
I am All you Want

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Chapter One: I am all you want:


The night was like any other she had experienced, same cheap motel with some guy. She splashed the water on her face, it was cool against her hot skin. The sun had been beating down on her all day as she walked the Daytona strip. A few hours later she was picked up by the man that was now lying in the other room. She splashed water on her face again preparing herself for what she had to do, what the voices told her to do. When she was a little girl she would hear them.

They would tell her to do different things and each voice would be different. She stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror only wearing a towel with steam still evaporating from the shower. Taking her hand she wiped away the fog on the mirror and looked herself in the face. She was 26 but looked alittle older than her age.

Removing the towel from her head her hair fell to her back, long black strands of silk she thought. Her mother use to brush her hair every night and sing to her. One night she went to her mother’s room so she could brush her hair and found her with a gun in her hand. Before she could blink or move her mother’s brains were lying on the floor.

It was told to her later in life that her father had mind control over her mother, she snapped out her daydream to find that she had pissed on herself. “Stupid little girl you should hold your pee,” the little girls’ voice was crying in her head. She dropped the towel from around her and stepped on it, no sooner than she stepped on the towel she was in another daydream. This time she saw herself hanging on a cross and people were around her just looking. She saw her mother and father and then things went black. When she woke up the man that had picked her up was standing over her. The water in the sink had ran over onto the floor.

“What the fuck is wrong with you bitch?” She was looking up at him but couldn’t understand a word coming out of his mouth because she didn’t speak a word of English. “You dumb cokehead get out here I’m ready to get some of that pussy!” He walked out the bathroom leaving the door open. She could hear that it was someone else in the room.

Her heart began to beat fast and hard, who was this other person and what did he think she was going to do for him. The price was only for one person and all he wanted was a quick fuck and suck. She knew the fat bastard couldn’t last no more than 2 minutes. She quickly got up and cut the water off in the sink. She grabbed anther towel and wrapped it around her. She stepped out the bathroom only catching the other man just leaving out the room door.

Her pulse slowed and she relaxed then she felt the disgusting feeling she always felt before engaging in sex. She walked to the dresser that was in front of the bed, placing her firm ass on the edge. The man walked up to her but she pushed him back on the bed. “Oh so you want to play hard to get huh?” he said through a devilish grin. He leaned on his elbows giving her a wicked grin. She knew the signals, she dropped to her knees and started undoing his pants.

He started to sit up but she pushed him back with her free hand and gave him a naughty boy gesture with her index finger. She took him in her mouth half way, tasting the sweat and filth on his dick wanting to throw up. She swallowed the spit that formed in her mouth and took more of him in her mouth. His head flew back as he felt her tongue on the head of his dick, “dam..amn baby... work that neck” he said through gasp.

She took him all the way in her mouth grabbing his nuts squeezing them hard, this was her method to make her customers come quick. Two more deep throats and he was busting in her mouth. She took every drop looking at him squirm and his mouth quiver. Making sure she got every drop she went back to the head of his dick and sucked quickly moving her head fast and sloppy.

She felt him try to grab the back of her head but couldn’t due to the pleasure he was feeling, she didn’t realize that she was sucking him so fast and hard because she had slipped off into another daydream. She usually did that when she was getting fucked. She saw her father standing at her bedroom door just looking at her.

He would come to her room after she had heard the strange noises in her mothers’ room. Her mother would be screaming and things would be breaking but her father never made a sound. After a while she wouldn’t hear her mother anymore, that’s when he would come to her room. The last time he came to her room he just read her a story placing his hand on her head. Then he would put his hand under her nightgown, she felt the funny things he was doing with his fingers.

Then she would feel the warmness of her cum and blood. She was 12 when her father started coming to her room, after he would leave she would lay there not moving not even breathing. She would wait until everything was quiet and then she would go to the bathroom and wash herself “bad girl.. bad girl”, the voices told her.

She was 15 when her mother killed herself and 3 days after her funeral her father came to her room. She had grown use to it by now. She liked it, she no longer tried to fight him. She would lay in her bed and wait to hear his footsteps coming down the hall. Then she would take off her panties and jump in the bed acting like she was asleep. When he would come in it was the same process, the covers would be pulled off her then she felt his body next to hers. “How does daddy like it” she said in between gulps. Knowing what he liked she took him in her mouth. He didn’t like for her to play with his dick, he wanted her to deep throat him. After a few minutes of doing that he would lay her on her stomach and ram his dick in her so hard a few times she would pass out. Waking up to find blood everywhere on the bed. She snapped back to the present and the man was pulling her hair.

“O.K. baby give me some of that cunt” he said as he grabbed at her shoulders. He was sweating heavy and breathing hard, he pulled her on top of him. Her pussy was wet and he slid right in her, she placed her hands on his shoulders and started to grind her hips. His dick found her G-spot and she threw her head back in pleasure. She was really getting into it bouncing up and down on his dick. His cries of pleasure soon turned into cries of pain because of the razors she had placed in her pussy, they were cutting deep into his dick. She started to bounce harder and faster, the blood flowed from him and he couldn’t move.

He tried to choke her but the pain was too much for him to bear, he was screaming like a woman. She placed her hands over his mouth and rode harder, “hurt this pussy, hurt this pussy” she screamed. She heard the voice of her father in her head, “how does daddy like it” she slipped the straight razor for her hair and slit the mans throat. Still riding him she felt his body flop around like a fish out of water, his dick was in pieces. She climbed off of him and lay beside him taking his blood wiping it on her breast. Rubbing her nipples with his blood she rolled around on the bed until she was covered with it.

Her pussy was bleeding from the razors, they were hanging half-way out of her. She carefully took them out and then began to play with herself moaning louder and louder as she felt her climax coming.

She came in a long burst of warm cum, taking some of her cum on her fingers she stuck her fingers in the dead man’s mouth, “Daddy likes to taste it” she pured. The phone rung on Officer Ryan’s desk, he let it ring 3 more times before picking it up. “Hello” Ryan said. As the person on the phone talked Officer Ryan sat straight up in his chair.

Knocking over his coffee to find a pen and a piece of a bag he had ripped off, kicking himself for not getting the sticky notes he was told to get about a million times, he wrote down the information he was receiving from whoever was on the other end of the phone.

  It sound like a Japanese woman trying her best to speak English, she would finish her sentences with a word he had no idea what it was. After 15 minutes of her talking the phone went dead.

From what he made out of the whole conversation she wanted to report a dead man at the Hill Crest motel and she didn’t know if her daddy would like it. He thought to himself "whatever that means."

The police station was quiet today, the summer time heat kept crime at large. Ryan and his partner were the only 2 officers there. Just then the phone rung again. He answered it on the first ring this time, it was some old woman screaming about her neighbor pulling a gun on her. “Ma’am could you hold please” he said as he slammed his finger on the hold button. Ryan hated boring domestic disturbances.

It was always some old lady crying about a cat or someone crying about a house party. He placed the phone on his desk, Garry his partner was walking through the door. “what’s up Ry?” Garry was a 6’2” linebacker, always loving to manhandle thugs. “Some old woman crying about her neighbor” ryan said with a pained face.

Garry picked up the phone and hung it up. Placing the food he had brought with him on the desk he pulled up a chair, “Man I’m tired of the same ole goddamn bullshit problems, I joined the force to use force!,” garry said waving his arms.

“How the fuck am I supposed to get some street credit beating the shit out of old men and saving cats and shit!” Ryan was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his seat, Ryan gathered himself as much he could. “Well you might not have respect with the thugs but the senior citizens will be scared shitless” Ryan said through tears. They both fell out laughing. Ryan and Garry had been partners for 6 ½ years.

At the beginning they hated each other but after 8 bullets between them both and 20 busts things were going good. Ryan looked at Garry like a crazy uncle. Garry was a vet. In the department he meant business when it came to busting somebodies ass and he hated for someone to call him “Gair”.

Ryan although being on the force 6 ½ years was still looked at as a rookie, Garry would show him the ropes on how to get the streets to speak to them. He would show hi to see and not see everything. They ended up one night at a house party, it started out as a disturbance call but when they got there they became a part of the disturbance. Ryan saw Garry smoke weed that night and thought his partner was going to float away. They both got some pussy and then left with the party still in swing.

When they got to the station the next day the chief let them have it but backed down when he saw Garry getting angry. All in all they were good cops or that’s what they wanted people to think. “Hey G, you going to die eating all that grease” ryan said. “Fuck it, got to die of something, you want some of this chicken it’s from Mr. Will’s?” G said smacking on a piece of chicken. Ryan frowned his face, “nah but look some Japanes chick called in right before you came in talking about a possible murder at Hill Crest, Ryan was saying as he watched the big man eat. Garry stopped in mid- bite of his chicken leg.

“A stiff, hell yeah might be the UGD Mafia!” G said with excitement. “We got a beef ever since I booked one of their cronies, some little young Haitian mutherfucker." "I started to kill the little mutherfucker but I know the boss so I let him live” G was saying as he wrapped up the chicken bones placing them in the box they came in. Ryan knew that G was connected with an organized crime family and that if he ever opened his mouth to anyone he’d be somewhere in the ocean with the fish.

“So after you eat we can head over there and check it out” ryan said. Ryan got up and stretched, walking to the window and looked out on the street. The main strip was packed with people. Girls were walking around with damn near nothing on, he thought about when he was young. Pushing 38, he had left the weights alone and started eating faster than he could work it off.

He would promise himself to exercise more but he knew he was only fooling himself. “Hey you going to jump or something?” G said snapping ryan out of his daydream. Ryan turned around to see his partner had finished the big pile of food on the desk and was walking towards the door. “Oh you would like that you old fuck”, Ryan said walking to his desk and grabbing his cell phone.

Out in the Florida sun they were both sweating before they made it to the car, the force gave them a Buick but G somehow managed to get them an upgrade. More like a makeover with a Range Rover. Nothing to flashy but not too shabby. G walked around to the driver side unlocked the doors and they jumped in. Traffic was slow due to the overflow of people that were out on the strip.

Different Wants/ Different Needs

Chapter Two: different wants/ different needs:


“This shit kills me” G said. “Mutherfuckers all in the goddamn street but when you hit they ass they want to cry and bitch!” He came close to running over a man walking his dog, Ryan was busy looking at the women, daydreaming about his younger days. Then he thought about Sara, she never did really love him, he knew this but he wanted to make it work. “See… that’s the problem with you Ryan I don’t understand how you can daydream right in the middle of a conversation!” G said with a dear in headlights look on his face

“You say something G” Ryan said as he still gazed out the window. “I didn’t say anything I’m over here talking to my goddamn window!” Garry said with an attitude. They finally made it to the Hill Crest motel, the parking lot was empty. A old truck and some Mexicans lingered around. Ryan and G got out the rover and headed for the entrance, the front desk clerk was a fat whit woman in her mid- 30’s. She looked like she hadn’t washed in days and the cigarette in her mouth had a long ash on it. When she saw them coming she attempted to straighten her hair and stuck her size D’s out farther.

”Your type of woman” Ryan said under his breath as they reached the desk. Before she could speak a little dog came balling out from the back room, teeth showing and growling. “Mixy stop that” she screamed. The dog whined and went running in the other direction. “You’ll have to forgive me, my dog is very protective”. “More heart than bite”, G said smiling. “What can I do for ya’ll fellas, do you need a room?” she flashed a mouth full of teeth that looked like she hadn’t brushed them in years.

“No ma’am, I’m officer Garry Spence and this is my partner Ryan booker we’re here to investigate a call about a possible murder or dead body at this motel”. The clerks eyes widened, she looked too scared for Ryan’s liking. “Why I have no idea about a dead body, do you have a warrant?” Ryan looked over at G, it was his time to take over. “Listen ma’am we can get a warrant and tare this place apart and I’m guessing we’ll find more than a dead body so why don’t you do yourself a favor” G said. G looked at her, she was sweating heavy now.

The silence was broke by the phone at the front desk, she stood frozen for a moment then realized her actions and turned and walked to the desk. She was only on the phone for a minute when she hung up, she had a blank expression on her face, “the body you’re looking for is in 3c." "Go out the door and walk down the breeze way to your left, the maid is there now” she said with her head down.

They walked out the front entrance and walked down the breeze way, they saw a Hispanic woman standing outside the door with a tall Blackman. They appeared to be fussing, he raised his hand to smack her. ”Hey… Hey… I wouldn’t do that buddy” Ryan said walking in a fast pace towards them. “What you her boyfriend or something, get the fuck out my face” the man said through snared teeth.

The black man was saying this as he was turning back towards the maid, he smacked her hard and loud. Before he could turn back around he was falling to the ground from the blow that landed from G to the back of his head. The maid got up holding her face, between tears she told them how she came to the room and the door was cracked. She said that she had opened the door and saw the body, the blood and she began to tremble.

Ryan placed his hand on her shoulder. They walked in the room and Ryan damn near lost his lunch. The heat had already started to cook the body, the odor was terrible. G moved through the room towards the bathroom, getting a better view of the body he let out a whistle,”Damn…poor son of a bitch, someone had it out for you…” he said.


Her flight landed in London at 4a.m., the whole flight she couldn’t sleep because she kept thinking of what she had done. After she had called the police she went to the beach and a department store. She brought a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. She barely had enough to buy a small carrying bag. Mid- way through her flight she remembered telling herself in her kitchen that she needed a vacation, she asked her dog what he thought.

Laughing at the thought, the dog just looked at her like he understood then laid down at the foot of her bed. The morning she left she told Mrs. Smatchel to keep an eye on her dog. The only neighbor she trusted in a way. Mrs. Smatchel was like her, at lease this is what the voices told her. When she boarded the plane she took her seat and found that she had become wet.

A Japanese voice in her head telling her, “they want your pussy, let them fuck your pussy”. She shook her head. The front of her spandex pants was moist, she tried to go to the bathroom but the captain had already turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. When she locked her seatbelt her hand brushed against her clit, enjoying the sensation she began to massage her pussy.

Feeling that she was being watched she looked around and saw a little boy watching her, she played off what she was doing by scratching her thigh. After a while the boy lost interest in her and started kicking the seat in front of him. The captain turned off the seat belt light and she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and went to the bathroom. She stuck her fingers deep in her pussy, cuming not once but twice. The Japanese woman’s voice came again, ”they want to fuck you, they want to fuck you….”She found herself saying “yes” over and over again. She cleaned herself off and looked in the mirror taking her hair placing it in a bun.

Long strands of silk she thought, she heard her mother humming in her head and she began to hum. She took a paper towel wet it and wiped her face then she stepped out the bathroom.

Relieved she returned to her seat, a middle age woman was sitting with her now, she was talking to the little boy and his mother across from her. The middle aged woman looked at her and said “hi, are you sitting here?”. She had a grin on her face, appearing like she wouldn’t hurt an ant. She spoke to the woman but her words were in another language, it was clearly Japanese. She just brushed by the woman and sat in her seat. Just then the flight attendant was making her rounds asking the guest if they needed anything.

She came to the row with the middle aged woman and Japanese woman, the middle age woman ordered a scotch on the rocks. When she opened her mouth to speak she didn’t believe the voice that she heard, it wasn’t her own. It was the voice of the Japanese woman.

She understood what she said in her head but the voice was not hers. The flight attendant just looked at her, realizing that they didn’t understand her she sat back in her seat. The flight attendant just walked off sensing that she wanted her to do so. Confussed, she sat there trying to think of who she was. The voice had gain control of her, changing her whole character.

The voice came in her head again, ”they want to fuck you.” It came louder and louder, through the process of the flight she had to go to the bathroom 3 times. Enjoying the sensation of playing with herself. The last time she just left her panties off and put back on her spandex. Her pussy was literally dripping by the time she reached Florida. She stepped off the plane and walked through the terminal, the Florida airport was packed with people.

She noticed a lot of people from the island. Young girls with too much luggage, young men walking around hunting for the hottest girl. It was spring break and it was in full swing, her spring break days were over. As she walked she completely forgot about her luggage, she was no longer who she was when she stepped on the plane, Meredith. She was a Japanese whore... Stepping out of the airport she looked around and it was the same type of scene. People were coming and going, majority young people. She clinched her purse that only contained a MasterCard, her I.D., and a small amount of cash.

She began to walk down the street in the direction she figured was the beach, she walked for a while stopping from time to time to catch sight of what was going on. It was like she was not in her body, like she could see herself walking along the Florida strip but not herself. As she walked and thought to herself she made a turn down an alley, a drunk bum came staggering from behind a trash can. He just watched her with eyes of amazement, she continued to walk until she came to a street corner where a group of thugs where playing dice.

When she stepped out the airport the London air was thick and musty, her head was spinning. The sun was just coming up and the city was waking up. She flagged down a cab, when it stopped a young man jumped in before she could move. Noticing the expression on her face the young man in the cab flipped her off then told the driver to pull off. Another cabby saw the whole thing and pulled his cab up to the curb, splashing water on an old man standing on the sidewalk smoking a pipe.

The old man went into a rage spitting on the cab and calling him every name in the book. She walked over to the cab and jumped in, the cab pulled into the morning traffic. “Where to love” the cabby said in a thick British accent “snow street Manchester” she said. It shocked her that she didn’t even realize that she had answered the cab driver speaking English. She sat back in the deep leather seats of the cab contemplating what had happen to her in the past 2 weeks, that time period was foggy to her.

The cab driver was trying to make small talk but seeing that he was getting nowhere he just cut the radio on to the BBC news. She began to look out the window at the houses they passed, the street lights were still on and some houses still dark. She wondered if the people that lived in the houses were happy or did they live in sorrow. Her mind started to wonder and before she knew it she was back on the street corner where the thugs were playing dice.

One of the thugs noticed her and tapped his homeboy on the shoulder.”Yo..Yo.. check shorty rite dere” “The bitch looks lost”, the other thug said. “Yo” shorty!” The man was yelling at her, she just walked to the other side of the street. The thug started walking towards her, when he got half way he stopped and looked around. Thinking maybe this was a setup, hookers didn’t work this street, he thought. He continued to walk towards her, coming in arms reach he placed his hand on her breast " what up, what you looking for?” he said grinning. She took his hand and moved it down to her pussy.

“Oh shit. yeah that’s what I’m talking about shorty” the man was sawing through a grin of gold teeth. “Yes I’m with that”. She took his other hand and put his middle finger in her mouth. “Damn bitch you a freak!” The thug turned toward the dice game, “Yo.. Aaron come here nigga!” She saw another thug break off from the dice game and started walking towards them. ”Damn Flex, what the fuck do you want I was rappin them niggas! “he was saying still walking up stuffing money in his pocket.”Yo check shorty rite here, she trying to go all the way and earn her degree” Flex said.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.12.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-6666-9

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I Dedicate this book to the people who inspired me to go on and to go hard on everything that I do. Thank You

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