
Chapter 1: There's a Killer in Town

Kelly's POV 10:38 pm

Ugh. My sister is SO annoying... I'm Kelly Bui. I'm 17 years old while my other sister is 19. Her name is Grace. She's not even my sister though. She is REALLY annoying like dear god, let me take a knife and slit your throat. I ALWAYS have the urge to kill her. Anyways... She keeps on fangirling which really pisses me off.


"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE SECOND?!" I screamed, as she squealed watching the news as they talked about Jeff.


"You're just jealous I'm hotter than you and Jeff will stab your ugly face if he sees you and fuck with me instead."


I rolled my eyes at her retarded remark and got on Instagram. My face cringed as I looked at all the photoshopped pictures that Danielle, the slut of the school, posted of her and Jeff kissing or him "pretending" to kill her. I was thinking What the actual fuck? It really annoyed me so I turned off my phone and went upstairs. I sat at my computer and put on my headphones, getting ready to play some League of Legends. I cracked open my Coke and sipped before I clicked "Play" on the screen. I called my friends on skype and we played together for about 4 hours or so. 


"Haha! Beat you guys, 4 vs 1 AGAIN!" I laughed. 


"Shut up Kelly!" said Ian.


"Yea! I'm still not very good!" complained Jeremy.


"This isn't fair!" yelled Asuna.


"I want a rematch!" Kirito exclaimed.


"Sorry guys, I have to do homework now."


"Awwww!" They all whined.


"Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow." I ended the call and chugged down the rest of my Coke. I took off my headphones and replaced them with my earbuds. I plugged it into my phone and listened to the band "Get Scared", my favorite band. I took out my math homework and started to work. I did about like 4 problems and got really bored so I doodled around the edges. Suddenly, the lights went out and I heard a scream. 


"Ahhhhhhhh!" screamed Grace. 


I ran downstairs as fast as could.


"He's here! He's HERE!" My sister screamed again.


I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a big cutting knife. Looking around, I found her sitting in a corner. I ran to her side to see if she was okay. When I touched her shoulder, she looked up and was smiling with her red lipstick, covering all her lips and a smile drawn on her cheeks. I yelled, "YOU FUCKTARD!" She just laughed.


"Hahaha! You should've seen your face!" She yelled, still laughing in my face.


"You're so immature for a 19 year old... When are you gonna move out?" I asked, sighing.


"Don't know. Anyways, I didn't cut the power but I'm not checking." 


"Yes, you are." I replied before she got up.


"Rock, paper, scissors?" She asked.




We played rock, paper, scissors and I lost. Rock to paper. 


"Ugh..." I groaned as my sister stuck out her tongue and laughed. I walked out the back door with a flashlight. I put the flashlight in my mouth, as I opened the electrial box. The switch was on "Off", and I pulled it up to "On". I waited 5 seconds but nothing happened. I sighed and checked the cords. They were cut. I groaned again and pulled out my phone. I dialed my parents number and my phone started to ring. As I put the phone up to my ear, I heard a twig snap. I turned around and kept the flashlight in my mouth. I pulled the knife out as well as I tried to stay calm and look around. There was a shadowy figure under a tree in my yard. I stared at it. It wasn't moving. It was silent. Still. Motionless. I couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer so I blinked and once my eyelids opened again... The figure was gone. I was scared, so I went inside. 


I locked all the doors and windows and double checked once I finished. I walked upstairs and checked on my sister. She was fast asleep in her room so I locked her door and closed it. I yawned as I walked back to my room. I walked in and locked my windows as well as my door. I sat on my bed and started my homework again. But I couldn't focus. Questions kept running through my mind. Who was that figure? What do they want? Could it be Jeff the Killer? I got really tired again and stretched. I heard a trash can get knocked over. I looked out my window and there on the street, was that figure again. This time, I could see it better. It was a male. He was wearing a white hoodie with some red stains on it, black dress pants, and black shoes. He had snow white skin, a carved smile on his cheeks, black rings around his eyes, and black hair thats down to his shoulders. My eyes widened as he smiled at me and waved with a knife covered in freshly drawn blood. He had a crazy look in his eyes. I got scared and closed my curtains and hid under my covers shaking. That was him alright. The man in my backyard. I tried to stay awake all that time but I couldn't. I eventually fell asleep. Right before I feel asleep though, a shadow showed up from my window. But it was too late to do anything...

Chapter 2: What the Hell is Going on?!

Kelly's POV 9:30 am

I woke up, thinking I was dead but I wasn't. I peeked from under the covers and everything was normal. I sighed with relief and went to the restroom to brush my teeth. As I did, I noticed a letter showing on my neck right above my collar bone. Confused and curious, I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed out my mouth. When I finished putting up my toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouth wash, I pulled my hair back and held it up with one hand. I pulled down my shirt to reveal my collarbone with the other. My eyes widened. There was these three words written in blood on my neck. "Go to sleep..." I almost screamed but I didn't want to wake Grace up. So I quickly washed off the dried blood on my neck and checked to see if there was anything else on my body that I didn't know about. 


I left the bathroom and walked downstairs so then I could make breakfast. Normally, that's my mom's job but my parents are on a buisness trip for a month. Yeah, it's really long but since I'm 16 and Grace is 19, we can both drive, go to work and pay for food. I got out the pancake mix and started to make pancakes. I hummed a little as I cooked. When the pancakes were done, Grace walked in yawning.


"Good morning..." She said sleepily.


"Morning" I replied, getting out the peanut butter, butter, and syrup. I stretched when I sat at the table, ready to dig in. Suddenly, I got a really big headache. "Agh...." I groaned as I held my head. My heart beat faster and I started to sweat. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins and I clentched my hair. 


"You okay?" Asked Grace, with a mouth-full of pancakes and peanut butter. That irratated me a lot. I looked up at her the best I could and smiled weakly.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache." I replied.


"Oh, okay then. Dig in! We've got work today."


She was right. I had to finish before I was late for work. I stuffed my mouth with pancakes, almost choking as I ran up the stairs to get ready. I changed into a black polo and black dress pants while still chewing my pancakes. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on some mascara before grabbing my bag and running out the door to my car. I got in and started the engine, getting ready to drive off. Once I did, I double checked to see if anything was missing. Nope. I drove off and headed to work for the day. Turning around a corner, I jerked to a stop as someone walked across the street. It was a male wearing black pants, shoes, and a white hoodie with some red stains on it. It all looked really familiar. My eyes widened as he stopped in the middle of the walkway and looked in my direction. His hood was covering his eyes but I could still feel them burning my forehead. He gave me a big grin and put one finger over his lips. I thought I was just seeing things so I rubbed my eyes and blinked. He was still there grinning, with the shadow of his hood, covering his eyes. I was terrified and couldn't think. 


He walked around to the drivers side of the car and opened the door. I couldn't move a muscle but my brain was trying to tell my body to run. The only thing I could do we turn to face the serial killer. Jeff the Killer. My eyes widened even more as he leaned towards me. He pulled back his hood, still smiling.


"Shhhh..." He said. "Go to sleep..."


I couldn't move still. He just started to laugh maniacally until I started to get light-headed. The last thing I saw, was his evil grin and manical look in his eyes. 



Time Skip: 2:50 pm

I woke up to a strange and unfamiliar room. There was a white ceiling and bright windows. Why am I in the hospital? Then it all came back to me. Oh right... I encountered Jeff for about the third time. I shivered at the thought. Those eyes... Along with the pale skin and carved in smile... How could Grace fangirl over HIM? There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. A doctor came in with a clip board.


"How are you feeling Ms. Bui?" He asked as he shut the door.


"I'm fine. Thank you." I replied.


"Are you sure?" He took my temperature. After that he wrote something down


"Yes, I am."


"Alright you have a slight fever and since you passed out in the middle of the road, maybe we'll have you stay one more night. You will be discharged tomorrow." 


"Alright. Thanks Doc." I said with a smile.


"No problem. Just doing my job." He replied with a smile as well.


Soon after a series of mini tests, he left the room. I started to watch some TV until there was another knock on the door. "Come in..." I sighed. The door opened and there was...

Chapter 3: Why me?!

"Come in..." I sighed. The door opened and there was my parents. I wasn't very happy to see them, but I put on a fake smile.


"Oh my lordy! Darling Kelly, are you alright?!" My mom asked when she ran in, obviously faking because the doctor was still in the room. "


Yes, I'm fine." I replied, trying so hard not to punch her in the face.


"Well, we're glad you're okay." My dad sighed, as he wrapped his arm around my mom's shoulders.


"Thanks, dad" I smiled even wider, still fake. "Well, you're being discharged tomorrow." Said my fake crying mom.


"Mhm. You're happy right?"


"Yes, of course." We had one of our "fake" conversations when we were around other people. "Well, honeybunch. We gotta go but we'll be happy to see you back at the house." My dad said, while stretching.


Finally! I thought. I hate them so much... I sighed and went back to frowning when they left the room. I looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was 11:37 pm. I sighed and layed down, turning off the lamp. The wind was slowly whistling outside my window. And the smell of hospital chemicals seemed strangely relaxing. I sighed and finally fell asleep as the monitor was beeping rythmically, reminding me of my heart beat.


Time Skip 3:00 am

I was awaked my a small tap on my door. I thought that it was just all in my head so I went back to sleep. There as a knock again but louder. I sighed and sat up on my bed a little, rubbing my eyes. "Come on..." I said groggily. The door slowly creaked open. As I waited for the door to open, I looked out the window because I noticed there was a thunderstorm outside. Thunder roared and made the ground shake.


I had to hold onto the side of my hospital bed to balance myself. After the light of the lightning cleared and my focus was restored, my attention returned to the door and the person behind the door. I screamed but the sounds of the rain pounding on the windows made it fade out. There at the door way, was Jeff the Killer. Smiling, like he always is and knife in his hand, ready to kill someone. My muscles tighten and I shook in fear. I couldn't do anything and couldn't think straight.


"Why hellooo there...!" He said with a crazy look in his eyes. I didn't respond. "Aw, knife got your tongue?" He held up a tougue but it wasn't mine. I'm guessing it was one from the lab but it was disgusting. He threw the tongue on me and it landed in my lap. I jumped up finally and fell on the floor. THUD! I rolled onto my back, groaning. I still couldn't move anymore because as I looked up to the door, I saw Jeff walking over to me. He picked me up into his arms and grinned. "We're gonna have some FUN!" He carried me down the halls as I was craddled in his arms, motionless.


"Wh-where are we going...?" I managed to stutter.


"Oooh and so the little murderous princess talks...!" He replied looking into my eyes.


"M-m-murderous?!" He didn't reply but instead, carried me to the top of the roof. Once we went through the doorway, we were already soaked. "What're we doing here?!" I yelled over the wind, yoweling and whistling.


"Oh... Just so I can make a deal with the murderous princess." He acknowledged.




"Yup." Right after my question was answered, I found us at the edge of the hospital building. I wrapped my arms around Jeff's neck so I wouldn't fall.


"What deal?!"


"Here goes nothin'." I was confused. "Now," He started, "If you agree to become my slave and or apprentice, then I will let you live but you will not tell anyone." 


"HELL NO!" I screamed. He let go of me and I started to fall. He grabbed my arms. 


"But...!" He continued. "If you DON'T agree, then I will let you go and make you fall to your death!" 


"Why me though?!" I asked.


"Because when I first saw you, I could see a murderous look in your eyes."


"So?!" He let me slip a little.


"Answer me now, Kelly Bui. Become my slave and apprentice, or fall to your death." I was astonished by how he was talking. He sounds more mature than earlier before in my hospital room. Maybe because he wasn't really serious then... 


"ANSWER ME!" He yelled, snapping me out of my trance. As he said so, I was slowly slipping and was about to fall to my death. I screamed. 


"YES! YES I WILL!" I yelled, frightened. "JUST PLEASE PULL ME UP!" I was crying but you couldn't really tell because of the rain. My eye lids were closed and squeezed shut. I was pulled back up and layed down on the top of the roof now, panting and coughing up rain water because I was yelling so water got in my mouth. 


"Now my little murderous princess APPRENTICE," He said as he kneeled down next to me and putting emphasis in the word "apprentice". "Go to sleep..." The strangest part of that was when he said that, it was scary but also soothing to me. I was really tired and couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer. The last thing I saw when I was falling asleep... Was Jeff's smiling face.

Chapter 4: Time to Meet the Family

 Jeff's POV The Next Day: 9:30 am

Damn... She was so heavy. Can't believe for someone so small, she was so heavy. She's still asleep in the room that I carried her into last night, after passing out on the roof of the hospital. I sighed as I sat down on my couch next to my best friends, Eyeless Jack and Ben Drowned. 


"What's up with you?" Asked Jack.


"Nothing much," I replied. "Just thinking about how this slave/apprentice thing is going to work out."


"I'm sure it'll be fine, Jeff." Said Ben, playing the Xbox. "Besides, it's a GIRL." He winked at me.


"What? Yeah, so? What if she is a girl?" I was so confused and lost. 


"For god's sake, Jeff! You're so clueless." Jack said disappointedly.


"Just tell me what wrong about her being a girl!"


"Whatever. You'll find out soon enough."


I got mad so I just went to a the kitchen to grab a wash cloth and clean my knife. I also looked around for a good knife for Kelly as well. Going from drawer to drawer, I finally found three knives she might like. One was a huge meat cleaver, another was a medium pocket knife, and a normal kitchen knife, like mine. I brought them all upstairs and knocked on the door. 


"Come in," Sally answered. I opened the door and walked in to see Sally was sitting on a chair next to Kelly's bed. Kelly was sitting up on her bed, looking straight at me with a look of fear. 


"Sally, why are you here?" I asked.


"I heard someone saying 'Hello? Where am I?' about let's say... 10 minutes ago? I've been talking to her since then." 


"Ah I see... I'll take over from here now." 


Sally nodded and stood up. She walked by me and shut the door. When the door shut, I was already making my way over to the chair and sat down. Kelly's eyes widened, but she said nothing. I didn't say anything for a while either but I finally broke the ice. "So Kelly," I started. She looked up and the look of fear in her eyes was disappearing slowly as I talked in my normal conversational voice. "I brought you three knives you could choose from and be my apprentice."


"U-Uhm..." She studdered in a quiet voice as she looked at the meat cleaver, survival knife, and kitchen knife. "Do you have an axe anywhere by any chance...?" I was surprised at her request. 


"Um... I'm sure we have one around here somewhere." I replied, with my best smile. Her eyes brightened a little. "But if we can't find one, do you want a spare weapon?" I indicated the knives on the night stand. She looked down at them and grabbed the kitchen knife. "Alright then, training is tomorrow but for now you can settle in to your new enviroment." 


"Yeah okay..." She replied.


"What's wrong?" I asked.


"I kinda wanted to start today because I know what you do and stuff. You kill and murder people in cold blood." 


"Um... Sometimes I murder for revenge actually..." 


"Really?!" She sat up straighter.


"Yea... Why?" She got up off the bed. 


"Can we go out and practice tonight? You know, to see how experienced I am currently?" I looked at her eyes and they were glistening with excitement. No fear found at all, which was strange.


"Sure why not?" I shrugged. She smiled. "But first, you need different clothes. Sorry if there isn't much but there's some outfits you can choose from the closet in the corner of the room." She nodded without saying a word and went to the closet. I left the room so she could have some privacy and walked back downstairs. Jack looked up but Ben continued to play the Xbox. 


"She awake now?" Jack asked. 


"Yeah, she's changing right now. We're going out to see how well she is tonight." Ben paused the game and looked at me. Then turned to Jack and Jack looked back at him, not saying a word. "What?" I asked. Ben and Jack jumped off the bed and ran upstairs. It took a little bit for me to process what they were going to do. "OH HELL NO!" I chased after them and saw then running down the hall to Kelly's room. I jumped in front of the door and blocked them from entering. "You guys are never going to see her change while she's here." They groaned.


"Jeez, Jeff..." said Ben. "You're just like the dad we never had."


"Yeah, man. Let us see her." complained Jack.


"Hell to the no," I said. "Get your asses back downstairs and continue whatever the hell you guys were doing down there." They just sighed and groaned but I didn't move. Then they finally went downstairs. I sighed and knocked on the door. "You done in there, Kelly?"


"Yeah, you can come in." She replied through the door.


I opened the door and walked in. "You ready?"


"Yup!" She replied holding her knife. She also changed into some black skinny jeans, a grey loose hoodie, and some black vans. 


"Cool let's go." I walked out of the room and downstairs with Kelly right behind me. Ben paused his game again and Jack looked up from his "Sports Illustrated: Cars Edition" magazine. Ben stared in awe and Jack wolf whistled. I could tell Kelly was blushing a little and glared at them. They just laughed. 


"Oooh," Ben said saracastically. "So scary...!" 


"Hahaha..." Jack snickered. I shot them both a death glare and they stopped. I heard Kelly giggle behind me. I sighed and walked towards the doors. "Ready, Kelly?" 


"Ready Jeffy!" She replied happily. I growled a little.


"Don't ever call me that again..." She just laughed and we walked out the front door, ready for our first night.



Chapter 5: What About HER Family?

We sat on top of a skyscraper that Kelly picked out and watched as the sun set on the horizon. I don't really know why she chose this specific skyscraper. I guess... the view was better? Still I don't know why she chose this one though. I looked over at Kelly, who was sitting at the edge of the building and legs dangling off. She wasn't watching the sun though... She was looking down at all the ant-like people. We haven't said anything to each other since we got to the top of the building. I decided I had to break the ice.


"So," I started. She looked over at me. I could see her face more clearly. Her eyes were glistening and sparkling but in some sort of... psycotic way? She had a psycotic smile a little, too... "Why'd you choose this building to be on?" 


"Because," She replied.


"Because why?"


"Because this is over the club my sister secretly works at." I was kind of surprised to hear that. 


"And what does she have to do with us being up here...?" 


"She's the one that I want to kill tonight! As well as my parents!" I'm surprised by what she said. I've never heard anyone say that before. 


"Why do you want to kill them so badly?" I asked.


"My parents... They abuse me for their entertainment... Make me a servant or slave to do all the house work. And my sister... Always fangirling about YOU...! It bothers me so much because you're supposed to me a serial killer and not a some random hot guy murdering anyone he sees." I knew girls would fangirl over me but not like HER. She sighed and looked at me straight in the eye. "Sorry.... Let's change the subect..."


"Anyways, let's just watch the sun set then we can rest when the sidewalks and streets clear up." I said as I sat down next to her. She nodded and we watched the sun set. She yawned and stretched. I looked over at her. "Tired?" I asked her. She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. My eyes widened at that one simple movment. She looked up to me and said,


"Wake me up at midnight..." Before falling asleep on my shoulder. Her hair fell over her face as she moved around to get comfortable. Then again, we are at the edge of a skyscraper with our feet dangling off. I looked at her. Sleeping soundly and unafraid. I was surprised that she isn't scared of me or any of the others anymore... Maybe it's because she thinks seen worse than us. I pulled her hair behind her ear and wrapped my arm around her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. I pulled her closer as the night breeze blew by to keep her warm, too. After I pulled her over to warm her up, she uncrossed her arms around herself and wrapped them around my lower torso. I was even more shocked. I felt my face grow warm a little.


What's that mean? I looked at my reflection on my knife. My cheeks were a light pink because of my pale skin. Is that called blushing? I'm blushing?! WHY THE HELL AM I BLUSHING?! I think I've heard about this before... When someone is in love or is embarrassed or something like that... They blush... Does that mean I'm in love with Kelly...? I shook the thought. No, that's impossible! I'm Jeff the Killer. I love no one and never will! I looked down at her. Maybe just a lit- NO! I shook the thought off again. She's my apprentice and nothing more. She's not a slave anymore since she enjoys this. 


Time Skip Midnight

I shook Kelly. "Hey," I said. "Wake up, it's midnight." 


"Mmn..." She moaned. "Really...?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, removing her grip on my lower torso. After she let go, my lower torso felt cold. I wanted her back and hugging me a- NO! I can't fall in love with her. I told myself that already. I sighed and stood up.


"So which one is your sister? There are like 5 sluts on the street." I pointed out.


"Waaaaait..." She replied groggily. "I'm still sleepyyy...." She stood up slowly and almost fell over the edge. "Ah!" I grabbed her wrist before she fell over. I pulled her back and she fell onto my chest. 


"You okay?" I asked. She looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with a terror and looked like she was about to cry. But she nodded anyways. She hid her face in my chest and sniffled. I stroked the back of her head as she cried silently into my chest.


After a couple of minutes she stopped and wiped her tears off with her sleeve. "Better?" I asked.


"Mhm..." She mumbled.


"Alright, are you ready for tonight?"


"Hell yea!" She pulled out her knife.


"Oh! I totally forgot about your axe! Do you want one of the smaller one handed ones or a big two handed one?"


"Um... I'll take a smaller one handed one please." 


"Alright, we'll see if we have any at home later. Anyways, ready?" She nodded. "Let's go!" We pulled up our hoods and ran down the stairs to the bottom of the building. I hid my knife in my pocket as did Kelly. I leaned over to Kelly and asked in a low voice, "Which is your sister?" 


"The one in the leopard print bikini and sparkling black high heels..." She said, pretending to gag. I laughed at that. She smiled. 


"Who are you?!" A voice in front of us said. We looked forwards again with our eyes wide open. Good thing our hood's shadowed over our faces. I'm guessing it was Grace because she was looking at us with a taser pointed straight at Kelly. But she realized who I was and started freaking out. "OM FUCKING G! It's JEFF!!!" She screamed. I could feel a dark aura next to me that belonged to Kelly. I got confused and remembered what she said earlier. I saw her pull out her knife. Kelly...?

Chapter 6: Family Reunion


I saw her pull out her knife. Kelly...? She glared at the two sluts before us. I could feel a dark aura around her. I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Her shoulders relaxed and she looked down at the ground.


"Well, who might this be Jeff?" Asked Grace, with a tint of jealousy and smidge of anger in her voice. I didn't answer and started to act like my psychotic side. I put on my wicked smile and held out my knife.


"This person right here..." I said in a demented smile. "Is the last person you'll ever see when you DIE."


"Can I at least get her name?" Grace said, checking her nails. I was about to refuse but Kelly put her hand over my mouth. She looked up at me but the hood's shadow covered her eyes.


'Let me handle this.' She mouthed. She let go of my mouth and started walking over to Slut #2.


"What the hell are you going to do with that knife?" Slut #2 asked. Kelly said nothing. Suddenly, Kelly disappeared and there was a blur rushing in front of the slut. At first she held her throat as if she was choking herself… But then, blood squirted everywhere between her fingers. She was choking… On her own blood, until she collapsed on the ground, lying in her own little pool of blood. Kelly appeared beside me again, with blood all over her right cheek and hoodie.


"Wh-what the hell?!" Grace screamed. "You're a fucking MONSTER!" Kelly just smirked.


"Why that's the idea deary!" Kelly said in a psychotic voice. I was surprised by the way she was talking. She was amazing at changing voices and murder too! These are thoughts of a mentor, not anything I else... I reminded myself. Grace looked confused.


"Wait... The only person who ever calls me that is my mom... Are you my mom?!" I facepalmed. Kelly just tilted her head and sighed heavily.


"No you slut..." She mumbled as she grinded her teeth together. "Someone who CAME from your mom you dumbass!"




"Yes! Final - fucking - ly! Congratulations! You figured out who I am!" Kelly said sarcastically while pulling down her hood. "And Jeff was right. He's no one's. More like I'm his and that I am going to be the last thing you see before you die." Kelly said. Grace's legs started to shake as Kelly smiled ready to slice her throat open, too. “I’ll give you a three second head start… One…” Grace darted off, as fast as her disgusting sparkly black heels could take her. “Two…” Kelly continued. Grace was almost to the other side of the street now. “Three!” She disappeared and again, the blur rushed to Grace tackling her and breaking her black heels.


“Get off me you whore!” Grace screamed.


“Who the hell are you calling a whore?!” Kelly screamed. “I’m not the one wearing a leopard print bikini in front of a fucking bar, about to go lap dance on some thirsty as fuck guy!” Kelly landed her knife in Grace’s right shoulder. Grace shrieked in pain. “Also! I’m not the one fucking with any horny ass dickhead who’s in their 50’s!” She landed her knife in the other shoulder. Again, another shriek of pain. "I never want to fucking see your face again and I never WILL!" For the last blow, she stabbed Grace in the throat. She choked, hacked, coughed up blood until her body was motionless before the now blood covered Kelly. Kelly pulled out her knife and walked back over to me smiling innocently. I smiled back and patted her head. 


"Good job," I said. She kind of blushed and averted her eyes in another direction. "Uh... You're a great apprentice!" Kelly's blush disappeared. I couldn't really tell though because of the blood on her cheek. Her hood shadowed over her eyes and she mumbled,


"Thanks..." As she walked back to the direction of where we lived. What? Was it something I did wrong? I was confused as I walked beside Kelly. We said nothing to each other as we walked home. She stood behind me as I pulled out my keys to the house and unlocked the door. We walked in on Sally and Jack arguing and Slenderman between trying to calm them both down. Ben was just sitting on the couch with his headphones on, ignoring all the ruckus. I walked forward to stop Sally and Jack from arguing but Kelly walked before me and out her knife between their faces. They stopped talking immediately and looked straight at Kelly. "What seems to be the problem here?" She asked, obviously pissed at something. 


"He took my teddy bear!" whined Sally.


"No I didn't!" Jack replied, making Sally cry. Kelly turned to Jack, giving him a death glare. Jack shut up and reached behind his head then pulled out a teddy bear, with a missing eye and arm, and covered in dried blood. Sally reached out and hugged it. 


"Teddy!" She exclaimed and skipped off. Kelly hit Jack's mask with her knife, getting some blood on it. 


"Idiot, you don't take a little girl's teddy bear!" Jack wiped the blood of his mask and shrugged.


"Whatever..." He said and walked off. Kelly sighed and held her head. She started to rub her temples and her legs got wobbly. She suddenly collapsed on the floor and Slenderman kneeled down, panicking, not knowing what to do. 


"Just carry her to her room Slendy... She's had a rough day." I said. Slenderman nodded and picked her up then carried her to her room. 

Chapter 7: What's Happening to Me?


Kelly's POV

I had a head splitting headache and started to rub my temples. But suddenly everything got blurry and it started to get darker and darker until I finally blacked out. I collapsed with a loud thump! Hitting my head, and leaving a small bruise.




Screams... All I could hear was screams and crying... The sounds bounced off the walls and back at me... Where the hell am I? I tried to cover my ears and stop the screaming but it remained the same. I ran around the endless space around me but the screaming continued. Walking around, covering my ears, I continued walking around the endless abyss. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. I uncovered my ears and found myself hearing the sound of a little child crying. There was the child, about 50 feet in front of me... It was a girl. I ran to her side, as she was sobbing and hugging her knees. What's wrong? I asked. I got no answer. But instead, she stopped crying and looked up at me. My jaw dropped. Her face was covered in black and purple bruises along with a couple scars, a bloody nose and a black sockets for eyes.


Am I not beautiful...? She asked me, wiping the dripping black ooze from her sockets. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Am I not beautiful? She asked again but more in an angry way. I opened my mouth. Again, nothing. You think I'm ugly! I couldn't say anything. I tried to mouth 'You're beautiful no matter what' but she couldn't read my lips. She suddenly let out an ear piercing scream giving me a headache once more. She tackled me and got the black ooze all over me. I opened my mouth to scream. But this time, sound came out. Making me relieved. No one can hear your screams... Said the little girl. She raised her hand, with her nails longer and sharper than before, and scratched me across the face.



I sat up, screaming and hold my head. Jeff was sitting in a chair next to my bed looking worried. My hands dropped to my lap as I calmed down.


"Kelly...?" Jeff asked. I was looking down at my hands that were in my lap, not saying a word. Then to my right, the bed sank a little. I looked up to see Jeff, with the worried look still on his face. He put his hands on my cheeks and wiped tears from my eyes that I didn't notice. I put my hands on his... They were surprisingly warm and smooth. I cried even more at his touch and stuffed my face in chest. He fell back on my bed, with me leaning on him. I sobbed into his blood stained hoodie as he patted my head trying to calm me down.


"Are you okay, Kelly...?" He asked in a soothing voice. I nodded. He lightly smiled and kissed my forehead. Shocked, I looked up at him and saw he was surprised, too. Another thing I noticed, was his cheeks. Was he blushing? They were a light pink that seemed like he was blushing because of his bleached pale white skin. Seeing him blush, made me blush. And soon we started laughing at how long we were staring at each other in shock. 


I sat up. "Mmn!" I groaned as I stretched. 


"You better now?" 


"Yeah... Thanks for cheering me up, Jeff."


"Anytime." Sitting on the bed, I thought of what I was going to do next. 


Growl.... Went my stomach. I looked over at Jeff and he was staring at me, trying not to laugh. 


"Someone's hungry," He snickered. "How about a hot dog?"


"Why not? I haven't eaten since I got here." We got off the bed and walked down the stairs. Slendy came over to me and out his hand on my forehead. His hand was so big, it covered my entire face. I think his weird expression was relief right now because I was alright or something. 


"He was worried because you collapsed in front of him and didn't know what he did. I said it wasn't his fault, you just had a rough day." I looked up at Slendy and his expression was probably a smile. At least that's what it looked like. I smiled back at him and gave him a hug.


"Thanks Slendy...!" I said. He was surprised at first but he hugged back, accepting my hug. I could see Jeff out of the corner of my eye. He was looking at us, smiling like a proud father. We let go of each other and I walked into the kitchen, where Jeff was. "So," I started off. "When am I going to get my new axe?" 


"Oh..." Said Jeff. "Well about that... I had Jack, Ben and Slendy look for one." He opened a cabinet and pulled out a pretty big box for it to fit in a cabinet. He opened the box revealing two amazing and brand new axes. One small hatchet and a large two-handed axe. I stared at them in awe. "They only found these two and they didn't know which you would like so they brought both." I didn't say anything, I just reached down and pulled out the large one. Holding it up, I admired it for the longest time. 


"Thank you guys...." I hugged my axe, satisfied with my gift. 

Chapter 8: Does He Really...?

 I was so happy with my gift. Jeff just laughed at my reaction while he was making hot dogs. "Jeff?" I said.




"Thanks for the axe..."


"No problem!" He laughed. I jumped up and gave him a hug. "A-ir....." He raspily said as I squeezed him.


"Oops, sorry..." I lessened my grip but I was still hugging him. Suddenly, Ben walked in and pretended to gag.


"Get a room you two." He said while opening the fridge. I rolled my eyes and looked over at him. I ran over and gave him a hug, too. "H-Hey!" He said when he was pushed against the wall from my tackle.


"Hahaha!" I laughed as I squeezed the air out of him too. He didn't hug back so I looked up at him. He was blushing and looking in another direction. I blew some air to his chin and he looked down at me, blushing harder. I gave him my best puppy eyes and he looked away. Finally, he gave up and hugged me back. "Haha yay!"


"Yeah yeah..."


"Where's Jack? I want to give him one, too." I asked. Ben just shrugged.


"I think he's in his room," Jeff said. "I don't know what he's doing though." I just shrugged and walked up the spiral staircase then down the hallway where all the rooms were. I found Jack's door that apparently had signs saying "Do Not Enter" and "I <3 Kidneys"... He was playing his rock music really loud that I could hear all the way down the hall. I knocked on his door.


"Go away! Can't you read?"


"It's me, Kelly." The music turned down a little after I said that. I heard the door unlock and the door swung open.


"What do you need, little murdering princess?" He said smirking.


"Um... I just came to say thanks for finding me the axes... I chose the big one if you wanted to know."


"Oh... I expected you to choose the big one because of your big personality." He winked. I rolled my eyes. "Want to come in and talk for a while?"


"Sure, why not?" He moved out of the way so I could enter his room. I walked in to his room, covered in band posters with a black and blue striped painted wall. He also had his own personal bathroom and fridge. I walked over to his bed and sat down. It was super soft so I fell onto my back and sighed.


"Haha, try not to make yourself at home in here." He turned his music up a little.


"Oh I won't." I said sticking my tongue out a little. "I love this band, 'Get Scared'? Mhm."


"Really? They're my favorite!"


"Same here!"


"Who else are you into?"


"Well I love Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, My Chemical Romance, etc..."


"Wow... You are the most amazing girl I have ever met..." Jack said.


"Pardon?" I asked confused.


"Nothing...!" He said, looking embarrassed.


"Okay then..." There was awkward silence between us for a moment. "So um... What do you want to talk about?"


"Uh..." He said, thinking. "Oh! I've been meaning to ask you something!"


"Sure, what is it?"


"Um so don't take this the wrong way but... Do you like Jeff?"


"Yeah as a friend or mentor. Why?"


"Just wondering. Because he like likes you." He said, laying on his back staring at the ceiling.


"Wh-what...?" I was shocked. But he asked me to be his apprentice... "Y-you're lying..." Although I wanted it to be true... Stop! He's my mentor and room mate. Nothing more.


"No, it's true. I can tell, but how come you didn't notice?"


"I don't pay attention much..." I said, embarassed.


"Ha ha... Of course you don't!" He laughed.


"H-Hey! That's mean!" I put on a pouting face making me look like a little kid.


"Aw...! Is little Kelly in a bad mood?" He laughed.


"Whatever..." I stood up and gave him one more hug. "Anyways, I'm going to go back downstairs."


"Okay. Bring me up a soda?" He asked.


"Nah. I'm fine not being a servant." We both laughed and I left. I walked back downstairs and sat down at the dinner table, stretching. 


"Dinner's ready!" Jeff yelled. I laughed at him. He looked over at me and said, "What's so funny?" I couldn't speak because I was laughing so hard. "What is it?!" I finally calmed down enough to say what I wanted to say.


"You're wearing an apron..." I chuckled.


"Yeah? So?" He was confused.


"It's pink... And says 'Kiss the Cook!'" I burst out laughing again. Looking out of the corner of my eye, he was blushing and scratching the back of his neck. Suddenly, Sally and Slendy walked into the kitchen. Sally just stared at Jeff in shock and Slendy covered her eyes as I continued to laugh hysterically. Slendy just dragged her away from the kitchen. Jeff grew more and more embarrassed. I finally calmed down once more and wiped the tears from my eyes. My sides hurt like crazy as I sighed from laughing so much. "This is just pure gold!"


"Hey! There's nothing wrong with wearing this!" 


"Says the guy who's a serial killer and wearing that!" Now two more people walked in, this time it was Jack and Ben. They were talking as they walked into the kitchen but stopped in their tracks right when they saw Jeff. They too, started laughing on the spot and fell to the floor. 


"You two! Shut the fuck up!" Jeff yelled as he ripped off the apron. He put it back on the hanger by the fridge and ran upstairs. Jack and Ben were still laughing while I sighed. I stood up and kicked them both in the stomach. 


"You heard the man!" I put my hands in my pockets and stepped over them, who were now groaning and holding their stomaches. Who knew a serial killer could throw a tantrum? I walked down the hall to Jeff's room and tried to open his door. It was locked, obviously. So, I knocked and he replied,


"Who is it...?"


"It's me..." I heard footsteps and the door unlock then more footsteps walk away back into the room. 


"It's unlocked now..." He said. I turned the knob, pushed open the door and walked in.

Chapter 9: Pinch Me

I pushed open the door and entered into the unfamiliar space. 


"What do you need...?" He asked in an annoyed tone. 


"Um... I came to see if you were alright..." I said shyly, shutting the door behind me.


"I'm fine..." He put his right arm on his eyes. I walked over to his bed and sat by his side.


"Are you sure?" Me sitting on his bed made him move his arm to show his right eye and look at me.


"Yeah..." His eyes averted in any direction except me. He just sighed and gave up. He sat up and as he was, the motion made my eyes look his way. When he sat up all the way his nose was only an inch in front of mine. My eyes widened and so did his (if that was possible without any eyelids). We both froze in shock as we stared into each other's eyes and looking deep into each others' souls (as if that's not creepy). I started to feel my face turn red as we continue to stare.


I saw his cheeks turn a bright pink and kind of giggled at how cute it was (if that was possible for a serial killer). He blushed even more and looked to the wall and scratched the back of his head. I continued to stare though because I liked this side of Jeff. He's sweet, innocent, not a maniac covered in blood, etc. He stopped scratching and looked back at me. Only this time, when he turned his head again, he was only half an inch from my face.


My face grew even redder... As did his. Not a single word came out of our mouths. The only thing I could hear was our breathing (and still the loud groans of pain from Jack and Ben from downstairs of course). As I looked into his eyes, they were sparkling. No, not of insanity. No, not like a maniac. No, not of a psycopath but they were sparkling with love. I guess what Jack told me earlier was true... Suddenly, I saw him slowly come closer. It didn't take long for him to make contact with my lips as he leaned forward.


But I felt a little spark inside of me. As we kissed, his hands held my cheeks and my arms wrapped around his neck. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip which meant he was asking for entrance. I was hesitant a little but slowly opened my mouth, allowing him access to my mouth. He stuck in his tongue, exploring what ever he desired. Our kiss grew passionate as we explored each others' mouths. Finally, we pulled away from each other, catching our breath after that long kiss. We breathed heavily with our foreheads touching one another. We looked at each other in shock after what just happened yet we were still breathing a little bit heavier than we should be. 


"Kelly..." He said, looking into my eyes.


"Yes, Jeff...?" I replied.


"I've... Liked you for a while now... And um... I think I love you..." He blushed. I just smiled and laughed. He looked at me like I was a mad man. "Wh-what's so funny?" He asked.


"Nothing..." I said. "I just really like this side of you." I smiled and he blushed even more. He made a serial killer look cute. What's better than that? I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Besides, I've liked you for a while, too..." I gave him a hug. He was shocked and stiff at first but he hugged me back anyways. 


"Do you really like me that way?" 


"Mhm. I fact, I love you. You're my dream guy in every way." He chuckled at my remark.


"What? Was it something I said?" I asked confused.


"How am I your dream guy in every way?" 


"Eh... I can just tell..."


"Haha, alright. You don't have to tell me because for all I care, you love me back." He pulled me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back and eventually we lied down and were cuddling for a little while. "Kelly..." He said into my ear. His warm breathe tickled as it brushed against my ear.


"Yes, Jeff...?" 


"Promise me... You won't leave me. Never in our lives or ever. I don't want to lose you..." He said so tightening his grip.


"I promise..." I hugged his arms that were wrapped around my torso, holding onto that promise. 


"Oh? And how will you seal that promise?" He asked smirking and putting his forehead on mine. I sat up a little and gave him a peck on the lips.


"That enough?" I giggled.


"Haha yeah..." We lied there on his bed, listening to his music and cuddling like there was no end to it. I yawned and smacked my lips. "You tired?" He asked.


"Yeah... Little bit..." I answered. 


"Go to sleep then..." There it was. The same words from before that soothed me so much. I nodded and hugged him even more. His body was surprisingly warm. That right there, made me drift deeper and deeper into a deep sleep. 


"Good night, Jeff..."


"Night, Kelly..." And we fell asleep together.

Chapter 10: It Finally Happened


Jeff's POV

It happened... It finally and actually happened...! The first girl I ever fell for, is now mine. I couldn't believe that Kelly was actually now my girlfriend. We kissed... And fell asleep together... That means we're boyfriend and girlfriend, right? Anyways, we were asleep on my bed, cuddling as if we wanted to be together our entire lives. I thought to myself, why did I, Jeff the Serial Killer, fall in love with a normal girl who turned into a psychotic killer like me? Well, probably because of the psychotic killer part. But there was something else... She was the first person who was actually afraid of me after all the fan art was made.


To me, she was alright at first. But now... She's a psychotic killer with a giant axe. She's now known as Quirky Kelly, the psychotic serial killer working with Jeff the Killer. People now know if she's the killer or not because she's the only pyschotic killer in the area who murders with a giant axe. All this... Was mine. She was perfect and I loved her in every way.


I smiled as I looked down at her sleeping face. She was beautiful while asleep and she looked even more beautiful with the dried blood stains of her sister on her face. It reminded me of when I was attacked by those three kids when I was 13... Kelly was 17. Wait... Speaking of age... When's her birthday? I just realized I never asked her when her birthday was! I looked down again to see her still fast asleep. I kissed the top of her head and got out of bed. Walking to the door, I stretched and popped my fingers. When I made it to the door, I looked back at Kelly one last time before leaving the room.


I walked down the stares to find Slendy making breakfast, Ben and Jack playing the xbox and Sally sitting at the dining table playing with her  waiting for her pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Classic. I walked up to Slendy and tapped him on the shoulder.


"Hey Slendy?" I said. He turned around and gave me a questioning look. "I need you to do me a favor and keep Kelly here while I go out." He nodded but gave me a ‘What for?’ look. "No reason... I'll tell you later. Hey Ben, Jack, Sally?" They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Keep Kelly in the house and don't let her leave."

"Got it!" Ben said, smiling.


"Alright..." Jack shrugged.


"Okay... Yes sir..." Sally nodded, quietly. I smiled at them. They could annoy me at times but they were loyal. The most loyal friends/family you could ever have. I opened the door and walked out. It was snowing... Nothing to complain about because it was January 31st and I was practically cold all the time. I never knew what warmth felt like... Until I fell asleep with Kelly... No! Snap out of it, Jeff! I've got to go find out Kelly's birthday. I pulled up my hood and dashed through backyards in the area to get to the Family and Social Center.


The snow kept falling down as I was running to the Family and Social Center. I panted as I ran through the icy wind and got closer to the town. Arriving into town, I stopped in an alleyway to catch my breathe.


"Whew..." I said stretching my back. It was 7:12 am now and the Family Center opened at 8:00 am. I had to hurry, so I ran up the back window and kicked the window, breaking the glass. It was weird because no alarms went off. It didn't matter... I had to hurry. So I put my hand on the lock and unlocked the window. I opened the window, climbed in and made my way to the filing cabinets.


"K... K... K... K!" I found the K's then searched for Kelly's name. "Yes!" I whispered in history. I grabbed the folder closed the cabinet again and ran to the window. Diving out the window, I put her file in my hoodie and ran back home. I arrived at my front door and opened it. Everyone looked at me, waiting to see if I got the file. I reached under my hoodie and fulled out the file with the name "Kelly Bui" written on the file. They all cheered and Slendy sort of did... He waved his tentacles around and put his hands in the air.


"So when's her birthday?" Jack asked as he ran over to my side.


"Yeah, come on, tell us!" Ben said going to my other side. Sally climbed my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. She rested her chin on my shoulder.


"Yeah... I want to see, too..." She quietly mumbled. Slendy said nothing but he came over and looked as well. I turned to her birth certificate and we all leaned forward.


"February 9th!" I cheered. The rest cheered along as well and we laughed. Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. There was Kelly walking down and rubbing her eyes.


"What the hell are you guys cheering about? It's fucking 8:02 am!" She complained with tired eyes.


"It's nothing really..." Ben said going back to the couch and unpaused the xbox.


"Hey! Don't unpause the game without me!" Jack said running over and jumping onto the couch, grabbing the xbox controller frantically. Slendy took Sally off my back and placed her on her chair she was sitting in and she continued playing with her teddy bear as SLendy continued cooking. Kelly just looked around at everyone as if they were crazy and walked up to me. I put the file under my hoodie as she made her way over her. Good thing she was tired and couldn't really see.


"What the hell is going on? First everyone is cheering at fucking eight in the morning and now go back to whatever they were doing as if nothing happened?" She said to me while putting her hands on her hips.


"It's nothing really..." I said scratching the back of my head. She stared at me with ice cold eyes.


"Now you too?" She sighed.


"Wh-What're you talking about?" I stuttered.


"Whatever..." She made her way to the dining table and sat down tiredly beside Sally. I sighed and scratched the back of my head. She was amazing but could be a bitch at times. Well... She was still perfect to me...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.03.2015

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