten and they are not married it doesn't make them look good only their husband can do that . Damen knows better than to do that", She said still sounding angrier.

" I understand ,but who am I to disagree He can do whatever he want remember who he is . He can use me and drink my blood whenever he wants. ", I said quietly.

" My poor little girl this is all my fault I should have fled when I learned I was pregnet with you. This shouldn't be happening to you , oh I feel so bad this has happened to you" , She said.

We talked for about five hours until she had to go I was so happy.


After I had left Autumn and her mother takinng I had recived a call form crystel telling me to meet her somewhere she sounded angry and anxious.When I got ther I saw Crystal , Jason , two of crystals friends , emillian , Lisa , and lucian .

" What are they doing here " I asked crystal not caring if they heard me.

" Excuse me we can here you " , Lisa said .

" Does it look if I care if your here " , I snapped .

" Look Damen we just want to know who the girl is " ,Lucian said.

Now lucian just Wanted to sleep with autumn.

" No you just want to sleep with her ", I said.

" Yes that to " ,Lucian said.

I would have ripped Lucians head out if the others weren't here.

" She is my house mate " , I said .

" House mate what do you mean house mate ? ", Crystal asked.

" He means she is going to be living with him " , Jason told crystal.

" But why is she living with you ", Emillian asked.

" Personal reasons " ,I ansewered.

" You didn't get her pregnet did you Damen " Lucian asked.

" No " , I said instantly.

" Then you won't mind if I ask the girl out wowuld you, I mean if you don't have anything with her you shouldn't mind ", Lucian said.

" Of course I won't mind go ahead . If you can excuse me I have to leave " ,I said between gritted teeth.

I got in my car and left . The conversation had gotten very uncomfterble.I knew Lucian only wanted to have blood sex with autumn.Blood the thought came to me . I hadn't had any blood since
I fed of autumn I needed blood. When I get back home I was going to feed from autumn.


I was taking a shower when I felt someone's presence in the room . I quickly finished taking a shower I then got dressed.I came out of the room an saw Damen sitting on the bed waiting. Waiting but for what ?

" What do you want Damen " , I asked

" I need blood " , he told me.

I winced when he told me that . It meant he was going to feed of me .

" Ok " ,I said .

" It won't hurt it only hurts the first time " , He promised.

He got of the bed I looked into his gray eyes that had turned black. I was about to move my hair out of the way when he moved it himself. He touched my neck looking for where my pulsed beated the hardest when he found it he sunk his teet in my thrount.A soft moan came out of my mouth . I felt pure plesure . The pain I had felt the last time he bitten me had never apeared just like he had said.When he finished I felt very dizzy.

" It will go away in a few minutes atleast you didn't faiint like last time .Good night." he said as he left.

I knew Damen could read minds so I had to be more careful with my thoughts. My mothers words ran in my mind . When Damen bit you he tainted your blood. I went to sleep with those thoughts in my mind.

I woke up with a head ache . As I brushed my teeth I saw two bruises on my neck from Damens bite. I probably needed to feed so the bruises would go away. I glanced at the clock it was four thirty I had only slept for three hours maybe I could find someone on the streets right now.I put on some jeans ,boots, and a jacket then I hurried outside. I walked alot and saw some cute blond haired guy. I sneaked behind him and knocked him out . My fangs sank into him the sweet liquid ran down my throught filling my big need. The head ache went away and I knew the brusies did to . I left the cute guy in an alley knowing he wouldn't remember how he got there.

While I was walking I saw a quick shadow I was ready to face it ,but to my suprise I saw a familar face it was Lucian the guy from the meeting.He came my way I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you " , he said with a smile reaveling his perfect pearl white teeth.

" Um, its okay " , I said .

I saw his face he was very handsom he had brown hair and green blue eyes .

" So what are you doing here ", He asked me.

"I was just Walking " , I ansewered.

I didn't know why but I wanted to stay a little longer with him .

" Well could you use a little company ? " Lucian asked.

" Sure ", I said.

I walked with him until he walked me home. He had asked me lots of quistion like why was I living with Damen.

" I know its a little to soon since you barley know me but I would like to ask you out tomorrow " ,he asked me.

I couldn't belive the words that came out of my mouth.

" I really don't have anything to do tomorrow so I guess its okay " ,I said.

His face lit up in the night.

" Really ? " , Lucian asked.

" Yes " ,I said.

" I'll pick you up at five tomorrow " , He said.

" Bye " , I said.

I was going out tomorrow . I knew Damen didn't like Lucian . Yet again I didn't care what Damen
liked .

I went inside the house.


It was already nine in the morning when I woke up I no longer had the need for blood no more. Drinking blood from another vampire was better than human blood. I walked down the stair I didn't see Autumn.

" Did the girl come down ", I asked one of the maids .

" No sir she hasn't " ,She ansewered .

Not again was she going to make this difficult again. I went up stairs to her room. I opened the door and saw autumn sleeping peacfully on the bed . She suddenly opened her eyes .She saw me their standing.The sun hit her golden blond hair making it look more beautiful .

" I was just checking if you where okay I thought you where sick or something " I told her.

" I'm fine its just I went hunting outside and I wnt to sleep late " ,she said.

Hunting ?

" Okay I'll wait for you in the garden so we can eat breakfeast out there " , I told her .

" Okay " ,She said her voice sounded sleepy their was a small glow in her eyes.

I turned around and left the room. As I walked downstairs I felt her thoughts.Their was a thought that unleashed hell through me she was thinking about Lucian. Lucian is such a gentle man she thout. Gentle man, Lucian was everything but a gentle man. If autumn knew him well she would know that.I waited for her downstairs when she came down she looked beautiful her hair looked like a cascade of gold.We sat down and ate.

" Damen remember you told me I could go out as long as I came back ", She said.

" Yeah why ", I asked.

" Its becuase i'm going out with someone today like at five", I said .

She was going out but with who ?

" Who are you going out with ?", I asked.

" Lucian ", she answered .

Hell unleashed through me .

" You are not going out with him I forbid it ", I barked at her.

Rage flashed through her .

" You can't tell me who to go out with", She said.

" You barley know him and besides I control you and your will I own you ",I shouted at her.

" You're just a stuck up son of a bitch "she screamed in my face.

I went white and slapped her face so hard she fell of her chair .She got up and launched at me she scrached my face blood ran down my face . I grabbed her neck and pinned her to the floorshe kicked me in the private parts . She got a knife and stabbed my arm . I got her by the hair and slammed her head on the table she fell unconsious Blood fell from her head . I realized
I had hit her to hard .

" Clean up this mess " I shouted at the maids . I picked her up and carried her to her room. I tried to wake her up but I couldn't. I started to worry . I called Victor he was a vampire doctor .

" Damen what happened to her she very injured ", Victor said.

"What do you mean very injured she's a vampire she'll heal ", I told him.

" Its not that simple Damen her body might heal but she suffered a very bad head injury . When she might wake up I'm not sure , but what happened to her ", He asked again .

" She fell down from the stairs " I lied.

" Well we are going to have to wait until she wakes up ", He said.

" Okay " ,I said .

Three weaks had passed and autumn still hasn't woken up . I myself had other probloms their had been many werewolf attacks in the last few weaks I had to deal with them after all I was the strongest vampire .

" What are you going to do about the werewolfs your majesty ", asked one of the council members .

" I will send some vampires to deal with them ", I said.

I left the meeting as soon as it was over. Autumn mother had been very worried when I told he and so where her sisters Liana, Rebecca ,and Emily.

" So has she woken up " ,Lucian asked me when I was about to get in my car.

" It is none of your concern Lucian "I growled .

I drove away fast . Autumns nurse was waiting for me outside.

" Is something wrong with her ", I asked .

" No not at all its actually good news the girl has woken up but she's weak she can barley stand up she needs blood", She said.

I was actually happy to hear she was a awake I went up stairs to see her.I entered the room and saw her sitting up she looked at me with so much hatred and rage I could've sworn she wanted to kill me.

" What do you want", She hissed.

" I just wanted to see how you were ", I said.

" Well how the hell do you think I am , I've been unconsious for three fuckin weaks ",She shouted angrily.

I was startled by her anger her rage was suprising.

" I'm sorry ",I told her.

" No your not all I wanted to do before I fell unconsious was to kill you I was just faking to be okay but nothing has been okay becuase I hate you", She kept on shouting .

I said nothing and left knowing she was saying the truth I noticed she was tryingo real hard to be around me but I never said anything before the fight that had left her unconsious.

Chapter 4


I had been shocked when Damen forbided me to go out with Lucian the fight was so big I had been knocked out. When Damen came in I had let out all the restrained anger and frustration. If Damen thought that saying sorry was going to make me forgive him he was wrong .I wished I had stayed unconsious for eternity . I had told him I hated him and that I wanted him dead wich was true , but I had also felt other feelings for him feelings I just couldn't describe I was just growing confused . I had to concentrate the only feelings I should feel for him are hatred and discust.I fell asleep.

Suddenly I heard growls but wolf growls i got up and saw some where wols surrounding the house . Damen burst in the door.

" Autumn we have to go ", Damen said.

Dang it I could barley walk it had taken all my will power to get up.

" Never mind ", he sighed .

Damen picked me up and carried me down stairs quickly.

" Damen put me down ", I ordered.

" Shut up they'll here us ", He said.

" Oh the great dark prince is scared of a bunch of over grown dog I thought you where suppose to be strong", I mocked.

I saw the look he gave me I thought he was going to throw me but he didn't. I felt his strong muscles and for a vampire he was really warm .

" Look I would fight them but you can barley walk ". He told me.

He was quick and in a flash we were in the car.He drove us away very fast the wolf were following us. One was in front of the road but Damen ran over him.

" Wait here ", Damen said getting out of the car.

Damen began fighting with the wolfs I saw more coming from behind. One wolf broke the door off and was about to kill me but I shoved him off and ran. I was suprised my feet actually moved.The wolf got on top of me I tried to fight him but he was to big .Suddenly I saw Lucian he got the wolf of me by killing him .He helped me up. I was startled when he put a hand around my waist .

" Thankyou ", I told him.

" No problom , but are you okay ", he asked me .

" Yes i'm find "I answered.

I sensed Damens presence behind us we turned around at the same tim I saw rage in his eyes.

" You can let go of her now Lucian she can stand up by herself ", Damen said .

" No she can't Damen she hasn't had any blood ", Lucian argued.

I felt somebody else's presence.

" How did you get so fast here Lucian ?", Jason asked.

Jason had dark brown hair and brown green eyes.

" What took you so long ?," asked Lucian.

" Their where more wolf baaack at crystals mansion so I helped her out ", Jason said grinning I not knowing why.

Lucian kept his hand around my waist Damen kept on looking at Lucian as if he where going to kill him.

" Did you call the death dealers ?" , Damen asked Jason.

" Yeah they came but they where late no one died though ", Jason said.

" Well we should get going , tell the others were going to meet at transylvania as soon as possible " Damen said grabbing my wrist.

" Sure ", Jason said.

Lucian gave a growl as Damen pulled me away from him . Jason and Damen looked at him but he said nothing.

" Thanyou Lucian again ", I told him.

Damen and I left in his airplane to Trasylvania. Eventually I fell asleep thinking about Lucian and how he had saved me .


I was shocked when I saw Lucians hand around Autumns waist but most of all how could she have let Lucian do that that made her look like the kind of girl that was easy to get which I knew she wasn't.The flight was over we were here in transylvania my real home the place I was born. I didn't want to wake Autumn up so I picked her up . I laid her in my old bed and looked at her face she seemed inoccent but she was just another vampire girl who I could easily hurt she was easier than the others becuase I owned her I owned her will I owned her soul.

I would take care of Lucian if I ever saw him next to her I would kill him. I couldn't belive I was actually feeling jelouse of Lucian but if he only knew autumn belonged to me.I left her room tom meet the others becuase the wolf attack had suprised us all and the death dealers did not come in time.

It was morning already I had finished eating breakfeast when I heard the doorbell rang to my suprise it was Lucian he was holing flowers probably for Autumn.

" What do you want" I asked trying to sound calm even though I wasn't.

" I wanted to see Autumn " , Lucian said.

" She's not awake ", I told him.

" I'm awake ", said a voice behind me .

It was autumn she had a smile on her face. This was the first time I had actually seen he smile. I decide to let her see Lucian. Lucian invited her out . I made up my mind I wasn't going to interfere in Autumns realationship with Lucian . Autumn was going to have to take care of herself becuase Lucian only wanted to sleep with her.I had a date with Cyistal today and another meeting with the vampire council.

" You came ", crystal said.

" Yes come on let go ", I told her .

I took Crystal to place where we could be alone.Crystal was no virgin she hadgotton bitten by many vampires wich made her more intresting. I pulled her downn the bed removing her clothe. I bit he neck trying to forget about Autumn.


I was happy when I saw Lucian he was nice company and most of all he had saved my life.

" So is there anything between you and Damen", Lucian asked me .

" No why would you think that ? " I asked

" Well you two live together ", He told me.

" I'm just his ,um house mate.", I told him.

He gave me a smile full of releaf.

" Good becuase I really like you", he said.

Did he say he really liked me . I could feal the heat in my cheeks. I looked up into his eyes.He pulled me closer to him and kissed me and I let him.Lucians lips where soft he put his hand on the back of my head making the kiss deeper. I suddenly pulled back feeling that something here was wrong.

" Sorry I didn't to be to quick ", He apoligized .

" Its okay Lucian but I would like to take things more slowly ,I want to get to know you better ",I said.

" Okay ", He said.

I spent the rest of the morning with Lucian .Iwas happy for the rest of the morning until he took me home.As I came in the door I saw Damen waiting there.

" Did you sleep with him already", He asked.

Rage boiled through me Lucian was a nice guy and better then Damen.

" Its none of your concern ",. I said .

" I mean if you id he's not going to bother you anymore ", He said .

I thought about Lucian and the kiss he had given me . I sighed and went up into my room .I heard a knock on my door . I got up and opened it. To my suprise it was my mom.

" Its so nice to see you woke up", She said hugging me , " I was so worried ",.

" I'm fine mom I just fell down stairs ", I lied.

Why was I even lying Damen had slamed my head against the table.

I told my mother everything she said she was sorry . I talked to her the rest of the evening.


I had seen the image of Autumn and Lucian kissing but I had said nothing I felt a strange Jelousy against Lucian. I called Autumn for breakfest.

" I'm not hungry ", She said.

" You have to eat ", I told her.

" I told you already I don't want to ", She said.

" I need you to eat becuase I don't want you to ge tired when I drink your blood again", I told her.
She cringed .

" Fine ", She finaley said agreeing.

We ate dinner quiety I not wanting to bring up Lucian again knowing that if I did I would hurt her and make her angry. I did not want to make her angry becuase when I drink her blood her feelings would go through me.

" Good night ", She said .

She was about to leave when I grabbed her and bit her . The desire I had form her blood was to hard for me to resist. Especially when I had her around me I hadn't bit her for weeks since she had fell unconcious. She gasped when my teeth had sunk into her neck in the place where her pulse beat the most. I heard her moans suprised that she was making this easy for both of us.

Feeling my need full fill I let go of her .She looked at me in a way she had never looked at me before. That was a look I couldn't describe. Autumn ran to her room something inside me told me to go after her but instead I just stood their.

I went into my bedroom thinking about the way she had looked at me. Autumn hadn't looked at me with hatred despise , or even discust like she usalley does but this time it was diffrent. I could've sworn she had looked at me with love . No maybe I was wrong she couldn't love after how I have treated her . No it can't be .I fell asleep in confusion thinking about autumns feelings for me .


I woke up and remembered what I had felt for Damen when he had taken my blood. I couldn't belive this I was in love with him I was in love with Damen. Even though he treated me like crap even though I barley knew him I had fallen for him I had fallen in love with Damen.If he found out my feelings for him he would probably laugh at me.I had to get rid of this feeling for him .

I had gotten up early I decided to go out for a walk . I kept on walking until I heard foot steps behind me .

" Hey Autumn ", Lucians voice said behind me.

I turned around and was face to face with Lucian.

" Morning Lucian " , I said trying to smile.

One thing I had discovered from Lucian in are past date was that he was as old as Damen.

" Do you always walk?", he asked.

" No only when I want to ", I told him .

I wanted to forget about the sick feeling for Damen I was going to use Lucian to forget him. I put my hands around his neck he looked at me with suprise.

" I thought you wanted to take this more slowly ", he said .

" Well we have all eternity to know each other ", I said.

" You're right ", He said stroking my cheek.

I felt his lips against mine. Forget about Damen forget him I thought to myself. I kissed Lucian back. I was leaning against a tree we kept on kissing . When we heard a quick movement Lucian turned around.

" You heard that didn't you ", he said.

" Yes I did ", I told him.

A big giant black wolf tackled Lucian I wasn't week any more and sunk my nails into the wolfs neck ripping his head off.

" Are you okay", I asked .

" Yes thankyou , but wolfs shouldn't be here we should got talk to Damen ", He said.

I waited outside the Damen's study room while Lucian and Damen where taking about the wolf attack we had .

" We have to go to a council meeting ", Damen told me.

" Okay ", I said.

Lucian came and gave me a kiss on the lips in front of Damen.

" Thankyou autumn again ", Lucian said.

Damen cleared his throat. Lucian and Damen left.


I was enraged when Lucian had the guts to kiss her in front of me. I wondered what they where doing when they where attacked by wolfs. I had been wrong about thinking that Autumn had looked at me with love . I had to forget that stupid idea and focus on the wolfs that had attacked them in the morning. Translyvania was the home of vampires they shouldn't be around.
We got to the council place where they were waiting for me .

" My Lord we want to know what is so urgent that you have called upon us ", asked a priest .

" I have called you becuase there wolfs here and they have been around my home", I said.

" Impossible wolfs can't be here this is the birth town of vampires ", said another council member .

" I will send the noble guards tp take care of them thry can't be here if they think we'll let them do whatever they their wrong no one quistions our authority ", I said.

All of the council nodded in agreement .
" That is all ",I said getting up .

Chapter 5


I was thirsty for blood . I suddenly had a great idea I was going to see if Lucian liked me taking blood from autumn . I drove home thinking about that I sensed that he was near.

" Autumn come down her ",I shouted at her .

I saw her coming down with a nervous expression I bet she knew what I was about to do.

" Get over with it", She said.

I waited until I felt Lucians precence behind the door opening it when I sunk my teeth into her neck. I felt Lucians shock
his anger grew stronger becuase he could here Autumns moans of plesure I was satisfied . Autumn turned around and saw Lucian . Her ayes filled with shock.

" Lucian I- I can explain please ", She called after him.

She followed him but Lucian ignored her.Then he stoppedand turned around.

" Damen took the only thing I wanted from you wich was your blood , you are no use to me any more ",He said coldly .

Tears came outof her eyes as Lucian left. She ran up to her room slamming the door.I went to my own bedroom knowing I should feel happy knowing that Autumn wasn't going to see Lucian anymore but I felt no happiness.I had ended Lucians short relation ship with Autumn.I fell asleep knowing that when I woke up it wasn't goinng to be easy.


Shock and shame had filled me up when Lucian saw Damen taking my blood. I was going to kill him. I quietly went to his weapon room and got a stalk. I never really looked around thhe house but I maneged to find Damens room it was painted in a dark gray . Their was a table the view was nice you could see the dark green trees. Damen laid on the bed peacfully . I pounced on him waking him up.

" What are you doing here he said ",He said eyeing the stalk.

I didn't ansewr him I acte stalking him . I ran out of the house into the forest knowing it was a stupid thing becuase their werent many places to hide in transylvania .I finaley came near a girl who seemed to be at least fifteen years old.She had coal black hair and very dark brown eyes that remindid me of a treem branch she had a cute doll face.
" Hello ", She said in a kind soft voice.
" Hello " I said .

" Are you lost , my name is amelia pepole call me amy " Amy said.

" Hi amy my name is Autumn and yes I'm lost ",I said .

" I can help you ", She said.

" Really, thanks ", I said to her smiling.

As we walked down the forset I asked "Do you live around here",.

" Yes my house is near the town ", She said.

The girl asked a lot of questions wich I had to answer with lies. We finaley made it into town . The town was small and the way it looked was like tecnology never exsisted here like years hadn't passed. My heart ached for Damen I had killed him a person who I loved the vampire who owned me was dead and I had killed him. I felt a tear come out of my eye .

"Are you okay ", Amy asked.

" Yes I am do you know somewhere I could stay ", I asked her.

" Yes their an inn here I can take you"She said softly.

" Thankyou very much for helping me " I told her.

" No problom glad I could help you ", She said.

She led me to an inn it wasn't fancy but it was nice.

" Thanks ",I said.

Amy left and said if I needed help or anything to go to her house. I got a romm it was nice but I felt sad as if I made the worst mistake in my life. Why was I crying if I had killed Damen becuase I wanted to be free I wanted him to stop drinking my blood ,but I was stupid enough to have fallen in love with him . I had never fallen in love so he was my first love. Damen had been right about Lucian he only wanted my blood and he wanted to sleep with me.

I fell into a deep sleep thinking about Damen .


Rage and pain flashed through my body thankfully Autumn hadn't penetrated the stake to much becuase it would have pierced my heart and I would burts into flames. I pulled the stake out. Shit. Their was a piece of wood stuck in me. My hands where covered in blood. Oh when I find that bitch I was going to make her pay dearly I might even kill her if I find her right now . How did she find a stake? She probably found it in my weapon room I forgot to lock it.

I had to call victor I had never been so weak in my life I could barley stand up. I called Victor and told him what was wrong he told me he would be here immediatly . I saw him and he wasn't alone he was with Lucian , Jason crystal ,and other vampires including Autumns parents. I heard them come in the mansion.Victors eyes where filled with horror .

" Who did this Damen? ", He asked.

" It doesn't matter just take the damned piece of wood off already",I growled.

As victor got his things out I called for the guard to come out .

" What do you wish sire ", Said the guard.

" I want all of you to go look for the girl that used to live with me here bring her to me in

wich ever cost she might be in town check all the inns", I ordered.

" Yes sire ", one said .

Once they left some council members entered and so did Lucian .

" My Lord who did this ", asked William .

William had been a close friend of my father . Father had been killed by dark hunters centuries ago.

" It was the girl that used to live with you was in it ? ", asked another one.

" No it coudn't be ", Said Shiara .

" Why not ", Asked william.

" It wasn't her some dark hunters where here and we were attacked ", I lied .
Victor gave me a look that said he knew I was lying.

" Then if it wasn't her where is she ", Lucian asked.

" Shes in town ", I said .

" I will send the others to check the area around ", said autumns father.
I nodded .

" We should let Damen rest now ", Victor said.
They left . Sooner or later I would have Autumn in my grasp she had gone to far this time.


I had to find a way to get out of town what if the others found out I killed Damen they would probably kill me. I had asked someone to tell me if their was a way to get out of Translyvania but they said I should wait for the bus . I knew I didn't have much time . I didn't bother to check if Damen was alive becuase I knew I thrust the stake into his heart . I needed to be somewhere where I could clear my mind and my feeling . I decided to walk in the forest. I cleared my thought and thought about what I had done and how much I regreted it . I regreted killing Damen.

I knew Damen had been right about Lucian . I had never forseen this moment .I heard sound many foots step . Then many guys apeared they surrounded me.

" You must come with us our lord Damen ordered us to bring you to him by will or force ", One of the guys said.

I gasped did , did he say Damen.

" Damen is alive ?, I asked.

" Yes ", One said.

My heart started beating real fast . I wanted to see him but I knew he was going to kill me that probably all he wanted to do. I started to run but they where to fast and their where many. One caught me by the neck .

" You're coming with us ", Said a guy with black eyes.

" Okay ", I gave up.

We walked through the forest until we came to the mansion . I saw Damen waiting in the living room.


I saw the vampire guards with autumn I knew they where efficient .

" Leave us ", I told them .

I saw fear in her eyes .

" You have all right to fear me ", I told her.

She said nothing. I got and bit her I was going to drain her dry .Tears came out of her eyes ..You went to far I said to her in my mind . I could feel her heart it was beating very fast . I knew in a few moments she would be dead .

" Damen I love you ", She gasped .

Shock filled through me did she just say she loved me . I let her go she fell on the ground but she was still awake.She was breathing fast.

" What you can't be serious you tried to kill me and now you tell me you love me ", I growled at her .

I got her by the wrist and pulled her against the wall making her look at my eyes.

" Tell me now looking at me in the eyes ", I ordered .

I didn't know why I was doing this. Was it becuase maybe I did love her maybe I did care for her .

" Yes Damen I love you and I regret stakeing you", she said.

I laughed at her .

" Awe look at you ,you just said you love me I expected you not to be so easy to get to but I was wrong", I said.

I knew I was hurting her but I didn't care she deserved it she derved more than that.

" If you think I'm going to love you back you are wrong and stupid . Get this clear I will never love you. Your a fuckin basterd and I'm a prince ", I laughed.

Tears slid down her face. I through her week body against the room. I was full of rage that I might kill her .

" Go ahead Damen kill me, I perfer to die than to feel this for yo ", she shouted .

" I would kill you but if I did the other would find out you where the one who almost killed me they would think I am week ", I barked at her .

I slapped her so hard blood came out of he mouth.

I got her up and led her to the celler .

" You're goingto stay here just like you deserve", I said.

I locked her and left her their. I wasn't goin to be nice any more to her I was done tolerating he I was going to treat her like how she should be treated like my servent like my bitch .

Chapter 6


I had confessed to Damen my love for him but he laughed at me and he tore my heart into pieces.I would have perfered for him to drain me or stake but he didn't instead he wants to make me suffer. I curled up in a ball and cried. My body ached but worst my heart was broken I felt as if some one had stabbed it a million times with a stake.

I knew it was night time . I was alone . I had always been alone but this time I actually felt alone . I felt light headed I bet Damen would probably not let me see my mother or my sisters . I got up and tried to open the door but it was no use he had locked it.I sat down fall into a deep sleep.

Someone woke me up its was Damen .He smirked when he saw me.

" Well its a nice morning you will be waking up at this our for eternity to get your chores done ", He said.

" Chores ?", I asked.

" Yes your going to be my maid you have to wake up at four in the morning since your the only maid thats going to live here you are going to have lot of work. I bet you'll do every thing I want you to do becuase you love me ", He mocked .

I got up and followed him down stairs he led me to a small service room he handed me uniform wich I thought was two short . He handed me a list of thing I was going to . The list was very long.

" Now love you have to complete all these chores and you also have to cook for me so I suggest you get all cleaned up I want my breakfeast ready exactly at seven. ", He said.

"Okay ", I said quietly not looking at his face .

" Good I won't waste anymore of your precious time", He said.

Damen turned around and left leaving me alone in the small room . I took a shower and saw my bruised face in the mirror . I put the short blue dress or uniform Damen gave me. I pulled my hair back and got to work. I first cleaned the windows and dusted the tables I checked the clock and it was six thirty I had to get ready Damens breakfeast he left me what he wanted to eat on the list.

" Autumn where is my breakfeast ", He shouted .

I quickly left the kitchen serving him his breakfeast.

" Good it seems you're better of as a maid than as he housemate , eh love ", He said.

Every time he called me love he mocked me . I held back my tears and left to do the other things I had to do.


Autumn deserved everything I made her do and she also deserved to be treated like a servent. I wached her do her chores . everything all day until it was time for lunch but this time I didn't want food I wanted blood .

" Autumn", I called.

" I know lunch", She shouted from upstairs .

Wow she was getting used to work fast This was her first day.She came downstairs looking tired. She hadn't had any blood and was in pain I could tell.

" You didn't tell me what to cook ", She said in a low voice not looking at me.

"I didn't tell you what I wanted to eat becuase I want blood ", I told her .

I sunk my fangs into her neck. She gave out a cry . I only took as much as I needed becuase she was very week . I finished and let her go . She looked dizzy and I grabbed her so she wouldn't fall she regained he composture and left. I could tell in the morning that she was holding back her tears . The doorbell suddenly rang. Autumn came back running quickly she opened the door and to my suprise it was Jason ,Lucian and Crystal. Autumn left and I went over to greet them.

" Wait Damen I thought the girl was your house mate note your maid ", Jason said.

" Its non of your concern Jason so I recommend you mind your own probloms", I hissed at him.

" Well never mind about that we came becuase the council members found more wolves ", Crystal said.

I saw Lucians face filled with anger and rage against me. Was it buase I had made autumn my maid.

" Also it the four-thousend year celebration we have to get some things ready ", Lucian said through gritted teeth .

" Is something wrong Lucian you seem a little depressed today" I sad smirking.

" No nothings wrong ",He barked at me.

" You where fine before we came here " Jason told Lucian .

Lucian gave Jason a murderous look .

" Are we leaving or what", Crystal said .

" Yes we should get going ", Lucian said.

I left not telling autumn I was leaving. I got the meeting place and saw that vampires where getting things ready for the thousend celebration . I had forgotton everything about it since autumn came . I wasn't going to let her see her family anymore she didn't deserve that privilage. I felt Lucians mind he was thinking about seeing autumn tonight but I wasn't going to allow it any more. I decided to stop thinking about autumn but it was very hard .


I felt very week when I was done with my chores it was six I had time to get some blood and come back to the house. I attracted my pray and drank blood. I had almost killed the poor young man but I had been very thirsty. I got back to the house and thankfully Damen hadn't arrived. I went to the new room I had gotton and changed. Damen had moved my clothe to the romm alread he had only given me five pars of jeans and a few shirts. I put an extra large T- shirt I found as a dress. I laid down on the bed trying to fall asleep .

Someone knocked on my door it was damen he stared at my legs for a moment and then his gazed travel all the way up to my face.

" Lucian might come today to ask you questions I don't want you to talk to him or to open the door ", He ordered.

" Sure ", I said flatly.

" Very well good night ", He said.

He waited for me to reply but I said nothing until he left I fell asleep.

For two weeks I have been working for Damen. I worked my ass of while he was getting ready for his celebration with his girlfriend Crystal . Crystal came here almost evryday she would spend like three hours in Damens bedroom laughing and doing things I prefered not to think about. It hurted me just to hear them laughing .

Today was the four-thousend year old celebration. Damen had said I wasn't going to see my family becuase I didn't deserve it .


The four-thousend year celebration was today but sadly Autumn wouldn't be going. I had been asked about her by her mother but I had told her shr couldn't see her anymore. As I walked down the stairs I spotted Autumn cleaning . I made fun of her feelings for me everyday she had costed me a lot of lies to the council.

" You missed a spot to clean love ". I said.

She gave a huge sigh I knew she was pissed off .

" Can you please keep your fuckin comments to yourself",she hissed.

I was taken aback by her anger , no it wasn't anger it was rage and it was directed at me . I shrugged . I was about to pick up my suit at town, but I spotted Lucian .

" Can I help you with something ",I asked him.

" You already know that I want to Talk to Autumn ",He said stiffly.

" She can't talk right now she is very busy doing her work ", I said.

Rage flashed through Lucian he punched me on the face knocking me on the floor . I regained my composure and punched him back. We kept on fighting until Jason came and pulled me back William was also their .

" Stop this at one " , William growled at me.

William helped Lucian up.

" What the hell why are fighting ", Jason asked.

" Yes thats exactly what I want to know " ,Willam asked .

" Aske Lucian he's the one who came here just to fight", I growled .

" Never mind that Dame those wounds aren't going to fix theirselves with blood this time you have to clean them up", William said .

Lucian kept on glaring at me .

I left home where I had my maid who was going to help me cleaning these wounds.

" Autumn ", I shouted .

" What ", She asked as she came downstairs.

She saw my face and gave a smirk . You deserve that she thought.

" If you keep that smirk I will slap it off your face ", I growled .

" Fine why did you call me ", She asked .

" Help me get cleaned up ", I ordered .

She nodded.

After that I sended her to pick up my suit while I rested .She came back with it thirty minutes later. She handed it to and left. It was eight already I had very little time until it was time for the celebration. I got dressed and quickly left .

Chapter 7


It had been two hours since Damen had left. I knew Lucian had kicked his ass it kinda made me happy to know that. I puut some jeans and a sweater becuase I wanted to go out. Suddenly low growls wher comeing everywhere from outside the house . I checked to see what it was and to my shock their where wolves everywhere around the house! Their where about thirty wolf surrounding me.

" Where is the dark prince ", One of them said in a very scratchy voice.

This wolf was bigger than the others he was the alpha I could almost assure it.I said nothing but one wolf kept on staring at me . Their where to many I couldn't take them all out.I fetl as if I knew the wolf that kept on staring at me the eyes seemed familar.It seemed as if the wols was arguing with the one I thought I knew.

I started to run like hell was behinmd me I was quck but the wolves where also fast . I glanced behind me and saw that the wolfs where getting closer and closer . Damn it was near Damen no I had to go the other way they would find him if not eventhough he made fun of me I still loved him.

One of them got me and put a huge paw on my chest pinning me to the floor I tried to fighgt him of but it was no use it scratched my face I saw some vampire guards coming . I saw the eyes and I recognized him it was Edmund a guy who had asked me out and I said no .

" Edmund ", I said in a week voice before passing out.


I was at the celebration with crystal at my side when th guards came.

" My lord it was the wolves they surounded your house and they also took the girl that lives with you.", said one of the guards.

" What how could this happen did you not check around for the wolves ", I shouted .

Why had the wolves taken autumn? Was she even alive ? Many questions ran through my mind and I didn't have any answers .

" Search for the wolves everywhere I will personaly join the search ", I said.

" I will to help ", Lucian said.

Not only him many nobles and royals said they where going to search for the wolves. Autumn hadn't led the wolfs here thankfully . We stopped the celebration. I gatherd thing up and searched through town and through the forest finding nothing . Hours passed it was about four in the morning and nothing . We were about to give up hope but then we came near a very old mansion wolfs where guarding it .

I climbed up the tree and spotted Autumn .

" So babe you where a vampire intresting ", Said a guy to autumn as if he knew her.

The guys hand began to travel up her leg Autumn tried to pull away. I sensed Lucians precence near me . He wanted to kill the guy and so did I .

" We could have a little fun ", He suggested.

" Not in this life ", she said .

" Bitch ", He said wiping his face.

She got up quickly getting a knife from the table stabbing the guy on the neck.Sh jumped out of the window . The Wolves followed her. She kept on running.

" Hurry kill them all " ,I said to the noble guards.

I saw Autmns face she looked tired and weak she was about to faint but I cuaght her. Blood spilled out of her mouth she was breathing fast.

" I will kill you for killing my son ", said the alpha wolf said leaving with half of his pack the guard followed them but they left no sign.

I took Autumn back to the house I laid her on the couch . She woke up and was about to go.

" You should rest you lost a lot of blood ", I told her.

" I'm fine ", she said and left.


I was everything but fine . My body hurted and so did my face. I had killed Edmund an alphas son. I knew the alpha would want revenge he had made that clear before he left in the mean time I was stuck her with Damen and being his servant.

Chapter 8


I packed the little clothe I had and went ouside my room where Damen was waiting for me. Damen bited me alot and well I could read his thought , I never told him I could but it was strange becuase I could only read him.

" Are you done already you took a long time", he said.

" Sorry ", I told him.

" I thought you where anxious to go back to california ", He said.

" I am but I won't be able to see anyone I know ", I said .

" Why no " ,he asked .

" Remember you forbided me to go out or to anyone ", I said .

" Oh yes I did that when you tried to stake me ", He said.

I said nothing as we drove through the green forest . I found Damen staring at me.I didn't look at his face ever since I told him I loved him I had been ashamed of myself .

" Keep your eyes on the road Damen, and stop mocking me already I get it ", I said.

" I drive perfectly find and I'm not mocking you I was just looking at you ", He said as he drove.

" Well stop looking at me I don't like it ", I barked at him.

" Fine don't get all pissy on me", He said

We drove our way silently to the airport .I got on the plane . Good ridence I thought when I was on the plane.

" You're mocking my birth country by thinking that ", He said.

" When are you going to stop reading my thoughts " ,I said .

" I'll stop when ever I feel like it ", he snapped.

" Damen can I ask you a question ", I asked.

" What kind of question " He asked me.

" Personal ", I told him.

" Okay ", He said .

" If you are over four-thousend years old why haven't you aged more I mean no offence you are old as this earth", I told him.

Annoyance and anger flashed through his eyes.

" Look I haven't aged becuase I don't want to and I am not as old as this earth ", He snapped.

" Well where you alive when dinosours where around ", I asked him.

I bit my lip from laughing but I failed. I was cracking up when I felt Damens rage.

" Just shut the hell up", He said.

I stayed quiet not becuase he told me but becuase I remembered my friend. I missed the beach and the warm sun another reason I didn't like transylvania was becuase it was always foggy . The only thing I didn't miss from california where my aunts I hoped I didn't run into them.

Suddenly Damen asked" Why don't you like your aunts ?".

" Becuase they used to treat me like their bitch ", I snapped.

I wasn't lying my aunts would make me clean their house paint hteir nails and cook. those things where the reason I didn't mind being a maid it was as if I had already been .

" Why do you care anyways " I asked.

" I care becuase they said they had hired a maid so you wouldn't do anything , liers ", He said.

I stayed quiet and remembered my friends and my botfriend. I wish I could see them right now but I couldn't.We were finalley in Califorina . We got off the airp,lane silently .

" I expect everything to be the same like when we where in Translyvania ", Damen said.

I nodded.We where driving right by my house well the place that used to be my house .

" Autumn Aliania wants to see you I told her she could , she wasn't very happy when I told her what you did ",He said .

I winced when he told me Aliania wanted to see me she would probably lecture me like a little girl and slap me .

" I will be there when she speaks to you" , Damen told me.

I read his thoughts and knew he wanted to tell me something.

" What do you want to tell me ", I blurted out.

Damn it he would probably notice I read his mind . What was I going to do .

" How did you know I wanted to tell you some thing ", He asked.

I stayed quiet knowing that if I spoke more he would soon find out . I also blocked my thoughts.

" Did you just block your thoughts ", He asked in a shocked voice .

Still I said nothing .

" Fine when we get to the apartment you will explain everything ", He barked.

I nodded. Apartment I didn't know we were going to stay in apartments . How was I going to explain to Damen I could read his thought he to blocked his thoughts . We got to some fancy apartments Damen told me to hurry up.

" Sit ", He ordered pointing at the couch.

I sat down.

" Now tell how did you read my thoughts ", He asked .

" I didn't " I lied.


" I'm going to ask you again how did you read my thought "I asked .

" I didn't read your thoughts " She hissed.

I knew she was lying so . I knew going to her old high school would meant a lot to her so I decided to use that.

" If you tell me the truth I will let you go to high school so you can finish your senior year ", I told her smiling.

" Your lying ", She said.

" I am not I give you my word ", I told her.

She sighed giving up.

" Fine I'll tell you , well one time you bit me and took a lot of my blood and since them I've been able to read your thoughts only yours ", She said.

" Why the hell didn't you tell me ", I growled.

Shock filled through me .

" I didn't have time I had to do alot of chores besides I'm your maid ", She said with a smirk.

" Well I want you to stop reading my thought ", I ,ordered her.

" I can't even though I try to not to I can't only when you block out your mind ", She said.

How could this happen I had to ask Minerva about it she many things about mind reading .

" Come with me we have to talk to someone ", I said.

" With who ? ", She asked .

" Minerva, she can help us out " I said.

" Fine ", She said .

We left I hoped that Minerva could help us she had to I didn't want her to read my thoughts. Blocking my mind made me a little bit week . We reached Minervas house. I glanced at Autumn and saw she to wanted to get rid of this , this connection yeah thats how I can call it.

" Damen such a plesure to see you and who is this beautiful young lady ", Minerva asked .

" Minerva we have a small problom ", I told her.

" You got her pregnat didn't you Damen " Minerva said.

I saw autumns face flush with embarresment .

" I didn't its something else " I said.

"Okay start explaining", Minerva said.

" I"ve been biting her and now she can read my thoughts , her name is autumn she's shelias daughter ", I explained.

Her face filled with horror and shock .

" You've been letting him take your blood for pleasure ", Minerva asked Autumn .

" No he makes me give him my blood he says if I don't he will kill me ", She said.

I gave her a murderous look. She had just told on me like a little girl .

" Damen how could you do that you know better and how could you do this to this nice young lady ", Minerva barked at me.

" She almost killed me , anyways I didn't come here to discuss that I want to know how to break this connection I have with her ", I said to her.

Minerva glanced at Autumn and sighed .

" I wish to speak to you alone Damen and then to you Autumn ", She said.

I followed Minerva into another room .

" Damen you and the girl are connected in a way I never seen before its so strange I fear the connection can only be broken if one of you die or maybe if one of you die the other might be affected in a bad wway ", She said.

" Whbat do you mean if one of us dies we might be affected in a bad way ", I asked .

" Yes you heard me you brought this on yourself Damen you know better than to bite the same person many times and worst if it was a vampire , and how long has she been living with you ", She said.

" Eight months", I said.

" And how many times have you bitten her " ,She asked.

She was prbably going to want to kill me when I told her .

" I bite her every week " I said .

" What , how could you do that , that . thats imoral ", She shouted .

" I only came to see if you could help but I see you can't we're leaving." , I said.

" Wait I need to talk to the girl ", She said .

" About what ? " I asked .

" About how you treat her and about you bitting her ", She snapped .

I left letting her talk to Autumn . I knew Aytumn loved me and she would do anything for me eventhough she said she didn't anymore ,but now I had to worry about this connection I had with her . They lasted forty minutes talking until Autumn and Minerva finally came out .

" Goodbye Autumn see you soon ", She said without looking at me.


" What did she tell you and what did you tell her " Damen asked me .

" None of your buisness Damen you gave me your word that you would let me finish my senior year ", I reminded him .

" I know but what did you talk about ", He asked me.

" Personal things ", I said.

" Fine don't tell me ", He said.

" So am I going to work as your maid in the aparment ", I asked him.

" No becuase this place is small it doesn't nedd cleaning You can have the bedroom near the closet ", I told her .

" Okay " , I said leaving him.

I saw the room and it was very nice it reminded me of the room I used to have in Translyvania before becoming Damens maid . It was painted in a cream coler that reminded me of vanilla. The beds sheets where colered in Velvet it was very beautiful. I unpacked the few clothe I had whe I heard Damen knock on my door .

" What do you want " I said as he came in .

" You have a new job ", He told me.

" What ? " I asked confused.

" Yes you are going to be my personal assitant ", He purred.

" What you got to be kidding me you said I was finishing my senior year ", I said.

" You are its an after school job ", He said.

" Oh ", I said.

" We need to get you more clothe becuase my scretary can't be dressed in rags ", He said.

" Okay first you traet me like a bitch now you're giving me a better job and want to buy me new clothe , whats wrong with you make up your mind please", I begged him.

He looked startlewd by my words.

" Look its not like I had a change of heart I think you deserve how I treat you but Minerva said that if you die or something really bad happens to you I might get affected in a bad way so I have to keep you clothe especially since that wolf that attacked you a couple moths ago want to kill you ", He said.

" I knew it was for your own benifit " I said to him.

" Exactly your getting to know me well now lets go we need to get you some clothe and schools supplies your going to a private school ", He said with a grin .

" What private school no , no way I thought I was going to my old school ", I said.

" I said you where finishing senior year not that you where going to your old school and by the way you're using a uniform ", He said .

Son of a bitch thats what he was. I never had gone to privat school.

Chapter 9


" There is no way in hell I am going to were a suit you can just forget it " I said when Damen showed the suit .

" How about some dresses instead of suits " he said giving up we had been in search for some clothe for about two hours .

" Why can't I just pick my clothe your an old man you have old pepoles taste " , I protested.

" I am not an old man and I do not have a bad taste loook try this one on it will make you look older even thou you have a five year old mind , Damen said .

I looked at the dress he had chosen it was red with a small black bow on the side . It was nice.

" Fine " ,I said.

I tried the dress on it was nice and comfterble but it showed a lot of skin . I had gotton used to wearing the maid uniform and my old jeans and T-shirts that I have used for eight months .

" Well are you going to come out or what ", Damen said over the curtain.

My heart started to race I still loved Damen and I was getting shy right now .

" Fine I'll come out but keep your unwanted comments to yourself ", I said .

" Okay ', Dame said .

I came out and Damen looked at me in a way that made me go shy my heart raced faster I knew I was blushing. I suddenly felt his breathe on the back of my neck .

" That dress makes you look like a decent vampire ", He said in such a low voice it was almost a whisper.

" What did I say about unwanted comments ", I said suprised words could come out of my mouth .

" It wasn't a mocking comment it was a compliment ", He said.

" Um thanks I guess ", I told him.

" I already chose and purchased other dresses and shoes I also chose your under garments ", He said with a grin .

" What who gave you permission ", I snapped .

I couldn't ignore the heat in my cheeks. Damen had just picked my underwere's and bras .

" I gave myself permission its not a big deal anyways " He said.

" Maybe for you its not ", I said.

" So have you gotton over me yet ", Damen asked.

" What ", I said.

" I said if you have gotton over the pathetic crush you have on me ",He said .

No I thought.

" Yes I did and its not pathetic ", I said.

I didn't lie very good .

" You're a very bad lier you know that ", Damen told me .

" Shut up already ", I growled.

" Fine if you don't want to talk about the feelins you have for me ok . and you are going to school in two days. ", He said.

Eventhough I loved him he got on my nerves.


When I saw Autumn in that dress she looked beautiful it was at if it was the first time I had seen her . I still had that picture of her in my mind .

" Why are thinking about me ", Autumn said behind me.

I was laying on the couch she had suprised me.

" Wasn't thinking about you ", I lied.

" You're a very bad lier you know that",Autumn said copying the same exact words I had told her before .

" I am not lying" I said.

" Whatever you say ', She told me.

I got up and gave her , her school uniform.

" What is this shirt for ", she said.

" Its your uniform and its a dress why don't you try it on ", I suggested.

" You are a perverted old man this is very short ", She said.

" I am not a perverted old man I just thought you would want to undress in front of me you know seduce me ", I told her.

She was about to slap me when I grabbed her hand . I looked into her eyes something inside me told me to kiss her I was about to but she pulled away .

" Let go me ", She said.

I shook of the thought about kissing her off . Whats going on with me ?

" It was just a suggestion you don't have to get all mad ", I said .

" You have dirty thoughts even when it comes to your girlfriend crystal ", She said.

" What ?', I asked.

" Oh yeah you even have dirty thoughts about her being naked ", She said .

" Since when have you been able to read my thoughts you little bitch those are very personal ", I said suprised of how many of my thoughts she saw.

" I've been reading your dirty mind for three months ", she said.

" Never mind why don't you cook me something to eat or you might perfer to give me some of your blood it faster that way ", I said.

" I think I'll cook " , She said running into the kitchen.

As I waited for her to finish making my meal I thought about why a moment ago I wanted to kiss her . Everytime I woul get near for three months like she said I felt strange. Now just by being close to her I wanted to kiss her.My thought got interupted by Autumn .

" I'm done you can eat now ", She said.

" What a shame I really wanted a bit of blood ", I whispered in her ear .

She moved away from me. We both sat down to eat .

" So how come you don't have a mansion in California ", She asked .

" I don but since a big pack of wolfs is after you becuase you killed the alphas son I thought it was better not to draw attention to ourselves ", I told her.

" When is Aliania coming ", She asked me.

" Thanks for reminding me we have to go today ", I said.

She cringed.We finished and left to her aunts house.


We where in my old house . Damen rang the door bell. I swallowed hard he glanced at me with an amused smile.

" What are you smiling about ", I asked.

" I just found out one of your biggest fears your aunts ", He said .

" You just shut your trap up ", I snapped.

" What did you Just say Autumn Cornelia ", Aunt Margaret aked in a frustrated voice .

" Nothing Aunt Margeret ", I lied.

I saw Damens face he was bitting his lip so he wouldn't laugh .

" Well come in come in come in ", She said faking a smile .

I was horrofied when I saw all my aunts in the house at the same time I almost fainted.

" Are you okay " Damen whispered behind me .

" I thought you said only aunt Aliania was going to see me ", Isaid.

" But your aunts love you so much I couldn't tell them not to see you "he said with a smirk .

We lasted about three hours in my aunts house they apoligized to Damen like a hundred times for me becuase I had tried to stake him. We finalley left I was so happy I felt like In came out of hell . Damen rolled with laughter when we came into the apartment.

" What are laughing about now ", I asked.

" I still can't belive you are scared of you aunts ", he said laughing .

" Good night ",I said.

I was about to leave when Damen grabbed me by the wrist.

" Autumn tomorrow I have a council meeting we have to wake up at seven becuase the meeting at eight Lucian is going to be their and I wan t you to act like you don't acknowledge his precence ", He said.

" Okay Damen but can I see my mom I haven't seen her in months please ", I begged .

" Okay fine ", He said.

" Thankyou ", I said.

" I am being to nice to you ", He murmered .

I went sleep as soon as I laid down on my bed. I had set my alarm at seven . That night I dreamed that I was getting married but I was getting married with a guy I had never seen before he had golden brown eyes and chocolate brown hair and very pale skin I was about to say I do but I woke up.

I took a shower remembering my dream I brushed my teeth after showerin. I got dressed in a short light purple dress and some short white heels. I brushed blonde curlsuntil I heard Damens voice.

"Hurry up I don't want to be late you always take to long I liked you more when you where my maid ", He said .

" I'm coming god you are fuckin bossy ", I said .

" Finaly -", he stoped talking.

He looked at me like he did the day before that made my heart race.

" Damen are you okay Damen ", I said.

" Lets go ", He said not looking at me.

We got to where the council members where meeting.I saw Lucian he looked shock when he saw me . Remember what I said about Lucian Autumn Damen whispered in my mind .Okay I answered . I saw my mom who came over to greet me . Another person entered I was shocked when I saw the guy he was the one I was dreamin about the one with golden brown eyes and chocolate colered hair he was very hansome.

When he saw me he also apeared shocked I turned around .

" Mom who is that guy ", I asked .

" Oh that Deric ,Damens cousin " She said.

" Damen has a cousin " I asked.

" Oh yes they are like brothers ", She said.

While the council members talked I spoke with my sisters they asked many questions about why they couldn't see me . Questions I had to answer with lies. The meeting finaly finished I saw damen talking to his cousin tthey headed my way .

" Who is this ", Deric asked Damen.

" Deric this is Autumn my secretary and housmate ", he said .

" Nice to meet you ", Deric said kissing my hand .

We stared into each others eyes for a while until Damen spoke.

" Well we have to go ", Damen said.

" Goodbye ", I said to him.

" See you soon ", he told me.

Damen raised an eyebrow but he said nothing I passed by Lucian he looked as if he wanted to speak to him but I did what Damen said I ignored him.


" Are you trying to flirt with my cousin to get me jelouse " I asked her when we got home .

" Why do you always think I flirt around with guys I barley meet ", She asked .

" Thats what it seems like ", I told her.

She got very close to me our faces where so close our lips where almost touchining .

" Do you think I'm a slut who flirts with anyone ", She asked her voice was a whisper .

I didn't think that but I couldn't let her know.

" Yes I do ", I lied.

" Damen stop lying to yourself I can read your thoughts remember I forgot to mention I could sense your feelings the feeling of insecurenss you have ", she said .

" Why didn't you tell me before ", I asked her .

" I like to keep my secrets ", she said .

I called Minerva and told her about Autumn being able to sense my feelings she said someonewas coming with her.I heard the door knock I instantly knew it was Minerva .She had brought in Sita I knew she was going to tell me about souls.

" Damen I have to inform you that you and the girls soul have been connected ". Sita said.

" What !", Autumn and I said at the same time.

" Yes , since you bit her so manytimes the transfer of her blood in you have made a soul bond ", Minerva said.

" I don't want to have my soul bonded with his , how do we break it ", She asked.

I thought she would like the idea but I think she hates it like me .

" Its unbrakable , I'm sorry for you ,having to be bonded with someone like Damen ", Minerva said.

" Excuse you Minerva I'm right here you're mocking me in my own home ", I growled.

" Look Damen not to offend you but everyone knows that four thousends of years you've been a player ", Sita said.

" And the poor girl has to read your dirty thoughts and feel you horrible feelings ", Minerva added.

" If I keep a long distance away from Damen would I stop reading his thoughts ", Autumn asked.

" I'm afraid not ", Sita said .

I saw Autumns eyes fill with horror and she said she loved me .

" I think you should stay together and find out more about this connection you have ", Sita said with a grin.

I cleared mt throught .

" Well we should get going " Mineva said.

Autumn and I thanked them before they left .

" Its all your fault ", Autumn said.

" How is it my fault do you think I want to be bonded with a stupid child ", I growled.

" If you hadn't bit me so many times we wouldn't have all these probloms", She snapped.

She stormed into her room leaving me alone I could feel her frustration and anger. I had go out and get a drink. I left the apartment so Icould relax my mind wich I failed miserble .


Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person and we end up broken . I had never fallen in love and now I was in love with someone who didn't deserve my love . Still I love him and now his soul and my soul have a bond . I feel like I'm a lost soul. I feel confused I didn't know what to think anymore .

I felt Damens precence when he left I went to the living room to watch a movie . I was going to private school eventhough I didn't like that kind of school ,school was school. I was going to finish my senior year . I heard a knock on the door I got up and was about to open it but I checked who it was. It was Lucian . What could he want? I wasn't going to open the door .I waited until he would leave but he kept on knocking on the door.

" Autumn open the door I wish to speak to you please ", He said.

I kept quiet . Lucian kept on insisting until I felt Damens Precence in the building . When Damen saw Lucian he snarled .

" Autumn you can open the door ", Damen told me.

I opened the door .

" I need to speak to Autumn", Lucian told Damen .

" The question Lucian is if she wants to speak to you do you wish to see Lucian ", Damen asked .

I knew he was drunk for some reason I could tell he wanted Lucian to leave .

I shook my head.

" Theirs your answer", Damen said as he slammed the door on Lucians face .

He turned around to and looked at me.I nights like this when Damen got drunk he would bite me and make fun of me but he never physically hurt me . I was about to leave when he gut me but he didn't bite me ,yet.

" Go ahead Damen get through it already ", I said.

" Get through what ", He asked .

" Well you first bite me then you would toss me aside and make your usal mocking comments about me being a sad basterd ", I said.

He stared at me with his grey eyes going pitch black . He let go of my wrist and just looked at me with seemed forever. My body finally worked and I left closing .As I laided down on the bed I thought about Deric I gave a huge sigh I fell asleep dreaming with him again . Deric was waiting for me in the altar I felt sad I took his hand.

Chapter 10


What Autumn had said to me was true her words ran back and forth in my head like a broken record. I always thought Autumn deserved every single bad thing I did to he since the day she tried to stake me. Now I was soul bonded with her . Somethings in life you bring to yourself . I had brought this on both Autumn and I just like sita had said .

I wondered what Lucian had wanted to say to Autumn. As far as I was concerned Autumn hated Lucian and didn't want to see him . Lucian had told Autumn that he had been only intrested in her blood the day he saw me bite her. I also thought why Deric had wanted to meet Autumn right away and autumn hadn't acted strange as if they had seen each other before. I had a been drunk last night but now my head ached. I smelled breakfeast Autumn had already woken up.

" Morning ", She said with no emotion .

I pulled out a chair for her to sit down but she sat on a diffrent chair.

" Wow why are you acting like a gentle man today ", She asked .

" What are you talking about I'm alaways a gentle man , but when i'm around you I forget my manners ", I said.

I was suprised by my own words and so was Autumn.The pain in my head got worse after we ate . I saw Autumns face . her face looked like she was in pain.

" Is something wrong ", I asked her.

" Its none of your buissness ", She suddenly snapped .

She always talked back to me but today I wasn't up for it .

" Tell me now whats wrong !" , I growled.

She seemed startled by my tone .

" My head hurts a little bit ", she said .

I remembered Sita had said if Autumn felt bad or I felt bad it would affect us both . I got up to go to the store to get some aspirne for Autumn.

" I'm going to the store to get some pills for the headache I'll be right back , go rest ", I told her.

I left for the store .


I was suprised when Damen said he was getting me some pills for my head ache also when he told me to go rest. I felt him strange he was acting diffrent around me more nicer as if he cared about me. I let out a huge sigh . The head ache wasn't mine it was his becuase he had gotton drunk last night. Even last night he acted diffrent . It was like if sometimes I could see his soul just by looking at him.

" Here take the aspirnes ", Damen said.

He had startled me I was to busy with my thought I had completly lost time in my thoughts.

" Just take the pills " , He said as if he was talking to a little kid .

I took them and got out of bed.

" Damen did you take the pills", I asked .

" Yeah why ?", He said.

" No nothing ", I said.

" If you know something please tell me ", he said in an exhuasted voice .

Damen wasn't up for a fight right now I could tell by the tone of his voice.

" I think that maybe since you had the head ache first you might had passed it to me throught the bond ", I said queitly .

" Your probably right Sita mentioned it ", he said.

" What you think i'm right ", I asked .

Damen never agreed with me on anything he must really be sick. I stared at him and he grinned.

" So tomorrow your going to school ", He said.

" Yes unless you change your mind like you always do ", I murmered .

" I have a very good hearing and I heard that ", he said.

" I know and I don't care ", I snapped.

His eyes filled with suprise by the way I was talking to him . H e grabbed my neck he was suddenly on top of me coking me . His nails digged into my throat .

" Only becuase you're not my maid it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that ", He growled.

" I felt his hunger berfore I knew it his fangs had been sunked into my neck.

I moaned at the pleasures feeling. I cursed myself by the way Damen mad me feel. I heard the door bell ring. I communicated my mind with Damens . Damen stop someones here I said. My mental voice was getting week but the headache was gone.I wiped my neck just to check if their where any marks left. Vampire bites instantly healed.

I opened the door and was suprised to see Deric Damens cousin.

" Helo I wish to speak to you ", He asked me.

"Why do you wan't to speak to her ",Damen asked from behind me .

" Its difficult to explain Damen I hope you don'y mind ", He said .

" Not at all you should go Autumn ", Damen said.

" Okay " I said and left.

" I wanted to talk about the dreams we are having I know you are to ", He said.

I nodded.

" Since I arrived here two days ago I've been having these dreams ", He said.

" Me too ", I told him looking into his beautiful eyes.

" May I ask what kind of vampiric abilities you have ", He asked.

I nodded.

" I can see the past present and part of my or sombody else's future ", I told him.

" You can see the future ", he said raising an eyebrow .

I knew what he thought . He thought that maybe I had seen his future or our future. We stared at each other in silence for a long time until he broke it .

" Do you think it could be our future ", He asked in a shy voice .

" I- I don't know ", I studered .

He seemed nice unlike Damen I had the same weird feeling in my stomache with him like whe I was with Damen .

" Well I think I should go back ", I said.

He looked suprised by my decision.

" You wan't to leave already ", he said .

" Yes ", I said .

" Ok I'll take you back home ", He said.

I was about to go in when Deric grabbed mt hand.

" Yes ", I asked him.

" Could I see you tommorow I have to get to know you better ", He said.

I didn't know what to say . I just nodded.

" See you tommorow then "., He said.

I forgot I had school tommorow.

" I have school tommorow ", I sait to him.

" After ", He said smiling.

" see you Tommorrow ", I said.

I closed the door I didn't sense Damen's precence in the house he had probably left to see Crystal .


Why had Deric my own cousin want to speak with Autumn. Jelousy flooded in me I was so bored I decided to have a little fun with Crystal but I pictured Autumn in my mind. Finding out about autumns and my bond had changed my perspective in some ways. I got back home and felt Autumn she was in her room sleeping. I glanced at a clock and it was barley eight she had probably fallen asleep becuase she she was going to school .

Autumn would probably see Crystal at school tommorow . I had many probloms that I had left aside. I had to know what I was going to do with the werewolfs and also I had heard rummors of some vampires wanting to separte from the council so they could start war with us . A war would be very bad becuase vampires would get hungry humans would notice us and the vampire hunters could find our locatin easily.

I was also worried about the alpha that wanted to kill Autumn becuase she had murdered his son.The alpha had actually swore and alphas never broke their oaths. If she died in wich way would it affect me ? Being soul bonded caused me a problom to. I bet she could feel what I felt . In a couple of weeks she would turn eighteen and maybe the bond could brake . Vampires stoped growing at the age of eighteen they also became more stronger. If I had bad luck the bond would be stronger.

The one thing I had wanted from her was her blood .Oh how much I lusted her blood when I smelled her blood . Her scent was intoxicating . I fell asleep hours later .


I woke up I was so excited today I was going to school . I put on th uniform on like I said befor it was super short it showed alot of skin . I went to the kitchen to make breakfest and found Damen already awake waiting for me . He kept on staring at my body I knew I was blushing .

" It seems your anxious to go to school ", he said.

" Yes I am I don't want to stay here with you all day ", I said .

" Really love I thought you enjoyed being with me ", He said in a mocking voice.

" Don't call me love ", I hissed at him.

" Fine autumn ", He said.

" Who's taking me to school ", I asked.

" I am ", He said.

" Why you ", I said.

" Becuase I want to and by the way other vampire girls or guys go to that school ", He said.

" What ?" I said in schock.

School wasn't going to be normal like it used to be .

" From what I know school has never been normal for you , you cheat on the tests becuase you already know all the questions ", He said.

" No didn't " I snapped..

" Lets go or you'll be late on your first day pull your dress down a little bit you look like slut by the way ", He said.

" I told you it was to short ", I said in embaressment.

Chapter 11


I entered the school halls I did smell a vampires scent . I checked my schedule and looked around for my class.

" Hey do you need help ", asked a friendly voice from behind me.

I turned around and spotted a tall slim girl with short black hair and gray eyes . I knew what she was already she was a vampire .

" Hey my names Laura but you can call me Laurie ", She said extending out her hand.

" You're new here arn't you", She said.

" Yes my names Autumn I was just looking for my class ", I said.

I was shy especially knowing that other vampires attended to this school.

" Theirs only seven of us attending to this school, well eight with you almost all of them are girls ", She said.

" Can you help me find my class ", I asked her politely .

" Sure let me see your schedule ", she said as she snached the schedule of my hands.

" Hey you are in almost all my classes ", she said in an excited voice.

She grabbed my hand and led me around the school . We passed a blond headed guy I saw Laurie lick her lips . She was hungry.

" You like him ?",I asked.

" No ,I like the scent of his blood ", She answered with a grin.

We entered class and the teacher asked me to introduce myself and so I did. I saw some of the guys checking me out . I sat next to Laurie . Laurie kept on looking at the guy from the hall way like dinner. The bell rang for our next few classes.

" That guy is so freak'in hot isn't he Autumn ", Laurie said.

I nodded . Her eyes where like a little kid who was seeing fireworks for the first time . It was time for lunch we sat down at a table . All the girls we where sitting with where Vampires. During the classes I had seen crystal Damens girlfriend.

" It seems you already know Crystal ", Cedrina said.

" I know her becuase of Damen ", I said.

" You know Damen ", asked Kaitlin .

" I live with him ", I answeed.

" What ", said Laurie , Cedrin , and Kailin .

" I don't what to talk about it ", I told them.

" Fine , anways as you know Crystal is Damens girlfriend , she's a slut she lets the guys that go out with her bite her ", Cedrin said.

" She thinks she's better than us becuase her dad is a third in place in the council ", Laurie added .

" Who are your parents ", Kaitlin asked me.

I really didn't want them to know I was a basterd but I didn't like to lie.

" I'm a royal bastered ", I said.

" Your sheilas and Hectors daughter ", Said Laurie in shock.

I nodded.

" Its okay I'm half royal , my dads a royal and moms a pureblood ", Kaitlin said.

I felt someones eyes on me I saw crystal sitting two tables away from us she was starring at me with her big green cat eyes . The bell rang and we left to class.


I wondered how Autumns first day in school was going . I was sitting with Jason and my cousin Deric as usal they where checking out mortal girls .

" So Damen why does your secretary live with you I've been asking Jason but he says he doesn't know ", Deric said.

I didn't know how to answer the question if I told him the truth he would say I had no moral .

" I under stood she was Sheilas and Hectors daughter ", Deric said respectfully.

" I knew it , she's a royal ", Jason said .

" She has royal blood but that doesn't make her a royal , by the way Deric why did you wan't to talk to her yesterday ", I asked trying to change the subject.

I saw Deric shift uncomfterbly .

" I understood she could see things around us so I asked her a few questions ", Deric said unconvinced by his own answer . " But you haven't answered my question Damen why does she live with you ", He asked.

" I gave her a job and she didn't have a place to stay , I found out who she was and decided to help her out ", I lied hoping he would belive me . Deric was my only family member left from my fathers side of the family .

" Thats very nice of you Damen , almost to nice ", Jason commented with a smirk on his face.

" You and Lucian just wanted to screw her ", I said.

" Lucian went out with her but then I think he left her ", Jason told Deric.

" Why would he leave her maybe she left him ", Deric said defending her .

" How do you know ", Jason asked Deric.

" The girl is attractive she is to much for Lucian to handle ", Deric said .

Now that was true Autumn had been to much for Lucian to handle and she was attractive . It seemed to me that Deric liked Autumn and if he did I couldn't break their relation ship becuase he was my cousin .


I was walking down the hall with Laurie when I bumped into someone . I bumpeed into Crystal . Crystal had nice green eyes and thick dirty blond hair.

" Sorry "I apoligized.

" You should be ", She hissed.

" You should watch where your walking ", Laurie said in my defense.

" Oh look Brenda , Laurie has a new friend and look who it is a royal bastered", Crytal smirked. Brenda a tall brown haired girl with black eyes laughed.

Rage shot through me I slapped her with all the force I had in my hand. Her face turned red. I left not looking back.

" You're going to pay for that " , Crystal called after me.

" She deserved that ", Laurie said smiling.

I smiled back . I saw Damen in the parking lots waiting for me .

" See you tomorrw ", I sad to Laurie.

I got in the car thinking how was I going to tell Damen I slapped his girlfriend.

" So what are you worried about ?" Damen asked .

" I slapped Crystal ", I blurted out .

" Why?" , He said not carring.He kept on looking at the road.

" She acted like a bitch when I bumped into her and told her frien I was a bastered ", I said queitly .

When I said that he turned around and looke at me with an half apoligizing half pity expression .

" I don't need your pity ", I snapped .

" I'm not giving you my pity I'm trying to saay sorry ", He said .

" Sorry ffor what ", I asked confused .

" For making you think I pited you ", He said .

" You're acting really diffrent diffrent Damen , your scaring me ", I said.


" How am I diffrent ", I asked as we came into the apartment.

" Your not as cold and heatless as you used to be something changed you ", She told me.

" Maybe being soul bounded with you changed me ",I said facing her. We where a couple of inches apart .

Silence filled the whole room we could only hear each others hearts beating in a fast but steady rhythem . I thought something could've happened in that moment but nothing happened we just stared at each other in the eyes I saw Autumns confused eyes . Not just that I felt her , her feelings took over me love, hurt, and confusion . I wanted to say something but my mouth was paralyzed .

Everything went back to normal when she stepped back and sighed.

" Um, Damen Deric said he was going to come to pick me up to talk to me ", She said .

What ? Deric had said he had spoken with autumn about her abilites of forseeing.

" Of course yoou can talk to him ", I told her in a normal tone.

" Damen is Deric the only family member you have ", she asked.

" You can see the past shouldn't you know ", I asked her.

" I don't like to use my abilities I perfer pepole to tell me things ", She said. I could tell she was being honest .

" He is the only family from my fathers sid of the family , but I have three more cousins ", I explained.

" So you don't have any brothers ", she asked thoughtfuly.

" No ", I said flatly.

She was asking to many questions about my family . I had never spoke to none about my parents . I wondered why she was so intrested . She went to her room probably to change the uniform.I sat down on the couch and waited for autumn to come out to make me lunch .She finally came out in some black sweat pants and pink tank top.

" I know I know you want lunch ", she said.

She cooked and we ate as soon as we where done she sat down on the couch.

" Damen can I ask you another question ", She asked .

" If its about me being old and knowing the dinsours you can forget it , if its not you can ", I told her.

She laughed .

" What happened to your parents ",She asked .

The question shocked me . It had been a long time ago since my parents where killed . It suprised me she was intrested.

" Its a long story It will bore you ", I warned her.

" We have all day ", She said.

" What about Deric ?", I asked.

" He's coming like at six and its barley three ", She said.

" Fine ", I said taking a deep breath as I sat with her on the couch.

" Well as you know I was the first vampire created. I had gotten sick when I was sixteen and was about to die but you know demons where alive back then . My mother's friend Alidea was a demon she said she was going to heal me and she did . Two months later the fever returned and well my heart stoped beating for one day . I woke up and everyone had been shocke I was diffrent -", I stoped to look at her she seemed very intrested.

" Well go on why are you stopping ", She ordered.

I continued " I was faster and stronger than normal peopole . I grew fangs and eventually I thursted for blood the first time I drank blood I ended up killing the girl whom I drank blood from. I couldn't control it my parents saw. The aske the priest for help . The priest and the council didn't see this as a problom they saw it as an advantge . They said that if Alidea could change them all into immortals we could be the most powerful creature.

Alidea did as she was told she changed my mother my father, the council , and the priest ,and the noble army . We lived in peace we fed but we could control ourselves . Then one day we where attacked by another race of immortals the werewolves . We fought them off and lived. But others noticed. Eventually mortals noticed and formed a group that called themselves dark hunter or night hunters . One thousend years passed and they caught us off guard and the killed half of our army including my parents. I took over an ruled as the dark prince ", I said.

" I didn't know demons exist ", Autumn asked .

" They existed ", I told her .

" It was't a boring story it was intresting", She said.

The door bell rang . Autumn quickly got up to open the door . I could here them talking .

" Damen I'm going out for a walk with Deric bye ", she said and she left .

I felt tired and I decided to go out hunting .


I walked down the beach with Deric on my side .

" Last night we had the same dream again ", Deric said.

" Yes I don't know what it means ", I told him sincerly.

" I thought it meant something in the future ", He said.

Did he really think we could get married.

" Maybe it is the future but you can never be sure becuase you choose your future " I told him.

" Those are wise words , someone like you shouldn't have gone out with Lucian ", Deric said.

" How did you know I had a realationship with Lucian ", I asked .

" Someone told me ", He said smiling " Only that nothing to worry abou", He teased.

" So where are you from ", He asked.

" I grew up in California but I was born in Romania ", I told him .

He wanted to know more about me well everything about me. I talked with hi all night until it was very late . I went into my room I fell into a deep sleep . I had the same dream as the day before .Waring a beutiful whit wedding dress but yet feeling sad as I walked down the altar. I was awaken by my alarm clock.

Everything was the same for the past for weeks me waking up from these dreams . I thout about Damens past and how he became a vampire we spoke little becuase he was having many probloms. The shadow hunter where tracking us down and they where near us , but the wolfs where closer. I had helped Damen check on the dark hunters with my abilty .

I had seen Crystal in school many times each time she gave me a death glare . I passed every single test with honers . Each day I learned more about Deric . I saw Damen less and less every day he picked me up from school and left me home leaving again. Today was my last day of highschool and in three more days I would turn eighteen.

Chapter 12


" Today your graduating high school ", I told her.

She wasn't dressed for school she was wearing her shor pj's.

" Yes but I don't want to go today ", She said .

Two moths had passed of her going to high school .

" Why don't you wan't to go ", I asked .

" I just don't feel good ", she said.

I looked at her and she didn't look good. Her face was pale and she looked feverish. I felt week . Something inside me told me I should make her lay down . Just went I was about to tell her she fainted she was about to hit the floor when I caught her . I laided her down on the couch.

" Autumn, Autumn wake up ", I said.

She slowly opened her light blu eyes. I knew she was getting sick becuase she was almost going to turn eighteen the age where she was going to stop ageing.

" My whole bodt hurts so much ", she said in a weak voice .

" Sleep I'll stay here with you today ", I told her.

" No, I'll be fine you should go ", she said.

" Aw love, I thought you would enjoy me being here with you ", I teased.

She gave me an annoyed look.

" Fine stay but stop teasing me ", She ordered.

I carried her to her room and I let her rest . I watched how her breathing moved her chest she looked so peaceful just laying their . I let her sleep their for about two hours .She woke up still looking sick.She was getting up when I stopped her.

" What are you doing lay down ", I ordered.

" I'm hungry I'm going to get something to eat ", She whined.

" I'll make you something to eat ", I said.

She raised her eyebrows .

" You don't know how to cook ", She said.

" I lived for thousends of years and you expect me not to know how to cook ", I asked.

" Yes becuase you use me as a cook or as a meal ", She said .

" I get lazy sometimes ", I said as I lef her room to go to the kitchen.

I prepared her breakfeast and carried the food to her room.

" I'm suprised you didn't burn the food", she said smiling.

She barley ate but I understood she was sick.

" Damen I feel better you can leave now ", she said.

" Why do you keep insisting on me leaving ", I asked .

" Becuase I don't want to bother you ", she said.

" Look remeber we are bounded an d I know when your lying I don't want you to get sick becuase it will affect me ", I said to her.

I held her hand she felt warm . She seemed startled when I grabbed her hand but then she relaxed .

" I wanna go to the beach ", She said.

" You're sick and it morning the water is cold ", I told her.

" Please I don't want to go in the water I just want to walk down the beach I've only been to the beach once ", she begged.

" Please I won't stop begging until you say yes ", she said.

" Okay fine get dressed we're going ", I gave up .

I thought she was going to kiss me but instead she gave me a hug the sensation I had when she hugged me was extrodinary . Then she kicked me out of her room .She put on some shorts and a bikini top .

" Lets go " she said in an excited voice . She was still sick bt happy at the same time .

I drove to the beach . I saw her face lit up..

I helped her out the car . I walked with her down the beach .

" When you lived here did you come her often ", I asked her.

" Yes but my aunts never knew becuase they wouldn't let me ", She said smiling.

" Why are you so scared of your aunts ", I asked curiously.

" I'm scared becuase they would have slapped me and then lectured me ", She said sighing.

I saw she was getting weaker and mad her sit down on the sand. She watched the waves go back and forth hitting the land .

" Autumn I have a boat lets go ", I told her .

I showed her and started sailing. She looked at the waves and smiled at me.

" I didn't know you had a boat ", she said.

" I hope you don't think I'm showing of ",I told her remembering when she said I was showing off when I told her I had an airplane .

" You still remember what I thought ", She asked.

I nodded .

" I like you better when your nice ", she murmered .

" What ? " I asked already knowing what she said.

" Never mind we should get back ", she said.

" You don't want to stay a bit longer ", I asked wanting to know why she wanted to leave.

" I feel like throwing up ", she said.

" Oh okay ", I said.

I got a call from my cell phone it was Crystal. I remembered she had invited me to her graduation but Autumn was all that had been in my mind since morning. Crystal had already turned eighteen and had been through the stage of aging.

" Damen why didn't you come I was waiting for you ", Crystal whined.

" I had an unexpected problom ", I told her.

" Was your unexpected problom Autumn your house mate ", Crystal said with her voice full of jelousy .

She was getting jelouse I didn't like girls like that .

" Its nothing that you should be troubled by . I have to give you no explanation ", I growled.

I hung up on her . I glanced at Autumn who seemed more and more sick. When we came here I thought she was going to get better but I was wrong she got worse .As we went back to the apartment I could feel her pain . I carried her when I realized she was to weak to walk. She fell asleep again.


I knew I was feeling bad becuase I was turning eighteen. Thats when we vampires where at our strongest point. I t was actually nice to have Damen actually worry for me . I heard Damens conversation with crystal I was happy to know Damen had gotten mad at her .

It could be a very nice nice day if the pain would just go away . My head ached , I felt very dizzy , and worst of all I got cramps .Oh how I hated the cramps. I felt Damens precence in my room .

"How are you feeling ", He asked.

" How do you think ", I snapped at him for no reason at all. I felt guilty he was just asking how I was feeling but on the other hand he had treated me like his bitch .

" I was just asking , like I told you before I only care for you becuase if something happens to you it will make me feel bad to ", He growled before he stormed out of the room.

His words felt worst than the cramps or headache. I got up and went to knock on his room .

" Damen I'm sorry ", I apoligize . " For snapping at you ",.

He opened the door and seemed suprised. I leaned on the door afraid I would fall .

" You should sit down " he said as he gestured for me to enter his room.

I looked at his room it seemed as if an old person was living here. Everything was antique.

" I'm going to ask you again how do you feel ", he saidserious.

" Not that good ", I said .

I was sitting on his bed . He seemed to look at at my every movement . My breathing got faster every time he looked at me .

" Are you nervous ", Damen asked me .

" No why ", I lied.

" Yes you are I can tell", he said.

" Why would I get nervous around you", I asked already knowing .

" Becuase your around me, your breating gives you away besides I already know you are in love with me ", He said

I got up put he pulled me down on the bed .

" You know my cousin Deric always speaks of you and how nice and sweat you are ", He said grinning.

" He does ", I asked .

" Yes he does it seems he likes you but to bad you like me not him , and you wouldn't want to hurt him would you ", He said.

" I wouldn't ", I said.

" Then you should stop talking to him ", Damens said.

" Are you jelouse ", I asked him.

I looked to see his reaction to my question but he had no emotion.

" Why would I be jelouse I can take your blood whenever I want I still own you ", He whispered in my ear his lips touched mt ear when he said that. His touch made me shiver.

" Do you always have to bring up that yoo bought me ", I asked.

" I don't always bring it up ", he said.

I felt his fangs on my neck he didn't bite me his fangs just brushed my neck tentivly.

" Damen don't ", I said puting mu hand on his lips feeling his fangs . He looked confused he felt like I felt he didn't know what he felt. What he felt for me.

Damens fangs disapeared but that confused look on his face remained .

" I gave you blood two nights ago ", I reminded him trying to start conversation.

" Have you ever tasted you blood its tasty and it smell so sweet " He said.

" Damen has anyone ever bitten you ", I asked .

" No ", He said.

" Why not ", I asked .

" Why would I let another vampire bit me I'm a man ", He said grossed out.

" Oh so you can bite me just becuase your a man ", I said .

" Yes ", he said.

I rolled on top of him not leting him move.I showed him my fangs .

" Don't you even dare ", He growled .

" Why not i'm a girl ", I said.

" I'm serious Autumn don't ", he said.

I didn't listen I had his scent fill me . I sank my teeth into his neck feeling his shock and anger.His blood was like drinking pure power pure life .


I could feel her drinking from me . I had never in the four -thousend your I lived let any vampire girl bite me . I couldn't belive Autumn had the courage to bit me. I pushed her of me.I reagained myself .

" So tell me how does it feel to be bitten Damen I hoped you liked it becuase thats how I feel everytime you bite me ", She said smirking.

"How dare you bite me " I shouted.

I would have smacked her but I knew her body was fragile at this moment.She just smiled.

" You taste good ", She said in a dazed voice.

I looked at my neck on the bathroom mirror and saw the marks on my neck horror raced through me. I knew the marks wouldn't go away until tommorow. Dam her .

" I left nice marks on your neck to ", she giggled. " I hope your girlfriend doesn't get mad ", she added.

That was the least I couldn't let anyone find out she bit me.

" If you tell anyone you bit me you'll regret it understand ", I said to her.

" My lips are sealed", She said grinning .

" I'm going to the livingroom ", she informed me as she left.

I was still in shock I had just let her get away with her biting me. I just stood their in my room thinking about what had just occure and I had don nothing to stop it . I hadn't even tried to shove her off me when I saw whatshe was doing . I was so confused many thoughts ran down my mind , so many thoughts my head started to hurt it wa my pain mixed with Autumns. I went to her room to whst was happening to her the pain was much more stronger this time.

" So how does it feel to drink my blood ", I asked trying to mock her.

"It feels horrible ", She said in pain

" Really I thought I tasted goo what a pity ", I said .

" Not you , you idot the pain it feels horrible and its getting worse ", She informed .

" It will be over soon ", I told her .

" Is that all you can say it will be over soon ", She said.

It didn't take me time to know she was exahasted and angry . I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing at her .

" Don't you even dare to laugh ", She growled.

Her phone rang .

" Um, its your cousin Deric ", she said.

" Tell him you can't go out today ", I ordered .

She nodded and I left .


I answered Derics call.

" Hello", I said.

" Autumn I thought we where going to meet at the cafe near the apartments why didn't you come , is something wrong", He said

" I'm not feeling that well thats why I didn't go ", I told him .

" Its probably becuase your going to turn eighteen soon do you want me to come and see you", he said in a soothing voice .

" If you want to you can come ", I said .

" Okay I'll be right there ", he said.

" Okay bye ", I said.

I saw Damen come into my room . I didn't ask him what he wanted becuase I felt to weak to argue with him.

" So Derics going to come ", he asked .

I nodded .

" Well you are going to be alone I have to go somewhere, remember what I told you about telling anyone you bit me ", He reminded me.

" I know you said I was going to pay dearly, don't worry I won't say anything ", Iassured him trying to smile.

" Okay fine ", he sighed leaving.

I waited for Deric until the door bell rang . I quickly got up even though I was in pain. I opened the door and it wasn't Deric it was Lucian . I was about to close the do3or but he came in . He was drunk.

" Lucian get out I don't want to talk to you ", I said .

I couldn't fight him or kick him out everything seemed to go in circles I thought that in any moment I was going to collapse. He looked at me with sesire and hunger.

" Damens not here to defend you ", he purred in my ear I could fell his hot breathe on my ear.

Suddenly I felt very scared and defensless .

" You should feel defensless and scared becuase you are ", he told me .

He had just readmy thoughts I didn't know he could do that .

" Damens not the only one who can read thoughts ", he informed me.

" What do you want ",I said .

He was right I should feel scared I was alone here with him and Deric haden't gotten her yet.

" I want your blood just like Damens been having it and something else ", He said as he ran his hand up and down my leg.

Shit this bitch was going to try and rape me and take my blood .

" I'm not going to try I am ", He growled .

I ran for he door but I was weak and not fast enough Lucian grabbed ahold of me he picked me up and took me outside. It was night and their was no one around.

" You used me to forget your love for Damen now I'm going to use you as I pleas ", He said.

Those where his last worsd before I passed out.

Chapter 13


When I got in the building for the apartment I saw Deric standing outside.

" Deric what are you doing her ", I asked.

" I came to see Autumn but when I got here the door was opened I looked inside and she wasn't there ", He said.

" What that can't be possible Autumn couldn't have gotten anywhere she was ill ", I said as rushed into the room.

I went into the room and didn't sense Autumn anywhere . I looked everywhere in the apartment not finding anyone. I could feel Autumn was in danger .

" I already checked I could smell her scent she was here a couple hours ago but she wasn't alone ", Deric said.

" What do you mean she wasn't alone ", I asked confused.

" Their someone elses scent in the room besides your ", He said.

" She was here waiting for you after I left ", I told him .

" Where could she have left ", Deric asked.

" I don't think she left someone must have taken her , she was to weak to walk or to go anywhere ", I answered.

" Lets go look for her maybe we could smell her scent ", He suggested.

I could probably sense her .We looked for her everywhere but there was no sighn of her it was like she had disapeared in mid air . We kept on searching for hours but yet found nothing. The night was cold and dark. There where no stars or the moon to lighten it .

" We should look for her tomorrow ", I told Deric who semed as worried as me.

" Okay ", he said and he left.

I got back to the apartment . I couldn't sleep I was so worried for Autumn . I blamed myself for leaving her alone knowing that many things threatened her. What if the wolves had come and took her. No that couldn't be I still felt her life force and if she where dead I could feel her becuase she was part of me part of my soul , yet we where apart.


I woke up when the sun hit my face my whole body ached . I looked at my hands and feet wich had iron chains wrapped around them. I was very weak . I looked at my surroundings and found myslef in a room like the one in the mansion in translvanyia . I was lying on a huge comfterble bed . The room was painted in a dark blue coler.

" You already woke up ", Lucian said with a grin as he came in.

" Lucian let me go ", I begged .

" I don't think thats going to happen ", He said.

I looked into his eyes and saw the real Lucian I saw his tru sel . An evil cold despicable creature .

" Why are you doing this ", I said wanting to know.

" Simply becuase I want you and your blood ", He said.

I could feel his eyes roam over my body . Tears streamed over my eyes I was scared I knew nobody was going to help me. He wiped my tears and gave me a wicked smile.

" Look things can be nice if you act nice , do everything I say and give me what I want ", He offered .

I spit on his face not carring what he had to offer or any deal he wanted to make with me .

" Bitch ", he said as he wiped the spit of his face.

He slapped me real hard I fell of the bed hitting a night stand.

" You will give in soon when you have no option left you will , I know you are turning eighteen in two day and the pain you are going to feel in these two days is going to feel like hell so what do you say ", He said .

" I say you can burn in hell ", I shouted at him.

" When I lose my patience with you , you are going to be sorry ", He said .

I was suddenly benaeth Lucian who looked at me as if I was something to eat.

" Get off me ", I said squrming under him .

He just laughed then he began to kiss me forcfuly his lips where on my neck . Tears came out of my eyes . Until I gathered up all the strength I had in me to shove him off me.

" You'll give in even if you don't want to ", He said before he left.

I cried . I hope Damen can sense me so can find me and take me away from this sicko . I prayed to god that would happen.


I didn't get anysleep last night trying to figure out whou could've taken Autumn just when I got a phone call .

" Yes this is Damen ", I aswered.

"Damen its Jason theirs a council meet the priest ar here ", Jason informed me.

" Okay thankyou I'll be there ", Isaid.

I quickly showered and dressed. I got to the meeting and thought why would the priest want . The priest rarley came to meeting they would always stay in tranlyvanias church . I saw Lucian he seemed strange more happy . I thought I could smell a bit ofn Autumns scent on him . Maybe it was just my imagination . I had her on my head and couldn't get her out may thats what it was . I saw Deric who seemed distcacted to .

" We have called on a meeting becuase the priest have some very alarming news ", Said Willam.

" What news ", I asked.

" Well yesterday the wolves returned to your house but they didn't seem to be looking for you my prince they seemed to be looking for the girl that lives with you ", said one of the priest.

"Why would they be looking for her ", Hector Autumns father asked.

" Thats what we would want to know ", Said another priest.

" Their looking for her becuas they want to kill her ", I told them.

The council murmered wondering why.

" Why ?" ,Hector asked me.

" They want revenge becuase the girl killed the alphas son ", I said.

Everyone gasped except Lucian and me who had seen the whole thing.

" That can't be possible thats the strongest pack of wolves wen had ever confronted the girl couldn't kill the alphas son ", William said in shock .

" She did Lucian and I saw when she killed him right Lucian ", I said.

" Yes we saw everything ", Lucian said quickly.

" Do you think we could see the girl ", The priest asked .

" She's gone missing since yesterday ", Deric said.

" Why did she leave ", Hector asked.

" I don't think she left she was on the full aged point she was to weak to even move ", I said.

" We need to find her becuase the wolves are after her and if they are after we can set a trap to kill them ", William suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement .

" We should send the noble guard ", Victor said.

"Of course ", I replied.

The meeting eneded and we sended the royal guards tto look for her . I saw Lucian a little tensed after the meeting. Deric , Hector ,I , and some other vampires joined to look for Autumn. I knew it was convienent for us to find her becuase we could get rid of the pack of wolves.


I used my ability to see everything around me even though I was to weak I could still use it . I was suprise to know some of the council members where searching for me . I knew Damen and Deric where also searching for me . The problom was that wolves wherre tracking me down to I was already stuck here with Lucian attemting to get my blood and rape me. I felt Lucians precence in the room .

" I already know some of the council members are looking for me they will find me soon ", I said to him.

" I wouldn't be so sure ", He hissed.

" I perfer to die than to be here to with you ", I said.

An unbeliable amount of Rage came frome him.

" Really becuase when you kissed me it didn't seem like it , I lived in this world just as long as Damen and what wanting to be dead feels like ", He told me.

" I hope Damen kills you ", I said to him smiling.

" than you are going to lose your hope becuase he can't kill me or maybe I will kill him ", he said.

" You are never going to have me or my blood I swear Lucian you'll never have me or my blood ", I said reapitng myself.

" Like I said before we'll see ", He said .

I noticed he had a cup on his hand I could smeel the sweet scent of blood.

" I wouldn't want you to die so here drink this ", He offered the blood to me.

I didn't drink it I just stared at it. I wasn't going to drink no way. Lucian sneered at me before forcing me to drink it I felt refreshed after drinking it .

" I hate you Lucian ", I said to him before passing out again.


The council members and I searched at night for Autumn but nothing. I hoped we found her soon . It had seemed strange to me Lucian didn't join the search . I had to inform the priest why Autumn had been living with me . Telling them she was a pure royal blood made them more anxious to find her especially becuase tommorow she was turning eighteen her full point . They said it was rude of me not telling them. I really didn't care what the priest said I only wanted to find Autumn.

Deric seemed to worried for Autumn becuase he had barley met her I had almost been living with her for a year . I was worried for her becuase we where soul bounded . I had every single right to be worried for her. Her mother was also worried along with her sisters . As for hee father he seemed just to care becuase she would lead us to the wolves .

" We searched everywhere for her , we only picked up a bit of her scent ", Gabriel said.

Gabriel was one of the noble guard and one of my infancy friens.

" Where did you pick up her scent ", I asked.

" It was almost near Lucians mansion Damen ", Gabriel said.

" Maybe It was mistaken we have to search again ", I ordered .

Gabriel nodded and we left again to go search again . I kept on thinking it was a mistake of the nobles to pick up some of Autumns scent near Lucians home. If Lucian had Autumn he knew I would rip his head off.

" Damen I sense the wolfs are getting closer ", One of the priest said.

" If we don't find the girl we might not get to kill them ", William said to me.

" We should get ready for the wolves I have a feeling we are going to find her real soon ", Said another priest.

All of us looked at him for some reason I could feel he was telling the truth we would find Autumn.... soon.


When I woke up it was eight already today was my birthday somehow the pain I had felt these two days was gone replaced by something else power. I felt power unliked never before. I could actually move . In heard someone coming I was going to pretend I was weak in front of Lucian I was going to try and kill him myself .

" Well look at you today is your birthday ", Lucian said.

" Go to to hell bitch ", I growled .

" If you come with me I would go ", He said trying to seduce me.

" Your stupid attempt of seduction is not working ", I said.

" Fine I'll be nice if you remove these chains ", I told him in the most seductive undiscusted voice I could make.

He looked at me and smiled . He leaned over me kissing me I let him .

" I knew you would give in ", he purred .

He released my hands first and then my feet. Thats when I stuck my nail into his neck until I fwlt his blood . I should have finished him off but instead I ran . I got out of the house as quickly as I could . I knew he was going to come after me . Thankfully I knew where we where I knew california like the palm of my hand.

I found a cab and led him to Damens apartment .

" Is something I could help you with "said the driver.

" No , I quickly said.

" Okay ", said the driver unconvinced.

I knew Damen was at the apartment I had checked . I knew Lucian was looking for me he had gotten up the only person that could help me was Damen .I got to the apartment and ran to my door. I knocked at the door and Damen open the door shock filledn his face.


Shock filled through me when I saw Autumn I pulled her inside.

" Where the hell have you been ", I asked.

She looked more beutiful but scared.

" Damen Lucian took me I was in his house for the past two days ", She said .

Rage flooded through me I was going to kill Lucian .

" Don't worry ", I said trying to calm her down.

She seemed panick and scared a few tears ran down her eyes.

" Did he do something to you ", I asked her.

She shook her head. ", No but he tried her ", she said.

" Go get cleaned up ", I ordered her.

" Don't go anywhere " she begged.

" Don't worry I'm not leaving you alone again ", I promised.

She went to her room .Autumn didn't deserve this on the day of her birthday . I called the council letting them know that Autumn had apeared . I didn't tell them Lucian had her they would want to know why and I wasn't planing on making Autumn tell them .

" I now the council was looking for me becuase of the wolves and that the priest want to talk to me ", I heard Autumn say behind me.

" Yes how are you feeling ", I asked .

" Better thanks ", she said.

" I have to take you to se the priest , I told them about the bond ", I told her.

" Why did you tell them ", she asked.

" So they could find you faster ", I confessed.

" Maybe Lucian will be there ", She said sounding scared.

" Don't worry ", I said as I grabbed her hand holding it gently .

This tim she didn't pull away like last time.

" We should go ", I said clearing my throught.

" Okay ", she said.

We left I kept her near me as we walked down the halls of the meeting mansion . I saw Derics face lit up when he saw her. Hers was the same a bit scared but calm.

" This way ', William said leading us to the priest .

Chapter 14


I was lead by a vampire named William to se the priest I enetered the room with Damen . As I went in I felt cold feeling run down my spine that made me shiver.I saw seven men sitting in lined up chairs. Each seemed to be fifty or sixty years old. Dmen and I where standing in front of them. Don't be scared Damen said in mind they just want to talk to you.

" It is nice to meet you , their is no ned to scared , I'm priest Devon , Thats priest Christain , Priest Gregory , Priest Allistar, Priest Jerome , Priest Fernan , and Priest Isac. ", Priest Devon said.

" Damen has told us about your bond with him ", Said Priest Christain .

" I would like to read you ", Said Priest Allistar.

I gave Damen a nervous glance . He gave me a look that said go on.

I went to the priest and gave me my hand . He seemed intrested and shocked at the same time shock filled him. Something went on the between the priest I could feel it.

" Thats it ", Priest Christan said smiling as he released my hand ..

" I am sorry to say I am a bit disapointed of the things you've done to this young lady Damen ", Priest Gregory told Damen.

Damen said nothing he was just still.

" I am sorry ", Damen said.

" Do not apoligize to us apoligize to the girl ", Priest Devon said.

" Their are some things you'vedone in the past that have been bad but this is despicable ", Said Priest Gregory .

" But you had some right to do what you did ", Said priest Jerome.

" You are our prince our leader we are here to advice you not to judge you ', Said priest Fernan said.

" As for Lucian you can dispose of him as you want ", Said Priest Devon.

" That is all ", Priest christain said.

We left the room .

" That went well ", Damen said smiling .

" They are scary ", I whispered .

" They are not they seem to like you ", Damen said. " And most of all they said I could kill Lucian ",He added.

I looked at him his eyes where cold when he mentionded Lucians name . Deric came to me and Damen left.

" I'm so happy you are okay ", Deric said.

He suddenly crushed his lips into mine . I was so shocked I couldn't move. I finally pushed him of me.

" Not now Deric please not now ", I said to him .

" I'm sorry I couldn't contain myself all the dreams and talking to you getting to know you made me fall in... love with you ", He confessed .

I looked at him with shock he said he loved me .

" I want to speak of this later I 've been through a lot the past to days ", I said my eyes welled up with tears.

Deric embraced me .

" Where were you all this time ", Deric asked me.

" Lucian took me he wanted my blood ", I told him.

I felt him tense and he went cold exactly like Damen .

" I am going to kill him ", Deric said.

I rested my head on his chest .

" Only the priest and Damen know he was the one who took him ,Damen is already looking for him ", I informed him.

" I'm going with him ", Deric said.

" Don't go Damen can take care of him ", I told him.

He looked at me and gave me a soft smile .

" Okay ", He sighed .

" Thankyou ', I said.

I didn't know what to feel anymore . I liked Deric but I was in love with Damen it wasn't fair for me to give him hopes.


I went to Lucians house and acted normal.

" Damen I didn't expect to see you ", He said.

" Well I didn't expect you to be here you fuckin son of a bitch ", I growled.

I grabbed him and threw him across the house.

" I warned you to stay away from her to leave Autumn alone but you insisted and now i'm going to kill you ", I barked at him.

He laughed I thought he had gone mad.

" You can't kill me Damen the priest won't alow it ", He said.

" I don't need the priests permission I can kill you without it but the priest said to so as I want with you", I said to him.

" You're lying ", He said in an unsicured voice.

" You'll se if i'm lying ", I said getting close to him .

I grbbed him by the throught he gasped.

" Do you think I'm lying now ", I asked him.

" Damen you are going to kill me becuase of that bastered ", he asked in shock.

" No i'm killing you becuase you tried to kill the person who is bonded to my soul ", I told him.

I ripped his head out blood covered my hand . I set the whole place on fire after I left. Knowing that if they saw Lucians body they would see strange things on his blood.I didn't feel bad or any remorse feeling for killing Lucian he deserved it . Death had been a little bit to nice for him I should have mad him beg for his life.

I went back to the mansion to pick Autumn up I found her with Deric talking to him.

" Damen you have blood all over your shirt itr not yours right ", Autumn checked.

I shook my head.

" We have to go ", I told her .

" Okay ,bye Deric ", She said.

" See you soon and remember we have to talk ", He told her.

I didn't know what to tell her as we drove back to the apartment I didn't like the silence.

" I'm sorry all of this happened on the day of your birthday ", I apoligized.

" Its not your fault ", she said.

" Is their anything special you wanted , or wanted to do today on your birthday ", I asked.\

She thought for a moment.

" A movie ", She said .

" What ?", I asked.

" I want to see a movie ", She said.

" What kind of movie becuase if it what they call a chick flick you can just forget it ", I warned her.

" No its not a chick flick I promise ", She said.

" Whats the movie called ", I asked her.

"Its called Abraham Lincon Vampire hunter ", She said.

I raised an eyebrow when I heard the title.

" Why would you want to see a movie about Abraham lincon hunting our kind ", I asked.

" You said I could watch it as long as it wasn't chick flick ", She said sounding like her old self again.

" Fine ", I said.

We drove to a movie theater.


I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at Damens reactions to the film . He wanted to kill himself .When the movie was over he thanked god.

" How could you make me watch that movie ", He said.

" I didn't make you watch it I told you , you could watch something else ", I told him as I got in the car .

" Its the most horrible and stupid film anyone has ever mad about vampires it insulting our race ", He said .

" Well I thought it was a good movie ", I argued .

" How can you say that , whe abraham lincon was alive mortals didn't know we existed only the night hunters ", He said.

" You are over reacting to it , it was just a movie ", I told him.

I was glad we where finally home becuase Damen hadn't stopped talking about how horrible and insulting the movie was to us .

" I swear if I see a movie like that again I will shoot myself ", He said.

I laughed .

" Thankyou Damen ", I said.

I left to my room . I laided on my bed thinking about the events that had happened today. It was to much for me. Escaping from Lucian knowing he is dead becuase Damen killed him ,above all wasthe confesion of love Deric made me.He loved me but I was in love with his cousin. I was in love with Damen only he didn't love me back.

I had used Lucian to forget about Damen and I looked at the problom it had caused . N o the problom I had caused. I felt guilty becuase I had . caused Lucians death becuase if I hadn't used him to forget Damen this wouldn't have happened . Maybe in time I could love Deric he had seemed sincere when he told me he loved me . I couldn't return the love he felt for me I wish I could.

I felt a little bit hungry and went to the kitchen .I found Damen looking at me when he saw mw.

" Is there a problom ", I asked him .

" Yes its the wolves they seem to be trying to track you down , but its strange they are very good at searching for us they should be here already", He said Damen.

" I could check if you want me to ", I asked.

" No we'll check tommorow today you've been through alot ", He said.

He left exahuasted to his room . I ate a little bit and went to sleep. I found myself having the same dreams like I alway have for the past three months. I can't figure out why I am always at the altar with Deric about to say I do .I woke up and tried to figure the dream out but I couldn't my mind wouldn't let me . Things where....... blocked for me.

Yesterday Damen told me the priest wanted to talk to me again today in the morning. I didn't know why but the priest scared me . Their precence were cold . Their was something strange about them Damen said thats how they always where.I heard a knock on the door it was Damen.

" Autumn are you awake ", He asked.

" Yes , come in ", I said .

He came in looking handsome and galent as always. Damn it I forgot to block my thoughts. I lowered my face in embarssmant knowing he had heard me.

" Sorry ", I said .

" Its okay, we have to go see the priest again are you ready to go ", He asked.

I raised my face to him and nodded.

" Why do the priest want to talk to me ", I asked.

" I think they are going to talk to you about the bond ", He said.

We headed to the meet with elders I was very nervous like never before .

Chapter 15


Why was Autumn so nervouse around the priest I thought as we entered the meeting with priest. I had known the priest since I was a little boy and never felt nervous like she did . Autumn had sen the priest yesterday they had acted nice around her.

" Welcome ", said Priest Jerome.

" We wanted to speak to the two of you becuase we thought that if you two are bonded you should get married ", Priest Fernan said.

" What!!" , me and Autumn said at the same time.

" Yes marriage , Damen you are over four-thousend years old you should get married and you brought this on yourself ", Priest Christain said .

" Well you can get out of the marriage if she is engaged to someone else ", Priest Devon said .

I looked at Autumn confused face . I'm to young to get married she thought .

" I am not doing this ", I told them.

For my sake and Autumns sake I hoped they didn't argue with me.

" Why not the girl and you make such a good pair ", Said Priest Gregory .

" Becuase I don't want to and she doesn't either ", I said.

The priest talked to each other .

" Damen we will give three day to make up your mind if you still don't agree than she will have to marry your cousin so her blood doesn't get tainted ", Priest Allistar said.

Shock passed through me if I didn't marry her she was going to marry Deric. I couldn't let it happen ...

" That is all we will speak in three days ", Said Priest Isac.

I walked with Autumn shock went through her . Maybe she had forseen this and didn't want to talk about it.

" Damen I don't want to get married I'm to young ", She said.

" Well we will think of something ", I assured her.

" I thought you could boss them around ", She said.

" Their are some things they can make me do things I might not want to do ", I said to her .

" What do they mean if I marry Deric my blood won't get tainted ", She asked.

" That means that if you marry him when he bites you it will erase all my bites ", I told her.

" Why will that happen ", She said.

" Becuase me and Deric are related ", I told her .

" Do you think Deric knows ", She asked.

" I think he does the priest had to tell him , he probably agreed ", I said.

Deric had probably agreed becuase everytime he spoke of Autumn he seemed to be enchanted . If I didn't know better I would say he love her. Deric just like me had never taken anyone serious but with Autumn he seemed diffrent. If Deric felt for Autumn what I thought he would probably marry her .


Me and Damen ran into Deric .

" Did the priest inform you to ", Deric asked us.

" Yes " Damen said .

" So what are you two going to do ", Deric asked.

" We don't know ", I said to him.

Silence passed between us three .

" Well I have to go ", Deric said .

He left .Damen seemed thoughtful when we got back to the apartment. I loved him but like I thought before I was to young to get married.

" Derics willing to marry you ", Damen told me as he entered my room .

" I don't want to marry anyone ", I whispered .

" I know you don't but theirs nothing we can do you have to marry Deric ", Damen said to me softly.

I had never heard him speak to me this softly . I was suprised his words hurted me so much . Was it becuase he didn't want to marry me?

" Is that what you want me to do ", I asked him on the verge of tears.

He seemed startled by my question . He though about it an sighed.

" Yes Autumn thats what I want you to do I want you to marry Deric ", He said.

" Okay then I will marry him ", I said holding back my tears.

" Autumn please don-", Damen tried to say something before I interuppted him .

" I'm tired ", I told him he left leaving me alone.

Tears came out of my eyes I knew Deric was nice, but I was deeply iin love with Damen I couldn't love him back . I atached to Damen not just by my love for him but becuase our souls . Even though I was soul bounded with him he didn't love me an I think he never will. Being soul bounded is a very powerful bond but not even that can make him love me . I was going to marry Deric even If I didn't want to . I spended the rest of the day in my room not wanting to eat or do anything . Damen knocked two time I pretended to be asleep when he knocked.

Three days passed quickly today I was going to tell the priest I wanted to marry Deric I knew once my Desion was made their was no turning back on it . I found myself standing in front of th priest.

" I'm going to marry Deric ", I said .

The priests and Deric whee shocked.

" Are you absoultly sure ", Priest Isac asked me .

" Yes I'm absolutly sure ", I said .

" When is the wedding taking place ", Priest Jerome asked .

" In nwxt month ", Deric answered.

Damen and I where startled the wedding was so soon yet none of us said nothing .

" Now that things are cleared up we would like to speak to Damen alone ", Said Priest Gregory .

Me and Deric left leaving Damen alon with the Priests.


Why would the priest want to speak with me I had made everything clear . I wantAutumn to marry Deric or do I ?

" Even you are unsicure about yourself Damen ", Priest Christain said.

" I don't know what your talking about ", I said to him.

" In thought you where teretorialn but I was wrong ", Priest Devon said.

" What do you mean ", I asked.

" Are you really going to let Deric take away your soulmate away from you ,is she really so insgnificant to you ", Priest Jerome sai.

What me and Autumn where soul bonded not mated.

" Your with her is bigger than anything we have seen before ", Priest Isac said.

" If that is all I will be going their is nothing that keeps me here ", I said leaving .

I didn't care about Autumn I never did . I saw her walking with Deric she was smiling and so was Deric she was probably going to be happy with him I had nothing to worry about. Deric loved Autumn he could take care of her . They maden a good pair even though my thought hurted me I knew it was the truth .

I saw Crystal walking by she came over me and smiled.

" I heard your cousin is getting married ", She said.

" Who told you ", I asked

" He did he seems very happy ", She said.

" He is ", I said.

" You don't mind he is getting married with Autumn ", She asked.

" Why should I mind , I never had anything to do with her ", I said telling her the truth .

" Well I thought that becuase you got mad at me becuase I called her a bastered ", She said.

I pulled her close to me .

" I'm not mad you becuase of that ", I said trying to force myself to smile at her .


I was talking to Deric he seemed anxious and happy to get married with me.

" You can start picking thing for our wedding right away ", He said kissing my hand.

" Don't you think next month is to soon ", I asked.

" Not at all if we could we would be getting married today ", He said.

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips .

" I know you don't love me but in time you will ", He promised.

" i hope so ", I said.

" As foe the pack of wolves that wants to kill you I'll send some guards to track them down , so you can be saf", He said.

" Thankyou Daeric ", Is aid.

For no reason I was crying.

" Don't cry Autumn ", He said softly.

" I'm sorry I just wish I could already love you ", I said .

Wich was the truth I wish I could love him as much as he loved me everything was just so confusing .

" Can I tell my mom now ", I said.

" Of course I'll take you to her house ", He said .

Deric toook me to my mothers house she was happy and suprised to see me.

" Well come in darling this is your home to ", She said smiling.

I saw her husband who didn't seem to be bothered by my presence he actually smiled. I knew he hadn't known anything about the affair my mother had with my father.

" Mom I came to tell you I'm getting married with Deric ", I told her.

" What !", She and her husband said.

" But you barley met him not that I'm opsing or anything ", She said.

" The priest said it would be the best ', Deric explained.

" Then they have to get married Sheila ", Said Xavier her husband.

" When is the wedding ", She asked.

"Next month ", I said.

" Its to soom but you'll have time to know each other when I tell your sisters they will be over joyed ", she said.

The conversation was long my mothers husband was very nice he was actuall going to hand me over to Deric at the altar. My sister where even mor exicted than me. My sister Liana said she was going to help me choose the dress, Emily was going to get the invitations ready ,and Rebecca was going to decorate everything. All of them promised me everything would be perfect for that day . I hoped so

" Your sisters seem to like you a lot ", Deric commented.

" You barley know me and your going to marry me ", I told him.

" Well it hard not to love you who would be stupid enough not to love you ", He said.

I gave him a smile and kissed him softly before he left .


I had seen Autumn kiss Deric befor he left how fast she had gotten over me and over the love she supposly had for me. I not wan ting to see her left after she came in. I smelled her scent the smell of flowers came through my nose everytime I was near her. When I passed her I didn't glance at her I just kept walking as if she wasn't there. Very soon she wouldn't be here anymore she would be living with Deric she would be his wife .

I needed blood I found a perfect victim walking alone on the streets she wasn't beautiful but she was averge. She had raven black hair unlike Autumns golden blond hair. I follwed her and pulled her into an alley and drank from her. I had gotten used to drinking Autumns blood but I wasn't going to bite her anymore. I was going to stay away from her I had to I couldn't let myself be attached to her anymore than I was.

I got back home and went to check if she was sleeping . I opened the door to her room and found her laying down on the bed fast asleep . I watched her sleep. I had promised myself I was going to stay aaway from her but it was hard. When I had her near me and in my mind. It was as if someone had cast a spell on me . I had never thought of anyone more than I had thought in Autumn in my long life.

I had to addmit everything had changed when Autumn came to live with me. I actuallly had someone to care about . Like some young humans say I had been a loner before she came. I had lived with her a year and I had gotten used to her. It was hard to tell myself she belonged with my cousin but it was reality . She was getting married the priest had warned me that their was no turning back even if I wanted to .

Chapter 16


As the wedding got closer I watched how Autumn planned her wedding in four more days she would be marring Deric . I hadn't spoke to her since the day she had anounced she was engaged . I alwayes tried to evade her and maybe she was evading me. It was better this way so she wouldn't hurt my cousin Deric. I focuse more on being with Crystal.

" So are you going to Derics wedding ", Jason asked.

" I have to he's my cousin ", I told him.

" You don't sound to content ", Crystal said.

" Why do you think that ", I asked he.

" You don't seem happy ", Jason said.

" Of course I'm happy my only relative is getting married ", I said .

"Sure ", Jason said.

"Shut up Jason your just jelouse becuase Deric found a girl and your still alone ", Crystal said.

Jason said nothing to that.

" So its true ", I commented.

" Of course its true thats why he went quiet ", Crystal said.

I knew Jason had always wanted Crystal but she paid attention to everyone else except him but he could never tell her.


Four days left unil my wedding everything was ready . I had picked out a beautiful lacy white wedding dress . The invitations had already been handed out Der was filled with joy I wish I could to share his joy but to bad I couldn't.I was with Deric alone in the apartment I benn living with Damen for the past four months.

" I love you ", Deric told me.

He kissed me gently on the lips his lips treveled along my cheeks and down my neck . His kisses felt nice each day that passed I started to liken him more but the love I have for Damen was still in my heart.

" Deric why do you love me ?", I asked him.

" I love you becuase you're nice kind beutiful you're not like most vampire girls I've met . I can't compare no one to you becuase I would be insulting you. You are the most graceful creature I've ever met . Their are millions of other reasons I love you that would take all my eternity to say ", He told me.

His words made me feel more guilty.

" Like I told you before I can wait until you love me back , I will never force you to do anything you don't want to ", He said.

I saw his warm brown eyes full of sincere love . A love that might be for both of us to share. It was time for me to move on to love him like he loved me it was time to move away from Damen.

" I love you to ", I whispered .

He knew I was lying but still he smiled like he had won something priceless.

" You will Autumn " ,He promised "You will",.

" I hope so ", I said to him.

He left I stayed in the living room watching tv . I felt Damen as he entered he seemed distant all these days I decided to move on. I went to my room so I didn't bother him.I took a shower and got dressed .I layed down and fell asleep . Love and hurt where almost the same things for me.I'm in love with Damen but it means to get hurt.

Everything was wrong everyone was happy except me . Damen was finalley going to get rid of me , Deric was going to marry me. Even my mother and my sisters where happy I was getting married.


It was nine in the morning when I woke up . I thought about the werewolves and how everything had been so quiet lately. Alphas always honered their oaths it was part of their leadership. They should have already tried to kill Autumn or atleast attack other covens in their search for her everything was strange .

I hoped the days would go faster so she could leave along with the feeling of confusion I had.I heard a knock on the door and opened it to my suprise it was Rebbeca , Emily , and Liana Autumns sister.

" Hi Damen ", Rebbeca said as she kissed my cheek greeting me .

" We came to see Autumn we have to ake her practice her vows ", Emily said.

" I know she's awake I checked ", Liana said.

" Sure go on she's in her room ", I said getting tensed.

" Thanks ", They said.

Rebbeca was A bit older than me Liana was two-thousend years old ,and Emily was three hindred years old. Autumn was of course eighteen the youngest . I heard them talking.

" You and Deric look so good together ", Liana said.

" You are going to be the most beautiful bride the world has ever seen , just three more days ", Rebbeca said.

" I know you look gorgouse mom thinks your dress if perfect ", Emily said.

I didn't wan to hear their conversation about Autumns wedding with Deric . I went to see Crystal trying to relax myself.

" Is something wrong Damen", Crystal asked.

" No its nothing ", I said .

I was tired of pepole asking me if everything was okay . Why would things be wrong I got mad and left her their. The priest , Jason,and Crystal thought something was wrong with me. The only thing thats wrong here its them becuase I feel perfectly fine. All of them had thought I had felt something for Autumn but they are wrong she was Deric bride. Sure I had bit her wich had gotten me soul bonded with her but that meant nothing or did it? I couldn't feel insicure not now.

The days had passed slowly but everyday Autumns sisters came to see her about thins about the wedding. All was confusing with thoughts in my head I didn't trust myself any more or my feelings anymore especially today . To day was Autumns wdding with Deric and I had to see her get married with my cousin..


I found my self in a white wedding dress ready to get maried. I was tarring at myself in the mirrior . I sighed today I was going to get married . My mom was next to me.

" You look beautiful darling ", She said smiling.

" You do to ", I said .

" Well lets go we don't want to miss your big day ", She said.

I saw th Limo pull up at my moms house . I hope my sister hadn't exaggeratered with me today. No one except Deric . Damen and me knew why I was getting married with Deric . We stopped at the place I was going to get married it wasn't a church it seemed more like a santurary mad for vampire . We where in Tranylvania again . In the middle of the forest. The placee was decorated like in fairy tale . It had whit roses in the entrance and a beutiful read carpet that rose peddles thrown on the side.

I got out of the car with the help of Xavier out . I walked down the aile with lot of eyes staring at me . I saw Damen in one of the stands he seemed to be startled by me . I saw Deric their waiting for me . The priest where lined up in chairs . My sister where smiling like clowns. I took Derics hand a kneeled down in front of a pope who was a Vampire.

" We are here to unite two immortals for all eternity ",said the pope.

The cermony went on.

" I Autumn Cornelian take you Deric Vashoc as my husband to spend my immortal life with ", I said putting the ring on his finger. He smiled .It was his turn.

Suddenly growls came from out of the place everyone turned around shock filled their faces a bunch of wolves came in. Deric grabbed my hand and led me away the wolfs had only one target and it was me . We ran out of the church but their where others . I saw the royal guars trying to fight them off bu their where to many. Like at least ten packs put together like sevendy wolves.

" Lets go I'll go back ", He said.

But he didn't have to go their where wolves in front of me . They where gigantic I recognized the alpha . It luanched at me but Deric interfered lot os wolfs luanched at him.

" Go Autumn Go i'll be fine ", He shouted.

Those where his final words becuase the wolves got a grip on him and riped him apart.

" Deric ", I screamed.

Horror passed through me they finished him off and where headed for me next. I knew I shoul run but Derics body was laying their I couldn't move . I fell on my knees I was parlazeyed everything went into slow motion Deric was dead I couldn't accept it. Suddenly Damen and others apeared they killed some of them but their where still lot of them left . They looked at me with shock. Silent tears came out of my eyes . I felt my mother hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stop crying.

Deric died and it wasn't worth it.

" We have to go ", Said my mom softly.

" No ", I shouted .

Damen pulled me away from Derics dead corpse taking me away . I had Derics blood on my hands . I cried non stop. My mother was at my side trying to calm me down . I was alone with her in Damens living room . Everyone was at Damens house . They where talking about the wolf attack and how their had been dozens of them. I didn't care about them I cared about Deric.

It wa hard telling myself that a couple of minutes ago I was about to marry Deric , that a few moments ago I had lost him forever. I had actually started to love him.

" I'm sorry sweat heart ,but hes dead and there nothing we can do ", She said in a soothing voice.

" Its my fault the wolves where their to kill me ", I said.

" No its not", My mom said.

I wanted to sleep and never wake up. I fell asleep with my mom stroking my hair.


When the wolves had attacked the first person I thought was about Autumn. When I found her kneeling down by Derics corpse releif went through me knowing she wasn't hurt but also guilt becuase I had only thought of her . I knew the wolves would strike again and the my cousins death was just the beggining. I was going to avange my cousin . I wasn't going to let them hurt Autumn more than they hurted her with Derics death . If I would have married her in the first place Deric would be alive she would be happy. This was the first time I had realized I loved her I loved Autumn .

Everyone had left Autumn was still sleeping on the couch I thought. I went there and found her crying she hadn't stopped crying since we found her by Derics side. She didn't even notice my precence.She was still wearing her wedding dress ,and she still looked beautiful.

" You should go change ", I told her.

"I don't have any clothe here ", She said holding back tears.

" I asked your mom to leave some of your clothe here ", I told her .

" Am I still going to live with you ", She asked .

I nodded . She went to near by room to change . She came out a few moments later. I could still see tears coming out.

" Damen this was just the first attack of the wolves ", She said.

" What do you mean ", I asked.

" The wolves are gathering more there going to ceme her soon again ", She said.

I wrapped my arms around her but she pulled away . As if she was doing something wrong. All this time I had been in love with her but I couldn't accept it but now I wanted to be near her I wanted to keep her for me. I knew I was selfish but I couldn't help myself.

" I'm sorry for what happened today we are going to bury Deric tommorow ", I told her.

She said nothing but tears kept on spilling down her face . I grabbed her this time she let me embrace her . She buried her face on my chest crying we stood like that for a long time. She fianlly stoped crying. Her eyes where red and puffy.

" Everythings going to be fine ", I promised her.

" No its not fine Derics dead and its my fault ", She said.

" Don't say that its not your fault ", I told her.

We sat down on a couch . The day was still long. I had to go to a meeting to check things for my cousins funeral but I couldn't leave her alone . I felt her feelings through the bond guilt,sadness , and empty.

" You should get things ready for Derics funeral ", She said.

" I don't want to leave you alone", I told her.

" Its okay I'll be fine ", She said.

" Okay bye ", Isaid getting up and leaving .


Damen had left to get things ready for Deric's funeral .I was upset becuase Deric had been nice to me he shouldn't have died . It should have been me. Maybe I shoul have let the wolves kill me the first time I met them.Millions of thought ran in my head of should have happened to me not to Deric . I loved Damen but Deric had deserved all my love. Derc had understood me he always told me he was going to make me love him.

I glanced out the window and saw the gray day . This was supposed to be a happy day the day my wedding. This day had been turned in a nightmare . I saw the wolves in my mind when they where gathering other packs . The alphas had been displeased becuase he didn't get to kill me. He was going to strike again I knew it . When they get stronger they will come for me . It was just a little bit of time until they regain themselves.

Night came and Damen was still out . I went to the room I had when I was a maid and fell asleep.I woke up in the middle of the night I wasn't in the the room I had fallen asleep in I was in Damens bed room . I was suprised to see Damen there standing looking at me.I thought that was dreaming when I saw him I blinked again and saw him their.

" No your not dreaming I'm here ", He said.

" Damen why am I in your room ", I asked.

" I thought you would be more comfterble ", He said.

I got up .

" Why are you getting up ", He asked.

" I want a glass of water ", I said.

He blocked mt way out .

" I'll go get it for you ", He said.

" You don't have to ", I said.

He elft anyways. In an instant he was back with my glass of water. I went to lay down Damen was still in the room he sat on a chair . I couldn't sleep with him here . I sat up not able to sleep.

" Damen you should sleep ", I advised him .

" No thankyou I'm not sleepy ", he said.

" I can't sleep with you here ", I confessed shly.

I remembered Deric all of a sudden tears came out of my eyes again.

" Don't blame yourself like I told you before its not your fault ", He said.

" I can't help it ", I said.

I was trying to control myself but I couldn't . Damen was leaning over me he was qick . I felt his fingers stroke my face. I let him but guilt went over me he was Derics cousin . I pulled away from him.Damen sighed and he left. Something was wrong with him he was acting more gentle nicer with me today. Maybe Deric dying had made him change a little or it might have been somethhing else I couldn't under stand it was hard to get through him sometimes.

I fell asleep again wondering if I was going to be able to go to Derics funeral .


I was ready to go to Deric funeral I knocked on Autumns door witch was my room.

" Are you read Autumn", I asked.

She didn't answer me she just came out of the room . With sadness filling her eyes.I was suprised she didn't cry . We drove to the Vampire cementary in silence.She was looking at the window.It was cold in Translyvania specially becuase it was November already . Translyvania wasn't warm like california it was cold .

We where here Derics friens wheere here and me his only family member. The council members and priesthad came to. I saw Autumns mother and sisters.Autumn said nothing through the whole funeral she didn't even cry the look on her eyes was worstthan seeing hercry their was no expression just emptyness . I would do anything so she wouldn't be so upset .

Chapter 17


I watched Autumn go up to her room after the funeral . She felt guilt becuase she had not loved Deric but Deric had loved her . She shouldn't feel guilty becuase Deric had known her feelings and yet he still wanted to marry her.I had treated her badly I had hurt her physically and verbaly. I would have understood her if she fell in love with Deric.I needed to tell her I loved her . I had make her feel better I had tom make her lose her guilt of Derics death .

" Are you awake ", I asked as I enter her room.

" Yes I couldn't sleep again", She said.

I sat next to her on the bed . She looked at me like she always did with love. Sometimes she had tried to hide it but it was still in her eyes it always was .I didn't know how to start telling her.

" Autumn I don't know how to say this ", I said.

I felt a as if someone had tied a knot on my throat . I didn't say anything I just kissed her. I kissed her softly at first and waited for her to respond to me and she did. A kiss I have longed for months now . I had desired her lips very long but I didn't accept it. She suddenly pulled back.

" You don't have to do this to make me feel better don't act like you like me ", She said.

She was stiff and her eyes where cold.

" I'm not doing this becuase I want to make you feel better,I'm doing this becuase I want to ", I said.

" Don't dlie please ", She begged.

I sighed knowing she was in all her right to think I was lying after all the things that had happened between us . This time I was going to have to beg for her forgivness it was my turn to suffer like she had sufered for me.

" You are in all your right to think I'm lying but I'm not , not this time ", I told her.

She said nothing silence filled the room. It was going to be hard to convince her but I was not going to fail. I had to fight for her with her own feelings. I had to fight for my soulmate.


When I felt Damens lips against mine I felt a comforting feeling that filled me inside. I knew he just kissed me to make me feel better . I didn't want his pitty I didn't need it. I looked out the window the sky hadn't changed since the morning . My mother had told me that I could visit her or call her ,but I didn't want to . I only wanted to be alone. I felt guilty and hurt .

I remembered Derics words " You will get to love me ", he told me. I would have if he hadn't died maybe I would have forgotten Damen . Could I ? I had all those thoughts running back and forth in my mind. I was broken before Deric came but I fixed myself. I knew Damen was trying to fix me but I didn't want t0o be fixed I didn't deserve it .

When I used to live with my aunts I was afriad of falling and being broken . I had fallen becuase Damen mad fall. Now he kisses me when all the time I have been living with him he has treated me like crap. If Damen thought that becuase I loved him , Deric was dead ,and that nothing standed in our way I was going to be with him. I was going to marry his cousin becuase he wouldn't marry me.

I had spent the rest of the day crying in my room I didn't eat or did anything .I spent the past three months doing the same thing crying and looking at my window. I thought how miserble my life was I tried to put in my head that all of this I deserved. That if I had told the priest that I didn't want to marry Deric he would be alive . I blamed myself for everything .

I felt Damen enter my room I didn't turn around to look at him I didn't want to.

" Autumn we have to go we are moving we can't stay here some vampire hunters might notice the attack that happened with the wolves ", He said.

" Ok ", I said.

I didn't need to pack my clothe I they were already packed. I followed Damen not speaking to him . I felt him grab my hand I looked at him.

" What do you want ", I said .

" Autumn you can't keep on feeling guilty Dercis death was not your fault ", Damen said.

I felt my getting watery again I wasn't going to be able to contain my tears .

" It was Damen it was ", I said letting the tears spill from my face .

I walked quickly getting out of the house. The flight had seem fast we where somewhere else we where in England. I was silent as Damen showed me my room . Damen wrapped his arms around me I felt comforted by him .

" You have to move on ", He whispered .

" I can't ", I whispered back.

" Why ", He asked.

" My consious dosen't let me ", I confessed .

" Everything will be better ", He promised me.

I hoped it would be but I couldn't be sure . I didn't know if I could trust him . I knew wanted to fix the things that had happened . But could he ?


Well at least I had made contact with Autumn the months had passed quickly since Derics death she had to move on and I was going to help.I had her in my arms her scent and the heat of her body filled me up . A little bit of piece also filled me . I kissed the top of her head knowing this time she wouldn't pull away .

We stood their in that same postion. Autumn was relaxing for the first time since Deric died. I had many feeling racing through me I actually felt my heart beat wich was rare in me becuase I was old. One feeling I had was fear , I feared the wolves they would come back and maybe do what they wanted to do . I was going to do everything to protect her .

" Don't worry about the wolfs Damen this time I'll check when they come ", Autumn said .

" Ok ", I said .

I was about to tell her something else when the door bell rang. She fixed herself and went down stairs to open the door . I watched her walk away .She came back with anger in her eyes.

" Its Crystal she wants to speak to you ", She said.

I could sense her jelousy and rage I grinned. I tried not to laugh . I wrapped my arms around her but she pulled away .

" Whats so funny ", She said as she glared at me.

" Your jelouse of Crystal ", I commented.

She turned around giving me her back.

" Me jelouse of her I don't think so ", She said.

" Theirs nothing to worry about c'mon lets go see what she wants ", I said pulling her to me.

Both of us went down stairs when Crystal saw us coming down together shock raced through her face .

" What is the meaning of thi Damen ", She growled looking at Autumn.

" Oh I haven't told you I must have forgoten I'm going to start a serious relationship with Autumn ", I told her.

Rage went through her eyes.She said nothing and left slamming the door .

" That went perfectly well don't you think ", I said to Autumn smiling.

" I think that was kind of messed up to Crystal ", She sai trying to hide her amusement.

I saw her smile vanish as if something inside her didn't let her be happy. Today had been the first I had seen her smile in a long time . I felt her unsicure about something . I wondered if it was about me .

" You don't think I'm honest ", I asked her .

She said nothing her silence said everything I needed to know but it didn't hurt me . I knew I deserved every ounce of her insicurnes after the way I had treated her I had to expect this .


It was strange how things were turnging out with me and Damen and I liked it. Things had gotten better today but Deric was still in my mind. I didn't want to give my trust to Damen completly .When he asked me if I didn't belive him to be honest I didn't know what to say.

" Its okay don't answer me I understand you ", He said.

I just nodded . He spun me around so I could face him . HIs lips met mind and he kissed me again and again our lips brushed . Until he pulled me closer his tounge entered my mouth . The wonderful sensation filled me . I mouned as his lips travled down my neck. Sudden hunger went through him before I knew it he was drinking from me .

I didn't pull away I barley noticed I was actually enjoying this. When he finished drinking from me he holded me. I would always get dizzy when he bit me.I started to nibble behind his ear I went down his neck. My fangs came out.

" I don't think so Autumn you are not bitting me again ", Damen said in a serious voice .

" Why not you always bite me ", I said getting angry.

" You look more beautiful when you get mad or annoyed ", he said grinning.

" Typical can't you say somthing else ", I snapped .

" What do you mean ", Damen asked innocently .

" Every guy tells that to a girl when they get mad ", I informed him.

" I am not a normal guy ", He said.

" You are not even a guy you are an old man ", I snapped.

Fake hurt went through his eyes.

" Then why are you in love with this old man ", He asked smirking .

" Becuase I'm stupid ", I responded.

" No you're not ", He said smiling .

" Lets just forget it where in Romania their is lots to see lets go ", Damen said.

" Fine "I sighed.


I looked at Autumn who was at my side looking at the hunedoara castle.

" What's the name os the castle ", Autumn asked me .

" Its called the Hunedoara castle it was a medieaval fortress that was turned into palace ", I told her.

" How did you know I knew its name ", I asked.

" Well Translyvania is close to hear you have probably seen it already ", She answered.

" Damen have you ever taken any vampire girl serious ", Autumn asked.

The question startled me but I saw she was serious .

" No ", I said.

" Are you taking me serious ", She asked.

" Yes didn't you hrar what I told Crystal that I was going to have a serious relationship with you ", I told her.

" Why are you taking me serious ", She asked .

" I'm taking you serious becuase I love you ", I said cupping her cheek.

I looked into her beautiful sky blue eyes and saw fear .

" I won't hurt you more than I have ", I promised her.

She smiled and kissed my cheek.

" Damen if Crystal tell someone else about us don't you think I will look bad ", She asked.

" What do you mean ", I said.

" Well you where Derics cousin and I was about to marry him does that make me like a slut ", She asked.

I looked at her and couldn't stop myself from laughing .

" Stop laughing i'm serious ", She barked.

" Okay but what could possibly make you think that this happens all the time "I told her.

" What happens all the time ", I asked.

" Well sometimes when someones fiance dies the brother or cousin marries the one thats left ", I explained.

" I didn't know that its kind of kinky though ", She said.

" Kinky ?", I asked.

" Yeah I mean why would you marry your dead cousins bride ", She asked.

" I saw you first ", I said .

" of course you did becuase you bought me ", She said.

" Are you going to bring that up ", I asked .

" No becuase if I do I'll get made ", She said.

We went back home arguing.

Chapter 18


We got back home and I was mad at Damen .

" Are you still mad come on I said I was sorry ", He said.

I had gotten mad at him for joking around of the fear I had of my aunts. I thoughht that was not funny .

" My aunts are nothing to joke with ", I barked.

" Fine I promise never to do that again ", He said.

" Okay but you promised " , I said.

I looked around and saw we where in Damens room I didn't even notice how I had gotten in hear . I had been so mad I hadn't notice where I was going . It was night time already .

" If you want we can sleep here together from now on ", Damen suggested.

I saw a lazt grin on his face .

"Umm , no thanks ", I said.

I turned around to leave but Damen grabbed my hand . He was now on top of me we were on the bed.

" Why not ", He asked.

This position made me very uncomfterble .

" Damen this makes me feel very uncomfterble ", I said.

I felt his chest on mine .I pushed him off by punching his face .

" Why did you do that ", He growled getting mad .

" I told you I felt uncomfterble ", I said.

" Then lets sleep in your room ", He said .

" No ", I told him before leaving.

After taking a shower I laided down on my bed thinking about Damen how today had been changed. I could have said it was almost a perfect day but Damen had gotten very annoying. I was a virgin and I wsn't going to sleep with Damen . I fell into a deep sleep thinking about what had
happened when we got home.

I was woken up by Damen.

" What ", I said coverning my self under the covers.

" Autumn its ten in the morning and your mom and sisters are here ", He said.

" What its ten already ", I asked he nodded .


I wondered what Autumns mother could want.I heard them over talking and was suprised from what I heard.

" So is it true you have a real relationship with Damen ", Her mother asked.

Autumns cheeks turned bright red you tell inher tan but pale skin.

" Yes ", She said.

" Well since its Damen you should have boxes of condoms and birth control pills around here I'll bring you some ", Emily said.

I would have slapped Emily if I where in there but I controlled myself.

" Emily don't be inprudent ", Aura growled .

Aura was the eldest .

" I'm still a virgen ", Autumn said.

" Not for long no offense ", Liana said.

" Damen is a respectful gentle man ", Shaila said.

" You meana very disrespectful man becuase he is not young ", Emily said.

" Shut you're just jelouse becuase he likes Autumn and he never paid attention to you " Aura said .

They kept on talking until they left I was glad they did their conversation bothered me.

" So i'm a very disrespectful man that youll need birth control pills and con doms ", I asked.

" You heard ", She said.

" Yes I heard everything including you being a virgin ", I told her.

" I didn't say anything bad about you ",She said .

" I know but what do you think about me ", I asked her.

" I think Emily and Liana are crazy and that you are very respectful ", She said . " Except last night",

" I didn't try anything last night ", I said.

" You wouldn't let me leave so I punched your face ", She reminded me.

" I thought you wanted to stay in my room with me most vampire couples sleep together ", I told her.

" It was barley yesterday when we started ", Autumn said.

" So we know each other for almost two years ", I said.

" No becuase is I sleep with you in your room you'll want to have sex with me ", She said.

" I won't I promise not until you want to ", I told her.

" Okay fine.


I was shocked by the words that came out of my mouth I wanted to take them back but I couldn't .Damen kissed me and smiled.

" Do I have to move my things in your room ", I asked.

" I'll help you ", He said.

We moved my things into his room .He smiled everytime he glanced at me warm feeling ran through me evertime he would kiss me and hug me even when he smiled at me.

" Well where done I actually got kind of hungry ", Damen said.

" I'll cook some thing ", I said quickly running into the kitchen I didn't want Damen to bite me . I could here him laughing.

We sat down to eat Damen would not stop staring at me I was glad we finished.

" Like I told you a long time ago you have starring issues ", I told him

" I'm just looking at you thats it you usde to look at me all the time and I wouldn't say anything ", He said.

" No I wouldn't ", I argued.

" Yes you woul ", He said.

I sighed in defeat .

I thought the day went by quickly becuase it was already night. I looked around and Damen wasn't home I didn't like to ask where he left I thought it mad girls seem to annoying . I went into my new room and took a shower. I dried my head and went to lay down. I as almost falling asleep when I felt Damen by my side.

I yawned He was shirt less I couls see his well formed muscular body.

" Did I wake you ", He asked.

" No ", I said.

" I went to meeting you know with the council ", He said.

" You don't have to tell me where you go ", I said.

" I just thought you would want to know ", He said.

" I never asked you where you went before I don't plan on asking you now ", I told him .

" Before we wern't what we are now ", He said.


I saw Autumns sleepy face.

" Lets just go to sleep ", I told her.

She nodded and in instants she was in a peaceful sleep. I watched her sleep at my side things seemed to be fine . I hadn't told Autumn about what we talked in the meeting but I didn't want to worry her. The wolves where coming for her and I was going to stop at nothing to protect her .

It was hard to fall asleep with Autumn in my mind and at my sid but I managed . When I woke up in the morning I didn't see Autumn on the bed I heard the shower on. I opened the door carfully I saw autumns shadow through the curtain.I heard her shriek.

" Damen get out now ", She shouted.

" I'm not looking at you I can't even see you so stop your drama ", I said .

" Out ", She said.

I left but I took her towel with me hoping she would make me come in and give it to her . Autumn came out and she was fully dress She was drying her hair with another towel. I raised an eybrow.

" I saw this moment and hid a towel ", She said smiling.

" Its not fair you can see the future and I can't ", I told her.

" You just wanted to see me naked ", She said.

" Maybe ", I confessed .

I took a quick shower when I finished I was the one who couldn't find the towel .I instantly knew what Autumn had done but I didn't evnsee her come in .

" Autumn give me back the towel ", I shouted.

" Why don't you come out and get it ", She said.

" Do you really want me to do that ",I asked.

She probably thought I wouldn't come out. I wasn't shy about nudity .

" Yes", She said.

I came out neaked she looked at me with shock. She quickly covered her face with her hands .

" Here now get dressed ", She said handing me th towel .

I took it from her hand and saw her pink cheeks.


Shock and embaressment where the only emotions I had when I saw Damen naked. I didn't know where I could hide my face when Damen came out.

" You said I should come out to get the towel and so I did ", He said.

" I didnm't really mean it I was going to give it toyou ", I said .

I looked into his eyes and saw amuesment he was trying real hard not to laugh. He kne that if he laughed I would get more angry .

" Lets just forget it ", he suggested.

He pulled me to him wrapping his arms around my waist I liked the sensation that I felt when he did that .I liked but I pulled away .

" Whats wrong ", He asked.

" No nothing ", I said quickly.

I had felt as if something could separte me and Damen . Not now I begged things where barley getting better in between me and him .

" I know what you feel Autumn remember the bond you can't lie to me ", He said.

It was true I couldn't try to lie to him but it was hard not to when I didn't want him to worry. I bit my lip in shame for not telling him things he would know instantly.

" If you lie to me its like your lying to yourself ", He growled .

I looked at his face and saw he was angry I looked back down .I suddenly heard laughter Damen was laughing . Did he just went completly mad one instant he's angry now he laughing.

" Are you crazy or something one moment you're mad at me and the next your laughing ", I said.

" Its just hard to stay mad at you now ", He said stroking my cheek.

" Well before you would slap me and call me a bitch ", I reminded him .

" Yes I know but its just so hard now you should have seen your face completly hilarios ", He said .

" You think ", I told him.

" Don't worry nothing will separte us I promise you I love you to much to hurt you ", He said.

" Its not just that its the wolves and everything else like the memory of Deric and how I think being with you is wrong ", I confessed.

" I already explained to you how their is no problom in us being together ", He groaned .

I sighed not wanting to talk about this anymore .

Chapter 19


Four months passed of me living with Damen we fought alot though. He kept on saying that what happened tp Deric was not unusal . It was as if he didn't care that his cousin died saving me becuase he loved me just like him . Maybe I had been stupid enough to believe Damen could love me . He had despiesed me before hated me actually . Could he really be sicere ? What makes me believe him now ?

I didn't know what to think everything was so confusing every time I got angry with Damen I started to think this way . I should separte him from me we should just leave things like they where before I was going to leave Damen . Well not leave I couldn't leave him he had the excuse of saying he owned me .I loved him but I couldn't let him hurt me more than he already done .

I walked in the house with Damen in my mind I sighed know he was going to get angry .

" Damen I wish to speak to you ", I said entering our room.

I saw his face he was still angry . Why would he be he had started the fight .

" What ", He snapped .

" Damen I want to end this ", I maneged to say.

" End what ", he asked changing his tone .

" This relationship I don't want to be with you as a couple anymore ", I said .

" What ",he said his voice was filled with shock and disbelief .

I saw his eyes that where staring at me as if I where like crazy or something .

" Are you sure is that what you want ", He said his voice and his eyes where cold .

" I am absoultly sure ", I replied back in his same cold tone .

" If thats what you want fine you can leave this house i will never hold you back you can leave ", He said with no emotion.

I said nothing and watched him leave the room I started packing .


I wanted to hold he back I didn't want her to leave but she had made a decicion and she was sure ratining her back would affect things more than they where . The fight we had was bigger than any others they had during these four months . I t had started becuase Autmns remorse of Deric . Why couldn't she stop talking about him he was just a memory know I wondered if Autumn had fallen in love with him is that why she remembered him so much .

I had felt her feeling through the bond . In had make myself look strong in front of her but that had made anger and hurt form in me .I watched pack she didn't notice my presence but I could have sworn I had seen a tear in her eye . Maybe I was wrong .... again. Her feeling torwards me where just a blurr in her eyes.How can she end what we feel in a just a blink of an eye . Was she capable of leaving me ? Of separting our souls ?

I ran into her in the hallway all her things where packed she looked at me and stoped.

" Damen this was a mistake nothing of this should have ended up this way I wish we had neever been bonded ", She said those where last words becuase she left .

Her word had stung deeper than a stke theyb had went all the way in my soul . Afer she left I felt empty I had nothing I punched the wall making a huge hole in the wall a hole that was just as big as the one in my soul . I needed a drink I got the nearest bottle of blood wine and drank it . I saw the memories of Autumn in my head rush .I had made tears come out of her face but I had also wiped them from her face . The pain was just to much for me to handle I thought I was going to lose the sanity in me .

Its so hard putting in my mind she had ft two hours before she had been here with me happy now she was gone but her scent was here all . I love her and I wanted her to be with me for all eternity but that wasnn't possible she has a will and I can't make her stay by force .


I bought an airplane ticket and left to California a place where I should have never left . I glanced through the windows saying goodbye to Damen . I new I was not going to see him any more he hadn't begged me to stay that meant he was not going to look for me . He would forget me soon , but I not only had him marked in my heart but also marked in my soul . I wondered what awaited me now .

To be continued in soul owned ...............


Texte: This has no right of copying or publishing without the authors permission
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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To my sister who helps me edit my books

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