
The bright morning sun arose and was shining through my fresh cleaned windshield. I slowly put my new black volts wagon bug in reverse. It had been my dream car ever since second grade. I have had it for a while, but it’s still new to me. I was backing out of my short gravel driveway, when my mom came running out of the glass door in the front of the house. “Kristen you forgot your jacket.” My mom screamed at the top of her lungs. I just ignored her and started down the road. I got to school just in time. As I was walking to the front entrance of the school I noticed a new car sitting in the visitor section instead of the student parking lot. I wondered if it was a new teacher, remembering that was what Mr. Bodswell did when he first moved to the school. I quickly walked to class and took my seat. A few minutes after I had taken my seat the teacher, Mr. Bodswell came in followed by a tall mysterious boy. Mr. Bodswell pointed to the boy’s seat, which happened to be right next to mine. For the first time I listened to Mr. Bodswell all through class. I noticed the tall mysterious boy glanced over at me a few times through class. I wanted to talk to him but a part of me said he was dangerous. I wondered how I got dangerous as a word to describe him I skipped my next class because I felt bad. Maybe my mom was right about needing a jacket. I sat outside in my car thinking about him. When it was time for lunch I went back inside and sat with my friends Carla and Allyson. Carla had been my best friend since eighth grade, and Allyson had been my friend ever since I had moved here from Arkansas. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him staring at me and pointing to the seat across from him, as if he wanted me to go and sit with him. Minutes went by, and I kept glancing back at him and he saw me in the process of doing this. I didn’t glance one time when he wasn’t starring at me. I slowly turned me head and saw him walking towards me. I quickly turned my head back around wondering what he was going to do. All of a sudden I felt a slight touch on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw him standing there. “Can we talk?” he asked “sure” I replied. He took my hand and led me to his table. He pulled out the chair for me, then went around and sat down in front of me. We sat there for a while until finally he spoke up. “Hi, my name is Jeremy. You must be Kristen” “Yea that’s me” I said looking down twirling my thumbs. “Would you like to go somewhere tonight with me Kristen?” Jeremy asked me with a big grin on his face. “That depends where you were thinking” I said looking at his face now. “I was hoping to surprise you!” I never had heard a more beautiful voice. “Well ok, but not too far out of town, my mom will through a fit” I answered in a truthful way. “Don’t worry I won’t take you that far. Can I pick you up at seven?” Jeremy asked while I wasn’t paying attention. “Seven what?” I asked confused. “Can I pick you up at seven?” Jeremy repeated “OH… yea sure sounds great!” I replied with my face turning red. “k well see you in class” he said as he was leaning towards me to give me a good bye hug! When he hugged me I noticed that his arms were freezing and that he smelt really good. He walked me to class and explained to the teacher why I was late, then he sat beside me and we smiled at each other just about every five seconds. When class was over I walked out the door with Jeremy right behind me. When I got out the door I felt a slight breeze. When I turned around Jeremy was gone. I walked to my next class, and sat there thinking about how Jeremy could disappear so quickly. When class was over I walked down the hall and out the front exit. I walked to my car and found Jeremy standing in front of my car door. “hi” I said getting his attention. “Oh hi, sorry I’m a little bit sleepy” he said opening his tightly closed eyelids. “Ok, so… how did you disappear after class when you were right behind me?” I asked still confused. “Oh I went back in the class room to ask Mr. Gordan {the chemistry teacher} a question about tonight’s homework” he said in a very convincing way. “Oh well can I get in my car now?” I asked anxious to get home. “Oh, yea sorry I didn’t realize I was blocking your car” he answered followed by a long yawn, he had good breath though. He moved out of the way, smiled and quickly turned and walked to his car. I opened my car door, slid in and cranked the engine. I quickly drove out of the parking lot noticing that Jeremy was standing by his car sleeping. I wondered how long he would sleep before he realizes he in sleeping standing up in a parking lot. I drove home quickly, but carefully. When I got home and pulled in the drive way noticing that my mom’s car was gone. I quickly ran inside and found a note on the counter top that said,
Dear Kristen,
I am gone to the Hospital to work for my first night shift, so I will be home around 7 in the morning. Please try not to burn the house down.
Her handwriting was the best handwriting in the world. I was happy that she was finally happy with her job! I slowly walked up the stairs and into my room. I got my clothes and went into the bathroom to take me a shower. After I had gotten dressed I blow dried my hair and went down stairs. When I got down the stairs I realized what I was forgetting. It was seven, Jeremy was supposed to pick me up. I quickly ran up the stairs and got dressed. When I was all prepped up I went down the stairs and glanced at the clock. It was to late, it was already nine. I ran upstairs with only one thought going through my head. He stood me up. I couldn’t believe it. I went upstairs and went to bed. The next morning I faked being sick because I didn’t want to see his face ever again. I new that thought wouldn’t last long, but I didn’t want to see him at this moment. Mom left home early that night because someone had called in sick for the night shift, so mom was going to have to fill in their place as best as she could. I layed in bed thinking about reasons why Jeremy would stand me up. He’s the one who asked me and put the thought of him liking me in my mind. Maybe he didn’t like me. I never really came up with any reasons that made sense so I decided to try and forget all about Jeremy. The next morning I finally got the courage to go to school. I was hoping Jeremy was there so I could at least hear his reasons why he stood me up. When I had finished getting ready and was about to leave I herd a knock at the door. I quickly ran to the door and pulled it open. I stood there in front of Jeremy in shock. “hey” he said in his deep low voice. I slammed the door as hard as I could. And went to the back door. Sure enough right in front of my car Jeremy stood looking at me. “hi, I really need to get to school so can you move away from my car” I said trying my best not to start a conversation. “why don’t you let me drive you to school today” he said “fine” I said giving in. he walked me to his brand new ford mustang parked not that far from mine and opened the passenger door for me. I climbed in and faster than I could blink, Jeremy was sitting next to me in the drivers seat. “how did you do that?” I asked puzzled “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me” he said making sure I herd him “yea well I have my own little secret, ill trade your secret for mine” I said trying to get his secret out of him. “I already know your secret Kristen” he blurted out “oh okay then what is my secret” I asked trying to prove a point “you’re a witch” Jeremy said with confidence “wow I guess you do know my secret but…..” “ but you don’t use your powers anymore” Jeremy said interrupting me. “how do you know that?” I said confused “because I am not of the ordinary either” Jeremy said as if he wanted me to guess what he was talking about “um can I see your right hand” I said pondering what he was. We were sitting in the long line of students trying to park. he handed me his right hand. This was the first time in 7 years that i had used my powers or attempted to. I quickly ran my hand across his chanting a small fraze. An image poped into my head, an image of a vampire. I jerked my hand back. Fear shot through me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2010

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